Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 25, 1929, p. 4

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tu haram wcefaeerky sepfomur 25th 1929 mammbam drivelt and let your own experience sell you n io dm wbo nee set ewmad tk wheel al tfc ww clisviulaf st could over ha iwiunhsrl wttrj lac trsea am quality lee than the tw that jew wminmhm six num par damlm b the linml priced ebt ta the woeuwkh ttaw reenerkeble rrimlilmllnii of fine ear featurest edy by fisher with rlalyiialintiliill iiuisa pester w wlsasjud tawkaimw fasleemeole ditee eelealse hilly tmttdfaj eeelgtl ale mbm ja lfafc uwestra ifflmfy dileio cm ewtftsr pi ta dee as km jwigii 5riiiniimt intmi gee fcjajcteal sees lag erveera el nsa lifting f b f ru liu ejnj e llgii ohiirilrllgkiib lawiaasjai eiail lujejilag s eravtieretitse gwgp mi uvcfcpeoel lrltrirrlii aad au thee ntn a oo t 4 eteuaeti endurance far which c i f ea at the price el foot i drive it end let yaw em wfwimwaam you on chevrolet sfail 4ilueilacbttmtir chevrolet moouct of gxhmal uotok op canada ullmo j m owei a son phonm 14 gorytoun its htthh bbcausn it canabta 1 s chungs galvanized ws s- stdinofe ourslcvweb tyiirglgiivs ajfto sijssr biibsvsuufcee 2rr etlittaekaay taala galvanized shingles juttotmkaawl get prices from youp tinsmith or carpenter we are selling pasteurized creamery butter pea ivtry sjtanay miu georgetown creamery m saxe mnjwfer rr n onu beearelera cb u4 gee team wheat fall wheal wanted we will truck have installed a large receiving separator to take direct from thregher beat prices yrbrbleco nirval mar mm ntrval forsters grocery full line ol fresh groceries al- waysinstoek bauus and oranges al the rlghl prices leecream in bout eones or bricks cuk forsters pimmsb its an u sooth far age air youth an it brooks wf nae denial that tha decreet frlenda are the auld- fttt friends and tha young ara juit on trial itheres a rival bauld wl young and auld and lit hint that has baratt mat or tha surest friends ara the enldest friends an the taaist o nine has left ue there are kind hearts hill for frlenda to nil and fools to take and break them but the nearest friends are tha auld- est friends and the raves the plaoe to seek them n xj stevenson at the last ranting of the council of trafalgar township the tax rata iwes struck at four mill this is one half hull leas than last year owing to the dry ssaann there is a short crop and the councillors are curtailing a- twndlturea to make possible this re duction the residence of w o uekay lower middle road one telle west of oajrrule was completely destroyed by ore last rvldsy mrs uckay heard a nobe which she supposed to be aaulrrele running on the rooflent upon in vaetigalloh found the upstairs rooms in names mr awl mrs patrick keleher mb concession of pualinch hold what they consider a record for walking in wellington county for the past year tbey have walked to chtelph and back to their home on an average of three times a week covering the eight miles fa good time several ores which have oocurad in btrehtvlue nelghhorhood art being nt vesugaied by albert bumeu ot tha provlnelal mr msrshsls offlot tal lowing the destruction of the old mill the tueos restaurant caught fire the next night several weeks ago tha barn of albert quennell was destroyed a hsft dive from the top of the of school three million pupils enrolled this is more than chicago the windy city of uncle buna land can boast in actuu numbers the term com monly would apply to figures but real ly the parents of these children mr and mrs million jutt count them as three ohtabio wav w the individual who deetree to live a healthy life and to eat as be should luwie it difficult to decide as to bis proper food because of the number of fads which are shouted from the housetops and advertleed in striking snd eonvtnetng ways it la not pos sible even to men all the food fade in a brief space let alone to attempt to discuss them merely a few of the outstanding fauaetea of the cleima will be mentioned fat order to