Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 26, 1929, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 26th 1929 milin through coming here at canadian c hcknb mou riiiun- tiatocairi inbkrt maiitim tmwiw tba awaataat elory ever told ou tho alas waa tho eommont of a great metropolitan erluo whaa b brat attended a performance of smilta throuah allan langdon uartlna beautiful romantic drama which lata b proaoutod an tho fourth bight of tho earning canadian chautauqua hara you mutt aa buillln through it eanuot bo doaeribed lla wealth of emotional appeal ha human 1 eonudy altuatloaa and delightful lava atory ita fnaelnatlng wlilmaleal eeutlment that tuga at tba haartatrlnga niako thla groat play a truo claaels of tbo modern atase i smllln through will bo preaented bora by tba famoua elartin brwla flayers featuring uahls krarln in person chautauqua at georgetown july 38 live stock all kinds of uvb stock bought and bold 1 head oft a oar load ttefei t imperial bank of canada rogers road and buvwrthotm ave toronto out a neilson owkn no a paaatb astttea ssrll counter check books get your blank counter check books at i the herald office we can supply you in any quantity from one to one hundred wealthy men own life insuitic uot rich a aaaa la tba leee ukety ha b to have a laea aaaount of ready aaaaay yean had wttbaa tba laat im aeverel lerae eatetae bm to ba fcrotaaa up to order to ralee teoaey to pay ii dutlaa laauwaaiea to meet b datlaa baa wax a vary active kxvmmmmcwmmimxwmxt part of our bava trebled men to edvbe tboaa to whom auncnalnn datlaa ara a aerloue eecmldaratloa aa may ba made payahla to tba provmekl traaeueer tar thepurpoee of paying eueceeeloo liierahihimtaaa confederation ufe hujofftconto v kereey local agaat oaar oat jhe ford gar steel body qombines strength with beauty tub high grade tteel used in building ford car bodies gives mawimnm driving protec tion beauty of design has been combined with tugged strength in these allsteel bodies the wood parts shown in the diagram are used only for attaching the interior trim and roof material if this body that of the tudor sedan in this instance mounted on a model a chassis were turned over and resting on the root it would support the chassis engine and all with out even bending the narrow window pillars such is the strength and high safety factors of ford engineering vision obstruction is reduced to a minimum by the use of narrow steel pillars lower rear panels including the wheel housing are made in one piece this unusual feature on body construction gives additional strength hfcfrital welding adds greater rigidity and reduces the possibility of squeak and rattle panels and f ram sections are welded or riveted in assembly of urge onus where bolts are necetury itrlps of antisqueak material are used between sections sound deadening material la alao used soft roof construction of heavy padding over galvanlied mesh wire provides an ad ditional element of qulttneaa ion ford car features jj to m m0 m lv tui jut tmtluid olmtx ft 4 utmdmtos afwrswuj eu uewtstr astflsvvmi ejm liilill nti nw hikm tut ufcmiltf end tow m arrange for your demonstration rids with the nearest ford dealer norton motors acton ontario page 3 good things to eat tinfl wkrjtf tldbltfl coppuc macaroon rartalt package feoffee junket a cup milk 1 cup macaroon crumb h hint krpart coffm junket with milk ac cording to dlrmtlorui on package turn into fitttawt can let stand until firm add macaroon crumb 13 small inu- aroon will make one cup of enimbs and ereaiti whlpnw until stiff pack in lee and ult and freeae rwkkt ckjlcrv omct egg 1 teaiipoonful nalt pinch while pepper cupful finely diced celery i ubletpoonful honey beat tlie yolki until lewoncoloredr odd uie alt pepper and honey ubc well and fold hi the ttlltlybeaten egg white add half the celery and then turn into wellgreajied omelet pan cook howly until browned on bouom turn omelet over and brown other i turn out on a hot platter tprlnkle over the remaining celery which hai been browned in bacon fat fold over and eerve at once