Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 21, 1929, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtyfourth year of publication george wadnawky evening august 21st 1909 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa liegeorgelown herali j ml noon ksessae- ceaaalaa weekly mm caualaa nattoml bedrtc allwajri kabtbouhd dally mi ma bo s1s am a soo a m m dm am a luso em b 1ji0 dm 10 jso pm 11 550 pm 14 1m pm is- sjsd pm laujm pm wkstbound dally traba ma i ml am s loci am 5 il p 1 101 p u 4x11 pm it lol pm 41 toi pm ii ui pm ib loot pm it 1101 am na 60 wui run dally except bun- ay i ma 41 to acton only station phune lx rtiwnpr vmm time table 1 bt 1011 1115 mall khuwenger tmteenger sunday going watt mall sunday gelag neru pjn put cubic seala ul ssj i 734 1 144 i ull ltjjgl 341 450 im i 1m pm lgjt sjs aja 4j pjn 11j1 740 pm bijoblriblimjiid ajutow coaches lean cleorgetowa ai allow west bound east bound aio u mo u 1150 pm t ej aba sjm pjn 1u0 ui sjm pjtt aso djo bjo pjn 1m kua hja pm loao pm dally except saturday sunday and holidays saturday surejay and holidays t sunday and holidays only ah bwetes slap at nafriaataaoi biers directory ix boy dais barrister sag hihesier cuorgetown ontario ome king bid mil st clabkhct b wioqdi asheuar notary mae offices oneill block georgetown telephone log john a thompson barrister beuetter natary fekhe offices mill street phone sx tm na j j paulob a t paul pttytjaleae aaa ssbbsbs medical officer of health to eaqueelng township office hour- 3 to 4 and 1 to pjn office and bjaldanoa llala street south opposite fntbytarlan church be sutherland by bar hon and throat snsrtsllat at cleorgotown widnnday saturday hour pjn ul e pm or by appoint ment aiaaaw a office at uus matthews uala si noma phone lotif na a v wnxuiu physician and surgeon lesaleal cancer ol health georgetown 3ttos aaif bttlisnfrsj fjuaan st soutb office bouri 11 and pas alio by appointment r b watson dab auuv flisrgiliwa oau beenig ts i boast tkanlay p u heath uka djka osves la lane block on door north ol cmallta carriage factory boun am to pm dbtb uahmont81 vttarlsary buratob pbono ms uatost h flmtiliaa franit patch liobnied adctionub tar tka caaauia af pad as ahaa prompt samoa taliaaaaai chaltanham latl oaorsmovn tit post oooacbaltanham prjvotio tsa nali laiaam ralaur oraaaala u u rnatka na mmibui annjary oa xray service oeva owr dominion ston one houra alobday wadnaaday and saturday a to 5 and 7 tot pin othardayi and noura by arpot at libiaabasa us tuatday and friday t to t nja mark every grave nothtni la mora latuni or mora appropriate to eornmatnorau th nwaorr oj lovad onat who hav eons mfors than baauulul braa- ilm u1 oartad and fj no plant 1 praaarad to aoar batta er siatiar atoak to enooh than ean na steurad at our r you eva it to youraali to ajl aioek and rat outatiaiaab hhiibbmiw fiaifcars or oanv ar stoma baforo b a or- i u km hnimrit wctb raise tour calve you can raiie good cowl a lot cheaper than you can buy them but lots of farmers havent been raising calves because it cost too much to raise them on whole milk you can raise them on purina calf chow for onethird the cost of whole milk calf chow is a clean wholesome feed that takes the place of milk and raises just as good calves try it tvub your tux calm agent for gu1w3 fertilizers also branshorts mds oilcake gluten meat meal bone meal tankage charcoal grit oyster shell salt cormrleal oat and barley chop flour porr1pgeoats philip g early rittatths cemcetawn w maefayden manager smart pjsswil clothing annual august sale beginning saturday august 24th to tuesday sept 3rd eight days only special 2151 suit extra pants free special 3175 suit extra pants free in these two specials you have a good range of fabrics to choose from including titter twists tweeds serges and fancy worsteds made to your measure and guaranteed cut and made any style you want dont forget the date of the sale a l thurston next door to erwin at goldnams meat market 4 gt ft p alp p tp messrs h j picard co ltd stock brokers toronto georgetown h j picard wishes to announce that he will offer through hia georgetown branch office lstcash prize 10000 for the nearest correst assay of gold quarts value per ton 2nd cash prize 5000 for the second nearest correct answer gold bearing quartz value per ton this piece of quartz was taken from wright hargraves mine and can be seen on display at w t evans office window rules of contest 1 contest open for 