Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 4, 1930, p. 4

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r fi t ris h v page 4 the georgetovm herald wjgdncndajevening june 4th 1930 -t- the hand of time you cant push it back but you can prolong your days by eating foods that keep the arteries soft and pliant the muscles strong and vibrant and the mind clear and active shredded wheat wiithmilk supplies the elements that keep the body strong and supple contains all the neededvitamihs and mineral salts for insuring health and strength if s readycopked ready-to- serve delicious for any meal with milk or fruits big ben alarm clocks gives you a new and longer guarantee select big ben or baby berf and youll have the extra protection of a positive two- year guarantee against defects in material and workmanship westclox luminous dials are guaranteed to last the life of the dock as daylight saving is here dont be late for your work try a big ben a b willson next to hotel mcgibbon tub modebn baby by jjiahop ouane the hand that rocks the cradle but there is no such hand it is ban to rock the baby they would have us understand so the cradles hut a relic of the for mer foolish days when mothers reared their children in unsclsntlflo ways when tyiey jounced them and they bounced them these poor dwarfs of long sko the washington and jeffersons and adomes you know they warn us that the baby will pos sess a- muddled brain ve dingle him or rock blm we must carefully refrain he niust lie in one position never swayed and never swung or his chance to grow to greatness will be blasted while hes young ahl to think how they were ruined by their mothers long ago the franklins and the putmans and the hmrnlltons you know l then we must feed the baby by the schedule that is made and the u food that he is given must be measured out arid weighed he may bellow to inform us that he jan satisfied but he couldnt grow to greatness if bis wants were alt supplied think how foolish nursing stunted those poor weaklings long ago the shakespearesvand the luthers and tbeabonaparts you know w are given a great mission we are here today on earth to bring forth a race of giants and to guard them from their birth to insist upon their- freedom from the rocking that was bad for our parents and their parents scrambled all the brajns they had ahl if theyd been fed by schedule would they have been stunted so the websters and the itlnrolns and the roosevelts you know news and information for the busy farmer an enorawas loss a prominent authority has estimated that twentysix million dollars is the price paid by farmers and poultry raisers or loss through diseases in poultry flocks in canada in the past yar m o this loss i eaus by- internal parasites and much of this is avoided by keeping the young chicks sways from the adult birds and on absolutely clean sou campaign against weeds the provincial authorities are leav ing no atone unturned in their cam paign against weeds man of the highways have the usual proline crops along the sides of the road some of the farms throughout the country- have crops of weeds which will soon be ripening and spreading their seeds to the four winds delinquents in this respect will be given an opportunity to eiplaln the reason for their con tempt of the law as soon as theweed inspector makes his rounds f e a benham son real estate agents georgetown 3sws she room brck house with all conveniences terms down pay- merit of 500 and the balance arranged as a mortgage payable at the rate of 2000 per month with interest 9ssss bolld brick house and two lots on again st garage and good barn convenience in house very reasonable terms can be had by the purchaser of this property sms five room frame house and ave lots in qtenwilliama bant and soft water in house garage and two hen houses some small fruit easy terms gnea transport business showing profits that will amaze you owner forced to give it up because of hi health cash is desirable but terms may be had we have a large listing of town and farm properties and it win be to your advantage to consult us before buying im e a benham si son georgetown oatarls airieahare leads according to an eminent authority the annual value of canadas agrl cultural and live stock products on the average of the past two or three years is around the two billion dollar mark the mineral production is given as b 880 millions for that period the lumber and pulp production 420 mil lions and the naherles 64 millions wratiiktiims lew pndaoer a inability the dairyman and for that matter the owner of any class of live stock has enough to contend with without putting up with a bunoh of tow pro ducers the burden of the low pro ducer is felt most in time of feed scarcity and low price of dairy pro ducts she is a liability but yet it is rather difficult for the