Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 23, 1930, p. 1

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fl lr sixtyfourth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday yening april23rd 1930 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa t the georgetown herald j ml moore pnbumher and proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association canadian national electric railway dally- daily dally daily dally dally dally eastboand except undsy 708 am 928 am u28 ain 148 pm 40q ljn 623 p m 848 pm 1148 pjn westbound tjaily except sunday dally daily dally dally 1 j dally dally dally past freight same day delivery ser- vice freight picked up at ouelph georgetown phone is 721 aih 941 am 1141 am 201 pjn 421 pm 641 pm 901 pm 1201 son cn 1 r time table going east passenger 720 ajn passenger 936 ajn passenger 10j8 ajn passenger sunday only 1139 ajn mail 1205 pjn mall 632 pjn passenger 833 pjn passenger sunday going west 734 pjn maitr 7 734 sum passenger 8jss ajn passenger passenger 569 pjn passenger 7j2 pjn passenger sunday going north 10j4 am mail 8js5 ajn mall going sooth 46 pjn had 1133 ajn van 7j0 pjn my valet o- ii pry cleaning that will please dyeing that is efficient no garment too soiled that we cannot clean thoroughly meditation cahrgd ortario bos lines ltd arrow coaches leave georgetown as follows west bound outbound 945 ajna 1 pjn 3j06 pjn 755 pjn 945 ajn t2jio pjn 345 pjn 840 pjn 945 pjn doily except saturday sunday and holidays saturday sunday anaiianbaysrf ah nasjli step a narrtngtona store directory le boy dale art wales manager main street georgetown beyond the last horizons rim beyond adventures farthest quest somewhere they rise serene and dim the happy happy hills of rest above their sunlit slopes uplift the castles we have built in spain while far amidst the summers drift our faded gardens flower again sweet hours we did hot live go by to soothing note on sjcnted wing m golden lettered volumes he the songs we tried in vain to sing they all are there thesemays of dream that built the inner lives of men the silent sacred yeara we deem the might be and the might have been f some evening when the sky is ill follow day into- the west nor pause nor heed tilpi behold the happy happy hills of rest james c fogan halton rifles from plymouth to bustard camp night march taunton ega by col jos bauantlne d50 vd oh salisbury plain is bleak and bare at least so ive heard many people declare not a shrub nor a tree nor a bush can you see r no hedges no ditches no gates no stiles muchfjess a house or a cottage for 1 miles v its a very sad thing to be caught in the rajn when nights coming on upon sails- bury plain tl ingqldsby legends high school board the high sciiool board met on april 15th present e y barraclough chairman h l hutt w v grant w t evans p r watson the following accounts werepassed remington typewriter h r minims insurance mcbean ft co j mcdonald coal w hugglns oeorgetown lunjber co central scientific society miss e penson film slide co lantern a motion was passed messrs grant and evans i to confer with the staff and the ath letic society regarding athletics 3 00 800 118 5515 2 00 969 4209 1c2s 5100 appointing committee we recommend oeorgetown ontario officesking blag mill st clarence h wiggins solicitor notary fabue offloes oneill block oeorgetown telephone 158 john a tb6mp80n barrkuer s notary fmbuo offices mill street phone 332 and 289 graham rhsm and bowykk barristers etc brampton ontario x o graham e b oraham c h bowyer uk a a paul dr r t paul ph and 8amgeons mrrtlcal officer of health in esqueslng township office hours 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 pm phone 58 office and residence main street south opposite presbyterian church dr sutherland jvye ear nose and throat specialist jat oeorgetown wednesday evening saturday afternoon and evening hours 2 pjn till 9 pjn or by ap pointment fhasses supplied office at miss matthews main st home phone idtrs ob c v williams mrdlral officer of health oeorgetown office and residence- queen st south phone ml office hours 13 and 68 pjn also by appointment p r watson djxs mj8 office hours to 5 except thursday afternoons f l heath ljx8 djx8 dentist offlss in lane block one door north of dnelu carriage factory hours 9 ajn to 6 pjn miff lamb practical maternity nubsk by day or weak for particulars bhone 84r6 oeorgetown b r georgetown ontario frank fetch licensed auctioneer for the coamtles of peel and halton npt senrice ohrltp 2fis23 oeorgetown 01r3 post office cheltenham v v it j kerr auctioneer and real estate 23 years experience m auction sale phone if acton ont o chiropractic neilsen the cbjrapnctnr palmar ondaate is years practice no medicine sorcery ostcopathyq xray service office over dominion store office hours monday wednesday and saturday 2 to s and 7 to 8 pjn other days and hours by appointment phone isow residence 150j at bajmonphone 311 tuesday and friday 2 to 9 pjn wood rails t3h0 single cord delivered mixed wood 30 hardwood wloo sln- gle cord j- h