Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 19, 1930, p. 4

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l pae 4 the georgetown herald weowaday evening march 9th 1930 i tl a nogm j5fy health of your grocer your grocer has heajth to sell the kind of health that comes from light nourishing sttyrdig y w fi it uomk koljts tnsst would you like to know how aiwtfys to say the pleasantest things in the pleasant est way to bring you the friends you will al ways noed friends who are true in word and deed jtr say uiem to home folks first do you wont to know how always to do the things that courtesy asks of you for courtesy is the oil you know that makes the wheels of the days work ro just try them on home folks first c or home folks are nearest and dear est and best and home love is surest to stand every test so if you would jcnow how to doand to say the pleasantest things in thepeasant est way juat trythem on home folksflrs florence jones hadley w every package of shrde6wheatiat-it- evty day with milk or cream rind you will be healthy and strong ready for every test of mental and physical endurance all the bodybuilding elements in the whole wheat grain nothing added nothing takeft away and so easily digested its delicious with fruits shredded heat with all the bran of the whole wheat nccjinadiamshiucookowhkateolframvltb forsters grocery a full line of fresh groceries always in stock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecream in bulk cones or bricks term cash forsters georgetown phone 29 news and information for the bmy faimer- bobfjstt b9glutd mjc ith y ayvie a tn hon john s margin minister of agriculture has introduced e bill in the- legislature providing for improve ment in the quality of dairy products the act now provides that milk and cream be paid tor o a but fat basis except when for humariconsumptlon the amendment removes this excep tion it also provides that factories hereafter shall be termed plants and provides for extreme sanitation in buildings college roval during the past few years a new feature of unusual interest in the educational work of the ontario agricultural college has been the annual exhibition known as the col lege royal the show is staged en tirely by the students and is a sort of a miniature royal winter fau this years show was held on march 4th and proved highly successful an un usual feature is the fact that in the live stock classes prizes were not awarded on the merits of the animals but on the proficiency of the exhibit ors in preparing and exhibiting then- entries cment crop report the crop report isued for the first week in march describes a general poor condition among live stock brant county reports that stock in many cases does not look too well and the farmers have been wintering them as cheaply as possible crops hi duflerin appeared to be in good condition and b heavy demand for no 1 alaska oats is indicated considerable sickness in fowl is- reported by frontenac no un satisfactory reports have been heard regarding fall wheal but farmers in haldimand are concerned on account of the unusual weather fall wheat and clove aeldsa ln jbbdw in hastings while serious damage 1 been done by indents in huron charts fall wheat iff kent is in good condition and egg production in lamb- ton is rapidly on the increase red clover seed is plentiful in tjnmln but alfalfa seed is scarce cattle have been selling extensively in middlesex a surplus supply of milk is reported in oxford orchards in welland have been injured by the ice storms of the past winter coftajkertu sttr exigland who has become west ern manager of colonisation for the canadian national railways vita headquarters at winnipeg comes to canada mr england y woo rhas for some years been continental superintendent of the railway in europe came to can ada from ireland in us youth and graduated in arts from queens university his knowledge of the immigrant peoples began when as a teacher in saskatchewan he won a scholarship in connection with the masonic orders work among new canadians in the west under this scholarship he extended bis studies to paris after his service in the war in which his distinguished conduct brought him the military cross he joined the canadian national rail ways he is the author of a re cently published book tthe cen tral european immigrant in can- bits of humour a new freak first farmer tve got a freak on my farm its a twolegged emit second farmer i know he came over to can on my daughter last night year better bait sandy reading papers i donald what does your better meant tjonam nnnn ken fair beats me hah flandy she wooclf or se- oboioe hardwood beeoh and maple hm par single oord mixed wood smo per single cord mixed slabs o00 per single cord rails ssjoo per single cord phone msj or b8sj j bbakdfokjp georgetown monuments pollock ingham gaitont designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery carrolls 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 chicks egga and pallets pure hollywood s c white leg horns bred front imported stock of high record book your orders now far eggs day old chicks and pullets esga si jo per is 7 00 per 100 chicks hatched before april 15th k5 00 per sb slbooppr