jll page 4 j r th now alb brown label at all grocery stores i vgpkntack we cannot- call- tt back again the word that leapsed from us and lived and shames us still it comes to us at midnight it is heard when dawn slips gently from be hind the hlll we cannot call it back again the look the gleam of anger the unkindly stare for life has graved its image in her book and memty turns the page and finds it there we cannot call it- back again the deed repented ere a summer sun had set it will not die and human hearts still bleed because of actions we would fain forget we cannot call them back the wast- ed days tin words the looks the deeds we can but spread few deeds of kindness and new- words of praise t that these may live when all our faults are dead- canadian medical asaoc the pasteurization ob bulk the department of agriculture ot tawa has recently distributed copies of an address onvthe pasteurisation of milk it la a particularly satisfactory presentation of an important subject and for that reason reference to some of the statements made are of general public interest after pointing out that the provi sion of a supply of thousands of quarts of a perishable food each day requires real business organisation it is stat ed that it is generally co that milk and milk products are the most important factors m the food supply of the family concerning the necessity for pas teurization it is pointed out that to supply a city with a population of 25000 people requires the output rom 8m avragarienteallowlrig say five persons to each farm means that parsons on tha farm have some e ceorgel town herald wednesday evening may 26th 1930 h ere an cjth ere km with a brepared acreage greater by ii per cent than- that ot 1923 better moisture situation and other indications presaging general good oonditions for the year the canadian west is now buby seed ing according to the latest report of tha agricultural department of tha canadian pacific railway nearly itsoooooo was voted by uw ontario legislature recently am- hydroelectric development work to be undertaken this year in tha province or the ontario hydroelectric commission a pro vincial government organization over 18000000 in to be spent on tha extension of the niagara hydro system upon which many millions have already been spent to provide cheap electric power over a wide area of rural and urban territory there la a very large amount of capital in england ready lor in vestment and k la felt 1 that country that 1t should go to can ada aald major u a jones eco nomic editor of the london morn ing post who landed recently at saint john from duchess of attn on a trip to canada for the fau of metering better econo mic relations between the domin ion and the motherland- rioar new game refuges adding so0 square miles to the existent 40 square miles of game sanctu aries m new brunswick are to be wetanushed la that province tor the purpose of preservation of the game supply according to informa tion given out by hon charles d richards minister of sold by georgetown lumber co ltd big ben alarm clocks gives you a new and longer guarantee select big ben or baby ben and youll have the extra protection of a positive two- year guarantee against defects in m and workmanship westclox luminous dials are guaranteed to last the life of the dock as daylight saving is here dont be late for your work try a big ben a b willson to hotel mcgabbon thing to do with the milk supply of the city to control such a number of farms and individuals by a system of inspection is impossible a great deal may be done by education and inspection but a safe milk supply can not be secured by such means pasteurization will not make dirty milk clean it does make milk safe m answer to those who object to the heating of milk it is said that it must be remembered however that cows milk is a natural food do not get milk directly from the cow moreover it might be stated that milk la the only animal food used in tile raw state like all other animal foods it is highly perish able and like all other wiwi foods its food value is not destroyed by heat the only criticism of pasteurisation is that vitamlne o is weakened or destroyed but as it is generally agreed that orange juice or turfs v juice should be added to the childs diet an abundance of vitamlne c is there by rjrovktod it is brought to the attrntlnn of the reader that careless handling in the home la shown to be one of the weakest links m the chain of effort to insure a safe milk supply uhk must always her kept clean cold covered it is dear then that inspection and controlled pasteurization is the only solution jif a safe milk supply the provision of pasteurised milk is a step which leads to the glowing health of children and the strudy physique of the future men and women of this glorious country questions concerning health ad dressed to the rtwiw afedioal as sociation 184 college st toronto will be answered personally by letter i flab caught by commercial fish ermen la canadian waters last year had a value of about 156000000 over im countries bought fish and fish products from the dominion in ims valued at 138000000 more than 80000 persons rind employ ment la canada in the hahing in dustry the wild