Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1930, p. 3

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fc f m r the georgetown ftttrfd wednesday evening september i oth 1930 s if page 3 local news j we could do without daylight sav ing now isnt it nice to have a real band in town again taxes are due and payable on the i6th 17th and 18th of september one good used lumber waggon a bargain j n oneill son george town it a hamilton man found sleeping in a hearsr was charged with being dead drunk cooler- days are liere again sum mers backbone shows symptoms of disintegration v pall pair at georgetown next week get your entries ready and lell your friends 1929 chevrolet stake body truck mwly painud and re -conditioned- j n oneill at son it it would be a great convenience if parking space cdujd be located as easily as a midget golf course mr james watson presented the herald with a yellow tomato on tues day that weighed a utile oyer two pounds iat ouelph flower show last week mr dr neilsen won 9 firsts 5 sec- oudj and 2 thlrdsun 18 entries of gladiolus iiie new addition to our public schopl is progressing but it will he some lime yet before it will be ready for the classes the georgetown branch of the womens institute will have a oodth of homemade baking for asle at the georgetown fair to be held on satur- day sept 20th 2t our band is worthy the support of our citizens lets all try and do our bit towards assisting the boys there is nothing like a good band to put a town on the map and keep it there for sale 500 gallon tank suitable for barn supply tank j n oneill son georgetown it a tea and sale of homemade bak ing under the auspices of the scotch block park circles and the wa of knox church will be held on satur day sept 13th from 4 to 6 pjn in the basement of the church it mr r w reed will hold an auc tion sale of cattle and pigs on his premises lot 12 con 8 esqueslng on thursday september 25th watch for particulars in herald next issue thomas chlsholm auctioneer george currie bookkeeper the annual meeting of the tipper canada bible society will be held in the united church on thursday sept 18th at 8 pan rev f g pinnock re turned missionary from africa will ive the address the public are cor- dially invited to be present w -to- acaaeof ha and the price is 225 while they list j 175 overalls our price 125 pant 150 3 prs sax 50c 2 woollen and 1 cotton womens black patent oxfords 2joo j roney the cheapest store in the county shoe repairing 3t will all members of the george town institute contributing baking fox the homemade baking booth at toe pair please have same at the park not later than 10 oclock saturday morn ing sept 20th those wishing their donations called for phone mrs har old cleave 21 fall fair next week everything ready fob the big show at georgetown sept 19th and 20th prospects were never better forablg showing at esqueslng agricultural society pau pair to be held at george town on friday and saturday of next week sept 10th aha 20th the entries are coming in faster and more numerous than ever before and the horse facing and special attrac tion program is sure to draw a large crowd f music will be provided during the day by georgetowns splendid new band and a right royal time is assur ed all who attend the show at george town this year come and bring your friends see the splendid exhibits of live stock farm produce etc and on joy the many olhvr special attractions personals attended exhibition 69 yean ago major grant attended toronto ex hibition last week and was accompani ed around the ground by chief george guthrie of the detective department an old georgetown boy of whom we are all proud the major had the honor of attending the opening of the first crystal palace of the toronto ex hibition 69 years ago whether his actions at the first big show had any thing to do with the chief accompany ing him this time we cannot say celebrated 25th wedding anniversary mr and mrs samuel kirk esteemed residents of georgetown for many years celebrated the twentyfifth an niversary of their wedding on sunday last they were visited on the occa sion by mr and mrs thomas irwin and daughter betty mr and mrs mak- tn mrs dawes and daughter muriel of toronto mrs gulliver ottawa and many georgetown friends who conveyed their hearty congratulations 4a which the herald has much plea- sune in joining mr o t mckay is spending f holi day with relatives in owen sound mr and mrs r i creelmaq are holidaying at holstein mrs r harrison of toronto visited at the home bf her mother mrs e pinlay this- week miss marlon vckay returned to to ronto on monday after a holiday at her home here postmaster cj matthews and mrs matthews of acton were lslcors in town on tuesday miss jean adams of the nursing staff of buffalo hospital was a vlsitor in town during the week mrs j w pedley of toronto mrs reed and miss parker of guelph were visitors at dr h g reeds during the week mrs m g bell and son douglas of wopdbrldge new jersey visited with colonel and mrs g o brown last