Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 16, 1930, p. 1

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p rnfiryr cil sixtyfourth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening april lfith 1930 150 per annum in advance 200 to uaa the georgetown herald j mmoore publisher mud proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association canadian national electric railway eastbonnd pally except sunday bauy dally dally 1 i- dally gaily d4uy daqy v tt westbound dally except sunday bally dally dally dally dally dally dally 708 am 928 am 118 hjoi j48 btmj 408 pm 638 jpm 8 pml tob pst 721 aim 0 am 1141 ajn 201 pm 421 pm 641 pm 901 pm 13jj1 am fast freight same day delivery ser vice freight picked up at ouelph qeorgetown phone 13 c n r time qolnc east table 720 am passenger 836 ajn passenger 1018 am passenger sunday only 1139 a m 1105 pm 632 pm passenger 833 pm passenger sunday 724 pjn gotaz wct mail 734 ajn passenger s5 ajn passenger 2j2 pju passenger sjo nan passenger 7j2 pjn passenger sunday 1014 ajn gallic north jmall 855 mall 45 pjn- golnf soatb 1133 ajn 7j0 pm central ontario bos lines ltd arrow coaches leave georgetown as follows eastbound west bound 946 am 945 ajn 1335 pjn 1z50 pjn l 305 pjn 345 pjn 756 pjn 640 pm 945 pm dally except saturday sunday sunt holidays saturday sunday and holidays an hail slop at narrbiatans store what a difference 90 days make joday a toddling chick in 90 days a proud pullet about to lay theres some- thing to think about tiny bones and little nusclcs have grown several times in size a delicate fuzz has sprouted into hundreds of feathers a chick weighing grams hasgrowa into a pulle we pounds all in 90 short days i a wonderful change and only one thing can do it good feed i this year co p startena chow mash and purina chick chow scratch or aiimash startena chow for the first six weeks and then purina growena and parina intermediate hen chow until your pttuets- ajre lay- ing at 16 weeks put these chows before your chicks yon will see pullets that are built right pullets that will lay eggs aplenty in fall and winter when eggs are always worth good money the cboss and the garden in the place where he was cruci fied there was a garden john 1941 the scene surveyed by tearful eyes was desolate and grim when all that evil could devise had spent its strength on him but welcome is the word of grace which draws the veil aside there was a garden hi the place where he was crucified the distant xslayids hear his voice he rules the winds and waves j he makes the desolate rejoice he helps and heals and saves through hlnj there comes the second birth to thosejor whom he died he- makes ai garden of the earth where he was crucified all those who unto him belong are called the cross to take and those who wear it are made strong to suffer for his sake in lowly tasks his steps they trace they in his love abide they make a garden in the place where they are crucified t watson halton rifles the arrival at plymouth directory us roy dale banister and solicitor georgetown ontario king bld inn st offices- it clarence h wiggins solicitor notary pabue onvtes oneill block georgetown telephone 158 john a banister notary pabuo ojncea- tfol street phone 333 and 289 bp and bowvek barrlstent eta brampton ontario graham k b qrabain o h bowyer philip g early phone 175 georgetown dr j j paul dr r t raci physicians and so shbedlcal officer of health in esquealng township office hours 3 to and 7 to 8 pjn phone 58 office and residence main street south opposite presbyterian church v dr sutherland bye bar nose and throat specialist at georgetown wednesday evening saturday afternoon and evening hours 3 pjn till 9 pjn or by ap pointment olasses supplied office at miss matthews main st home phone 107r6 dr c v williams physician aad s medical officer of health georgetown office and residence queen st south office hours 13 and 88 pjn also by appointment f r watson djds blds oeorgesowb- office hours to 5 except thursday aftemoona f l heath ux8 djdjj dentist office in lane block one door north of oneills oanriage factory hours 0 ajn to a pjn mis practical maternity v by day or week for particulars phone mrt qeorgetown r r 3 georgetown nurse 7- ontario w f gray uki aacttaneer and real estate dealer hlllsbarg ont phone u r it erin no sale too large or too small rates 1 phone me at my expense regard ing dates etc my val dry cleaning that will please dyeing that is efficient no garment too soiled that we cannot clean thoroughly w c r v meeting lastriday afternoon the wctu held trior regular meeting in the pub lic library mrs caldwell presided a delegation from the prohibition union met with the wctu to ar range for a public meeting to be held shortly and also to discuss an educa tional program for future use mrs arol oneill gave a most in teresting and instructive review of the life and character of francis wlllard who was the founder of the womens christian temperance unions which she led for years and which are now a great educational and religious force against the use of alchol by col jas ballantine dbo vx through lines of stately ships and as we pass the tale goes quickly round of glories old of batues won on the great sea- of chiefs whose darfng flags triumphantly were borne by this or that famed vessel oise- less now v is each forsakestrjicture save when sounds the liatleaatoeper foot nought else invades the deep lmuressive silence of these decks where lately trod a ihousftnd gallant men piano