Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 2, 1930, p. 1

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v i i- w- safetyfourth year of publication georgetown wednesday evening april 2nd 1930 1 50 per annum in advance 2d0 to usa tbegeorgetown herald j m moore ssuv eddy newspaper canadian national electric railway evstboond jjaujrrkbma smt-mr- dally 38 am dally si 1l28 aon dally j pm jjatly 408 pin daily sjtt pja dally s is pini pally um 9xo y pnomr ball to dally i1c dally dally dally 941 u41 ml pjn til pm 841 pjn dally 8j01 pm dally ujol ajn part freight same day delivery sbta viae freight picked up at ouelph and toronto u cji jt- ttmk tabus odn cart he imbleful- wood ralls 300 single card delivered mixed wood 8350 hardwood shoo sin gle cord j h smith phone 8rl3 oeorgetown tf when father comes home wood oir sale choke hardwood beech and maple 400 per single cord mixed wood 30 per single cord mixed blabs 300 per single cord rails 300 per single cord mnu 3ssj orzttj j bbantford teorgetown one chick central ontario bus lines ltd laura o aa follows bast bwasad west bound- 848 am x ixs0 pm saturday sunday and hollas ya stop at nansagtsavs star directory lb box dale jhink of it one tiny thimbleful all the feed a chick can put in fts little crop in one day on this tiny bit it must live grow build bones build muscles start feath ers think of the job feed has to do i they mnst depend on feed for so many things they get them all in purina chick startena mash or purina allmash startena chow 12 different ingredients in every thimbleful codliver oil dried buttermilk alfalfa flour granulated meat these and eight others are there these -lg-tngwamaitev- think hu ijiefiiny mast be mixed to make every thimbleful alike purina startena and allmash startena chow are mixed over and over again 960 junes just to be thorough i you will find the same care t with baby chick chow scratch to be fed with startena until your chides are six weeks old s with purina grovcss mash and puriualnierniediate hen chow scratch to be led from then on until the pullets are laying at 16 weeks how little feed a chick eats just one thimbleful a day yet how important it is how modi depends on it the chicks very life its growth what the pallets will do for yoa nextf all and winter when eggs are sure to be worth good money yon can afford to feed only the best purina poultry chows philip g early phone 175 georgetown ws orbssa itmg b bide aim st wiggins natary psatte fatal block georgetown john a thompson spm tistaiiaai ana bowxaok q brampton ontario graham s b orsham o h bowyer bat j x atol db b x paul mesuaal officer of health in kaqujajng towtahtp smbce hours 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 pjn pnn 88 office and residence main street odsh- opposite presbyterta church dr srjthbbxand taye bar noaa and throat rpwrl at oeorgetown wed evening saturday afternoon and evening ours a pjn tai pjn or by ap- nolntmsnt glauses supplied osac at miss matthews main st home phone lotrt db c v wltjiamh phyatelan and surgeon laaaloal ofeosr of health oeorgetown aueen st south a hours lao ay l- i p b wacson dab mld 3awta hs a 5 basest thaxsiay ljkjsbjxa at olfauts carriage factory hoars 0 ajn to 6 pin mia lamb pbaotioal matkbnity ntlbbb by day or week par parnsulsrs phone 8sts o ft fta osargetewa frank tch atjcnonbbb norapt bsrvsn oeorgstowti mr past oflss cheltenham r j kerr atjcmonkbr and baull kstatr ss tearr phomb tf acton ortt wr7 flbat daaiar oat pliaaa hiu braa mo sals too large or too small rates 1 phone age at my expense laasrd- tng datsa ate aucfloneeii t a douoir for ma oounawa at paal guaranteed qijukopiltvotio asubr- the chesraater rataaattflraaaata 1 taur praetlos na bfissehm sszcsry oa x ray service laasffli tm lffr alsslsay wesseaday aad saturday its t awl t to t pin other days sad hours tr a i su prmar va bruntons giarage welding anil expert brake service battery repairing resatn to aji ah ef oin oaa otlm or bto an uptodate auto repair sbop frompt service vorkmanship guaranteed authorized chrysler and plymouth service garage main st north phorae 280 gaoige imsuiatino lui4bomb soaro icntest losaps your homo at a com- fortobl livable temp summer and winter male big saving in fuel bills your architect contractor or nearest ten 1 til insulation repre sentative will supply fyll irrrormarion dtthnationat rati soakd umited 1111 li hnu mat miatoolom georgetown lumber co ltd wcargelawb oaurto auction sale of farm stock and implements the undersigned has received in structions from w d manes lot 4 2nd con west ch inguacousy to sell by public aurtton on friday april 4th 1 at 1 oclock the following cattle black cow calf at side ireg holsteln cow calf at side hot- steln cow calf at side holsteln cow calf at side durham cow calf at side jersey cow due time of sate durham cow due time of sale 3 hol steln cows due time of sale holsteln cow due april 15 holstrtn cow springing reg jersey cow due may 1st reg jersey cow due may 8th durham cow due may 10th bart jer sey heifer due in may jersey cow bred nov 26th jersey cow bred dec 6th holsteln cow bred dec 13th hol steln cow bred oct 10th holsteln cow bred oct 20th t yearling jersey heifer 2 jersey heifer calves 