dairyman to make up uls mind to send her to the block and take his loss this question of keeping records of milk cost of feed and getting rid of poor cows has been discussed times without number and yet many low producers continue to occupy a stall and consume much feed as its stablemate which the records prove has returned a aubstan hal profit over the cost of feed and labor fanners week at oac monday june loth counties of lamb- ton wentworth lincoln welland norfolk kent kssez elgin and tuesday june 17th halton water loo dufferin perth huron orey and bruce wednesday june 18th peel slmooe york ontario durham northumber land westings and eastern counties thursday june lbth brant oxford wellington middlesex muskoka victoria and peterboro v baising better potatoes certified dooley potatoes secured from the ajllston and acton districts were dlstribuied on may 19th from aaount brydges to the one hundred and thirty 1s0 members of the mid dlesex farm boys potatoes club which was organised this spring by the london chamber of commerce and middlesex department of agriculture each member received one bag of potatoes the plots will be judged during the summer and also inspected for certification so it is expected that the majority of the members will have certified seed for field planting next year the boys were also each supplied with sixty 60 pound bag of special- 4810 potato fertiliser po tatoes will be weighed from fertilised and unfertilised portions of the plots each potato club boy will be spon sored by an interested chamber of commerce member beaatifying the farm home every unimproved or unembelllshed home in canada can be made more attractive and more valuable by the planting of trees shrubs vines and flowers and a wellkept lawn the cost of the nursery stock is one of the most profitable investments a farmer can possibly make because such im provements wui actually increase the money value of the place many time the amount spent in a simple plan of home planting strawberry surprises by betty barclay during strawberry time do not limit your berry tasttes to strawberries and cream stra shortcake and straw- berry pie they are all delicious but eexbe also an occasional surprise strawber auu me fwign lt will produce will more than repay you for your pains here are two that are particularly delicious strawberry loaf 2 cups strawberries halved u matshallows finely cut 13 cup sugar 1 package strawberry flavored gelatin 1 pint minus two tablespoons boil ing water 1 cupcream whipped combine strawberries marshmal- lows and sugar lng well let stand at least one hour dissolve gelatin in boiling water chill when slightly thickened beat with rotary egg- beater until of consistency of whipped cream fold in strawberry mixture and cream turn into mold chill until firm unmoid serve in slices serves eight itce to creditors tbemattek of me berate of a campbell late of the town off georgetown in- the comity of halton manager deceased noitce is hereby given that all rsons having any claims or demands against the late samuel campbell who died on or about the seventh day of february ad 1930 at the town of georgetown in the county of halton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for william roy campbell the executor of the last will and testament of samuel camp bell manager deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the twentyfirst day of june 1930 the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said- deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which theyahall then have bad notice and uiat tnfc said executor war not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then haw received notice rr dated at georgetown ontario this twehtyflrst day otmay ad 1930 john a thompson solicitor for the said executor 3t georgetown ontario tires almost worn out are dangerous drive in safety on dominion royals c i assessment appeals town8hip of bsqokszng take nqtice that a court of revi sion will be held at the council cham ber stewarttown on monday the 9th day of junej at 10 oclock am to hear appeals against the assessment roll of 1830 monuments pollock a ingham ftsttrolllng rootrot or blackroot is a fairly commrirdistam of strawberry plants apparently plants of any age may be attacked but they aremost susceptible at two periods shortly after being set out and at fruiting time in some patches little or no evidence of the disease can be found while in others 50 per cent or even 70 per cent of the plants are destroyed the principal control measure which have been found useful are 1 practice a fairly long crop rota tion strawberries should not follow lr crop inlets than qve years if 3 avoid introducing the disease when setting out a patch secure plants from a held which was free from root- rot the previous year then discard from these any plants which have blackened