week v mayor j b mackenzie and mrs mackenzie returned home on sunday after a pleasant tour of the- british isles during the past two months mranamrstckmcanm family have returned to their home in carbon hill alabama after a plea sant visit with georgetown friends mrs thomas dobble misses mildred and bessie dobble and mr james dobble of valleyfleld que are visit ing with friends in town and vicinity mr and mrs joe glbbens and miss gladys mcoibbon returned home on monday after a pleasant motor trip to ottawa montreal and quebec city miss elisabeth appelbe and mrs clarence hayes were guests at a luncheon given by the department of agri and the federated to- ow stltutes of ontario at the cnte on thursday last miss evelyn ashmore who has been visiting with friends in kent and lon don the past month returned home this week she was accompanied by mr and mrs macarthur and daughter miss ada of london our esteemed townsman major grant who celebrated his 85th birth day last thursday has been the re cipient of many hearty congratula tions from friends at a distance as well as those of the community word has been received from miss margaret dickie atcm that all the examinations tried by her pupils in georgetown and ejora at the toronto conservatory of music we passed suc cessfully miss dickie has completed her tour of scotland england and the continent and is now visiting her aunt mrs crompton in exeter devonshire she expects to sail for quebec on sept 20th and to be at home to re sume her teaching of piano and theorytay october the first mr and mrs l f denlson and family left last week for their new home in toronto during their years in town they have made many friends who deeply regret their removal both mr and mrs denlson have taken ac tive part in the affairs of the muni cipality mrs denlson as a member of the public school board and mi denl son as a councillor and their services will be missed may health and hap piness follow them to their new home in toronto is the wish of their many georgetown friends jteligktfbl evening around fire on monday evening fifty young ipeople of the baptist church motored to mr william wy lies and spent a delightful evening round a huge bon fire on his grounds a happy sing- squg was led by mr w f smith mrs bralaby miss laird and mrs wylle supervised the weiner and marshmal iow roasts mr cordwell of cobalt told an interesting story of adventures in a young peoples camp in the north a hearty vote of thanks tendered to mr and mrs wylle their generous hospitality for gregory theatre wednesday sept 10 swing high a circus tale with an all star cast no 2 the king of the kongo comedy lrummin it in friday and saturday sept 12 and 13 the song of the flame done en tirely in technicolor starring noah berry alexander oray and bernlce clajre of no no nanette fame comedy campus crushers car- jtoon desert sunk tuesday and wednesday sept 16 and 17 this mad world war drama starring kay johnson no 3 the king of the kongo laurel and hardy comedy the hoose gow address and presentation the members of the baptist church choir met at the home of mr and i w peck on august 26th to say gixxlbye and make a presentation to miss mary frith a valued member of the choir befbre her dearture to fort francis where she has accepted a position on the leaching staff of the high school in that town the following address was read dear mary we the members of the choir have met tonight to say goodbye to you and wish you fvery success in your new field of labor since coming into our midst we have learned to loye von ant regret to think of flpur cypavture from among 4ft- vmf4iave always been willing to take your place in the choir whenever it has been possible for you to do so we ask you to accept this clock as u small token of our aiprrrialinu and may it remind you of the happy times ppent together in our mooters service signed on behalf of the choir pros w smith sec w winfiold organist c kirk miss frith uiojigh taken by surprise thanked the members for their gift after which the evening was spent in social intercourse ne and inf ortnatibn for the busy farnker given- provincial award joseph e brethour burford farmer was last week presented with the first provinical 1000 award by premier ferguson in recognition of his con tributions to agriculture particularly respecting the improvement in bacon hogvi which raised industry in the pro vince premier ferguson in making trie presentation explained that it was just as a recognition not as an in ducement u indicate to the farmers of ontario that the people as a whole weie vitally interested in their progress shower to mrs reginald hasel jood on wednesday afternoon mrs ho- mer collins bath gave a shower for an early september brideelect miss edythe osborne contests suitable to the occasion were held and the prizes were won by the guest of honour and miss marjnrle culver afterward the rbrideelect was surprised kith a kitch en shower which was presented in a most original way a childs waggon was decorated to represent a bridal