pev4 the georgetown herald wednesday july 3rd 1929 for sale frame cottage six rooms in the village of nor- val good garden garage price 1800 terms to good party 4 acres choice garden land close to station on radial at norval price 400 an acre reasonable terms 5 acres choice garden near huttonville and radial a sweet little sixroomed bungalow on this pro perty price 2800 farms of every kind and description or sale we always have a choice selection of homes in georgetown for sale walter t evans phonei office 183 res 208 georgetown lifebuoy tenuis shoes 3 a full selection of 2 tennis and sport shoes 8 in stock at very low prices d brill co phone 167 georgetown bssss ktul galvanized siding few oases watte attrssbsstsloaksi iiieineailia easy to poton over old walla wllh buualnej choice of brick sadcuptwsrd 8 ceilings add tba tones tt pwev tttuy tastoms sim lxetrerufht- perm stttslspftksanaals hsusjutabawisbor j bathrooms bats teputupovsrold vjesemnodast or utter eaev galvanized fonglbs jbaatascrsasswl jnrtonovercldroost eaay to lay good innting neajnsnebjfu innrjtntlw us mo ottttr flasaisubbabbbaff celt pfvices from your tinsmith or carpenter hot point electric ranges with hispeed elements 8800 up hot point electric water heaters for 30 gal tanks 1500 up c g e radioing house- wiring edison mazda lamp toasters irons vacuum cleaners percolators h h darling pttotta 199 murdotk st georgetown painful feet eul eumy smlim sal eevvseteellrytv this is dr sertolis foot com fort week if yon saner from your feet come and hare tba trouble analysed and let a bow yoa the way to quick and lasting relief ooatns ivsalsif uba will f smith main street georgatown k july the month of so many weddings is here what would be more appreciated for a wedding gift than a beautiful silver plated table piece cake plate salad bowls pie plate bread trays vegetable dish sandwich plate or a beautiful tyjwur striata mantel dock made by seththomas maker of the finest clocks on the market some might prefer a cabinet of knives forks ami spoons call and inspect our goods ab willson not to hotal mcgabbon mammmmmmmmmmmm bits of humour the mck or nte imrm an iruhman rescuing s womsn at a blast lost hu hold near the bottom of tha ladder and landed heavily with the woman an wo at him a doctor nattily nimmoned pronounced pat aound though badly brulaed you are a brava gentlemen aald the doclar brave maybe but no gtatleman relumed pat rubbing his injuries or id alet the lady go tint my euler la awfully lucky aald fine utile boy to another why she went to a party laat night where they played a same la which the men either had to klea a girl or pay a forfeit of a box of chocolates well how was your tlater lucky she came home with is boxes of chocolates in court the other day we listened to a mart witness the prosecuting attorney had encouraged a rather dif ficult witness at length exespereted by the nana evasive answers he asked whether he was acquainted with any of the jury yes tlr refilled the wltneee more than half of them are you willing to tweer that you know more than half of them de manded the lay the other thought quickly if it comet to that he replied i am willing to wear that i know more than all of em put together tfkbctldk a buhler bullded a temple re wrought it with grace and aklll pillars and grolne and arches all fathloned to work hll will and men aald aa they m lie beauty it ahall never know decay great la thy skill oh builder thy fame ahall endure for aye a mother bullded a tcniple with loving and infinite care planning each arch with patience frying each atone with prayer none praised her unceasing efforts mcne knew of her wondrout plan par the temple the mother bullded wat unseen by the eyea of man clone it ihe bulldera temple- crumbled into ihe dutt low lie each ttalely iillbur pood for contumlng rutt nut the lemiue llie mother bullded will but while agea roll per that beautiful unaeets temple wat a child t immortal soul notice to creditors in nut mattee op the estate ar oobdon auamr aueurg lata af the tewsalds al emilias la ike oeaaly af etsfua htfaat de- notioe is hereby otven pur- tuant to section ii of the trustee ah rso 1ut chap iso that all credi tors and othera having elalma or de mand against the estate of the said oordon albert barnes infant de ceased whp died on or shout lbs lath day of august ibm an required on or before the mil day of julv 1w to d by poat prepaid or deliver to the lerigned solicitor for john barnes the artmmlttratnr of tha ettale of the aald deceased their christian namea and surnames sddrestee and descrip tion the full paruculare la wrlllng of their elalma and the nature of the se curity if any held by them and take notios that after such uut mentioned day the aald adminis trator wul proceed to dlatribute the ae tata of the aald deceased among the partlea entitled thereto having regard only to the elalma of which he ahall then have notice and that the aald administrator