the georgetown herald wednesday september 4th 1929 births mantat and death are now charged for at uie following ratea birth goe marrlattm 50c dtttttu fioo memorial cords 50c loo pw hrar extra orixwlry b y p- u- fah rally marklatikm uuckcatdwku on ttatunuy autf iut 10 in uw ulllufl church umrlmhua by hrv mr caldwell rather of in wlu cliwilul mar brth cawwcll eklrm tlauuhttrr of hmv ii ami urn coulwrll to clar- piim jam buck nut ttr mm x ut i tilt k mul hut uttfl j m iluk of cuhmtrflnwti otit bftcatiltt toilflow at gtwetivwil tlhimtay augilkt stttlt i wo clnuriir italtmtm ahim 47 yrair ftcott at fiiwwtftwn thurwlay aufiiut 20lh 1030 mar but droit bo- laved wife or tlwrwu brott in lwr 7w h year in memoriam cookin lovtna memory nf my utile dftuettley wllhrlmul huda cook who ouvl auillut kth 1010 when i reach the tveaveitly ttftrdwi and w lir in full bloom tim lower i lovd so dearly ami thought god plucked too noon oh then i alutll know the reaioo thoutih i know it not today why in her fragrant beauty aod took my flower away badly mlued by her lonely uother ctualit yjbom tie ixv haey res ub to the lot aeeaw ev res little detail of the impressive lif fileaisar assess aveey feasor el die fheyinlet st fa a sjstafifw feature rlrewiirtf and bulk fear issfd liimniw tat loig i f tt a mai umwaltt aro rja mw mm chevrolet point by pnfctt sea how mss if bulk youll marvel that audi a ear cm tbnh such amaamcly low price alt ales a gmac dtfumi repasses hmm outs chevrolet csseih j tv o wei son phons 14 georgetown y3z ivimhu 1t cahrmmnh college view garage welding and expert brake service battery repairing susaint sdiagakaaarcare ououanumu vtauli mhl oar f8atteiae bfeeliavge an uptodate auto repair ihop prompt service workmanship guaranteed a brunton collage view phone 336 georgetown have your eyes examined o t wauce dosc eyeaight specialist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month if you need eye service you need the beat consult dr walker aadhuhston lbdhed nails lotttvool noorimc now can buy ribroll was first put on tha market ucaoatevorablaeammwtauovr tha eountry othara hava attazaptad to copy bat no aubiututa la as good aa tba jaaldaa alt tba baat caaturm of rib ay pataatad if yon raally want a ugbtnlnff woof flimvoof waauiaroroof root gat rlbroll it eottm us blc handy abaata aaay to by baa aavaa riba to takanalla no otbar roofing givaa airmrmjbj attdbweurltyi fiuvwatbar tight improve tba suttriiay hp ammaxanea and adia dollara to tba valua of eui u rttltf tba ppty 1jk proper babn ventilation with preaton venrlurora yuiuhi bum k rw pbeston bakn doott habdwabb get our tig fheb book tbeml preaton steel truaa banu ikodaefi pbbston ontabio cemetery bylaw una to taka over tha eare of tha om- elary will be voted on next uanday sept oui every property owner or tenant in town haa a vota it la aln- oerely hoped that everyone will take the time and trouble o poll hie vote in favour of the bylaw the eltlaena generally want to aee our town have a beautiful and well kept eemetery thla la the way to ret it vote for the by- law on monday next the ll bally of the baptlat young prapto of the raatem dlulon df the aurlph aielllon waa held at oeoraetown on the afternoon and wenui of labor day the bodetlm in attendance were aeton brampton belfounulne cheltenham and 1iiiu- bun vltluna oocletlea were humtar bumtnlt ond ww orove the clip awarded for emellenee in mhiru and attendance and held dur um the year by the illlubur aoclely waa won thla year by the oeoraetown union the vultlna socletlee compet ed between themeelvea and were tie their eup waa not awarded but la held by mr kmett boot their btudent wa- tho apoha at the park were full of rnthiuuum and reaulted aa followa mena 100 yard daih jack duncan cleometown albert boutr mr hudaon cheltenham itmmlna brood jiimujai duncan of oeoraetown jack hall hlluburg art klmujiotl brampton itelay race mr martin aeton mr pomona ohetenham jack duncan ladlea yardamlat mcdonald of beiroimlalne mm peck oeoraetown mua tinea huuburr mena mllej duncan oeorae town mr root hllubura albert bol- mer brampton baaeball tournament aeton hllla- burr brampton a bountiful and delloloua aupper waa nerved in tha achool room of the ban- tut church at aeven oclock at i oclock tha avenlnra proaram opened with a aplrited aoni aervloe led by mr knapp of acton mr krnaat bool undent paatar at woodbrldra conducted the devotional aervice uu bllverthorne of cheltenham aanr very weeuy an appealing aolo rev w b wataon of cheltenham in a timely addreu witty and wlae p tha eup to the oeoraetown society the chairman mr lewu laird pre- aented rev norman mclaod of brampton aa the apeaker of the even ing who rave a very thoughtful and impreulve addreu on the aunrane value