Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 14, 1930, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtyfourth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 14th 1930 150 per annum in advance 200 a uja i the georgetown herald j m hooee pabusher mad proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association t ifac 1 ii canadian national electric railway daylight savins time bathmmnwi dally except sunday 7 0s am dally 928 ajti dojy 1128 ajir daily 148 pm dally 408 pra dally flspjn datty 1148 pin dally westbound dau except sunday 721 ajn dairy 9 41 a dany 1141 am dally a 01 pjn dally 421 pjn dally 641 pun dally 101 pm dally 1201 am pat freight same day delivery ser- vice freight picked up at qualph georgetown phone 13 c n r time table standard time going kat passenger 715 ajn passenger 30 ajn passenger 1043 am passenger sunday only 1129 ajni passenger 623 pjn passenger 823 pjn gomg west j passenger nessenger 714 ajn r56 am nil pm passenger passenger passenger sunday 601 pjn 712 pjn 10j4 am gda north 1z kail and passenger going 8owui 55 ajn a hall and passenger 710 pjn central ontario bos lines ltd aatsow coaches leave georgetown as follows xastbound west bound 945 ajn 8 45 ajn 1x3s pan 120 pan sits pm 345 pjn 756 pjn 840 pjn 9 45 pjn daily except saturday sunday nnd holidays saturday sunday and holidays ah win li stan at narriagtesrs store directory le awtt dale georgetown ontario offlrra ittng bldg mill st taking a hill on high it takes lots of powr and a good start to climb a hill without shifting gears get a good start for the hills of the days work by eating a breakfast of shredded wheat and milk there is a quick getaway in this delicious whole wheat food no need for shift ing gears in the middle of the hill just go right on up with increased energy and power and shredded wheat is in such a delicious easily digestible form shredded i heat with all the bran of the whole wheat xstat canadian shredded wheat company ltd clarence h wiogin8 sobettor notary paddle offices oneill block georgetown telephone 158 john a thompson notary pablle offices mill street phone 332 and 389 imi okaham and bowyek barristers eta brampton ontario el q araham k b graham c h bowyer db j j pacl dr k t paul medical officer of health in ksqussmg township once hours 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 pjn rhane 58 office and residence mill street dr sutherland eye ear nose and throat specialist at georgetown wednesdanevenlng saturday afternoon and evening hours 1 pjn till 9 pjn or by ap pointment glasses supplied office at miss matthews main st home phone loirs dr c v williams officer of health georgetown offios andrastdenee mam st south opposite preshyterlan church office hours 13 and 78 pjn p r- watson das mjx8 nor val mills grain chopping our mill is now in ojieration and we are pre pared to do all kinds of grain chopping and can give our customers prompt service t flour and feed for sale w b browne co norral flour mills phone 101 r 6 norl rail tickets ocean tickets i travel try the canadian national and enjoy your trip tickets sold to all parts of canada and united states by walter t braiu aftent if considering an ocean or lake trip do not fail to consult with waller t evans agent for canadian pacific white star cunmrd ox anchor donaldson and foreign lines of ocean steamship companies walter t evans insurance and real estate special bargains are offered by h silver for the week end you will find the values very profitable mens spring coats of barrymore tweed at great reduction ladies and girls spring coats to cleajt at nearly half price mens worsted spring spits beautiful material and best shades at v have just received a new lot in great variety of misses and womens pnnted silk dresses best materi als and beautiful shades from 295 up mens oxfords made of best leather goodyear welt 600 line at per pair 4l50 extra special in men and boys running shoes per pair 98c mens working shoes extra strong 295 mens silk combination underwear value 150 for 100 ladies summer underwaists reg 45c at 25c ladies pure silt hose special a smile 59c extra special pair boys khaki pants real good material at per 100 boys 2 pants suits tweeds and blue serge for one week only 475 childrens sandals reg 175 for 125 h silver phone 375 main st georgetown with a pleasant smile and a kindly word what wonders we can do a pleasant smile though never heard works quietly like the dew the effect spreads wide like the ocean tide it strikes we know not where its influence spreads though not a word said its captivating and eases our care we know not what the outcome will or how far the smile may roll i the actor king was to ride down the canadian line and his approach was to be a signal to the wild canadians to raise their caps on the points of their bayonets and to cheer and shout as the men of joshua musthave cheer ed when the walls of jerlco fell down