30 days 2 open to residents within 1 5 mile radius of georgetown 3 one guess a week to contestants 4 this piece of ore will be assayed by a govt geologist 3 ballot box will be opened by reeve and scrutineers appointed byhirn 6 results will be announced through this paper 7 results of the reeve will be final 8 contest begins august 2 1 at tf- i8k 4t a 42 j9 xfw p d m bdeb dbb tboobb naaoltrriontf think ol tha auur youd ilka to hava i and btf llkfl her avary day llow would you wuh your dauahtar to art then act that way if you had a aueat what ort of aileat would ba ideal to your then when youre a aueet be tha aort of a ueat youd like to b batoa tot think of the pej you would ilka to hava when your world la full of wronea then ba to your pal the kind of a pal nor which your own heart kmsa think of the atranser youd ilka to meet pleasant and kind and ay then ba that kind of a atranser to people who nam your way weve each of ua dreamed of the per fect friend who ahall art our hearta aslow- who will mover nee and never offend who la uaunch and true wa know weve looked throtujh the world for s perfect friend and althoush wa may never one no fata may lay audi a friend cant axlat that u if you want to ba onal by mary carolyn davlaa general news uuton skamchtmo op titus to bbal cstatk ajmrlmid colonel tha honorable w h prior attorney oeneral for tha province of ontario introduced at tha but aiimlmi of tha leejatatur important ehansaa in tha ratjatry lawa of tha province tbeea ehansaa will not only ba wel comed by the enaral public but alto by aoueltora and otbari who are en- tafed in tha invatusatlon of uuaa to real aetata a man who la about to nurchaae a house or a piece of vacant land often aika thla question why should i ba moulted to have tha title searched back to the crown rant surely it haa been anaulred into many times already it u a responsible auaatlon but it la a f set also that to be fully protect ed in ovary transaction for tha pur- chase of property tha utle should be carefully mveeusated before the pur chase moneys are paid and ao it has bam tha practice to search over and over acaln for just as many times aa there haa been dealing with proper ty in many instanraa mora than 1u years of records are mveautatad now however while the inarrlilni of titles wui tttll ba neoeaaary much of the labour involved therein is about to ba after june let mm s teod title for 49 years wui be all thai the vendor of lands will ba required to show under the provietous of tha irwaau- atlon of titles act aponaend by tha honourable tha attorney oanaral tha vendor of land as previously art out from and after tha let of june low will only ba required to show a mod utle to such land for a period of 40 years the provisions of this act release tha land from claims existing prior to such 40 year period unless within the aid 49 year period such claim la ac knowledged or apacififally referred to or contained in an instrument regis tered against such land or urueat notice of such claim has been regis tered tha operation of tha act his been mapenned for one ever to en able any person who might hava a claim which by tha act will enrra if not noted on tha registrars abstract books to register hia claim baton tha first day of june ibm whan tha act will become operative the public and solicitors are direct ed to the public notice which la pub lished in thla paper which notice arts out tha requirements in regard to tha registering of claim tha effect of thla statute will be that practically 100 years of tha early part of every utle in tha province will pars out of history ao far si tha necessity of in vestigating its correctness to every in dividual case la concerned thla la not tha only reform la the registry lavas inaugurated by the at tomay oanaral colonel plies gone much further to eliminating dead material from tha registry offiea re cords by tha amendment to tha re gistry ad all mortgages aaugnmwta aatansiona poatponementa etc of tha erne in respect of which certineatea purporting to ba dieohargaa thereof hava bean registered for 10 yean to gather with diechargea thereof which hava baan regieterd will ba ruled off the abstract index mechanics liana diechargea and oarubcatas of ue pen dens which hava been vacated for two years or mora will likewise ba ruled off tha abstract index books thla operation extendi back to tha 1st day of january ism consequent ly there will remain upon tha bagja- tras index