of beeomlnr rtahara of men the rally thla year waa of aurpaaa- ing inlereat and attendance a good wlntera work la earaeauy anticipated by all the socletlee i esquesinc council btewarttown auaunt 3gth im a rpeolal meeting of the bfcquedng council waa held thla evening to deal with a petition for drainage work on lota 11 and 13 and roadway no 3 7th line councillora cuirle appelbn and deputy reeve cleave were preeent wlth reove ledl in the clmlr moved by currle seconded by ap- iwlbe owing to lltlon uvt drainage work having been lueiwnted by j al exander for drainage on lota ii and 13 and roadway no 3 1th line thla coun cil would ek b p bowman ontario land surveyor to make on examine tlort of ute area tn be drained according to tile prayer of the petition and to prepare a reort plana ami apeclllca- tlona and estimate of ute drainage work and to make un aueiftnumt of the londa and roadu within aaul area to be benefitted atul roplea of thin reaolutlon and iietltlon be hent tn mr bowman carried moved by olenve reoniled by currle thai tllla oounrll tin now adjourn carried batch of iialtonrl utlttai hflloof paibh following la the lut of rural achool falra to be iteld in ilalton county palermo brookvllle bannoekbum hornby mount nemo rrafalgar uurllngton uunday sept bui tueaday sept 10th wedneaday sept nth thuraday sept 13th rrlday sept 13th thuraday sept 10th friday sept 30th fatal auto accident fuank kino instantly mixkd and william tuck was rebiouhlv in1uked a fatal auto aoddent oocurred oa the seventh line juat weat of town on saturday evening about t oclock when a cor driven by frederick king left tha road and craihed into a tree at tba foot of the embankment juat oppoalla mra fred ruddeua home frank king waa inauntly killed and william tuck who waa eerloualy in jured waa ruthad to oualph roepluu wliere la la reported improving today the two other occupante of the car paul hoateller and fred king who waa driving eacaped with a few mlnof brutiee ohler manhall of oeorretown and prov conatable cookman were at the acene ahortly after the accident and the body of frank king waa removed to meclurea undertaking parlour where an inqueat waa called on mon day evening by coroner mcoou and crown attorney dick of mutoa the following jury waa awora in w a wuaon foreman oubert sinclair cowan undiay lawrence burt john deveraunr norman devereaux walter lawaon harry lawaon after the juror had viewed tha body the inqueat waa adjourned uu tueaday sept loth at 8 pm at the town rail aeorretown at the town council council met on september 3rd fl pnt with reeve melntyre in chair and councillora seisey cleave davla and parr preeent communlcatlona were received from safety silent policeman co canadian poundrymen mountain sanatorium hamilton dominion bureau of stat istics and the ontario hospital orlllla arthur speight addressed council asking that some work be done on ann street moved by cleave aeconded by bea- scy that the following accounts be passed jamea harding streeta 911 8ft e little new eemetery 3 m w o cunningham streeta nark as root harding new cemetery 4 80 henry marchment ww ata 18 00 jas harding atreeta 0 75 h marchment ww its la 00 jas harding streets 3 80 henry marchment ww ata ax 18 00 jamea mcnally good roads 70 05 henry marchment ww ata gjr ib 00 robert harding good roads 1 80 georgetown hydro electric fire nail 75 ptre alarm i 35 waterworks 1 30 town hall 3 81 power 113 48 fire hall 75 waterworks 1 13 fire alarm 1 35 town hall 3 44 power 138 78 bell tel co chiefs rea 3 05 bell tel co town hall 3 00 beu tel co municipal office 8 30 john mcdonald coke mra a a 3 00 p sinclair town truck 1 w r watson stationery 30 w o marshall freight streets 10 30 o w davis expreee and charity 7 00 georgetown herald printing 107 04 bert taylor gar its 38 40 parr cleave that we do now ad journ to meet at the neat regular meet ing or at the call of the reeve carried acton mr and mra a a dills and david spent the weekend visiting in toronto mra earl h vincent and buue spent last week with friends in belleville oshawa and aurora a truck with an overload of cattle waa halted in acton on saturday night by chief mcpheraon and required to return for part of ita load later while working on the hydro una on main street last week superintendent wilson had narrow escape when ha came in contact with the big power line carrying 4000 volts ills right hand and his hip ware burned mr d ii lindsay has been making tome good wins and record thla year with his trotting hone baron oration his latest win waa at belleville in the 131 data in the five heats that were required to win the race baron a rat- ton won two heata and came eseond in another the time la given aa 313h and 3144 the home of mra angus