Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 26, 1930, p. 2

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r k tfjiihg page 2 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening march 26th 1 930 v 5ae is still on and will be continued until march 31 save money while the goods iffsl bibtb8 utlws at cnfleld on sunday mar 23rd 1930 to mr and mrs w j little a son david james deaths bcott at her home lot 23 6th une esquesing on mahrinyflhsrch 24th rachel arthurs widow of the late william w scott in her 79th year reid at georgetown on thursday march 20th 1930 robert f reld in his 79th year pevereaux at georgetown on thursday march -26- 1930 mary brown widow of the late w g devereaux in her 81st year 3 burner perfection oil fetove rwrrelwaepertat6bo 5j4 qts 2 14 qt milk paila perjpair 20 qt ceawery catr 3pti t no 9ca8t hn frying pan white enameled water pail 89c milk strainer 29c imperial qt household measure 25c stainless- steel paring knives -xsc- 1 qt enameled dipper 19c hot galvanized tub 98c deep enameled pie plate 19c 4 piecekit g set 75c sunny blue enameled tea pot 129 u enameled rice boiler 98c enameled tea ketde 4 qt 86c tinware set 5 pieces 59c enameled bread box 98c 3 enameled pudding bowls in color 98c galvanized pail i9c 2 doz stainless steel table jnives 149 12 doz stainless steel dessert forks 99c white enamel wash bowl 29c galvanized boiler no 9 159 rival quebec cook range with warming closet and reservoir 3995 sfie the goodsn our windows come early and dont be disappointed r h thompson co in memowam porgrave in loving memory of spr thomasr j forgrove who died o wunds march 29th 1918 and was buried in aublgny cemetery somewhere in france ifbanbta he sleeps afar with the noble slain the ttvaqslons of glory well meet tnffigjsrr xbluary mrs alexander grieve the death took place at tlv brant- ford general hospital saturday mar 22nd of iennie jd wife of alexander grieve palace street besides the husband she leaves two sons norman detroit gordon buffalo and- one sis ter mrs t n browfl toronto also three brothers duncan campbell flint mid walter campbell erin and robert campbell elora deeeaa- ed was a member of st andrews united church town council bio charity account bank asks more interest back taxes checked over the adjourned meeting of town council was held on thursday even ing mayor mwdrenxftrnh the chair and councillors denlson parr davis cleave an cummlngs present moved by cleave seconded by davis that the following accounts be paid mountain sanltariun charity s 795 00 grant construction co quelph st repairs 3054 53 carried moved feyimnuon seconded by parr that tjhe account of j n oneill sop for 39000 for chevrolet car be paid carried t moved by denlson seconded by oummlngs that the clerk immediately write to and instruct messrs uroson it stratton to serve notice upon and take proper steps to terminate the agreement between evans andstevarisn and the corporation of georgetown dated nju4- dec jwoarrled w moved by cummlngs seconded by parr that thecllerk us inswucttd to mrs walter g devereaux alter a lingering illness of almost two years duration mary brown widow of the late walter o devere aux passed away at her home lot 18 7th line esquesing on thursday mar 20th mr devereaux predeceased her oct 9th 1913 mrs devereaux was a native of esquesing township daugh ter of james and mary brown she was a member of afamlly of six sons and two daughters of which bat onejj a brothar mr robert l brown sur vives a family of three remain to njnuth their mothers death mrs john murdpck of georgetownmts ber nard miller of the 7th une esquesing and john b at home the youngest boy willie dying as the result ofan ac cident in his eleventh year deceased jnrnii n munymrnf the hnlt1 nhnrely to credit of corporation for perpetual care far old cemetery to the cemetery cornmlsslorltcarrjed moved by denlson seconded by cummlngs that as an effort to secure v lower freight rate on coal this cor poration join with the other munici palities forming the municipal freight rates association to retain the hon hugh puthrle to present the case to the dominion railway board and that we assume our share of the cost pro rata according to population carried a communication was read from the bank of montreal re rate of 8 inter est on loans to town the finance committee reported that they under stood the rate was to continue at 5v4 as last year the matter was laid over for further consideration considerable time was spent check- lng over the long list of back taxes owing the town arid separating the wheat from the chaff it will evident ly be necessary to strike off a consid erable amount as the time and op portunity for collecting same has long phone 46 