Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 27, 1930, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 27th 1930 deaths stull- at georgetown on wednesday aupust 20th ifwo gork howard stul- dlnrly bclovvd hiisbnnd of isabella wyli in hi 63rd year- johnston kr at lukrvlew farm ac ton on tuesday auk 26th 1930 william juhnsume bolovcd husband of a nnli pulton johnstone in ills 68th year thompson at her late residence chapel st west georgetown on tuesday august 26th georgina klizatkhh stiiiuiish widow of the late cicon- c thompson in her 88th year funeral from her late residence on thursday at 3 pm dsl srvlre in st georges church interment in greenwood cemetery in mkmoiuam cook in loving memory or wjlhel- iiriine cook who parsed away aug -25th- 1925 in memory a daily thought xx heart a siltnt sorrow memories drift to scenes long past time rolls on bih memories last mother five years hqfve passed since that sad day qod called the one we loved away not dead to those who iqved her not lost but gone before she fives yrtth us in memory sttn and will forever more remembered by grandma grandpa and boys taxpayers in town win notice by their bills a very considerable ln- crease this year over last the rate at the present time seems to be about the limit for this municipality and it will be absolutely necessary for town councils in rutijre to guard against any further yaise we are well aware georgetown is not the only town where taxes are becoming a burden but a great deal of the future prosperity of this and other municipalities will depend on its gov ernment and tax rate obituary john bradley john bradley a prominent farmer died at his home at hornby on satur day arter a brief illness in his seventy- fourth year mr bradley was bom in yorkshire enfeland seventyfour years ago residing in york township unit thirty years ago when he moved to hornby he was a conservative and a member of st stephens anglican church at hornby he is survived by hi widow five sons and three dugh- ters norman of c ha ton alta howard of georgetown leslie of trafalgar veenic of milton emery of guelph mrs thomas cook of bel wood miss charlotte bradley of cleveland ohio and miss adeline bradley at home george howard stull after an illness of some months duration george howard stull pass ed away at his home lot 25 8th line esqucsing on saturday august 23rd deceased was a son of the late mr and mrs louis stull and was bom on the homestead adjoining his farm he was in his 63rd year he was twice married his first wife being susie hiltz who died some 30 years ago his second wife was isabella wiley who with one son and two daughters howard ftoena and wllma survive two sons and one daughter of the first marriage joseph of st cathar ines charles ln the west alice in toronto and one sister mrs evelyn stull of st catharines also survive deceased was a member of knox pres- bylerian church georgetown a good neighbor and honorable man beloved by his family and esteemed and re spected by all who knew him the funeral took place on saturday after noon to glen wllliams cemetery the service being conducted by rev ken neth maclean th pallbearers were xrehur evans gilbert sinclair w a wilson fred erwln john campbell alex mckay church news st allans church glenwdilams the services in st albans church this coming sunday are as follows 930 ajn matttns with sermon 1030 am sunday school the lords people should worship in the lords house on the lords day united church rev r w ftumley minister ser vices aug 31st 1930 10 am sunday school and bible classes 11 am morning worship 7 pm evening ser vice minister will be ui charge of both services baptist church the regualr services will be resumed on sunday at 10 ajn the sunday school meets to study amos the herdsman prophet at 11 ajn and 7 pjn public worship pastor a n frith will preach in the morning on a call to a new beginning and in the evening on work and play a labor day sermon fit- georges church the services next sunday in st georges church will be as fol lows 945 ajn sunday school 11 am mattins with sermon 7 pjn evensong with sermon spfcnd an hour with ood in gods house the daily services this week are as follows 7 ajn morning prayer 6 pjm evening prayer in cases of illness please communi cate with the rectory as soon as pos sible telephone 78 address and presentations mr and mrs j d godfrey and miss godfrey recipients of kind woru4nd gifts a largely attended meeting was held in the united church last friday evening lo bid farewell to our esteem ed and respected townsman mr j d godfrey and family who are remov ing to toronto the chair was taken by the pastor rev r w rumley and the meeting opened with an enjoyable programme oj instrumental and vocal music given by mrs r w rumley miss mountain miss oliver and arthur dayfoot the following address was read by mr c b dayfoot and mr godfrey was presented by miss margaret braisby on behalf of the sunday school with a framed portrait of himself which will remain hanging on the wall in the sunday school room on