Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 23, 1930, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesdaveyening april 23rd 1930 a ffff the quality of salada is the only premium offered tea fresh rom the eardens ukiifliciaiita s nor val mills 44- i i titnu i grain chopping our mill is now in operation and we are pre- pared to do all kinds of grain chopping and can give our customers prompt service flour and feed for sale w b browne co norval flour mills phone 101 r 6 norval georgetown elevator agents for thegrain pool seed barley oats timothy red clover alsqce lucerne at close prices alex l noble phone 148 the name is sufficient our salesmen carry butternut varieties daily a change to suit the palate manfd by dominion bakeries ltd gttwpk sold by mark clark phone 229w grocer news and information for the busy farmer a larre apple orchard norfolk orchards limited operate what is probably the largest acreage of apple orchard under one- manage- merit in ontario they have 225 acres of bearing trees including a solid block of 140 acres hese consist most ly of good varieties such as spy bald win greening mcintosh scarlet beauty duchess wealthy etc in this there is one block of 1000 hyslop crab trees the manager of thii big orch ard is harvey l johnson of simcoe the cr8pttsoid by the norfolk fruit growers association situation serloos dr j p booth head of the newly organized economic branch of the dominion department of agriculture m addressing the annual meeting of the oac alumni association at to ronoto offered some suggestions for dealing with the present crisis he did not try to minimize the seriousness of the economic situation but suggest ed that the best thing to do was to cut the jbost of production diversify farming where this was not being done to study local conditions and turn production to suit to develop coopera tlve marketing and pay more atten tion to quality and advertising the royal triprv the regulations governing the con test by which boys front all parts of ontario will be guests of the ontario department of agriculture at the royal winter pair next fall stipulate that the contest is open to farmers and farmers sons who have not readi ed their 21st birthday on november 1st and to be eligible to take part in the competition they must submit some statement as to the cost of pro duction of some farm crop or opera tion the arrangements provide for the following accommodations while in toronto free of charge hallway fare to and from the city lodging accom modatlon for four nights meals while in toronto an extensive and vitally interesting program transportation while carrying out the program ar tanged plant more trees there are thousands ot acres of land on ontario farms that are non-pro- duetlve that might well be planted to forest trees any resident in ontario may obtain each year free of charge up to 3500 trees for reforesting an additional 500 trees can also be ob tained for windbreaks these trees are distributed in the spring only to those who apply to the ontario for estry branch parliament buildings toronto cat cost of production with a gradual drop in the level of most farm produce prices in the past few years the cost of production again becomes a vital factor in agricultural operations one very high factor in reducing the costs of production the very foundation of all agriculture is better seed however unfortunately when a man uses his own seed as the bulk of ontario farmers do there is no selling and hence no government regulations and as a result very little attention is paid to grade only seed that has been cleaned up to meet certain grade and conformed with very strict regualtions in regard to noxious weeds is allowed to be sold legally in canada and yet in spite of all efforts to protect him the average farmer goes ahead and uses ungraded and very often uncleaned seed irtimjfmto oil royalties not stocks or shares to royalty holding companies but direct purchase and ownership pro ducing properties only immedi ate monthly returns own yorrr own l clayton rxdok royal bank bldg toronto ont adel 1887 h r bomms georgetown bjum bflitatire phone ulw or i14j r- i tb national leaves toronto daily at 90o p arrive at winnipeg 845 ara accrsnrl morn ing good connection at winnipeg for all points in western canada r equipment dob ubrarybutretcsrs radio- standard sleep- era tonvirt sleeper diners and coaches tenekxtj news qrirg car service t scawbury enjoy cuuifm tabic tide in ahhrteel stand ard drawing room teepees car re atsodbory until con after s3 years service on the toron to police force sergeant edward 3 griffith formerly of trafalgar town ship will retire on pension sergt griffith joined the force july 1897 and received his promotion as ser geant on may 1 1919 on account of the enormous ex pense incurred in publishing a news paper these days the tjftbvidge journal one of the best and oldest weeklies in canada has been forced to cease pub lication and uxbridge is now num bered among the many onenewspaper towns in the dominion peeling just fine to use his ex pression tobias swilfcer mason tra falgar township pioneer has just en tered his 97th year and although he has been confined to his bed since new years he confided to the star that ne was doing it to- plase his daughter more than any thing wse and not because he did not feel likebeing up and around highway police officers have declared war on curb cruisers this term of the police applies to inotorlsls who drjve automobiles at a slow rate of speed hugging curbs and endeavoring to jget young women into their cars tbie magistrate are imposing stiff fines for the offence since the old age pensions act came into force in ontario 38214 ap plications have been- made and of that number 27004 applications have- been passed and granted pensions to save material and at the same time make tnore convenient arrange raents for courting couples it has been decided to build seats for two only ip fairlle glen at kumnnock scotland as the present seats for six are never occupied by more