Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1930, p. 3

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jt rs the georgetown herald wed nesday evening september 3rd 1 930 page 3 locajl news i esquesing council will moet next monday at 7 pm pottits clover honey 10c a lb bring your own jpniaincrs lf our high and public schools opened on tuesday morning for the fall term fall pair special best pan- dress ed chlckeiui loo lbs granulated sugar by a e parnell one way of cutting flown the wheat acreage in this country woulo be i teach lhe farmers golf band concert next monday even ing at the public library when the lucky numbers will be drawn and privies awarded a41 oldfashioned motherinlaw ik a husbands best friend in these days of modern wives und all that that means coming next monday night nt the gregory theatre georgetown muck bjos big city show with their band and orchestra ltp softbull game at the high school grcuncb tbinirrow thursday cvejiing ounlpii ladies vs georgetown ladies game called ut 7 pm ai6theroeducaion has been mad in toch1 hydro power tb first rat hasbeen reduced from 19 to 181ind second rate from 13 10 11 josti come in and afro the way are cutting prices on boots overalls mens pants shirts and sox just look in our bargain window and seeing is believing j roney up at the baptist young peoples rally held nt hillsbuj on labor jay the acton union won the cup for ex cellence in athletics the winter rally wili be held at bclfountaln messrs john v nickell iine house and hurry stiorlil if ball h ere well up in itnlls t old i eh er at toronto exhi ion v lest a- week blli gentlnet wr iml point behind secojl prize tlie band concert snnluy ven lug drew a large eruvvtl tir spli mliti music mipplumi by the hanji mult the able leadership of mr ay ivrrott was much enjoyed and appreciated the seventh annual convention of the out arli magistrates association of which mowistrati h p moor of acton is president will im hold in he court house brant ford on thursday and friday kept llthand 12th four euses of diphtheria all m one family have been reported to the burlington health authorities the family has been quarantined and at present there is no indication that the disease has spread to other arls of the town a the ottawa fair a week ago the shorthorn herd of duncan campbell moffatt carried off six ftrsr and 11 seconds it also won ie junior and grand championship and reserve senior for bulls and the reserve seni or championship for females the application of the towns of acton georretowii braniptqn ana nfllion to the railway board tor de creased rreifjrit rate oil coal fronlahe border 4s apimrehtly no further tor- warct it wlh be remembered that the hon hdkhouthrie of guejph was commissioned by the municipalities to represent tliem before the board personals ms first centnr- why dont you ge married jane second ditto i should free married after what v heard all those married ovor the wire i birds leu llsst taxes first instalment notice the 1930 tax notices having been sent out the first instalment is due and payable sept 16tta 171b 18fh tended uie mcdoiutld reumotwut erin on monday at the bank of montreal vhich important to taxpayer bylaw a is now in force gives the collector no option in con nection with penalty if taxes are not paid on dates in dicated in notice w g marshall collector mcttbookttka- a 9ft- c- i at- -3k- -3- s special low rates additional service during exhibition august 22nd september 6th electric line special rate tickets sold agents offices only georgetown toronto ck c g return mjm special services leave georgetown 709 am 751 am 921 am 1129 am 149 pm returning from toronto 540 pm 640 pm 800 pm 930 pm 11 pm daylight saving time s travel the electric wy and save the difference street car connections direct to grounds a mckcehnie is spending u few ki in wiart4tii and xiomity mccotl of milton ius a visitor i iwn on tuesday mi o d cole of toronto speit monday wiili lrienis in town and mrs harry fox of cana- inpie were visitors in town last wed nesday miss mary fruli left on thursday lor fort francis to teach m die high school mr k j moore of turunu was in limn on mimitdy and made the her ald a pleasant call mrs k stroud lias returned ut her homo in chatham alter spending a week with iht parents mr and mrs ward ltiiidu mr and mrs w j mckechnie of toledo ohio wi-n- visitois in town jn monday when on their way to the torpnto kxlnbition mr charles kirk left for toronto on aionda where he has accented a litimtum with- the- workmen cdm- imiitattion llourd dr and mrs mcallister returned home in monday from winnipeg where the doctor tmd bn attending the medical cgnventiou mrs m5lwrmicl and