Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1930, p. 4

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v- w v page 4 r the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 3rd 1930 wienal friend calk ovjis lfeyk3vanoial j tisftom red rose te erwingoldhams meat market all kinds of fresh and salt meats at right prices erwin igoldham phone 1 georgetown via qumxttf ty uml qftmkfc kt orgctniedj heating punt you can build a fire in any furnace but you havent any guarantee that the quantity and quality of heat is right in proportion to the cost what is your present fuel bill a gilion magic furnace will save you one- third on the seasons fuel costs the mjjkic is vastly superior in construction and material nsed than old itylo furnaces the magic is made of toncan steel plate elcctrtcally welded into one complete unit smoke gas and duit cannot escape steel heats faster radiates faster booster huts send the heat direct to all rooms conical grates and new p hi i ted fire pot burn the fuel so that you get 100 heat value water pan buppli s ample moisture each part built for a purpose ant all organized into one perfect heating plant write today for free illustrated booklet the supremacy of steel ask about our easy lime payment plan gilsod heat wave fr i jit m- nftxs 111 1 icilim ii r- saving gllson all cast furnaces 1 a i ta vrr i f fin r at rvrord liw w mnl uky r11 t 1 ill in n y i jrlc kiiaraitt of qiilnv i m mjiiulittiirar pips or pipetcsj models on sssv tsrm ufat wave cast uul semi- cast furnaces 6uson mjfg co limited g r terfc st cuelpfa nimber telephone 25 or 319w muckart tinsmith etc georgetown gilson furnaces frjiitimimioiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiim 1 r h thompson co j for j dependable hardware plymouth pyre manilla rope v and 1 vs 28c samson guaranteed hay forks 165 hayfork pulleys in all sizes 75c and 90c samson scythes and snaths 1 35 to 200 binding gloves mule and hbrgehide 45c king bug killer and arsenate of lead paris green large size aluminum preserving kettle 98c galvd and black screen wire in all widths screen doors and windows in all sizes waverly guaranteed floor wax per lb 39c johnsons paste and liquid floor wax in all sizes rent johnsons new electric floor polisher from us we have the latest model plumbing hot water heating furnace work electrical wiring and sheet metal work r h thompson co georgetown phone 46 tiuuiiniiiiuiiuuduuimmiuiiiiuniiiinniiuiriiiinintiiiiiiiitjiiuiiiimmujjiiiiiiio iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiit0 georgetown flour s feed notice to hog feeders we have a quantity of finely ground barley meal at this exceptionally low price 28 per ton w c bessey phone 195 georgetown a quality tire within the reach of all built by goodyear of goodyear supertwist cords with a tough rugged resilient tread and priced much below any other tire of equal quality year itnada eans good wear hvfck a sonci oinethihg sings ul there is ever u song somewhere my dear t here is evi wuy i here s the song of tht lark when the skits art clem and the soiik of the thrush whtn the ticks an grey sunshine uiowers across the grain the lobin trills in the orchard tree in and out ulun lh avis chip i am t v allows ai t twittering re ase itsmv nu and and i ho i in r is rvtfr a song soemwhc re mv dear be tin skies above dark 01 fall iluii is evti a souk t hat our hearts may hear i in i e is evt i a song somewlu i e mv clem unto is t vei a song somewlu n there is ever a song somewhere my dear in the midnight block or the mid day blue the robin pfpt when the sun is hcrt and the ci lok t chirrups the whole night through flip buds may blow and the fruit may grow and the autumn leaves djrop crisp and sere but whether the sun or the t or the snow- there is ever a kong xomewhere my dear james wilcomb riley news and information for the busy farmer farmers who wish to obtain selected sed for cooperative expeiiments with outstanding varieties of winter wheat and other autumnsown crops may obtain this material free of charge by writing the department of field hus bandry ontario agricultural college royal party for girls in recognition of the splendid work being done by girls throughout ontario in the study of housing clothing and nutrition problems the department is offering free trips to the royal winter fair next november to five farm girls from each of the counties which have taken advantage of the instruction con ducted in household science judging by the women s institute branch on their arrival in toronto the girls will be chaperoned