9s 2 i the georgetown herald wexliuaday evening december 18th 1929 saw ftes president and directors on tour inpecllng hotel iwhl perlmental farm and propertle of tb canadian raclnc railway and mat mining and industrial phutta and agrleullur condition on th routa of their jouruoy aereea canada from montreal to victoria and return president beatty and director or tha rail way arc baro ehown on their ar rival at tba nonh toronto buuon prom left to rltfat the photograph bowant hon lord shaushneaay w a black hlr george oarneau of the civil service comulaalon e w boatty chairman and ureal- dentofthteyateni dr ii a llenl- ty chief aurgeou for the i ii ontario dlalrlct fllr charlea oar don floaa ii xfcusrlar v p ueradltb and dr cbnrlo p mar tin daan of the faeully of niedl oino ueolll unlvaralty handsome xmas gift np in xhe worlds most popular set theres a reason we knew the atwater kent screen- grid radio wu bound to be good we expected it from atwater kent with all hia experience in making alraoat two and a half million acta that moris and veep on working but we never dreamed ef a set as fine as oil one proved itself and at auch a moderate price at every point where radio could be setter thla one la tone needed ptr- el natural net and that the tone you can have now without any operat ing noise at alll power needed selec tivity with it you get each station frith needlepoint accuracy people appreciate these new and finer qualities especially when theyre backed up by atwater kents reputation for de pendability why not come in see and usten to this marvelous new set thst everyone is buying youll choose it for the same reason almost everyone else does because its bet ter come today vr ul see these model on display at r d thompson co georgetown f kersey radio dealer georgetown h ereatji dtk ere cpr herd wins hundreds of prizes her sr aome of the 179 first prlaea and 73 champlonahlpa and reserve championship won by tho strathmor farm hard on tha pralrl and rout ahow circuit durum th current and lart ar th strathmoio ahow hold of flltmn llolitelnn von ico frat pilseu at 8 rrajo jprhlut oi j in i 1mb and 70 flitti ihiald at lower left was won by a carload of calves from th csns- dlsn psdflo farm at chin alberta in 1mb tha large cup right waa won at the calgary aprlng ahow lor th beat jmrabrsd alierdaan angua halter diploma at right waa won by th uolitaln bull strathmor mcklrjey kalrehlld ways aa arand champion in 1928 ii la ahowb abav and h sent through ii wsatara lain without a defeat from 1987 to date ii waa grand champion at th thr coait fair and also st bsskstoon th csns- dlan psdflo rsllwsy thua on n on of th finest if not th flneat hard of cattl in canada thecoirttany haa don arrest work in improving th brwd of cattl throughout th waal llnnirll dear aaeil ten anil imiinlile john aseil win of inula ranching dt ijirl tloj ley and defendant nf a fimiiuh ji nll lruvellu1 ow miles from bunkilrli ts ah eland to enter a numi echool in lh aid t ounlry rnoy look lb ions jouruny un accompanied travelling on fini dlen pacific line nd by ft moalolare cpu otflolil looked artar them on tha ions trip bt hon l c m b amery facratary for the dominion in the baldwin admlnlatratlon win rrlv ad la canada on tba exprei of aualralla recently travelled alralalit serosa th dominion by trim- tanada umltad crack canadlun pac lie nyer for banff and lake pouiee whanca be reached nil ob jective and nauaaaka lloodfaol naak which ha will climb lilae georgia ttiglebard dauah- tar of a new tork lawyer la buy aeallns peak and hlabllihlng climbing records around 1eie fsm sh h all peak up to 1j 000 feet in height around lak ohara in ona weak la addition to thee uplelta ah haa mad a three week pack tr trip adding to aa imposing hat of winning sained at wadls eihjbl tlone ever th pralrl circuit ear lier la tha aaasoa tha championship houihn bard of tb canadian p eltle railway anpply al btrathmea perm gathered un tlrau ifv mada n thirds at the vancouver fair made a clean sweep la uwi bull elsaaaa wttb junior and mulora- ekaupleaaupa in elaasaa sad la group olaasas wea flrat for eahlhltera fnt far yeaaer hard