smith phone 84rl3 oeorgetown tf paints garnishes theyre made on a strictly scientific basis assuring the con- sumer of at leaat300 squaroiset greater coverage per gallon than cheaper paint due to the purity of ingredients used in the manufacture of high standard products one pint of high standard paint wilt so as far wear longer and look better than one quart of cheap or inferior paint lowe brothers quick drying enamel dries in four hours far furniture floors walla and 101 article about the home where speed in drying is desired dries in from 4 to 6 hours to a beautiful gloss finish comes in a choice of 18 colors is easily applied and requires no special thinner prices on application sm for walls and ceilings bedroom kitchens and bathroomm lowe brothers make a special product for 1 interior walls in several modern tints lowe j hjf brothers wall paints are very economical and durable and may he washed without fin damage to the surface ask for color card pdlf for floors of all kinds whether hardwood soft wood concrete or linoleum ve have the right finish in lowe brothers varnish floor enamel varnish stains or quick drying products in a wide range of colors consult us for best results and economy in your paint and painting plans crop reports and business summaries tg tfa t the bank of montreal pt nyjt oq crop cooditioni canada brcty month it ptwiaka a buslnea sununatr oorcnng bastncia ootsqttiona in che dominion and in that cnuntric where the bank baa offioea both of theae pwhltrariona are y have thetr namea ptaoad c hem to all who our wnjamljsw uct varnishes and varnish stains for every conceivable purpose no matter what the surface or what tha finish desired you will find a lowe brothers product to fit your needs color cards and prices gladly given on request pho r h thompson a co 46 georgetown hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town half bank of montreal catsnslmuied lsi7 gyproc makes suinmer homes firesafe qrptect your ramily by v rnslring your summer jw dwnffitprppf dutt proof and ujrenfe the new that reades- ivorr coloured gyproc 1 you this service at small cost usr itfbr structurally strons walls c and partitions it iteeds no de- corarjon when panelled hut you can tint paper or plaster it if you wjsh it is easily and quickly applied is a permanent asset and is vastly superior to other buildins materials yur dealers name is listed below ask him todajl for full infprmadoa on oyp- roc wallbosrd or send for inteterlna free book build ing and remodhhng with gyproc u bruntons garage gelding and expert brake service battery repairing atpair to 11 sflaksaof flan qasoila ghmw eta bajla tsscmbturlm l an uptodate auto repair shop prompt service voilcmanahip guaranteed authorized chrysler and plymouth service garage georgetown main st north whow 280 t ahd now we say goodbye to ply mouth and all its historical asbocla ttons us memories of drake walter rallegh problsher richarfl grenvtlle hawkins and many other great mari ners who carried the hag of england to the uttermost parts of the earth in the days of tfce great queen eliza beth all these were well known to plymouth and many were born in its vipinity but we have to get to salisbury camp and to that happy end the battalion tumbled cut of- the tyrolla and lined up along the docks prepara tory to marching to the train that was to carry us to devizes in wilt shire for the first time in three weeks they were shod in ammunition boots deck shoes having been issued so as to minimize the wear and tear on the decks and this condition and the lack of physical condition due to the long voyage tilus the fact that the qualifications of the officer who led the battalion on its march- jihat night were muscular rather than cerebral these conditions combined made the first march of the fourth battalion in england a somewhat re grettable incident the first section of the trip to salis bury was a march to the train and this was accomplished as well as could be expected though i suspect the good people of plymouth were lni no danger of mistaking us for the spruce formations of the devonshire regiment as they threaded the streets j in pre war days we had no band i and the buglers had all they could do to struggle along under their packs without the additional load of blowing marches the second section of the trip was from plymouth to devizes via taunton in somersetshire and though we passed the historic town in the mid dle of the night when the drowsy world was dreaming and most of the 4th battalion with it we are con strained to pay a few words of hom age to the sturdy burghers of earlier and troublous days who trimmed and kept alight the beacon of religious and political liberty when engalnd was a house divided and tyranny and persecution were enthroned at west minister here was one of the bulwarks of the people during the civil war and here the royalist army laid siege to no avail for the sturdy population stood like a rock and beat back from their walls all attempts of the kings army to capture their city here too was