Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 14, 1930, p. 2

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ptr2 t the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 14th 1930 for sale on easy terms six roomed bungalow with attached garage at present occupied by mr harry darling this is a modern one floor home with many conveni ences and builtin features a cash paymerh- of six hundred dollar and forty per month and you will soon qwn yo own jl tor particulars apply to j b mackcnzie son phone s3 georgetown home canning is the title of a new 72pade booklet which the bank of montreal has issued and is now distributing free to all who ask for a copy this hooldet describes the latest methods of canning fruits meats and vegetables a copy may be obtained on application o any branch of the rank of montreal d wilson branch manager tub subrogate court of tub county op halton j sanford stewarttown big ben alarm clocks gives you a new and longer guarantee select big ben or baby ben and youll have the extra protection of a positive two- year guarantee against defects in material and workmanship westclox luminous dials are guaranteed to last the life of the clock as daylight saving is here dont be late for your work try a big ben f a b willson next to hotel mcgibbon g m the matter of the estate of richard nick late tbb township of es- qneslnc in the cownty of ualton fanner deceased notice is hereby given pursuant to the revised statutes of ontario chapter iso section 51 that all per sons having claims against the estate of the said richard die who died on or about the 2nd day of march 1930 at the said township of esqueslng are required to send by post or to de liver to the undersigned solicitor for the executors of the estate of the said richard dick on or before the 17th day of may 1930 their names ad dresses full particulars of their claims and the nature of the security if any held by them all duly verified by statutory declaration after the said date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shaljthen have notice and they shall dot be liable for the assets or any part of them to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution dated at milton this twentyninth day of april 1930 w i dick milton ontario 3t solicitor for the executors 1 wood for sale choice hardwood beech and maple 400 per single cord mixed wood 350 per single cord mixed slabs 300 per single cord rails 300 per single cord phone sssj or cs3j s brantbord georgetown died warnes at her home victoria at college view- georgetown on tues day may 13th mary spavin be loved wife of fred o warries in her 63rd year funeral on friday at 3 p m to qreenwood ctemetery georgetown mar barber ftte at charlotte njc on tuesday april 22nd by rev w l origgs elizabeth fite widow of the late w j fite of charlotte n c to frank j barber eldest son of the late john r barber of george town ont they will reside at 901 west trade st charlotte nc temperance essay plnmbing tinsmithing esttaules checrfah j ve- phooe84rl2 georgetown- rr no2 monuments pollock a ingham gahont tt oar wort in aiuimiiiil oil royalties not stocks or shares in royalty hoirthig companies but direct purchase and ownership pro ducing properties only immedi ate monthry returns own yoar own l clayton ridge royal bank bldg toronto out adel 1887 h r georgetown representative u4w or mfl debts collected our 40 years experience as col lection specialists means ef ficient dependable service for you we get back your money and your customer kelly aike the collectors no collectton no charge i increasing your savings you nave the annrancr you are petting somewhere things you thought were denied you now come wtoum r t y jyour grasp thats the happy position ce it people who economise by shop- l ping at carrolls for 37 years v weve been increasing the savings of ontario people and giving wy them better g groearie 3j ls o fs 3l ey o- t following is the temperance essay written by arthur daylool one of the winners in the recejt contest and published by request of the local w 0 ru why is one considered a better sport to refuse the social glass than la accept it come be a sport do what the others do y c but let u consider clearly who is a good sport is one a better sport to refuse the social glass than to do as the others do a good sport believe is one who takes his or her part in the game to contribute whatever he can to its success whether it be a ew minutes game or the great game that has lasted for centuries and in which we are playing a short but vitally in fluential part it is one who cultivates and developed his own lalents and abilities to their best and holds per sonal ambition as valuable but not worth more than its value in service towards a common gaol who is am bitious not only for bis own good but for the good of others the good sport is needed in the field of the physical in mental enterprise in com munity and national life and in the conquests for social moral and spiri tual progress we desiring to be good sports and to develop our abilities to their best will of course learn what things are detrimental to this object and will have the good sense to avoid them alcohol is pne of these things no matter wnat is our work and play we will find 4hls in any form a consls- tent enemy ttit boyexpects b succeed in athletics he must let smok ing and all kinds of liquor alone they are rank poison to his athletic ambi tions so says mike donovan thirty years athletic director of the new york athletic club alcohol is a drug to the brain