Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 21, 1929, p. 2

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ptl2 7- the georgetow herald wednesday august 2 1 at 1929 campbell at the home of her daughter mr wm berragh dray ton on tuesday august ii 10 annie bmllh widow al the tale alexander campbell of weya in her ssth year inmkmouam thompson in loving memory of jesse thompson drowned august lmh ism end victor thompson wlto woe accidentally shot august 1311 1034 it u not the tears at tlie moment shed that tell of hearts that are torn but tin tears that are shed in after andthe grief that la silently borne mr and mrs aentumus thomp son brothers and bister ashtrays leliabili thh naoo tm c i x eekjpate u iliigrirf and butk to cuuea las usathsngj estettlsee ptrtonnenos lou alts alt ctsovralerw luillllflll bodies by raise t tttet balk npoti a solid d ef hardwood a xssi ssi they aw lmariotst cltsviwlet trans u ef anui ttiiaiig bevlagt fear rigid onss irmntiira la steariew iiii games nl till tietiina1 iadatdaofoiittmtd- saua daydate type in i lis n inrhn four wbtil brakaa its eslia strain t s gatd liansailsllnii all a rniielriirliil of ion lata and uowlili frag epa omim at low muck outstanding chevrolet swapper or naimt isotosb of camada uurrao ja n oneill son georgetown ontario xt bbttb bbcaogb its canadian norval garage on highway prompt service on repairing of all make of can we guarantee our work and ourricee are reasonable british american citnlhvi and autolene oh norman norton norval ont fhooa 327r32 bruuplika forsters grocery full line of fresh groceries al ways in stock bananas and oranges al the right prices leecream in bulk cones or bricks forsters term caih georgetown phone 29 induction service at united church bev k w rumley tiik mbw rartob utcsurnon m service on prlday evening last the united church was the scene of a very ira- portant event when the members ad herents and friends of the congrega tion assembled with the representa tives of presbytery for the induction of rev r w rumley into the pastor- die of georgetown united church rev p a parrelt chairman of presbytery presided and inducted mr humley rev mr beymore of oak- vllle preached a very able sermon from uie message of john the baptist rev mr carpenter then gave the charge to the minister rev mr neu gave the charge to the congregation outlining the way they could beat as sist their pastor in the upbuilding of the church the choir rendered a beautiful an them which was very appropriate for the occasion at the close of the induction ser vice mrs a macieren mrs tyndsll mr godfrey and mr hear introduc ed rev and mrs burnley to the con gregation and all retired to the bun- day school room where the ladles served a delicious lunch and a very pleasant social hour was spent altogether the tervlcei were beautl ful and the hospitality of the people bespoke a very warm welcome to the new minuter his wife and family greetings from rev dr dickie ware read by the chairman of the presby tery middle sdtool results in view of the unprecedented amount of sickness these results may be regarded as creditable plfteen of the candidates passed in all the sub jects on which they wrote there are twentythree first class honours this is the largest number of first- class honours ever obtained by the middle school the candidates wrote on from two to nine subjects o credit denotes pass standing 1 3 and 3 denote re spectively first second and third class honours john armstrong 3 evelyn ashmore c c 1 1 3 o c 1 9 norman bally 1 3 9 atyoalus bolger 3 s 3 1 e i 1 3 i ray orlchton i 1 c constance deans 1 e betty denlson o 3 e e george dickie c 3 i o 3 3 3 3 1 ruth evans c margaret candler 1 3 1 marjorie oault i marlon all ien c e j 1 e i c c edna class c c zeis graham e c o e e e mary hunter c c c c j charles kirk c o harry lawton c hugh lindsay c c c e eleanor maedon- awcts 3 3 o 1 3 1 3 margery mac- kenrje 3 i o charlotte mcoullough c e o erma mcoumbtr j c c john mcdermld 3 hugh mcnally 3 o o eva payne c 1 c c lilian saunders 3 e o 3 e kathleen sham 3 sid ney silver c 1 c 3 c 3 edythe squires c e sarah blandish c charles stockford 3 c wilms stull 3 o 3 c 9 3 3 eva thompson 1 mares vannstter c c 3 e jessie wallace 3 c c prisoners escaped from milton jail owe rifc reeeasavsd but tw yean atsiii i tease two prisoners in the halton coun ty jail at milton picked the locks of their cells with an ordinary table knife threw a blanket over the head or the tgyearold governor mcgib- botl of the institution and taking the governors 38 winchester revolver from his desk in his ooofl made a clean getaway across the town park at about 8 oclock sunday night fifteen minutes after provincial constable oeo oookman learned of the escape