miss isabel mc- leehdd mr and irs joint reid ind diiiikrhteiffcmutipn motorid to gait on sunday and yjsuud friends therjt mr and mrs a m mackenzie of montreal have returned home after spending two weteks itolidays at the home ol wm ilihiek main st mr frank erwin elitor ajul prop rietor of the durham chronicle and mrs erwin wvrr in tewn on tuchiu and made the ijiutd a pliaanl cam mr and mrs 1 bryden and son of georgetown and mr malcolm mc- cutcheun of brampton are holidaying witli friends in new jersey and new- york city mr and mrs s robinson and daugh ters meron and louise liave returned to their homes in new york alter spend mg two weeks at the home of mr and mrs a c robinson in the lionor matriculation exams at cjper canada college toronto g m lawrence grandson of mrs errabes- sey georgetown had seven firsts tlirec seconds and uiree unrds the herald extends congratulations to this clever young student mrs e w b may bee edward may- bee ba and fred maybee motored from douglas lat week to spend a few days with mrs c w moreton norval the boys contihued on their way to their schools at norwich and windsor respectively councillor w c besscy mrs bes- sey and missdorts bessey chief mjat- sliall and mrs marshall master doug- thk matktiutt mtss marshartratid miss dorothy baluuitine liave return ed home alter a two weeks pleasant vacation at georgian beacli meaford mrs a mcdonald mr and mrs r c adams miises maisie and maude mcdonald mr and mrs victor mc donald rkrimuui allan mcdonald mrs wm mcdonald mr and mrs kenneth mciknajj and family at- tuny staple ton spe4t emun in the writeup of players of bramp ton champion lacrosse team the con- strvator says regarding tony stap- ltonthe fast centre fielder son of mr and mrs harry ttbapletmi ecirge- town tony starud to play in 27 ilayed for ttorrelown in j8 and 29 jinel brampton in 1930 and a rood jib for brampton eh tony a rst class player round centre field and a jqioed demun 11 he haclnt been play- ik liurosse he might have made a worlds record at hamilton thls yrar in the wordof the boy a peach of a ijihki feljuw obituary ciandrr drinks jorn whiskey a mtdduex farmer owns a gander lhai likisi corn whiskey and loses no opporlimily to slip behind the barn for his drink recently over a period or several days the bud wav seeji to be b liamuk qweerty early in the morn ing it would be in fine health and as active as any farmyard fowl shoirld be later in the day he began to perform queer antics dragging his wings on the ground and walking unsteadily when the gander lost his sense ot the appropriateness of things sufficiently to kill two chickens ue armer thought that it was tune to rommeuce an in v estimation he found tliat a drain pipe from a silo was causpng ali- the trouble the uander was drinking oriie of tlie tlutd drained horn qpi corn eiisibige in the wilo the bird nad evidently become intoxicated from this crude form of corn whiskey mrs catharine mecallum the death occurred aug 30th at her home in milton of catharino mc- douipill widow of flnlay mccallum in tier 79th year she was an active member of knox presbyterian church ller husband died ejily3v years ago surviving are three sons and five daughters- duncan of burlington john p of milton nell of esquesing township mrs e a mcdougall tra falgar township mrs robert joyce and mrs robert darling esquesing township mrs a j johnston new toronto and miss myrtle mccallum at home new advertisements all small advertisement under thl headinc surotly cash with order- seek inspector sendee a motion instructing the agricultur al representative to petition the live stock branch for inspection service in this district was passed at a special meeting of the hajton county live stock improvement associauoxtueld at milton last week won gueslnx jcontcart in the bean guessing contest at h goldsteins store which closed on wednesday last mrs annie kennedy was the winner of the beautiful tea set the correct number of beans was 656 mrs kennedys guess was 6r mrs mitchell assisted in counting the beana prominent citizen of acton dead aciou lost one of ils prominent jiuuvs trtni tuesday when william johusu needled for over 30 years mr johilstlue lias uunducted a furniture and undertaking business in acton add nis connection was extended over it wide territory in all directions from lhere some years agu he built a splendid block in the business section of acton which the firm ol johnstone and company have occupied since erection he was a director of the pall pair and an elder of knox pres byterian church j prior to his removal to acton mr johnstone conducted a furniture and undertaking business ul campbellville the deceased was born at predion 67 