practically only the grants of land mortgagee dischargee for lata than 19 years undischarged mortgagee for 19 years lla pendens and mec hanics liens vacated and discharged aa wall aa undischarged for laaa than two years tha result win ba that not mora than is of tha nwnimanta which formerly required investigation and which would ahow on an abatract of title will need to ba avamlnad by a solicitor or person searching a utle whan tha new uw haromee effective other amendments call for tha regi stration of lnitrumantb and ovyaanants to make tha chain of title which war not previously obligatory upon tha owner aa wall as the filing of daclara- tlona of celibacy and other ilka evt dance tha absence of which has fre quently bean the cause of much de lay in closing real aetata transactions in general there haa baan a tight ening up and almpllfleatlon hi con nection with the registry law of tha province which undoubtedly will be of great benefit to tha contracting parties and solicitors and others who have been engaged in aea tltlea to complete deals aa it will relieve to a treat extant tha aearahara from many obligations and much annoy anoe that accompanied the searching of utlaa prior to these changes tha operation of theee acts only applies to uuaa recorded to tha reals- try office in the provlnoe and does not apply to land entered on tha register in any land title office joe drerinan straetavula has pur chased tha building formerly tha pa- elflo hotel which baa not been used for hotel purpeaaa alnee the straeta vula junction of tha or jt was moved to tha south two weeks in tha lemon jell la the robbers of the garage at have received jail sentences the teemter news stmlea that property lvalues in teeewaler have declined almost fifty per cent in the past ten years rev b o seymour hew minister of st johns united church oakvlua waa given a reception by hia people on prlday evening an oldtimer la one that can re member when men used to pull on their shirt over their head and but ton it up the back while visiting mrs oeorge peer hia daughter at her heme burlington orange lawrence bradahew of al- berton 11 died suddenly of heart failure norman worthy of brampton found a puree oontalnmg 1160 which belonged to a woman who rewarded him for bis honesty by handing him a dime when he dosed at the wheel dr 8 j scott of wlarton had hie ear crash through a railing of a cement culvert near kenilworth and ha waa severely injured mayor mcbrlde claims toronto la oelng overrun by unemployed and warns workleea men to keep away from the city there were three hundred men altar nine job at tha labor bureau pamlly quarrels often bring num erous results in nelson township two indians brother and slater each charged the other with assault tha magistrate decided each waa equally at fault and fined them both ftva del ura and coats tha ontario railway and munici pal board haa hlrmlmd the appli cation of peel county council to ba reduced from building a bridge to tha roadway over the credit river at bldorado park the young colored woman beatrice watt ao toon as aha rets away from milton jail and the maaalea she con tracted will be sent back at her own request to where aha came from acroes the una por services rendered in connection with the bra that partly destroyed a aray coach bus on the highway near oekville recently the oakvtue brigade rece a cheque for us this la hi addition to paying tha claim of the corporation william harrod tha milton man who sustained ronwittwi of tha brain whan tha bell telephone companys truck on which he waa riding turned over on john st south tfamllton two weeks ago waa discharged from hospital and returned to hia borne tuesday two boys appeared before juvenile judge h p moore charged with breaking into s refreshment booth at nelaon village dundee highway one lad waa placed on probation and al lowed to go home with hia parents tha eeond waa made s ward of tha childrens aid several hundred applications with offera ranging up to 3ftjfj99 for a single berth hava been rec for the first transatlantic flight of the britiahbuut dirigible r100 the airship la now being inflated for trtela athowden but no date baa been art for its flight to canada many trafalgar farmers hava had several fields of clover thla ayar and threshing thla crop haa been keeping tha farmers vary bury for two weeks aulka has been a wonderful crop and while the yield of seed haa been rath er light yet numerous farmers