tooough for two omelet roast munr or rutr have the fillet larded ready for the oven beaton and place in an open pan have the oven very hoi to that the meat will tear over at once a four- pound fillet require about forty min ute to roatt after roasting about 90 mlnutea add a little hot water when done place on a platter- and ae with brown gravy made from drip ping in the pan ubted cut end cook ed vegetable make an attractive gar- nlth for thli dlih h ere an dtn ere 1m tba nw ciinadlnn pacific liner m of york bait tuxn until li ed at ciydtiunk hcotlntid by llr royal ltlhlinetf tli uucihum tl york ii 1111 the ditkw of york ud othar notalilvh wr prfnmt tba viutl i of xoooo lonimtii d le the fourth and taut of iliu ituli 4t quurtette of ntuamiblp built for i bo netvice of tba hi lawruc route two huudrod cblnchllln rahhlle eccomihi tiled by e ion of auirlal food for tbelr twelve tlioutfaml mile souruey from knkluud to new vva- land wore recently bandlwl by tbe chttaduiu pacific stxprtmii computty the little aulmala were brad in uacoluihlr and ure to verve a a nucleus of ruhblt fur farm in auckland aa rabbit or guarded a a peat to tho aatfpodca apoclil rrauitemanta had to be made to allow them to eater tho country oeorffo jthavlec aon of tbe pitt ance ulnliter of ciocho91ovnula te tbe lateet addition to albertas list of notable farmer led by iirii the prince of walu wlioie e p ranch la only one royal de mesne among aoveral including that or the duke of flutharluiid young jlbavlec who la only 21 years of age has settled nvar loth bridge where be i gaining farm evperlence on the farm of c it daniel before launching out for himself sliced utmon me 1h lemons leftt hi cup sugar u cup water 1 tablespoon melted butter teaspoonsful salt orate the rind of one lemon pee whit part from lemons and slice the pulp very thin discarding seeds beat egg until light add suger gradually then grated rind water butter salt and letflon slices bake between two crusts put into hot oven mso degree after 10 minute reduce heat to mod erate 550 degrees and continue bak ing 30 minutes longer rmozen rimcri li cup water 3 cup sugar 1 small bunch mint 3 cups weak tea or ginger ale h cup lemon juice 3 cups orange juice boll sugar water and mint together for five minutes chill add remaining ingredients strain and freeu sauerkraut a la red stab tnn set sauerkraut on stove in with enough water to cover put in a ham bone or a piece of ham or ba con some lard and quite a few sliced onions and let it cook about an hour add enough grated raw potatoes to thicken it ft little some juniper berr ies and caraway seed may be added while cooking it to enrich its flavor when the hour 1 up put in the kraut and cook 30 to 30 minute egyptian deugrt salad plaice one can salmon and mix with one cup diced celery ulx thoroughly with boiled salad dressing place lett uce leaves on a chop plate so that they reach out to the edge of the plate in the centre heap the salmon mixture pyramid faalilon press lightly into the sides one dosen stuffed olives having the red on the outside arrange around the edge two or three tomstne siloed with ball of cottage cheese moist ened with salad dressing in centre of each between each slice of tomato place a small radish with its green stem upwards captain dancy to speak here on canadlaiiization noted canirh to give in- spiting vital lecture at chautauqua tent cast stanley nauoa sous canadian author aeltor aaa ouiatandlbg laeturar eomaa to the canadian cbautauqua on tba but attarnooa with a tub imnlring laetura icanidlnnuauon captain danaay at tba aga et twantyone waa adltor ot an im portant elly dally ha waa ona at tba flrat canadlana to so to franea at uw ontbraak ot tba world war wbare ba won tba rank ot cantata and galnad euatlnauan an a ooldlar thlrtytlva vlalla and oaparturaa of canadian pacific ataamantna will ba nuda in and out or tba port of saint john during tba coming wla- lar aaaaott batwaan dacaubar lat and april lath it la officially an- nounead thla rapraaanta an la- uraaaa of tbraa ovar iba pravloua aaaaou tha two naw