car and was adorned with the traditional old shoes bells and sums in the front driving sat two dolls dressed as hried and groom the bridal car was drawn into the livingroom by master russell sams and was loaded with a variety of not only useful but very attractive kitchen necessities the bride- tobe after opening jber uarcela and reading aloud the accompanying verses thank adher friends in a little speech the hostess then served a dainty lunch assisted by her sister miss margaret black of trenton on friday after noon miss edythe osborne balh an early september bridetobe gave truosseau tea when about thirty of her friends had the pleasure of viewing her trousseau the contents of a well- filled hope chest and the beautiful wedding gifts ice cream and cake were served by the hostess assisted by mrs homer collins and mrs arthur sams after which the guests departed wish ing miss osborne a bright and happy future napanee beaver bean growers hh despite an increase of approximately 20 er cent in the acreage of beans in elgin county over last year the yield will show a decided drop because of the long drought which lasted in that district for over six weeks f s thom as district representative states that the crop will only be fair while others interested in the growing of beans for commercial purposes are still more pessimistic the effect of the lack of rain is clearly evident in many fields in tjje shrunken bean the poorly filled pod and the vlntes that- are only par tially podded elgin has between 8000 and 10000 acres in beans this year it is unlikely that the yield per acre will be much uver 12 bushels whereas yields of 25 bushels- to the acre have not been uncommon in that district in- the past v high school sporting notes great enthusiasm prevails among the students of the g h s these days in the matter of athletics every after noon at 415 pm a good number of them attend the workouts in the town park among the promising sprinters are sam tennant hugh mcnally and young loree in the high jumping practices the crossbar is often seen close to five feet some good material has been unearthed in the mile event where harold ritchie dave crichton and hugh mcnally excel al bolger and h mcnally are doing well in putting the shot the boys deserve every encourage ment in their effort to make a good showing at the county meet soon to come band concert and prize winners enjoxable corn roast a vet en joy bale corn roast was held last friday night at the corner of the th line and the acton crossroads the kckc cjtoat arranged it and invit ed to it the ccxs of the presbyterian church not the least enjoyed part of the function was the refreshments which tocludwn delicious corn hot- dogs toasted marahmallows and soft drinks then came a delightful pro gramme featured by severaf solo num bers bmr arthur mcouigan and miss ada hume of course there were group games aplenty to make all feel at home and happy those present regarded the spot as an ideal setting for an eveht of this kind- the water fall nearby provided a rustic back grounds while plenty of trees ihsured a ready supply of good fuel for the cheery fire there was a good attendance at the band concert given by georgetown citizens band in the park on monday evening a firstclass program of music was rendered and the hearty applause bespoke the pleasure and ap preciation of our citizens at having such a splendid musical organization in our town following the program reeve mc- intyre took charge of the tickets which were drawn by three boys for the prizes as advertised during the past week the lucky numbers and winners were as follows 1st 100 pounds sugar harold wheel er no 0124 2nd yardleys set j w peckett no 0049 3rd grease and tire gauge h barnes no 0038 4th flashlight bruce zimmerman no 0283 5th club bag henry shepherd no 0777 8th table mrs cave no 1358 7th manicure set brushes and- comb permuator harry devereaux no 1138 8th electric iron butcher knife p cullen no 0998 9th 330 cash at brills mrs jos eason no 1074 10th 3q0 cash at smiths r j oleary no 1056 aeoe9vg9aw okolbc w 30w mk 0kx hk teeth gleam mouth cleaji if you use parkdavis 3 ejjthymol i toothpaste refreshes the mouth hardens the gums pleasant tt l- taste 5 25 cents t 8 danns drug store v ageou f or sxrton phone 327 a charming early fall wedding took place monday afternoon at twothirty oclock at bath united church when edythe mae elder daughter of mr and mrs j n osborne became the bride of mr reginald d haxelwood elder son of mr and mrs jesse hazel wood of georgetown the rev f horton officiated the church was beautifully decorated with ferns begonias and cut flowers and as the guests assembled mrs ralph sexsmlth piayed the wed ding music the bride given in marri age by her father wore a robe of ivory satin made on princess lines with long tight sleeves and full circular skirt falling in graceful folds to the ground her veil of white french embroidered net was arranged in cap effect and caught at the side with orange blos soms she wore white crepe slippers