roots aj vie invite ijevl to txij rfwl 3 protect the plants during winter by means ol a suitable mulch as soon as the ground becomes frozen hard cover the rows with two or three inches of clean straw cora betpa quality com either for silage or for husking is the result of suitable seed and nhahl pp- t h 1u ontario gi int of corn for husking purposes are warned that planting this uiuu ittlet uln the end of the first week in june may prevent its ripen ing tests- have been conducted at the oaq relative to different date of planting coupler with fertilisation with high phosphite fertilisers he- cords obtained snow thai a weeva de lay in planting oouldberl mei- come by the use of suitable fertilisers fertilisers of an analysis of j u a or 3106 used st the rate of 600 pounds per acre at the tune of plant ing have been found to hasten the ripening of the crop at least a week it is a wellknown fact that corn well advanced toward ripening makes a richer quatlty of ensilage than does green com with quite immature ears growers of this crop for silage pur poses can increase the total weight per acre and also greatly improve the feeding quality of corn by proper re gulation of manuring and fertilising 8trawberry whip 1 package strawberry flavored gelatin 1 cup boiling water 1 cup strawberry juice 1 cup strawberries crushed w drained 13 cupsugar boiling water strawberry juickchul when slightly thickened beat ninth rotary egg beater until of consistency of whipped cream fold in strawberries and sugar turn into mold chill until firm unmold serves eight salmon loaf 1 tablespoon lemon juice cayenne 1 teaspoon salt 1 it can salmon 3 small eggs 23 cup chopped celery 1 cups bread crumbs h teaspoon baking powder tt cup evaporated milk add lemon julcecayenne and salt to boned flaked salmon then beaten fa celery bread crumbs baking powder and milk shape into a loaf and place in an otted baking pan bake in s moderate oven 3s0 p until brown and firm serve with medium white sauce or egg sauce yield 5 servings j satmford stewarttown plumbing tinsinitliiog eftttaales ueertally uvtm phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 look to your tires early this season have them inspected by a domin ion tire depot expert domini your old tires may be worn to the daneer point replace them with dominion royals standard equip ment on many of canadas finest dominion royals the tire of today for the car of today- axe sold and serviced by canadas greatest tire organization the dominion tire depot system each independent unit distinguished by hsblue and color sch depots rr k ml debts collected our 40 years experience am col lection specialists means ef ficient dependable service fox you we get back your money and your customer kelly staiken the collectors no collection no charge wood for sale choice hardwood beech and mania 400 per single cord mixed wood issq per single cord mixed slabs 340 per single cord rails 300 per single cord pfcooe 3ssj or zssj j brantfoko georgetowa asparagus with mock hol- landaisb sauce 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons flour t cup milk teaspoon salt tt teaspoon pepper few grains cayenne yolks of eggs k cup butter 1 tab lemon juice asparagus prepare as for white sauce stir in beaten egg yolks after sauce is cooked add the 14 cup butter bit by bit and finally the lemon juice pour over strips of cooked asparagus oamlsh with pimento the savory flavor of celery top greens blends well with roast fowl and dressing advertiserltva ys weekly crop bulletin host of the counties in the province report a rapid recovery from the in roads of winter on the fall wheat and alfalfa crops bruce county is assured of a good crop of hay while in dun- das both the above crops are fine growth the same applies to prontenac but rains have delayed grain seedinart grenvules report al most duplicates that of the latter potato planting ls in full swing in hastings while in huron an racreaae in bean acrea is expected seeding is practically completed in kenora while in kent all crops are from a week to ten days earlier than in 109 in lambton the report says pros pects for a bumper crop were never better an mceptlonauy large crop is expected in lanark while in lin coln fruit prospects are excellent a rapid growth of fin whssthas been noticed in both middlesex and nor folk while in morthumberland or chards sretoraajralieaonirtast week early barley is being sown in perth in ap attempt to kill sow thistle the report on the whole is the most optimistic ianstd this rear hpkuial devtl8 pood cake tt cup shorte i uups sugar eggs 1 cup milk 3 13 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 3 squares chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla cream shortening and sugar to gether add egg yolks wellbeaten sift together dry ingredients ahd add alternately with the