in groups by staff in structors a splendid program in cluding visits to some of the industrial plants and business centres of parti cular interest to girls from the country ih now in course of preparation by the department which is also providing transportation for the party the plan is supplemental to the royal 500 party for farm boys which has been con ducted so successfully during the pitot few years use plenty of litter it is good policy to use an abundance of clean fresh litter in the laying pens and a poor economy to restrict the quantity even wlien litter must be pur chased a laying hen is always a happy hen and a hen cannot be happy unless she is busy most of the time litter on the floor especially if it is fresh mid clean is an excellent means of keeping the layers busy even though all the grain is being fed in hopper and one is thrown on the floor one of the best materials for litter is wheat straw which is not so stiff as rye straw and does not break as easily as oat straw litter absorbs consider able moisture from the droppings and from the air of the hen house and should be changed frequently in wet weather moldy straw ls almost cer tain to cause trouble and should never be used in poultry houses itoous 10 bills are in circulation ottawa aug 31 counterfeit bank of nova sotla ten dollar bills are being circulated in canada according to a warning issued by the past office department i spurious rrioney is described as follows the counterfeit is a photograiihlc copy of he front of the genuine note issue- of january 2nd 1929 serial let ter aa in appearance it ls darker and ls slightly bluiqed the back is of the 1924 issue but of a deeper blue and is quite blurred the numbers which are crudely executed are about the same hi ight but wider and the figures 20082 on nt counterfeit al- n ady presented take up slightly more spact than on hv genuine bill in sue one of the iictitious notes pre m nttd is about one sixteenth of on inc h smaller than tin genuine another is the cornn t size the n iittlu r gri tiny and bus a finish f while paper shiny 5 esquesing agricultural society i annual fall exhibition i september 1920 wilson scy 1 at georgetown friday and fall fair dates oeorqfiown acton aberfoyje arthup bolton bracebridge b ramp top burlington caledon cooksvlhe erin rtrglis gait tii and valley london western milton mount forest orange vllle shelbournt streetsville toronto cn f september 1920 september 1617 october 1 october 7fl october 3- september 2426 september 2324 september 12 13 october 1718 september 30october l october 23 september 2526 september 2627 september 30oct 1 fair sept 813 september 2627 september 1718 september 1819 september 2627 october 8 aug 22sept 6 for better live stock during the year 1929 a group of pro gressive live stock m of hallin county conceived the idea of organiz ing a halton county live stock im provement association this organo- zation has undertaken a work which should receive the wholehearted co operation of every larmer in the coun ty because it is an organization of farmers for farmers dealing with prob lems that effect the agricultural wealth of our county one of the first steps that this live stork improvement as sociation has taken has been to have a bull census made of the county as preliminary step to a concentrated programme of inspection leading to the ultimate goal of having the coun ty declared a better bull area this census ls practically complete and the information which has been secured shows that the farmers of halton county should consider more serious ly the type of cattle which they are breeding space does not permit of the quoting of lengthy statistics to prove this at the present time but farmers of hakon county should be interested enough in the quality or live stock which they produce to see that they use only the best for the production of their young stock re member that a good bull is half the herd and a poor one all of it more information along these lines will be made public from time to time but it is the hope of the prominent men interested in thls work that every farmer will give the cooperation which will make halton county tfie home of better live stock x moffatt fw w a p cleave treasurer special prizes horses 1 sinljt high stepper ty the president c single nunont hnad toy the jprdtrincial paper mills best fanner turnout sinde fay ft k anderson mj best ladr drrnr by georgetown coating mills best delivbrj horse by john mcdonald best road horse icmnnnattoa s0 speed 40 by w c braey and b baxnes best gentleman