and carried a shower bouquet of ophelia roses lily of -the- valley and babys breath her only ornament was a rope of diamond cut crystals the brides attendant was her sister miss dorothy osborne registered nurse of olean ny as maid of honor in a gown of green silk net made on long lines embroidered in yellow and pink over green satin a large and green mohair hat and green crepe shoes car rying a bouquet of columbia roses and babys breath little miss phyllb hazehon as flower rirl was daintily gowned in yellow crepe trimmed with lace and ribbon and carried an old- fashioned nosegay mr arthur hazel- wood brother of the groom was the best man and ue ushers were mr clayton bell and mr sheldon calver cousin of the bride during the sign ing of the register mrs homer collins sang until the grooms gift to the bride was a rose pearl tone on amber boudoir set to the maid of honour a french mesh bag to the best man a pen and pencil set to the organist a white gold filigree pin to the soloist an engraved vanity case to the flower girl a bracelet and to the ushers leath er bill flolds following the ceremony a reception and buffet luncheon was held on the lawn of the brides grand parents mr and mrs h m calver where the profusion of summer blooms in the borders made a perfect setting for the occasion receiving with the bridal party were the brides mother in a gown of gloria crepe in cocoa shade with hat and shoes to match and a corsage bouquet of columbia roses and the grooms mother in ma donna blue crepe with hat and shoes to match and a corsage bouquet of columbia roses amid showers of con rettl and good wishes mr and mrs haxelwood left for a motor trip to ottawa montreal and quebec the bride travelling in an autumn brown travel tweed dress green tweed travel coat with large beaver collar and hat shoes and bag to match in shades of autumn brown on their return they will reside at 203 meagher ave toronto where they will be at home to their friends after september 25th the outoftown guests included mr arid mrs j haxelwood mr arthur haxelwood of georgetown mr and mrs a hazel wood of oalt mrs r warren mrs j lynch and miss mabel lynch of brampton miss dorothy osborne olean ny mr and mrs r stevenson of napanee miss mac stev enson miss eva stevenson of hollo- way miss helen riendeau and mr charles calver of campbell ford nap anee beaver i sow thistle conference with niore than fifty in attendance including farmers from three counties agricultural representatives and vari ous officials of the department a meet ing in the interest of sow thistle con trol was held on the farm of w d hyslop near stradford where experi ments with regard to the weed have been conducted on four plots last year the entire field was a grain crop yielding about fifteen bushels to the acre and much infested with si thistle on each of the four plots po was left u while an other part received an application of 400 pounds per acre in every case the fertilizer had checked the sow thistle several other experiments which had been conducted were discussed at length by j a carroll director of the crops and markets branch who ex plained the different methods carried on fraitpaddnc plants planned an experimental fruitpacking plant will be established in the vicinity of newcastle at an early date according to a recent announcement by mr j b falrbairn deputy minister the idea we have in mind he said to to get uniformity and tightness of ouroverseas fruit rtipmants if tha newcastle plant proves successful we will establish other plants throughout ontario arrangements are being made so that growers may have pack ing facilities located in their districts by applying co the government the newcastle district was chosen chiefly because the apple industry there has been declining and because the de partment has been able to take over refit and place under proper super vision a warehouse owned jby growers there the growers will be charged for the actual cost of packings but not for supervision nor for commission on overseas sales which will be hand led by andrew fulton the govern ments fruit marketing representative in britain auction sale of jersey cattle the undersigoned received instruc tions from v p a dick to self at lot 18 5th line west -chin- guacousy 1 mils north of norval station on monday september 22nd 1930 at 2 pm sharp the following silvery cow 9 yw old calf at foot silvery cow 6 yrs old calf at foot sil very cow 5 yrs calf at foot dark cow 3 yrs old call at loot dark cow 3 yrs old fresh fawn cow 3yrs old due nov 3rd black cow 4 yrs old due nov 14th black pow 6 yrs old due nov 5th fawn cow 5 yrs t due nov 27th pawn cow 5 yrs old due mar 5 1931 milkhig well silvery cow 5 yrs old due april 2o 1931 milking well pure bred norval beauty d 29471 born jan 14 1925 calf at side pure bred aurora beauty ii 20056 born mar 15 1022 due to rreshon dec 30 1930 pure bred norval jean d 43125 born december 20th j927 doe time or tale olgas queen of rockside 36175 bora dec 19 1925 due freshen nov 22 1930 3 heifers year