4 holsteln heif er calves 3 holsteln heifers rising 1 year old hogs sow and b pigs 2 weeks old sow due may 20th 1 store pigs 10 chunks yorkshire hog fowl 16 hens implements international 10- 20 tractor 816 double tractor disc 2- furrow international tractor plow single- furrow walking plow mh circular saw tudhope anderson man ure spreader de laval cream separa- tor no 17 all above hnplementa are almost new terms oalvea fowl store plga chunks and all sums of 2500 and un der cash over that amount four months credit on haiikahle paper 6 per cent per annum off for cash terms for tractor one third cash bal ance at 0 per cent positively no reserve as i have- sold one farm w j mckjnney auctioneer w a wilson clerk bring that arm rhalr closer mollle lay his slippers here to warm for hes ukelyto be weary travelling through this heavy storm i have drawn the curtains partly that our parlor light may roam through thevdarkness that enfolds us it grill welcome father home undiminished oldworld brightness prom our hearthlogs ruddy glow and the supperbibles bounty qltetenaon its cloth of snow nothings fn ted in our picture save that he we love should come calm content and restless comfort wait- for father coming home pure hollywood 8 c white leg horns bred from imported stock of high record book year orders now f eggs day old chicks and paueta eggs also per lff4700 per ibo chicks hatched before april tsth 800 par sb or 1800 per brmdred 8 week old pullets 125 each hatched between may hth and may jothtf 40 per 28 or 18joo per 100 8 week old pullets 1j0 each june hatch 4joo per 25 s13j0o per 100 week old pullets jtoc larger orders taken at reduced prices maple ave poultry farmsjl b wil- sam box 13 oeorgetown phone 348 val tf baby chicks wyoonb bredtolay strain of white l lsgoi culled regularly and new blood added yearly prices march 18 cents april 17 cents each also barred rock ohlcks oaa strata from blood tasted and government culled stock price 30 cents each march and april safe arrival guar anteed write for tnteresttng catalo gue custom ftta 4 cents an egg large rrmnberaaa sow as h cents an egg your eggs are glum the same vine 48 r u or write britannia poultry 8 brampton ont 4 j sanford stasvsrarttomrn plambing nnsmilhing bftasates cssfsdly avea plsotse 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 his the voice- we love the best por tls his brave life that shields us and through his our lives arehlest i have lately pictured mollle often such another home where as evening closes round it happiness and father come little feet that all day tireless danced around in heedless fun walt the signal of one footfall for their final joyous run little nightrobed forms axe listening kisses light and fresh asfoam from the taintless oceans bosom walt to welcomefather home there are other hearths more sturdy where young folk like us are grown and the worlds great busy markets find them tolling for their own but when evening shadows de from deserted desk and tome jaded youth unschooled to labor welcome father rest and home fathers too are but the children of the fatheroverall and sometimes they grow aweary listening long for his footfall hark i hear them fathers footsteps and his latch key now our home is complete in all its comfort nothing matters fathers come halton rifles a catalogue of great names east- newformdlands tribute by col jas ballantlne djbo vjd insurance life fire wind storm accident and sickness bonds and mortoaors bought and sold selal baas sss asstaassaaam toasavaa to taw paras er f kersey georgetown ontario monuments pollock a ingham gait ont inspect our work m oreenwood cemetery coast to coast we handle collections every where from halifax to van couver if your note or account is collectable we can get it remember we are caoeeslan specialists kel y aiken no oooectiaii no chmrf radios service and repairs st eternal father strong to save whose arm doth bind the restless wave who blddst the mighty ocean deep its own appointed limits keep o hear us when we cry to thee for those in peril on the sea william whiting the above is the first verse of the hymn which you all know and which the good people of canada sang as the ships of the armada hoisted their an chors and steamed majestically out of the oaspe basin heading for the peri lous waters of the atlantic under the vigilant eye of the royal navy escort the hymn found an echo- in the hearts and voices of the good people of eng land and the empire who followed in their imagination the course of this the first of the answers to the call of the mother country the first proof that the sentimental ties of empire were stronger than hoops of steel when the occasion arose ana the safety ol the empire was at stake the people of canada and the em pire kept on singing the hymn as the years passed for there was no time in the four years that followed when some convoy was not exposed to the perils of the seven seas perils chat were mul tiplied ten fold through the efforts of the submarines and the mines they dropped along the frequented ocean paths the armada was arranged in three columns the one on the right called the x column in the centre the y column and on the left the z column and on the