will not be liable for the tald assets or any part thereof to any perton or persona of whose claim no tice thill not have been received by him at the time of such distribution dated at georgetown uue 1mb day of june iftso john a thompson solicitor for the aald administrator t notice to creditors in tbi mattes al las aetata af bo- bebt james stjixen late af the ventre af nerval la ike t af baling manser i notice is hereby otveh that all persons having any claims or de mand against the lata robert james miller who died on or about the twen tythird day of may iw at the city of auelnh in the county of welling ton and province of ontario an re 3 hired to send by pott prepaid or to ellver to the undersigned solicitor for andrew mcolure tha executor of tha lett will and testament of lbs said robert james miller retired farmer deceased their names and address sad full ptrtleulsn in writing of their elalma sad statements of their ac counts and the nature of the eacur- itlea if any held by them and take notice that after tba twelfth day of july 1kb the said an drew meclure will proceed to distri bute the aetata of the said deceased among tha persons entitled thereto having regard only to tba elalma of which he ahall than have had notice and that the said andrew uoohm will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he ahall not then have received dated at aeoroetown ontar io uut twelfth day of june ad laze leroy dale solicitor lor tha said exaeutor s aasvalllaa stassised stanoikrd amthracite sctuanton coal in all states antomallosjly boreensd and loaded coal wood bslset lamp or doaestlo and threshing purposes bmltblng and gannal coal in act ioarry everything to be band in any upto data coal sad wood yard john mcdonald phonbll g txmei halton ootrmtt catebs to one mmxiom annrssu devoted to tartsd farming seed c ductlon and dairying fruit growing la an extensive industry along the front the ben and planer orchard an two of the hugeat fruit plantation in the province while fruit growing in hal ten la largely confined to the front there are orcharda and vineyards scattered here and there throughout the townahlpa an outstanding exam ple la the fruit plantation ci w j ilartely near the town of milton in neleon towmhlp driving north to ward milton on the gravel road mr ifartleya orchard vi and nicely palntad bulkunge loom up low an oaala in the deeert the vi extend up the mountain aide and there la a eomlderable cherry plants tlon aa well the apple orcharda in eluding a tenacre mock of bpya are an the level land the traveller la u once imnreaeed with the fact that liere la a splendid plant the outbuild inga have been painted red with a while rim and the appearance la eune impreatlve there la a fruit house sax eo an implement ahed mart a barn and s large metal garage coxae on hie other aide of the lane u a neat shop containing a forge and black smithing equipment and a email house for gaa and oil which makes a com plate setup for such a farm thla fruit plantation waa ones farm where mixed farming was prae- used auch aa is auu eommon in that part of neleon towmhlp it has been uwuformed bit by ul during mr nrtleya tenure into an extensive and productive fruit plantation the vineyard on the steep hillside hat been eomewhat broken by water eour ice in timeaof freahet and is hill quite young but last year it yielded ahnott twenty tone of grapes the orchard produced jmo hamper of apples last year and the block of bpya around twentyfive years of age an well- formed healthy trees oenersl farm work has been gradu ally reduced as ths orchards and vineyards increased in abet and it la now oome to the point when fruit production it the major item everyone know that a panlatlan af title kind requires much care and ne- eeetustes s great deal of work it waa rather turaruing to ua to ftnd sir hartley operating with two lads one only out from ths old oottntrys a couple of months and lbs other with two years experience m ontario orchards in helton presented a tplendld bloom thla spring sad at the lime of our visit the set of fruit ap peared quite satiaractory one can never tell of course until ths june drop is over whst the actual art on apple treat will be but where orcharda an properly fertilised snd sprsysd lbs june drop rarely takea off more than the surplus quantity which the tree cannot develop the beu orcharda and the ptsher orchards two large plantation in ths south an showing a good set ths bloom on strawberry patches promised a good yield of berries if tufflrient moutuh is available early strawberry bloom in aoms spots wss caught with ths frost one interesting snd algnraesnt phase af agriculture in helton county d ths imount of townfarming or niburban- arming done slang the front on lbs outtklrtt of burlington lots snd the ordinary kind of property usually rnwn up to weeds around the towns and emsll dtiea la intensively euluvat- d with greenhouses and cold framea u adjuncts ths land is