duchaaa elaaa ataanura tha dueheaa of richmond and tha duchaaa of york maka tbalr flrat appaaranca on th aalllns hat tha formar ba- ing dua in naw drunawlck on march slrd and tba laltar on march lolh tha promotion of two of can- adaa baat known bolalman to im portant poata in tba aarvlca of tha canadian pacific railway haa baen announced by tba botal dapartmant of tho eompany d a naala nun- agar of tba chataau prontanac at quabac baa baaa appolntad man agar of tha naw 1200room aky- aerapar botal in toronto tba royal york which will ba opanad to iba public hart aummar hla place in iba great hotelary at quabac will ba taken by john johnalon who hia been aaalatant manager at tba cha teau for aome time tbe dlatrlbutlon of dividend monay every three or ala month to bhareholdera of induatrlal and commercial enterprise in canada runa into many mllllona of dollara a year the money goea to an army of people throughout the country many ot whom depend on it for tbalr living and it baa much to do with tba continued praaperity of canada about 88 compunlaa ara llatad on tbe toronto stock i0x- change a email part of the total number of tboaa malaig regular dividend dlaburecmenta in canada but for tba third quarter of thla year tboaa 88 compaalea dlatrlliul- ad in dlvldenda over twenty mil lion dollara of which tba canadian paclne alone accounted for 17- ooooo0 thla waa by far tho lament dlatrlbutlon by any one company tbe neit largeat being i9iigus tbe number wbo regularly benefit by tbeaa dlatrlbutlona of prollta la incraaalng every year tlma ahow- ing a mora general tendency on tbe part or the fanadlana to in- vaat tbalr earning in tha alocka or wall eetahltahed and bound in duatrlal concerna braadoaa flrat braadeaattas ata- non baa goaa into dally uee and a atndlo located there will give grata and atoek reporta aaeb day aas once a week la tba evening wtu broadeant local concert profraba- oaptain danobf followlns tba armlauoa ba aeblar- ad international tana aa a anaakar hta aerlae of lacturea waa heard by over a million aoldlera and earn- mended tha pralae sad admiration ot uarahal jobre aa a eonaa- qaaaae oaptala daneay waa par- eoaally commended by tba hlgbaet allied ebclala oaptala daaaay althougb born la ontario hee alnee the war eon- trlbutad widely to tba rapidly de veloping life of tha waal tba people ot tba baat will enjoy thla breeay apeaker wbo returne to hla province with a meaeage which la national importance of supreme oaptala daneey bellavee la hla native land la acquainted with tka problem that confront bar and haa a meaeage which will appeal to all ttsniilf a training acbool for tba enoeer- agemant of home induatrlee is being talked ot la winnipeg fol lowing tha rolkaong peeuval bald ta that city reeeauy under the ana- usee of tba tlangdlin pacific hall way atotabreal it may- be noted haa had tor aome yeare alaaaas ta teach their aatlva haadtarafta ta hlldraa at aorelsaaeta aeuura who woald etharwiaa ba hkaly not ta asaajre tha akllt they weald hara enloeed t their own ooontry w k beack a banter aaa asav tnaraelur el wild ufa who had tha nmane dletlneuoa et finding two eufareat patra of looked anuara dortag hla career waa a recent vdahar to tha oaaaral toorlet de- panmaat of tha a p b at wont- real locked aatlara ara terr rare ly fooad end one ot tha two palre elaoovarad by him are as firmly interlocked that they eaanet ba polled apart by two etnas man and to be eeperated wonld ham to ha out tn all ray experience t hara aot arawloaaly found as general a feel ing ot complete confidence ta this eoantrr and ita noaalbluuaa aa waa obeervad la tba duea and dletrlau where wa made atone and had aa opportunity of talklas thlaga over with tbelr representative doiaaa wu tha atatamaat made by b w baalty praaldant ot tka canadlaa pacific hallway who has just re turned to ifoatreal from aa eight th mile toor over tha oom- ryta waalam ltnaa aooomnaalad a narty of curaetora and aloat- real ftnanolera blllias and oootng end ahowtas ao algna of having their affectloa- ate dlapoalllona dampened by tha atrala of