rear rode the ships of the navy i give them in the order in which they assembled and in which they crossed to plymouth h m s majestic battleship z column y column x column hms ecllptsc hms diana hm cruiser light cruiser charybdls cruiser megantlc caribbean scotlan ruthenia athenla arcadian bermudlan royal edward zeeland andanla franconia corinthian ivernla canada verginlan scandinavian canada alaunla sicilian monmouth montezuma manltou lapland tyrolla cassandra tunisian floiizel laurentlc royal george hm8 talbot light crusler hits essex cruiser on the left flank rode the hjtijs princess royal a battle crulrer on the right the hmr glory a battle ship other ships that assisted in the oper- stion were hmjs drake lancaster ling edward seventh leviathan suf folk com wallts impacable londdn ani argonaut all ofv these being men of war and assisting in the opera tiqn of keeping the course open for the paasgeoft he- first canadian division ovttltm in ohiauo liosmium mautl obalstotiw oni laf prma 8snltnwb aib8ll wn 1 rubq dus rwwc m u no 8hotkixing baxkjibbd stand anthracite sgrajntqn in all sixes automatically screened- and loaded select lump rot domestio sat tthreahmg purposes snutti- mg and cannel ooal in fast i carry avwrytnlng to b found in any uptodate wood yard john mcdonald plowr 12 geotgetstmni ssbblabb saxonla grampian lakonla montreal what a catalogue of glorious names apart from the services of the ships of the rqyal navy above listed all these transports canied on in their work of carrying- the troopsor canada south africa australia and new zealand and later the survivors helped in the transfer of the american troops to and from the theatre of war many of them went down under the ruth less subsurface campaign in the years that followed and it is doubtful if any element within the great empire did more in its defence than these officers and ships of the mercantile marine or the trawlers- that helped to guard the waters nearer home the columns moved in straight lines left over from a formor meeting of that is they did not follow the slg jrag 1 jj ana mrs a r cottrelle ofto- course adopted by the individual ships in later day of the war after the man ner of the snako dance wherewith col lege students work jiff their enthusiasm after a football victory the size of the annafla prccluoed thlsr early on the morning of the 3rd of october the flotilla was under way and steaming east by south inorder to pass through the gap known as the strait of cabot the belllsle straits were open but a gap of eleven miles is hardly sufficient for the passage or j such a large convoy we woke to flnd the njlsiy outlines of aritlcostl on our lett and the shores of canada receding in the western dis tance and thai recession was viewed by many soldiers on the tyrolla and the other ships with feelings and thoughts that are too deep and sacred to be represented by such lnadaquate symbols as words 1 there is majesty about the oulf of st lawrence that makes adeenim- prosslon on auwhcthaveiurirand lm- beautlful or a knowledge of the glor ious traditions of the place some day however it will or may be made into a great naval base for there is no oner sanctuary on the continent nor any under tlrenew order of naval war fare so capable of defense but that will all be gentle reader in other days when you and i will not be interested in such jinss the ships of the armada jariea in tonnage from the ten thousand to the twenty thousand ton classes and over but they varied even more in power but all kept the same speed regulating their progress to that of the slowest ship after the manner of a cavalry charge which is restrained to meet the best performance or the slowest horse the tyrolla was perhaps the slowest ship and as i remember the florlzel was the smallest but i am- not sure everyone knew the florizelr for she carried the prjde and the hope of a sis ter dominion newfoundland and did not- join the squadron till late on the second day out and before we passed cape racer the point oflanbf last seen on- this side of ther atlantic and at which travellers cease regarding the we huilsun and resoluto facetne east while adjusting- their watches to the ships ever changing tune as re corded by the ships bells and the look out in the crows nest we were passing through the bnks of newfoundland that area otftflsh and fog when we discerned the smoke of a steamer on ouneft flank or rather on ourport bow for by this time every one was trying to adapt his legs to the motion of the sea- and his language to the vocabulary of the seamen as she approached the ships offi cers went so far as to confide to us that she was the florlsel carrying ofc new foundlanders and we watched her movements with great interest and a sense of imperial pride as this tribute from canadas little sister wheeled in to her place on the rear of z column with all the modesty becoming to little sisters national or personal one of the cruisers went put to meet her and i suppose to bid her welcome in the l of the sea and to rap out a few instructions as she swung in to her place the canadian division would have cheered her to the echo but the ships were too widely separated and they cheered her in their hearts