years ago besides his widow one son r p johnstone of london and three daughters mrs s s russell oakville mrs p a mc lean chesley and mrs v b rum ley acton survive aibkkt fostkit afler a lengthy illness mr albert poster maple avo brampton died friday last lie was in his 62nd yeai und was the elder son of mrs fanine poster and the late joseph poster deceased was born irljmulton and was widely known throughout this disirut c6nducting hotels at dlfterent times h norval humber bay and charleston for many years he resided at erin where he conducted a livery business he retired about cwelvo years ago and ame to brampton to live jle was jibera in politics and a member of orace united church and ia survived y by his widow and 6iie daughter mrs russell lindner beam p ton his rnpthei and a brother wjuuui foster of brampton miss mathews teacher of piano and theory private imp class teacning lessons resumed sept 6ui for sale a small quebec heater with water front ued one winter and m perlecl condition best offer cost 2200 now box z heraul office wanted used gout balls wajiukl will pur- chase any quanuty also a few drivers apply tolf driving tees johnsons field ouelph it wanted r i a woman or girl to assist with housework on farm near oeorgetown apply stating wages to box m hcr aid office 1ears for bale a quantity of bttrtleit pears 100 per llquart basket delivered a r speiglit oeorgetown ltp mcbean co i pfcs for sale 6 choice yoihg pigs ti weeks old a h3likht georgetown up anderson mcdonald j- union presbyterian church was- tne scene of a pretty wedding xn friday last when sarah kldred elder daugji- ter of mr and mrs a mcdonojdterba colta tmrinic uie bride of thomas andeiwju only son of mr and mrs tlioma- anderson terra cotta the ceremony was conducted by rev ewan mctkwiald and mlss mcdonald a tousii of the bride play ed the wedding music the bride who a as given in marriage by her father looked cliarming in a gown of eggshell ststut shadow hhsr srnf pearls aiitl wor u silk veil fashioned in a cape effect ohe carried a bouquet of pernel roses and hly ol the valley miss bessie mc donald sister of the bride was brides maid and wore poach georgette with olack velvet picture hat she carried a bouquet of koroes roses and del phinium mr james l mokane cou sin of tlie groom was best man ttie mower kiel little betty mcarthur was dainty in a frock of pale green geor gette trimmed with rosebuds she carried a baskot of sweetheart roses and babys breath during the sign ing of tjhe register miss ruth ander- son sister of the groom sang be cause the ushers were j a mcdon ald brother of tlie brido and arthur mckane cousin of the groom pol- lowing the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the brides i mi rents uie mothers of the unde and groom in black georgette and lace received along with the bridal liorty the happy couple left by motor for points east and north tiie unde travelling in a navy blue suit with sand hat and shoes to match on their return they will reside on the mrs w a nelson following a- paralytic stroke mrs wjlliam a nelson passed away mon day at her home main st n bramp ton mrs nelson was in iht mth yeai and had beeii a lifelong rcidiuit oi ohinguacousy and brampton she was bonr on the fourth line wost lot 12- rachel mylinda mcclure daughter of tie late john mcclure and rachel arnott for the past 26 years she had resided in brampton mrs nelson was a member of inure united church and of queen alexandra lob a she is survived by her husband and one bro ther james a mcclure loorgrtown james hunter james hunter a llielong resident of esquesing township passed away aug jbth after a lengthy illness deceased was in his 74th year and was born at lot ten ninth line esquesing son of the late john hunter he never married arid of late years had resider with ids only brother thomas on lot five mr hunter was a conserva tive in politics and a member of nor mal u piled church two sisters mrs john walker st reels v uie and miss elevia at home also survive the funeral took place on sunday after noon when the remains were interred in greenwood cemetery georgetown lost s dog yellow collie pup white around the neck tinder please return t6 don ald forster college sl georgetown eieward a ltp to rent 7 roomed house with town water and electric lights hen house and stable iossessiun any time apply 1 office 3tp at the herald boarders wanted good room and board for gentlemen in georgetown apply at herald of fice ltp auto for sale baby grand touring car in running order good tires first 35 takes car speights garage phone 279w george town tf week end specials ladies lingerie ladies silk bloomers 39c and 59c ladies silk vests 59c and 