guide the reader in considering this import ant subject that one indtvldual apparently pros pers on an unusual diet la no reason for believing that such a diet is gen erally sultsble any more than it is reasonable to aay that all man should be marathon runners because one man doss well on that type of exer- dae there u no evident to show that vegetarians enjoy better health or that they live longer than those who use meat it has been pointed out that two of the most rernarkable recent medical discoveries liver ex tract as a treatment for pernicious anaemia and insulin for the treatment of dlsbetesre two extracts of meat which are lifesaving there is no orienting evidence which supports the idea that cancer has anything to do with the use of wan ed foods such as while bread or the eating of meat there is no foundation for what is caned the dangerous food combination which la based upon tha with rtretetass board and room ap ply to mrs h b morrow collage view idea that certain foods should not be eaten together as on interferes with the digestion of the other there hi no need to eat one particular food m order to secure some constituent such at iran or calcium there is no ob jection to these foods but it m ty of foods including i vegetables and frutta a sufficient quantity el nunerels and vitamins for the adult the foundation of health la tnodcnv tlon do not eat too much kat alow ly bat regularly was milk and mini products green loafy vegetables and fruits regularly questions eonoernlnc yfsawh ad- nsaed to the canadian medical as- 1m college street toronto will be answered personally by letter jom youll like the buy warmth of sep tember days in the highlands youtl like the breath of pine and cedar that is heavy on the air iverrthlng you do will atom just right ati the bum mer snorts are in full swing wonder ful golf and tennis tm nfy riding you cant fibwan a better tonic than a few autumn weeks in ontarios uhilands than is ex cellent aceommodatlon at any of the resort territories mnstrnlra isv lake of bays kawartha lakes oeorgian bay any agent of cana dian national railways will gladly belp you make your ebolot mak re- aervatlons eta t to ftfwiiis interests in the pione relics to be found in great numbers m tha township of albion axbe r n leaven of bolton is offering four special prises for relic to be whlhlted at boltons annual fair on october t and 10 iaji in conim luralon of the 111 fated d uvlllo pcnlllon which cnaimrwi bu tlio utiurcj uf bedford u in 17j anil la which dan- vlliu ami mry of iiih nien died of llluoss his timor uoutaaaat-oov- emur lory or mtva ccutls unveiled a muaunnul oioctcd b the historic sites aud muoumuuta bosrd of ranada at rtocmniham nj3 re- coally many distinguished guests sttoodsd lbs ceremony total quantity of etrawberrle esportod from iova scotia to us united stctoa during the areaesl sesson wss 7 8m cratea with is boxaa to the crate ttte blueberry crop of the province has attalaad record proportlona tojih orates having been skipped to boston ao far this year with another maatji to go as compared with 1tmi crates for the whole mini of 1u4 ifajor prise wuusam at the itign- laad oslhsrlog and soottlsb feett- val recently ksld at banff are an- nouflcei a follows ma b gaut ooaald kelaod af tke queegis own cameron nigolaaev era of wloalaeg is tke winner eg the special lourregubenul eeaaae- uuoa for oslsgss plpsre from casuuusa blgklsad units and holder eg tk w baatty tropky pipa- slrflial j k calraa af hsnulton i u wuusr of tke special trophy aomlothlaaj epea to all retiaumtal lljsr who are regular auaibsrs of a alp head officially coaasctsd wltli any ragimaat or nail of tk canadian miutls aad wpsr beater mcdonald royal itighuaaera moatraa took the highest aggre gate number of bolata over all la ta oaaa blplbg avaeta acoardlbg to figures obtained by the canadian pacific limited tk port of vancouver aew ranks first of padne coast parta oautrlpalag saa vraaclaca aad la aagalae la veins of outward aad lawani aklmtu tram