he had a large part of the male population of milton or- ianised into the largest man hunt in the history of the town the park opposite the jail was thoroughly comb ed automobiles loaded with armed men were dispatched along the high ways and side lines and warnings given to all surrounding- points but the fugitives so far eluded the search ers joseph mccann 33 toronto one of the escaped prlaonerar was sentenced to a two year term in the penitenti ary orl a serious offence against a georgetown girl lb has been kept in jie local lockup for 30 days pending an appeal he had decided to drop the appeal and was to be taken to kings ton on the 830 sjrl train monday ucoann had even changed to his jivulan clothes preparatory to his de sirture william king m awaiting trial at the rail assises charged with a serious offence was tha other prisoner who jseaped the men were in separata cells in the ssme room aocordlnc to police ma of the men had secreted an or dinary kitchen knife in the cell and by thrusting his arm through the jrallng managed to open the lock and then freed his tompanlne ona of the men then shouted to two trusties jim porbes and tom bonus in the dictum some distsnee away that there was a man sick in one of the cells one of the trusties rang the aide bell summoning governor archie mcglb- uon from his office the governor unsuspecting opened the outer door into the outside corrl dor and then opening tha inner door jf the cell room was knocked down and a blanket thrown over his head rhe prisoners grabbed tha keys and making their way into the outer corri dor slsjnmed tha door to tha ifitchen so that the trusties could not follow ft was half an hour before he got out through the kitchen in tha cover tors office they removed his revotrer ram the drawer and walked out the iont door umnolested again nrjfaa um bars joseph meoaan of toronto who es caped from halton jail along with ed jvard kins of bowtnanvula oa bundsy evening was returned to jail on mon day night he was captured in tor onto early in tha day and brought back in charge of constable oookman and chief constable chapman of milton mcoaiui appeared before police magistrate h p moon on tuesday pleaded guilty to escaping from jail and was sentenced to two yean which makes a total of four yean ha will have to serve in kingston penitentiary governor mcolhbnn who was hit over the head with a stick when the prisoners effected their escape la atffl suffering from the affects king it u thought is also in toronto l1mehouse miss beatrice lane apem tha week end in toronto mr and mrs arthur lane of tor onto spent the week end at their home hen cwrchnews st csar cftiarel- servlces next sunday ii ejn mat ins and address by mr b o oosse of owen bound 1 tun evensong and address by mr b o oosse ail wel come note there will mot be any cele bration at ajn next bundsy feldmans t august fur sale smart models at genuine savings these are all copies of original models by wellknown parisian couturiers the styles upon which the seasons coats are based coats of surpassing elegance at genuine price reductions for the month of august only and only a few days left nowl i racc rrta racoon 325 rettibur coats 222 426 these an tha delight of tha high school snd college missy because they an much favored for general sports wear french 70 regular i seal 1t 125 i por oeneral wear there u x no man asusfsctory cost than the pnnch sea and especially when they t a an offend at such reductions x developed along simple straight unas of beautifully matched pelts that t an definitely in tha mode again remain a classic wherever smart woman gather these an indeed a special at this august sale flgun imtillmhii extended payment system j we have a deferred payment plan which we welcome you to i take advantage of this service is offered without extra charge and all transactions are strictly confidential it is not necessary to pay 1 the whole purchase price of the garment before it may be taken from x our store t iittltttt ttttttt simtm l feldmans maniaotdbxno fnibstnuu guelph upk wtndham st vole for the bylaw on monday sept wh tha ratapay en of georgetown will vota on by law no sua now appearing la tha herald in response to a petition of oitlsens requesting that a cemetery board be appointed this prooadun is necessary in connection with tha perpetual upkeep plan of georgetown cemetery being inaugurated thar is no question about the necessity of changing the present system of caring for our eeraetery and wa hops that all ntepayen will show their interest in this very important matter by turning out and supporting tha by- law united church sunday school held picnic then was a large attendance at tha united church sunday bobool pfcenle held at eldorado park last