Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 26, 1930, p. 4

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v r kt4 children say great you can eat shredded wheat biscuit right out of the package with milk or ciam but it tastes better i you crisp aebiscuiteuitheoyifen aridpour hot milk over them the flavour shreds oi baked wheat are so crisp and deliciouswchildren always ask for more and it is so good pr them contains everything their growing bodies need delicious with fruits bounced by tk6 silpftrihtfihaak j loc- ifcierwllaon awi oalollowsi mitchell march 28th hensal april ist clinton april 3rd forest may 3rd to advertise ontario apples full details will be worked out short ly on the project to advertise ontario grown apples as extensive as those produced w british oblumbiar jihas already been suggested that a levy of a few cents per barrel of apples be made or a small tax on each acre of apple orchard the funds thus ob tained could be used to good advan tage to push the sale of ontario apples with all the bran of the wholewheat thk canadian motkddko wheat company wto jr3iijftwe25 georgetown elevator agant for the grain pool market for all grain flour and feeding stuffs chick feed and laying mash at lowest prices ddrrerys made tuesday and friday of each week alexl noble phone 145 w- hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hal b- r f- the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 26th 1 93q it is easy to criticize it is easy to sit in the sunshne and talk to the man in the shade it is easy to float in n well irltnmcd boat and point out thsbccs to wade but once we pass llfw the shadows we murmur and fret dndi froflhj and our length from tne banktl we shout for a plonk or throw up our hands and co down it is easy to sit in our carriage and counsel the man onpot but get down and walk and youll change your talk as you feel the peg in your boot it is easy to tell the toller how he can carry his pack but no one can ratca burdens weigh until it has been on his back the upcurled mouth of pleasure can preach of sorrows worth but give 1c a sip and a wryer lip was never made on earth ella wheeler wucov newsarid information for the busy farmer spring fairs the dates of the spring fairs as an- tj appointment at j i cqgwa a aasistant ljireotor research on weeds at the current session of legislature dr ci i christie president of the ontario agricultural college announc ed that a campaign is being instituted to launch a new research program aiming at the elimination of those noxious weeds the sow thistle in par ticular with which the farmers crops have to battle nowadays prof j e howltt will be placed at the head of the program apples injured- a pulton special overseas repre sentative of the ontario fruit growers association in his latest bulletin stated moves to montreal canadian medical assoc diphtheria is preventable if diphtheria is prevent lm why is there any dlphberip is a question which anyone vwuid natunil- ly ask is it because parents do nm care whether or not the- children become 111 surfer and somtimes die surely not no one is indifferent to the sufferings of children i is then because parents are completely ignor- i ant of the fact thai diphtheria can be prevented or else that having heard such to be the case ihey have 1 not realised that their child might be j avlctlm of- the disease jt is likely that this lack of under- fstandliigresardlnghhe personal ap plication of such statements to which i may be added the human tenolericy fo j procrastinate is responsible for the failure of parents to dp what is ap parently so obviously the- thing to do we read and we ore tohl about some thing like diphtheria immunization but it never qlte strikes home that this has anything to do directly with us and with our children it 15 some thing of general good bututhc person al implication is pot grasped it it is seen as a personal matter so often the ranylngnnl of fhf jpinri intml canadian national- railways with headquarters at montreal is an nounced toy dr yf x black dj- rector of the departments of col onliatloa agriculture and natural resources mf- mcobwan hah been western manjiger of colo satlon and agriculture at win nipeg for the past two and a half years coming to- ca from ireland n engage in fanning my mcgowan attar ws war serlca took a course la agriculture at the manitoba agricultural college aid was later btlonsd to lon don- bug- in connection with the correspondence coarse in cana dian farmi me prepared by the flatlijnsnsyirteiir tor nse by tbteodlpr from britain the vatee of straw the talk among farmers that there 1stio straw this year and that aa a result feed is scarce calls for a state ment that it has to be proven that straw has any value as a feed it is good for bedding and this is all the sooner farmers realise that they must depend upon alfalfa and com the better btraw has no food value what ever no letap an corn barer a wellattended feathering of corn that the last ecnmgnment of ontario pt- and agricultural re- apples received in liverp were in uuvli from all partn of wimtom a wasty condition caused by frost in- ovrtarttwas held mjumdon on frl- jury somewhere to transit this was 1 uth wlth p q particularly unfortunate because de- j