georgetown have your eyes examined by otwalker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month or you may consult dr walker at his office in brampton ndammasa oteorgetbwh the funeral service was conducted by rev mr rumley ed by rev mr caldwell of umehouse interment was made in the family plot in greenwood cemetery georgetown the funeral was largely attended many friends and relatives from a dis tance being present the pallbearers were isae bennett david brooks her bert bessey leonard watson rence burt and alex cross law- meat market fresh and cured meats of all kinds fresh fish and oysters quick delivery erwin goldham phonel georgetown robert fraser reid the death of root fraser reld on thursday last severed the last sur viving link between two pioneer fand- lles who made history for the town ship of esquesing he was the eldest son of the late root reld who settled on lot 15 9th due in the early for ties his mother was margaret fraser daughter of the late john fraser sr who settled on the farm where union church now stands he married agnes daughter of the late jos reld and mrs reld who proved a most worthy wife and mother pasting away some sixteen years ago five sons audi one daughter survive namely james of perduej3ask root- on his grand fathers farm william h on the homestead jo fraser weir mccollough in chuiguacousy and agnes josephine a nurse in toronto mr reid was brought up in the old presbyterian school and while dill- gent in his choserr oecupatiowi hint- of fuming he ever gave religious duties and privileges first place he served his church in every capacity and for many years was an honored member of the session of union presbyterian church and iaterofhbrval church a sincere christian gentleman in all his relations with his fellowmen through falling health in these later years he gave up active work and con tinued to live with his son william an the farm the funeral was held from his late residence lot ib con 9 esquestng on monday march 24th the revmacdonald of norval offici ating assisted by rev q e reld toronto rev john g reid dover centre rev howard eaton- union vine and tbe rev mcklnnrm of nor val beautiful floral tributes from many friends and acquaintances went to show the esteem ad respect which council adjourned county council brief summary ok business transacted t last wektlnq milton march 18th 1930 the council met at 1000 ajn in ac- tli nf the wdp georgetown flourffeep the late mr munlty reld held htthls corn- member all present the warden in the chair the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed communications were read as fol lows from the acton free press re printing 8t johns church stewart- town re entrance to same n 8 mar shall re proposed addition to county road system department of public highways re appointment of- road superintendent bylaw providing for expenditure in 1930 county roads com mittee and expenditure in 1829 house of refuge commission re appoint ment of a treasurer also copies of esolutions passed by the county coun cil of northumberland and- durham re administration of old age pensions and that of lincoln re registration of births the auditor report accounts of 1929 and the report of the depart ment of agriculture 1839 were prq- sented 1 a p mcvanneu agricultural re presentative addressed the council in connection with his report ma campbell addressed tbe coun- qll asjrlng f or a grant for educational purposes in tuci ooundl granted tt hatton educa te torontosuson association 50 a wl passed to regulate tbe weight of loads to be carried over county highways a resolution was passed that tbe coto- cll strongly impress upon h goverq- nsmt itaudestas to nave the noond line from hoitbn to aok taken ovn- by thenrovinclaj highways denartment exwardenaundsay and oburcb of peel county addressed the council in regard to appointing eight members orily to act as a oommtttee of man agement for the gordon horns mil ton the belief was expressed that th two county ooundl should have mora to say in th managmnt they ask ed that provision be made to accept children for short periods whan pos slble in cases whore slrtmea pmnall ed in the hunm the mimlripallty was forced to take care of children the municipality tn each case would pay so mucbareeki these ideas were drafted in an agreement presented to council which tbe peel representatives wished to have adopted warden morden and reeve blaln of natton were appointed a committee to confer with a committee art collector dead f alexander was active in baildlng profession we are introducing to you queen of roses jfastry flour 500 bags only at his- exceptional low price prominent in the building and eon- i tracting business and well known in fparkdale john