hundred j tgll pullets h25 each jssr or 416x0 per100 8 week old pullets tllo each june hatch 400 per 23 ii3i0 per 100 s week old pullets 90c larger orders taken at reduced prices maple ave poultry farms j b wilr sim box 13 georgetown phone 248- tf baby chicks wyooffa bredtolay strain of white leghorns rigorously culled regularly and new blood added yearly prices bfarcn 18 cento april 17 cents each also barred rock chicks oao strain from blood tested and government culled stock price 20 cents each march and april safe arrival guar anteed write for interesting catalo gue custom hatching f cen an egg large numbers as low as 3 vi cents an egg tour eggs are given the same attention as our own phone cooks- vllle 48 r 11 or write britannia poultry farm route 6 brampton ont 4t jsanford stewarttown tribute to agricwlhnte b w beatty kc president of the cpu in a recent address at toron to dealing with the conditions of the railways in their relation to the mar keting orcbadvs wheat crop paid remarkable tribute to agriculture he declared it all indicates the tremen dous importance of agriculture to can ada s prosperity not only in its direct results to the porducers of farm pro ducts but to the business of the coun try as a whole and through the value of the general purchasing power which agricultural prosperity gives boys watches exceptional value in a boys watch stem wind pendent set with a silvered dial and nick el plated case 100 ab willson not to hotel mcgibbon georgetown of farm i nt hon john s martin minister of agriculture told the legislature that the amount of loans outstanding under the agricultural development act tor the past three years was 15531380 in 1927 s1946540s in 1928 and 12x835- 887 in 1929 he said there was si33- 999 outstanding in short term notes at the close of the last fiscal year tn answering a question as to how much money has been lost to date he said there have been no actual losses be cause the reserve created for that pur pose has taken care of all shortages which have been 12 804 for long term notes and 903 for short term notes the board has taken no foreclosures in the last three years although sale proceedings have been taken in 52 good meed rays well according to experiments conducted at the ontario agricultural college it is now quite possible to raise the yield forty per cent by using clean high quality seed results based on the work of the last few years actually show that this increase over the low- yielding plots run all the- way from 30 to 83 per cent the importance of weltcleaned seed is further illustrated by the results from plots where small shrunken and broken seed was used in one case and large plump kernels in the other the case of the former showed the yljjd with oats to be 486 bushels per acreas compared with 62 fctln tmm h latter qood seed costs less than two dollars per acre more and yet this extra two dollars means a yield of is bushels of oats on every the life of prospective customer to ab booksellers assistant have you got the life of a christianr assistant the life o a christian i i ntnna the life o a dog and vm leaving this week frasaatate 9 dylpa when assailed his nostrum an irishman summon trig his weening g to his bedside he said nora darling aint it doughnuts that i smellt- rlght for ye father the gxrl re plied and would ye be asking your mlther if i can have one before i diet the daughter delivered the message to mother in the kttehn and brought back this answer mlther says ye cannot have one of them doughnuts theyte for the wake plnmbingitsmilliing estiftules urceriaiiy uvea phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 coast to coast we handle collections every where from halifax to van couver if your note or account is collectable we can get it remember we are collection specialist kelly aiken otaagevtue no collection no charge h ere an dth ere 4s4 prior to leaving on as meta gams with his niece miss holen hackemta who is to be married in london next month his honor ft- randolph bruce lieutenant- governor ot british columbia at tended the official opening of the new brunswick provincial legis lature in bis trip by canadian par cioc across the dominion mr bruce called on every lieutenant- governor in canada hydro electric system orders taken for ranges uand appliances of all kinds tv ai av a- tsfc a sfc si s s ttsmtevst eveys tafc fc aaaa office town hall captain a- j hosklo rn skip per ot canadian pacific liner em press of russia was recently win ner for the second time in buecesr ion of the e w beatty shield for safety and efficiency the shield was donated in 1918 ythe chair man and president of the railway for competition among company ships ot the pacific fleet first sreek in marctr wi the addition of alberta and qaa- katctaewan to the canadian paci fic railways broadoaatlng ehaia which now covers montreal to ronto winnipeg flaming for sas katchewan apd calgary for alber ta- slogan of the broadcast a cheerful and oood and sea chanteys and spqgs from ballad operas together with hlh class orchestral pieces are put on the sir every friday nlgbt between 10 an u eastern time free material the ontario agricultural and ex perimental union is again prepared to distribute in