aaavs p i before yoai buy any at be tor you i 11 the nunn chek end weigh any car fa it lowpriced field egsw th value yeas atass you cm get is fix outstanding ovsvrolst a smooth powerful sbtsyunder valvelnhead auglln capable of amsatag pnim fa it bum tastsntly laspoa to sctaurstloa limiinnmil fa tmumii tad d a sturdy chassis bulb for endurance ww aatavyv cxutrmsjetesi fm tvjeia tdgb- pressure lubrication long aeealulpcic shoefc apsoihsr springs safe auat fourwheel faauag tyslim with adepsttdetst emergency brake bodies by fisher tint reflect thejateec vogue fa style and coloring luxurious fa finish end s bstetior ieetfully qukli rjaaut hum panellsd instrument board mdireetly lighted prices to low thsy m within reach si tit chevrolet drive it mslu h your standard of c cisfite civ jlitttllktamiacbilfjpdtmslhm chevroiet psoduct or aomxl uorots or camada uhto j v oweitf a son phona 14 gaorgatown vr yjulmtfnv jahamah hydro electric system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds office town hall mrnttirttinnirwtrr watches watches dont take a chance with your high grade watch whan on your vacation this week we are telling itemwinding and getting nickelplated open face watchet swiss made for 96c pocket ben westclox 17s and new haven watch with an unbreakable glass for 180 alto we carry a good assortment of the higher grade call and inspect our goods a b willson nast to hotel megftboa george why farmers prefer endowment insurance having insured farmers for nearly titty wests we do not know of any group of men to whom life insurance hu been more beneficial our experience hu been that the average fanner lives out the term of hl policy and profits person- ally tram hit thrift the moit popular policy with farmers it thg endowment policy it is neneraliy bought for the amount of any mortgage nut stands agtlnit pro perty so that fundi to pay off the mongtge willbe available at maturity i or hi the event ofpremature death every farmer who is phyilcslly fit should own life insurance and if he buys a confederation life policy we can and will arrange for premiums to be paid at convenient times write for a pamphlet entitled wen matheion was a farmer it tells of hit experience with a confederation life policy guaranteeing total disability benefits address confederation life ai a association headoaoi v at ation datlon i toronto leeal agesl m oat the georgetown herald wednesday august 14th 1029 i 1voved too than ou our hands are claapd the last forever perhapi wel never mart stain i loved you aa i oould none other thla berlins fuu my heart with pain you ui end treaty i fortive you the happy peat i must fonret and though j wander on in borrow i hope that youll be happy yet cenadfan m assoc orva aix nnt c a chance it la aaeeptad in all civilised eotmt- rlee that every child ahould be siren a chanoe to develop the physical and mental capaeltiee with which he la bom some children atari out in life with a oonalderable handicap if they u ui ww r bom tol food may am throuih thla wearyworld i wonder qumuonmb quality uy uvoushua wmbeof yotf u i may lack eanttary oonven- tn memory i will aee you ever u there may be overerowdlns i loved you belter uun you knew apaoj uvl manv osi perhap when haw on fonwn- j jtsovjtiom nssh youti isanellme alt and think of me i j j5i irfts and wonder if im dead or living ly slir jtktjs sos antwlt yntsf ess eichudrsn jt ssmtoss 522d rrtmd m hm thij fa chiefly the fault of the thj you iwi r uiod ljgtfssi rernmtar on you left luibrolum 22 s3 hl lovad you bu than vou lwl xfjj jss for them do not take the place of knowledse we would hot trunk of ml trubtlna the operation of a machine or the erection of a buudlns or bridsa to a man who wat merely anxious to run the machine or to build aamothmg we place etieh duties in the hands of a person who has boon trained to do the particular type of work parents do not know by instinct the proper way in which to bring up s child borne of them do tain know ledge from experiencs and soma of them are willing and anxious to learn from others the upbrmtmg of child is a serious and sometimes difficult nutter if it la to b dons prs- cnop butroavr below will be found a brief tynflpna of teletraphlc reports received at the head office of the bank of afontreal from ita branches under dale of aug sth 1s39 general cooler weather throughout the prairies and rain in some districts have helped fill heads and been bene ficial to those crops on summerfallow and breaking which have withstood the drought conditions but relief cams too lata for other crops which are very poor cutting ahould be teneral by the middle of autust in quebec crops perly it requires training and prepare- generally have benefitted by recent tlott for the task to the person who rains but warmer weather is required feels that our allocators sot along very to promote ripening oood weather well and reared families without has prevailed in ontario during the training wo can only aay that lb past week and splendid pr has number of unhappy individuals the bseu mad with the harvest whll number who have never adjusted rain is still needed there have been themselves to life the many who nod showers in many districts and eondl- w a burden the group who are a bul lions generally are considered favour- sane to others to say nothing of the able in the afarltlma provinces the few who have real menial and physical crop outlook has been greatly lm- health are ample proof that the old proved by generous rains in british system was not a success columbia the weather