in stead and were delighted to escort the young lady on her perilous voyage across the atlantic hie florlzel joined us on sunday afternoon and we have no doubt the thoughts and prayers of the good people of- the island centred in the little ship and tier passangers and pride struggled with fear as they tried to penetrate the fog of secrecy with which the british admlrallty clothed the movements of- all convoys dui ing- the anlxous years of the war the bri tish admiralty is one great business or ganization that does not employ press agents and which does not believe that it pays to advertise now that we have passed cape race let us meet the captain and the offi cers of the tyrolla captain- a murray royal naval reserve a courteous but silent son of the sea h bauld t bla- mlre t blair t jones h teare r white these in order of their senior ity the first being chief- officer then there was the medinine mao you all knew him c f bulne md and last ly the ships purser 8 kettleday i regret that i cannot find in my memory or records the name of the boatswain or bosun that efficient and charming sea dog whose remin iscences were a source of joy to offi cers and men alike and whose broad chest bore the blue ribbon of the royal humane societys medal for sav lng life he was quite unlike in physl que or temperament the triangular and pessimistic bosum of hhs pinafore dick deadeye but he was just as en tertaining though in a different way the routine on a transport is not interesting just a succession of parades and roll calls for fear some one might have jumped overboard and attempted to 8winr back arid parades with life preservers which gave everyone the appearance or a pouter pigeon and parades for church service and parades to hear orders and parades for phy sical drill an interesting experiment with the ship tossing and plunging like a bad tempered broncho and par ades just for the sake of parading and lastly parades for boat drill where everyone was allotted a life boat and instructed as to what he should do when the torpedo blew a big hole in the starboard quarter and the snip took a list in that direction and it was found impossible to get a boat out of the davits on the other side we had occasion to investigate the life boot situation on board transports when two years later we crossed as officer commanding troops on the empress of britain a ship carrying about five thousand all ranks use4o estimate the chance of escape of the troops should a torpedo find its mark and the ship sink in mid atlantic with no friendly ship within a thous and miles tor all the regular passehger llncrs were cancelled and all ships that crossed were under the direction of the admiralty except of course the ships of neutral powers whether brutania rules the waves or not is one of the questions that seem to be agitating the minds of many nations at the present time and the question is too large and too in volved to be discussed here but certainly during the crossing of the grand armada she reserved the right to examine and interrogate every thing that floated within the range of vision from an oil tanker to arf empty- whiskey case there were many or the latter but only one of t f o and i p t the boy i used to be im going home to see the folks just one week from today i know just how the place will look and know just what theyll say ill sleep in my old wooden bed and 111 wake up ocught to find the boy lasted to be has come- back over night ill lie ubmothr c boy and billyl lathern yell say breakfasts ready hustle- now what alls ye cant yesmeu that will be sunday morning so well go io church we three- dad marching on a bit ahead ahd ma behind with me thereutae a stfspfht cut sermon preached no paltering with the book and dad will drink it in and wear his stern old sunday look but mother if i catch her eye shell half smile back at me and slide along a gumdrop to the boy i used to be i reckon if incomes to pass that judgement they foretell ill plead three things i was her boy and that she loved me well and that i kept my lifetime clean so far as lay in me that yearly i might chum with htm the boy i used to be inez 8 thompson erin mr and mrsmu- rkuer and family of guelph spent sunday with the ho family miss jean abbott of toronto spent the weekend with her parents dr and mrs abbott mr and mrs harry austin of shel- boume were sunday visitors with mr and mrs h arscott mrs frank mcculloch has been con fined to her bed for the past two weeks with asevere attack of neuritis word has been receivedjthat mr and mrs richard fines ant their son austin and mr s strowger reached scotsguard bask safely although they got quite a shaking up at a point on the road where their motor took the ditch mr jero hun a has been writing to friends stating he made a record trip of eight days from erin to scotsguard with mr settlers effects advocate glttjeral news the armda on our loft between columns y and z with a cruizer in attendance and the respective cap tains in animated conversation the british navy is very thorough and takes nothing on faith milton the old age pensions- board for halton met here on monday and trans acted considerable business- in the way of considering new applications