79c ladies silk pyjamas woods lavender made 375 for 229 woods lavender vests 175 for 100 ladiescombinalions 295 for 195 ladies silk bloptners 95c for 75c ladies fancy silk sets 139 ladies fancy silk pyjamas 500 for 350 v v snxhdse c ladies fullfashioned silk tjose 100 ladies purg silk hose 59c 69c and 75c a large assortment of ladies silk hose supersilk orient holeproof dojlar queen ladies lisle hose 39c ladies cotton hose light colors 19c misses and childs ankle sox 29c and 39c ladies and misses sleeveless silk and wool pull overs 198 spe our silk crepe dresses 395 for rent small store on main st with living apunmrnt if desired newly decorated suitable for offices meat and poultry shop or flour and feed store apply u fred brooke georgetown it canadian national electric railways i pure food store 24 lb bag of pastry flour 83c g 9 lb pail domestic or eaai first shortening golden spray loaf cheese per lb choice lemons per doz farnehs english breakfast tea per lb 3 pkgs satchel brand peas h p sauce per bottle 4 pkgs star ammonia 3 pkgs lux soap flakes 5 cdkes pearl white naptha soap yhiz sanitary cleanser per tin 5 cakes of infants delight soap demonstration on cake baking et a representative ot standard brands ltd will be here from sept 2nd to sept 6th demonstrating cake baking etc everybody welcome 51c 31c 35c 49c 25c 27c 25c 25c 21c 19c 29c ilmppy birthday under uie auspices of the womens asiioclation ol knox iresbyterian churcli a reception in honor of tht- eikhly fifth birthday of major l irani will be held in the schoolroom on thursday evening september 4th from eicht to ten thirty oclock the members of the associatlon extends a cordial invitation to all friends of the major to join with them in wishinr him a happy birthday stole prom employer sentence of thirty days in ilaltoyt county jail was meted out to a young peterborough lad found guilty ol ran- sacking the home of mr and mrs fi royal lindsay near acton with whom f grooms farm near terra tta tie had been employed for several days in the absentee of his employers tht lad ls alleged to have stolen a small mckown cranston sum of money a phot gun and some mlss mury iuijje crahston daugh- shtils arter a gruelling chase chief ot mr a mrs r j cranston mcpherson arrested uie lad in actnn caledon east was married in slier bourne street united church yesterday afternoon to rev ian mceown as- ilstiint pastor of uie church son of mrs mckown and uie late j b mc- kowti toronto the uncle of uie oride ite v or james craiuiton kew uarh officiated tlie church was jeuulifully deoorated wlui ferns and ilowera- und the wedding music was flayed by miss muriel wilson ana during the signing of uie register mrs mini mcmaster deaconess of uie church sang the bride was in beige keorgette in uers pf accordion pleat ing edged with shadow lace brown firdle beige mohair hat trimmed with brown velvet and carried a bouquet of pink roses she was attended by her aster miss dorothy cranston in green rrepe with champagne picture hat and bouquet of yellow roses rev r r conner kippen ont was best man and the ushers were rev c o junes rev j m miller recently returned from india and mr w j banks im mediately after the ceremony the en tire party motored to oaledon east where a recepuon was held at uie home or the brides parents mrs r j cranston and mrs mceown sr re ceiving with the bride the former was in brown cut relvet with hat lo match and corsage or roses mrs mc eown wore black velvet black hat touched with bronze and corsage of roses rev mr and mrs mceown lrfft by motor for a honeymoon trip to muskoka uie bride going away in rose ensemble wlui sand hat and t brown fox fur they will sail on sept f v w r scotland where uie grow wednesday sept 3- in oay madrid utkp a l jrm starring ramon novarro chapur 1 b university of uie new serial tlie king of the kongo oang comedy bouncing babies friday and saturday sept 5 and 6 redemption with john oilbert in his flrst alltalking picture comedy- honk your horn mickey mouse cartoon tuesday and wednesday sept 9 and 0 swing high a circus story no 2 the king of the kongo comedy drumming it in two entries two firsts in the dry aged jersey cow class at toronto exhibition last week w a mcclure was awarded first prize for his cow saucy sultan in a class of 13 in the yearling bull class he was awarded 1st on sybils noble thls was williams first appearance at uie big show and aluiough he had to travel among the big ones he cleaned uiem all up and is going after more next year some fine sllvrr fox pelts in uie industrial building at uie canadian nauonal exhibition an ex hibit that is attracung much attention ls uie dlsplay of silver fox pelts by uie canadian