Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 26, 1929, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday june 26th 1929 the finest tea you can buy red rose orange pekoe made from juicy flavor filled leaves three days in bud kvery package guaranteed redrose tt5j3sc good tea red rose orange pekoe extra good ttmimimim um a mmmmmsmm4 lilebuoy tennis shoes a full selection of tennis and sport shoes in stock at very low prices phone 167 d brill co georgetown jj i r h thompson co georgetown stewarftown general store choice fresh groceries mens work boots smocks and overalls gasoline and oils ice cream and soft drinks on and after may loth this hon will be cloud every thunday afternoon during the lummer i m bennett phone 8221 georgetown stewarttown celebrated clown coming at canadian chautauqua bbrb tavumt popthab cljown amd cbautbawfl bntcrtaineit uumpty dumplj nular of funland u coming to the chautau- uat here la great nawa for every llrl and boy liars taylor la a rerr famoua iiumptydumpty clown indeed balovad by ahlldran all var the dominion an afternoon spent with thla marry funmaker la tha big brawn canadian cbautangna tent will ba navar-to-be- rgotten treat chautauqua at georgetown july 38 famous chinese statesman coming here at chautauqua dr tehyjhri will be heard in hia notable lecture awakening china thi blood of chines attelant rlnlotracy and the solrlt f d- rrn ilimioeracy rahmlo lu the per son of dr tyll llslub noted chinese diplomat and statesman who will dullver ilia atluulaling loeluro awakening china at tha coming canadian chautauqua here that canadlana may sain a truer view of china and bar prob lem la doctor hitleba ulaalon in coming lo tha dominion and china could not have found an obituary better lulled for tba teak doctor llslob la a brilliant orator a tauter of the english language and a keen ttudent of inlernauoa- county council du ao rsnsion comhtttbx chosen equalization assessment as stxed bv the judos hilton june lath ims the council met at 1090 em in ac cordance with call of warden membere all present the warden in the cltalr tho mlnutee of the but meeting were read and confirmed communication were read aa fol low from a afealbbon re nalary president ontario agrlcultnral colleate re county ttudent j e w cult re check road acton bureau of mun icipal affair re old age petition dcpartnumt of education re mlsla- uve grant to rural public school vtupector of tegal omom re filing equipment registry office and col brown re jail equipment a l clumber addressed tha eouti- naklng for grant to the llallon agri cultural society john wilson addressed council re musical festival col brown sheriff addressed coun cil re jail equipment moved by mr warden seconded by mr ulaln that the matter of county jail rqulpmentb dealt with in the county buildings report carried mr moat preaented tiie fourth re port or the standing committee on county road mr cleave the third on railway legislation and agriculture mr breckon the fourth on printing mr blaln the fourth onoounty build ing mr mclntyre the fourth on spec ial communication mr rettlt the fourth on education and mr maaon the fourth on finance moved by mr maaon aeeonded by mr blaln that we go into committee of the whole lo eotulder and amend the reporta of tha standing commit tee carried moved by mr maaon aeeonded by mr morden that the treasurer ba and igjiereby instructed to pay tha fol lowing accounts as pasted in com mittee of the whole finance tmooo county buudlngt 10 m printing 10410 education um special communications 10x00 county roads 1 carried moved by mr blaln seconded by ur breckon that the reeves of tha diff erent municipalities be appointed committee to equalise tha assessment ir of haltoq for tha year h ere an jth ere dr vehyi hsieh al affairs it lias boon said of him m that ho i tho national lnurpraur county or chinoflo aspiration philosophy ima and hones i moved by mr pettlt seoomled by an editorial in tba toronto mr rsadhsad that uw report of tba globe speaks of doctor hiloh a standing committees ai eotuldtvod follows and amended in committee of the one of tho most cultured as whole be and are hereby adopted well as wlttlost visitors toronto ha carried had in many a day la dr tebyl uoved by mr maaon aeeonded by estr hlh or china euost of board of buck that an addition 1 committee trade doctor haleli in addition to of nv member be added to the stand- mil eh oriental lore it now the q uis eommlueea called tbe old at eldent twttor than moat of ue he penaiona ctonunlttee for tha purpoae la a graduate or cambridge and of admlriliterins tha act in our eoun- haa had wldo dlplomatle experience that the following member on both aldoa of the atlantic ho appointed and they elect then own la typical of young china which ucrttmry mr morden mr breckon now la rapidly taking oror all that mr cleave mr campbell mr rightly belongs to china from tnt u u tittil m jj