franklin alexander 10 tyndal ave died sunday he was welj known to collectors and otbeta interested in antiques having b fine collection of art objects and antique pieces ilmn at irtfn in bslnir he housing commission getting busy on matters per taining to houses in town the housing on wednesday a short meeting of conunlgslon was held morning last all members being pres ent the purpose of the meeting wad to consider certain proposals and offers in connection with some of the houses on- which payments have not been made according to agreements also to consider the sale of one property the proposal of pne purchaser that the accrued interest be cancelled could- not be entertained and the clerk was in structed to so advise him xturther meeting win be called shortly to hear the reply of the parfy contemplating the purchase of one of the homesj mens banquet jatknqx church the kgkc class of rtnok church invit the m at t church- l held lntne chur pa on tuesday evening at sso many hours of rain and snow made the at tendance somewhat smaller than was expected but about 60 men turned out i and enjoyed greatly the whole evening a liberal supply of wholesome and appetizing dainties arranged amid candles and flowers wos the reward offered to those who ventured out that wet stormy night the members of the olrls organized classes wait ed on the tables and assisted the kc kc class in all the preparations the banquet being over mr james kennedy president of the mens class in a few well chosenwords made his introductory address and called upon fred parllnger to act as toastmaster bar parllnger with a few appropriate remarks and fitting illustrations from his great fund of anecdotes presented the following toast list the king national anthem the presbyterian church in can ada proposed by major l grant responded to by rev john mcnab m a bjd of high park church toron to knox church georgetown propos ed by 8am mnfcmtti responded to by rev k mac ran managers of knox church pro posed by l curtta responded to by- o t mackay elders of knox church proposed by kenneth macdonald responded to by a d hume kckc proposed by r b poults responded to ky t- g nedy tjssse toasts were intersp by musia by messrs young and a sols jack harrison all of yhlch was great ly appreciated the main address of the evening was given by rev john mcnab of high park presbyterian church toronto he spoke of the value of having an ideal and suggested to the young men worthwhle ideals he believed that the explanation of the difference be tween south america and north america was in the fact that south america was first settled by spani ards seeking gold while north america was first settled by pilgrims seeking ood auction salej of farm stock nd implements the v undersigned nas received uir structlods from w d manes lot 4 2ndcon west chlnguacousy to sell by public auction on friday april th- 1 at 1 oclock the following cattle black cow calf at side reg holstelh cow- calf at side hol- stelh cow calf at side holsteln cow calf at side durham cow calf at side jersey cow due time of sale durham coyr due time of sale 3 hol steln cows due time of sale holsteln cow due april is holsteln cow springing reg jersey cow due may 1st reg jersey cow due may 9th durham cow due may 10th partjer sey hefer due in may jersey caw bred nov s8th jersey co bred- dec sth holstelh cow bred dec 13th hoi stem cow bred oct 19th holsjeln cow bred oct 20th yearling jersey heifer 2 jersey heifer calves 4 hougteln hef er- calves 9 holsteln heifers rising 1 year pld x hqdsv sow and- 9 pigs 2 weeks oldvsow due may 20th r 7sbjre dlgjt io7cntti7lsjr lilh rowij h implements jnterjiatlonal 10- 20 tractor 10 double traptordlsc 2- furrow mtematlonal tractor plow single- fyrrow walking plow mh circular saw tudbope anderson man ure spreader de lavel cream separa- tor no 17 all above implements are almost new f terms calves fowl store pigs chunks and all sums of 2500 and un der cash over hat amount- four months credit on bankable paper 6 per cent per annum off for cash terms for tractor one third cash bal ance at 6 per cent positively no reserve as i have sold one farm w j mckinney auctioneer w a wilson clerk hands thatplay never lack invitations commencing saturday march 29 there will be conducted at the undermentioned studio a serlesof piano classes slmuar to those already adopted in toronto conservatory of music and the different schools in all the principal cities classes are nohdenomlnatlonal and open to children who are beginners or not now studying with a local teacher children are taken in small groups and with the aid of a piano and dummy keyboards are taugtit both theory and piano up to the primary grade at a fee of twentyfive cents for each