recital by miss dickies pupils the we clip the following from elora express of last week the united church parsonage was the scene of a delightful event tues day afternoon at 4 oclock when the elora and fergus pupils of miss mar garet dickie atcm give a piano recital in the presence of the pupils mothers those from fergus taking part were helen turner mary deacon isabel howes warden howes and from klora jean hunt elva young berna young hazel young mary scott ted scott and peggy mcdonald a social time was spent afterwards when the hostess served dainty refreshments and was assisted by miss a reid and miss m barber mother what kind of a show did papa take you to bobby bobby it was a dandy mamma they had ladles dressed in stockings up to their necks art wales janagr phone 111 main street georgetown no squeaks householder to appuetitat for rooms yes we have two rooms to let 400 a week no cats dogs pianos gramophones loud speakers or children allowed applicant do you mind if my boots squeak a bit township of esqnesing sanitary notice notice la hereby given that all resi dents of the township of eaquealng are required forthwith to clean their cel lars drains yards pig styes water closets 3hd other buildings and prem ises and remove all dirt filth manure or other substances which may en danger he public and to have same completed by the 15th of may next on which day the sanitary inspector will commence a general inspection all residents are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clean and in thoroughly sanitary con dition note no pig stye is to be erected within 00 feet of any dwelling housa road street or fena j sanpord sanitary inspector esqueslng april 16th 1930 2t the public health frank fetch licensed auctioneer faf the cotmuca of feci and haltttn prompt service cheltenham 36193 georgetown 81r3 post offloe cheltenham j k j kllikk auctioneer and rslal estate is yean experience ra aaetlon sale phone is acton ont v chiropractic nkjxsen the cmnpracfar graduate is yean- practice no maateliie 8argt o xray serviced office over dominion store office hours monday wednesday and saturday v 3 to and 7 to b pun other djtya and hours by appointment paaaa lmw athtnrii isoj at mtttab jfhaaa ms tuaaday and friday 1 to s pjn at lowest atft tires at the price you want to pay each the best value obtainable in canada royal master dominion royals endurance royal tjeavy service prompt efficient service dor minion tire depot experts will see that your pressures are cor rect and inspect your tires for injuries which will surely cause trouble if not checked in time reliable repair work honestly and promptly executed at a fair price if you want mileage at lowest cost stop at any orange and blue do minion tire depot itixens are keqttcsied to comply with th pabuc hakh ac ifotlce is hereby riven that all real- dents o qeorgetown are required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yartja pig styes water closeta out- movewierefrom all dirt manure and other substances which may enadnger the public health and to have same completed by the 15th day of may next on which day the sanitary in spector will comm a ge ta spectlon and further tame notice that the section of the public health act prohibiting the keeping of hogs be tween the 15th of may and the 15th of november except in pens at least 70 ft from any dwelling and 50 ft from any street or lane with floors kept clean from all standing water and regularlycleansed whl be strictly en forced all citbrens are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clean and thoroughly disinfected j b mftckenzie mayor of the municipality of qeorge town april 10th 1030 whether you approached england by the north ai ireland or by the south n was all flange ro us lor those waters oi the irish sea bt oeorge s chan nel and the english otiannm were in- tested by sunmaruies and few sol diers crussea duruig lhe war with out coming wluiin range of me tor- pedos thai the ever vigueni subsur- iuce crews used against every ship mat hew the br tush hag and was not adequately prpiectea oy an escort of destroyers or cruisers an armada as large as that which carried the rlrst division was too well guaraed to invite an attack thougn witnout aoubt the passage oi this great convoy was well known oy the oerman navy and by t sup who were content to vfaw the passing i from a respectful distance i it was the isolated snips they went alter and 1 shall not lorget uie sen fsation that followed the sighting o periscope one bright ttunoay morn ing the day after we had leu liver pool on a trip to canada on board the megantlc but you have all had that experience and you have all ail who were overseas experienced the s of thankfulness that came when the transport steamed slowly into port to the accompaniment of a meet of tugs and you realized that the first phase of the great adventure had been seiy negotiated tnanks to the naval efficiency of the officers and crew of your transport and to the watchful ness of the escort when the snips crossed in threes or in twos they usually separated on entering the dangerous waters and took a different and individual course with two or more of the destroyers in attendance it was that way when we crossed in 1916 with the 76th bat talion two ships besides the empress of britain forming the convoy with cruiser in attendance we were in formed that at six p m the escort of destroyers would join us and take us into port through lhe infested area after which the transports