Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 26, 1930, p. 3

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zzsam the georgetown herahjl ses wednesday evening march 26th i930 h v w- page 3 usltw pure food store no 10 pail clover honey 99c 2 tall tins carnation milk 25 2 lb choice pitted dates v 27 2 lb christies molasses snaps 25 christies fig bars per lb 29 christies chocolate mallows per lb 29c christies arrowroots per lb 29 christies flajce butters per pkg 10 2 lb guelph creamery butter 79e 3 pkgs ftinso- v 29e princess soap flakes per pkg a ujlc choirs 1 fnibny ppr dfiz 23c local news r tuesday is april lst too bad we had to bring out the snow shovels again regular meeting of town council next tuesday evening a safe place to buy boots is at roneys factory shore store ltp about 6 inches of snow fell on sunday and monday nights hydro will be off on sunday next march 30th from 1 to 6 pan we have just about come to the conclusion that the fellow whwssjd we were going to have an early spring is a prevaricator ladles auxiliary bt oeorges church will hold their st georges tea and sale of homebaking on sat april 36th keep this date in mind the ladles auxiliary of the cana dian legion will hold a homemade baking i andapran sate on saturday april 19th at 3 jxm at legion rooms the ladles auxiliary of the cana dian lefion will- hold a euchre and bridge on friday april 1st ait 8 pan admission 2a eyerybodywelcome- dance at stewatrtown thursday night march 27th under auspices l qjy m a fl ton l a all who tttwli yoo-ara- 1nv in- f ijrtted and shouldnt miss it personals jr w k- ourney 2 wtnghiyn was a visitor in town on monday mr and mrs j l thompson of to ronto were visitors in town on sunday mr and mrs j a wllloughby of toronto called on friends in town on friday mr r laidlaw of st andrews col lege toronto spent the weekend with rev dr and miss mccou dr and mrs p tt watson return ed home on saturday after spending the past two months at jacksonville florida rev kenneth maclean will go to stayner on friday to conduct the fun eral of george wncox late proprietor of the wilcox hotel in that town those from a distance who attended the tunetal octhe tate mrs w g devereaux were mrs jno devereaux mrs root devereaux brantford mrs bailey mrs mccuuaugaauelph mr john toblri miss- marlon brownemiss a oke mr alex crosv krorito messrs newliouse brampton sir tand mrs t storey mr r brown and mr jno brown acton rp vlitfrt bkq1tkht i general news as ft result of a raid headed by provincial constable george cookman of milton wm brown proprietor of the raymond hotel burlington was toed 300 and costs by magistrate bail on a charge ofhaylng liquor in an unlawful place- a ban has also been placed on the premises for one year which means that no liquor can be ctfmsumedih the hotel by guests or anyone else inglewcod woft institute have made a donation to the rural school fair of thai district to be used for pur prizes for a public speak ing competition mrs wm martin re ported on a meeting of the county executive in brampton mrs earl martin mrs t h oraham and mrs j mi scott gave educational papers hon j c elliott minister of pubtyc works has notified wjrlowe bramp ton that a sum of s3000 has gone through the estimates for the removal of the old scows port credit mr lowe- has been worklnjfor this ap- propriatkm for some time and it will be good news to the people of port credit j the ontario agricultural ttnd jex- perhnental tjiupn is again prepared to new advertisements all ttg strictly cash with order wanted saleslady apply at h silvers store main bt geo it money wanted 81000 on firstclass security first mortgage apply box m herald 2tp bigger and better values for sale a one horse wagon buggy and demo crat for sale cheap james williams college view ltp distribute in cwtsnotreewbreriat for fcqjerhueota with grains- potatoes roots fodder crops and fertilisers all seeds and fertilisers will be sent in- good time tor spring seeding provided applications are received at an early date automobile drivers in manitoba who flick cigarette and cigar butts and ashes from the windows of their cars will be liable to prosecution under a new law which is being framed in the manitoba legislature rftnfrfwg ash trays compulsory many forest fires- it is claimed have been started by just such actions boys are forbidden to ride on running boards or- fenders