r i o page 4 m y the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 5th 1930 ia forsters grocery a full line of fresh groceries always in stock bananas and oranges af the right prices ice cream in bulk cones or bricks terms cash forsters georgetown phone 29 hay valuable crops and pasture crops including clover and otter forage plants constitute the most valuable group of plants grown on ontario farms over seven million acres of land which la about half to the total area in culti vation are used to produce the hay and pasture crops of the province this hay and clover crop is valued annual ly at more than s60o00000 f or the past 46 years and over 180000000 an nually for the past- ave years 18248 spray early and often at the experimental farm ottawa it has been found that in some sea sons six or more applications of spray material are required to entirely con trol the apple scab but it r is weil worth the extra labor and coat when one attains clean fruit the first ap- plication must be nude very soon af ter growth begins if not when the tree is still dormant the best plan is to have the spray mtfihlnerj and materlala ready at trie earliest pos sible date and prepare 6 begin in unjev 1 v r we have now a complete range of spring hats for early showing and extend to you a most cordial invitation to inspect our stock misses claridge herald block georgetown your nose may be battered your jaw- bone nicked your visage may be a sight but always remember youre neve licked while still you can stand and right no matter how badly they mess up your map it wont be beyond repair and there still is a chance that youll win the scrap as long as the punch is there youll make mistaken and youll do things wrong the best of us always do but as soon as you getto going strong your gru will see you through they smashed old nelson to a fare- youwell but he didnt observe good night he merely paused in his tracks to yell that hed just begun to fight therell be plenty of folks to peddle gloom therell be plenty of folks to say that they see the terrible day of doom hurrying on its way but the fellow who knows that the light is hard and still has the nerve to grin and never gets rattled or drops his guard is the fellow whos going to win canadian medical assoc news and information for tbe busy fanner weekly erop report the weekly crop report of the on tario department of agrlcultjure in dicates that farrnera throughout toe province are experiencing a hard win ter in feeds particularly due to the fact that live stock went into winter quarters in a poor condition algoma is an exception however and tough feed is plentiful in that district- hay is being brought into carleton tn large quantities and the passlhuuy of a feed shortage is apparent- in duf- ferin qom prices were obtained by durham farmers for cattle shipped while egg production there is reported as being only fair in frdntensc milk and cream is- plentiful haldlmand has bad a great dprnand for good seed grain which indicates a renewed in terest in good seed huron farmers are having a shortage of root and silage feeds milk is far below the average in tinnfy and ahimi while peel indicates a surplus in tne supply importation of new zealand butter has lowered tne price of that commodity in lincoln in temiskam- ing seed grain is said to be moving slowly with a light demand potatoes however are good- food likes and dislikes the name is sufficient our salesmen carry butternut varieties daily a change to suit the palate manfd by dominion bakeries ltd guerph sold by mark clark phone 229w grocer georgetown- hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall one of the questions most commonly asked by parents is as to how their child may be taught to like the food which they knew he should eat we all like foods trwhich we are accustomed it is for this reason that it is essential to begin in infancy to accustom the child to the taste of desirable foods which he win then like throughout life because heis ac customed to them cereals are inro duccd into the diet of the infant be- fore the sixth month vegetable juices shortly after other foods in small amounts at first are gradually added if this is done by the tune the child is two years of age a good start will have been made our likes and dislikes are largely a matter of imitation we begin to eat olives because we see that others eat them with pleasure that indeed they regard them as a luxury the attitude of the parents to different foods is largely the attitude their children will have if parents cannot train themselves to eat and enjoy de sirable foods and so set a good ex ample they cannot expect to train their children to do so children want to drink tea or coffee because they see their parents drink them with some relish the same de sire can be cultivated in the child for any foods through the example shown by the parents it should be a fixed rule never to talk about the food dislikes of a child when he is present refer to his apple market in nance a recent bulletin issued by tne fruit growers association of ontario points out the possibility of prance be ing developed into to attractive mar ket for good quality ontario red ap ples satisfactory prices can be secur ed for fruit that meets the de mand of the better class trade as tne general run of french apples are in ferior in quality although