Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 9, 1929, p. 4

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page 4 uta ce herald wednesday evening october 9th 1929 ready in two minutes a hot nourishing breakfast shredded heat xvuh all f fce- bran of dim whou uheat ah the bodybolldlng ekmcnm of the whole what tuxlilt djed nothing token bwxy foeatoeuockllloa ly nourishing give now vigor ami ufa to tired tissues serve wuhlurfcrcoldmllkor frulix nun mascbnt the days are short i know and little may be done yet days are measured not t rlae or set of sun the longest day there la uay boast no kindly thought the longest day may see no deed of klndneal wrought the shortest day may be one of rare oh marked by lie taring deed and thoughts of tenderness so let me measure daya that whether they may be or ion or abort i may fulfll thy taak for me by mary m ineh bottom box this trailer wm work with any ear and ss joat the thing for trucking rain feed or amen stock or even a cow at the ordinary of your oar l p damson tibarlee street at we are selling pasteurized creamery butter etry sjtkhajr nkju georgetown creamery m saxe lvjanae fir liiliht flrtam mtpaulwa cm wij tt wheat fall wheal wanted w will truck have installed n large receiving seporator to take direct from thresher best prices m w b browne co tumrhuu nttrwl forste g full line ol fresh groceries al ways in stock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecream in balk cones or bricks forsters tmmi cash gaorfetown phone 29 it dots met they goto iia dangnoki a blowout mtteullj lead to a enuss ir false ecoooibt yob cant afford the rime tha troubla and tha uvnnvenlobos that blowout brifuj if e tut worth tht warfy you cant ride la fntuott if you know a blowout b due lay minute it vul pay you to let m pull off those old dm aad put on a set of brand new dominion royal cords of oral ulsters they will free you f torn wony sowj cords will eoet jou leal la the tons mo than an other tire in thflr rim brinl mitnfi art in a rim rr ihrm- mminion tire depot oeoboetown- tko j speight ncw r agam just when we were getting used to tha present day fashions in womens dress and forgetting to criticise them along cornea the news from day three that the boyish figure has ceased to be fssnlonable and that the autumn styles are to show curves and fuller lines blurt will be much longer well below the knee and it is predict ed that before the winter is over they will reach the ankle remlnlne allure u the new fashion and the etrhrlng for the slender boyish mure has been deflnltaly abandoned the day of knee aklrta u tone la the future dresses will be draped enug- ly about the hips with fullness start ing about half way down from the hips the waistline in the back will be normal and marked merely by a belt the slim silhouette ww vanish with the short skirts except for sport wear coat also will be longer but the limit will be kneelength in front though longer at the back bugs fur collars will be the vogue fox and nmrevsw will be most favored all thli makes tearful reading for the nubble and dads of the slender they are the victim of th trailer for sale p nssnjnuaticrm diphtheria is not a new disease for many generations it has been known and recognised it has been a frequent visitor indeed almost a mnstsnt dwel ler in our midst and year by year it has taken a tou of human life and left a trail of damaged bodies as we say diphtheria the disease la not new but the means which we have to combat thla soourge are for tunately uptodate and buoosstful we are indeed in the happy position of being able to overwhelm our enemy and of making diphtheria one of the rarest d thus entirely remov ing one danger from the journey of life immunity or resistance is that bt which th body acquire when it re covers from the attack of a communi cable disease the person who baa suffered from diphtheria has in hi body certain fores which enable him to ward off this particular dis ease