behalf of the congregation mr victor mcdon ald presented to mr godfrey a parker jesk set suitably engraved arid doro thy cuinmings presented mrs godfrey with a- bouquet of flowers from the ladies of the congregation- on behalf of the choir miss con stancy deans presented a necklace to miss edith godfrey who made a fitt ing responsei y the address was as follows- dear mr godfrey we the members of the sabbath school the teachers and officers and the members and adherents of george- town united church here assembled desire ln a small way to express our appreciation of the services which you have rendered this congregation dur ing your sojourn in our vicinity for twentythree years you have been closely identified with the work of the churches and the work has truly been of such a ugh order that you have become in the opinion of those more instimately associated wii your labors ln georgetown a living part of the whole christian organisation your zeal for the masters work your ma tured opinions and counsel your faith fulness in attendance to your chris tian duties your liberality and your unfailing pleasant manner are but a few of qualities which are as your associates have come to regard as part of you and which unfortunately for us will render your separation from our midst more keenly felt as a member of session and of the official board of the church your example in the exercise of the duties devolving upon you has always been imbued with executive ability con sideration for the rights of others and due reverence for the position you held ln trust but more particularly your work as superintendent- of the s school calls for merited commenda tion here again those qualities al ready referred to have enabled you to develop and guide a christian or ganization which all readily conceive is a power for good not only in the congregation immediately concerned but also in the town and community at large hence it is fitting that a likeness of yourself is being hung upon the walls of the church school room a token of love and respect from the members of this sabbath school over which you presided for five years nor is it ln the church life alone that you will be missed as a work man earning your daily bread those same qualities of faithfulness effici ency executive ability and honest labor must render your removal to another sphere of labor a distinct loss george town loses too a god citizen in the person of mr j d godfrey nor can we allow the opportunity to pass without mentioning the one who in the home in the dally tasks and in the church work has stood by her husband and to mrs godfrey goes some credit for what has been accom plished through her cooperation with you in asking you lo accept this gift as token of love and respect from the members and adherents of the con gregation we give with it our sincere wishes 1 or your continued prosperity in your new field of labor and that you and your wife and family will be richly blessed signed on behalf of the congregation rev r w rumley pastor and chair man official board a oneill chairman board of stew ards a mcallister secretary session c b dayfoot sunday school rep resentative mrs w evans womens missionary society president mrs h cleave young peoples society president mrs geo arnold m band president after the reading of the address mr j d godfrey addressed the congrega tion saying that he would always trea sure the memory of his association with sunday school work in george town it had never been a sacrifice he said but always a much enjoyed labor of love- and he hoped that the work here would continue to prosper in the future the remainder of the evening was spent in a social manner refreshments being supplied by the ladies the singing of auld lang syne by all present brought a pleasant even ing to a close the new system when my children married and moved away it seemed as though i had lost them said the old lady softly it would be months before id see them but now weve a visit ing system by telephone we call each other alternately its really very cheap especially at night why i even call lyall way down east we have wonderful talks e pure food store 24 lb bag of pastry flour 83c 3 lb pail domestic or esisifirst shortening golden spray loaf cheese per lb choice lemons per doz farnells english breakfast tea per lb 3 pkgs satchel brand peas h p sauce per bottle 4 pkgs star ammonia 3 pkgs lux soap flakes j cakes pearl white naptha soap whiz sanitary cleanser per tin 5 cakes of infants delight soap demonstration on cake baking etc a representative of standard brands ltd will be here from sept 2nd to sept 6th demonstrating cake baking etc everybody welcome ening 51c 31c 35c lb 49c 25c 27c 25c 25c 21c 19c 29c glenwdjliams closed a e farnell tne halton fcrick co has down- for an indefinite tone r w mr r blythe of the 10th line mo tored out to veuowgraas sask last week mrs p stringer of toronto is spend tag s few days with w cotta friends mr h ellwotx is erecting a nowise for himself on cedarvale ave mr amos gardner has