qrirer by d brill co bat val ued at best half mile dash i opens i uj j beats 5 of purse to enter sq qo best general purpose horse on rent by frank petch and gen edwards best agricnltftral horse on rein by bank of nova scotia btzt lody rider 1st by john mine potnto baee tw john h torartiam best herd of horses tnot less tnan three 1st 10 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 300 3 00 5 00 6 00 i on any article purrrawrrl ran masseyharris company 2nd saa off any article purchased from masseyharns companys agent alex hume georgetoan 10 00 best heavy team on grounds inrturltng heavy draft agri cultural general purpose by george cleave 6 00 cattle 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 i best pirj on by h a best reentered hhntham female under 2 vetua bv ool q a brawn t uy best recftstand sbarttian cow nyn mdntyre rthj i esques township by best cmujjata ntxxesmxitj ncftstered shown by boy or ow this prtte ticn by dr paul e 00 ss j w browne oo 3 00 best poup time itefary cotw i one nutture orw one two year old better and one yearling to v u and to beowned and rahed b a tannty ttrinc in tne immediate district cowered by the society u winner of a t kuonoa prtae m tnis class not eugfele 6 piece set of haddon ptate dorotny vernon pattern tn a sntable esse vatned at best baby beef by i mullfei 22 00 3 00 conditiont improving buy home- frown products announcement has been made by premier ferguson that the government will launch an extensive educational campaign to encourage the buying and eating of canadian products in on tario radio lecture staffs and news papers will all figure in the program we are determined said the prime minister to show to our people the ical qualities of our products to de monstrate the value of our own market and to prove to them the advantages ol buying at home in short we want to establish a greater measure of co operation between consumer and pro ducer in commenting upon the pro jected campaign one in which the large ontario distributors of food will be asked to join mr j b pairbairn i eputy minister of agriculture said that most canadian would be aston ished at the amount of foodstuffs im ported at the very time of year when canadians are producing similar pro ducts an extra slice of bread a day would help to take care of surplus canadian wheat he stated and un employment would be relieved con siderably by vigorous prose utlon of the ampfiltm in mind fair indications that conditions are improving throughout canada lie in the fact that salada tea sales show an increase in the past ave mon ths of over 400 000 pounds tn canada m v vjluij the crop situation reports of crop conditions for the latter part of august indicate that the ihowers which fell in most sections of southern ontario were badly needed pasture had been burnt up and corn and root crops were suffering severely for lack of moisture harvest ing throughout the province has been completed and excellent yields are re ported alfalfa alslke and clovers yielded very satisfactorily as high as n ine bushels per acre of red clover having been reported in kenora dis trict many drovers and cattlemen have reported heavy losses on their grass cattle due to low prices and arclty of pasture many are holding tlulr cattle over for the christmas trade some excellent crops of barley oats and mixed grains have been har vested this season in norfolk county one farmer secured a yield of 14b7 bus hels of oats from n ii acre fit id or neurl 100 bushels ler acre valuable o a c exhibit taking at its keynote the croppro dm ing ixiwer of ontario soils thf 0 a c department of chemistry ex hibit at the c n e has attracted great attention it embodies n huge ornucopla picturing the fertile soils of ontario pouring forth hundreds of thousands of bushels of wheat oats ifncl barley and thousands of tons of potatoes roots corn vegetables hay and othir products a giant map of the province shows the location of thf 1 10o fertility test plots whitti the de partment is operating throughout on tario this year with nearly every crop grown in qntarlo on these plots a wide variety of fertilizers have been u pi led 011 the farmers own lands un der their own conditions field repre sentatives ensure accurate application of fertilizers and equally accurate har vesting of test areas the records show interesting and vahintjh figures meadows fertilized with a hiftn nitro gen fertilizer gave an increase of 46 per cent in yield while alfalfa fertilized wrth tdgrt potash fertilizers gave an increase of 2j tons per acre qxjwlhc