national silver fox breeders associauon tills association has membership of 6543 in canada major cousens vicepresident and qirector of the ontario branch is in charge of the exhibit which it admired by all and especially the ladles the deaui ocrurrctf on tuesday aug 2gux of georgian elizabeth stoiidtsh widow of he late geo c thompson u her home chape st georgetown aluiough in her eightyeighth year nlte- luui uuuu ouovuik fairly good- healui until about six months ago and since that time has been gradu ally failing mrs thompson was born on lot 14 in the tith concession es- inesing township halton county she was of irish descent a daughter of the late thus blandish and hls widow tlie late raihel joyce she was married at the home of her birth to the late geo c thompson in 1865 a family if five children were born of which three survive mrs mary e reld georgetown mrs rev r maonamara toronto and mrs w c cunningham georgetown mrs thompson was the last surviving member of her own family of which there were three bro- thers joseph thomas and william and one sister rachel the funeral service was conducted at the home by mr harrls of st georges church georgetown and her nephew rev oriflln thompson hamilton at the church by rev mr higglnson bur lington and rev haldsworui of is lington and at the grave by rev r macnamara and the rev griffin thompson tlie pallbearers were four nephews herbert rutledge j as rut- ledge alfred stull prank thompson and two cousins miller prentice and clarkson joyce mrs thompson was a christian woman and a most faith ful and honored member of the angli can church for seventyfive years she was appoln ted a if e member of st johns w a strwartiown twenty- even years ago seed wheat dholce dawsons golden chafx wheat for sale nobles elevator george town tf for kale grain elevator at stewarttuwn sta tion 30 x 42 ft apply to w d john ston phone 149 georgetown if wanted wanted to purchase a large din ing table walnut must be in good condition apply to box k herajd i mcbean co georgetown ontario kakabkcfioaaabcabd3akaba aeoaeo roomers and boarders rooms to rent and board sup if desired rates reasonable apply to w huggins grand view queen st georgetown 3t seed wheat for sale a quantity of abundance seed wheat tor sale 100 per bushel apply to russell hepburn phone 98rl3 george town 8th line esquesing ltp prompt service cesspools cisterns toilets and chim neys cleaned new cesspools dug al so garbage and ashes hauled jim williams college view 3tp iiaiton county live stock improvement association milton august 25 1930 halton county live stock improve ment association met at the depart ment vif agriculture office with messrs bruyns readhcad leannonth dennis howard and macvannel present owing to a p macvannel leaving the department of agriculture a g kirstlne his successor was apjxtnted secretary for tlie balance of his term of office rcadhead howard- that the agri cultural representative b instructed to petition the live stock branch for inspection service rj bulls census carried two lnspecuon reports for bull bonus were passed on and the agricultural representative instructed to forward same for payment the agricultural representative was udvlsed to publish the mlntues of this meeting and acquaint farmers with uie situation rcadhead dennis adjournment church news a e farnell proaipt debrery 75 car marker for 1931 next years license plate color scheme ls to be somewhat changed after having black lettering on a white background or vice versa for such a number o jrears black jettering on an old gold bavkjrround will give a more snappy appearance sample plates have already been stamped and on them ont 1931 wlh- appear at the top of the marker instead of at the bottom as in former years the bolt holes will also be made at the top of the plate hkaith repobt the following cpmmun iconic dis eases were reported to the board of health georgetown in august diphtheria scarlet fever smallpox chicken pox measles german measles mumpn v infantile paralysis typhoid ener whooping cough cerebosplnal meningitis sl albans church glenwilliams sunday sepl 7th 1930 b am holy jie holy communion 1030 am sun day school st georfes church sunday sept t7h 1930 8 am holy communion 946 am sunday school 11 am holy communion 7 pm even song with sermon the rev f h wase the rector will be the celobranl and preacher baptlh church the bible school meets at 10 am to study the story of jos j ah a royal reformer public worship at 11 am and 7 pm the comm tin ion of the lords supper will be observed at the close of the morning service pasuir a n frith will preach in the evening on how uie bible describes life united church services sunday sept 7th 