Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 21, 1929, p. 4

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page 4 the georaetown herald wednesday august 2 1st 1929 t aalsa red roao tea cornea direct to ua from the finest tea gardens then straight to your grocer brimful of flavor and freshness every package guaianteedto redrose red rose orange pekoe u extra good jfc here stonucuov sbe ydo light flavor easily digested shredded heat with all the bran of the whole wheat m of whole wheat p s tjstva whole mukend wnsaa not north nom where the lane trail wind through the whispering puiee and the birds in summer bo where the brook trout imp in tbi riffles deep and uw cool sweet breeses blow when the indian canoe shoots tha rapids through in chase of the dear and bear where tha partridge ttrums a hla shy male comas the north begins right there where uie creak and the rill thelr waters spill am they rush to the silvery lake where the honking geeae with their young in peace seek the rice in the nulling brake where the bull tnooae call in the early wall ring out rrthe frouy air where the wigwams seen neath the hemlock green the north beglnsrlght there where tha bummer mmu melt the snows that run through thla earthly paradise where a mans a man if ho can aland oalnxt the winters snow and ice where the marts of trade from the mind will fade a you breathe the freah put air and you teruely thrill to tha mast ers wui the north begins right there i doe whlteshleld when faae tsjdiad flavor jgttd etverty tor binder twine superior manilla made by inter national harvester co for sale by w b browne co mm natir iults nerval stewarttown general store choice fresh groceries mens work boots smocks and overalls gasoline and oils t ice cream and soft drinks obanrjeo banana lemons ami mesh fbwt in ssasoh i m bennett phone 82r21 georgetown stewarttown uicbuoy tennis shoes a full selection of tennis and sport shoes in stock at very low prices d brill 0 phone 167 georgetown bkmbttkm vuttor- mailrlhiig mae him orange marmalade 4 23 p ag white naptha so i05 oaiaktb tttuoggf dominion post toaiilb corniglakes 3 pn 25 me w eaueoae 1aaklllnh csnatca atestycsaay ik 25 cawawerlmaaemtockcsae rkfl4s tecu itia 53 wlaent v mr heaey s4kiui75 trmemlncu ihaabahl23e eaaaaahbt aaw raaea 8als wafers 2 rags 23s kruiksyceeue bsckeye hassana tgasstslwniasi jar24e if4kiu27 bomimmw jwmbm umltltp tttavcl luxuftv rumuoib on t1ie nntcknatfonal umltkiv prom tha obrvtlon with 1u viu- ouu fmelowd kuturoom throuth tha tplandld olubloutigtt with it soda fountain and radio through the c4impartrrietdrtwlrig rootb-suad- ard blmplntf can dining can and day coach the art of tha lntarior dmorator has bawt addad to tha ear bulldara kklu in tha nw equipment now bln operatad on tha intxr- kational lnirncd betwaan uon- traal and chicago kulbmmt and aewtm that pravldm tha ubtuut in ra- flnement and kratlflcatlou in all daparttaatiti eontinuoutly throughout tha jountay wnathar outlnaai or plaatura make it nacaatary for you to travel to mon treal or to chicago why not try thla latatt in trawl luxury tha inteh- national uumty laavaa toroti- to for montreal amy morning at 9m am auandard tlma and or chicago every evening at m pjlf atandard tlma vull information and raarvatlona from any camdlin katlonalrultwaya aftent wm on wednaiday evening july tlat tha home of ur and alra lenft wu the aoene of a lueaaant gathartnk when a rweptlon wu held in honour of ur and lira jama aillenlg a mleeualuotu ihowar wai urtn and the beauty and number of the pre- aenta anoke wall for uk eateem in which the younc oouple are hald to the community rev o jolllfle act- ins as ehalrman called on dr abbott mr j h atbun and ur wo oraham who va ahort addreaiea and k- tendada halrty welooma to ifra oh laasle ur oluegl replied to a moat eultabl manner after abort mutl eal drogram dainty lunch wag sari ved tne parly broke up with the amiing of tror hes a jolly good fellow and see bun smiling erin advoott municipal corporalioo of the town et georgetown bylaw no 80a wimilafl it n prowled by rerlaad sututaa of ontario ibm chapter su section 1 ag follow 11 a park or a ayttem of parka avenues boulevards and drives or any of them may be established to any municipality and tha same as wall as existing parks and avenues may be controlled and managed in the man ner hereinafter provided 1 subject to the provisions of subsection till petition is prwntsl to the council of any county or city algnad by not less than five hundred electors or to tha council of any town or township signed by not leas than two hundred electors or to the council of any village signed by not hat than aeveniyflve electors preying for tha adoption of this act the council may pass a bylaw giving affect to tha pet itlan with the assent of tha electors qualified to votg at municipal elect sven before ha final passing of the lew as provided by tna municipal s if the majority of tha votes is in favour of tha bylaw it than be finally passed by tha council at its next regular meeting bald after tha taking of tha vote or as soon there after as may be and wheriab a petition signed by not last than two hundred electors praying for tha adoption of tha said act has been suomltted to tha munici pal oouncll of tha town of george town and whereas the council of the said town of oeorcetown deem it ex pedient to pass a