mads to pro- luce abundantly and further sumu- isted with irrigation s very eontlder- lble quantity of garden produce is har vested from land which around other towns and cities reroalna idle the aw is true of oakvule and villages tlong the front highway two provincial rughwaya already cross the county and on them tratse is to congested that the middle road la designated as a third provincial highway this m the end wul mean i alsesble business for farmers and othera reeidenta along these thorough fane a considerable quantity of pro duce la picked up by urban motorists and often contacts an made which mean continuous trade throughout the year catering to tourists along these three roads will eventually become one of helton oountys biggest industries it hat been est misled that per cent of all ths traffic in ths provmee of ontario converges on the city of toronto a very urge proportion of this is east and west trame which means that a goodly portion of all the automobiles on long distance drlvea will past through helton county mr bwhland planning with clergy man for bis second marriage anal should like to have ths eenmony in ths yard this time clergyman good gracious why lay scotland then the chickens can pick up the rice we wetted gnat deal laat tuns better step aa it pa aald the kid what u meant by being twin the devil and lbs deep it it is the doattlon a man is m son when lbs traffic cop tlgnalt to atop and the beckeeet driver orders him to go ahead replied his dad canadian chautauqua brings the world to your door jackson jubilee singers 5th night ghautauoua celebrated rteerro sinter and eiktehainer reatgetag little van paaasaa nisetearou ntgrs bey falsvulaar sjaleilia ha tax l aessea tiekel far am tai stirs tlleaa af riiiuri cnaiiuimfiia s big days 20 tea lailaiil canadian cbautauquas m raurr osisxsrr 1 cog pew gratings orange rind 1 teaspoon orange juice pew grauu salt i orange 3 teaspoons butter 9 teaspoons powdered sugar beat the g ellghlly adding the orange rind and juice and salt peel the orange removing all while mem brane and cut luto very thin slices oprlnkle with one teaspoon or the liowdered sugar melt the butter in not individual omelet pan or frying pan pour in the egg mixture and cook over a low heat shaking the pan anil priding uta mixture with a fork until all the mixture la cooked roll or fold and turn out on to serving dlah sprinkle- with remaining eugar and surround with alleee of orange plumbing tfnsmllblng awaees clteerieaty uvea pbone84rl2 gaor rr no z biwxoin btkak juuenne cut alrloln aleak that la about three- quartera inch utlck in threeinch aoueree roll in flour brown both tides lightly in frying pan place browned aquarea in baking duh uwinkle with salt and pepper lightly cover with tomato puree and for each piece or alrloln aleak allow one tea- apoon of honey after covering with tomato puree add the honey then place a layer of onion and celery strips over the enun lop cover pan and bake slowly for two houra uncover and bake for about llteen minutes in good hot oven to properly brown steak at least four or five strips each or onion and celery should be allowed for each serving stopped lamm chops is ehopa i tableapoon butter i tablespoon chopped onion fa cup chopped mushrooms i teaspoon salt pinch of pepper i tablespoo flour 3 tablespoo stock trim the chops snd cut very thick with sharp knife split each chop being eamful not to separate the meat from the bone put butter in a pan and add the onion cook alowly for five minute then add the mushrooms salt and pepper and cook five minutes more add the flour and stock and cook a few minutes more stuff each chop with this mixture before it cools preaa each tightly together snd broil if mushrooms an unavailable bread dressing may be used using a greater quanuty of stock salmon turnover chop fine one can salmon and one hardboiled egg stir half a teaspoon moistened cornstarch in half a cup milk over slow fin when thickened beat in salmon one tablespoon butter and assson cool mske a rich pie crust snd cut the turnover with a saucer upside down wet edgee with cold water put a good ta of salmon mlxtun on half of erutt fold over half and press well together cut small tilts on top brush with milk and bake in quick oven golden obahoe probtfno anted rind 1 orange 3 tahletpnnnt orange juice 1 teaspoon lemon juice yolk of 1 egg oonfectlonen sugar mix grated orange rind with fruit juices and let stand is minutes strain into beaten egg yolxi and add enough sifted confectloneri sugar to spread neapolitan suepribe 3 tablespoons raspberry junket 3 tsblaspoona vanilla junket 3 tablespoons coffee junket 3 eups milk or any combination of flsvora you prefer prepare the raspberry junket with one cup of milk following directions on paeksge pour into six individual dessert glasses and let stand in a warm place until firm then prepare the vanilla junket with another cup of milk and very gently pour or add with epoon on top