193010 am sunday school and bible classes 11 am morning worship the minister win commence a series of sermons on our common faith 7 pm evening service thc power of personality acts 515 what is uie aim or pres ent day education united church anniversary ser vices will be held on sunday sept 28th the rev alfred gandtcr dd ssd principal of em manual college toronto will be the special preacher further amtounccnient regaiming music and the monday evening pro gram yill b made later wood for sale choice hardwood beech and maple 00 per single cord mixed wood 350 per single cord mixed stabs 300 per single cord rails 300 per single cord brantford georgetown for sale seed wheat for sale dawsons gol den chaff clean of noxious weeds at si 15 per bushel also wheat barley and oats for hen feed at a 140 per cwt w wngglesworth phone 4812 it money found pocket book containing a sum of money found hi georgetown owner may have same by proving property and paying for advertising apply at herald 3t to rent house on corner of dufferin and main sts with all modern conveni ences apply to t l leslie phone 41 r 5 georgetown tf have who will the or you your eyes examined by o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton be at watsons drug store georgetown second wednesday of every month may consult dr walker at his office in brampton tenders wanted tenders will be received by toe un dersigned up to sept j5u for the refreshment booth at the arena for the coming season s v king secre tary 2t marcelling miss francis expert hair dresser with city experience will be at tainans barber shop every day pnone 241 georgetown 2tp concrete work i am prepared to do concrete work of all kinds estimates given free of charge if you require anything in this line phone 321- s walker georgetown 3tp tf wood raibj 300 single cord delivered nixed wood 350 hardwood 400 sin gle cord j h smith phone 84rl3 wnretown tf clerks notice ol firsl posting ol voters li votrrs list 1b30 municipality of ksqurvinf county of halton notice is hereby given thnt i have complied with sections 0 and 10 of the voters list act and that i have posted up in my office at stewaxttown rr the 29th day of august 1030 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the mun icipality for members of parliament 4id ut municipal elections as appears tp bontltled to vote according to the inst revised assessment roll and that such list remains there for lnsectlon and i hereby call upon nil voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac cording to law appeals to be in with in 21 days from the 29th day of august 1930 dated uils20ui day ofaugusu 1030 i m bennett township clerk candy ls my one de light youll find me with a boor each night a fine box of candy and pleasant dreams how well they to together dont eat hearti ly of food before going to bed unless it ts the candled sweetness that we sell saturday treat fresh marshmallows saturday treat 29c week end chocolates regular 40c lb sat urday special 35c lb we always carry a choice line of all kinds of box chocolates and chocolate bars our urta of bread and cakes we receive if fresh everyday give us a trial for your next order and prove for yourself confectioner i phone sd introducing armand symphonie bouquet powder 50 cents one color for blondes brunettes or inbetweens a 25c jar of armands vanishing cream free with each box danns drug store agents for sargon phone 327 georgetown come come orangeville fair thiirs fri sept 1 8 1 9 choice exhibits large prizes an excellent racing matinee horse shoe pitching step dancing classes for both old and young spend a big day in a big way concert and dance at night sam kannawin jos e cooney president 5 secretarytreasurer f nmumtmumjmm smsmnmsmamnmnwim xm xhk 3k a x ofr 5av ak a a btjatv am ci i richardsons hardware j we have purchased the store and busi ness of cordingleys hardware and solicit a continuance of the support this store has re- ceived it will be our aim to give prompt ser vice and to handle only goods of reliable make preferrably those marie in canada our prices will be reasonable and in keeping with the quality of goods we will handle and with all competition phone us at 25 or call as stran gers we will be glad to meet you whether you buy or not j richardson son phone 25 main street georgetown having sold my stock and business to mr rich ardson fie son i thank you for the splendid support you gave my store i know mr richardson fit son will maintain and better to you the service i tried to give and i solicit for mr richardson fie son your continued business relations i l ii i iw 11131 ae cordingley- ckaljkfcbokkm

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