we say that he la immune to diphtheria that t why second at tack of the disease seldom occur diphtheria immunisation i the term used to describe the procedure by which we may obtain immunity or protection against diphtheria without running the risk of death or bodily harm to which an attack of the dis ease evpoaaa us the method i simple safe and reliable on three oofa lions at stated intervals a small quantity of diphtheria toxoid i injected under the akin this toxoid ha the newer in stlmualte the body to produce it defensive forces against diphtheria when three dose have been given at the proper interval tha results have shown that over ninetylive per cent of the persona so treated are itrrtmiiwa to diphtheria because diphtheria la a disease of early childhood and because very few young children experience any reaction from the injections it is urged that all children from six month to tbt year of age be immunised the toxoid for irmrnmrsatlon can be will be answered personally by letter by atlntlng long ago given over the theory that they should have a special sunday suit in which to array themeerw for weddings and funerali and an oeeal announcement u mad by j jonaltrlp to a theatre instead of a itackay end co ltd that in ataet picture show defying hew york and lion with jamas pjayfab they have london to do then- worst they have wulred the ouetoh dejly ercury stuck riskily to the oldfashioned and the chatham dally news molud- tack suit for they can wear out three lng the real estate and b la pair of trousers with the ooat so both cities they have used that daughter may- i- j have the latest from lawrence l3uirwlhu he however this last change which g t etjle u back somewhat to the feminine gzx2t se ulre of a generation eg win be -el- 3 sstsss cagdrr auction sale or choice cuds nolstun cattu the undersigned has received instruc tion from a ffracmieier jr to s11 by public auction at lot it sixth con west ohlnguaoousy mile from nerval ojmt station on monday octobkw lilt let at one oclock the following horses one mare s yrs hjd good in all harness oatttr mouteln cow calf at aide kobteln oow calf at aide part ayr shire oow calf at aide houteta oow calf at aide part kolsteul and jersey oow calf at aide kobteln oow calf at tide black oow part jersey due dee 3sth hobtsui oow due march list milting wall kolsteul oow due april xrd milking well kolstela heifer due april 1th kolstetn heifer due uay tut houteta heifer due may li houteln heifer due may list hot- stein heifer due may atth kol- usln heifer calve 4 months old 4 kobteln heifers 4 yr old steer i yr old the above cattle have not b bought up for speculation but were an raised on the farm from a pure bred aire aad high producing dam word touring car in good running judltion box for u ton rord truck and other rord parts j horse power fairbanks mora gas engine in case of stormy weather sale win go on under cover tkkus sums of mix and under oash over that amount ten month credit will be given on approved bankable paper per vwm oft wjlwilboh wrroh ohstvtw clerk auctioneers wood j60 tvlnfla eon md ujo liivrlwood 4j to- to eord j h amllh mkxm auru insurance life fire wind storm accident and sickness bonds and moetoagu bouobt and sold geessl batss eel aatimiigis sssssraa i ike afkrassra f kersey vweae aewtn gexitttetown ontario entirely herbal workswonderson peevish stomachs anil lazy bowels th ow rttmbu galugh tonf onto syttnt butut adtbe i lielllllg lilllim j barbs nature owst wsrl as ks thktoolo no mutaral drug bess ucktueadjorofuttog ifflodfcrtl axew clasr wp sjna trotuxweves 5l l viffiji triviiy nmswarib tliiiirllieaisjby at w r walaone dm sot jrvopio who tnin the finer things of life oanallv cleitiand red rose orango pekoe teat a nkyneyback giiaraatee with every package redrose is good tea red rose orange pekoe umuooa georgetown elevator agent fog the grain pool market for all grain flour and feeding stuffs and laying mash tat lowest prices chick