Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 21, 1929, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday august 21 at l929 fags 3 enjoy labor wvv ost tkat nw of fit cnmdlppd tiros now labor hay the last threeday weekend 1 fortheaeason enjoy it to tbe uttv jt on firestone gumdipped tire flresttone tire will take you there and bring you back manufacturing feature audi a the patented gumtupping pracet by which every fibre 1 inaulated with rubber to elimin ate internal friction mean complete freedom from tire trouble before the holiday ruh atarta drive around to your nearaat plremone dealer and have him trulp your ear with a skew eec of plreatone you like thwwnda of other will find that they ghw the utmost in nw vtriu mileage aafety and k gy suimir nbc h it nuttotm mwaibubhsr company op candaltd utter uwuwutotxian tit jvav tlfilir j n oneill son phone 14 georgetown david e edwards practical memorial engraver inscriptions cut in granite marble and stone po box 581 phone s2r3 georgetown norringtons saturday treat butternut roll a delicious toft caramel rolled in nut thi u freh made for thi week saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates a very choice auortment of high grade chocolate which come in hard and soft centre absolutely fresh good week end chocolate 35c we always have a wide as- aortmsnt of the famous hunts candy to choose from something for every different last and always fresh arthur norrlngton mais st phone 89 local news tbor day sit 3nd sfilendld hmrvmt vmlhtf toronto kxhlbltlon open friday jubi mud hlh bchoot open for fall urm sept 3rd vote for the ayla on bept mh and you wilt suslsl in providing f- i lotual lipkeep of our cemetery thfl new clover klohey st wiuu aplarte i deliciou bring your own contain and tti vti winter supply qt 10c per pound tf i bt oeorttetl 6umuy bclvool wcnk will be held at kldorsdo twxl blur- ilay augukt 34th trnporutlon will bfl by uut 1jm ptrt radial cart mr w d blwrull kdlth 6t owrrftown lias bem avpolnld agent for tlte county o xtalton for peel varmera mutual mro insurant co head offlm at brampton tlte flrat iruoaltnent of lave was due and payftble on august 7th ath and mli of thin month a urge sum wu received on above date but there u suu conilderabls owing we were lorry u learn that two of our popular young people were detaui- ed at the intmstlans bridge at nia gara when aeeklng admumlon to uncle bum country one day hut week mr t o douott of brawpto has taken out llonim for auctioneer for the countlm of ip and halton his knowledge of live stock and their value should make him a good man for thu position om age asueliwui nineteen will receive the old age pension in halton county on novetn ber 1 this was decided at the meet ing held on imday in milton there were 33 applications before the board for consideration livingstones bakery specials for friday and saturday echle lemon square madeira cake lunch cake aliunde of cookie quality bread 30c a dozen 3oc w n 25c each 15c each 20c a down 9c a loaf d livingstone phone 55 georgetown how about your subscription ctaejisele an cava luati the lsdies aid of norval united church will hold a progressive oro- klnole and com aoest at tha rtostte of mr harold lyons ana mils aait of narva on tha hlghwsy on friday august 33rd admlulon 3sc and me osufellewo will attest cbareli on sunday evening next the mem oirs of orion lodge mo 100 ioojr and verdun rebeksh lodge will at tend divine service at the united church au members snd visiting brothers and sitters are requested to meet at the lodge rooms st mo sharp fomttj body at baw the body of a baby in an advanced stage of decomposition was found by s boy alan tyrrell on the hlah way near the fourth line trafalgar sunday ohlef kerr had tha remains removed to russells uridertaxlng par lors there is not a clue to idenuty fwu old ceta while excavating for poles on tha new hydro line at athgrove last week richard porster found an upper canada cent dated 1193 on tha date side there is a plow and on tha other side a ship it was found in front of where the old hotel was formerly located fire destorysd a house owned by cent ed uorden one mile and a half west of oakvuie at midnight on sat urday tha house was a frame struc ture situated on m farm just north of their own house