ajj infwbtpd handa of tho old oglmi r department carried wh all might lnrn a good deal i wovegby mr blaln aeeonded by mr from thla brilliant rcproaontatlvo pvthla vwtovam adjourn china j qmt on june ltth iaao at 7j0 tun carried tha council adjourned milton june ltth lm tha council met at 730 pjn in ac cordance with adjourment mernbera preaent tha warden in the chair and mecara blaln pettlt read- head and vanierlver tha mlnutee of the laat meeting were read and oonflrmed mr blaln preaented the report of the aneclal cnrnmutea on equal i tat inn moved by mr blaln awonrted by mr maaon that the report of the apecul committee on equal ration be adopt edcarried moved by mr blaln aeeonded by mr maaon that a bylaw be introduced to equalise the warment of the county of halton for the year 1030 and that bylaw be now read ft flrat time carried the bylaw waa read tha flrat time moved bd mr buck aeeonded bd mr pettlt that bylaw r equalisation be now read a eeeond time in committee of the whole and the blanka be filled in tha warden to keep tha chair carried the council went into committee of the whole the warden in the chair the warden reported bylaw no sti to ba read tha aeoond time in the committee of the whole moved by mr blaln aeeonded by mr breckon that bylaw no ml re equal ising tha ftiaeument be now read ft third time and paiaed algned by tha warden and clerk and tha corporate aeal attached carried tha bylaw waa read tha third time moved by mr mclntyre aeoonded by mr vanaeriver that clause 3 bylaw no 671be interpreted to mean 10c per rail each way carried moved by mr maaon aeeo by mr blaln that mr j p little ba paid 110 for hie aervlcea as our aecretftry dur- the ahaenoe of mr panton caused by ulrteas carried moved by mr breckon laoonded by mr vanaeriver that wa do now ad journ to meet at the call of the war den carried tha council adjourned for county purpoae the following la tha aaaeaamant of tha various municl- nail ties acton lltt37w burlington a770ft georgetown ljmmo milton lmjd oakvule ltttross csquealng sjulmft nastagaweya ajttslm nelson bjs3173 trafalgar 33m77 nlw tie but it i t beats for first cta cojclma on unadlan pacitje day fuhi traloti buvu tiuun intio duct d on rouular trains of tbi- cfiniliiuy and ore proving very nopulur- the mat arc upholster ed in a cool moquetts material and arc provided on their backs with coat rail urabrolla stand and check boldor for the convenience or pas sengers the stork recently visited cana dian pacific train no si between uinlfan iind saskatoon and itft a daughter to mrs marsyk alexander ou her way wllh her husband to nettle on a farm near edmonton miss waning government conduct ress of the immigration depart man t at quiikc was on the train she secured a first aid kit from the conductor and took charge of tba cast mothor and daughter a doing well sixth annual trail ride la the canadian ilocde will start from banff august 1 and end a few day later at cuatle mountain bun galow cump seven glacierfed lakes areon the route which will form half of tho long desired hlgn une trail from banff to lake louise the second half will also skirt several glacial takes about august g the long distance trail ride from lake louise to the col umbia icefield will make a atart this icefield covers the largest and most spectacular body of lee left on the north american continent sur rounded by peaks as lilob aa 11000 feet the second trail ride will take nearly throo weeks the only golf trophy offered on the continent of america by ula flool highness the prince of wales cup pnsented to the banff spring golf lub for annual com- oetltlon by bona fide amateur on tho course llioro will be among the outstanding prlics of colfdom when member of tho canadian golfer tour special train which is crossing canada from toronto to victoria and hack this summer arrive at han ft early in september fentlnnd and glasgow are proud of nnuda for the part she is play ing in transatlantic shipping said t l duff wellknown ship owner and broker whon interview ed at llanff recently the build ing of a uhlp directly employs about 000 craftsmen on the clyde hs adiud and the supplying of the muterlals and fittings required in comttructlon indirectly benefit in dustries throughout scotland mr duff said that scots fstt that the t an ad inn pacific whose recent snip orderft had dnne so much for scot tish industry wns an much scotch as canndlun the founders having been nf hrotflnh rtetirit and so many of tbo ships of scottish con struction during the past rive months all milk pifhfiitlim ntfirdit at htrath- niore farm li ive bern braktn htrnthmnre fltha in hie mature class by producing 29 371 pounds or milk ninvtvt the nnture class record up 4 121 pounds in tb- fnuryenrold clan strnlhmnre tesntlnn rvla enedid lh tor mer farm reron by 2 u pn md with n prodtueinn of 1 hih r mid- strnlhmnre jii pjmi in ur tlireeenrotd elnnn f i rs i i it o kihrunry 