thursday afternoon although the weather was thnatenlns all present had a good time and enjoyed tha aplenrhd pro gram of sports and delclous refresh ments provided tha winners of tha different events wen as follows airls under 6 yts dorothy aloott betty snyder bays under 6 yn eddie btsnleton robe auett girls under yrs ethel alcoa ethel mcenery boys under s rnt npuglsg allett george tanwsll airls under 10 yrs margaret king jane rumley boys under it yrs stave eminence ted arnold ahis under 13 yrs dorothy barker bernlca urwuiu boys under 13 yrs albert btapleton ernest ryde obis under 14 yrs mary arnold evelan hartwetf boys under is yrs carl hyde allen mcdonald girls under is yrs mary arnold evelan hertwell boys under is yrs jack duncan james mooaskall airls is yrs and over constance deans doris wright boys is yrs and over jack dun can oordon aloott threelegged not mary arnold and jim evans madeline erwln and jack duncan girls hoop race erelen hartwell bamlcs mcdonald boys hoop race harvey hilts bruce kennedy plata race beralca mcdonald and billy maelann helen brown and jim evans soda biscuit not boys bruce kennedy billy maelann bona biscuit not girls bernlca mc donald collar and lis not mr and mrs tripp clothes pin race elmer stockford graham pameli ontario meets toub boudav need sparta tricky golf courses and fast tennis courts at bright hotels silvery sand beaches on crystal lakes pishing rapid trout streams lakes teeming with nass hosting printing laughing riven and quiet iskalets that make every dip of tha paddle a delight nancing jolly interesting people at gay resorts thats why ontario offers such a satisfying vacation to everyone ac- oorn modeling toe in great variety oottagea boarding houses and luxur ious resort hotels decide what tort of holiday you would ilka than tea your nearest can adian national agent ha will gladly tell you about places that fit in with your plana and supply you with liter atim about them busineaa men say ttaanlta business mewb association thank the contsubtrtobui to the community picnic the georgetown business mens as sociation desire to e their ap- iclatlon of the splendid donations money and in prises made by those whose names appear listed below which helped so materially to make our annua community picnic the splendid success which it was we feel that these community picnics now an annual feature of this associations prognun do much to foster that good fellowship and community spirit so much desired by all of us bank of commerce dank of montreal if names w o besaey a j hlackbum p bolger a bntnton o j buck mrs w buck j csln csrrous store msrk ouutk k cole cordlngleys hsrdwan if ii darling george dobson earlys peed bion w kmrnerson erwln ai aoldham w t evans a e pameli 8 poo georgetown lumber oo w ollhnan r l gregory dr p l heath h hamilton hughle it mcdonald a v king dr learmonth j power lee h lulloa maple leaf dairy w maroellus h marshall ii r mlmma j m moon a a mucksrt j b mackensle mebean e oa h a mootun j mcdermld j mcdonald d mclntyn mckay bros a norrlngton j n oneill as son drs paul ai paul o p realty a reeve j p held t restlvo a c rons ralph rosa rev o w rumley wm behenk p sinclair w smith w p smith mrs bwan w tsman e o thompson j a thompson r h thompson ai oa r tripp dominion stores drrb watson w r watson dr o v will a b wulson a e wright wraggetta drug ston true blue picnic georgetown true blue lodge na im held their annual picnic in the park on saturday when a large num- oer wen present a good program af sports wen enjoyed by all tha wln- nen of the events wen aa fallows girls 7 and under daisy bralsby joatlean mccartney boys 7 and under aaorte long roy peck girls 13 and under peggy kentner leaner wright boys 13 and under m davis p dewhurst girls boot race heanor wright peggy kentner mens boot racoh dickie p mc cartney ladles potato race edith francis mrs carter paper plata race mrs lewis mrs peck apple baca ifn bralsby mrs di ckie pat ladles race mrs mccartney mrs bralsby mens coat rsoep mccartney w ronay peanut race w ronay h diekla soda biscuit raoe mary tost paper bag race ne l harm duiy a aoftbell game between tha mar ried ladiaa and single ladles caused gnat excitement the single won by a aeon of 78 mr pred peel was the mystery man and was identified by mrs pack stewarttown our school is being painted and re novated oontraeton an busy putting down tha cement on tha highway between ashgrove and stawarttown mrs w hodge stawarttown who underwent an operation at oualph genera hospital two weeks ago was able to return noma on sunday and it improving nicely miss cora scott of brampton is visiting at mr j h smiths miss meryl mcdowell of tafonts visiting her aunt mrs harry lawson mean tad and percy bally ban returned to