bylaw givlns effect to the said petition with tha assent of the electors qualified to vote at muni cipal elections to be obtained before the final passim of the bylaw as pro vided by the municipal act how tinrctopjr it is enact ed by the municipal oouncll of tha town of oeorcetown as follows- 1 the public parks act revised statutes of ontario 1ut chapter ms is hereby adopted and a board to be called the board of park uensge- ment is hereby erlshllinm aueb board to be appointed as provided by the said act and to have afi thapowars and authority vested in it by tha aald act and subject to all tha provisions of the aald act read tha first second and third time and finally passed this day of ims ram mayor notice take notice that tha forgoing la a true copy of a proposed bylaw which lias bsen taken into consideration and which will be finally passsd by tha oouncll of tha municipal corporation of tha town of george la tha event of the assent of the electors ba ins obtained thereto at tha first reg ular maetlnf of council after tha vote tha dates of tha publication of tha proposed bylaw are the ltth list and sin day of august ims and that tha votes of tha electors of tha aald the uelpallty will be taken thereon at respective places men la by law no i1a namely town halt pub lic library and oeorgetown ploral oo on monday the ath day of ssntambar la between tha hours of t oclook to tha forenoon and ft ocolck in tha after noon dated at tha town of oeorgstown in the county of ilalton thla lain day of august 1h p l heath osafk dates op btaltomo awbai school pauus sinowrng la the list of rural school fairs to be held in helton county palermo monday bent ath brorjkvule tuesday sept 10th bannoeabum wednesday sept ilth hornby thursday sept lth mount nemo friday sept uth trafalgar thursday sept uth burlington friday sept soui chop saroarr had lost hope entirely probably tha most outstanding point about phoatolron tha old and gen uine medicine la that it reaches the limits of its power when pitted against obstinate eom that hava baf fled all mild treatments tha reoords of phosfoxron or with testimonials from man and wora- the bank of montreal issued the following report under date of aug loth oeneral crops in the prairie pro vinces have matured rapidly and wheat culling is now general with a fair yield form summerfallow and breaking but other crops poor con ditions generally are ideal for harvest ing in quebec province conditions continue favourable with prospects of a good average crop in ontario har- veetlngv operations are proceeding sat isfactorily with favourable weather conditions in tha maritime pro vinces a hay crop estimated at 39 below average has been harvested in excellent condition in british col umbia hot dry weather prevsils and rain is badly needed province of ontario pall wheat la threshing so and u bushels to the sere the yield of barley and oats now being cut will be below average and the straw is short an exeeptlon- slly heavy crop of beans and a light irop of peas is foreshadowed corn tuts made rapid progress lately and o fair crop is anticipated roots are making progress but require mois ture and damage from the cutworm has been extensive in certain districts winter apples are a splendid crop but peaches will be light owing to leaf curl small fruits are below aver age pastures are in need of rain and the success of the tobacco crops is threatened by insufficient moisture en of seventy young people and etul- 1 a have i from grave illnesses by the help of thla tonic thla remarkable success may be aa- cribed to the tact that the tngredisnts tt immediately upon the ailing nerve fibres internal organs and blood stimulating thsm to normal ac tion by their cleansing and concen trated food qualities phosfoiron also drives out impurities from the whole system mr thomas jlaraul the great scotch dramatic tenor principal actor in rlgolettl aids ii trovatora and bohemian olrl with the oar rosa opera company has written l was so temperamental that i was ashamed of rnyself my nerves seemed like eotls of hot wire and after perform ances my face would be branded with the telltale marks of nervousness following a threebottle treatment of phosfoiron however x swiftly tagaln- cd my oomposur increased my weight and lost all traces of nervous tension hoping that soma one else may bene fit by my experience x am yours very gratefully 8gd thomas uamlll so it goestha seme splendid story of success wherever phosfoiron la at a meeting of burlington public school board on sou tilt the board decided to introduce the teaching of music in their wo schools tha cen tral school of ten class rooms to which an addition is being built and the east end school of four rooms mrs p o russell of toronto was appoint ed to tha position bed hot bebmom tha newly anointed pastor of negro church faced a packed audi ence when ha arose to deliver a ser mon on tha burning question is there a hell bredren ha aald de lord made de world like a ban amen i agreed the congregation and de lord made two axles for the world to so round on one axle at tha north pole and one axle at the south pole and de lord put a lot of oil and grease in de centra of da world so as to keep the axles well greased and oiled amenl said tha jwg g and then a lot of sinners dug wells in pennsylvania kentucky louisiana oklahoma texas and mexico and russia