wouia pursue their several courses througo the irish sea and up the mersey to liverpool it was worth all the risk to see those destroyers come out over the rim of the horizon to keep their tryst they seemed to take such a delight in their work and came bounding along over the waves like so many terrlors who had been separated from their mas ter for long weeks and were about to meet one who was just as happy in the meeting as they were as the destroyers joined the convoy each of the big liners broke away from the others at top speed a move ment that soon separated the sister ships by long miles but no mattei how much speed they showed the destroyers were quite capable of meet ing it and occasionally demonstrated their power by completely circling the liner after the manner of the joyful terrlor above mentioned with the armada however it was different for the formation in three columns was maintained till the plymouth sound was reaciieo when after a graceful left wheel the great flotilla escort and all passed safely and camly into that historic sanctuary mannafrihat would have pleased the great admiral drake as he played his famous game of bowles while wait ing for news of the spanish armada above the harbour on plymouth hoe we passed the world famous eddy stone lighthouse on the way in but this is not a cqoks tour nor course in marine architecture we will content ourselves with passing this great light with its never falling warning against the sunken rocks be neath and with stealing by with some moralizing on the fidelity of the keeper and the isolation of his life of sacrl flee possibly the outstanding event of that day was the reception given the canadian division by the training ships in the harbour when the future sailors of britain lined the yards and rigging and cheered as no other boys can cheer while their bands sent the echoes flying with the strains of rule britannia and other patriotic airs s to the great occasion the armada reached davenport on the 14th of october a day that was celebrated by the people of england w and re flur- he blew with his winds and they were scattered however with all respect to the sentiment oi the inscription the people of engalndl and the men of the royal navy feel that the qreat drake and his men played a considerable part ui the destruction of the power of spain- ind at uiac i will leave the subject lor it is taking me too close to the precipice of religious contro versy which has no place in this nar rative many of che officers and men motor eoutoexete to see the great cathed ral there and to pause at tavistock the birthplace of the admiral above mentioned others went fts tar as exmoor for- est to thhnrn pf fiprra rinnno and otfiers motored over themooktq the great prison of dart moor each fol lowing his awn benu and looking up litb place tn which he was the most interested devon is a paradise of beauty and interest as is all the south coast of j england but then one could- land on any part of the coast of england and revel in the beauty of his environment a land of hospitality beautiful cathed rals charming cottages with settings of flowers that ho artist could palce on paper a land of order and content menu whlcn to one from the indus trial high pressure centres on ihis side of the atlantic is utopian we must pay our homage to the de vonshire cream you all remember that if you were fortunate to land there for what exeter cathedral is to the soul devonshire cream is to the stom ach and after nearly three weeks on the tyrolia one was in the right scate of stomach to fully appreciate this gastronomical delicacy some of the men even had it shipped to prance having acquired such a craving for the delicacy that they felt that life was not complete without it the first division was the only canadian force to land at plymouth as liverpool offered better facilities and probably safer passage but the people of that city or davenport will not forget the event nor will the men of the first division forget the people of the south coast the memories of the glorious old place cling uneffaced by the passing of the years the memory of those old ships of other days described in the motto of the old impregnable and its cheering boys of the hoe and its monuments the finest promenade ac cording to many in the world the hospitality of the people the may flower stone and the determined re- st georges church confir mation service anb deanery meeting a meeting of halton deanery was held in st georges church thurs day april 10th followed by a con firmation service in the evening- his lordship right rev d t owen dd dcl bishop of niagara opened the deanery meeting by a celebration of the holy communion twelve clergy- being present with rev f h wase rector of st georges assisting the bishop luncheon was irved by the ladies of the congregation after which h the rural dean rev canon russell smith oakviue took charge o the meeting with re 3aidn naftel morittecretary a paper on the v ing the years of the war it was the arrival of the first of the imperial troops and the first admonition to the german war minister that the far flung battle line of empire was no myth and that the men who manned this line were ready go anywhere depots why it win pay to boy tweddlea blood tested chicks near 1 you can see the breeding rtock and chicks before you buy 2 the chicks are more certain to live long railroad journeys are hard on chicks 3 all breeders blood tested for bacillary white diarrhoea j every pen headed