aad tea- aage of exports aad baaarta i am paylag my first official visit ta caaada aa chief of ta sal- vatloa arasy and while here i boa to meat at tk three eaaoal gatkar- tags to be held la ta domtaloa vary offloer of tke selvsuoa army la canada aad newroaaduuw said oeaeral n j blgguu aewly elected bead of the selvallaa ansy who arrived at quebec recently aa board ba raiprea of aeytrilkl mar than ml mile at new ran haas in westers caaada will have been osmplsud aad turned aver ta tke operating departmaat eg ta caaadlaa pacific railway la tke period between jrrae ii sad sea- tambar ii of tale veer la the stats- aunt made recently by o c cole man vloeereeldsnt of waatara llaas of tke aysteaa thle asllaag do not laclode mr colsms aided a furikar if mllae of ltaee aader eonstruetloa as at bspcaarser d ibsururstloa al mm mile al air mall services oa tke prairies u expected about october 1 llaktag wnulpag with caaraere alts end thereby ssvlag a dave haw be tween the pslala tk pesos blver eonatry was ra vaged by the moat uapertaat groop of vlallor vr t peaetrat ha territory aa beatmaber i wkea ml aeaawere of tke lit eoaveatlaa party of tk canadian chamber al commerce left mmoatoa la tkra tvalaa for a four day ajaara ta ihlt aanllna the party waa jolaed later by m delegales ta tk htk annual eicurslo el tke vsacouver poaid el trad new advektoements am aeaekl agiiilhieiiali beajksg e i cash wtus erase fer bbw we are prepared to do truoking of 1 kinds at reasonable raise h ohevrolet track apply to ooo swrrington phone lag tf hewss wsjrlw wented to rent in house with all conveniences herald office apply at two choles stores and with all modem rjorrverilenoes bs new gregory theatre apply to r l oregory oeorgetowntf t bxu g roamed house electric lights hard and soft water injude corner of mur doch and durham sts ryaaooahai sept mth apply lit arnold insurance life fire wind storm accident and sickness bonds amd mobtdacua amuastv awd sou te us pbrssera f kersey ottltttlo a tnwllr omtttmd en lb mwieu torn twafltj utt thundur mu- in mi da of djuut to trt and rnet aud was only chttkad frtm machine the laru butft on ua v jfiinlnc f ami by tna ittfamuuii w of the natefctom it sa aimtd thu nearly a uila of ftw faeto will be reqturede tmotiuotualy the crtsp wr all hairyeeied or tha dumte would have been much qrmtar ii icro and there tio stent cl npple crop in the hlitory of i j ltxitla 1 fee tl tnuet uttinltu us oftlalaa eioriwmd bj promt uout fruit grower ant qovornmeot experts qi he pro vlaee it u eellmaifhl the ertib will roach i too 000 barrel at leai lmlf a million barreu more than any othor crup over roltud la nova tutu in prrptirtitlon for the ipoolm of the vjyii biff rame hutlng itmiuin in now ilruituwkk 22 000 liuntli llcenuoi hnvo lton nnt out from the depart riodt of uiadii and irtm to 300 vunilors la all parts of teio province k v hentty chnlrmun nod pre- mlilcnt or the orutllnn priflc itull- wiiy accomta ilod by a croup of dlrectgm of uie company in fqw od his entiiinl tour of inapeetlon of company prupertlea and condl tlons id the veil huiorta agrt cultural centres eiperimental farms mlnas and ameltlnc plants as well aa tha system itself was in spected during the tour which surtbd september 6 from montreal and clones at winnipeg october s i em watching with the greatest interest the progress being achiev ed in the unltod bute where rail ways are eiperlmenilng id the use of aeroplanes oa adjuncts to their railway sarvleea aald b w fieatty ehalrmaa and realdebt of the canadian pacific hallway lav terviewed at toroote meaatly there they ay using plaaaa by day in certain plsoee and rail travel by bight aad the esectoaeu ara very intaraausel to bm tha reajdnt two first phies three seeoads and a third award were won by the caaadlaa pacific railway euaftty farms fhimplfrfuhlp uolataia herd from strathmora alia at tha cwh annual proviaelal eth ihlt inn at new westminster recently tata is a followup to the vaaaoover bhow where the hard led all othera up to