than one coudle at a time milton qre brigade was called out to extinguish a blaze in andrew flem ings frame house- corner of elizabeth and m1h sts thursday the fire started from overheated stoieppes the loss estimated at s00 is covered by insurance the second lot of swans flew over burlington beach friday- several hundreds of these beautiful white birds in group formation passed beginning to arrive shortly after daylight with almost military precision three flocks travelling a tew miles apart headed straight across the lake into a point along van wagners beach then swinging sharply northward along the shore headed across burlington beach to the bay a barrier to rihestorm and wfathf- orchard and spray service the ontario department of agri culture has extended the orchard and spray service to the counties of dun- das prince edward hastings grey northumberland durham peel hal- ton wentworth lincoln brant mid dlesex welland norfolk lambtotl huron simcoe south oxford and elgin agricultural representatives and spray supervisors of these coun ties met with various specialists and officials who assist with this service at vlneland during the first week in april at a conference to discuss ways and means for improving the service thorughout 1930 professors caesar and howltt of oac are the directors in charge of this service in the pro vince ah growers who really want to make their orchards pay and who are willing to follow the ontario spray calendar and special directions given by the spray supervisors can obtain this service free of charge if they apply before april 19 why it will pay to bwy tweddkra blood tested chlca near cropa jpropet t y and livestock dsv troyed by fire and lightning last tr amounted to more than 2000000 in ontario tlisw one of the reasons so many farmer nre now tiling ribroll he original newstyle roofing it rip fie fir eliminate upkrep increase property values and latta a lifenme pro tected against tilitmng when properly grounded and equipped with preston pointed ventilators as required by the lightning rod ace bach sheet has even ribs a nail every five inchajujsiii wonderfully easy and inexpensive to lay made of the fnmous council standard quality under thamoat bwri weather cdnd ribroll keepf every building on the farm safe and secure um ubboji roofing and prum ladhod natti ribroll and preston lbdmed nails rocs an unbaatabu roofing- rgjablimllmi the asaila am scaannncallv daatiinsd to ua with metal reofine no pun chins thrsadlng requirsxl rasa ratably miy and spodv to uas tha laad on the ksad poev putoly mala ina nail hot making tt rustproof wwatfiwr pml ind watsr proof writ fo res nnla of jotjroll and preston lbctwheo naij ksreal trun bnn free book th preston 3ok about bams la worth mousy to you gvt world of information about modern bernbujldinsr was for u no barn mad aqdkls the ssrsstcth 1 and fire ra- rii qualda of u preston steel truss barn built with rumajjl truasa bracad bint wind prsaauraj from whlnsu no cub banonie erosabeama wall vendlanlafwell 11 ah tad mora hart 1 000 in ontario nat one lost through urhmlnc wa um your umbara and smake ubsraj allowances fee them piwrton bam vatrhlafon abolish danger of spontaneous eombuatioi prawon van ti is tors for re uaa roof side wull adjustsbla windows and wide doors thsy draw out warm mdistslr and esisaweproi j eastern steel ftodutts goalohc fraatrai ont toronto and moncraal thfumm sa vjawr jfcliinnai preston steel truss barns a h a s n i care of ewea to a large extent the success and profits of sheep raising depend upon the care given the ewes during the lambing season a crop of well nour ished healthy lambs means success but a poor crop invariably means a loss good succulent feed with a rea sonable amount of grain should be fed the ewes both before and after lamb ing and especially while nursing the lambs in order to supply an abundance of milk and keep the youngsters corning along seed program endorsed members of the agricultural advisory committee of elgin county at their annual meeting early in april endors ed the carrying out of a seed grain survey as proposed by the agricultural representative p 8 thomas the survey is to be made in an effort to improve the quality of the seed grain grown in the county and tu ui produouon mr thomas proposes to work through rural schools and the rp f jhr-jtlrtir- at by furnishing samples of the oats and barley being used as seed on their parents farm this spring a rensarkable crop in 1920 james mckitrlck of orton in weluington county harvested ml bags of marketable potatoes off two acres the field in which this re markable crop was grown was of a light loam the potatoes which were of the green mountain variety were planted on june 10 after a sweet clover pasture had been turned under in the fall along with about ten tons of barnyard manure per acre the crop was sprayed for late blight every two weeks after the potatoes were up six or eight inches t cleanlnc of seed general the crop bullet id for the first week in april stresses the general turn of ontario farmers toward the cleaning of seed inquires in dufferin have been numerous for good seed of stan dard varittties in duhdas the un certainty of the milk market situation lo having a very depressing effect on production the average price receiv ed at a sale of hols tc ins in durham was set at 145 a shortage of rain is indicated in prontenac while a heavy demand is being made for good seed oats and barley exceptionally favorable reports from sheep flock masters have been received from grey while an increased acreage in spring wheat is reported in hastings ship ments of western horses are meeting a stow sale in huron while in lamb- ton seed grain is more plentiful than was expected -might- box little milton came home from sun day school with a mite box why do they call it a mite box mother asked milton because chirped in his brother you might put something in it and you jnlght not 1 you can see the breeding stock and chicks before you buy 2 the chicks are more certain to live long railroad journeys