and faced on the old radial tracks from oakvllle to hamilton captain uorden can give no reason for tha are he had just repaired and decorated the house a few montha ago and had rented it to seme city people for the summer as laurseua jajjaseat a judgment given in ajnotor acci dent case at hamilton u interesting a motorist coming from a side street collided with another ear the judge gave a decision in favor of tha for mer pointing out that when a man stops his ear at a stop stxaet ha has done all that it required by law and it is as much the fluty of the man on the through atreet to avoid an acci dent as his tha judgment shouu help to clear tha air of a mlssppre- henslon that motorists on stop streets must wslt indefinitely to cross a thoroughfare and assume tha entire responsibility when an accident ce cum thieves la cataract dieblet a thler or thieves have recently been at work in tha vicinity of cat aract three diafferent parties suffer ing from their intrusions the booth and gaa tank at ooultervtlle were broken into whan a quantity of con fectionery and gasolma was taken tha assistant aelctrician at tha cale- araet three different parties suffer- the loss of about forty dollars when soma one entered hie room when he went on duty after six ajn hie noes waa closed up and tha cash gene when he returned about seven oclock vvad watts who operates a tractor thrashing outfit wsa also a loser when his tractor wu drained of on three different occasions orstary theatre wednesday august 31 tha plying marine talking an unusus story filmed against a background of dar ing air exploits starring ben lyon at shirley mason comedy clods of love no 10 the final raoonlng friday and saturday august 33 and 34 the lone woire daughter part talking an intersstln story by louis joseph vance stsrrlng bert lytell au talking comedy the lions roar fox hews friday color classic sat urday tuesday and wednesday august i and sb the terror all talklaf mystery melodrama with an all star usklng east no 11 of tha final nseonlng comedy wiggle your ears coming the iron mask with douglas fairbanks tha fool stsalasr fassay filaa a happy reunion waa spent on tuesday afternoon august ath at the home of root mcknery in una erin whan mr and mrs alva kant- ner and than children all but three grand children who are in manitoba ware present mr and mra ksninsr have lived fortyseven yeare of wadd ed life in the community of benin fad and are blessed in having all their chldren usred to them all these years those present were mr and mrs alva kentner baulnafad mr and mra win ksntnsr and two child ren reta and bruce of tloliasvaln manitoba mr and mrs wsltar ksnt nsr acton mr and mrs archie kent ner and daughter manjusrita of georgetown mr and mra henry hilts baulnafad mr and mrs root mecnary and son arnold bslllnsfsd after having a number of pictures taken the afternoon waa spent in games mr and mra wm kentner and children left on friday by motor for their home in flolisetsin mani toba advocate what a lot of motor ears on seas nowadays remarked the tall man yes thank heaven i returned his friend its the ones wa dont as that sends us to the hospital two al a baa dan where are you off to ban ban im goto to see the doctor i donl like the look of my wife jan iv coma wl ye i ooot like the leak of sua either personal items mlaa kuiel helnmlller spent l day at her home in ohesley mr c x russell of oomley was a visitor in town durina the past week mrs john medermld has returned home after visiting friends at nod miss msrloh mckay of wellealey hospital toronto was home oyer the weekend mr and mrs a m msckensle of montreal sre holidaying st wm ber bers main street mr and mrs j ii rtews of toma to spent hi week end with mrs oharles sullierland mr and mrs james ksstwood of ivterboro are visiting with mr and mrs albert a reeve dr f r and mrs watson hsve re turned home after holidaying at their cottage at lort carllns mr and mrs will f smith are spending a couple of weeks holidays wlui friends at south orange nj the misses bslrfl sre spending two weeks holidays with relauves in bronle palmerston and owen sound mr and mrs harry pearoe and two children of toronto spent sun day with mr and mra alfred watson mr and mrs alfred watson re turned home but thursday after spending several