hour lesson taken -once- a week making it possible to give more than one fhtiriln a family the full benefit of a musical education piano classes seek to create friendly rrvalry and keen competition among children at the same time eliminating self consciousness tn making producers of music at- the close of the year 1939 approximately ten thousand children were studying piano irj classes jn canada monthly reports re provided showing ihe progress made by each child in class parents are asked to telephone or write at their arly convenience to secure an enrolment franz liszt orie of the earliest composers to sponsor class work is quoted mil your home with music and happiness will come to live with you miss m fa mathews v 1 main bl qeovgetown telephone if oil royalties not stocks or shares in royalty holding companies but direct purchase and ownership pro ducing properties only- immedi ate monthly returns own your own l clayton ridge royal bank bldg tqronto out adel 1887 h r mtmms georgetown redreaentatlve ph imw or 114 bruntons garage welding and expert brake service battery repairing rapstn to 11 klajlaa of can ou ou onm eho radio aad cor battorloo roekajrcod an uptodate auto repair shop prompt service i workmanship guaranteed authorized chrysler and plymouth service garage main st north phone 280 georgetown acton from peel county bag c no more than two bags to one customer phone and have it delivered wc bessey prompt delivery gtiwetowi moved to toronto in 1000 he is sur vived by his widow one daughter doreen two sons jack and grant at home a ut- mra w wrlgglpsworthj and a brother w j alexander both of georgetown ontario 1 milton stewarttown the st johns ayp- met as usual friday evening last the meeting opened by singing hymn 7js the de votional period was conducted fay rev mr boyd during the educational programing a contest pertaining to ireland wm vetf much enjoyed tbe and airs prank jenl miss mary smith had tbe misfor tune to fall on the icy sidewalk on tuesday and fracture her arm- the sad news reached town on tues day evening of the death of louis p snyder son of the late eli 8nyder of acton mr snyder was inspector of bank properties of the royal bank of canada at montreal following an illness of the past six- teen months david carnahan passed away at his home brock avenue ac ton lat thursday evening bom in nassagaweya township sixtysix years ago david camahan has lived all his life in this district and has been a highly respected citizen a thoughtful and very attractive memorial incident at the united church on sunday was the profusion of flowers sent for the day by mrs wttllam snyder toronto this was in memory of her departed husband who died a year ago mr james moore crewsons corners has purchased the express and mall delivery business of mr alger orlpps in georgetown and will take charge after his sale at the end of the month and mrs orlpps and family will likely come back to acton to reside again as mr orlpps will resume his position with norton motors here a new list of the names of the dub lin old boys association is in course of preparation and will be issued early hi april the committee requests that the names of all former pupils and teachers may be secured by that time in order that the list may be as complete as possible these names should be forwarded to the secretary mr p i fright acton pree press special gold diggers of broadway that colossal aiitmlklnr ah- colour extravacanxa is being shown at the capitol brampton thurs fri sat this weelf see this feast of delight on the new magnascope the full stage screen thnrsday at 4 pan 7 and 9 frlsjay at 7 and 9 pjn saturday at j0b and i we have now a complete range of spring hats for early showing anthextencl to you a most cordial invitation to inspect tdut stock misses claridge herald block georgetown 1 we have held several irpabs watches blocks and jmclij a lot longer than called 7 b yonra among theast if so please ad vise of yoor rnttlorpv leftovers win be sold shortly foster the jewel ler queen st west brampton glenwill1ams english gave a very interesting reading contest an- mary semi knglisn gave a very iuiiiuia during thg judging of th contw t fihk ra br m stanaun was neartuy cikofac very interesting game wentnan in dulged in after which the ineeting came to a close try singing the na tional anther ashgrove tbe name is sufficient a s a a aaaa aaaaaaoao aa a o m m m m m our salesmen carry bititernut varieties daily a change to suit the palate manfd by i dominion bakeries ltd guelph mark 1- 1 gltocer dr and mrs b oollop of oeorge- tbwn viflteill at the home of her broth er prank pearen on sunday principal marpcllos is we are sorry to say confined to his bed through 111- ness hla