are hard on chicks 3 all breeders blood tested for bacillary white diarrhoea 4 every pen headed with iv op cockerels 5 our birds are the heavy type all foundation stock is un der government supervision prices barred and white rocks aprll 3040 may 100 white tjesborns april 1800 may 1600 per hundred ex press paid safe delivery guaran teed we allow express charges off above prices if you call cor j o twkddle fergssa wood for sale choice hardwood beech and maple 400 per single cord mixed wood 350 per stogie cord mixed slabs 300 per single cord rails 300 per single cord phana 365j or 283j j brantfokd georgetown notice to creditors wall paper 1 have a full line of 1 930 papers something for every room can give you practical etdvice about wallpapers and paperhanging phone or write e bludd box 109 g1jenwiujams phone 6 r 5 georgetown interior and exterior painting etc in the matter of the estate of john bauantine late of the town of georgetown in the coonty of hal- ton gentleman deceaaed notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de mands against the late john -rallan- tine who died on or about the twenty- ninth day of march ad 1930 at the town of georgetown in the county of hal ton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for lieutorjkmel james- bahantme dso vd and catherine rebecca rogers the executors of the last will and testament of john ballantlne gentleman deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writ ing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the seventeeth day of may 1030 the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said executors will pot be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notic dated at georgetown ontario this sixteenth day of april ax 1930 uroy dale barrister and solicitor 3t georgetown ontario the weekly of bargains pusuyts fanning it on the housetopa wives debat ing it over the bridgetables mothers crooning it to the children or a bedtime ttory carrolls weakly bulletin of ikfuius the story of exceptional tarings on quality groceries values you jut cant miss read oh w bread large loat 9c butterorourolls creamery lb 37c chhese7september make extra rich lb 28c libbvjs murrardspedal 2ar25c awamwbawasiwsstwwwawawmwawww special c s- as sea brand 4 coffee eswts frdgmnr freshroasted ljb tin spec lot canadas famous cheese kit aft c with the richness of green pastures f cut from loaf lb special heinz ovenbaked beans a treat for any meal medium tins pure maple syrup no 10 tin s233 pure maple syrup 37oz tin 63c princess soap flakes large pkg 20c s o s magic scouring pads pkg he 23c fax deodorant v insecticide 3 g pyramids fl cerfi moth gas x ttt vaporizer for clothes g tzz plr if corned ammonia ho brand 2 pkgs 13c pertbs pearline v 2 pkgs uc sal ai a washing soda a 8c h 2 pkgs 13c reflex floor wax lib tin c irroiri own cleanser 3 tjras 13c erring 19 l 1 v v 1 main street is georgetown township ol esquesing sanitajby notice notice is hereby given that all resi dents of the township ot eaqueslas are required forthwith to clean their eat- urs drains yards pig styes water closets and other building and prem ises and remove all dirt filth manure or other substances which may en danger the public and to have same completed by the of slay next on which day the r ary inspector will commence a general inspection all residents are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clean and in thoroughly sanitary con dition note no pig stye is to be erected within 60 feet of any dwelling bouse road street or lane j sanpqhp sanitary inspector eaqueslng april 18th 1830 at monuments pollock a ingham gab ont inspect oar work hx greenwood oemetary debts collected our 40 years experience as col- lectloa specialists means ef ficient dependable service for you we get back your money and your customer kelly aiken the collectors no collection no charge flooring i sold by georgetown lumber co ltd performance no shovsxumo kbqtriatsd standard alfthraclte scranton coal insllsaeea automatically screened and loaded coal wood select unnp tar poamhn aas lnfaahlrss patwiatav aasssr ins and oannal ooal ib fat i carry wtwrythms to ba wood thttf john mcdonald phone 12 gamatsabywe the public health ciuaens an bxraestod to comply with the public unalth aet notice is hereby given that all resi dents of georgetown are required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water closets out buildings and other premises and re move therefrom all dirt manure and other substances which may enadnger the public health arid to have same completed by the 15th day of may next on which day the sanitary in spector will commence a general in spection and further take notice that the section o the publlo health act prohibiting the keeping of hogs be tween the 15th of may and the 15th of november except in pens t least 70 ft from any dwelling and iso ft from any street or lane with floors kept clean from all standing water and regularly cleansed will be strictly en forced all cltlaens are earnestly requested to keep their premised constantly clean and thoroughly disinfected j b mackenzie mayor of the municipality of oeorge- town april 16th 1830 j sanford stewarttown plnmbingtiitsiiiilhing appearance performance comfort value vv4len first presented the new durant 14 was fo l possess the modern qualification appearance a demonstration immediately disclosed a second equally qualification namely comeort by actual road test the canadian public it discovavuuj that 1 formance ranks with appearance and comfort and that i lj 1w i fir- w rtnhind ro create s i motoring and a new standard of automobile value your opportunity to prove the merits of the 14 to your ewra personal satisfaction awaits you at your nearest durant deawa now s tb duromi four rawiavrs ms mm imfotlmmt amtcr r iong dutcmt prmhuts djan motors canada umttcd toacotto uasidt canada daraat sin cjumtt sttu i afam 4ir o r kf ertlaiskg qetrially uvea georgetown rr no 2 1 t j sapelcht phone 279w georgetown jl ix

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