win hava handsome returns seventy deeeendsnts of john mc donald a sturdy highlander who first settled in caledoo township almost 100 years ago mat at their- first re union at huttonvuja park on sunday membtre wan present from toronto hamilton oalt oaorgatow grand valley ouelpb and aurora a record of 419 bushels of fall wheat from nine acres waa mads in tha threshing at the bms stuart farm hi tha parte plains district west of brentford p h davis on tha char les mou farm same farming district from m acres got a harvest of s little better than m bushels to tha sen receiving serious injuries whan his ear collided with s nnrthbrwnd orgy but on its way to sbalbuma last thursday john rldler farmer of west caledoo waa taken to lord duffarin hospital orangevlue ha received bead shoulders and back injuries and hia ear was completely wracked the bus waa able to proceed on its way per tha third urns this year tha ctry houete belonging to rlggt at bronte nan been raided their flock has ban depleted to about tan bans early this year doge de stroyed about s9 hens about s month ago thalvaa stole a doaan or mora and last week tha lock waa removed and chlckeni disappeared oekville record mr elgin bayne of tha ith una of west oarafraxa was backing hia ear out of hia garage on august tlh and did not notice hia utile boy near un til the ear had run clean over him and ha appeared on the ground in front of the ear the child waa rush to tha royal alexander hospital fergus when ha waa found to nan his collar bona broken tha nnt matting of peel oldage pension board waa held at brampton friday four members of the board jamleeon toronto township n b lindsay toronto oore h o thomp son port credit and w j wilson celadon david wilson clerk of tha oounty or petl acting aa secretary than wan it applications for pen sions aubmltud and nine oalt with dredging operations an now being carried out in oekville harbor tha and and gravel which la being brought up from the bed of the lake will be used for filling to tha new breakwat er to front of colonel h o cos estate which was washed away early this spring by tha ravaging waters of tha lake for impersonating s constable wu ham w peathratone of trafalgar township waa on tuatday fined m and tsuo coata or thne months by magistrate ii p moon notice of appeal was given by h cleaver of burlington eoumel for the acuted the information waa laid by con liable mcmiillcn lightning played s peculiar prank at oooktvule recently whan s bolt toorched the leaves of tha cahbs on tha farm of john beu in s elrcla maamrlng fifteen feat aeroce ths heads wan not damaged and whan tha burned leaves an trimmed off it tub parmerft advocate eutes that anyone see nllef tram taxation should look before he leaps it points otit that the cluaena research bureau of canada baa figured out that in leaf taxation in canada amounted to stoaf r capita in australia it waa stus great britain it waa so0xt and to the united btatea it amounted to 7g14 judging from these riguraa there la little to hops for in tha mat ter of taxation relief so far aa canada la concerned then does not stem to be any better ale otrr wmrxuc the west beams that mtoakl on tha winnipeg river when tha lakes and pines of ontario begin to change to the rolling western prairies mtoakl lodge own ed and operated by tha canadian na tional rauways la hi tha heart of a wilderness of lakes and forests and anyone with tha spirit of adventure will find a challenge in tha rushing streams and wudwood trails that lead from tha lode into tha unknown good maaklnonga and trout fishing may ba had quite near the lodgs a really fine golf course and unturpaaa- ad tennis courts an then too make mmakl a resting spot on your wtitt trip either by train or oraat lekeebteamer your n na- uonai agent can tell you everything you would like to know norval members of tha maxted family from milton nerval toronto and hamil ton held their annual family reunion on monday aug tth at tha old home stead at nerval and only two branch es of the family wan not represent ed the day was spent in a pro- gramma of tamee and tporta to which all took an aatln part and luncheon and dinner wen aerred in the anglican parish hall it was tha unanimous opinion that thla yaaya reunion was tha most auceeasful to history and tha gattogethar next year la being eagerly looked forward to meters john maxted of milton and p w maxted of nmn wan elected chairman and aecreury to ar range for ism