with r op cockerels s our birds are the heavy type o all foundation stock is un der government supervision prices barred and white rocks april 2000 may 1800 white leghorns april ibjr- may 1800 per hundred ex press paid safe delivery guaran teed we allow express charges off above prices if you call fnr chicks j g tweddle ontarto of the great commonwealth of nations we were officially welcomed by the mayor of plymouth and of davenport and by a multitude of signals and mes sages that flashed by night from the signal towers of the ships in the har bour and which were semaphored by day but the spontaneous cheering of those boys on the training ships whose enthusiasm knew no bounds save their discipline will always remain the out standing impression of that arrival in england we landed on the 14th but did not disembark till a week later and the interim was one that tried the dis cipline of the men on the tyrolia for we were all confined to the ship and all shore leave was cancelled though this was relaxed towards the last arid we were permitted to go ashore and visit some of the tnnumbcrablc shrines and places of beauty and historical in terest with which the county of devon and somerset abound the padre was permitted to go nshore however and through this medium we mailed our first batch of letters home telling our friends and loved ones of our safe arrival news they would have at least two weeks before the arrival of the letters everyone wanted to see the may flower stone the jradlttonal point of departure of the puritan pillgrlms on heir way to the new world in search of freedom and liberty of conscience ttjatww lrr630 then thetewabthe plymouth hoe and the great monu ment which commemerates the dls i truqtlon of the spanish armada and j whlcn gives rather too much credit for the victory to ood and hi the opinion i of the royalnavy not nough to the great drake or any of his sallprs solve of the puritans and the begin ning of the new nation in america the voyage of captain cook from the port of plymouth and the founding oi another great nation australia and the whole atmosphere of the place so quiet and so contented and yet so suggestive of ability and efficiency and watchfullness the great light off eddystone eleven miles out is a sym bol of the vtguence of plymouth in its position as guardian of the western portal of the english channel there was however a fly in the ointment or rather millions of them to be nearer the truth the transport that conveyed the horses of the con tingent was anchored close to the tyrolia during those days in the har bour and from this insect generator there emerged sufficient of these pests to go round and still leave an adaqu ate supply on the horse transport to make life miserable among our long faced friends the horses of the mount ed corps normally thcreare no flies on i ship but in harbour along side e horse transport tills deficiency is soon adaquaiely supplied at the end of a week our turn came and we were taken alongside and the companies of men weak from the three weeks confinement marched down the gangway waving their good byes to the officers and crew with whom they had been happy to meet sorry to part and happy o meet the battalion was out of condition but faced the next phase of the jour ney with high hopes and with a feel ing that there was a little army over in france that would be pelased to hear of their arrival and later to wel come them as brothers in arms on the greatest adventure that had ever be fallen the soldiers of the empire sunday school by rev w h crouch grand valley and one on ehe state of the church by rev canon smith afforded an opportunity for discussion during the afternoon the church was packed to trie doors for the service of confirmation held at 8 pjn with bishop owen in charge assisted by several or the clergy of the deaiery rev p a sawyer acton presonted one candidate rev r b boyd norval presended six candidates and the rector presented 51 candi dates from qeorgetown and qlenwll- liams many of them adults rev a m field arthur rev w h crouch grand valley mr beaumont glen- williams lay reader also took part in the service the address was given by the bishop and a special service was rendered by the choir who sang the veni creator responsively with the bishop and the anthem jesus stand among us mrs w f bradley presiding at the organ and mr jack thompson being in charge of the choir nameaof those who were confirmed by the bishop are as follows m north m kentner m emaynard m v simons f a evans m hurley v edwards m d edwards f c ha was g f gummer m j day j d mac kenzie b b mackenzie a c f kent- ner p a denison a l atkins r g riddall a sykes h r hurley h g allen r r hawes q 8 bear- hope a hall m e kentner j mil lar f c graham el l mulholland r m huggins e s walker r bearhope a n carter s g w eason m b hurley f b evans m j long d l wright a collins l v kent ner r h eason w r weston e e norrington w j norrington v f wright j g collier e v mcmul- len m sykes ml e mcnally g o norton w e preston r chamber- ialn r h beaumont j car owners responsibility canadian medical assoc the ontario legislature passed a law which is going to make the owner of an automobile pay dearly for any accident which he may be me primary cause it matters not who drives the car the licensee is to be responsible for any damage to person or property wrought by the car if white loans his car to brown for brown to take his family out for a ride and brown is involved in a collision wfcdte must