position wanted young girl desires position as steno grapher had a little experience- apr ply to box 37 georgetown po 3tp wanted 2000 on a first mortgage on a solid brick house in- georgetown ontario apnhvitb box b herald office tr forqale agricultural lame 1 per ton in carload jot also best grade of feru- userswalter moore phone 1s2j georgetown tf for sale qec oats a-tjuanthar- mn 73 pefri of nplv- tq wilson phone 42 r 23 georgetown groceries specials for this week stuarts pure pluto jam 40 oz glass jar gold medal coffee y red rose coffee yz pure peach jam 40 ioz glass jar post bran flakes 2 for seeded raisins 2 pkgs for gold medal jelly powders 3 for chjp80 per pkg jgorvhealtbbiiv2fo 29c 32c 32c 33c 22c 25c 23t 21c jztc- bananas oranges grape fruit lemons and vegetables at right prices hear bur radio broadcast on thorsday afternoon from 4 to 5 pm over ckcl hiiummiihi a e farnell prompt delivery phone 7s mumsmmnmismmimisammiammammmimimmmmm wtutecgreat argov a powerful reconstructive tonic thousands of testimpnials prove the value of this won- derful medicine felt stronger and better in every way mrs b i now feel the glow of new found health m r h r i shaft prainelthis wonderful medicine alwayslmrs w rest- for indigestion and smothering spells mrs r the matchless triumphs scored by sargon have become the talk of the entire country results not promises are what count 135 per bottle danns drugstore phone 327 c town womens institute will hold their regular meeting on wednes day april 2nd at the home of mrs george c campbell members please note change in place of meetlng- james moore crewsons corners will hold an extensive clearing sale of farm stock implements hay grain and household effects oh monday march 31st r j kerr auctioneer nell patterson 2 miles south of acton on stone road will sell 10 horses go cattle so hogs second annual sale on thursday april 3rd 1 oclock r j kerr auctioneer the young peoples union of the united church milton will put on their play her gloves at the ash- grove church on friday april 11th watch for further particulars it mr j b m arsenide has disposed of his remodelled residence on church st which m fftihased from the james a bell estate to mr j h lu- lico who will shortly move into his new home a play entitled the spinsters convention will be produced by the ladies aid of ballinafad united church on friday evening april 4th admiss ion 35c come and enjoy a good laugh u pur request and renewed their sub scription there are still a large num ber owing us and we- need the money our list has been corrected up to date look at the date on your label and if iithere is any mlntave kindly notify as and we shall be pleased to correct same as we said before our year closes the end of this month and- as we require a considerable amount of money to meet our obligations we must again re quest those in arrears to settle same by mar 31st kindly attend to mow thank you hah special fresh cod fresh haddock red airwm white fish fresh and smoked fillets pickled trout prices reasonable fresh p wn t w mittin flsh tnri meat market fire at matl milla about 930 on saturday morning the are alarm was sounded for a ore at macken planning mlbs a spark had ignited the roof and the flame was gaining some headway when noticed the prompt response of the fire brigade and the turning on of the water soon extinguished the fl but not before some 150 damage was done to the roof club hockey news reorganizku officers elected fo wo u there was a large gathering at the arena last thursday night where f meeting had been called for reor ganization for the season of 103031 reeve mctntyre war ta the chair and after the minutes of the last an nual meeting and the treasurers re port was read and adopted the follow- jlng flpktrf were elected hon presidents drs paul and wlulama presidentreeve d melntyre vicepresident ool o o brown secretary a c honey treasurer w b fxd execuove n tuck 8 v king r isley junior manager a ouncah intermediate manager j convenor juvenile hockey- had- curling no no nanette here is the hit that broke an popu larity records in its one year runs in new york and chicago vltaphone vt 4 s uouore mnifalfy htvifed tailoiung tip top clothes are known all over can ada for their smart appearance and their wonderful value every claim made for them is backed by two and a half million satis fied customers now we invite you to call at