feed alex l noble phone 148 auction sale i or cteele dairy ceule and bsree the urideratgned has received inetruo- uon from i that display of limbs most- s ly onlovew thattiaw hrt o tsj sl25la 033 or three yean ha not appealed to j2ysslit slssssf the average run of men it would sisiuutfsti itdtsfi take a real venu to lock weu to the j jjx2 si ht mode we have been having jprevlou euon for theft pout will be glad to learn that the n prince of wale may dedds to long graceful skirt that hid mther on htorasi atbjgh deformities and transformed the wear- jvr oaudat bmett have declar er into a becoming creature u i rush- 3 that a strike would bsttedeata lng back uay it strike this district stat uatttcmtsm yuld speedily and ataut in beauufytag the ssh nuluons no ccefhroalionc landscape the mills will be glad of liil3 report is obtalnshle from th it too for more and more oolth wluirmmoga secretary however and it be needed to outfit the rtwrilnu ssnot iseemte betaken eesualy i saving nothing but the clothe they muarn mun mmssnnv wearing at the ufa mr and humane cbcbade itrfdiattajcxn mjfc wta a marjtay saw their farm bt public school cbildsutn i house and everything fas it- destroyed iby fire on ividay aiternooa last the whip eousctlngnot a r4 but for houae was located soot one mile humane purposeshas come tots vogue west of oakvui on the low rolddie among the children of one new york road of trasair towpsntat ade- publle school the collection ha been f ecu v clilrnneyptoe earned th ore i o yrs oiq macs j fresh calf tt foot to cell by public auction at lot 10 con 0 staquealng on mtwraestootaker lwk lag at 1 oclock sharp the following horses oray r mare rears old good in ail harness black percheron gelding 5 yrs old bhjo pereheren mare 4 oatttkhqlrtel at foot holsteta root bouteto oow bolsteln oow freah calf at foot ko stain cow freah calf at foot hoi- stem oow freah calf at toot holttem oow freak calf u foot bolsteln oow freab eeb at foot bolsteln oow fresh pure bred uobtem oow fresh kol- tem oow to full dow holsteta oow to full sow holsteui oow due time of sale hobteln oow due oet m kol steul oow due nov 90 hohtela oow due nov as houteln oow due jta etn hobteln oow due merck 15th in full sow hobteln oow due march jth to full flow tire bred holtteln heifer do to march houteln half made by member of society of public school m as a les son to drivers who beat their horses in the vicinity of ourkson and hous ton street th childrens acuvluee on behalf of maltreated horses are not the full extent of their endeavors bo thor oughly do they patrol the street and to efnclently have the young crusad ers observed infractions or the law and reported them to the s p o a that the neighborhood has eotae to be kriown as u paradise among the driver of vehicle motor uta a well a the- dri of bane and a there are about s roember of the society the chance of a brutal driver tg detection to the dis trict is small- and conversely the nber of wisi aided le propor tionately large the eunutaa resi dents of the neighborhood say that dogs or eat are able to cross th street with impunity end that or phaned or abandoned kitten are not left long to the ash can barrele thereabouta hardly a day riaiti to the nelgh- borhood moreover without the res cue of an animal by some young member of the society and the ad ministering of a rebuke to a drlrei or resident who ha behaved to a cal lous or indifferent manner toward horee or eome outcast clornectln pet hometlniff the children are unable to do more than take down a license number but the number quickly find it way to the s p c a some times a brutal driver flnds that hie whip has myterlottsly disappeared and usually take the hint particu larly if he b further warned to anrm childish treble that hi actions have met with disapproval the humane society of p b as meet almost every week and the boy who have been moat active on behalf of animal are put on the honor roll every boy joining sign a