many friends bone he will jest the business arising from soon recover i uniatjiln honaunt in which the won in the dominion estimates recently brought down among pensions grant ed to twelve county court judges is oho for 5000 per annum to judge j w elliot milton superannuated sheriff brown and deputy sheriff tales took m j multeity of hamil ton to th ontario reformatory at auelpb last week where he will serve one year for defrauding farmers in the matter of insurance on their motor ears mr and mrs a w coulter r r 1 milton announce the engagement of tholr daughter mary roxdna to mr ira h cowan son of mr and mrs mr george taylor of toronto spent sunday at his home here mr wesley day of danfbrth united ohurchtoronto will be in charge- of the young peoples rnoetlng in the tftilukl cuuivh -on- thursdayevenings verybody welcome we should be thankful 4or this snow storm as it ailed the dimples in our wuuld i wuu b uluuli t rf- our council would put some gravel in them gqc to united state wullam cfawan olpalermo thmar h served a dainty andappeus riage to take place quietly early in april roy chlshoun of sault ste marie visited him- mother here on sunday while here he went to ouelph oen- eral hospital to see his sister mrs youngs nee mabel chisllolrnv who underwent a serious operation and is about to ilndcrgo a second one her many friends hope she will soon re- covervchamplon the march meeting of tbe womens institute was held at th home of mrs f w ruddell and despite bad roads the attendance was good the meet ing was opened in the usual way and the roll call answered with an irish jest the business arising from the holsteln banquet in which the womens institute had catered proved satisfac tory and quite airiice sum realised the natal part was an irish type and many tasty wclpes were discussed in which the notatovwiljpt prominent i splendid piano solo w byfti mrs alexander anrtviss udat qraham miss oorena wrlggletfwortho irish read lng was enjoyed by an present mrs i earl wilson gave an interesting paper on the life of thomas moore one of the irish poets jui the community singing the irish melodies were used several war selections of thomas moore th msetktg closed by slng- the national anthem after which the ladies and gentlemen we have now in stock all the very latest in ladies and mens t spring suits spriijg coats in tweed tricotinea broadcloth etc all at greatly reduced prices orteerourprwgut mens s to or card qf thanks we hereby convey to htriends and netghborsour yriry sincere thank for their- l ilclttqesses and sympathy extended to us in our sad bereavement by the death of our beloved fatherth late robert y reldsons and daughr ter r lng lunch th meeting of the young peoples league was held on monnay evening march 34th in charge of mr frank wilson vicepresident of th oltlsen ship department there was a large attendance the programme consist ed of papers given by mis elsie bird and mr thomas brownrldge an the duties of a dtixen also solos by mrs clayton wilson the remainder of the evening was spent in games and contests after which a welnerroast was much enjoyed by ajl we now represent it couple of firafclaaa tailoring firm andwill give pur custornera urt quality itwdetoorder ayi at attractive price bargains for the week end w have many peciab for every week end and real bargains are always awaiting you we mention below only a few of tbe many we are offering boys suits made of good tweed size up to 29 2 pair short pants special ja 7 c boys and girls reefers size up to 6 yrs special 2 25 we have a new line of mens caps in all the new fabrics good quality at 98c and 125 new line mens oxfords besrkid or calf leather double soles special 475 while mr and mrs w n oobert bront f arraars wore away from home dogs entered their peuurythhaassand destroyed over 80 fuse laying- pullets and hens it 1 thought that lieal x rw respobflhle for rhjo- j a livfxdkroir who ha haeh gppolntod msnagoy of the jjmd settlbment and po tolopmont serrio of the canadian national railway in the bolted slate with headquarters st st paul minn mr qurton who cam from engl a an immi grant in 19ttand was a farm laborer construction worker und mmhwhacker entered tbeser- io of the national system in the land department winnipeg in lftsl and became eastern man- t rjolonlsstlon at montreal ft fky v f mens broacjcloth dress shirts saturday speciat qftr mens good quality overalls blue or black 4c linen table cloths 54x54 at figg unbleached cpttpn sheeting heavy quality 72 inches wide fiqc per yard at 45c marquesette anl net curtail materials at peryard 1 fiuj u main street phone 375 georgetown wwwwwvwr t ft t- itliiiiov v r 1r y -j- aatissisl

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