our store and see samples of the new fabrics and pat terns for spring in this wellknown line v over 300 different materials offer you the very widest range toselect your new suit at topcoat from if you buy here every cloth is guaranteed fine allwool i all garments are designed by men recog nised as style leaders on this continent all tailoring is done by master eraftsmen- dont delay until the rush is on oome in now s2400 buys any suit or topcoat tailor ed to your measure and guaranteed through out one price z4js to measure d brill co main st geoatgetown bers for his splendid work in con nection with the organisation during the past year the flist lecture will be given by dr williams next tuesday night any not present at meeting may have the privilege of joining next tuesday night nil nor vaimills ii mumm -our- hopping nuh is being repaired as quickly lis possible and will bo operating in few days flour and feed for sale tnotvn office now open for hustness at the mifl w bl browne w norval flour miui phone 101 r 6 norval fetrv m l yf a full line of fresh qrocerlfs r always in stoch bananas and oranges at the rlghl prices jtecream in bulk cones or bricks y forsters y terms cash georgetown phone 29 brings it to the screen in all its glory and morel twice as many wfaif beautiesr twice as many new so hltsl stars comedy in full splendor of the stage production to make ltbe- yond all argument the greatest all- talking singing dancing show youve ever seen on stium or screen see it at the gregory theatre on friday anil saturday mar 28th and 39th gregory theatre wednesday march 26th the drake case mystery picture with an all star cast no 7 tarxan the tiger cnmrrty iscntnh friday and saturday march 28th and 2mb no no nanette a girl and music picture with plenty of laughs done partly in technicolor starring alexander gray and bernlce cualre novelty alpine love call tuesday and wednesday april 1st and 2nd untamed starring joan crawford no 8 tarran the tiger comedy social sinners first aid class organised there was a good attendance at the town hall last evening when the second first aid class of the st johns am bulance association was organised in the absence of superintendent es barraclough vice chairman w h long occupied the chair mr r b foulls was appointed honorary chair man for the year and tendered hearty yote of thanks hy the jnemlmar 30th 1m0 lojmn sunday school and bible classes 11 ajn loneliness math 2840 could ye not watch with me beries on creative buffering 7 r the higher life series on the crisis of life wednesday 8 pjn midweek service u hng of teachers and officers of sunday school at close of service a very pretty wedding was solem nised bt st georges anglican church on monday mar 24th when viola elizabeth eldest daughter of mr and mrs l j hornby was united in mar- rlageto herbert james second son of mr and mrs c lucas rev p wase fflil n1 i wtie looked uv white crepe black satin lace dress with shoes to match bri veil caught with orange blossoms will tauryiuk a uudmiet of orchids and illyofthevalley was given away by her father miss reta white of orangevflle cgt wa maid of and lace dress with hat to match and carried a bouquet of roses and sweet peas miss emily lucas sister of the bridegroom was bridesmaid and was dressed in peach georgette and lace with shoes add hat to match and carried a bouquet of rotes and sweet peas miss peggy hornby sister of the bride made 6 very- pretty flower girl dressed in pink crepe de chine with hat to match and carried a bas ket of sweet peas the bridegroom was supported by his brother jack the ushers were william hornby brother of- the bride and charles lucas brother of the groom after the cere mony a reception was held at the home dt the brides parents the brides going away nostume was a beige dress with shoes and hat to match and sand- tweed coat after a short honeymoon the happy couple will reside in amherstburg ont among the guests were mjrs s bush virdetr man mrs h hlldebrand and mrs p hildebrand of windsor and mkand mrs roy edwards of toronto mrs hornby mother of the bride vrort a figured silk with hat and shoes to match mrs lucas mother of the groom wore a navy georgette dress with lutt to match milton council decides to joi opa imtts fght at a meeting of mhton tpwnoquncll the ollowtnt motldn moved and sec onded by oounclllar irvmg and reeve blalh was carried unanimously this