llcarthur sixth una waa the scene of a ha gathering last week when her ant v dren and families gathered at tha old home to celebrate their mothers eightieth birthday the mother was presented with eeveral beautiful pree- ents besides tha family many other friends called to with mrs mcarthur many happy returns of the day vis itors from niagara falls corbeuon shelbume toronto ouelpli hamilton and saskatchewan over fifty aat down to the birthday supper free prase the basket factory at burlington destroyed by tire is to be rebuilt work haa been begun on a onestory concrete building eoxioo ft the most modem plant available will be installed church news i anas cfcareh oka william there will be a celebration of the holy communion next sunday morn ing at 030 oclock and evetuong with sermon by the rector at 3 pjn rl o cfaareti ram holy communion 11 am mullns and sermon by the rector 7 pro rvensong and sermon by the rec tor corporate communion of the leal and the 1b38 confirmation onuses halle rkareh relit bill 11 ujn launch into the deep text st luke 84 7 pin the memsuire and the motive second in a serteft an the christian kvanknl rev h w rumley preacher llsptbt ffceb on sunday sept atli rev a n friui will preach at ii am on the influence of creed on cliaracler and nt 7 pm the young peoplea hymn for 1039 bible school meets at 10 o m lesson neliemlah itebulldlng the walls t will earlva aaava salada 42 m tt k m s- r yj w x ae- card or tbankb w itereby convey to friends and nel- ftltbora our lurieere thanlu for their muny klndneejea and nympathy ex ten tied to iu in our tad bereavement by the death of our beloved wife and mother jamea seott and family oakto or ylf ankk mra itobaon wbbea to return moat rateful thank for klndne and aym- pathy alto beautiful floral tribute in her bereavement in the ton of her dear husband george robaon obituary mbs thomas scott on thursday last marlon scott be loved wife of thomas scott pasted away at her home here deceased iwaa in her 70th year and was horn in london england she came to can ada 88 years ago and waa married to mr scott 51 years on july 11th last betides her husband ahe la aurvrved by two daughtera mra robertaon of fax- sadina california and mra john rush milton another daughter un w b fmtherrlone died in milton 10 yra ago deceased haa bean a resident of oeorretown for the past 33 yaara and waa one of our most raanectad eimtm she waa a member of tha united ohurch and the funeraj aervlob on saturday last waa eonducjed by rev mr rumley when the nmalne were interred in oreenwood cemetery the pallbearers ware john rush sr johr rush jr w b featherstone milton ernest taylor burlington thomas robertaon and earl souter hamilton ji4ax4a fr a4riaa 4af i hont miss j merrells orchestra i of hamilton playing at edgewood park eden mills tuesday sept 1 0th dancing travel electric trains to the exhibition aug 23rd to sept 7th special low fare tickbtk holtl at agents offices only oeoraetown to toronto and return 808a acton to toronto and return 118 eden mills to toronto and return j ijso onelph to toronto and return 170 trains leave ouelnh 7 00 am 800 am 800 am 1100 am eden mills 718 am 830 am 818 am 1111 am aeton 734aj4 818 am ts4 am 1134 am oeorgetown 780 aju 800 am 880 am ii8s am then every two houbui returning leave toronto 5 00 pm m pm 700 pm 8oo pji and 1100 pjjl i 1 canadian national electric railways aa8 830 pm to 1 am gentlemen 75c ladies 25c kjaayvaas 4ay av tv 4av 4avvg vaay 4ek 4atj4a54akaav 4ax 4kl norval the dedication service in kami presbyterian church mat sunday af ternoon waa weu attended on that occasion at beautiful bronee u erected by john william and walter h duma of toronto to tba memory of their uncle and- aunt rev joseph alexander ma minister of nonrsl and union congregations from april jjs1 to november 1887 and lua wife janet bums was unveiled after short service conducted by rev e mcdonald minister of the ohurch rev dr duncan of toronto who knew mr alexander and hie wife aa few living ministers knew than gave a fine address to which ha refer red to the many attractive and beau tiful features in the character of hu friends he pointed out tha difficult conditions in which mr alexander had to carry on his work as pastor in those early daya auch aa roads that acre blocked with snow in winter and very muddy in spring yet in aplta of all obitaciot he never failed to keep his appointments he waa a good preacher and a fine christian gentle man by hie vivid address dr dun can made his friends to live again be fore tha audience the old daya were brought back and the paat and eraa- ent to unite in doing honor to the character of these two aainta who aarv- ed ood as untiringly and faithfully in their day at the conclusion of