weeks st jacksesrt point mr and mrs o c mecrelght snd snd mr snd mrs d a lewis are away on a boat trip to picturesque old quebec mr and mra dean leslie spent pleasant day at bond lake recently also enjoyed a motor trip to niagara during the anarutobt nana convbhmom act oesalttssei sfigaisllsna c the snattac ef mlataisey bsnss ass owes bmsl cisse assesses a summary of the migratory turds convention act is given below this is the law which is based upon the treaty with the unltad stale any juuies concerning this law may be nstlonal pmrks of canada ment of interior ottawa depart- mr and mrs charles irwin london and mr and mrs bau raid of acton were visitors with mr and mrs w b shortlll on saturday mr and mrs john s mooou mr carter miss l o thornton and mrs j l leslie enjoyed a motor trip to port dover during tha week mrs violet oook and children flor- etta and helen of mt dennis are spending the week with mr and mrs john shepherd snd other relatives mr and mrs james a ooiman and son kmest of toronto returned home on friday after spending two weeks vscation with mrs c ooiman dr and mrs mcallister and family returned home on tuesday evening after a pleasant motor trip and visit with friends in western ontario miss hesel harrison has been at tending the bummer school in toronto and has successfully pasaed the exam ination in elementary vocal music prof robert il smith of boston lass who is visiting with his brother mr peter a smith of acton made the herald a pleasant call on monday miss l o thornton of toronto who haa been holtdayln at lake slmeoe haa returned after spending a few days with friends in town and vicinity mrs j u moore miss aueen moore miss margaret mckay and mb etta and rosen olsridge retained home from muskoka last thursday mrs harris and her son t harris of oakvllle and mr and mrs bumau of toronto have returned home after visiting with mr and mra d boner- vule we are sorry to report that mayor dalea condition haa not improved during the past week mrs dale who haa been visiting him dally went to auelph last night and la remaining with him today miss betty pearoe and master billy pearoe of toronto are holidaying with their grandparenta in town while their parents are enjoying motor trip through eastern ontario in the junior matriculation exam inations o m lawrence writing on twelve papers obtained eight first class honours three aeeond class and one third class mack is a pupil at upper canada college and a son of mr and mrs o o lawrence formerly of oaorgetown o softball news last thursday night oeorcstown ladles softball team defeated rockwood at rockwood by ita tha return gam waa played at tha high school grounds georget oa monday night whan our girls were again victorious defeating the visitors by a score of 3js oaorgetown ladles have a splendid record this season aa they have only lost one gams out of twelve at tha high school grounds on mon day night the acton ladles won from oaorgetown by a score of 1b it wu a good game and the local players have nothing to be ashamed of although da ft bomantic bettino rich in history and tradition la the oouhtry round about plctou lodge the canadian national railways now scotia summer hotel early in tha eighteenth century una quaint dis trict wu settled by ploneere from tha highlands of scotland so it is already steeped in the charm of antiquity lovely aessrapes on on aide and the fragrant plnawoods on tha other make tha eoenlo getting unforgettable plenty of recreation too a sport ing golf course nearby tennis surf- bathing sailing and excellent fishing not too fsr away ask your nearest canadian nation al agent for booklet on plctou lodge and for any information you may de sire fall faik d more than 300 fall fairs will be bald in ontario within tha next two months hare are a few in which herald readers will be interested september a t i aberfoyle october bolton october 10 brampton ssptamber 14 38 burlington september to st 31 oooluwula october i es 3 erin october 11 fergus naptamhsr y gait september t 3 oeorgetown september 30 ii grand valley beptemher 10 es 31 london western fair sept 1 to u ion ssptamber nu ombsrg september it 10 sueetsvlue october toronto mmsu aug u to sept 1 woodbridge october 11 ii mlsssa louis and haasl maaon of acton war members of tha