arrived home from the hospital and we are pleased to learn that he is much unproved in lr and mrs j l craine and mrs wm dawson have returned home oxter a pleasant trip to bala musltoka mr a graham ol blind river and mr and mrs couley of sault ste marie caled on terra cotta friends last week miss bilton of parry sound who spent a few days with terra cotta friends has returned home mr bottom of toronto is spending his vacation with terra cotta friends terra cotta expects to have the lights installed shortly mr and mrs n stringer and family and miss smith of milton spent sun day with terra cotta friends prompt dekwery 75 mrs bau of toronto spent the week end with glen friends miss catharine ajlen and mr wesley day of toronto spent the wtmkehd at the home of mr arid mrs geo allen miss marlon forgraves has returned home after spending a feasant holi day at huntsville mr and mrs samuel mcmaster of toronto spent the weekend at the home of mrnrobert mcmaster mr andmrs a ingram of bramp ton spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs robert armstrong our bridges look better since they have been painted a bush ftre on mr easons property did considerable damage last week miss mary bludd is visiting with friends in guelph c j- terracotta ashgrove mbs zeta graham returned home alter two weeks vacation spent at dundalk miss hood guelph is renewing old friendships around her former home misses hazel and lilian cook winni peg are guests of mrs fred morrison miss lilian sang two solos very effec tively at the church service sunday morning miss evelyn hayward nurse-in- training womens college hospital toronto spent a few days with her sister mrs j cwuson mr and mrs j w brownridge of whltevale made a flying call on old friends last week- miss evelyn walsh spent a week with toronto relatives br and mrs w j oraham of brook lyn ny visited the formers brother mr r j graham mr tansley barnes who is in guelph hospital is making good pro gress after an operation performed on wednesday last week the august meeting of the w i was held at mr r w reeds and was in charge of the junior members miss elizabeth appelbe stewarttown gave a splendid talk on textiles samples of cotton wool linen and silk were used to illustrate and a great deal of information was gained regarding the manufacturing and selection of ma terial miss ruth guten gave a fine reading and miss erne bird played two pleasing cello solos the articles made at the handicraft class were ex hibited bible has recorded births in king family since 1g02 ancient volume possession of toronto man uid former resident af georgetown limehouse mr and mrs geo milllere of toledo ohio are visiting relatives here this week mr johnston who has been visiting mends in detroit returned home sun- ay everyone is rejoicing over the showers poured down upon us over the week end knox church was filled almost to capacity to hear rev k ma ra preach his farewell sermon his mes sage was based on the word contained in i cor 13 13 and now abideth faith nope and charity love these three but the greatest of these charity love he admonished bis people to hold fast to their faith to look rorward hopefully to the future and above all to bear love one to another men in business may trade with those whom they actually hate in their hearts but a church can only be built and held where love is if you love one another he said there should be no cause for despair or worry as regards the future of this church no more appropriate message could have been given a congregation under the circumstances every word seemed laden with earnestness and stneerety mi and mrs proctor of west toron to visited at the home of mrs jas grant on sunday mrs jas lane has had another seri ous relapse we are pleased to report that miss u caldwell who was operated on last week ror appendicitis is improving nicely the fouett family who have been with us the past two months returned to toronto this week shady nook will miss the excltment of the past few weeks mrs nixon and son of norval visit ed her sister mrs jas ross on sun day miss edwemr marshall spent the week end at her home here mr and mrs a l marshall and eileen spent the week end with their parents writings which were omitted from the king james version by the committee of learned theologians who compiled it as not inspired the first benjamin king of whom the family has record was born early in 1600 the earliest birth record m the book is that of james howe evi dently a son of the orst howe the birth is dated sept 1643 the bible was rebound in 1680 ac cording to a memo scribbled inside the front cover it is even now in a state of good repair and the pages are en tirely as legible as they were on the farroh day when they were printed robert w king the present owner of the book was one of a family of seven children who came to with their rather ln 1845 and resided on a farm near cobourg his father later engaged ln the milling business young robert then 18 soon showed his love for engineering he studied ln england and in