rose is now the fl emblem orrlnrvrovmce o alberta tvte provincial parliament has en acted the legislation making this flower which growa so profusely all over alberta the provincial symbol choice of tha emblem waa put op to the school children of alberta and the wild rose cap tured most votes with the tiger luy next in favor homestead entries taxen out wir igri the dominion land office at edmonton during the month of mywfr last broke all records for that month with a total ot t7t homesteads and 19 soldier granta which compares wlthz30 home steads la march isis the previous record march r contrary to the general impres sion canadian investments la tha united states are greater per capi ta than american investments in the dominion- an official state ment just issued shows that the average canadian has 9100 invest ed in tha united states an tha average american about 29 m- veoted m canada jjfrax joz interior li p rt k at dw bast and most economical to use wkuvatiwi3j by m initial or uhibute cost justhow tasdimhs h thsfprksrwgsllon bh c fislhr yowr painting costs raay be judged by the cosspasa- trr coat of decorating two rooms or tha tarn six shown below lowe brothers paint cost vs cheap paint cost s275 425 1 gallon 550 1 gallon s7q0 1250 approul i cost of gslioa interior pslnt average coverage pf i gallon interior paint required for 850 fact approximate cost of applying paint total cost 185 325 1 gallon 555 it gallons 1050 1605 i i i i aad 350 on a coat of labor a total of 333 par naa a a swear roof baab i aw wttel ap bat oa yoaofrlea- l w fmrnpsm s otv georgetown dkscsuptiol of rolunq blviai something more than appearanoa will be necessary for grain to win a prise si the worlds grain ex hibition and conference to be held at regms july 26 to august wsj all entries getting into the prise money at this exhibition will h la expected be in demand for seed it is because of the import ance of the effect of the distribu tion of this prise seed to farmera in canadamand throughout the world that the a wards committee has decided that the usual judging atandards will be supplemented by a growing test which in reality is tha teat supreme pouowing v the rtiai ilntlmn of toxs he polling btvtsions m georgetown ffce new hotel in course of con- em bbqueatng for the coming general traction tor the dominion auauile elect as d by col o o kallway lt kentvllle ns will bo brown deputy beturnlng officer for goaspleted this full and is expected h l so open shortly before christmas tb it wul replace the present oorn- fh j 5 i 5 wallia hotel whue retaining the ttmsf- tb and ssemtl la ftai s i z w dining room rotunda billiard no 2 includes that portion of the itzr szoon and usual offices town bmg north bat of no 7 high- toon z u wayjort oxjohnbtreetand west j notabl of the cmt ina numbsr rf j voters moi hotels la the mariumoa no 3 tncliklea that partlon of the town lying south of church street and west of main street estimated numhrr of voters 300 no widespread or general de pression exists in canada though w several factors notably the failure no 4 includes that portion of the to wrkat our grain and the loss in town lying bast of main street and 3rug power resulting therefrom south nt if o 7 highway fkstlmated r contributed to a slowlngup number of voters 200 no 6 trwludes thai portion of he town lying bast of tha creek and north of the okr main line oea- timated number ot voters sos no e includes that portion of the town lying south of ojsj2 main line east of the creek south of that portion of john street lying west of the creek and north of no 7 high way estimated number of voters 4h in the township of ksqueatng no 1 tnrlurtes lots 1to lorncluslye itjraftlcdecured b w beatty 1 taairman and prealdent of the can- adian rajiwm vorenf the shareholders of ne comnany at the 9u annual meeting held early in may ho added that there was nothing of a fundamental character which should prevent the return pf normal bualnau con ditions within the next tew months fcuvbeatty said we have all been auwetnl that the first anil perhaps- ta cons 1 1 and 3 and weath of a its c clalgrfoctnam6rr con 4 estimated number of voters js8 no a includes lots 8 to 14 inclusive in con 0 and west half of con 10 also lota 1 to 14 inclusive in con 11 ad bast half of con 10 estimator no 9 tocluaas lots 11 to 21 inclusive in baft hal of con 4 and in cons b 8 7 and ft bstjmatpd number of voters mfc no 4 tnclurtea lots 11 to n inclusive in cons 1 2 and lots u to u in clusive in west half of con 4 oks- tlmao dnumber of voters 36 no b includes lot 37 to s3 inclusive in cons 4 s and a and lots 33 to 33 inclusive in cons 7 and a estimated number of voters 100 no 8 includes lots is to 33 inclusive in cons d 10 and 11 esthnatnd number of voters 450 no 7 rncludea lots i to 10 inclusive in bast half of con 4 and in cons 0 8 7 anil 8 also lots 1 to 7 inclusive in mb don andtn west half of con 10 fforfcarlybblffidprtot u bs- tlmsrsr numnsr of vbtara 8801 if ow includes lots 33 to 3q lndualva in cons 4 8 and t formerly ltme- hpumwar4 sttowted nulraer of vpteri 108 hector ptolmey of muvon pilot of the provincial air vone has bean appointed suparlatsndent of- the he vhl be lft cbatgajif eight stations and foutreen