pay the damages and if white has no property which can be seized to satis fy such damages then white must be relieved of the privilege of driving his or any one elses car on the pro vincial roads or highways till he pays the damages awarded against him it is not bing made compulsory to take out insurance against accident and personal liability but a man witnout it is liable in case he gets into trouble on the roads to lose his residential property or bis farm if the damages are heavy it is a heavy price to pay for neighborliness should a car owner become involved but there seems no other way to protect careful and in nocent people from recklessness and it can be overcome by carrying in surance against a possible damage suit mother ana daughter banqwet bad breath a bad breath is altogether undesir able and for that reason considera tion should be given by everyone jto the causes of the condition in order to avoid its occurrence the fermentation of food particles in the mouth will almost cfcrtalnly cause a bad breath this commonly occurs when food is held in a decay ing tooth cavity proper care of the teeth by brushing them regularly af- t m m time of all source that vent bad breath from is now common when there is actual dsy of the mouth such as pyorrfroea or of the adjoining parts bad breach may re sult either fium the uuiulluon ttsetti or from the fermentation of food par- ancv fight anywhere wlteuvthtf limits tides which the condition favourst a healthy throat and a mouth kept clean by regular use of the toof brjufih are the first considerations in preserv ing an inoffensive breath the inscription on the raada in addition to the local conditions which act as a cause of bad breath there arc general conditions which bring it about we think first of the digestive tract because in our minds a bad tastc in the mouth is frequently associated with digestive upsets bad breath does occur quite often among those who overeat or whose elimina tion is faulty the bad breath in such cases is really a symptom of an i abnormal condition of the digestive tract and is regained as such by the individuals physician under such conditions the remedy lies in altering the mode of living a proper diet avoldahce of overeating or of overindulgence ln one or more articles of diet regular elimination tacjxseillntake of water and cxer clseare the points which should first be dealt with the cbrrection of any unpleasant odour should always be thought of along the lines of the removal of the cause it is much preferable to over come body odours by regular bathing than by attempting to overpower them by using perfumes in the same way ttie logical manner of dealing with bflfld breath is to remove its cause the treatment nf symptoms is necessary hut theiretire and the pre vention of their recurrence depend up on the treatment of the cause the root of the condition it never pays to temporize it is always satisfactory to get to grips with the cause questions cohcernuig health idressod to ttie jjanadlan medical as at bedtime in order to get rid of food particles and by the se- a very delightful evening was spent on friday last in the sunday school room of the united church when the canadian girls in training entertain ed their mothers at a banquet the tables were tastefully decorated in blue and white after the enjoyable repast all joined in a shag song the following toasts were proposed the king by the toastmlstress constance deans our mothers by margaret brala- by replied to by mrs stockford our churchvhy m- erwtn replied to by mr rumley our sunday school by ruth can ton replied to by mr godfrey our guests by edith godfrey replied to by miss mcpermid the cg jtby helen brown re plied to by miss rieder canadian girls work secretary who was the chief speaker of the evening constance deans proposed a vote of thanks to miss rieder for her splen did address and to mrs dayfoofs class who served the s other it on u were a piano solo by edith godfrey and an eas ter tableau by the qos class all hymn god who touchest earth with beauty and the enjoyable evening came to a clo with trie slngldff of taps bits of humour animal is teacher rastus what most nbted for its fur rastusde skunk de more fur you gits away from him de better it la fur you monument i anclotjoh 184 college st toronto will jbe answer personally by tetter which above all said the mistress to the new maid i want obedience and truthfulness yes madam replied the girl and if anybody calls when you are in and yuu say you are out hie shaj emp first obedlericeior truthfiilness jane bag mrs telllt cousin dorotliy you know always wanted to have a tittle baby daughter so she could name her june mrs askitr yes did she do lt- mrs tellitr no trie man she mar ried was named bugg and it wouldnt do you see tfiteppe by steppe a russian was beting led off to execu tion by a squad of bolshevik soldiers one rainy morning what brutes you bolsheviks are grumbled the doomed one to march me through a rain like this how about us retorcd one of the squad we- have to march back k v reasonable doubt thn jury had acquitted the defen dantot h a became of xbe powerful plea of his lavyer honor bright now bill said the lawyer as the two left the court house ym did steal that horse dldnt your well now look here ill be hon est with you i always did think j stole that horse until i heard you make the speech to the tury now ill be dogkoned if i alnt got mi 4ms about iv v l-

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