kllchener lee band which fulfilled engage ments in toronto at varsity medium athletic meet and at sunnyslde bsscb on saturday afternoon and evening tom lrauboel onoa fsws lunnar cam into lie limelight again on sun day svenlng whan his oar crashed with one from the u 8 near bare both ears ware damaged but the driven escaped injury tom wu trying out a new ausooakvui raoord ossms eeaeswmie ontario north and west of the french and uallawa rivers and in cluding all georgian hay water ducks 0m brant and ralls wu- sons or jsksnlp 9ti4rmsber 1 to dt6smber isth both dates lnelusiww woodstock bepltnnbsr ik to wovdmbar m both datm lttcluslv ontario south of tha tneh and maluwa rivers but not including any portion of the cujorbtan ray wstcm ducks oerm brant and ralls wilsons or jacksnipe sptmbei ib to daotwbef is woodoock bpiri- bsr ib to november m thcvre is a clossd season throuttt- out the year in ontario on kkler duck the utter may be taken dur ing the open aeason in uut portion of ontario north of the quebeo coo- irn winnipeg line of the canadian nstlonal railways swans crtnea curlew wlueta oodwlu upland pim- blackbellled and oolden mover creator and leter yllowlrjs avo- eett dowltchera knots oystertatch era mialaropea blllts fiurfblrtls turmton and all the thonbtrcu not provided with an open season in above schedule there is a closed season throughout the oyar o nthe following nontame birds auks auklets rluerns fulmar oanetsv arenas oulllewots dulls herons jaegers loons uurres petrels pufiins shearwaters and terns and there u a dosed season throughout the year on the following lnsae ous birds bobolinks catbirds ohkk- adeea oucltoos flicker rlytcher aroabeaks hummlngbtrds kinglets kuurtlns ueesmlarlta mtghthawk or bullbeta nuthatchea orlolaa rob ins slirtkaa swallows swifts tana- gere tltmlwthrushe vlreos warb lers waxwlngt whlppoorwlu wood pecker and wernt and all other perching birds which feed entirely or chiefly on insects j to person shall kill hunt capture tire take or molest migratory game birds during the close season bale of these birds u forbidden the killing capturing taking in juring or molesting of migratory in sectivorous and migratory nongame birds u prohibited theposssion of legally taken migratory game bird is allowed until starch si fallowing the open season in ontario it is an offence to kin or attempt to kill any migratory game bird between sunset and sunrise xbllltfl or boms oaumcm cmmt in ruton county two ilonitt oarden contests w conducted in halton county during the past season the results follow nelson and trafalgar 1 gordon sinclair rr 1 fraatnan 3 william booth rr 3 oak 111 j uarton tuck rrj freeman 4 cordon pat terson rr s campbeltvule aquralna arjd nassagaweya percy burrows kden mlllef 9 jack robert son kelso s grant mcmillan rft a rockwood i howard bwltaer rr 1 acton new advertisements sb tatall smsmllssisals sbtsw uls siwhlng siheuy oabk ub arw ssws n bis t la apartment at baptist parsonage ap ply at herald office if two small hen houses 10x13 ft phone 314 georgetown tf ducks 39 but not more than 3o0 in a s deese is brant ib rails wilsons snipe 39 woodcock a but not more than 139 woodcock in tssssss fsr gale varna house with stone kitchen t rooms in aimwilusms good hem hard and soft water good slasd gar den apply to percy graham olen- wullams st the use of automatic auto loading swivel or machine guns or battery or any gun larger than number 10 gauge la prohibited and tha use of any aeroplane powerboat sailboat or night light and shooting from any horaedravm or motor vehicle is for- pse bmt brick residence on church street- all conveniences screened in porch sleeping porch good garden and fruit possession oct 1st apply to mrs h w kennedy penalty every person who violates any pro vision ef this act or any regulation shall for each offence be liable upon summary conviction to a fine of not more than three hundred dollars and not lass thsn ten dollars or to im prisonment for a term not arffaadlng six months or to both fine and im prisonment go placu and bkb totmos tttjb sumhstb oeogum bay with its 30060 islands makes an ideal inexpensive wt end outing the cost is surprisingly low- in fact it is doubtful if any other trip offere so much at so little expense snd with such economy of time a really