and sisal de lords oil an4 and some day day will have all de lrjrda oil and grease and dam axles is gonna git hot and den dat will be hell bredren dat wu be hen trafalgars oawj oreaa msny trafalgar farmers have had several fields of clover thle year and threshing this crop has been keeping the farmers very busy for two weeks aleuts hss been a wonderful crop and while the yield of aead hss been ra ther light yet numerous fsrmers will have handsome retuma there la a great showing for a bumper red clover seed crop thla seed is gotten from the second crop and the heavy rains have brought on some beautiful fields of this cloveroakvlle star bold direct at tl a bottle by dr marbochs laboratories 2tu bsttevus ave niagara palls ont j3t4 wood ralls mm stogie cord delivered mixed wood aum hardwood me suv bis cord j h smith phone airll oeorgetow tf if you are looking for an investment for your money tjob mjo-oomttn- ent bond corp offers second standard royalties one of the safest securities to be had safe aa a bank and pays good divi dends every month information gladly given for the asking without obligation to you h w dawson fo bex si baumrton ont district reprseentatlvas i hava openings for a few local agents insurance life fire wind storm accident and sickness bonds and moktoaaes bought and bold sseelel bales aa aaiissaaoa laiaisan to tha rarmers f kersey these later sh georgetown ontario j dominion royal cord han btjmlbmtjortlweaa haw la rlstlsn ss4 rne earn thick treed lata baaett tloctaaa in raster nonslrh raossfa atacta rarrass la bark wans wab tort b baa mrsssili where lfd inlsilag was ctrjaaa oaauutd it maewails an gxtoagtr tretttwmed ts resist net gad carb wear far safety sad lone aaosajm lor tha jsb wag law ear has to eo the saw rayal card la tht tea tin tar fen dominion tire depot georgetown tbos j speight when we are married why what will you do modern woman has ever tight to ask this question of the i who wishes to marry her wbcbamanrjurtleaheiveaup womsa iweelhly fivce up a comfortable the wlfjiotbt pay 1dcwef frfrv ridrlfie and nthers uptiiehutwdaaemaybe left with the can and flnsnftal worry o young family its wall to trw pres toe bride but many tldtggoxnrrilgtubttswahjs brides life inatananre poury for s few thousand douars sochaamthc ttuamcawureohla m tend tnnmtlilii until rtr alii and brrrnnrl write tor r entitled protecrjoo ag a low hate of svsjbjtffn it it quite inattrwrinaj confederation life mictions only we celebrated our 0th anni versary this year conclusive proof of our effective satisfac tory service each year finds jur business increaaed in volume ruceessfully handled send in your list and j delighted with results kelly aiken otetttllt omlpli nwiwlgtaal j sanford stewarttown plomblngtinsmilhing btiause cgrmrtslty uvea phone 84 r 12 geofgvtown rr no 2 woman why suffer periodic pain 1930 ojuihejm greatest success in all maughlinbijick history hilehb wui relieve psrlodla pelo bsadacbss h w asussa slsstlssinsss irritability and msny other allmeatsfrom which fewwonumareaatlralyfree awoa- derfoi reeonatrrictlve nerve tontc wrlienl can be obtalaed la altbar liquid or tablet form at 1100 par bottle or box ihwahgshllwan toaohto t oatr csjiaba sold at w r watsons drug store kjever la mflattojillnbtilclts ions a atuxeaatul history has any new tttorlel been bccortled such sxpontaneoua and athutubmeb acdslm as tlaudlrv tkikk for 193a frotn every ptyvlace totn east and west are already corriltrg reports of the moat arnsrlng volume of taiet ever recorded for any mrlaiighlln bulck wtthln its first two weelcs hun dreds c buyers did not even wait for luirvwittratlorif but placed their rxrders itftronrllrionsliy upon their first inspeo tlon of thhj greatest mflstrawhllnbtrkk of them b1l it was inevitable that this new 1930 mflantdilltvbtikt three great new trles larger more powerful more beautlful more itixuraous than eve should win an instant and eweptaonal success see tt for yourself at our show wiae sniss ask a wests ofajal ll aaodoct or nsttssm uoress or camada i 1 ne bkevslllmg gtaalres standard anhracite scranton coal in aji slaam automaticallv boraaned and loaded coal wood 8aleol lnrap for domaatie and tbraablng porpoeea smithing and oannal coal in fact icarry everythinc to be found in any onto date goal and wood tard john mcdonald phonbu gsorgytvvaa js 5 v king goigtlown ontario its better because its canadian gyplioclviake- old homes young by nslllng the smooth rigid fireproof gyproe gheetj right over the faded walls sad ceilings ur then decorating you can make the oldest boost look new and htndfow for sale by the georgetown lumber company limited georgetown ont j b mckenzle georgetown ont super- savings service vrlil llalvn olives lsuastuanlsbl fg1 ftlim jellies geitlsl bssjtmwtisw radji jam sbbcmii catvea rsaw gmciaxi tiaailn lawsiiy lias srbclaxi rasrl walls hilma leaf y q imaaatsaw wwshe g tas uar hsaui teed grape nuf xaty laaal aftal tjitlil tltifctr peaches ptutry fuur suimj fimm ftjm lshtsl fi udi ou ciimm tlpi sptulvtwf bwsltt csnlml corned beet w ho nw csryusa bltd taa t vgawa pt mr c f c c f ik l siskiiia4tsii jiism smut oraasil nectars taa mtm malim ttum 2 ts27 main ulaxam kxxvtasgan uresis sr salaa salsa casaw jsts ss isssaaj sjtsl slat aw carroll s whrrt quality b u rb m rvitw urt um street georgetown

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