rirat for proceay el eew se- oood in breeders sard aad sasaad in gat of air judgee of ptplag sad atiiig st the forthoomfai banff bkalaaj oatharing and seetuah am ural to be bald august m l bar i hav been sanotmoad ar oolonal alaxandar donald e uaepkersea uuraaeai uolaod oaorg hnrray all of tor onto william rsrgusoa of heath bay nell sutsshaad el mghm and ajaxaadsr bssu el atasteba hit- cobuldaat with the raactvel th dominion pleld sai traek chsmplonaua will be deetsss at bank labor day output y ereausry hotter ta baakatehawaa for ike nrat kbt months of th year la exactly mi greater than for the shnflsr per la lltt according to a repeat eg the dairy branch of the provtaejal dapartaaant ef aarleuunr la ik first half f llxt it was 1jwm4 ss against 4mm seuada m the mrat half af mm the csitseiaa psetfle mallway will be reprssaatsd at rail kbdrtst- tlona la castsra canada ihu year st tomato qoabee bharhnoke aacat john and rredarictse by medela ef the aystsas seael hotel erleatsl aad general details el tb aaas- paaya travel aiprasa aad talsarasb seuntls there will be assets building devoted it0m aaattara st th toronto bahlbltlea wail aeuvttm dealrag with ether tarts ef th country will be skowa at ether cities a anuber ef spaelal trshu will b raa to these tshlbl- uone wood bans m suvgl eord ctsbmred mixed wood uk nardwood aw am- als cord j b aalth pbon asrls oaorcmewn tf wood for sale uturi par arrtgl eordl i alah eordi ran ttm per rasw tesj erttu troubled are your ouratanrhral tlons wcrrymg yont do yea need th money new ued tt if sa sand roar ust to a fans ef reuev your worry otnekty kelly aiken tf tkeralllagj stalsd sta4ndard anthracite scranton coal in all slm automatloally screened and leaded coal wood select lamp for doraestio and threshing pnrposs smithing and oannal coal in faot i carry everything to be found in any up todat coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 19 gesorgetcmsi j sanford stewaarttotan plambliio tinsmltlring bhsufctcktwltjiy uve pboae84rl2 gotetown rrno2 insurance ufe fire wind storm acodentandsicicss onba amd btoanoaoba odostv and mmj pailil sutas en l f kersey tsrin qhtmlo ler tht set which made theriht priee tor fine radio i acartwamaaiwo v owams jm bear aad m tha aa wklah u aaahlaa radla montreal with pen and pencil ops o tho oldest most plrturestius and historic i i tics on this continent- tho lty o uontreaf han found a worthy houraphy in tho work at victor morin and tho noil known cinacjlnn acauomlclan cliartcs v birr on who la u lctrtrn htom pro duccd under tho aiirplcra of tho canadian rnciflc rallnay a dosrrlptinn in v ordtt anir druwlncs i uarlnrx tho nlop tltlo rltenorljrlnuuy in 1 mncb it hau lien rcntltnl irtu j- mill it in a traiulatlon that conserves the original verve and atmoftjihcre of tho hook in forty pases of clear and rpadallc type with fifteen full pas reproductions or plcturon that oro in themselves works of art tha toy of tho dty iri told for the past three hundred j cant layout rhows two contrasted and typical ncorw the famous church of notre dame second largest on tve cortlnont and donsecoura market tt ttr 1 iliorci lutalaonfromacltyofnormabdy communication air sea and land as i aaaul a italalle sa year liaaa far a fr itta laaatahas e r rvugloughlen ever alas tb laveatlon ef beue telephone fifty year ago th etudy el l4ctrleal communication haa ua- loldad ona phase sltar snothsr of a fssdnstlng drams of setenre with plana already wall under way for tha laying of a telephona cable beneath tha atlantic we now laarn thst tba ball telephone research department haa just placed taservle this hug ford trimotar all metal monoplane in th outfitting of thla plan deatlusd to be the largeet and moat complete flyln radio laboratory is the world hell laboratorlee si following their aubllahed policy ef making nloneeratudlea of allphaseaof elsctrleal communication th plan haa been specially deilined to adapt it to raassrch work and will b ussd lor th development ol rsdlo appsra- tu lor aircraft communication from the aarlleet eiparlmentsl tacas through to tha unal uatlnri of th apparatus under actual flying conditio