flat a poor unfortunate staff officer was ordered to make the ride across the front of canadas serried ranks and i suspect he wouldralher have charg edthe whole german army but orders is orders so here he comes while the men of the first ontario raise- their caps and their voices in accordance with the instructions by the time he bad passed ontario womens anstttute elxclmined have your eyes by o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month or you may consult dr walker at his office in brampton so give a smile whenever you can vt helps to make ttf e worth while it costs nothing to give so give while you nve and try always to smile smile smile j b rtttenhouse i halton rifles by col jas ballantlne dbo vjj it irradiates- like the suns bright rays the men had sensed a strong note of and warms and nurtures each soul humour in the situation and the cheers were tinged with derision it increased as tbetider passed the ranks of manitoba saskatchewan alberta british columbia and quebec but those highlanders rrom the maritime province sent forth such a roar that the horse decided to take a hand in the proceedings or a leg and opened out to a pat that would have won the kings derby but which was quite unbecoming to- even tbe representative of a king so ended the rehearsal and the canadian battalions returned to camp with the satisfaction that they had got back at at least one officer of the start when his majesty did came he came in a motor car and inspected us just as if we were imperial batta lions he was accompanied by lord kitchener and one or two attendants he took his time in mang the in spectlon and asked many questions of the men many of whom wore the ribands that indicated previous ser vice he was every inch a king though small in comparison with lord kitchener who was- one of the largest men i have ever seen he left as quietly as he came and there was no noise nor cheering but we all felt that we had met not merely the his majesty the king what have kings hint privates ha not too fuons save ceremony henrv fifth 41 relative to the officers of the british and australian armies the canadian officer was very much underpaid bis pay was considerably less than the british army officer and about hah that of the australian the canadian had to purchase from his own salary all his uniform and equipment pay his b fees and at coursewas required to travel first class and to appear only at the first class hotels when on leave when on leave in london he learned that in that gat metropolis- apexiny a poi would buy more and a pound than in any other city in the world or in other words the private on leave travelling third class could have as good a time on ten nhming as his officer could have on as many pounds all officers were required to open accounts in the x bank of montreal in 4tratalgarsfluare in heaven help the sinner who overdrew this account in civil life if one overdraws he is served with a courteous notice to that effect and there is little use in send ing a check to cover the overdraft as the old lady did but in the canadian army he was served with a notice that was nei courteous nor kind and told to report at once for transfer to canada rather rough justice what i inadvertently many officers got into rwn hnqtr b tn iv ft tiiirwly afternoons r l heath inh djdls office m lane block one door north of onetlta carriage factory hours s ajn to a pjn f s -neilsen- tke chiropractor laser onawate 1 teals practise no millnlae sargnry osteopathy xray service office met tdonilnlnn store office hours monday wednesday and saturday 1 tot and 7 to b pjn other days and hours by appointment raasw in efhrnn 1mj tisasdaf ami tifclas 1 to pjn wood balls m0 stogie cord delivered mixsd wood 80 hardwood hm stn- to cord x h bmlth phone siru tt get your grain truck ready tjere are your tires t wont be long now until youll be putting your grain truck back into hard service how are its tires t weve got a big stock of goodyear heavy duty tires wed like to show yon theyre mighty husky because theyre made with goodyear super twist cord and theyve got a tread llut cant be beaten f or pulling yon out of the mud your sise is here and the price is right jnoneimson ph georgetown ont ribr original new style roofing win twnl dun tnr wf dtn lasart now hswuttt oa a- roofa of arir complaint jhbroll stagnant crop procacti nmfc and anhaocat hancat pfopawty rmtar4igst and t it lm btmproct crnly hawfaanui pwmanantp aoonoaikas aafj to lit on auiy foot fcacpwf one daakp- wtdchl tion b asn sa gsc tkm on and otigbul ribroll die roof with tmn ritw and a nail ovary 6m incasa piaoiaasplo eawuu preston vbntila- tobs prbvbnt spontanbous combustion i ill u ffl led4a btm f s koofimg mac aaj i rwr km is i wka pstbston basn door hardwarb nm tkr lunf tradi fa hamwr bw- in ad m t thoboadoiled- hed nails to oat am noil tbot prbs- toh ledhed tils do lbhor tho uod cant ossao off no nado laying