and a half old 4 tellers 9 to 11 months old bull bonnie noble lad 42086 born mar 14 1928 this herd has been tested for tb by dr rl learmonth vs george town and there were no reactors white marexyr old 0f good in all harness top buggy power washing machine and wrmger burner coal oil stove 2 complete chamber sets the above mentioned will be sold positively no reserve terms all sums of 2500 and un der calves 1 yr old aod under cash balance 10 months credit on aproved joint notes 6 per annum off for cash 1 r current crop report the first report from representatives for the month of september showed that crop conditions had improved considerably for later crops such as potatoes and ensilage corn but the showers arrived tpo late in the season to be of much help to buckwheat w h ich is reported as being more or less a fkiluretiiroughout western on tario dreasextn milk flow was re ported in practically all counties es pecially in western ontario due to shortage of pastures northern on tario was enjoying good weather for imrvesting and a keen demand or hay was noted new advertisements all small advertisements under heading sureuy cash with mcbean week end specials i- groceries fetch cheyne auctioneers a wilson clerk miss mathews tjwc or piano and tiueosv private and class teaching lessons resumed sept 6th boarders wanted wanted two men boarders apply 41 flerald qfflte tp position wanted girt 1ft wants position as domestic experience umm preferred apply by letter 10 box m herald it for sale a small quebec heater with water front used one winter and in perfect condition best otter cost 2200 new box z herald office to rent 7 roamed house with town water and electric lights hen house and stable possession any time apply at the herald office 3tp clerks notice ol first posting of voters list apple yield lower ttie canadian commercial apple crop prospect reported on aug 1 indicates yield of 2990109 barrels as com pared with a yield of 3939915 barrels in 1929 or 758 per cent of last year qr 939 of the fiveyear average of 3182195 barrels british columbia with an estimated crop of 4169136 boxes is the only province reporting an increase over last year nova sco tia expects a crop of slightly over half that of the bumper crop jn 1929 while ontario quebec and new bruns wick report decreases ranging from 125 per cent to 385 per cent in dications are that fruit will be of fan- to good sise and in general color pros pects are favorable the extremely dry weather which has prevailed throughout most sections of ontario and british columbia ha sresulted in a slight reduction in the estimates for plums and prunes peaches and grapes although in all cases expected yields are considerably larger than last year umehouse schoor days are here again and we are glad to walcome miss young in our midst mr caldwell and family are holiday ing at muskoka in ur caldwells absence last sun day mr hepburn spoke to the unit ed church congregation knox presbyterian church pulpit was occupied by mr campbell of em- bro who gave a very instructive and inspiring message mr smart of brampton will occupy the pulpit of the presbyterian church on sept 14 mrs dr sutherland ls spending a few days with her son dr lindsay sutherland in toronto mr and mrs win merrltt sr and mr ana mrs wm merrltt jr and son spent sunday with mrs jas orant we extend congratulations to mrs jas lane who passed her eightieth milestone last friday mr and mrs oeo milllere returned to their home in detroit last week lmto ohve given who was operated on recently i ror appendicitis is making splendid progress towards recovery some much needed repairs- are be ing made to some of the bridges and culverts in and near the village misses beatrice and nellie lane visited mrs l campbell in grace hospital last saturday they report mrs campbell making satisfactory overseas export besmmed after a lapse of two years during which time price levels for cattle in canada were above an export basis the cattle trade with great britain has been resumed recently the man chester commerce sailed from mon treal with 128 head on order for man chester some of the cattle were pur chased in toronto and these accord ing to the buyer were known as light manchester feeders they averaged around 1100 pounds in addition to the manchester line the anchordon aldson line is also offering space and the sjs castalian has all space taken except for so head another large shipment from a western province is also reported as moving these new developments are resulting in renew ed confidence in the export market as an outlet for canadian products voters list 1330 municipality of esorlrg coanty of ballon notice is hereby given that i have compiled with sections 9 and 10 of the voters list act and that i have posted up in my office al stewarttown on the 29th day of august 1930 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the mun- iclpallty tor me of parliament and at municipal elections as appears to be entitled to vote according to the last revised assessment roll and