entymologlst in charge it aabd ha- j i emphasised during the session that upward with the result that ontario x act win be just as prices remained low and other import- yosv enforced during the coming ed brands have been drawing good jjjjjj ta former years the fact prices- ithat sonw improvement in conditions has been made does nqt mean that ne fight can be abated in the least dairying v north pannes should keep this fact to mind the increased interest in dairy farm- lng in ontario is nowhere more in evidence than in northern ontario in 1917 the nes uskeard creamery was the only one operating north of north bay and had a total output of butter of 40000 pounds per year last year live creameries in the dis trict of temlskamlng alone had an output of eop000 pounds of butter and some cheese as well the cochrane district creameries last year had an output estimated at between 300000 and 300000 pounds decline in concern the recent prices undoubtedly a contributing factor has been the heavy imports o lamb and- mutton from other countries chiefly new zealand and australia and partlcularlly at a time when our homegrown product is coming on the market a practice of stamping high quality canadian lamb similar to that followed in beef grading would fx some distance in securing a suitable recognition for the homegrown pro duct bacon exporcffsb figures recently roade public by the british board of trade show that in 1039 canadas bacon export to 3nat britain was but oneninth of the quan tity sent in 100535 years ago tn fact canada was lowest op the list of countries shipping this com to great britain denmark having shipp ed nearly 35 times as much as this country netherlands was next while- the united states although far down on the list shipped three times as much as canada did this occurred in spite of an enormous increase in the in that lamb country h the past few years iamb prices imaniteof sheep raisers are viewing with somejamount of bacon consumed tobacco seed tobacco seed for the 1030 crop will be cleaned and tested free of charge by the dominion experimental station at harrow tobacco seeovas it is shell ed out usually contains a eanatiferavlyr quantity of light and immature seed chaff and other foreign matter such seed should be sifted through suitable screens to remove the ohaff and put through a tobacco seed cleaning mac hine to remove the dust and the light seed well cleaned seed is also less likely introduce certain diseases in the seed bed auii s watches exceptional vahg in a bbys watch stem wind pendent set with a silvered dial and nick el plated case ioo j w i iu k ual h3gbkst free material the ontario agricultural and ex perimental union is prepared this spring to distribute into every town ship and county of the province ma terial for experiments with grains potatoes roote fodder crops and fer tilisers the complete lst of the ma terial to be distributed will cover j8 distinct experiments and include prac tically all the cultivated field crops grown in ontario only the best seed of outstanding varieties will be used n this seed distribution any farmer in ontario is entitled to receive free of charge material for conducting any one of these cooperative experiments hi fi husbandly and a g tills in good time for spring seeding if he applies at an early date to the secre tary of the experimental union oa o ouelph attent crop report the crop report for the second week in march indicates a brtfk- demand for seed in carleton county oundaviwd dufterm are both apprehensive re garding the unusua weather condi tions egg prices la durham are t a very 4owmve alfalfa and clover in halton appear to be favorau at the present time while in hastings the re verse is true a good supply of red seed obtains in huron and will replace alfalfa in many cases flowing has already started in famhtnn and a great interest in the better cleaning of seed grain is reported no scarcity of hay exists in lanark with quantles moving at from 9 to 12 per ton fall wheat and clover are gooot in lincoln and f nut irsev iurre wintered well milk production ui middlesex is ade quate to meet all delrikhdi n peel one farmer reports 180 of 200 trees so badly girdled by rabbits that bridge grafting s usdeseto save them fan wheat and clover ook good in ontario peterboro and prince edward con ditions are not as good in bouta sun- coo but feed is plentiful in water loo fan wheat u to a precarious con dition p off the no i and no next week becomes next month and next month becomes next year diphtheria is not only preventable it has been prevented in several com munltles where the people in- generai have become aroused and have done this very thing hamilton is a striking example to show that what we are talking about is a practical measure on a communitywide basis there is no reason wiry the same suca cannot be attained all over canada- there is no reason why diphtheria should not c a v rure disease it is quite within the bounds of real ira uon to see the diphtheria wards to our isolation hospitals closed it all comes back to the individual home to the individual parents upon their action as individuals depends whether or not these possibilities are made realities the responsibility is a personal one which cannot be