toronto altar spending their holidays at their noma nan mrs john johnson and lllmt bea trice and mildred psden spent last week at walter lavtona mra cecil wilson and children of ivjronto an visiting mra john wilton mra lawton br hat returned from visiting at norval a number of boy scouts mm in and near toronto who have been camping in our village hare taken their da- partun they wan a splendid group of boys and an mined from our vill age mrs ltltoh and son jack from winnipeg an visiting tha farmers fa ther mr wm besoohy tha e w i held a very successful picnic in lawson flata on tuesday quite a number turned out to enjoy the afternoon the fallowing an the winners in tha aports boys 8 yean and under roy smith bun tennant olrls 8 and under ean tennant dorothy cleave boys 8 to is jack jeeklnson wal ter hodge girls g to 13 helen mills ellgabtth lesion street dance bio crowd had good time and aprsutoiatkd cntkbtainautna- rauividkd a street dance was held on main street georgetown on friday nlaht august lath under the auspices of the georgetown branch of the canadian legion the dance was arranged and directed by the entertainment com mittee ot the branch under the lead ership of mr henry shepherd the chairman usui street was roped on st mill street and at the radial station and was strung from end to end with colored lights two orchestras were in attendance one to play round dances and the other for equan dances refreshment bootlis also wen provided one at each barricade the night was flne and clear and was just cool enough to make dancing a pleas ure- at an early hour the crowds be- gan to gather numbers coming in from the other towns nesr george town such as acton milton and brampton the dance broke up at 130 snd everybody left perfectly nap py and sstlsned with the entertain ment provided the committee in charge it to be eongnlulated upon the way this af fair was carried out it is to be hop ed they will keep up the good work and provide other entertainments in the near rutun the thanks of tha legion an due also to ohler of police wm marshall mr j m moon mr ben portter and the mm brigade for uie help they gave toward making the dance a success tramp i have teen better days air busineaa manvat i auppott so but i haveni time to ducum tha weather with you now boot race helen devenaux harold wilton needle and thread race winnie wrlgglasworth corena wrurtlesworlh dean guessing contest mrs bally cost race elisabeth bnntlhtn helen mills ball ttirowlng miss appelbe win- die wrlatlasworth married ladles race mrs hums ourrle mra walter lawton jr institute members race mrs clean mrs currie baseball georgetown and milton played the third and deciding game for the hal ton county championihlp st the park on thursday aftsrnoon aug18 resulting in a win for milton by tha soon of 43 cola pitched good bail for the latere but wst given emtio sup port at limes milton took advantage of every nlaplay and wen extended to win out in the ninth innings tha team and manatamant with to extend their thanks to everyone who came out and i cheered our boyt alone i teakxavvyjaavjesaviaav etv c- a mt mim4cmm travel bv electric trains to the exhibition aug 23rd to sept 7th obituary mrs william davev the funeral took place on tuesday afternoon to brampton cemetery of mrs william davey a lifelong resid ent of the county of peel who died at her home woodhlll chlnguacausy east on sunday in her mth year fallowing a protracted illness shs wss the daughter of the late william hindis of west cminguacousy when she wot bom and came to the sixth line east on her msrlsge 33 yean ago she is survived by her husband s daughters mrs herb harding kitchener mrs wiulsm mcmann georgetown misses lily berths bans all at home and six sons oordon h alloa howard brampton nelson pred elgin and harvey all at home mrs alex campbell death came rather suddenly to an other of nassagsweyas elderly and highly respected residents on tuesday when mrs alex campbell at tha noma of her dau- wm derragh at drayton bar eighty- fourth year 11 had been in good health to go about as usual she wss taken 111 nther suddenly on tuesday and passed peacefully away mrs campbell was before her mar riage miss annie smith and was born in scotland she came to this coun try from tha old land when a young woman and had lor sixtythree years been a resident of nsssagaweya her husband predeceased her about forty- five yean ago and she it tha last sur viving member of her fsmlly pour sons and three daughtan remain to mourn her loss snd revere the memory of a devoted mother alexander in hugh in missouri donald reave of nsssagaweya township duncan of moffat mra j h milne bronte mrs arch mcmill oamp- bellvtlle and mra wm dsrrsgh of drayton mra campbell was a mem ber