milk add melted chocolate and vanilla lastly fold in wellbeaten egg whites pour into 7 wellgreased square cake tins and bake in moderate to hot oven 378 for 30 minutes dae your favorite lo- lng satisfying sandwiches many women do not think of sugar in connection with sandwiches yet little touch of sugar furnishes some quick energy food of real value and goes a long way toward bringing out the real flavor of some of the other sandwich ingredients try the follow ing and you will appreciate these facts beaton sandwiches either leftover or canned baked beans can be used for a delicious filling for s hearty sandwich whole wheat and boston brown bread are equally desirable press 1 cup baked beans through a coarse sieve and add 1 tablespoon tomato catchup 4 teaspoon o iulcerh teaspoon rrflred mustard and u teaspoon sugar spread on butter ed slices of bread and serve with crisp pickle insurance money to loan sole agent for atwater kent radios get my prices on a and b bafieries tubes aerials etc f kersey phone tfr- george oil royalties not stocks or shares jn royalty ywibig companiav but direct purchase and ownership pro- nmi only immedi ate monthly returns tlwn just own- xj oxayton rhxjk tt bal adel 18s7 h bflbjbfa georgetown bup mw r uil bank of montreal etrttabttabwl isl7 oa presentation in easily understandable form of the banks semiannual statement 30th april 1930 no ansotkaxing date plea sandwich the nuutlo lunch needs plenty of fruits a few date sandwiches help to bolster this up and furnish vary delicious tidbits as well run half s cup of dates and half a cup of walnut seats through the food grinder using e coarse plate mix with one phila delphia cream cheese and teaspoon sugar spread on buttered slices of whole wheat bread standard anthracxte scranton coal in all sixes automatically screened and loaded coal select lamp for tnnabing porpc mg and oanosl coal ib spss i carry istillimg so be km m any opiodate coal as wood tata john mcdonald pttotie 12 liabilities liabilities to the public deposits pa on demand txml fir nadot notes of the bank in grcujstioia pajmt oa jrmaml letters of credit outstanding fmafiij ityfmuiiilitm deumm m mlf ef tuttamun frr s arroef awtuaraai k iis nimrt fcj a rtmaat other liabilities llemt wmrh jo mot r wjrr tnt forrfpun htjmp warn tooo jjvamve from the domwaem guw mmja- tti finance act total liabilities to the public liabilities tq the shareholders capital surplus and undivided profits sc reserves for dfvidcnda thtt amaemi rcprrrewut tar saarraouert imttmt m lie bowl mme whtch tiauitiet to the fmohc take precedence total i jahilirira resources to meet the ore going liabilities the banjk has cash in fa vaults and in the central gold reserve notes of and cheques on other banks paytuc in cth on prtttn money on deposit with other banks available on dr government 8c other bonds and debentures giltedge secnrttiet prttcttcaily tilt of woith mmstmrr art ntf mmttt stocks raihay and industrial and other stock at r mow msosw msw call loans outside of ganada secured by bondt itofit and otmer ttegotiabte srntrsfan of mamrr value tbet the loans and rrpretmtmt mtomeyt anebbf ataitmur mritm mo disturbing rfftct on nntdthoni m canada cail loans in canada payabe r on demand and tertrrrd by bond mmd jscnt titat the- loams 68806775478 384731470 104171j7 874578157 74e228637u 73709iai t 8225996483 t 944214082 45071711 1544029339 12166171227 922087 so 680281557 2746qi56w27 total of quickly available resources tamil to sim of all liabilities to the public otxiir lon tt manufactvmm farrvfn lira n and othert on condmnmi ro riitni vthxtomnd wanking iiank premises tvo propertict only awn carried in the m of naumnr companiet the stk and bondt ofthete companiei awe e emmeahy the bani and appear on the hooit at fioa in each case all other of the bank f prematn the ralme of which larwecf exceeds fiajoofioo ap pear under thit heading deal estate and mortgages on real harare acquired in ttf conrte of the banht h and in p nf heina realtred upon v customers liability under letters of credit rcprrrcnti liabilirm ofenstomert on aeemmnt of letter of credit itsnwd by the hani for their account other assets not included in the foregoing malungxtotal assets of to meet payment of liabilinn to the public of leaving an excess of assets over liabilities to tie public of profit and loss account t 3734529633 41799882893 1450000000 193045644 1094147137 377809516 t 8225996483 7462865712 7637099111 profits lor the half yfar ending oth apnl loyt dnridwicls paid or payabu to sharaboiden piow tun docntnjon ranaioo lor butk pfamlm 600mxwoo h9s7r i mv4j4j i balance of pfolit tjaalom account october iar 1999 bauao of profit end law emsrutd f ft3te exitmt of its retowrcexr for x12 yean- the fjflw of hontreml been in the forefront o fiamrncr

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