a large quantity of apples are produced an nually in the country it is predicted that in the next fifteen years good quality apples will have to be import ed in increasing quantities owing to the depreciation of toe orchards interesttnt ngares interesting statistics issued at ot tawa recently show that osnadlsivi drink a pint of xnlllcr l day on an average making an increase of ap proximately one hundred per cent- slnce 1921 canadians are also said to eat more butter per capita than any other people in the world as in dicated by a figure of 3831 pounds per man woman and chud snnrauly the per capita nowriimpunri of milk is 4703 pounds a yeas which is com pared with 458 pounds per capita for the united slates ice creajn like- wise has shown an increase tne 193s figure being 704 pints per capita as compared with sjw pints for 1891 the consumption of cheese in tne past seven years has also risen from 251 pounds to 354 lbs per capita i year auctio sal milch cows spmrngka rras- bowl the undersigned baa received in structions from john btcafeextn to sell by public auction at lot 10 4th line west critngiraronay right on the ptotlncial highway one mile east of norval on tuesday march tun m at 130 sharp the fallowing pios and fowl 3 turkeys 1 ben 1 gobler 3 sows due may 1st may 8th may 7th sow with utter weeks old sow with litter 7 weeks old 3 youn so due in june cattub holstetn cow s yrs due tune of sale hobttrln cow 8 yra due time of sale horrteln cow 4 jrrs doe time otssle- brindle cow s yrs due time of sale holatrrn cow 4 yra due time of sale hnlstrrn cow 5 yrs due time of sale il cow 4 yra due tlnse of sale holstetn cow yrs- due tfme of sale jersey cow syrs due tune of sale jersey cow 6 yrs doe uroe of sale jersey cjow 5 yrs due time of sale jersey cow 4 yra due tansyot sale jersey cow 4 ynv doe itme of aal hnrrrarncow 8tra due april hohtnrn cow jta 86 march holstetn cow yrs in in in isgirll black cow syrs due in search black cow s yrs due tn march heifer a yrs one in march ayshlre cow 5 yrs due ume of sale ayahlre cow 4 yrs due m march belter 4 yrs due tn march durham cow 4 yrs due ume of sale im cow 4 yrs due time of sale- cow 6 yra due ume of sale cow 3 yra due ume of sale cow 4 yrs due time of sale hnhtrtn butt 2 yra old these are a choice lot of dairy cat tle and every cow will be guaranteed terms calves and fowl to be cash- balance 7 months credit on approved joint notes 6 per cent per off for teal positively w a wilson w j clerk wood for sale baby chicks wycoffa brodtol stra of whits leghorns rigorously ijihni regosyi new blood added yearly prjoaa march is cents april 17 cents each also barred book chicks oajc strata from blood tested and government culled stock price 30 cents each march and aprfl safe arrival guar anteed write for g catalo gue custom hatching 4 cents an egg large mml a as sow as 3 cents in egg your eggs are g the same vffle 4gr 11 or write poultry farm boute 8 brampton out 4t ukes if something about food must dustry la large production and con- boys watches t exceptional value in a boys watch stem wind pendent set with a silvered dial attdntcip x el plated case 100 abw1 next to hotel mcgibbon gaotcetown be discussed but never to his dislikes such discussions or the display of feelings even without words fix the dislikes permanently in the mind of the child when a new food is given there should be no fuss about it serve a small amount and act as if the child would eat it as if he were now old enough to have this adult food food should be served rh an at tractive manner meals should be at regular hours and time taken to en- joy each meal olve small servings and repeat rather than one very large helping a dislike for bland foods such as milk frequen tlv- means that the child is having too much of some sweet roods or of foods with a very distinc tive flavour in such esses all sweets h hiwi fnode oftpyld be withdrawn for a few days children are not to be scolded or blamed for their food dislikes the parents are wholly responsible the childs likes and dlaukeaare the re sult of the training which he has re ceived from his parents whom after all he did not select by proper train ing it is possible to have children who like simple wholesome foods questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 184 college btreet toronto will heanswefed personally by letter canadian baeon ssmreava an interesting fact li the recently issued wnlcn bowed the de crease in the bacon export trade with great britain in the last sight yean or since hogrradunsf wae entertained general practice bight years ago canadas export of bacon amount ed to more than kwmwojdoo pounds in mas it had dwindled to lass than 38000000 pounds the reason given la mat rradlnf hai tn reality hnprov- ed the quality of ostiadlsn ba sad ca thai more and more of it is at home the reputation of pari ad tan bacon stands supreme on the american continent and is antel to any bacon offered in qreat britain the most pressing need at the present ume in relation to the canadian bacon tlnuons supply widowdaje fookry farm kooa ro haxctroro dayout ohk3kb bredtolay barred plymouth backs and ft orson ontar breeding bl ta for white dashorna ordera jxued in rotation of bend for dr csralngna oil use press our ncwgssfoawia beans 3 m a wise old owl lived par an oak a word of wisdom thus who a spoke if t the- best x