that such list renialns there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac cording to law appeals to be in with in 21 days from the 29lh day of august 1930 dated this 29th day of august 1930 l m bennett township clerk wanted good room and board for gentlemen in georgetown apply at herald of fice up auto for sale baby grand touring car in running order good tires first 35 takes car speights garage phone 279w george town tf for rent small store on main st with living apartment if desired newly decorated suitable for offices rrieat and poultry shop or flour and feed store apply to fred brooke georgetown it campbells tomato soup 2 for 40 oz jar pure strawberry jam grapenuts per pkg cprri starch fly tox per 8 oz bottle posts bran flakes kellogga allbran standard peas per tin pork and beans per tin a- pure green plum jarta 40 oxiar falcon baking powder 1 jb tin domestic shortening lb prints carnation milk large size pure lard i lb prints y black currant jam 40 oz jar snap hand cleaner ciold label jelly powder 4 f6r 22c 38c 16c 10c 45c lie 19c 9c 9c 32c 19c 12c 17c 39c 14c 25c mcbean co i georgetown twttafllwim11tfwl imglatwirtrlwftw seed wheat choice dawsons golden chaff wheat for sale nobles elevator george town tf for sale grain elevator at stewarttown sta- uon 30x 42 fl apply to w d john- ston phone 149 georgetown tf wanted wanted to purchase a large din ing table walnut must be in good condition apply to box k herald a mortgage sale the service army more than 16000 persons carry on jie telephone work of the bell system in ontario and quebec operators linemen installers commerlcal workers all cooperate to maintain the talking wires for a busy populace talks to distant friends are becoming a weekly habit with thousands of users smith have you ever been in railway accident jones yes once wheh i was in train and we went through a tunnel i kissed the father instead of the daugh ter notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of george howard stall late of the township of eaqaesmg in the ctoui- ty of halton farmer deceased notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands against the late oeorge howard stull who died on or about the twentieth day of august 1930 at the said town ship of esqueslng are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for andrew wiley and howard stull jr the executors of the last will and testament of oeorge howard stull farmer deceas ed their names and addresses and full particualrs in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and- the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the fifteenth day of october 1930 the said executors will proceed to distri bute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had no tice and tiiat the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have re ceived notice dated at georgetown ontario tills tenth day of september a xv 1030 leroy daxr solicitor fo the s property in the town of georgetown in the county of halton under and by virture of the powers of sale contained in two mortgages one made by harry wiggins his wife joining therein tor bar her dower to william oowdy bearing date the 6th day of march 1915 and assigned by the said william oowdy to clarence john hamilton by assignment of mortgage dated the 5th day of april 1930 the other made by norman hubert brown his wife joining therein to bar her dower to harry wiggins bearing date the 21st day of february 1935 and assigned by thte said harry wiggins to the said clarence john hamilton by assignment of mortgage dated the 2nd day of june 1928 the said qlarence john hamilton will offer for sale by public auction on saturday october 4th 193 at the hour of three oclock in the af ternoon at the mcglhbon hotel in the town of georgrlown by prank petch a uctloneer the f ol lowing property namely all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the town of george town in the county of halton being composed or part of town lots num bers fifty eight on the corner of main and cross street in the town of georgetown aforesaid and being also a part of the west half of lot num ber nineteen in the ninth concession of the township of esqueslng and may be particularly dettrtbed as follows jut is to say jmhoencing where post has been planted at the point of intersection of the north easterly limit of main street with the south easter limit of cross street aforesaid thence south fortyfive degrees eleven feet east along the said north easterly limit ot main streets thirty five feet three inches to where a post has been plant ed thence north easterly on a line parallel with the south easterly limit of cross street to where a post has been planted eight feet from the dlvt slon line between lots fifty seven and fifty eight on the south easterly side of cross street aforesaid thence north westerly in a line parallel with the said division line between said lots fifty seven and fifty eight to the south easterly limit of cross street afore said thence south westerly along the south easterly