araval two eagae of japa- aaaa terra blraa paeaed tbrongli the wlndaor fluuon at montreal recently on their way from japan to scotland travelling from kobe ea tha bmpreen of aeroaa the atlantic oa tba doehaee of athou tha ablpment et twenty eight cobalt budgerlgare aa thay ara alao called are nader tba bmw taotlva wins of tha canadlaa paeatla brereee througboat thay were at a brilliant bhle plumage long tan- ad and beaked much uka a aarra qnat nat eery la canada enfflclenuy tauraalad is tha league ot natloas is have tha prima wtalater go over to oeneva ta pareon to participate la thla yeart aaaamhly bnt maay thoaaanda of aatlva enpportera el tha movement ara saw orgasm througboat the country accord ing te urormauoa slvaa oat by the general secretary of the league at kauona society la canada at otta wa tha membership ot that erajaa- laalloa haa grown la tbraa yeare tram laaa then a tbouiand toelmoet hftaaa tbouiand ta aambar although atrongly snpnortad by women organlutlaaa of am aorta and deecrlouooe na character la by aa meana feminine aa over halt tba members ara bualaeae man and la british columbia tl par sent art tell em what youve got if you have n thing to sell let the people know it if ita merits will compel advertise nnd show st i people do not often buy things they cannot see or try tell em or theyll paaa it by let the people know it if you have n crop to raise first you have to sow it if you want your trade to grow grab your hom and blow itl buyers dont have second sight the unlmown never wins them quite but you can rouse an appetite if you let them know it no matter how you may despair tt if your goods have any merit men will buy if you declare it tell em what youve got lead movement to abitibi mm ittjwtinmarm tha flrat party of vreachcanadlan famlllaa moving northward from the mew erictaad stataa to maka new homoe for themaelvea in tha awtflj recton of northern qoebee party nhatosranked at quabac as they journeyed from blddaford maine to their new bomea under tea antptaos of tba canarllan national rallwaya ciolonjaation dipartment a call for united action citizens of ontario have saved the province many millions of dollars in the pait few yeare in their efforts to rid both town and country of weeds millions of dollars are etm being lost however the work is only begun farmers knowing their personal loss through weeds cooperate to end the nuisance municipal couneua and individuals in villages towns and cities are wholeheartedly joining in the fight against the common enemy weeds now la the time to strike to prevent most weeds from seeding cut the weeds down before they flower and seed fight weeds ss you would fire i you wisely protect yourself from losses by sre which are a possibility protect your property from heavy losses by weeds neglect makes these losses a cerfainry weeds spread like wildfire if neglected destroy all norjoua weeds on your lands notify your municipal council or weed inspector of weed growths found on roadways vacant properties cemeteries and other public places warning under the i oomtoi act every occupant of l d u nqobed todestr 1 every owner el pndiane of ta weed fund sad w idehtfotnoclfl ton tlaelf a ripen rosd aatiioriuee are nqoliedto d4toy ab weeds gfowtag upon tbe blgbvara ontario department of agriculture pssiameot btihdltigi toronto hsjclusttie jeeaacamll niiwiioaei atosvwbhslix does it pay to wear tires out it doei mat pay to run tires till they go to piece because its dugerous a blowout may easily lead to s crsth its falie economy you cant afford the time tba trouble and the inconvenience that blowouts bring its not worth die worry you cant ride in comfort if you know s blowout is due any minute if will psy you to let ui pull off those old dreg sad put on s let of brand new dominion royal cords or royal maiten they will free you from worry bofaj curds will cost you lets in the long run than say canst tire lo their dais royal ulsters sre la s dais by tbenv selves dominion tire depot georgetown- thoa j speight

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