of nsssagaweya presbyterian church and the funeral which was vary largely attended by old neigh bors and friends took place on friday altamoon from the home of her eon duncan campbell at moffat after a service at tha home conducted by her pastor rev o o jonaa tha remains laid to rest in naasegaweya cemetery miss maboabet rbbxe whh tha death on monday last of miss margaret fisher acton loses ona of its elderly and highly respected oitlsens mim fisher has been in gradually declining health for tome time and during tha past six weeks developed prummmla tha attack of which her weakened system waa un able to withstand margaret ftther was a daughter of the lata that and margaret fisher and was bom at tha scotch black on october 38 laat twentynine yean ago aha removed to acton and she and her brother wuuam have since resided in their oomfortable little home on tha east and of mill street sis weeks sgo she was removed to tha home of mrs huftmsn whan she could be given tha attention that her condi k manded and hew she waa given every can and comfort she waa of a quiet disposition but those neighbors and friends with whom she most sssodst- ed and who knew her beat bald high ly her starling quantise and neighbor ly kindness she was a member of knox presbyterian church in tha absence of her pastor rev mr stewart pastor porsyth of tha bap tist church conducted tha funeral which waa held last wacavuday af ternoon from tha home of mrtahus- man main street friends vrom guelph toronto htaptler omagh lunehousa georgetown milton wood- midge and richmond hill gathered to pay their respects at tha funeral tha palibaaren wan six cousins of tha deceased messrs peter william and george plther and malcolm wu uam and christopher mlchle free i i i i i telephone employees picnic at eldorado then wit a large attendance of ball telephone employees from georgetown muton brampton wes ton orangevllle oooksvuit snd stnstsvuie at tha annual picnic held at eldorado on wednesday last a splendid program of events caused keen competition and resulted aa fol lows olrls 83 yrs nan pagan and batty taylor olrls s13 yrs so yds helen hil ton and isabel raid boys 8g yrs owen pagan and ernie thornton mens standing jump prank bus- halt and m ertle mena running race ed walker and prank bushalt hopstep snd jump prank bus- halt geo kyle single ladles rue miss marlon oooten and miss agnes mcarthur wheelbarrow raoe ladles snd gents mr a hilton and miss a bourne 3 legged race ladles and oents mr moris oooten and mist marlon oooten pree for all ella gallon and helen steward president mr mcdonald secretary h king starters wm reld and t court refreshments wen served snd all relumed home delighted with tha en joyable outing visitor how data tha land lie out thlt wayf native it aint the land that lias ita the real eslste agents will ghr bjrtlm otajjr ifam ttms samoa skoal low fare ticketh bold at aflknttf ofticc8 only georgetown to toronto and return acton to toronto and return eden mills to toronto and return mm 118 1js0 ito guelph to toronto and return trains leave sf 7majut 800 am 000 am 1100 am eden muu 7lajul 830 am 818 aju 1118 am acton 7jt ajm 838 am 834 am 113a am georgetown 780 ajj 000 aji 801 ajut 1180 ajjf then eveby two uouul reluming leave toronto 800 pm 800 pm 700 pm 000 pju and 1100 pm travel the electric way and save the dikerence street car coruteetiona direct to clrounds canadian national electric railways ii mii i n i n hot point electric ranges with hispeed elements 8800 up hot point electric water heater for 30 sal tanks 1800 up c g e radiolas house- wiring edison mazda ltuops toasters irons vacuum cleaners percolators h h darling mttae 109 murdoek st george erwingoldhams meat market choice fresh and cured meats of all kinds at most reasonable prices erwin goldham phone 1 geoielovrti watches watches dont take a chance with your high grade watch when on your vacation this week we are selling stemwinding and aetting nickelplated open face watches swiss made for 08c pocket ben westclox 178 and new haven watch with an unlmeakahle glasj for also we carry a good assortment of the higher grades call and inspect our goods ab willson neat to hotel lvwhon ccttown pure food store brampton creamery butter 41c 10 bars comfort soap 49c crosse 8c blackwells pure marnuuade 25c h a g coffee regular 80c special 67c eagle brand milk per tin i8e shaker salt iodized or plain 08c new clover honey per pail 59c 2 lbs christies molasses snaps 25c certo for making jams and jellies 30c 2 pkga parowax 25c 3 pkgs gem rubbers 25c zinc gem ringa per dozen 15c choice fruit vegetables at right prices special price on soft drinks by the case a e f arnell prompt delivery phone 78

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