Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1930, p. 1

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1 sixtyfifth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 10th 1930 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa the georgetown herald 1 m moose ruktlsber an rrophetor member canadian weekly newspaper association rmmm national electric railway daylight savin ttroe tk- daily kioipt sunday dally dally dairy i daily dally daily 709 9zl 1139 ajrn l pjn sjos pjn 409 pjbu 629 pan 29 pjn 74s pjn s4s pan io4 pjn 11 saturdays sundays holidays sally except sunday dually dally dally daily sally dally dally fast freight same day delivery ser vice freight picked up at oueinb georgetown phone is 721 ajn 931 ajn 1141 ajn 101 pjn ol pjn 1 pjn bjoi pjn liol ajn c n r time table standard tims 70s a sje ajn ias a 1147 a cjapjn aos pjn 7 j4 pjn ssrvssbnetass cowessitci to vancouver j- ti to 8ttwhtlh in canada i bwtqns jgarace and stall passenger and mall sunday oaiag west passenger and mall sund oabag narth ul pn cm pjn 7j3 pjn iojm a ceatral ontario bos lines lid tlmw coachks arrow buses leave georgetown for toronto jo ajn dally except sun days and holidays ajm ajn sunday and holidays only 11j8 ajn daily 3j06 pjn daily 0s pj dally 100 pjn dauy arrow buses leave bay and front sta toronto for georgetown sja ajn dally u ajn dally utto pjn- daily 5 pjn daily aoo pjn dauy except saturdays sundays and holidays ibjoo pjn saturday sunday and hou- days only la standard tbne ah barnes sta at lang slam imrectory ix boy dill georgetown ontario offices wtng bjdg shh st cutbcnck h wi04un8 larlatar 8ufc4tr notary lah oaves otlebl bloek oeorgatown talepbone 1m john a thompson natary famse ii street phone 33 and wbaham and bovtrb brampton ontario k o qranam k b araham q h bowyer da j j paul ml b- x fatji tiji ana saaga radios ofboar of health in township ofnos wuais 1 to 4 and t to t pja db 8tjthkbxand rya bar nose and throat s at oeorgatown w hours a pjn pjn or by ap- ojbea at mies matthews main st boma pfaona 1vm db ft w hl omcer of baalth oeorgatown oboa and b main st south opposite preshytertan church office hours 13 and 7- pjn r b watson mxs mux oeargetwwb- ofbce hours to stkxnapt thursday r l bxath djdjs lea tn lane miffi on of otjelirs osrrtage factory in to pjn meg lamb practical matebnrtt nvbsb by day or week for particulars phone mrs georgetown a a qaargetew frank petch post ofbce cheltenham ft j kerr phonb m acton ont chiropractic nxjoor- the cureera oiaswat m 1 xray service ik l prompt and expert service on all kinds of cars workmanahrp guaranteed tires for sale gas ob greases and auto accessories main street north phone 280 georgetown forsters grocery a full lone of fresh groceries always in stock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecream in balk cones or bricks forsters terms casta georgetown phone 29 for accurate time for the satisfaction of proud possession at so modest a price there is no wrist watch to compare with the wonder watch of the world elaine goer1ng 1500 a b willson next to hotel mcgahbon georgetown my past i do not know what god has planned to come to me today i only know thai he has promised lo be my stay and that his hand has mapped out all the way thai i must po i do not know the burden ere the night that i must hear tis better so lcsl i should faint to see it wajtlng there i know he bids me cast on him my care his love to- 6hovc i jo not know the road oef which my feet must run the ace but i do know though rough it be though deep in many a pjace that he hath said sufficient is my grace as on i go gilsoft automatic drip humidifier he will tell von that properly humidified air in your horne will prerent rnany colds and possibly serious illness this winter ten to twenty gallons of water per diy are required to supply the cor rect humidity for an eightroomed house in gcro weather hot dry air is decidedly unhealthy gjhon automatic drip hummifier saves health and money tins marvellooa device is easily installed in any warm air furnace it operates automatically keeping the air healthful it saves coal because high temperatures are not required for comfort with properly moistened sir it protects furniture draperies floors etc rfrite or phtmt totuy for particular keep pace with the times theollsoa automatic humidifier will add im measurably to your comfort the coat ia very low terms if desired ovahera wh4 steal plato caataa4- olboa marie ou sysywrt bifma ttmhumr aay immtm irs mmhntr i wrttm i hmmkl grmuckart llmmtll bfd at his boyhood home the following written by the old man in the acron pree press a couple of weeks ago refers to our es teemed townsman major grant and will prove interesting to many of pus readers- it did my old heart good on satur day to see my venerable friend major grant of georgetown wandering about town the major came up with the brethren of credit lodge to attend the masonic picnic in acton parte but the dear old man found much more pleasure in going over the haunts of his youth where he had roamed as a young chap sixtyfive years ago and where he had grown to mans estate and into the activities and responsi bilities of real life i was glad i say to see my friend again sjnid the scenes of his younger life for it had been reported about town that lachlan grants eighty four years were beginning to grow heavy upon his shoulders and that he was spending most of the time now tn tak ing matters easy about his own hqme but lo and behold 1 espied him not in the park and on the picnic grounds with his brethren of the square and compass and mavslsters of the eastern star but out on lake avenue peering intently about for old