22nd id u it 3 r pounds of milk or 3 fin mtui more tlnn 111- fouivr rcfn d t irnptv in hie twrrirdl el however helnnss th premier h r orsrtie timke itu f n n rord e rttfl pounds a tttmnnh only i two yrirfild when lirt nn rh nrmlured 5 i2 nnim n mllti wlilrh w sold in ihe i in mt cnmnnv for ifintos i r r ir now ono uar old la prlc it at f too sulstto dbopptno the bubden borne drop it no easily i it seem al most aa if they had never carried any the cares of ufa deoand upon them aa they must upon all of us but they are brushed off like anowflake or in truding inconvenient dust a marry quiet innocent heart trouble itself with none of those things and there are other who carry tha burden always and inevitably and can not shake it off vacation makaa no difference they pick out their refuge with worry they gat to it wllh worry they abide in it with worry because worry abides naturaly with them the aun sluhee on them the winds re fresh them the waves laugh at them but still their ahouldera are bent and crooked with tha lnulhle burden which clings uka tha old man of tha sea and cannot ba got rid or whan they have few troublea of their own they carry tha troublea of others perhaps mora than tha others do themselves their quick and vivid imagination loads itself with problems that they at any rata need not solve and that perhaps no one at all need solve it is not only tha distress of in- divkiuals they must needs carry the larger burden of tha world and draw long faaja over difbmaitlaa and dis asters ft thousand miles away it is aomethlng in tha con ill lion no doubt those pestiferous glands per haps that we hear ao much of and there are mysterious psyohio com plexes that add to tha burden as well as account for it such people are bom carrying tha burden and neither change nor rest nor ease nor diversion will ever quite suffice to rid them of it all tha same it pays to make a little right in tha matter at thla season wa all settling down again to winters and winters troubles just msute up your mind to drop the burden even if only for a few momenta every day and let the rhythms of pure rest- rul indolence sing themselves idly and happily through your troubled soul oott acbohfl canada ah kummir odtinfl csjkaauaa rahw iw offers on f h i v meet aurartiw jeshry u htmtm d ts canadian aolf enutuhbuta who would combine their annual summer outing with playing the itoyal and ancient oame on lite most famous courses of canada are to have uiat opportunity litis year by joining in the canadian oolfer tour for which many reserva tion by golf enthusiast are already being received tito courses lo be vis ited include the notable jasper park lodge course wliere the canadian amateur ciwmplombljw are lo be played from august loth to 34th this year nnd where also lite silver totem pole trophy competitions will be play ed during flolf week at jasper sep tember 7th to 14 th ttte canadian oolfer tour which is to leave toronto on the night of au gust 13th by special train will carry approximately iso golfers on a pil grimage over lit golf courses as far west aa vancouver and victoria bo before their return on september ltth a journey of 5010 miels will be covered in a train journey to say nothing of tha mileage which will be traversed by the golfers as they fallow the elusive white ball over the various courses on which play has been arranged the party will reach jasper during tha time of the canadian oolf champion ships and an inclusive charge has been arranged to cover berths and meals on train hotel accommodation and also trsjiiiportatlon to and from golf courses and green free covering each of the courses where play is sche duled going westward tha journey will be over canadian national railways with stops for golf at winnipeg and jasper park alberta tha party will reach jasper on the morning of august 17th and will remain there until august 35th when rnambers of the tour will have the opportunity of playing over tha famous championship course and also of enjoying tha scenic surround ings for which the largest of canadas national parks is famous from jas per they will cross the canadian rock ies in their onjt special to vancou ver remaining in vancouver from tha morning of august 2eth to august 3gth tha party wul go via opjlb to vic toria and return eastward by special train over canadian pacific lines with stops for golf at banff begins and port william ont returning to tor onto on the morning of september uth public school inspectors have been appointed by the county council to fill tha vacancies in north and south wellington l p menties of toronto will be inspector for south welling ton filling the vacancy caused by tha death of lieut oo j j oralg joseph olbson of toronto will succeed r a oalbraith who has resigned as inspee- work to ooinmance here next week the fuel investment co hamilton ha completed tha laying of tba gas mains along the burlington