can ada qualified as a civil engineer and subsequently engaged in both civil and mechanical engineering he is a pro minent figure in canadian enginee circles being an exmember of the canadian society ce the dominion institute ae and the toronto en gineers club he holds such awards as the bronze medal of the industrial exhibition association toronto 1882 and the gold medal ol the academy parislenne france 1893 i mr r w king will be remembered by our older citizens as proprietor of the king foundry now occupied by harleykay knitting machine co edl prize winners at masonic picnic following u the list of prize win- ners at the masonic picnic held at acton last week we were unable to secure them for last issue obis racej 4 yrs anr under muriel kean and connie greenwood boys race 4 yrs and under david dills jackie mainprise girls race 8 yrs and under dora wood ruth ooldham boys race ffyrs and under ray mond addy harold schenk girls race 9 yrs and under kath leen chapman doris wilson boys race 9 yrs and under btny schenk bobby ooldham girls race 13 yrs and under bertha schenk mary feller boys race 13 yrs and undo howard norton ronald lake girls race 18 yrs and under bes sie rawllngs marlon schenk boys race 16 yrs and under wil fred brooks merton lake mens race open gordon cooper r huston tjav race 18 yrs and over afiss olive cooper miss marguerite staort- m plate race miss margaret shortm and barl cooper mr and mrs schenk ladles nail driving contest mrs erwln mrs b o arnold modern but lonely joan was a modern and wanted to make her way in the city she was mighty wucky and tried to con ceal her loneuneaa but parents aeem to understand such things they be gan to telephone to her regularly the family kept in closer touch with her and joan did not get lonely any one of the oldest bibles in canada an ancient brassbound volume is treasured ln the home of robert w king widelyknown consulting engi neer of 10 walmer rd as a definite link with one benjamin kung who rounded the king line in suffolk eng land back about the year 1600 the oldest bible in toronto and possibly in canada is in the famous j ross robertson collection which con tains a volume published as early as 1s39 the king bible was published in 1602 its leather covering is aged ano worn its pages abound with old- fashioned wood cuts and marginal arguments in size it is equal to several ordinary bibles it is a relic of the days when a bible served thp very material and itgal purposes of re cording births there was no ofneial registrarthen possession of such a book ln the early 1600s meant that the owner was of some weaioix so costly was the book that two householders james h howe and benjamin king formed a partnership to buy it evidently they came to some clear understanding about this partnership ror benjamin king took the front fly leaf for lils family record and howe used the frjrteaf to the new testament the instalmenit payments anust have got heavy for benjamin broke up the partnership eventually he retained the family record contained ln the first few pages and leaves from a much smaller bible were worked in by a bookbinder the cost of bibles must also have proven too much for the other partner howe for he rater lost possession of it if was picked up by the orginal benjamin king or his son years later in the record chest of a parish church since that time it has remained ln the family the strong religious bent has existed down through seven generations of the family states mr king his grand- lather and father each served their churcehs at stowmarket suffolk for periods of 15 years and received pres entations the bible has never left the hands of at least one of the families of the original owners he says testify ing to its authenticity the title pagt bears this statement imprinted at london by robert barker printer to the queenes most excellent majestic in 1603 the letter s appears throughout the bible like an f without the cross mark and some of the va are like d and vice versa he said another ancient feature of the book is that it contains the apocrypha the fi n a dashing this lad he knows the girls are candy mad dont keep stringing her along on words alone lasso your love with the candles she is fond of- shell listen to your story if theres a box of our randies in her lap that was placed there by you bring her here for a delicious drink saturday treat jap cocoahut caramels some thing entirely new and tasty be sure and take her home some of this special reg 40c u saturday treat 25c week end chocolate it is our aim to keep this ever popular week end chocolates the best that can be bought for the money we have just received a whipm- of the famous rose- dale brand of wlllards high- grade chocolates hard and soft centres fruit flavors and whipped creams week end special 35c lb we always carry a choice line of all kinds of box chocolates and chocolate bars our line of bread and cakes we receive fresh everyday give us a trial for your next order and prove for youtseu journevs end is film masterpiece the