elm trees or out- jutting of the shore line of fairy lake or big stones which marked the old foot path which led up to lovers point on the peninsula where the westerly limits of the park run out into the lake interrogated by friends when he had returned to the park he at onceejacu- lated well i found it all rights- found what queried a member of credit lodge why i found the place over there on the shore of the old min pond near lake avenue and the fine homes there where i won my first root race in acton sixtyfive years ago you know i never was a very big fel low but i won this race ram a big chap who lived here then and ive been proud about it ever since the major didnt reveal to his com party of listeners whether he had con tinued his walk up lake avenue and past the ole swunmln hole and along the race course to lovers point to see if the tree still standing there where he had carved a heart and the initials lo and lo inside of it bantered as to whether he remem bered the site of the home or william webber the dusty miller who run the wcklln flour mills in those days he feigned ignorance of the location one of the party ventured to remind him of the little ravine with the plank across to mr webbers gate and where he so often went to call at the web ber home where fbufcomely daugh ters resided oh yes he admitted but generally there was an empty water pall there and i was invited to run down to the spring across from the mill and get a bucket of clear cold water of course i remember but i was not confined to the millers house when i desired the company of fine young women of which acton pro duced many often i might have beenffound at a home up main street where there were more of them and s merrier lot i thought than at mr webbers mr and mrs james cameron had a galaxy of real rose buds in their home a full hair dosen of them and they were friendly girls musical and full of fun every last one of them and then up the road there were more fine girls whom i knew very well there was sarah jane rail daughter of squire hall on the farm adjoining camerons she was tall and flne-jook- ing real high and mighty if we ever got together the boys used to talk about the long and the short of it well in her case she got a fine match at last when she married christopher cookman a tall thin methody presy- cher and was happy ever after sometimes t would spend an even ing up at lasbys farm where there was another full half dosen of spright ly maidens they were popular too and all of them were well married above- them on the same line was the cummlngs family often there i would find not only two daughters bat sev eral girl cousins generally howe i went off with sandy the sportuw son of the home who was always up some prank or another then went on the major i knew quite intimately the matthews girls but like tn the oummlngs home i was generally found with ed the horseman of the family say i hear ed is still living in kitchener with one of his daughters they say he still admires a good horse and has sn innate feeling thathed like to feel the line guiding him but like ed and me few of us are len and there are few fine horsesr in the land i hear ed wanders up to seagrams stables lri waterloo once in a while to have a look at the string of racers there but i must mention another house ful of girls in the old town where i often spent a pleasant hour in my young days and that was malcolm kennedys just across from the old i presbyterian church where the four or five vivacious daughters were al ways good entertainers f usually found charlie dean ujere when i went calling and charlie eventually carried away the eldest daughter kate to his home and heart i was rather surplrsed to hear the major say he had been looking for henry smiths old residence but could not find it well well thats s good one on lachle henry smiths house still stands on main street not a block from where the store used to be locat ed where lachlan and his brother john used to hand out dry goods and notions to their many customers and the roughcast store where henry smith used to sell furniture still stands be side the smith residence well i was glad indeed to see my old friend again hes just as loyal to ac ton as ever he was and acton 111 al ways be glad to welcome him cordially when ho conies burglars captured by former georgetown man we clipped the following from the chatham dally news of sept 3rd re lating to the capture of two burglars in highgate by norman h brown formerly of georgetown the fact that two out of three men who planned and carried out the early morning robbery at highgate are now in jail awaiting sentence within a rev hours the perpetuation of the crime is due to the bravery of norman i- brown proprietor of a bakery in high- gale brown who starts work about 230 every morning went to his shop as usual today and found that the hydro power was off on bis way home- lo telephone the hydro station ait riuge- town he noticed lights in the crosby hardware store and investigated there wjts a motor car in front of the place and three men inside hurrying home he secured his revolver and then sum- moned bis hired man who was at the shop he returned to the crosby store just as the trio ran but and the hydro lights came on without hesitating brown gave chase and captured one of the men after run through streets and back yards he turned him over to his hired man arid started out after the other twoi one of them succeeded in ehidlng cap ture until he came to a high fence by the time brown returned to the store with the second man several other citlsens were there in the meantime the third member of the gang managed to get away with