raofing- myamjtafhmmjxaa in cold woachor wish mraa oo rmtiniw awiiii ii i ii writ for too osmplw of th idoal roofeaft combinotlon rib- roll and preston led- hed nails trouble m this way though there were others who deserved what they got in view of these fact thecanadlan expeditionary force was no money making institution and it was always a source of wonder to me that the junior officers were able to make both ends meet the first weeks on the plains was spent in getting the officers of the fourth properly outfitted and to that end our lines were beset with tailors from trfmrirm from hawke and com pany number one seville row to be exact and others who knew all the curves and angles of the human frame and how to make the fat appear less fat and the overlean appear less over- lean when it came to the fitting of riding breeches britches hawke and company are in a held by themselves and cater to a trade that carries tnetr goods to all parts of the world where men tide to hounds belong to regi ments or ride just for the fun of rid ing i give the address of these tailors in case some of you fellows still owe them some money and not because i am on their pay rou -i- the officers of the fourth adopted a different style of collar from that used in the imperial army a high stock collar similar to that of the men in later years this distinction passed away and the low cut collar with shirt collar and khaki necktie became universal and has recently been adapt ed along with the long skirted nor folk riding tunic by the officers of the american army verily imitation is the slncerest form of flattery much for that and now for those brussels sprouts the verya mention of which will cause gastronomic dis turbances in any fourth battalion of ficer who chances to peruse these lines the caterer of the officers mess was harrods of london and it may be that these worthy people and well known merchants has invested too heavily in brussels sprouts that fall of 1914 but in any case they supplied these vegetables to our mess in car lots and fed them to our officers till they saw them in their dreams as a terror more horrible than high ex plosive shells all men have same p aversion some a cat others are and and the division felt belter prouder after seeing him two years later it was our privilege to be received by his majesty st an investiture at buckingham palace in london the atmosphere of the palace left a lasting impression it is not everybody that goes there but the serious thoughtful king with his kind words 5p appreciation and good wishes left anmmnfesslon that time will never efface i doubt if any one ever knew lord kitchener and i doubt not that his associates stood in awe of this great man of iron who at that time was carrying the british army on his back the nation looked to him in those days as to no other man and in the features of that stem dispassionate countenance of his they found the determination and efficiency on which they built their faith and their con fidence for the future there was no emotional appeal in lord kitchener no more than in a burrows adding m or some other piece of mec hanism he took fortunes buffets and rewards with equal thanks and cared no more for the jeers of the multitude than he did for the cheers probably this quality along with his reputation as an organizer were the basts of the esteem with which he was regarded till the time or his death lord kitchener was too efficient to be loved but he could meet with triumph and disaster and treat these two lmposters just the same so for those days kitchener was one man that england needed and her confidence was not misplaced his majesty was nothing if not human he appealed to the emotional nature of the men he could walk with kings nor lose the common touch and he had that rare gift of talking to a soldier without creating a trace of embarassment in the mind of the soldier he must have suffered teni bly as tbe multitudes of casualties appeared tn the dally papers and must have prayed for peace to stop the slaughter of these boys of his for whom he had such a deep sympathy the comic pa at the thnrr were constantly poking fun at the cana dians and the condition of fraternising between officers and men heres one of john buhs contributions whlch may be interesting as illustrating the attitude of some people towards the canadian division a young captain was dressing his company for inspection by some per sonage on the plains and used these words- now get back in line there tommy and when this guy comes to inspect us for clods sake drnit can me bill call me captain inddently the discipline of the canadian batta lions was always up to the mark but it was a discipline ofrespect and not of fear on wednesday last mrs w b shortui edith st was the hostess to the may meeting of the georgetown womens institute after the opening exercises the roll was called he mem bers responding with the quotation