pledge to protect the weak and helpless and to relieve suffering wherever found the loss to the building covered by rnsuranoe and acrap pall patjt pbize wtrlrftsu th following winners at tu fan fair were crowded out of but issue fee arisen hani craft ou painting landsosneulsa porbes fruit and plowers uus 4vjrbes mra hynmen water oolor isniicspe porbaa hynmen water oolor fruit i flowers hynmen forbes i ink euhjeotariies hyi crayon porbaa stencil work hyn men forbes basket band made thos ellington shsrwood r tenant amateur photograph mrs watson service tray t bllngton shsrwood tenant luther work r tenant bead work nixon ewnmanstilp boy over 11 years b kennedy pexunan- ahlp girl over li year h mcallister irene starret water oolor pish hynmen water oolor prultl hyn- en th prise winners in the poster con test put on by the local toclety an a follow senior 1st mildred norton and arover norton trd hay weston middle schoolflora graham buth davie hal carter marlon schsnk doris ninny dorothy mlmms kath teen wilson special lloyd sanaereon jlmmle buck junior jack praarwood charlotte wilson jan dtnlson bull bohenk these poaten are judged aooording to 1 the slogan that will most bene fit th human cause originality of subject i fr drawing thb le not intended to he simply art exhibit th judge of the potters were ian d l herbert and mies heed its a good thing our vrtvee dont know where we wen last rdght it k i thati whan it dont knowr i partly wanted now balestnin to helton county fall and winter month to tall trees flowering shrub etc good pay exclusive territory whole or part time arrangement a 600- acre nuraery we own and operate a modern wen- equipped nursery and arjppqr our cus tomer whh the best to quality and variety su hardy canadlanrown nuraery stock and you will be suc cessful our agency le yltavhier t- tahllshed m years pauum nuraery oo toronto a ontarld mark every grave mothtog i tstore lasting or raor appropriate to eoramsmoret th memory of loved one who have gone before than beautiful gran- it wen carved with our present e and facilrua no plant 1 batter prepared to offer better valaae or a baiter steeat to cilmnee froaa than cam be eecured at our plant you owe it to yourself to as our stock and get quotations on monuments marker or com er stone befor placing eat or der errywber april ii ados work heifer doe to march hobtela heifer due to march 3 hobteln heifers rnjml hokelrhefera 1 yv okt be oaah over that amount 10 months credit on approv ad joint note 1 dlaoount for oath poeulvely no reeerve a the properl- u going out of the dairy hnslnm r a wiison wm j ucrtnoorr clerk eurltonoor auction sale of renee ami high rs h auction sale i of the undersigned ha received instruc tions from to seu bp raddle auction on lot to con ohlnguaoouay township peel oeunty on miay oeteker nth late araspyljub tol- i 4j pabm stock atel nmjna f jwtvfe flg the undersigned ha been toetrt ontario by the executors of the estate o toeetl by publio auction at ixf oon a west orung on tasaiay oeteaer lha uf at 1 oclock sharp the following- horbes black nun 1 yr black bone 1 yrs this i an extra good and wen matched black ben yrs o p pure bred wfastofn jemima de- kol walker yrs bred by nomas jenkins inglewood aerved in may bun farm cora ormsby 1 yr bred by j a logan hsmlltm aerved mar i daley dutehland banks i yr bred by o t bros shaver j sarved mar 1 pontiac delight t yr bred by john l bale korvel iily dewdrop alcartra i yr bred by t l leal norvsl btatlen better calf s month bun hmwood pjkb ako yrs- sire prlnoe uercena byrrlas i nd dan aamwood oaf faeja bred by h w parkinson bagsrsvtu omde cattle nolrleto oow i yra oslf at foot bolsteto oow i yr calf at foot holsteta oow i rra calf at foot holateto oow s yr calf at foot holstsln oow yra calf at foot jersey oow e yra eelf at foot hol- ateto oow g yr due tha of eels bolsteln oow 4 yr do tha of sale bolsteln better i yr due tha of eel hobteln heifer yrs due tim of sale hobteln and