of the raspberry when flam add the coffee junket mads with the third cup of milk when thla la firm dull and serve topped with whipped cream havaut sarrsca of the canadian medical etaoe scaool examtnatioha at this time of the year many par ents an worried over the allure or comparative failure of their child in his school avaitilnatloni it la quite natural for a parent to desire to see his child excel the parent looks upon school work aa lbs basis of auecess in ufa and la therefore man than inter ested la school succe as eeen in wwirntui repstta it it quits evident that children dif fer la their physical powen this is so sppsrent that no one queetoni that it it to parents understand that their child is phyaleally weaker or atronger than his plsymste and that even a- mong their aeversl children than i wsuldenhle variation in this respect yet tbess asms parents in many cases refuse to consider that then is just aa great variation in the mental capacity of children aa then is in their physi cal capacity ths ohjeeun of education it to de velop the inborn or natural ability of tba child if the natural ability la lacking it cannot ba placed then by tba echool in writlderlng ins fallun of a child we an not mgiintlng that it is la an to lack of i ability or intelli gence it may have been due to ir regular atlenrlinre ilrtmoat isck of applinhon to his work on tha part of the acholar and in a few rang to poor teaching ws bring out these various points because lbs interested parent instead of worrying ahould search for the reason in hie ehllds case in order that it may be property dealt with in tea renins for the reason it u not fair to the child to start off with the idea that he has tba ability and that eehool fallun la bit own fault m jus tine to the child his capacity as well as his ap mutt be considered the child who has dlfneulues can be helped but if be is to receive such help his dlfaculuea must be under- concerning health ad drum to tha ramu medical aa- a us p st toronto will baanawend by stater questions as la rtlagnntu and treatment will not ej dates op halton- bu a pairs fallowing it the list of rural school fain to be bald in hsltnn county palermo monday sept to brookvllle tuesday sept loth wednesday sept 11th hornby thursday beet nth mount nemo friday bent lath trafalgar thursday sept 1mb friday apt tatb j sanf0rd stowearttown j v dont pity poor young men pity poor ou men given asahsi and etreagtll young pups who are poor aaould sot be aa ecejacc tm pay h team it la uw peer oat essn taa require mp you know of poor old aaotkera lit ll llilfliii iifi i aianagit eoaeend daugbterefor tares or thry ne n ii m wan thea do you yeunetf went to be la tale bselakxe tone day do yea west your wife toeubw notts you ces keep ml thee rsovide bow tarsa feseome sw eeuw of both pf you while year estates powera per- area wble yaw to buy inlwlaaalil m st b roflf ufa peek write sew for niaintlitlotled he matter yhee apneae hear eaeimea seek confederation fr fsaaafojsut txmorlto p kersey local agent oior oat seed corn imp learning wig no 7 golden glow w c y dent virginia eureka mangel sugar beet and turnip seed seeds of all kinds georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey proprietor phone 1w georgetown stewarltown general store choice fresh groceries mens work boots smocks and overalls gasoline and oils ice cream and soft drinks obanoes bananas lemons and pbestl peutt in season i m bennett phone 82r21 georgetrrwil stewarttown popular negro singers at canadian chauuuqua jackson jtji1ilee sihoebs ths populsr inttrett la negro rautle which baa awept the country la the peat taw yean ts estltr uadentood when oas bean auch alagen aa tba jtckion jubilee eompsay wateb will be sa out- ataadlag faatun of the eamlag canadian chautauqua hen splriluala jubilee chants plantation songs and daaess an auparbly presented by thtae negro alagen who have been selected not only for ul sxeelleaee but also for their ability to portray the truest types of nsgro utile van osborne famous nlneyetrold negro boy eatertalnar will be featured on the apee- taeular jsckaoa prognms no has proved delightfully amusing to csnadlsns and will be found alto gather refreehlng la alt tnlioltabl mlnlcry aaj fltlhtt of native vu ch auta uqu a at georgetown july 38 serve these fine foods with no penalty to your purses quality ffadiatih eam egjejjge cet cmllhtmla vm- mm itoes is exter tgf saela oranges etaaea v ii nasal wam qse1j st 4v wk w gjtvaaw ou raaaa aa al stisuso sumnter dwnki e o blacull special v slleaa ctbaueli na mm axea sues awju a takle eat mniiii setejaa v liiii sw swaj easaa wee qinlky ma sieve peas summer cereals i la ul 4sm sandwich spread vkslustzukumti pw ua r ut otaiw rufvaw vbbw llium fly killers vllt ta fctmb ut aaug h4a aliti jjt tta taavjwemi iv eveajav gmf atal ut if teatewa iw laajki lmmtammm soap specau fan vuwvlawua 1 urn mi egvwab cinanlia peaty aetfcsye salmon 2243 main stfteet georgetown