of a common superstition as this was the annual meeting the minutes of the previous annual meeting were read and reports received from the secre tarytreasurer the auditors and tbe convenors of various committees- there followed thef election of officers mrs freure was appointed charrman for tbe election and mrs h darling and mrs n finvder acted as scrutineers the officer were elected by ballot as follows president mrs clarence hayes 1st vicepres mrs d- livingstone 2nd vicepres mrs e feller 8ectreas mrs percy cleave asst sedftreas mrs ts hill dlst director mrs percy cleave branch directors mrs v klng mrs e mcwhirter mrs f mcnally mrs f cole representatives to district annual meeting mrs root erwin mrs qeo ford mrs c freure mrs p cleave mrs d livingstone local needs committee mrs oo campbell mrs c freure mrs robt brwln social committee mrs v king mrs w r anderson visiting committee mrs qeo ford mrs w v grant mrs f bralsby mrs redshaw flower committee mrs r cave mrs j ballwntinp pianist mrs heartwell auditors mrs c a mcmurchy miss a cole following the election plans were made to send delegates to the 2nd annual halton county qlrls confer ence to be held at milton may 31st arrangements were also made for the summ series mee to bn held in georgetown on may 28th when miss jean cameron smith of powaasan a noted institute lecturer will address a joint meeting of the georgetown norval limehouse arid stewarttown branches business in connection with the district annual meeting which is to be held in norval parish hall on june 5th was then discussed mrs e feller sang a delightful solo mrs f allatt playing the accompani ment a dainty lunch was served and after a hearty vote of thanks to mrs shor- ull for her kindly hospitality the meeting adjourned fatal motor accident near orangethxe rwon w secied mark starmrd 55 spruce hill rd toronto was killed instantly sunday afternoon last when his car plunged through a cable guard on kings high way no 10 near orangevllle and careened 35 feet down an embankment a girl companion who was said to have been in the car with starblrd at the time was unhurt provincial police refused to reveal her identity or whether she is being held she was about 17 years old the accident is thought to have been caused by the blowing out of a tire the car was coming down a grade known as hill 25 and is said to have been travelling at a high rate of speed discovery of the fatality was made by william jones of caledon walk ing along the highway he met a girl standing on the road who said a car had gone over the embankment and she thought the man was hurt he got in touch with provincial constable harry butler of orangevllle who telephoned provincial con stable owens of brampton in whose district peel county the accident had occurred when provincial constable owens of brampton arrived starblrd was dead examination showed that his neck had been broken and both arms fractured the body was taken to brampton starblrd who was about so years old leaves a wife and young daugh ter he was employed with browns bread limited and has lived in to ronto for about 18 years canadian medical assoc how are tout general news write for tfib frfll book yon co vmkti ajicatv ad txf em watttvi wa umflll bttlt m jttw prtn book atxjk bstttis w owfwf it w ru fret pull f wjo ahu ittmmtt r 0t g poor mm some of our products taaiut pll ftuj vkmtmtj si it w rivisgdmti sana fssf tfcoj wlhi- ibdolav imnwtl od ciajumr ftp pua olcnwol baa ummradao easternsteel products gea apnatati onto united iws also ot badly effected according to shylock by the sound of a bagpipe but if you wish to get in wrong with any fourth your home and then serve him with brussels sprouts his reaction may be terribly violent there was however an escape from all this and the little inn over in shrewton or those hospitable hotels in salisbury provided it these places uuuug w c ufneeis dn ing our stay in england and the quality and the quantity of those din ners and other elements of entertain ment begger description for that was before england went on a restricted diet add before the cxar of russia had renounced the use of vodka and other inspiriting beverages great preparations were made for tbe reception to his majesty king george and to that end the division was assembled and put through a dress rehearsal with the whole of canada represented hi the line of i battalions with the battalions of ontario on the right and forming the j whole of the first brigade then the men of manitoba saskatchewan al- i nerta british columbia new bruns wick with the highlanders from nova scotia on the left and probably won dering just why they were not on the right instead of the men from ontario quebec was there too and well re presented by two battalions tn the third brigade as was prince edward island though its identity was lost in one of the battalions from the mari time section newfoundland too and the far reaches