continues dry i parent education is a real need it and hot and pasturage and train crops is not a fad but an evidence of the are suffering apples promise well importance of proper preparation in other fruit somewhat under average order to ensure that all children shell ontario practically all fall wheat be given their chance questions concerning health sd- dreeeed to the riansrtlsn uedical as sociation 114 collet street toronto will be answered personally by letter has been cut and whew threshed the yield is averaging from thirty to thlrty- rtv bushels to the acre hay was a rpwirtw crop and saved in particularly good condition barley and oats will be slightly under the average m yield other spring crops are only fair corn while lata hat made rapid progress but in need of warm weather root crops rsjtx ram dates uora than xio pall pairs will be held are making good growth and beans are in ontario within the nest two month an excellent crop small fruits have her are a few in which herald readers been fairly plentiful pears and plums will be interested will be below the average topping u acton now general in all varieties of tobacco and the crop la considered satisfactory pastures hve been good all season but are now in need of rain dates op haiws buaul school paueg pollowlng is th list of rural achool fairs to b held in helton county palermo brookvui bannockburn hornby alount nemo trafalgar burlington uonday sept sth tuesday sept 1mb wednesday sept 11th thursday sept tsth prldaysept uth thursday sept uth friday sept mtb women why suffer period painr milihb will relieve periodic rjsls haa backaches weakness nausea sleepless irrilabully and many other aumeatsfrom which few woman sreentlrely free a won derful reconstructive nsrvs tonic mtlsns ess bs obtained la atthsr liquid or tablet form at 1160 nee bottle or hoi rm huiht lamutiwla ulutto 1mwalsetuttweu tmearra t eerr canada sold at w r watsons drug store aberfoyl brampton rmriiwt ooeksvule pergus cult georgetown drand valley london western milton schomberg straetsvui toronto cnjc woodhridje september h a it october 3 mavls as at 11 october l a october iti bat4scabar gg as it september sh september g 11 sermbr at at september 19 am 30 october i aug si to sept october lies la caution whan thrashing new weeds may be avoided w jr w lennox seed branch toronto it is difficult to control and prevent the spread of weeds such aa pield bindweed perennial bow thistle and couch grass which spread rapidly by undersround stems or root stalks oon- aequenuy land not infested with these weeds should be inspected frequently and planls of these found growing thereon should be dug up completely snd burned however these weeds are propagated by aeeda aa well which aa a matter of fact la the way in which moat weeds are introduced u land and spread rapidly over farms localities apd countries this being the oaae the gr rorees in the erad of can be made by preventing weeds from producing seed and by preventing the introduction and distribution of weed seeds to the land in the seed sown in the manure applied or otherwise th control of weeds on msny farms is mad more difficult as a result of theee being allowed to produce seeds on rotdsldes tn unas pastures waste puces and along fences and ditches in many cases the true value of clean seed is underestimated it u impossible to control and eradicate weeds if the seed sown is contaminated with weed seeds therefore clean seed is essential in any system of weed eon trol many serious infestations of avseds ar known to have started as a result of the weed seeds in the seed wn weds which ar allowed to ripen and remain in the crop will be harvested and threshed and unless provision is made to segregate the these will pass out of th separator with th grain or be carried out with th chaff and straw weed seeds carried with the grain represent part of th rlohrag toopf- tn the greater part of iii and ittha seeds be of a kind which cannot be removed th value per lb or per bu thai of th product will be reduced much below the market value of clean seed some kinds of weeds and weed seeds ar bltur and distasteful some inujrlout to th health of live stock when fed in oertaln quantities and all ar iinrleslrahl in grain used for manufacturing or s rjurpoeee if gram containing weed seeds he fed to live stock without being ground tuffle lenity to deatrojrtha vitality of the seeds msnywul be distributed on th land in uis manure still capable of producing plants snd infesting new crops therefor it is advisable that all grain used as feed b cleaned to remove ths small weed seeds and that these be burned to prevent their being carried back to ths land those which pass out of th separa tor with the chaff and straw will be returned to the land ao that any which ar vital will germinate and produce weeds to infest ths next crop it is advisable that as many as net- sib of th weed aaeds be teparated at ths um of tbeabjng from the grain and th chatf and stnjvv this may bs accomplished by ths proper us of nsima 1st stsss aksstassiaalsisa t asleep at the wheel palling asleep at th wheel of hit ear j o doran philadelphia and hu wife had a narrow escape from in jury on afternoon last week when their ear crashed into a ban telephone oo truck on ingsrsoll av oustph th car was badly damaged doran told th polio he had been driving for a considerable dlstsnes snd bad ilarily cededims oily we relehrated our 4mb anni versary this year oonelusiv proof of our effective aatlsfse- ury servlee each year finds jut business increased