the focal point for che uprising under the duce of mon mouth in 1685 an uprising that failed through no fault of the men of somer set or devon and here too as a sequel the odious judge jeffries conducted his bloody assizes which for injus tice and brutality has few parallels in history so all hail to taunton for at your altar fires many torches of liberty have been lighted and carried to the uttermost parts of the earth but the third the fifteen mile night march from devizes to bustard camp on the plains was for the left half battalion some what of an adventure and a profane one at that we reached deviebs about two on that dark foggy october morning and lined up in companies on the station platform what instructions were given to the officer who was to lead the battalion to bustard i have never heard for the battalion staff or the greater part of it piled into a motor car and disappeared taking the road under the sure guidance of a local driver while the battalion was left to find its way under the direction of the mus cular officer above suggested this narrative is no indictment of any officer or group of officers and moreover it is impossible to judge without hearing all the evidence but somehow we didnt like it for we were trained and educated in the old halton rifles that the place for all officers was with their men especially on marches over unknown roads and in conditions of danger or trial none dilemma there was but one thing to do and that was to halt and look for sonic local guide for we had no map of the salisbury area the left half battalion halted and slumped to the side of the road and smoked while we took action tojsee where we were and above all which was the right way to that part of the plains which was to be occupied by the 4th battalion since thcr plains were abogt flfteeb miles- square and no one had ever heard of the 4th battalion this promised to be pro- i blcmatlcal lieutenant newton young volun teered to invade the grounds of the estate oi the right and make enquiry at the residence and we gave him permission with bme misgiving idr since an englishmans hquse is his cas tle- and there was considerable war in progress at the time ft was some what risky to enter those grounds at 2 oclock um or a- little after but neiit was helped over the great stone fence ahd started on his- rej connaisanee and we walked develop- men la on the road and wished for the presence of the padre or the medi cal officer in case anything might hapjjen to the audacious young of ficer the enterprise gave us little infor mation except that there was a great kennel of dogs guarding that mansion and these all gave tongue at the same time and we knew that behind that wall there was a certain canadian officer breaking all wiltshire records in his endeavour to reach the stone wall intact before the same pack should come to close quarters he made it and we were right glad he did and colonel newton young has been climbing over all sorts of walls ever since and at the present time he has the honour to represent one of those turbulent constituencies in the toronto area in the dominion parliament then the upstair window of a house was raised and a truculent voice de manded what the hell are you do ing there and who are you and be fore he could pull the trigger or otherwise open fire we hastened to assure him that we were not highway men nor robbers nor a german in vasion but simply a travel weary seg ment of the 4th canadians who were looking for the shortest way to a camp which we could not properly describe he came down stairs at this with his truculence all evaporated and went out of his way to assist us in finding our way to the camp alotted to it so ended a hectic night and the moral is to see that your orders are explicit and that the march is pro perly regulated by an officer who knows the difficulties of a night march in a strange country and above all that the staff of the battalion are at the head of the column and not loll ing in motor cars while the battalion gropes its way through the dark shortly the day broke and we found by inquiry that the road was via tilshead and that the camp of the 4th was at bustard and after that it was all sole leather and macadam and no more wcri esquesing council public sciiool board of our officers from the halton rifles would have motored to damp but would have stuck with the battalion no matter what the conditions more over if an officer is not capable of marching fifteen miles he would not be employed as a regimental officer however we formed fours left andj away in uu r in u of route wlth ule senior officer at the head of the column ahd stepping out as if bis own house were on are and he the only means of fire protection like otdr tjtogcncs he carried a lanthorn the rays of which were quite invisible to the rear companies and unlike old diogenes he was not looking for an honest man had he come back among the officers and men of the rear companies he would have heard some very honest opinions and much en lightenment as to the necessity