unfertilized area in the fall wheat fertility tests the average yield of all fertilized plots wns 44 bushels per acre weighing 60 4 pounds per bushel the yield of unfertilized wheat wan 34 bushejs weighing 50 8 pounds per bifshel 1 the functions of the main plant- food elements were admirably shown by crops growing in plant solutions and the pasture fertility work in opera tion in connection with the college farm claimed considerable interest sol testing for acidity and general dis cussion of soil survey work provided much valuable information for callers oil royalties not stocks or shares tn royalty holding companies but direct purchase and ownership pro ducing properties only immedi ate monthly returns ova your on l clayton ridge royal bank bldg toronto ont adel 1887 h r m1mms georgetown representative phone lmw or 114 j 1 best sheep and pigs best pen of bacon hogs cnptjes than st by o j best pen of pme wool sneers coot less tnan 4 bj buck s 00 sheep 3 leaaalesi by j beaumont pan of utng wool steep not less than 4 sheep 1 male 3 femalesi by r y bamtclough fancy work best collection of fancy work by mrs p a harley 3 00 miscellaneous x 1 best by j m oiwn son wheel- j sanford stewarttowrj plnmbing tinsmilhing estimates uralally ttvar phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 monuments pollock a ingham gait oat- inspect aur work in ofjlnetcgy s lbs butter barrow best lbs butter by walter t best 3 ms butter m s lb prints by r d warren bw pair of dressed chickens by krwin ooldham best nan- of dresses chickens by b h thompson best pair of dressed ohlrkf-rr- by elmer c thompson best pan- of dressed oilrkstri by el o hamilton best collection cot nunj cottage roll by a e wright best display m han by merchant or manufacturing firm 1st by bank at montreal 2nd l w dann best collection h m g by w b browne co j4v uvbag norm pastry nour best sample wheat by w bl browne a co 24 v lb bag of national p flour best s bushel afedke seed bar motiey pettlt best s bushel alfalfa seed by morley pettlt best conrrttnn of baking by harold c mcclure done by lady of ksasjesatag township consisting of 1 layer cake 1 pie dm tea biscuits cookies and tarts prise verandah chair value at best layer cake by w wggt best collection vegetables by fleming and armstrong best loaf of bread made trotn ataple leaf flour by walter lamson ist ms ataple lea flour 2nd 24 lbs maple leal flour 3rd 7 lbs ataple leaf 7 00 s 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 so 2 so 2 so s 50 3 00 3 00 best collection pastry by halton creamery and butter co a oo best collection of potato- by w johnston and v rumley 2 00 best collection canned fruit by e r magloughlen 2 so best rolled ton fancy homemade 10 varieties no shovaxltuo bscqi standard anthracite scranton coal intjisw automatically screened arid load coal wood select lump i lng and oannal ooal i cany verythmg to bn i in any wood tarv john mcdonald phone 12 i by c b stradclsanuner enamdware value best 10 th nail of clover honey to be delivered to if cbirkson best jar of jam made witn certo the label of the certo bottle must avcoompany each exhibit prise given by general goods limited silver gup best jar of jelly made witia certo the label off use certo bottle must ts eoch exhibit prize ghren by general goods limited silver cop by j m moore x best batf doaen buns herald 1 year x largest dom fresh ben eggs herald 1 year x best and t 1 us butter herald 1 year x largest halt doaen onions herald 1 year x best bushel cooking onions best local imim niarlr bread clothes horse by j b m value best pair of dressed chickrrts by w r watson best 2 bags of potatoes cobblers pair of boots by c b dayfool collection of ptarn baking 1 varitles by n r nqr- ton jardtner stand value display of 24 gtadtoll by h redshaw best s lbs butter by i m bennett besl pair dressed cnicken ny i u benneu 5 00 3 75 5 00 5 00 3 00 s 00 s 00 x 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 2 00 20 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 a x softball tournament horseshoe contest georgetown citizen band will furnish music during the radios see our new 8tube atwater kenx radio before you buy insurance special rate to farmers on automobile insurance f kersey why is it why do clients of many years ur continue to send ua indr troublesome collections why is the volume of business we handle increasing so rapidly because our service is eminent ly satisfactory and our rates kelly aiken collection specialists orangevtde sunu 1 jz

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