happy interlude to the sum- mera endless work train leaves tor onto every saturday morning at 1019 standard time for midland con necting with commodious steamer for parry sound returning arrlvea tor onto every sunday night at 1100 pjf if you can stay longer than just a weekend so much the better hu morous hotels and boarding houses will all help to make your visit a thorough ly enjoyable one secure a copy of tha new illustrated booklet 30000 islands of ths paoraian bay from your nearest canadian national agent battery an meter por sale brand new hart 7 plate 0 volt car storage battery also 1g hp invincible electric motor in good shape both at a sacrifice apply oeorge town po box 1137 3t per sale two storey frame house with bam deep lot eltuated on one of the finest residential streets in town this is a bargain for quick sale terms easy apply to mrs irma bell pomeroy 71 pelrlawn ave toronto hudson omlw l pamejyollee t ab urisaa kavtag regi srag claims ar etslsas sf whleh a aetlee ha basa register existing filer te jan 1st un agmksat lassie la aay stsgistty ks outer whereas tjie investigation of titles act 13- enacts inter alia i d prom and after tha coming into fores of this subssetlon no par son in dealing with land snail be re quired to show that he is lawfully entit led to such land aa owner lluaauf through a good and sifnclent chain of tula save and except during the period of forty yeare immediately premdma tha data of such doaling as aforesaid snd no claim which haa been in exist ence longer thsn the said forty year period shall affsct such land unless such claim shall have been aalcnow- ledged or specifically referred to or i contained in an instrument registered against such land within tha said forty year period or unices a notice is regis tered against such land aa provided in subsect inns 3 a and 5 thereof 1 3 subsection i shall come into force on the 1st day of june 1030 3 3 upon the coming into fores of this act and within one year there after any person having a claim against sny land which claim has been in existence for forty yeare or more prior to tha coming into force of this act but in respect to whleh claim no notice of ha oilstones has bssn given acknowledged or apeet neaily referred to or contained in an instrument registered against such land within forty years prior to tha oomlng into fores of this act or any person on his behalf may register in tha proper registry afoot a notice in which shall be set forth tha claim- snfs full name and address and a description of the land and a detailed statsment of such claim verified by the albdavit of tha osteon registering such notles 3 ths registration of a notles as provided in subsections 3 and shall not in any way validate a claim which baa otherwise expired tircurporx taki honor that any person having a claim against any land aa above est forth must register notles thereof in tha proper registry ofnee before june 1st mm if this is not done except under certain con ditions thsn any land which la aub- r to such claim so registered prior jim 1st 1m0 or any claim exist ing prior to june 1st laat of whleh no notles has bssn registered shall be absolutely freed and released there from dated at toronto this mth day of august ajj in it attorncvadrlluis dipt parlusisril buildings toronto ont ptsitlea wsate by experienced stenoarspher book keeper apply at the herald office 3tp pigs fse- kale young pigs yorkshire 13 weeks old sis 00 per pair apply at hot tel nerval at per sale at a stargalsr a batteryless radio est 1 tube at- wsterkent original price sms prac tically new apply to p w brooke oeorgetown ltf3t per bent mine room house in olenwuilams garden and one lot ken house ap ply to mrs joseph hoare phone girt locorgetown 3t we are prepared to do trucking of all kinds at reasonable rates new chevrolet truck apply to oeorge herrlngton phone lea tf tenders wawlsj tenders for stucco for the parish hall norval will he received up to monday august mth by wslter m brain norval phone 7ru 3t per bale apple barrels elder and wine bags cisterns stc any quantity j landre- vule si sons ltd 1319 teeumsoh st toronto phone adelslde 093 lit to steal two choice stores steam heated and with all modern conveniences in new gregory theatre apply to r u aragory oa tf oeaerete