of moderating the pace at the head of the column if the men in the rear companies were to keep closed up i would give a great deal to have a talk ing movie of that march especially the talklve part of it for the men of the battalion used some strange ad- jectlves when overwrought and that night we made no effort to restrain j them for they were expressing our j own attitude in the matter it is one thing to step out at the head of a column it is quite another matter to keep the same pace in the rear companies a fact that every sol dier knows if he has marched there or if he marched with the fourth batta lion that night moreover tt is one thing for an officer who carries little more than hu haversack and sam brown belt and it is quite another thing for the men who in additlbn to their pack horse equipment carry a heavy rifle as well as all the tools in- i cident to warfare and light house keeping two spates sometimes met in j domestic life j it was a tug of war without tho rope no onehad sufficient eaergy to smoke and even the grouching that relief valve which serves the soldier in all such times of stress became a pro- fane whisper and ppeeenily died away till nothing was heard save the hoarse breathing of the men and their ryth mic tramp upon the stone road passing through a smattvillagte lavington i think the column broke in two ahd moving to the head of the company we found that the lead ing companies had disappeared in tho fog while the road forked and in this the board met at 8 pm april 8th members present r b foullsv cnair- man mrs p w cleave mrs l f denison a h duncan and h red- shaw accounts passed hydro electric oeorgetown lumber co l w dann jas a cook ac son burt business systems miss m p hume miss ryan was appointed of the entrance board mr sam mackenzie presented plans aftd specifications for the proposed new addition to the building these were accepted and mr mackerurie was engaged to supervise the work it was decided to advertise lor ten ders the same to be done by may 10th the annual school field day will be held on june 3rd stewarttown april 14th 1930 the council met pursuant to ad journment mexnbers all present the- rceve in the chair minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed wilson appelbethat the treasurer pay hydro electric power commission oeorgetown lights at council chamber 1125 board of hydro commissioners georgetown 16 street lights olenwu- liams jan- 1st to mar 3 1st 5200 j m moore account to date 10533 carried wilson appelbethat the treasurer pay daniel mckechnie shooting mog in act of worrying sheep 4500 ray mceriery shooting dog in act of worrying sheep 500 carried appelbe wusonthat the treasurer pay municipal world 1 cash book 1800 express on cash book 40c total 1840 j m bennett express ahd stamps 155 bell telephone account 38133 and 821 mar 16 to apr 15 430 carried mullinwusonthat the treasurer pay mountain sanitorium mainten ance of mrs elsie miller feb 1st to 25th 3600 edith pryde feb 1st to mar 31st 8830 total 12450 ouelph general hospital laura bonus jan 28th to feb 8th at 175 per day 1925 carried wilson currie that the treasurer pay hospital for sick children main tenance of evelyn barbour nov 25 1929 u dec 26th 1929 545 less 1225 4200 carried wilson mullln that this council appoint geo cleave reeve as a dele gate to work in conjunction with the councils of milton acton nasaaga- weya and georgetown to urge the government to lake over the second line esqnesihg as a kings highway and that the work be commenced as soonas possible carried mullln appelbe resolved that the reeve deputy reeve and treasur be hereby authorized to deal with sale and repurchase of trustees socurtties carried appelbe wilson resolved that the reeve and treasurer be authorised to sign transfer forms for the sale of securities and transfer securities to bearer carried mullln currie that the treasurer pay s h lindsay collectors salary ward 5 postage envelopes and ex change 5167 carried currie mulhn that the treasurer pay road sheets as presented by road supu 57651 carried mullln currie that this council now adjourn to meet on may 12th at 130 carried stewarttown 482 5 85 200 30 47 130 member canadian medical assoc the wat to health give me health and a day and i will make the pomp of emperors ridi culous 1 wrote emerson there is no other single item of greater importance in our lives than health because health is necessary for success in prac tically everything which we undertake health is not merely a matter of evading disease we do of course seek to evade disease but in order to enjoy health we must give attention to our manner of living a condition of health is a normal condition whlclrftha tsley accompanies right living disregard of the ne of the body abuse or neg lect of the body sooner or later re- suit in a loss of health if hot in ac tual disease the benefits of good health are so obvious that it is not necessary to present arguments in their favour and take time to discuss what everyone is willing to acknowledge the question of irnnnrfjsnro