beach as far as the canal and gas was supplied to consumers yesterday tha company is atill negotiating with tha depart ment of canals for permission to tun nel in the meantime it is punned to lay the pipes in oakvule streets and along the highway to tha canal the tor for north wellington h ere an dth ere in 1021 the caaadlan paeue paid out 12000000 from ireifat ravaau is loa sod daman claim la 1m7 it paid 1700000 tl6000000 fetter 11100000 althouib la the un frala 1600 did the stonework and most of ta partionlns of the royal york hotel nave been completed and there kriod the aroas freight revenue bad creased by i160000t- rrelfbt handling did it appear every ukelyhood that the i d mini public by ju- hotel i the larfest and tails greet bulldln trsvelllti will b open to tba public by june 1 this w largest and tallest la the british empire soma idea of tha worldarid area over which the canadian paeue orieratae may be gathered rem the act that in making out it moathly balance it la necessary to turn wty- nlne di verent foreign curranolea into dollar in order to get aa accurate result in canadian money wireless is now being used to aid la tha protection ol forest against fire the ontario provincial govera- raent plana are equipped with ike latest apparatus with a radius of 400 mil a that tha headquarter may be readily communicated with and immediate etepe taken upas the discovery ol an outbreak the principle of rapid freesug has such qualiheatlaas that there eema to ba little room for doubt that it i going ta revolution the nahlsa industry stated w a found deputy minister of uaherle we intend to make thee ipsftmeat- sl nation at baufai of the utmost value to tha whole iaduatry w j c uaddas f calgary is making arrangements willi the canadian paoibe ei prase company for tha traaiportatlon of whiteeah caught la qreat slave lake from edmonton to chicago it to in tended that tba diltaaee from the naalag ground ta rail head will ba eovaredlb winter by fivetea trucks operating upon the thick lea of ik slave and ataabuka klvara tra versing country that would other- wiee ba difficult to i millinery call and inspect our display of the seasons newest millinery come in and see our fine display of summer pelts something to suit every lady and our prices are the lowest consistent with the beat quality of materials it will pay you to get your millinery here ses ci an herald block georgetown i bamem avsuai bsbabh a new and strange form of wild fowl la being imported into alberta by tha calgary win and game asso- etauea which has arraaged to se cure 2000 mongolian and chinas ringnecked phaasanta tha birds are to ba liberated thl summer throughout the southern part of the province where 1800 were placed laat season as part of the oame association plan for raatoekiag albertas game bird supply with all the 7rieatal bird loose the aadsnt yellow peril seems mar imminent cupping a muek n an hour and a hall ol bar schedule outbound and naif an hour westbound the trans canada limited crack dyer of tha canadian paeme railway running between montreal toron to and vancouver will ba further remarkable thl summer by reason of a solarium car containing baths and n special sunroom that will ba included in bar luiurieus equipment tha mountaineer an other speedy summer train ruaaiag between vancouver nnd chicago will alio have tolarlum cart and ran on eater time wtba traaa canada mains its lint run on may it and tha mountaineer am june 10 tba former train makaa i to trips during the summer asasoa covering a distance equal to about flltaen and n ball umee around tha world 4 the more we are together the merrier well be phus goef the jolly gone of the good fellowship brotherhood plain aimple folksy words but much truth u embodied in them unleu we hang together much community prosperity ia loet to georgetown consider the printer he is doing his part in helping along his home town by buying as much as possible there yet much of the work he can handle goes outside no benefit is derived from giving work to outside firms who come around selling you printing you pay as much for the work you have to wait longer for it you have no chance to examine it until the finished work comes along with the bill and then there is the expretaage to pay over and above the straight price compare this with the service of the local printer show him what you want and hell give you a definite price you know exactly what the work will cost before it is touched then you can make minor changes etc before the final printing delivery ia made promptly too and nothing is charged for the service all in all you stand to gain by letting the local man handle your work and do not forget that his active support is behind you and your business foe your friends are my friends nd my friends are your friends the more we are together the merrier well be s1

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