oldehnifbsh the place to w deysaed tia twee t 33 c 9pecflsrrayiiner bfgfwcjsrisfe codfish ijb pk pumpkin 3 si zt avioittt 07 corn 2 no 2 tjna 4 c uvkrystkmdratb o apple kb 2 tat ouc specssl s qaalaty raisins 3 1 31 garaen no ah bahngowpbk oo spedal glssscos pore imteiooa anamllan peaches no 2 dn 1 c jam 4 33 13 flookwax l4btfc33c sperisi mrl awns invjgaable alf if 2k sunwhbat ooosubssfce cat own coffees fb 30c sx 63c aawarj cmhbm olil sarir28c oaoios oosgty apmc par lb 39c pittbd dates 3 lbs 27c iceberg lettuce 3 beads 25c new texas cabbage 3 lbs 19c marsh seedless grapefruit j for 25c fancy ripe bananas per doe 27c 32c 37c fancy messtnat laa sise doan 3c finest pure lard export quality 34b paa 53e sliced breakfast bacon parrrsawt wrapped- 37c carrolls j sanford stewarttown ploidbingthisinilhid checrtary va phone 84r 12 rjlno2 farm waeli it has been provsd that the use of modern machinery can reduce the costs of production on all eropshow- ever the buying of machinery should be done only after careful considera tion and machinery wuv not turn deficit into a profit tfaenmrry wttl not take the place of good seed and good cultural practices nor wm it serve as a substitute for irrtemgrmt management in fact the more rns chinery there is on a farm the greater is the necessity for following the best farm practices because investment costs are higher ruks are greater and losses may be heavier n flm bits of humour web feet sweet one are you from the far north ole too why do you ask 8 o you dance as if you snowshocs on fruit the n one for each week the vicar had called unexpestedly and mrs smith had becd out how- over little bobby had been there and while the visitor was waiting for mrs smith to return did his best to en tertain him weilr t liup aw behaved- nlcely when the vicar called she asked on her return oh yes ma i heard him say he hadnt a card with him so i slipped a whole pack into his pocket when he wasntlooklng h 1 banking for the bank a colored man went to cashs check at a bank opcretefl by members of bis own race n aaldtetfiuelryott altit gpt no money in this yere bant yes ah is insisted the other ah put ten dollars in settf- six months go- i six months ago echoed the teller pityingly laws euuud man dont you know de intrust done et dat up long agol i farmers should rernemher the value of sowing weedttte seeds sod set of tested varlatlss of grain by so do ing one may increase the yield front 3u per cent to 93 per cent shove the lowest yielding varieties to oats it has been shown ttost urge plump seed will average s3 bushels to the sens while the small seed yields only 4m bushels in barley the ratio is bm and 43j bushels farmers are advised to get a copy of the analysis of the same before buying seed your loeal agri cultural office can furnish desired in formation on this subject apple vnoes peer the latest bulletin of the ontario it arojrem as bsssd e reports of the overseas ref tlve indicates a low price for lot of canadian apples r at liverpool due to poor rwidthon jt is recoiqmended that giu shipping overseas use shredded oil paper for packing as a large part of the last shipment was effected greatly by scald south african plums pearnee and pears are being offered- in large quan tities and are quite cheap affecting somewhat the sales of rnitt ap ples tne fruit is of excellent quality and wall packed- and a toronto ri statement with cheque tor gmaet to hand tor which accept thanks yon certainly lost no tans wlsn thh eojaacatae just snother of of cot ochre kelly aiken main street georgetown gft i i i insurance accident and sickness f kersey standard anthracite scranton coal- nausizea automatically screened and ljoarlrd ready sale on the british msrke qnallty of cheese lainrwns there has besn a steady ment of the quality of cheese year yeartlnce gratung was undsrtaksii r the government acme seven years ago i it was recently authoritatively ststedl that a new m way in thelj past yeay wnetcwepsr cent graded was found to be of tne first grade this wmmmcmedjm 1033 when gridlni legan ah vinces showed a marked but ontario partlenlarly tonlshlng record with m7 per cent of the highest grade fa the province there were apprmilmatoty 7 factories in operation receiving mine- from thousands of famu v vcfcli- wood aalaei lannp w llluealung purposss mg and oshnej o tat x i any eferyttung to as m in any uptodate ooal i wood yard jqhn mcdonald fftjqgsfl 12 did you ever stop to think that the town that fails to encourage the business concerns it now has will fall way behind in the march of progress that when business concerns fail to use every ef fort to increase their business in the home town and its trade territory they are holding back its progress that merchants should show the people of their anvfrtlrmr tl they can supply their every want q v that people appreciate the true merit of the home town as a trading centre when the local concerns take interest enough to tell them what they have through the recognized shoppers guide the newspapers that newspaper ads draw shoppers from other localities shopper do not come to town to buy just one article they uhuahy buy many article les that outoftown shoppers as well as the local shopper should receive prompt and strict attention advertising service quality and prite are the big attractions that bring them to trade j ilfi miil t v irv l i k a-