Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1930, p. 2

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aarrairr bbi pge 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening september i oth 1930 b- assa -aa- -jk- at -ae- ai -se- osv aat ravsi wi announcing arrival of new fall and winter goojs we are again ready to serve you with pall and winter needs in clothing shoes and accessories the same outstanding values and courteous service await you at all times i u in mkmoriam ff websier in lovtn memory of freda louise who died september 10th 1929 nol dead to we who loved her not lost but gone before site lives with us in memory still and will forevermore ever remembered by the family d brill co corner mill main sts phone 167 georgetown -as- -sts- 3t av aav -ae- av va stv ivtv 4b- h -sb- av acv ae aaoabraaoaaoaa 1930 taxes first instalment notice the 1930 tax notices having been sent out the first instalment is due and payable sept 16th 17th 18tb at the bank of montreal a vhich important to taxpayers bylav is now in force gives the collector no option in con nection with penalty if taxes are not paid on dates in- dicated in notice w g marshall collectc esquesing council stewarttown sept 8th 1s30 the esquesing township council met on monday evening members all present reeve geo cleave in the chair- minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed currie wilson that the treasurer pay the following sheep claims a j evans 1 sheep killed by dogs 1400 1 lamb killed by dogs 700 total 2100 k c lindsay valuattr00 d p mcenery 1 sheep killed by dogs 1000 k c lindsay valuator 200 carried wilson appelbethav the treasurer pay mountain sanatorium mainten ance of edith pryde for month of august 40 j sanford board of health account 55 carried appelbe mullln that the treasurer pay -t- al bennett 1 200w bulb for council chamber 110 mucilage and stamps 110 total 220 carried mullln currie that the treasurer pay robt alrdrie hauling water to ore at 8peyskle 2500 wellington qardener labor os days at fire 1650 john mcdonald labor 2 days at fire 800 carried mullln currie that the treasurer pay bell telephone account 38133 to sept 15th u0 8211 to sept 15th 185 total 4 j m moore printing 350 copies of voters list advertising etc 24804 carried appelbe wilson that the treasurer pay road sheets as presented by road superintendent 462044 carried cuttle mullln that the treasurer pay board of health accounts ouelph general hospital maintenance of mrs alice ledwidge mar 1st to july 15th 1930 23800 jos zuiug june 30th to july 19 3325 july 28th to aug 1st 700 total 27835 carried currtejtuuln that this council do now adjourn to meet on october 13th at 130 pnt carried died saunders in ouelph on thursday september 4th 1930 john saunders aiced 52 years leslie at norval on tuesday sep tember 9th 1930 matilda lyons be loved wife of robert p leslie in her 79th year the funeral will take place from her late residence norval on thursday september uth at 230 oclock stan dard time interment in union church cemetery obituary john saunders following an operation in guelph general hospital john saunders pass ed- away- on thursday last tsept 4th deceased was born in london england he was 52 years of age and came xo cftarmda h years ago settling in georgetown where he has been a valued employee of the provincial paper mills ever since he was mar ried is years ago to miss bertha nelle who with a son and tlfyughter lilhrxty counfcu and jack remain to mourn the loss of a dearly beloved husband and father he is also survived- by two brothers in england he was a member of st georges anglican church credit lodge af am and hajton chap ter ram in politics he was a con servative the late mr saunders was a good citizen and enjoyed the esteem and respect of all who knew him lie will be sadly missed in his home the church and the lodges to which he be longed his passing is a distinct loss to the community the frineral took place on sunday afternoon to green- bers of the masonic lodges attending in a body when the service was con ducted at the home and sl georges church by rev f h wase and at ther cemetery by rev mr wase and wor shipful master l f greenwood past master hugh dickie and rt worship- y barrclough of credit lodge am the paubearers were h dickie geo dobaon n tuck w v grant l marchment and a rob inson there were many beautiful floral tributes from the following em ployees of the provincial coating mill boy scouts hal ton chapter office staff of provincial coating mill cred it lodge 219 provincial paper mills ful e jlp a birthday reception to major grant limited st georges players bruce and ian mckenfie bojp class- ot a pastor at te present knox church sam roberts toronto a aa a cx k mcwamymcymzmobbcmmrt card of thanks we hereby convey to friends and neighbors our very sincere thanks for the many kindnesses and sympathy extended to us in our sad bereavement by the death of our beloved husband and father the late john saunders mrs saunders and family mr and mrs fred mcnally girl guides congregation of st georges church mr and mrs j d kelly john d graham mr and mrs green and r kent mrs sanson and mrs car ney charlie stockford and gordon martin mr and mrs h dickie mr and mrs somerset mr and mrs harry hale mr and mrs hedge pillow from family among those from outoftown who attended the funeral were mr and mrs and miss somerset mr and mrs hedge mr and mrs oreer mr rich ard kent and mr bert somerset all of toronto st johns ambulance assoc first aid r h thompson co for dependable hardware happy thought quebec ranges pease economy furances pease economy boilers hot water conor electric washers lowe brothers paints lacqueret rent johnsons polisher electric floor latest model plumbing electrical wiring sheet metal and furnace work estimates given r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown the first aid class assembled in the town hall for its opening meeting of the season on tuesday night mr wm long acted as chairman of the evening there were about twenty- five members beginners and others interested present the minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary mr broom- head and adopted the chairman then called upon major debney of the st johns ambulance association of to ronto and mr e mewhirter to make the presentations of the certificates to the following men who passed their examinations last june j crawford f knight j long j hall r apple- yard a norton r hilts g mcouvray f minims c stockford a carter mr debney and mr mewhirter congratulated the successful candidates and stated that they hoped to see a larger class this coming season major debney then addressed the meeting on the st johns work dur ing his address he stated that a first aid brigade in georgetown would be a big asset to the community for first aid to the injured is a special branch of surgery by a knowledge of which trained perosns are enabled to afford skilled assistance in case of accidents and in the absence of a doctor mr debney also said that the duty of the first aider ends where the doctors begins in closing he said that he would do all in his power to help form a brigade in georgetown there was then some discussion as to whether we would have a home nursing class and azso a first aid class this year it was inisninn decided that we should carry on both classes and that the home nursing class start on oct 7th and the first aid class on oct 8th a motion was passed to the effect that we invite all those who are de sirous of learning first aid to kind ly hand their name into the secretary on or before oct 7th it was decided that dr c v wil liams take charge of the home nurs ing and that dr r paul be invited to conduct the first aid lectures a resolution was also passed that the ladles of georgetown be invited to start a first aid class and that the mens class would do anything td assist them the election of officers was then carried out mr r bfoulls being re turned to office as president mr b mewhirter elected 1st vicepresident and mr broomhead reelected secre tarytreasurer a vote of thanks was then tendered mr debney for his kind assistance and address as the hour was getting late the meeting was adjourned by the ladies of knox pked- 1- byterian churcit a social event of an unusual but thoroughly interesting character was consummated in the school roon or knox presbyterian church georger town last thursday evening the function was the celebration of the eightyfifth birthday of major lachlan grant which happy occasion was in augurated and successfully carried out by the ladies of the congregation- major grant removed from acton to georgetown sixtythree years ago and while he has been identified through the years with the various activities of the community as a loyal citizen should be his closest relations liave been with knox church here he has been an elder for upwards of half a century superintendent of the sunday school for many years in terested in all the activities and eni terprises of the church at home und in the broader field of missionary and other christian worfc he naturally feels that his church has first place ih hid considerations and this has been his experience- l nevertheless major grant has taken time to perform those duties of good citizenship vhioh claim the attention of all loyal residents of a community he was at various times active ih municipal matters both in connection with the town council and che coun- y council was a member of the board if education has high standing in the masonic order and has ever ob served the principles and amenities of the upright resident his military ac tivities date back to 1866 when he was enlisted a member of company no 6 of the hal ton rifles at acton he rose from the ranks to be major and was for a time quarter- master for hln battalioni very human indeed has been his lifelong career kind and considerate to all helpful and sympathetic in his relations to those who have from time to time suffered the loss of friends or he-is-popular- and beloved in church and town the birthday celebration was a hap py affair indeed the ladies had de corated the schoolroom very artisti cally and especially the central table from which refreshments were served mrs somerville and mrs devereaux two of the oldest members poured tea and an attentive group of ladles serv ed refreshments a storied birthday cake bearing 85 lighted candles was presented to major grant and all pres ent received a portion of the delect able confection before cutting the cake the major blew out the 85 candles all of which were extinguished in the third effort owing tb the church being without ume rev ewan and mrs mcdonald of norval presbyterian church were host and hostess for the evening after all had been served rev m macdonald took the chair a basket of heather which had arrived from bonnie scotland the day before was presented to major grant on behalf of his friend mr s kirk after a happy introductory address by the chairman brief speeches were made by magistrate h p moore of acton telling of the majors early days spent in that town of the kindly feel ings still held there for major grant by mr l f greenwood of norval the wjaf of credit lodge a f ac am in which the fraternal relationships and attainments of rw bro orant were emphasized by rev mr frith of the baptish church bearing greetings from the members of that communion and a complimentary resolution to major grant a communication was received from rev mr wase of st georges church expressing regret that he was unable to be present and conveying greetings from himself and congregation with best wishes to the major for continued health and hap piness rev mr rumley of the united church spoke expressive of the estimate of the religious population of georgetown of the value of the life and conduct and character of a man of major grants type to the communi ty congratulatory speeches were al so made by rev mr mackinnon of norval reeve donald mclntyre and j m moore the major feelingly replied expres sing his hearty appreciation and thanks for the honor conferred upon him by the ladies of the church and cltlsens of the community generally during the evening