outing which will also beheld at nerval hrjrsn mr and mrs thomas xritii of acton and mr and mrs wa mar shall of toronto wan recent tuaats of mr and mrs thoa marshall mrs thomas r barbour loth una erin left recently for lethbrtdge alts when tha will visit with bar brother angus mcallister s bar bour will call en old friends to bran don medicine hat and other towns during her trip the winner of tha wellington coun ty farm accounting- competition for 1usm was cyril mdttnnay erin no 1 s member of ths erin junior par- man olub w j pari oualph no b and william hayes bora no j wan second and third respectively a vary high record was reached in tb lower school a- writ ten at tha erin continuation school last june tha results of which appear in thla issue all of the twentyant students trying tha mrammillona nes- on all subjects excepting one who failed on only one subject this speaks highly for both teachen sail pupils advocate milton jot bayus s veteran of ths onat war u undergoing an operation on hia left lag to christie strait hospital toronto this week hia many friends hope ha wui soon recover at toronto on thursday last t j brown druggist of muton waa elect ed by acclamation to the council of the ontario college of pharmacy mr brown wul represent district na t matt l griffith of the manitoba school for tha deaf winnipeg la visit- tog his lister mrs margaret mcphall at bayne mr orifflui left milton for the west eighteen yean ago and this u hit nnt visit back to his home to that time mrs j r blllott who underwent a serious operation to ouelpb oanaral hospital several weeks ago rotuiniiae to impron we an pleated to report her many friendt hope the wui soon be restored to her usual health and strength the late thomas dixon former crown attorney of bruce county for over half a oentury who passed away in walkerton on august 1 was bom to muton and practiced uw hen for aoma time after hit graduation from oagoode ilallcqiampion acton mitt oenevleve olarridge siicmm fully patted tha enmlnatloni in bis- mentary vocal musical at tha normal school toronto white operating s brushing mac hine at the plant of the acton tann ing co on tuesday rudolph basil- lerac had the misfortune to get bis left arm in tha machine tha akin and flesh wan badly aeraped and the arm bruited hut no bones wan brok en tha beardmore 4k co tugofwsr team holdera of tha industrial and nonunion championships an putting in full training preparatory to tha contest at uw canadian national viwmiim again uus year trainer ayylaihill has a fins team again uus year and btuavea they ean hold tha honon already won it it expected that tha team wui tin an exhib at acton fall pair this year another farmer of tha vicinity lost rut barn by an last thursday morn ing whan tha ham and contents of mr ernest whetler at tha comer of ths fourth and town una wan com pletely destroyed ths fin was noa discovered by mr wheeler until about 1x45 and at that urns ths roof had fallen to and ths building was en veloped to names than wan about is tons of hay nearly all tha imple ments and a number of c des troyed with the bam tha loss on the building is partly covered by in surance pre press price ivlaon ctuuvj 11yaars 1m onteru believed the vegetahlaa will be fit lo street toronto and jamas ward s4 tat consumption years m regent afreet toronto wull pay for their interest hi autoraobues night r oeorge phln of burl- 1 ington arretted ths young- man on ths wife with grounds of the pig and whittle tea think of itl rftasrrr tub omcama or the confbdbbation to bb youb bobtt tha triad and true personnel of tha confederation take pride and pleas ure to aver arrvlng its guests in a courteous attenuw and che man ner matter rauaay car constructors hav put their all into ths equipment of tha confederation- even to ths latest hi radio receiving asta auk ice ths ideal hi travel eomfotr ths confederation leaves toronto for vancouver dally at 199 pis stan dard urns earring en route winnipeg brandon reglna btilritnon smmoa- nnrsnapar just a eoufue tot married a near bronte early tuatday mnmg few daya ago after a courtship which following oomplalnu that they wan lasted fifty years ton sad jssper tampering with sutos ohass sad ward huiband i suppose ths poor old mi ormatlon rettrvetena gig tom pleaded guilty to ths charge of vagran man wet too feeble to hold out any any agent of c najional bau f tutelar iteesrv ways

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