ontario tree material for experiments with grains potatoes roots fodder crops and fertiliser ad seeds and fertilisers will be sent in good time for spring seeding provided ap plications are received at an early date the supply however is limited and those who apply first will be surest of obtaining the desired material prof w j bqulrrell of the ontario agri cultural college ouelph is director of experiments eradicating weeds qood work is being done tn part of wellington county to curtail the weed nuisance r- b clemens the agricultural representative of that dis trict recently declared that the sow thistle has been cut down by about fifty per cent similar reports have been issued by other agricultural re presentatives who are giving attention to this important matter the past dry season was not favorable for the continued growth of the weed and valuable steps were taken forward in its eradication in many parts of on tario shell forming material ib ottawa electrtcltyfor domes- tie use la coeapej than anywhere else on the continent f not w acmiolua to auth e the subject it is sold at a rate that average less than one cent per kilowatthour which means that the average blirfor- light incurred by cltlsene- of the canadian capital is about si per month j properly the meals which compose the mash as there is no doubt that egg troubles in the way of shellless eggs etc can at times be put down to the mash not being property mix ed laok- of lime and oysterslmll grit and some grits make laying difficult in a badly mixed mash a flux of meat orrftome other source of protein is of ten found and that may easily ac- count for shellless eggs there is another reason why one should mix the meals properly and that to that the mash is made more palatable when mixed in a thorough manner w at tie worlds poultry congress to be held at the crystal palace london england next july can ada will be a oommlouous partici pant the canautaa e ot hve birds will total about 100 the last worlds congress was bald in ottawa tn m7- oae of the largest real estate transactions of modern times will be put through at the present ses sion of uw canadian federal par- llamenc when legislation will be submitted to enable the govern ment to band over millions of acres ot land a substantial amount ot water power vast forest wealth and dther natural resources to tha provinces of manitoba alberta and british columbia the music shags and dances ot lathi celt scandinavian slav teuton and british willall be re presented for canadians this month when on march 1932 tha third great west cant ian folk dance folk 8ong and handicraft festival will be held under the auaplees of the canadian pad ho insurance life fwe wind storm accident and sickness bonds and mortgages bought and bold npaiilal bates on autamobue insurance to the farmers fkersey phone btt or ss2 georgetown ontario radios service and repairs complete testing equipment authorised dealer for xolater and radiolas harry h darling phone 199 georgetown murdoch st bush horses during march and april we win sell lot ho these hones are right out ot hard work and are tn excellent condition owing to favourable weather eondltkins this winter anyone requiring seasoned bones ready to go to work should take advantage ol this oppor l a fill th raqnlmm every bona will be sold by x auction without reserve sate st at 11 ajn sharp the repository q m2s nelson st toronto out coatter bros props u r liwlhlwtvvatloap mo shovzurao bmuind 555s55555s5555s5s5s555555555s55s55555555s555s main street georgetown you to i ever stop think standard anthracite 5crantcn coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded jesk s b th palllser hotel n calgary unusually heavy pretienten wed dings were indicated this month from the windsor street statldn montreal when 25 bljsblng lionoy- mooners left that city tor ottawa quebec and new york on one morning station officials say fht this la very heavy for tbs time ot year and comes close to the number leaving the station on mornmga of cupids spocial uiontti ot uune coal r wood select xnmp lor domestic and tthroahlng purposes smith ing and oannal ooal in fact i carry everything to be found in any uptodate obal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 12 georgetown that the town that fails to encourage the hiinfnrsw concerns it now has will fall way behind in the march of progress that when business concerns fail to use every ef fort to increase their business in the home town and its trade territory they are holding back its progress that merchants should show the people of their rn h nf anyprtislrv h they can supply their every want that people appreciate the true merit of the- home town as a trading centre when the local concerns take lpterest enough to tell them what they have through the recognized shoppers guide the newspapers that newspaper ads draw shoppers from other localities shopper do not come to town to buy juat one article they usually buy many articles r that outoftown shoppers as well as the local shopper should receive prompt and strict attention advertising service quatity and price are the big attractions that bring them to trade ljmtv

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