the georgetown band visited the gathering and played several numbers with skilful harmony and precision where were much ap preciated by the large gathering mr pollett organist of the church presided at the piano during the even ing and his numerous selections add ed much to the pleasure of the occa sion the function while held in the church and provided by the ladles of the church was essentially a tribute of town and community to a man es teemed and beloved and was partici pated in by friends of all church com munions and social affiliations it was an event growing spontaneously out of the good will of an appreciative com munity the venerable major was the recipient of many personal felicitations during the evening r womens institute church news st albaaa church glenwtllbuns 930 am matins and sermon by the rector 1030 am 8unday school har vest thanksgiving services sept 19th and 21st united church services sept mtti 193010 am sunday school and bible classes 11 am our common faith 7 pjn trial and temptation sl georxes chorah 13th sunday after trinity 8 ajn holy communion ii am matins and sermon by the rector 7 pjn even song and sermon by the factor cor porate communion of the 1921 and the 192s confirmation classes harvest thanksgiving services sept aist baptist charch the message of jeremiah will be studied in the bible school at 10am pastor a n vttti will preach at 11 sin on interests that make for ufa and peace and at 7 pjn on a good time for the young peoples union the young peoples union win meet on monday lat b pm for election of officers anjl social conference on wednesday last mrs dan liv ingstone george sl was the hostess to the september meeting of the georgetown womens institute the president mrs hayes was in the chair and after the opening exercises the minutes of tfte previous meeting were read by the secretary mrs percy cleave and approved mrs hayes reported on the meeting of the com mute with the cemetery board re the erection of gates by the w i some discussion followed and it was anally decided that 50000 be given the ceme tery board for the gates and the of fer of mr e mewhirter to have a plate inset with an inscription erect ed by the georgetown womens in stitute be accepted plans were made for institute ex hibits at the local and county fairs as previously announced prizes were given at this meeting for the best bouquet from a home garden mrs dr neilson and miss harrison kind ly acted as judges and their award was as follows 1st mrs harold cleave 2nd mrs v king mrs a devereaux presented the prises with a few ap propriate remarks the roll was called the members re sponding with the name of their birth place it came as a surprise to learn that few of the members were born in or near georgetown the responses sounded for the most part like an echo of the dally stars know on tario contest though a few far places alabama and points in the british isles were named after a social halt- hour a vote of thanks was tendered the hostess and the meeting adjourned rural school fairs following is a list of dates of rural school fairs in hal ton county 1930 sept 11th sept 12th sept 15th sept 16th sept 18th 8epl 19th sepl 22nd he yju are uw most beautlf yl wo man in the orm she ohl how quick you are at palermo burlington district hornby bannockbum mount nemo trafalgar yss brookvtfie y i bie nopcing things how excited and bow happy she was tfaa first time sbe beard beroas voice come over me telephone from a distant city talking wim him was as easy as though he were in the same room it was something to remember and to cherish cor days afterwards and bow much happier she has become became fed comes home- by l now every week he calls her every sunday evening at eightthirty if is an hour she waits for and looks forward to all week loog it brightens days that had become a bit empty sod lonely with the family scattered fred is happier too for the price of a movie be gets something no roorjey can measure bis mothers voice a touch of home its a fine way to start a new weekts work ttliom4lmtion cjti turn 7 jfm nitki met ktgmtt bm pm hut glim ltitg distmtf fir mxm- kmow ih jift mraastr htfrnrmthmf wiu loo m t far y 4rr a jj telephone no 8 i when you need anything in the line of printing k tx hkx atfr ov b av aax ac- w immkmb today majestic brings bu a new adventure in colorful tone ys extremely beautiful are meq dws yctwftt see the new super models on display t youc iwrwfrfwwrtrkin above majeitic lbwboy mod rso an exquisitely designed lowboy model with che befuty of its rounded corners enhanced by die use of figured woods and highly- polishednnish seven rubes includ ing our screen grid tubes new suncrscrecn gnd chassis super- cotorrui orrura dynamic speaker 245 complbtb with tub8s the new majestic modeb are 50 more sc 95 more selectrre than ever before see them at che first public bowing in jour community t94yl thats the almomhnbciwwwble majestic story for 1931 story tfasc ym arc iovsted to verify personally at the aaorc or any dealer whose nuse appears below the new mayesdca not onty use a superscreen grid circuit bur sorvctv- grid is used for power detection result truer keener recepricmi asm a vast gain in both s and selectivity through the magic nftnirrlj vrirnrrlfhifrrr rnlnmiradtnamir ipfsvfs the votce of majestic comes to you with wellnignperfect realism aa though the miles between you and the broadcasting studio did not t majestic cabinets alw both siitign ifid fioith majestic dealers dy rogersmajestic corporation limited tokonto montreal w1nnepsg saint john jlmwgtwt mmmmqmftmrm mm0im wmdi wraji superscreen grid 4 screen grid tabes 7 in all supercolortura dynamic speaker exquisite cabinets at right majestic jiighboy atgraceful highboyodel with shaped front hsndsorae legs tnd stretchers speaker grille at top seven rubes including four screen grid tubes new superscreen grid chassis supercolortura dynamic speaker i r tanacacariaatarataraatarstlm rapio see the new super models at these stores today j n oneill rs0n phone 14 main st geowgetowni n

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