temporarily suspending memory of recently acquired know ledge it is a destroyer of conscience will and character thus it opposes development of body mind and soul the man who drinks he has lost the reins he is outlawed by himself to avoid these evils it is necessary to refuse the social glass at all times but is there no middle course be twixt total abstinence and the excess which kills you for your sake reader and that you may never attain to my experience i must utter the dreadful truth that there is none none that 1 can find that is what charles lamb learned by bitter experience and addressed to youth for their warn ing the best time to stop the habit is before starting the first makes a weak link in the chain of temperance it is a handicap that will never disappear we must dash the sparkling beverage to the earth in all the plrde of its mantling temptation though discretion might to us dictate only mental precipitation saying with diogenes if i had drunk the wine there would have been double waste i as well as the wine would have been lost and hi reward we will have hear clearer body stronger purse heavier life longer we will also have a strengthened will a proved courage and a better charac ter ours shall be a backbone not wishbone for having stood out against a harmful custom and against a per sonal temptation and this is not the least blessing but the other fundamental of good sportsmanship is consideration for others it is manifested in the inter est a true sport shows towards the poor atheltlc the dull scholar or the weakwilled person we must give encouragement to be strong to the one who would refuse but for the taunting dares of foolhardy companions we should register our desire to wipe out a traffic that spreads misery crime disease vice and death wherever it goes science in no un certain manner has sentenced alcoho lic beverages to death it has proved that liquor does no good and great harm in the body as conclusively as it has proved the existence of a law of gravitation but the sentence must be inflicted by everyone of us the invisible spirit of wine must be exe cuted as many times as it places uv self in the path of men the losing of selfcontrolls the first act of homage of the drinker to his master we must guard selfcontrol that immimtioi of good sportmanshlp in order to be what we claim to be does a good sport necessarily do what the others do apparently not so one is considered a better sport to refuse the social olass rather than to accept it let us be good sports arthur dayfoot lower school esquesing council srawarttown may 12th 1930 the council met pursuant to ad journment members all present reeve in the chair minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed mullin wilson that the treasurer pay bel telephone account 38133 apr 16 to may 15 220 8211 apr 16 to may 15 1 65 total 385 hydro electric power com brampton 74 62 arrears of taxes 24 60 total 9922 carried appelbe mullin that the treasurer llay mountain sanatorium malntenee of edith pryde apr 1st to 30th 45 00 toronto general hospital allan dew- hurst feb 10th to mar 7th 43 75- corried wilson appelbe that the treasurer pay municipal world 5 collectors rolls 17 50 sales tax 18c postage 55c total 1833 s r hart co loose leaf index for births and deaths 15 00 storage hinder 250 postage 61c sales tax 35c total 1836 carried appelbe wilson that the fueasurer 4ay the road sheets as presented- by tire road superintendent 41701 74 carried ourrle wilson that the treasurer pay o e cleave expenses to toronto as a delegate to interview the depart- ment of public highways re highway milton to acton 5 00 carried appelbet currle thai the treasurer pay jq farlow for goods supplied jack rohblns 8 00 carried mulllns currle that this council adjourn to meet june 9th at 10 ajn as a court of revision carried address and presentations reduced prices red rose tea ministerial association palmolive i the beauty soap 3 cakes 23 rwnlr wrapped bread tea ib coffee radio tun in on statlaa chml huoiltoa for cartouv i progran 7 wolnncbr friday ii timdar imki ccmmmi omc i t h tbunday crjr 50c qjy ft speoalrbordens st charles evaporated milk 2 economical cleanser dessert fruits art i whrj p m a imik ftetifc grape faar n 2 aw 23c fiu for si lur n 1 tb 17c apple samoa laa29c ik the ministerial association of georgetown and district met on mon day may lath in the dnlted church the ministers with their wives sat down to a banquet which was pre pared by the ladles aid after the luncheon th pr w t general business- which was the re organization of the association so as to include a larger district the fol lowing officers were elected president rev n d mcklnnon of worval 1st vlcepres rev s smith djj brampton 2nd vlcepres rev a n frith georgetown secretary rev k maclean georgetown program committee rev n mc- vlcar dx inglewood rev f h wase eeorgctown rev r s boyd ba worval after the business meeting the rev j mcfaul of milton gave a very one illustrated addresson ireland the association is called to meet the 2nd monday of october in the angli can church georgetown abbots 319 s main street j georgetown to mr and mrs a norrington prior to their removal from town prior to leaving for their new home in edenburg texas mr and mrs arthur norrlngton were the recipients at presentations last week at verdun rebekah lodge mrs norrlngton was the recipient of beautiful present and the following address sister norrlngton it was with a feeling of sorrow and a sense of loss that we learned of the departure of yourself and