tha aad of aogaat ears colonel j a deaala chief eounts- aloaar of tha railways departmaat of ealoaltatlob and drelopmaat the caaadlaa paeiila brought to canada 1t01 boys for plaaamaat ta agricultural amploymeat under the distributive ochemea of the eoacv- nody thu la tha largest number ol british hoya brought oat to the dominion by aay oaa organita- tloh bays tha coloael back from a moatha waadehaga aloag tha line of tha domtaloa at lantic rawway in nova boouemlee juliette oaultler da la vereadrya anted folksong artist stated that aha had d i covered 100 rolksoaga that were either twite unknown hitherto or alee were tateresllng variants in melody and tune to similar aoags la vogue among the vreaehcanadlaa habitants una will alag eome of them at forta- eomlag ooaearca during aa first five ntonths af tha year bim homesteads rpre- seouag tfsjio acrae of land were taken out in alberta patilimnent he- lag mainly la tha rilimmtnn arande prairie peace hirer and prince albert districts women why softer perioate pata mtxuuib will seueve aeetodle para beadachae aaakaahin asaaaa luslniaiii irrilabuuy aad rnaay other ailraeala from whlck lew w are eamrely free awoa- asefal rino a s toalo smuastbeaa heoualaadla ellhe rlaaul r eaklm eorei at vm pes maslaorevx amiwi uhutaasft umites tewwlwlglllttwell w kti bstow seut j sanf0rd stowarttowh ploaibidg tlusmilbinfl bewisiedaa djseaeladl uvw plogks84rl2 gew rhnoa mark every grave hotlung is roore lesting or roore arajsoprlat to eoannwsnorai th memory of loved one who haw on before than beautiful even its well caned em our preeens ouiuisiisns and fa no niant tlsmawkar prepared te offer better values or a better steak to choose from than can be aecured at ear plant touowe it te yourself to see our stock end act oootatjon cat monuntentg marker or com er stone before pkenkl an or- der enywbar seedal qaitihias evesab ea april u adoi j micseol wwb raorn in he kaveula keejatoed stendard aothracite scranton coal in all six aalomatleally biraenad sjid laailaj coal wood blet lamp for domeetis and threshing narpoaa smithing tad oaonal coal in fast loarry everything te be found in any npto date coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 1 1 gooraetown wsstet m whyv1tat wih youdol if death cceseerldleg end backers up taw boehaad eke asaylba left we th on aad lew was ta give pretes to a brkla but auvsy a brldegrcaea relsit better give ale ovale a confederation ufo jjeewooou toavofsto when sending money orders occasion when you have to send money orders they may be obtained readily at any branch of the bank of wlooittal hi w rankofmontreal eatamrabad uu7 total assets in excess of fsoofioomo d wilson manager georgetown branchi service must go on summer home didnt know and didnt car anythlbg about th busy business rasa in th big dtles east and west johnny wsat right ahead and started ida are by the time hla abort lege had carried fclm oa th run to hla home and mamma the ahed waa a roaring furnar and th upueklng flamea had burned through tke long distance telephoni cable paealjg overhead while johnny was aobhtag out his story to hla startled nuthsr a bit huauwe axeeul metropolis was plsdpgamemo on his desk pad to call a toueuyaes aaaoeutaby long regarding p dsallnvolvlng thousands of dollare itlve aula away lata distance next raorajag aabiavansal tawsa- gurrostlocu foe a qulfvpcefjsu wofaaa quiity prepared food to convert into juckhudwwarjkt t thogteat time note these gpecul wwaxnd pgaaaal soup tomato 3 tf ay gpe er ubby beans wfc perfc nr salmons x sl 3s 36 basel s peua bread da ij per da sps ay jisabs deem paea wy iay tlpsilal rnm orlay sodas butter rstd x ssr cheese ass as 33 freadaa muaard sslsdcereas liars 25 piaavtav glacava zo carrolls eaawnaa hearvealsbdoev fin bbbad flmaaflfy to m ifir wkouuom gajless tot llrslias des l ufasee ij jabeuhoa dm esilhv bef less mi xxx vtmoak ovexjix qnilllr pte akuag xxx pure gob e mesesa per t 40c main street georgetown i

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