for the fund and deciding a number d at the meel ronto come here on thursday last the former to see his father mr jas- cottrelle esqueaing who is on the sick list and the latter to visit her sisters the misses elliott main st mr and mrs a w coulter milton district announce th6 engagement of their daughter mary roxclna to ira m oowah son of mr and mrs wil liam cowan palermo the marriage to take place quietly early in april halton county assizes opened here on monday with mr justice jcffcry presiding and peter white k c act ing as crown counsel only one crim inal case was tried that of lawrence ooddard of bowmanville who a week or so ago was granted a new trial he was charged wfth a serious offence in volving aaoycarpld burlington girl after heating the evidence the jury retired and in a short time brought in a verdict otnot guilty reformer sure cure are you sure that i shall recover an anxious patient once asked a phy sician fsre heard that dctora some- times give a wrong diagnosis and have treated patients for pneumonia wbcn afterwards they died of you have been woefi ed replied the medll tf i treated a man for died of pneumonia the death occurred at his late home whaleys comers of thos an drew mcclure seventyone years of age mr mcclure had been 111 for some time he was a lifelong resi dent of peel county a son of thomas mcclure one or the pioneers of the mcclure clan who came to the dis trict from scotland the guelph police so far have been unable to apprehend the hitandrun autolst who on saturday struck down w sarel superintendent of the vnny ridge government farm while he was walking along the waterloo road toward the city mr sarel was un conscious for rour hours after the accident but an xray mmim revealed that he was not hurt inter nally lord wlllingdon governor general of canada made a presentation re cently to the dominion archives of a small bag of wheat containing about a pound or excellent grain which had been sent by the hudson bay com pany the bag was marked no 1 so it is judged that lord wullngdoh was the first to receive a sample of the wheat at the same time the do minion archives received a rmriw pound marked 14 r i blaln of brampton has again received the official appointment of the canadian national railways to be come manager of eldoradopark mr blaln prophesies great things for the park this year fred featherstone of nelson town- ship met with an unfortunate acd- dent while engaged in tearing down a stone foundation on the farm opposite his property formerly owned by herb featherstone a fence stretcher was used in the work and it slipped strik ing mr featherstone in the body rracturing several ribs edwarl beckwith warden of the state prison at auburn ny was murdered jaythe inmates when boy he lived in streetsvwe fr m 1 to 1801 his home was on main st near the catholic church he is sur vived by his wire and two daughter his age was 65 streetsville review in a curent issue of the postofnee circular a poster is enclosed depleting the new registration stamp which win hereafter be used on all- registered mail the capital letter r still re mains on the lift side but above the number of the registration the name of the city and province from which it is issued is printed frank pepper of hamilton was found guilty of criminal negligence at the brampton assizes and sentenced to nn y at the on lufuiuia i lory ouelph pepper struck a from the usa with his auto at erin- dale lost september and killed him a deputation of members from the farmers club postvule will wait on the trafalgar township council at the next session re the building of a new hall this matter was thoroughly dis cussed some years ago by the council and residents and now uiejquerrtlon is being revived again prom now on corporal pmiihment will be administered to pupils a bar- rle schools by principals not by the teachers accori ordln to a motion pss- ieellng of the board ot education stafford brothers of elora expect to start work in about two weeks on a new kiln for the oypsum lime und alabasttne cor ftn plant 4tt- milton the kiln is an unusua large one and it will take about 70jd0o bricks to build it according to the contractors in the house of commons on tues day of last week wm jjvlne u p a member for wctasklwin moved to place back6ti the order paper for second reading a bill to provide for a divorce court in the province of on tario amongst those who voted yea was dr r k anderson mj for hal ton the motion carried marshall bancroft who is ninety- five years of age and who is guelpha oldest citizen had the misfortune to fall on the ley pavement one day recently breaking his right shoulder in three places and fracturing the bone in his right arm charged with being the holder of an individual permit having liquor in his possession not acquired under hia permltlate wright of owen soxjrid was fined 300 and costs amounting to 123360 in all the case which has beeh remanded on one or two occa sions attracted considerable interest slippery pavement was responsible fortjfi overt urhlng of- a c truck rttverrby irwin gunby oj tansley at erlndalc on monday when a cow waa tbrwn out and her neck tv i v4 v a13jvs

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