family from our midst in the thirteen years that yoi have residedhere you nave become a very real part of the community and will be greatly missed by all to yetdun rebekah lodge your re moval means the loss of our very first noble grand a charter member and willing and faithful worker since the inception of the lodge to say that we will miss you seems cool and calculating we miss you tremendously and we hope that in your new home the arms of the rebekah lodge will stretch out to welcome you and that although you are lost to verdun rebekah lodge some lodge in the south will bo the richer for your presence we ask you to accept this gift which carries with it our best wishes for your success and happiness in your new home and ask that even when a new lodge takes it s place in your life verdun rebekah lodge may still have a place in your heart and thoughts olive kennedy no georgetown ont- may 6th 1930 mrs norrlngton feelingly thanked the members of the lodge for their kind words and beautiful gift the ladles of the wa of st george s church met at the home of mrs enle young on biday april 25th for a social hour a delicious lunch was served at the close of which mrs groat the president with a few well chosen words presented mrs norrlngton with a beautiful white pearl and amber brush and comb mrs norrlngton thanked the ladiea for coming out on her behalf also tor the beautiful gift at the regular meeting of credit lodge af am on friday evening worshipful master l p greenwood called on r w bro e y barra- clough to present a beautiful club bag to w bro a norrlngton who was about to say farewell to the brethren prior to his removal to edenburg texas bro barraclough spoke of the faltlxfulness of bro norrlngton appertaining to- the work of the lodge ever since becoming a member of credit lodge and expressed the deep regret of the members at his depar ture w bro greenwood then pre sented bro norrlngton with a beauti ful boquet of flowers for his wife w bro norrlngton on behalf of himself and mrs norrlngton express ed thanks for the handsome gifts and assured the brethren there would al ways be a warm spot in his heart for credit lodge during the fourth degree bro moreton of norval gave an interesting talk on his travels in the east the junior wardens toast and auld lang syne brought the meeting to close church news st georges chnrch services next sunday 9 ajn choral celebration of the holy communion for newly clnflrmed members rela tions and friends 10 ajn sunday school 11 ajn matins and- sermon by the rector 7 pm evensong and ser mon by the rector polled church services sunday may 18th 10 ajn sunday school and bible classes 11 ajtj mnmlng wnrxhln trie cjurrcjl baptist church the sunday school meets at 10 ajn to study the subject of oood citizenship and temperance public worship at 11 am and 7 pjn when pastor a n frith wul preaqtl on the eagle and her brood in the morning and why protestant or v of tli blgrremls- sion in the evening the young people s meeting on monday evening will be led by mrs hamly the call of missions to the youth of today will be the subject national sanitarium assoc the treasurer of the muskoka hos pital for consumptives desires grate fully to acknowledge the following con tributions received m georgetown by the field secretary of the national sanitarium association coated paper co j h blnghanf l e fleck georgetown lumber co dayfoot company erwl feqoldh brills j h ulllco j mcdermid j b macfctnsle p o batry dr watson sundry contributions 10 00 6 00 5 00 2 00 si 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 i oo a 60 yours very truly geo a reld secretarytreasurer under persecution or triumphant in suffering 7 pjii evensong service the gift of grace the young peoples league will meet at the close of the evening service missionary program wednesday evening at 8 oclock mld- weelt wrvtee wte c um study of pentlcost red rose red label tea red rose japan green tea red rose orange pekoe 1 4b 60c 121h 30c mb 70c 12 lb 35c mb 85c k2 1b 43c you can now buy from your grocer at the reduced prices the red rose tea he has in stoclc we refund to the grocer the drop in the price we bear the loss t h estabrooks co ltd toronto ontario dommion royal masters notoncin a thou- sand will vt- punctufcc not onc m nvc thousand will blow out undcr two years of srv1c- wherever you drhre royal blasters are sold and serviced by can adas greatest tire or ganization the do minion tire depot sys tem each indepen dent unit distinguished dominion royal master lilm flw by its blue and orange blah 4 i kl color s is the greatest tire the world has ever known a tire smartly styled to add distinction to the most luxurious- can a tire for years and years of wear a tire that has compiled the most amazing mileage records known to mod ern motoring t bits of humour bertha and they are keeping their engagement a secret amt they mattle well thats what ituiy are slllng everybody now willie i want yqu to go in and get acquainted with the new nurse and kiss her like a good boy willie ves ancugct my face slap ped like papa didt son pop what is the difference between a dialogue and a rrionologuet pop when two women talk its a dialogue but when a woman carries on a conversation with her husband tt s a muutttugue suitor can you tell me anything about your sisters hobbles small brother ah i know is aba dont wear any in the i it is said that a good diamond will cut through pearly anything it cer tainly can make a hole in s bank ac count

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