week i am prepared to do concrete work of all kinds tstrwstss given tree of charge if you require anything to this line phone 331 b walker oaorgetown3tptf usejoo te rent on yonge street within three mlnulee walk of post offloe wstar electric light dry oement collar and bam immediate possession apply to mrs r i creelman phone lfl oeorge town tf lice and mttsts ark bad now why not try a bottle of bucueet 40 on the roostat its easy to put on and oartalnly does tha work i can give you a real price en this and any other poutlry suppuea j a oralg phone 310 oeorgetown ont wsa is gals very choice hardwood beech and maple gum par single cord choice hardwood slabs 1179 par single eord mixed relle tloo par single eord mlxsd wood iu0 per single cord this is all good sound dry wood and at these pries is good buying satisfac tion guaranlaad j brandtord box 4m phone uj oeorgetown private bale mrs k w kennedy will sell at her residence church st during the next three weeks tha following household furnishings parlor suits 3 pieces chairs oak hall reek oak sideboard beds dressers washstands twoburn er coal oil stove piorenee automatic hand power washing machine kitchen table kitchen cabinet 30 ft extension lsdder garden hose and reel couch hammock one carpet isdys bicycle wash bench tools kitchen range va cuum cleaner hand power stone crocks odd dishes sto auctioneer t o oolson licensed auctioneer for the counties of pesl and halton satisfaction guaranteed phone cheltenham itrjl po brampton tf sale bigger sand better bargains childrens shoes children tun sandals pnrico sole size a 5 to 7 78c slzoa 8 to ioj 90c sizes 1 1 to 2 10s child tan slippers rubber stole size 5 to 7 110 size 8 to 10 129 childs patent leather slipper size 2 to 5 100 size 3 and 4 only 90e mieeee patent leather slipper sixes 1 1 to 2 1ju ladies slippers ladies i strap kid slipper blonde and biege 29s they were from 375 to 495 growing girls i strap blonde slipper 298 hurlburts cushion sole slipper and oxford child patent leather slipper size 5 vi and 6 for 178 misses patent leather oxfords size ii 12 wi and i only 275 fleet foot rubber soles child sizes 4 to 6 plain brfe child aizea 4 to 6 fancy 78c ladie blue satin rubber sole 3 to 6 1 js0 ladies fancy canvas 139 ladies tan 3 to 6 100 ladies white 3 to 6 100 mcbean georgetown insurance tlll wm sptcializm in tha following life sickness accident and automobile lmt u writ your policy seiissij geo c brown phont 90r21 gaorgttown norvalpo have your eyes examined by o t walker dosc eyeig hi specuest bnmpton who will be at watson drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month if you need eye service you need the best consult dr walker college view garage welding and expert brake service battery repairing saalf all maltas off oars oas oils cjvassse bte asust aa oar battavise w an up todate auto tepair ahop prompt ervice workmanship guaranteed a brunton college view phone 336 georfetown auction op boubbbold ptjbnitvbe ef the batata of ths late annie b owbns rlu be held at her lata resldsnoe queen street oeorgetown on sslarsuy aagsat fuk mm st 3 pm sharp oak dinning room table oak chairs leather upholstered solid wal nut sideboard new couch brussels rug 10 ft ins x ft ins oak desk 3 pair portiere curtains oak hall seat oak hall rack with mirror ax- mlnatsr rug brass bad springs and mattress oak dresser and wahiland 3 bedroom chain bedroom rug 13x10 iron bed eprlngs and mattress oak dresser washstand and small table i cherry bad springs and mattress i dresser and washstand curtains sew ing machine leather couch linoleum ius books dronleaf tab 3 rocking chairs happy thought range 3 bum- 1 er piorenee automatic coal oil stove with double and single oven con- 1 golsum rug 1x13 3 arm chairs and severe odd chairs clock mirrors kitchen utensils fruit jars quantity of dishes flower pots numerous otbsr articles tbui8 cash t prank pttoii w a wilboml ouch we are selling pasteurized creamery butter ssm every satarjay relsm georgetown creamery m saxe manager agsate fsr mdette creaas separators call an lea thesa georgetown elevator market for all grains bran shorts salt flour midds chop hay straw oilcake chick feed and laying mash alex l noble phone 148 advertise it pays

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