in volume aiooaesfully handled bend in your list and je delighted with results kelly aiken otwiftttlu o isli mnnlliimi stewarhown general store choice fresh groceries mens work boots smocks and overalls gasoline and oils ice cream and soft drinks obanoe8 banakab umohs am pauoal fecit in season i m bennett phone 82r21 georgetown stewarttown f tlureshing is dangeroiisf lfwtdtdiarallowitobchmwdxi svtfji grain or straw when threahlhs fjtsy vui cause serious loss and swich futrdftabor to latter crops do not permit a utrethlng marmm to carry weed seeds to your farm bee thst it has been properly swept out before entering your premises a separator is built to remove weed aaeds from train and straw see that it does so all sieves ahould bs in shape to doepfectlvework there should be a screen tn the lower deck to remove weed seeds before ussy are blown into the straw weed seeds should riot be left to be carried about by animals and the wind nor should they be swept into ths barnyard destroy tham burning it effective uuwmdl bbforb they start ontario dbpaktlisilt os aobicultobb jsursuuen buodiaf toronto seta joaw s llaantef j a casutou afisalxuisss screens in th separator for years separators have been pro vided with a screen in the lower part of the shoe to remove small weed seeds from the grain just before it la deliv ered from the machine recently than has been used in some machines a semen in the deck hack of the con cave to remove small weel seeds from ths grata chaff snd straw immedlste- ly following the process of shelling the use of this green is to bs oora- nysnded at a result of ths proper use of the two screens mentioned above there u on the ground or on the floor under th machlna an awwimiiistifth of fiat weed seed and inert matter in most cases th ar useless and harmful if allowed to spread and should be de stroyed preferably by burning unless the separator it wen cleaned after threshing weed seeds rosy be carried from one farm to another and be distributed along roads and in lanes sufficient una thould be taken to clean ths separator well before it is moved ths matter of separating weed seeds from the grain chaff and straw at the urns of threshing and the clean ing of ths wwehiwa u on for eo-oper- suon between ths thresher and ths farmer this service is available to growers it it the general desire of separator operators to meet the de mands of farmers in tale respect the r leaning of the separator before being brought to ths farm may save many dollars snd much hard work accord ing to ttttlitlit bullions of dollars are lost annually as s result of the weed scourge weeds ahould not be allowed to steal farm promt paeyetl ball lavsg ag there are four resident or former residents of milton who wars mem bers of a famous baseball team there fifty or more yean ago namely char lie jones wm psnlon wm soott snd john uooou lfr jones now t7 years of age is county town j sanford stowturttown plembliifltlnsmllhing tmuula omrisjt uvea ptoae84r2 george rrno2 sis skevsluag kegelk standard anthracite scranton coal in all sites automatically horooned and fjoadetl coal wood beleot immp for domestio snd threshing purposes smithing andoannel deal in fact 1 carry evorj thing to be found in any upto date coal and wood yard john mcdonald puonbu gssoirgetoivn capital tu14blto rest and undivided profits j total assets fcutokalj president out ctfaalks goanotf a um vrcepresidents h r dsuuuoxn esq maj3sm ths hon 8 c mawsusx cu a general manager but fmrosjuc wttxiauftanoa directors wu mcmastis esq lrcothssaitmouomc uouc o rfsaiss eso ths hon hshsv cocxamorr d eoatas annus esq hasou kimmxdt esq it w dsattv esq ice gsmsiaaxtiiuacuajug ocu o xc a jauss srawast esq emaastheaqx ths hohthouai ahum j wmocommsu esq w a olacx esa a o dawsom esq w n tiusv esq so executive committeb of the board st citaaus goaoom oas h r osuuuomp esq maj gsm ths hon s c mswauam cu a e w bsattv esq gx london committee hu gsaci till dust or dsvomsimu x a ckeirmm f r 8 bauous esq su hasduaw lsvss bast xl ths rt how load stxatmoona amo mount rovai pari9 comitls consult atu t m gaitoh mihota mexico committee c gobdom patsjuou eta yeiftttirk apaws esq the bank has over obo offices in canada newoundllnd united suus mexico tt london england and at paris france with correspondents in all countries offering exceptional facilities in all departments of general snd foreign banking the bank of montreal holds an interest to barclays bink dominion colonltl sad ovefstssx nd by reason of this iteodirion it able to oder its cheats clow eobuutithw rates and complete banjiaervfcc for busi ness with the west indies tmong the hv portent advantages ootred being fadhtics for oljtsjnlng tcciirstri local fofbrsutboa bank of montreal enajaishea lbh aavsbuastskaysasa count check books get your blank counter check books at the herald office we can supply you in any quantity from one to one hundred jtfs a waste to pay more its a risk to pay less jsesstisb ti g iix iwasmbjsas ni ii avswab us l hi nv eaasaj tarn gisiss atasastaay tl tsll ss nxsaluliawtu cbgrbaaa savlwajasiavssj e us as baablaaaaal gafa l4slkst gjitfaeaallewtfr aaae as avast sfcss xxx sbbbbbbi vhaaaaaw latsssimtlm aamassftesss mi tiilllsnlars gne i galea oaawk rltmcmmmi aatfaasl butter 42 notm jpljlirtd laaii se tarat surssst honey csifb essaay i iv vr c salmon z 55 tesolsliilcnies ssetssit osf taeaaaaraaas sues si ateas tvacms 49 ijiiui tnf rlysrmay ies0a as c bacon flmlfcmla- ismfflst m srw gssmesvl bjcad carrolls wlsttr qusatty l at httji m mm km m main street georgetown