the car however this fellow did not want to desert his companions who were being held captives in the store without some effort to aid them and drove passed the store four or five times after turning over the second captive to the care of others brown replenished his ammunition supply from the stock tn the store and start ed out after the third man he fired several times as the fellow drove along the street but the shots had no effect brown is confident that the car when found will show evidence of the shots notes and comments poisonous mushrooms have danger signals the popular theory that any mush room which peels readily is dt to eat la exploded by w s odell mycologist of the dominion department of agri- cuilure a strange fact is that the poisonous classes peei quite as readily as do the edible varieties observes mr odell there are only two classes of poisonous mushrooms and a simple scientific test tells one in a moment just which these are the two poisonous classes of mush rooms are the ply aminita and the destroying angel or death cap each of these has three distinguishing marks white gills underneath the cap a collar at the top of the stem and a series ofings or a cap at the base the ply aminita in addition has a brill f ant orange cap a san added dan ger signal the display of mushrooms at the dominion experimental farms exhibit at the canadian natiorml exhibition at toronto this year proved a highly interesting attraction only 46 varie ties of edible mushrooms were dis played however owing to the drought which- has prevailed over a large sec tion of the country last year the display featured 02 edible varieties mk odell states mat given a few showers in the near future a bounti ful supply of mushrooms would be available for the picking they say great minds think alike and we have almost come to that con clusion since receiving the following from a town ratepayer your reference in a recent issue of the herald to high taxes was very timely and will be widelv ap proved rt is admitted that lit most munfcipalittes there has to be a fairly high tax rate to keep pace with neces sary iinprovements but there is a limil that if exceeded the axpayers have a right to enquire what future neces sities or intentions are excessive taxa tion is one thing that will definitely work ajpiinst the interests of a muni cipality i am one of many that hope for a reduction rather than an increase in present rates while i have my pen in hand i wfcnt to say how much i enjoy the great mount of interesting news that comes through ttoe herald weekly announcement has been made by premier ferguson that the govern ment will launch an extensive educa tional campaign to encourage the buy ing and eating of canadian products in ontario radio lecture staffs and newspapers will all figure in the pro gram we are determined said the prime minister to show to the people the real qualities of our products to demonstrate the value of our own mar kets and to prove to them the advan tages of buying at home in- short we want to establish a greater measure of cooperation between consumers and producer in commenting upon the projected campaign one in which the large distributors of food will be ask ed to join mr j b pairbairn deputy minister of agriculture said that most canadians would be astonished at the amount of foodstuffs imported at the very time of year when canadians are producing sunilar products an extra slice of bread a day would help to take care of surplus canadian wheat he stated and urtrnptoyment would be relieved considerably by vigorous prose cution of the campaign in mind s iialton golf and country club mens fall competition f mccannell vs d wilson p b coffin vs sam mackenzie r b foulls vs j a wwoughhy r salmon vs o t mackay dr j sutherland 9 vs b wlllough- by 7 j b mackenzie 8 vs j a laird 6 j mcdermld 8 vs jack harrison 6 it cole 6 vs root erwtn 8 ralph ross 12 vs t imbleau 0 wallace thompson 12 vs eben frith 10 art tyndall 8 vs j mcdermld jr 11 j m hlgglns 10 vs wilfred ford 10 wakefield ford 9 vs alex orelg 10 allan laird 12 vs cameron ross 12 rigb school phares vannatter has received notice from the department of education that he has obtained the following standing in the results of the upper school examinations algebra c latin authors c latin composition c french authors ii french composition ii the prise awarded by the school board to the pupil making the high est standing at- the examinations of the upper school lias been won by miss eleanor macdonald daughter of mir and mrs t f macdonam who have reason to be proud of her achieve ment stewarttown the young people spent a very pleas ant time at the home of mr ana mrs frank jenklnson on friday nlghw when they gathered to say goodbye to mr tom comb who is leaving this vicinity mr comb lias always been so willing to help out in the y p s and other gatherings and is a splendid musician who will be very much miss ed to show their appreciation of his kindness the young people presented him with a set of brushes he was very much taken by surpirse but feel ingly thanked them for their splendid gift a dainty lunch was served ay the young ladles after which a short time was spent in dancing after singing for hes fa jolly good fellow the gathering broke up all wishing mr comb the best tfruccess in his next venture mrs j a lhompson has returned to our midst we are glad to see her back mr t bradley of port hope called i his sisterinlaw mrs tracy oh sunday for a short visit mr john wilson is slowly improving at his home here we will be glad when he has compeltely recovered again a number from here attended the toronto exhibition last week master david