this address the hymn for ail the aainta who from their labora rest waa aunr after which mr wm burns unveiled tha memorial which waa then rtedlcaled by prayer to the olory of ood and in memory of his aervanta in the hackney and welsh poniea class at toronto exhibition laat week w p laldlaw norval won first tor filly two yeare and under three in the shetland pony class o r clark a son norval secured first for ataluon one year and under three and reserve for best stallion the ladles aid of tha united church held a successful com root and erokr tnole at the home of mr and mra harold lyons on monday night aug 38th realising 830 winners in the finals were jamea marshall and miss v brown who neat the runnersup don murray and norman laldlaw ladies aaa aaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaj aaaaq see our fall selection of new models and colors in felt and velvet hats at reasonable prices misses claridge herald block georgetown glemvilliams while threshing on the farm of dr mcandrew formerly the richardson homestead sparks from the engine caught on the driving shed the oeorretown fire brigade and neigh bors extinguished tha blase before a great deal of damage was done mr wm kaiser and family of kit chener spent sunday with friends in the olen miss cook of california is spending a few daya at the home of mies tost mr edward bludd jr of milton spent the weekend at hie home here mua vera board of cleveland ohio sient the weeknd with olen frlenda mrs dunn and miss ross of strat ford spent sunday at the home of mr e bludd mr thomas roberta of ouelph called on olen frlenda last week mr william forgravea of rochester ny spent tha holiday at his home here miss marion bchenk a pupil of miss may momaater successfully passed her elementary piano examinations at the toronto conservatory of music in july miss marguerite mounter waa suc cessful at tha recent examinations at the toronto conservatory of music and took let class honors in primary theory she is a pupil of mr k campbell of brampton orangev1lle fair dtadat september 1 7 18 came and aee good live stock and poultry choice rncinp programme puraea 450 no entry fee horseshoe tournament open to the province stepdancing oldtime fiddling a day to meet your friends evening programme on both nighta of the fair the capital players are presenting that irish comedy pegomyheart in the opera house at 815 pm on the evening of the 1 8th a dance will be held in the arena with selected music by the harmony boys jg w j holihea president jos e cooney sectreas travel the electric way and sava the drtference street car qmrsetiorst direct to grounds hot point electric ranges with hispeed elements 8800 up hot point electric water heaters for 30 gal tanks 1800 up c g e radiolas housewiring edison mazda lamp toasters irona vacuum cleaners percolators h h darling pteooe 199 murdoek st geotgptowtt erwingoldhants meat market choice fresh and cured meats of all kinds at most reasonable prices erwin goldham phone 1 gmttrgmkown s watches watches dont take a chance with your high grade watch when on your vacation this week we are selling stemwinding and setting nickelplated open face watches swiss made for 08e pocket ben westclox 176 new haven watch with an unbreakable glass 180 and for also we carry a good assortment of the higher grades call and inspect our goods a b willson next to hotel mcgabbon gaorgetown 1 r i ft t i8js isj notice x a small girl asked her mother if i grow up will i have a husband ilka papa yea my dear mother replied and if i do not get nuurled wul i be an old maid like aunt suaanr yea was tha reply the utile atrl thought for a minute put her hands to her head and said well i am in a fix according to the ontario dairy act milk and cream bottles must not be used for any other pur pose than milk and cream only otherwise you are liable to a fine of 2500 in the future any person buying milk or cream other than regular customers will be charged 5c for the bottle and when the battle is returned will be re funded 5c also we insist on our customers putting their empty bottles out tonight not tomorrow night or next week we need all the empty milk bottles in our business we solicit your cooperation georgetown dairy maple leaf dairy pure food store brampton creamery butter 41c 10 bars comfort soap crosse at blackweus pure marmalade h a g coffee regular 80c special eagle brand milk per tin shaker salt iodized or plain new clover honey per pail 2 lbs christies molasses snaps certo for making jams and jellies 2 pkgs parowax 3 pkgs gem rubbers zinc gem rings per dozen 49c 25c 67c 18c 08c 59c 25c 30c 25c 25c ise choice fruit vegetables at right prices special price on soft drinks by the case a e farnell prompt delivery phone 78