council approves the action of the municipal t rates a in their endeavor to have the discrim ination ih freight tates on coal re- i moved and that we agree to pay onr nroportlonate share of tha er incurred in its hearing before the rall- iway board to take place in guelnh in the nan future on thursday evening last curlers in full force gathered at the arena to do honor to mr peter smith and to receive for the season 1030 and 1931 the cup presented by htm for annual competition between acton and george town clubs after sandwiches and coffee the cup was presented hy mr 8mlth to the georgetown club and was then hand ed over to the tender mercy of the president mr mcdermid with the distinct understanding and his solemn promise that itche kept oiled to over flowing with the klixir of life so that any weary curler at anytime might refresh himself thereat mr smith by resolution and unani mous vote was then made an honorary memhft of the club a few hours of short speeches song andbtorybrougbt to an end a pleasant evening for gale wesonghouse radio also grama- phone no reasonable offer refused apply to mfs ross albert st george town ltp local council of women the local council -of- women me in the rest room of the public library friday afternoon last in nrfitln to the usual routine correspondence a letter from the national president was read inviting members and friends to join the party which will attend the quinquennial meeting of the inter national council of women to be held in vienna may 28th to june 7th the swimming pool committee re ported a wettattetfded meeting on march 3rd when representatives of other local organisations met with them to discuss the proposed project this adjourned meeting will convene on march 31st to receive information gathered in the meantime it was decided to hand over for the use of the recently appointed cemetery bpajrdt ustof sntecrlpucul to the cemetery fundobtained by the local council committee for renovation and upkeep ot greenwood cemetery a delicious cup of tea was served by the hostesses for the afternoon mrs harleyand mrs j b mitti the next meeting of the council will be held april 25th instead of april 18th which is good friday work wanted by good reliable man on farm near georgetown eight and half years with last employer can start first week in april apply at herald st two choice stores steam heatsot and with all modern conveniences in new gregory theacnrapply to r l oragory georgetown tx for sale it ifoodas- newr con- goleum rug 6x9 single couch bed double drop side couch bed bradley- edwards electric range with tireless cooker- j h lillico phone 278j ltf concrete work i am prepared to do concrete work of all kinds estimates given free of charge if you require anything in this line phone 321 8 walker georgetown 3tp tf for sale two radio sets complete with a and b batterieartubes and speakers t sets are in first class condition will sell cheap for caahh h narltng phone 188 tf poultry meeting church news knox presbyterian church minister r kenneth marlrean bi sunday school 10jn service 11 am and 7pm organist and choir mastermr policy tf rev b l waljien of olencoe will conduct the services in knox church morning and evening and at lime- hous next sunday rev mr maetiean will be absent at olencoe the baptist church the sunday school meets to review twelve golden lessonson doing good pastor a n frith will preach at 11 on the shame of perversions and at 7 am on the wonder of con version on the leopards spots on monday at 8 pjn dr watson will address the young peoples meet ing on memories of the sunny south united charch rev r w rumley pastor services an excellent lecture was given in georgetown town hall tuesdayafter- noon this week by mr jesse francis poultry department oac a good attendance was recorded in spite of the bad weather the halton county representative mr a p macvanneu opend the meet ing and dwelt on the importance of the poultry industry he stated there ass oyer 2000 blood tested- hens ih several halton county tjreedlng flocks information regarding eggs for hatch ing from these flocks is available on application to mr macvanneu whose office is at milton mr francis gave the results of many years investigational work in poultry the larger birds hi the flock are usual ly the best layers and lay the ltergest es when cod liver oil is added to th ration th hatchahully u ui 8t georges