of the western pro- vinces in fact every part of canada i to do b nour to a sove whom many of us lad never seen i but the rehearsal first and to have a rehearsal we must have a king or at least an actor to impersonate the king the reception was to be very infor mal and nnccavenaonal something rather canadian and different from the regular army receptions his majesty was ac to some thing of the nature of wild spontane ous cheering such as one sees and hears when the winning goal is scored st a final lacrosse match and an that sort of tojnc fire thought to have originated in an incubator completely destroyed the barn and chicken hatchery on the pro perty of r s amhii nelson town sh about sjo oclock sunday mom- ing the loss together with about 400 eggs and 200 chicks was estimated money the proper kind of food costs at about 3000 insurance of 1500 county council has dedd ed to spend 400000 this year on per manent roads bridges and malnten ance miss anderson of acton has com pleted in one year her course at the presbyterian missionary and deacon- u tialiiliig h and won two- scholarships when a woman in oakvlue asked permission from the town council to cut down a tree on the front of her lot they told her to be patient and it would be moved next winter col mckendrick trafalgar writes to the toronto dally globe to say that he is not in favor of the pasteurisation of milk if the milk is from good healthy cows there is no need he says of it being pasteurised and if the milk is not from healthy cows pasteurisa tion will not make it good milk a special m of tbe old age pensions commission tor halton coun ty was held on thursday last there were eight applications for pensions including two from inmates of the haltonpeel house ot refuge at brampton all the applications were granted which brings the total of old age pensioners in halton county up to 190 russell conover of trafalgar town ship tripped over a board recently falling and striking his right knee on a stone an xray revealed a double fracture of the kneecap which neces sitated the knee being placed in a cast mf conover has always been an active man and he has tbe sympathy of all his friends in his misfortune best friend mary where did you get that gorgeous diamond ring young widow remember when john died he left 1000 for a memori al stonef well this is it tdld you hear that poor henry has joined the great silent majority no when did he die oh he dldnt die he cot married yesterday if the subject of conversation la an indication of interest in the subject then without doubt health comes first in the public interest since the question most frequently asked to how are you what is your answer today and what is it going to be in the future are you mirg things pleasant for yourself and for those with whom you live and woro because you are happy with the joy of good health or are you one of those depressing persons who demands sympathy because he looks so miserable it is surprising how much of ill- health is due to neglect of those es sentials which can easily be secured by most people and which do not cost no more than the wrong kind fresh h- and minahlne are to be had for the asking sleep is not for sale it means a proper bedtime exercise rest and cleanliness can usually be secured by making a reasonable effort these are the factors upon which personal health so largely depends they are under our own control np- boay can help i v uiuui lu seum- ing them if we want to enjoy health we cannot neglect them too many late dances which take up the time for sleep too much living in arff light and not enongn urr- llght too many sweets between meals spoiling the appetite for proper food indoor parties instead of outdoor ex ercise are some of the co rea sons for 111 health in addition to neglecting themselves many persons are in other ways par ticularly careless as regards the health of others they cough and sneese without covering the nose and mouth they talk right into your face they kiss the baby on the mouth in fact they do about everything they can to spread to everyone they chance to meet any disease germs which may be present in their own nose and throat many are also careless of themselves iq disregarding the limits within which they may expect their bodies to func tion normally the human body can stand up under a great deal of wear and tear but beyond certain limits it begins to break it is a matter of common sense to keep within the limits success is empty which is gained at the expense of a wrecked body health without wealth la pre ferable towealth without health questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 184 college st toronto will be answered personally by letter toastmaster to principal speaker ohmr brady speaker tea toastmaster had we better have your speech now or shall we let the people enjoy themselves a llttlawhlle longer

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