mac with sioux lookout as keaonuarwt the trip fromtliult stalcars to bloux look out was made h a hamilton allmetal tcovereufoul via hat the ontarki novem v mentma ihrow fta wbole weight into thai po thjsatofi campaign in fbsr ww pml8guueus3 imgl itt uga hotjatof qonnacmtjjpxbb would not at qpnt tawc fdr mdemplonr- it aentlal chance both be- oi ita paycbolojjical as well uw ivce ntovement of gratn out of that cottgxry wouldtw la evideno torius this or next month at the annnml meeting of the casaavtuan pacific railway company ggaid eayhhii fnbnth dywendof jl4 percrast on common tock for ooxer entllng march si last waa jfclarm from railway rof enuea nd tpl fecoaw ybp junb w it to sdmrebfllfttn pf record ha p iv g mcihin of 0haws mrea4iq of 0qera motor- tm cana4aupucsl waa eject tou board of director canada new championship lt- aale olf courae the royal york f naronto la scheduled to be jpaned officially muv 19 when it la expected there will be n dlstin- ruiahedratherdx of solflok not ables present together with e w bemtt cbalrtaau and president of he cmadlanrmccrjfcmtuilway the 9ranjtaiofl rcupqnaible for the ereatlqii of the course it has a ttotw 7ijf yrda from ue paplpnahlp tcos and a w 4 bright atlantic silver salmon weighing 3 lbs honked on tha pains blyar aprl 28 last by pavw hayje tlcepresl4ent ot ul q- ral bjeotrlo onnraany hrilgeport conn is regarded as the recorit swriag run salmon over taken by early anglers in nw qrurtnwlpk tne party with kr hayes landed 41 salmoa all of which except s eaten were returned to the water i never taw such good bssatdr notice to creditors in the matter ot the estate of tuunael caunpben- uoytjrrjis t6vtf of georgetown in the county of italton manager deoeased noitce is hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands against the late samuel campbell who died on or about the seventh- day of fetaniary ad 1930 at the town of oeorgetovbk in the county of helton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for william roy campbell the executor ot the last wul and testament of samuel camp bell manager deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of then claims and statements or their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice tht after the twentynrst day of june 1930 the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased awng tie persons entitled thereto having regard only to the chums or whlcq they shall then have had notice and that the said executor will not be liable lor the said- assets or any pert thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice dated at cleorgetown ontario this twentynrst day of may ad 1830 john a thompson solicitor for the said executor 3t georgetown ontario itpflv urt viart1njenour piwixiciti leveftr purpose- i wood for sale choice hardwood beech and maple s400 per single cord mixed wood s3s0 per single cord mixed slabs 300 per single cord rails 300 per single cord phone sssj or 383j j bkantftmud georgetown insurance or all kinds money to loon sole agent for atwater kent radios get my prices on tubeay aerials etc no long wait this home decorator dries dustfree in 2 hours 2a ss tio oolor life 4 uyfz qracadryxat r tna cdjanassjile odea- to neaclea qean coiorfol rcmoialliig tntawaor btome sarraooa awstr a e cordwgiey everything in hardware georgetown ontario w r bsah bagssb b s jsbf fiaf as si hb ssskaassk f kersey phonb 290 s3 georgetown f royalties not stocks or shares m royalty holding companies but direct purchase and ownership pro ducing properties only immedi ate monthly returns owxi yoar own u outyton htdok royal bank bldg toronto ont adel 18st h r mtmmh lltw or 114j mo hsotaxuna stand anthracrre scranton coal baal monuments pollock a ingham gait ont inapasit out voxst in qnavwood j sanford stewrarttovm plnmbiqg tiiisiiiilbing imlswleb ttnttitj dvea phone 84 r 12 ganrgetown rr no 2 debts collected our 40 years experience as col lection spedsllsts t ef ficient dependable sertlee for you we get hack your money and your cimtisiter e a benham son real estate agents georbetown nasi bbt room brick house with all conveniences terms down pay ment of 500 and the balance arranged as a mortgage navable at the rate of 2000 per month with interest w ssaa solid brick house and two lots on main st garage and good barn convenience m house very reasonable terms can be had by the purchaser of this property jisoa five room frame house and five lots in olenwlluams hard and softwater in house garage and two hen houses soma small fruit easy terms u nas transport business showing profits that win you owner forced to give lt up because of 01 health cash is desirable hut terms may be had m we have a large listing of town and farm properties and tt wos be to your advantage to consult us before buying e a benham a 80n have your eyes examined o t walker dosc eyesight speciaust erarnpton who will be at wataona drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month or you may consult dr walker a bia office iat brampton at tha cal b sale heldjrtl s ssdry the targeat sale in north marina at which bulla are sold rt r2hjjav f ylta t nf aap hprth fords ware tha sessatipn at the sate 1 headbrlngiag 6396 of aa tsr4aj of fr uu guelph st georgetown v m