cbareh thursday mar 27th c lantern service at 4j5 ptn adult lantern service at 74s pm sunday next 8 m holy commun ion ii ajn matins and sermon by the rector 7 pjq evensong and sermon by the rector t3mssftimqtyrmm- sntraw church ann crusaders will conduct a weeks mission in the palish- ser- vlces forchildren and adults every day except wednesday and saturday a hearty welcome is extended to every one oome and hear the old old story of jesus and his lov factory ceases operation balneal over half a oeatwry om cftoees down the old established knitting machine factory of r l creelman lid closed its doors last weekendafter being in operation fiftynine years throwing a number of hands out of employment mr creelman began the manufacture of knitting machines in a small room his business haying increased he bunt the factory on main st which has been successfully carried on ever since his machines have been shown at the cj4js for many years and were at one time in use in many foreign coun tries m the year 1s22 be bought out the canadian needle works which he operated in conjunction with the knit ting machine factory the dossdown is the result of mr creehnans advanc ed age and his tnahully to cope with the present business situation mr creelmans buauess has been a splendid lndustrfa asset to our town for many years anotall deeply regret that it has been found necessary to discontinue operations but join in wishing this veteran manufacturer contentment and happtaeastohla de- ellnuig years i chleroonstable chapman ot milton after 23 years service tendered his resignation to take effect on march 31 the resignation was accepted and a new chief will be appointed at the next meeting of council frank rogers of toronto was sen tenced to a term of fifteen days in the county janat milton by-police- magi strata barr for- being ftaence of liquor an auwnobbe ajb onsifs of taftaaey 100 sinoe cord delivered mixed wood 83j0 hardwood 8400 sin- oord j- h bmltb phone sirls chlidern georgetown custom hatorxna four cents an egg large numbers as low as sttc tour eggs receive the same care as our own wrlte britan nia poultry farm route 6 brampton ont or phone cooksvllle 48 r 11 4t for bale seed barley government grade no 1 at 81j0 a bushel marquis wheat government grade no 1 at 200 a bushel banner oats at 90c apply r n brown r r no 2 acton phone 40ri2 2t shortening per lb jpiire lard 3 lb pail ior cream of wheat per pkg choice dates 2 lb pkg for iser 17c soc 23c j22c vvil v n mcbean go georgetown 1 for sale by tender tenders will be received by the un dersigned up to april 10th for purchase and removal of 1 storey frame dwell ing situated next to and south of the church further particulars may be had from the wardens terms cash highest or any tender not necessarily accepted st albans church glen- wililams e bludd a beaumont war dens 2t farm for sale for sale iso acre farm in good dairy district with excellent house and large bams good fences exceptionally fer tile near village church school and railway stations this farm win be nirt t ninm niitim estate immediate- is increased 10 to 20 about half of the p f u the estate grain fed should be ground various f j fjjl il j rations were given a good ration fori adjoining the above good pasture iaytagt hens osttag about 3x per fencing and excellent accommodation wlbs taas fos for nora drice and 70 lbs corn chop 60 lbs shorts 30 lbs ground oats b lbs oil cake ttmi 15 lbs alfalfa meal 10 lbs buttermilk powder 6 lbs nsh meal 41bs beeff scrap 4 lbs bone meal ih lbs iodised salt 3 lbs cod liver meal pint cod liver oil a good chick mash recommended as follows 65 lbs family corn meal 35 lbs grouxid wheat 2 cod liver meal 3 bone meal 3 line oyster shells 10 buttermilk powder 5 alalia meal omit if used as utter mr francis stressed the importance of rapid feathering in growing chicks the slow feathering pullets are pom- winter layers he advised attention to proper sanitation and control of intestinal worms and diseases causing diarrhoea m ehjeira wood wood for sale tdoa hardwood beach and mania hjo per single oord mixed wood ttjo ingle oord rans 8u0o par smate cord fame mj m mj j manpfojsp auctiom sale household furniture the undersigned has been instruct ed by mrs t rewson sr to sell by public auction at the hotel norval on saturday march 19th 1930 at 2 oclock the following light beuroom suite oojflplete dark bedroom