hodge is still in the hospital for sick children from lat est reports he la improving although he will not be home for some weeks yet miss appelbe was at the exhibition last week in the interests of the w i miss mckay has returned to the school and the chtlarei were all glad to see her and seemed eager to get hack to work this week but is able to be around again quite a number from here are at tending the high school in george town the junior w a meets at the home of mrs bally on tuesday afternoon after the holidays too many dances was the brief n plana tton of one in ar posluuu know in commenting upon the rather poor showing made by some of the students who wrote on the hdale school examinations the reports of which are just out of course and study do not go well together the boy or girl who is a good dancer la not likely to be a good student for there win not be enthusiasm for the ball room and school room produces a state of mind which is not favourable to study what can be done about it t not much we think out side of home influence opportunities fat wasting time and energy are all about us and always will be young people cannot be prevented from mak ing fools of themselves if they are so inclined the saving influence must be within ones self you may sur round a young person with a wan of prohibitions and endeavor to shield him from every temptation but some day he win have to face the world as it is and stand or fall by what he is made of lucknow sentinel fkutt grading u owe this to the children dont start them out with physical handicaps build their little bodies to win die race of life- give them all the shredded wheat they want with plenty of milk a combination that builds sound teeth good bones and sturdy bodies and how they love it you dont have to coax them to eat delicious for any meal with fruits shredded with all the bran of the hole wheat i caiuuman shkeuoeo wlnuj41 cotmpany ltta the dominion fruit branch in their displays at the leading hihi tnj year are featuring demonstrations by staff inspectors of the shipping point inspection sea flue- and commercial in spection by the former the grading of fresh rrults and vegetables b es tablished and by the utter the grade quality of the canned product is fixed in the factories before the labels are put on the can the displays of apples packed under the new provisional grades no 1 and domestic and packed by siae appear ed to have special appeal not only la the very fine quality of fruit seen in the new grades but the high and very desirable degree of uniformity tn sise within the container is apparent when one buys a barrel hamper or basket bearing the stamp of the gov ernment grade and the size range one is sure of getting good fruit the larger retail markets and stares in toronto and other cities are al ready reaping the benefit of federal inspection service customers buying fruit look for the grade stamp and buy with greater assurance of quality than has been possible for some time consumers appreciation of the safe guard of the grade stamped on canned fruits and other fny produeta is also apparent the housewife ta find ing it increasingly convenient to buy canned goods by the government grade fancy choice or standard quality to suit her needs a modern habit toronto and montreal have telephones than the combined number in six of the other provinces tele phones everywhere a necessity are accepted as an integral part of big- city life and the habit of calling friends and loved ones at a distance is growing apace bits of humour bis om staff o a certain salesman was proposing to his best girt and sweetheart he finished tu lay my whole fortune at your feet- it lant a very big fortune she reminded him i know dear he replied but ittl look awfully big beside your little feetf country boarder i suppose well be getting some of these nice fresh eggs for breakrast farmer yep these very eggs but not till ye come down here next yearj ye see rve got to sell them to the local commission man and he sbds them to the jobber in the city who in turn sells them back to the fellow who runs the country grocery and i buy them from him the om sad 8tary at last i realised that our strained relations coulovnot continue any longer had to admit that the end was near 1 and that a break was inevitable for months i had labored under a delusion and refused to believe that my wife could consider such perfldity poor silly blind fool that i had been i i now know the meaning of all those subtle hints and sly allusions which had been cast at me lately while master dougku lawson has been uttlhad been living in a fools pa she had been secretly preparing for separation i wouldnt quarrel with her if she was determined to leave me after all our years of married life i would let her go quietly and avoid trouble so i said to herail right if your mind is made up to this rash action get twin beda erwingoldhams meat market watch our window on saturday for specials erwin goldham phone 1 georgetown y9mamamamciam3mn ladies 1 we have now ready for your select ion a splendid variety of millinery in new styles and materials for im mediate wear misses claridge osk av k 4gwowg georgetown if j advertising increases your business give it a trial have your eyes examinee whi o t walker dosc ewoaignt spnrialrit brampton will be at wataona drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month or you may consult or walker at lift office iav lfainihi r georgetown flqurgfeep notice to hog feeders we have a quantity of finely ground barley meal at this exceptionally low price 28 per ton w gbessey phone 195 georgetown ft7

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