passed on to dther shoulders the protec tion of your children rests upon you and no one else health departments may aid you to meeting your respon sibuluea by providing the facilities but that is to help parents to do their duty not to relieve them at it questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 184 college st toronto will be answered personally by letter chicks egg auod pullets pure hollywood b c- white leg horns bred from imported stock at high record book your orders now for eggs day old chicks and potieta eggs tt50 per ib 7f per 100 chicks hatched before april lfith w per as or s1800 per hundred i week old pullets 135 each hatched between may 15th and may soth tvso per as or 1j per 100 8 week old pallets si jo each june hatch 4j0o per 25 13jp per 100 a we panes larger orders taken at reduced prices av poultry farmsj b wil li georgetown phone ma tf a dry coantry and what did you think of venice asked the friend venice venice did we go to ven ice george d6ht you remember we stopped there but there was a flood on so we duhvt leave tie station some beg waitress plainly a little rough in her speech and manner sallied haughtily up to the table where a giuuulij- lulumj uld mail sa whatcha want she demanded couple eggs he replied howd you want tw just uke youv paby cwcks wycofrs bredtolay strain of whtta leghorns rigorously culled retntatf and new wood jded yearly prions march u cents april it cents eeob also barred book onlcks oajo- strata ram blood basted sod g coned stock pries ib cents each march and aprfl safe arrival guar anteed write for tnterasnng catalo gue custom h 4 cents aa egg large numbers as tow as t cents an egg your eggs are given the same attention as our own phone oooke- vllle is r 11 or write britannia poultry farm route brampton ont at h pxjr- the benefit of employee- isolated from the larger centres the canadian national railways have put into opera tion three travelling firstyid instruction cars fully equipped and in charge of competent in structors these carswill travel to outlying points bringing courses of instruction to enginf men and train men agerits and construction and maintenance of way firen who have ordinarily no means of obtaining the know ledge one car will work in the westehi region of the railway one in the central region and one in the maritime provinces while their primary use is for instruction they are as well travellingdressing stations ready to assist in emergency they- are the nrstrcarsof this type ever to go into service on a rail road in canada if not on the continent their excellencies the governor general and lady willingdon colonel c a hod- getts directorgeneral and other members of the st john ambulance association who inspectedthe- first of the three cars were much impressed by their value tr r radios service and repairs o testis egtlbaat authorised dealer for kolster and rarhous harry h darbns peargetawn bush horses these liar sua are right out of bard work and are in excellent nondlhnti owing to favourable weather oondluons this winter anyodai- t hsuoobd hones ready to go to work abonld talis adrnmafeof this oppor- tonlty tolin tnett requtreuents krery norss win ha snlrt hy auction without resarra ala jtarta at 11 am sharp oeeihe tlkjesifcdcenetifof daspeis f sm hslsa st ossftar get your blank counter check books herald office n get wist economise eathumg if 0 gnaf soi4nx pf rcvenm the brat lesson in economy fnof groceries wre prices are ca this fundamental maxim is yotaj giijhmg ifar to steady savings comfort ancj wrcntual independence start today by making out your order from this rplcndirl list if talnes spe choice quality speciarvictory brand red cohoe special choice readycut iwmh fr i mattonal aaulc canadas great country this eummcrsee the mighty eccnery of oar far west make jaiper park lodge in lasper national park your mountain hesdqoarrers ride cumb swim golf tennis motor ex facbpic cast on to the pacific a 500 caueedp from juper past towering mount tftobeoo following the turbulent fraserlujer to vancouver bety tura ia thrill mue a tuu of apactacular beauty r alaska a 100o aaua boat trip from vancouver through the colorful inside paawt- see guder the kloomkestafwmy gorgeous scenery coogeow frjlow trmellen tours aaay be made by raitou routes no gbovaxmmg kjcqpibpxp standard anthracite scranton coal in aq sims automatically screened and loaded coal wpod oalect lump for domasno and tthreshlng ptiipuass snutn- mg and osnna ooal ittm x carry avtx juung so bs pwitiil la sny t goal and wood tares john mcdonald i pbone 12 georgutown macaroni 3- 23 special fine quality gomcn spedaucarrolps creaiaery butter k3t baking powder carrolls pore 14b pkg 33c puddingsrwclaros 2 pkgs 23c corn starch durham 14b pkg 9c peanut buttbrtoy pail 19c cleanser carroll own old putchoremer c pkg special oxtimitlarge plcg special 3 tins 15c 3 una 29c apgsis ijc xo bars 49 specmlp ft g naphtha i j no tins peasi2 corn 2 25c tomatoes ayun peaches no 2 tin auacrallan 2 i 21c 2lc pears fjlvu 2 29c plums qy bj- 2 apricots choice quality lb pitted dates 2x- table figs ubokg 19c prunes santa clara 25c bacon 37c fancy sucsd ljb pkg imain street etown aamwwg htsj iryf jjpififetf a fm

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