jersey heifer doe time of a hobteln oow 4 yra to mar ayrshire oow yr bred in mar kolstetn oow g yra bred to mr hobaeto helfsr a yr to mar ayrahir oow a yr bred to may ayrahln and oow i yra bud to june oow t yra bred tn june n i heifer yra freshened in july bol steln and jersey heifer 3 yra fresh ened to july bobbin oow 1 yra bred in july hobteln oow a yra bred in july jersey oow g yra bred sept aeth jersey and bobbin heifer not bred jersey and robtatn 1 yr t kofstain batten ris- i yra heifer lng a yra not brad s hobteln halters hotter nn e oois breeding bwes the pro of jamas bovbuvj ualssmtsu h binder t hi u h mower ft if h v culuvator and aeeder u h plate fleering none rasa c i furrow riding plow ferrla stogie furrow riding plow heavy aloop alelih hghtablgbt top buggy eatter sousler acraper eat heavyteam har ness with hreechtog hone oollan twtowek yok baatty bay ear 40 ft windmill lax ford tudor calve and gore of us sod under oaah over that aavjunt le months credit on fumlahlng bank able paper g cat for oaah w a- wilson hugh smith oltrka a ruesau a f oheyne and t o heifer fresh bolsteln beuer ireah hobteln heifer freah bobtebt and jersey freah kobteln and short horn freah black jersey and hobteto fresh bolsteln heifer bred dee list hol ateto heifer bred march ath bobtatn bull rag at months old bred from high testing atoek a bolsteln heifer mut 10 wwha old the ahow helfsre have 11 freshen ed etoo sept let honrarsspuiy h d a yr old got by royal investment gaining b d a yrs old got by royal invaatmint noae la good repair set pleasure sleighs nearly new riding plow oeek- a ttrnai flair and an etan of gu and under oaah over that amo g month credit on tproved henkahle g per cent per annum eft for fbtoh ej cbkyne auctioneers a hugh bu1th clerk j sanford stewarttown phmblng tinsinllblng mmitomthtimj qwm nana mr 12 geastlaexrwb rjl no 2 n1lhne li lljllsj i rt j shubassslwsw ssxl4vsxst svbss semlmieea stemv war as eeuer jasfst eoinatvotiai sfkual w r watson ma shavaulagj mesjalveg standard ajnthracrre scranton coal in all sisem antomatloally 8ereaad and coal wood beleet tjarap far oeraeatie and threshing purpose smithing and oannal coal in fast ioarry everything to be fonnd in any nptodata coal and wood yard john mcdonald fbonbll gkhrgrinvf why fanners pfefcr endowment imutance having troured fartuer tor nexury eaxty rea we do not know of any group of man to whom ufa lnurnc ha bean more bttufidal our expetieno ha been that th arete farmer hy from his thrifv peaty go that fund to pa riff ilia iiiniiaeg wlilha aiulableu maturity rrln ilia iiifrin rf tuiiiiaeiiia death etperyfarrnawarholaphy ufa ineuretioe and li ha buy a confedxsxmi life rnllrrirn ran anil alh t paid u convenient dm write for a pemnuet enthkd wm mathaeon wu a farmer it telle of hi r whh ftr life policy gtmanreelng total dlealxustybencirt addreeej confederation life kasjogbii tobx1nto laeal agent bruntons garbage welding and expert brake service battery lupaiiftng supalre fall if skss eg can has oilaj bt radi aad oar ssattaataa bsiksvgji an uptodate auto tepair ahop prompt service woiltraanahip guaranteed authorized chrysler and plymouth service garage main st north phone 280 gexteebtwri jsuvmisk camouv om mthwr awkfi i wmr tht kuuuba prize contest jlwaweblaiaiat ess aasv aeleav per were sai abb see ess sals er eawss oalessi if skews lzltsmmuimrum urn age elaxeseay ektai ess wis f- sf s ss as esletei ess el ess ssess sssas palar ar eawaa ska r w j s si sbkosaisseaseaaaassamkaisa el gs ivtwiin bakino powder pastry flour raisins currants 23 95c 2ib23c 17 waxbgahg ausvfjgotaul ms umaggang toixbdoatg ss ooanubal vs wjitjah ijar abeincs saazis ssaai lsggeaaets hswy qmaw lesaiv maunowak bds lb cxttto butter gearsrxkw bread rsaxy ftlmi gesteisai bacon hrhltswesy cheese 2 tin 29c 2 tin 23c 17c 5 ma 25c 60 25c 2u87 ttrfir 10 sat 35 2 carrolls wltg qetattty t m ray a hw i main street georgetown

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