perfect picture that we have been waiting for is here it is jour neys end see it friday and satur day at gregory theatre georgetown with drama so powerful that it takes your heart out tears it to bits and gives it back to you with an under standing of this human clay called man that you never rorget or regret journeys end without a woman in it yet fraught with the romance of adventure daring death cra to overflowing with mans love for man for peace for home spectacular not in the way of stupendous seta but in splendid deeds done by splendid men i dont miss seeing it p georoe hillmeb called by death word was received last wednesday or the death of mrs george hulmer of oakville wife or the former mpp for halton county the late mrs hill mer was staying at point au brail for her health which had been in a deli cate state for some time while there she was taken 111 and rushed to parry sound hospital where her death oc curred prior to her marriage deceased was miss pauline bradbury daughter of mr and mrs charles a bradbury who were also residents of oakvtlte she was an active worker of st judes anglican church surviving are her husband three sons charlie arthur and whitney and a daughter helen all of whom live in oakville the funeral took place on saturday aftemon to st judes anglican ceme tery oakville during he burial ser vice the church adjoining the ceme tery was oiled to overflowing de ceased had long been connected with various branches of womens activity here and was extremely popular to6 pallbearers were messrs her bert chisholm alex chlshohn j l hewsoh lome ashbury w c mckay and c f doty the casket was surrounded by floral tributes including one from premier ferguson and cabinet halton conser vative association st judes church ladles bawling olub of oakville oak ville high school canada crushed stone co oakville are department masonic lodge no 400 dr anderson mpp mothers uhlan of st judges st judes womens build trafalgar rop 1099 maggie waddell chapter rebecca lodge and georgetown friends card of thanks mrs robert l brown of llmehouse desires to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy ihown her during her re cent sadness in the death of hcr-hns- band mr r l brown and for the many beautiful florat tributes teacher who was the greatest gen eral in francet jlmmlc general foch teachorright now who was a german general jlmrolo htadenburg teacher very good who was the american srneral jimnue thinking very hard general motors 6g cr 9a3w4b tat atacaf x n m vi t i i mm- iii vf ttptt v 0 i i- a mia tm you buy fey mail or if for any other reason you have occasion to send money by mail get your money orders at the bank then is no more convenient cheaper or safer way of sending money money orders are obtainable without delay or formality at every branch of the bank of montreal bank of montreal established jtsi total assets in excess of 800000000 georgetown branch d wilson manager sa a feast of fine economies spread for this home furnishing sale august 20th to 30th here sure a few of the outstanding features of this furniture sale sngoleum goldseal mrtrugs at great saving in price these are drop patterns which have been discontinued from regu lar list 9 x 9 size 9x 104 size 9x12 size 835 995 1075 simmons bed outfit an attractive post bed in hand grained walnut finish complete with link fabric spring and allfelt mattress in art ticking roll edge finish at the lowest price ever of fered 33 40 46 sizes august sale steel baby crib white enamel finish high sides close spindles complete with all steel spring and felt mattress 1495 august sale 885 king cot krinkled bed spreads as easy to launder as a sheet thais one reason why they are in popular demand wherever hard wear and constant laundering is the rule colors rose blue green and helio size 72 x 90 august sale 169 colored frill curtails these curtains are an exception al value having hemstitched and ruffled edge you have a choice of blue rose green and gold width 28 each by 2 yds long regular 200 value august sale 99c pr leader extension couch this couch when opened out in to a bed is 50 inches wide and 72 inches long when closed it is 28 inches by 72 inches sturdily built heavy single steel frame securely braced and the spring is rust proof link fabric cretonne covered mat tress august sale 9 colorful bath mats new and attractive designs and added heaviness of quality makes this bath mat offer an exceptional one the thick soft cotton pile is cosy and absorbent they corne in many effective colorings august sale 215 see our special values in dining living and bedroom furniture during this sale the prices are unusually low for the values offered medicine chest in white enamel finish handy compartments this cabinet is 3i x 17 and has mirror 9j2 x 2yi do not miss this august sale 195 dont forget to receive your cash discount silverware coupons with every cash purchase made at this store harold c mcclure the home furnishings store phone 54 georgetown s

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