suite complete 2 iron beds spring and mattress wooden bed spring and mattress camp bed spring and mattress set of springs and mat tress 2 rustic chairs 3 large rockers small rodcclsmall tables 2 tapestry covered fumedoak rockers morris chair icecream table 8 chairs 6 cane- bottom chairs sideboard extension table corona range giofl as new happy thought range 3 heaters num ber of stova nines a burner coaloil stove and oven coaj oil heater num ber yds of rag carpet s large- con- goleunvrugs 1 rolls- of linoleum kit chen tantetb chairs refrigerator 2 couches childs cot complete mahog any victrola and several records num ber ot window shades curtain poles curuinstleru jars dishes articles plctunj kitchen utensils many other too numerous to mention 28 laying barred rocks quan of lumber terms cash w j mckdjney auctioneer walter- brain clerk r t terms apply to gordon graydon4 brampton or mrs ethel lyons terra gotta 2t you agents wanted why put off till tomorrow if want to become engaged m a profitable business with the advent of spring even without experience you will average 5000 and more per week selling watklns famous products in your township or county providing you are ambitious the j it watkjns company oept r 22 740 craig west montreal que 4t auction sale of household effects at the home of l b vannatter george street georgetown on saturady march tsth mm at 230 oclock the following pandora range good 4 burner coal oil stove with shelf and oven 40-gal- lon oil barrel with some oil and num erous other articles terms cash 2t r j kerr auctioneer auction sale 4 kkistebed jersey cattle the undersigned has received in structions from arthur farev to sell by public auction at lot 1 con 6 erin on wednesday april 2nd 1930 at 2 oclock twenty head of jerseys rtnniahng of freh and springing cows and heifers bred heifers and calves this is a fine herd of cattle all young and are in the pink of condition also 5 ton of alalfa and 5 ton mixed hay terms cash in case of storm sale wfjl be held under cover 2t r j kerr auctioneer why it wdj pay to bwy twiddles blood tested chicks near home 1 yon can see the breeding stock and chicks before you buy 2 the chicks are morecertain to live long railroad journeys are hard on chicks 3 all breeders blood tested for baclllary white btfanjboca 4 every pen headed with r oj cockerels 5 our birds are the heavy type- b all foundation block la un der government supervision prices barred and white rocks april 83000 may 81800 white leghorns april 8m00 may 81800 per hundred ex press paid safe delivery guaraa- we uow express charges off above prices it youcali for q tweddle o nofrington o nougat roll a very delightful caramel rolled in fresh white cocoanut it comes in white and pink saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates such a wonderful assortment of chocolates guaranteed strictly fresh certainly wonderful value hard and soft centres f week end chocolate 7 35c lb easter novelties easter eggs from lc to 150 easter novelties of all descriptions baskets jugs cup and saucers mechanical toys etc come in and look them over we always have a wide as sortment of the tmmnf hunts candy to from hnmethtng for every different taste and always fresh icwtcie arthur norringto n mai a st phone 89 keep your home cool this summer worm next winter by iniulahng now with ten test save money on your fuelbills ask your architect contractor or nearest tehtest insulation representative about it i international fibre board umited im how hall hill monlraal qua imluivfttimc iultdino bq georgetown lumber co ltd cergelwb oalari ultra violet projector oiters a source of renewed flealth to many anyonefcan operate these projectors after two min utes instruction will not interfere with ra dio reception the projector illustrated will operate from any light socket will use about the same amount of current as any ordinary iron or toas ter complete with 10 ft cord two pair of goggles and 10 carbons 3450 if you are in doubt as to the possibilities ottered bjrthe ultra violet projector consult your physician or write to any of the larger hospitals or clinics seven toronto hospitals and the university of toronto use the branstpn ultra violet projector we will be glad to furnish any information you may require barry h ivfar s ph 100 -georgetbwtr- ri -t- j- a 1 ifv h- c ilj ir i j xi

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