is hnw nil mw fefiftilfrfc nr1 enjoy the benefits which good health has to offer the way is not difficult tt requires that a simple sensible regime be the regular habit of life the habits which lead to health are neither num erous nor difficult to understand and they can readily be made the habits of our own individual lives we come into this world with a body which has been given to us it may have certain imperfections but what we are interested in are its potentia lities physically and mentally we have possibilities and whether or not these are developed to the fult deter mines what measure of our attainable physical and mental health we enjoy some have a more difficult task than others but practically all can arrive at a condition which makes life a pleasure providing the effort is made like everything worth while health represents an effort but also like things worth while it la worth striv ing for the beginning of the road to health is marked by a signpost pointing out the need for an understanding of your own body the road you will follow depends somewhat upon your condi tion as you start out you should have an appraisal made of your body to know if there are imperfections that require attention your capacity should be known so that you may gear your pace to it start out with a periodic health examination so- that you may know yourself and your needs from that go on to a full measure of health by llvtngacccrdlng to the simple titles of health questions concerning health 4 dressed to the canadian medical asj soclatlon 184 college st toronto will be answered personally by letter names appear in order of merit st iv madeline graham hons marion schenk hons william han cock hons norman marcnment har vey dewhurst marjorle haines gra ver norton robert mcmaster jr rv ida eason richard beau mont mildred norton bulle davidson william preston margaret mcnally cyril clarkvoene kirby clara hill and bessie norton equal st m freda appleyard honsr bertha schenk hons mildred nor ton hilda lorrlman ruth marcnment myrtle allen nora barlow jr iti beverly moody alice addy mary wagstaffe morris miller gor don graham jack presswood agnes isjey eve garvin albert hill una hum richard everson jlmmle buck bertha allen mervyn kirby emme ledwldge j edna nell principal junior room ii class alma atkinson hons billie schenk hons gwendolyn had ley catherine macdonald cord allen hairy wukle eileen- fry mar patsy davidson beatrice hancock maud thornton joyce appleyard sarah bllck eve clarke ralph bludd and roy preston equal edna preston tommy hill elsie dew hurst ruth preston lome karvln sr i harvey cooke hons clarence beaumont hons reginald broom- head hons dorta heggte btts hill myrtle warren jackie fry bud hul george eason jv v amnn n rob applied learning teacher an anonymous person is one who does not wish to be known who la talking in class a voice an anonymous person teacher the following is a report of s s no 6 esquesing for the whiter term names arranged in order of merit sr iv mary standlsh hons nor ma smith hons helen maclean betty smethurst sam tennant jr tv charlie maclean hons francis jenkinson lillian mahi walter hodge jr m dorothy wilson bona david hodge rniian thompson jack jenkinson f jr n harold wilson hons jean tennant jack maclean jr i eleanor graham hons muriel maclean hons roy smith joan cudden primer bulle tennant kenneth murray talph thompson jessie m- mckay teacher glenwdlliams public school easteb report davidson henry lorrlman doreen wluett vernon kirby marjory fry joe mcmenemy prlmer gerald moody jackie craw ford jlmmle norton delmoxs beau- montt emily hadley olynh everson ralph barlow bulle norton eileen norton leonard allen a mclaughlin teacher ashgrovlv a very enjoyable afternoon was spent when the meeting of the wo mens institute- met at mrs earl wll- sons home on tuesday april 15th with the president in the chair the meeting opened in the usual way each member answered to the roll call with their grandmothers nuuden name a pleasing feature of the meeting was the visiting friends from moun tain union miss wise was pre and spoke on her work of coaching the junior members of the w i on the following subjects school lunches house furnishings and good dressing mrs cartrlght spoke of institute work at the beginning thirty three years ago and of its work at the pres ent time we were pleased to have her with us at this meeting two of the orandmothera assisted with the program mrs glffen sang very sweetly the end of a perfect day and mrs s k ruddell gave a talk on the entertainment of the young people of fifty years ago miss lulu oraham favored with a piano solo entitled romance by siberltus the meeting was closed by sing ing the national anthem after which all took part in a song contest a very dainty lunch- was served hy the hostesses u rr bound orer tor a tear mistress the main thing here is honesty the last maid stole the sil ver spdoniu new maid you neednt fear any thing from me maam im hound or tor a year ruz l-

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