limit of cross street aforesaid eighty one feet more or less to the place of beginning together with the full right and liberty of passing and repassing on foot or with horses and other animals waggons or other vehicles through along and over that certain parcel of land eight feet in width adjoining the south westerly limit of lot number fiftyseven afore said and extending from the lands hereinbefore mentioned to cross street aforesaid as ls shown on a plan en dorsed on a certain mortgage from one john i williams to thomas huston dated thirtieth november 1903 on the said lands is said to be a two storey brick end frame building brick front and side on stone foun dation with good basement basement and ground floor being used as a bake- shop and store with living quarters above attached to the said building in a metal shed or garage suitable for three cars and l there is a stable to the roar thereof the said buildings etc have all conveniences and are in good state of repair ana are situate at the corner of main and cross streets in the said town of georgetown the property wtil be sold subject to a reserve bid and to certain condluomi of sale to be fixed by the vendor tkrmstei per cent of the pur chase money to be piald down at the time of sale and the balance to be paid in cash within thirty days there after or on such terms as may be arranged satisfactory to the vendor- further particulars of conditions of sale will be made known at the sale or may be had on application to the vendor solicitor fnr further particulars apply to clarence john hamilton krln ontario frank petch rv r no 4 georgetown ontario or to robert- david evans orangevllle ontario solicitor for the vendor dated at onuigevtlle onl this 6th day of september 109a roomers and boarders rooms to renr and board supplied if desired rates reasonable apply to w huggins grand view queen st georgetown st prompt service cesspools cisterns toilets and chim neys cleaned new cesspools dug al so garbage and ashes hauled jim williams college view 3tp money fomnd pocket book containing a sum of money found in georgetown owner may have same by proving property and paying for advertising apply at herald 3t to rent house on corner of diutertn and main sts with all modern conveni ences apply to t l leslie phone 41- r 5 georgetown tf tenders wanted tenders will be received by the iuv- dersigned up to sept 15th for the refreshment booth at the arena for the coming season s v king secre tary 2t marcelling miss francis expert hair with city experience will be at taman barber shop every day phone 341 georgetown stp concrete work i am prepared to do concrete work of all kinds estimates given tree of charge it you require anything hi this line phone s31 a walker qeargofeownj stp tf tenders far gravel sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to monday sept 15th at 12 oclock noon for two hundred yards of gravel to be delivered and spread on edith street georgetown gravel m be- satisfactory to road ctommlttee lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted p l heath clerk municipality georgetown come come i m orangeville fair j thurs erl sept- 18 19 choice exhibits large prizes an excellent racing matinee herse shoe pitching step dancing classes for both old and young spend a big day in a big way concert and dance at night sam kannawin jos e cooney president secretarytreasurer mis asuwxvr hkx iar cmc 5ak k aav a iav at law one of the largest fairs in ontario meet your friends at brampton f air i tuesday and wednesday g i september 23rd and 24th 1 i jam bmmsymtc dance in the armouries wednesday evening 8 many special attractions t w thomson secretary g xaakwxkkakab mbk ck nee ob- biaeabog james tilt president snappy help to make the evenings happy talk it over over a glass of soda or a plate of cream meet your friends here and start the evening o ffln a pleasing man ner take a portion or a quart or a brick of cream home with you saturday treat daisy orange and lemon slices and fruit jellies reg 400 29c week end chocolates 35c lb we always carry a choice line of all kinds of box chocolates and chocolate bars our line of bread and cakea we receive fresh everyday olvo lis a trial for your next order and prove for yourself the milton seed cleaners mr farmer know what you sell the cleaning of lucerne is well under way government tests supplied free of charge we separate tiniothy from lucerne jarvis lufford farmers building milton pure food store 2 lbs guelph creamery butter 65c 7 lb bag pastry flour 3 tins peas new pack pride of the valley choice corned beef per lb sliced christies chocolate mallows per lb christies marshmaliow snow peaks per lb 2 lb christies ginger snaps crosse and blackwells branston sauce per bottle 29c fresh karavan pitted dates per pkg 21c 5 pkgs deluxe jelly powders 25c 5 bars comfort soap 25c hostess cakes nice assortment made by the ideal bakery 25c fresh fruit and vegetables at right j prices a e farneix phot 7s a

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