Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1930, p. 4

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r page 4 ir the georgetown ierajd wednesday evening september 10th 1930 i i se -ab- c- -3b- k skv 0bv obmktoabk esquesing agricultural society f annual v fall exhibition at georgetown ssftjuvs september 1 920 cx moffxtt pres w a wilson sscy p cleave treasurer special prices horses single high stepper by the president c afoftat 8 00 single tumouit road by the provincial paper mills 6 00 best parmers turnout single by r k anderson mj 6 00 best lady driver by georgetown coating altoa 6 00 33est delivery horse by john mcdonald 3 00 best road horse confirmation 00 speed 0 by w c bessey and h bmmea 6 00 best gentleman driven by d brill a oo hat val ued at 8 best half mile dash open a in s heats 6 of purae to enter best general purpose horse on rein by prank fetch and geo edwards best agricultural hor on rein by bank of nora best l2dy rider 1st by john irving 6 jjj potato race by john h b 0 best herd of horses not less than three 1st tlooo off any article purchased from atasseyhariis company 2nd isjoo off any article purchased from masseyharrls company agent alex hume f georgetown m 00 best heavy team on grounds includin heavy draft agri cultural general purpose by george cleave cattle 1 best dairy cow by h r mtanms a 00 a best registered shorthorn female under a yearn by col o x brown 7 3 00 3 best registered shorthorn cow by d sactatrre too 4 best holstein heifer raised in eaquonng township by t l leslie 3 00 5 best calf not necessarily i shown by boy or girl this prime given by dr paul 00 6 best jersey cow w b browne co 3 00 7 best group three dairy cows ooniisttno of on mature cow one two year old better and one yearling to be sired by a pure hred bull and to heowned and raised by a fanner living in the immediate d covered by the society previous winner of a t eaton co prime in this class not eligible h piece set of haddon plate dorothy vernon pattern in a suitable case valued at 33 00 8 best baby beef by l muum 3 00 0 00 1400 0 r 4eo 4 00 3 00 30 00 a oo a oo 3 00 400 6 00 400 a oo aw 4 00 a oo sheep and pigs s 00 1 best pen of bacon hogs not less than 3 by c j bock 2 best pen of pine wool sheep not less than 4 sheep x male 3 females by j beaumont 3 00 3 best pen of long wool sheep not less than 4 sheen 1 male 3 females by e t banmclough 3 00 fancy work 1 best collection of fancy work by mrs p a harley 3 00 miscellaneous best 5 lbs butter by j n otjetn at son wheel barrow 7 00 best 1 lbs butter by walter t kvans 5 00 best 3 lbs butter in h lb prints by r iv warren 3 00 besvjpair of dressed ohlrvens by krwtn a ooldham 4 00 best pair of dresser chickens by r h thompson boo best pair of dressed chickens by bhner c tuaiuwi boo best pair of dressed chickens by h q hamilton 8 00 best collection cut flowers cottage roll by a k wright 3 bo best display in han by merchant or manufacturing finn 1st by bank of montreal 2nd l w dann 10 00 best collection homemade baring by w b browne sl co 34k lb bag norval pastry flour best sample wheat by w b browne co 34h fn bag of national pastry flour best bushel alsike seed fay morley petut t a so best v4 bushel alfalfa seed by morley petttt a so best collection of baking by harold c mcclure done by lady of esquesing township conn of 1 layer cake 1 pie vi dox tea biscui cookies and tarts prize verandah chair vmhae at b b0 best layer cake by w htgglns 3 00 best collection vegetables by fleming and armstrong 3 00 best loaf of bread made from maple leaf flour by walter lawson 1st 4a lbs maple leaf flour 2nd 24 lbs maple leaf flour 3rd t lbs maple leaf flour best collection pastry by balton creamery and butter co best collection of potatoes by w johnston and v rumley 00 best collection canned fruit by k r laaglonghlen 3 b0 best collection fancy baking homemade 10 varieties by c b swackhammer enamelware value b 00 best 10 lb pall of clover honey to be delivered to m clarkson 3 00 best jar of jam made with oerto the label of the certo bottle must accompany each exhibit prise given by general goods limited silver cup best jar of jelly made with certo the label off trie certo bottle must accompany each a prise given by general goods limited silver cup by j m moore x best half dozen buns herald 1 year 1 so x largest vi doe fresh hen eggs herald 1 year 1 50 x best and neatest 1 dx butter herald 1 year 1 b0 x largest half doaen onions herald 1 year 1 b0 x best bushel cooking onions 00 best local homemade bread clothes horse by j b mff value best pair of dressed chickens by w r watson best a bags of potatoes cobblers pair of boots by c b dayfoot collection of plain baking t verities by n r nor ton jardlner stand value display of 24 gladioli fay h redsbaw bests lbs butter by l m bennett best pair dressed chicken by l m bennett nest pait dressed chickens 100 lbs granulated sugar by a k farnell best pair dressed chickens by w h long 8 00 3 00 a oo a oo x 1 x 2 x s x 4 x 5 a6 x 7 a 10 11 12 13 x14 xls 16 xl7 20 21 22 23 in solitude he is not alone whose ship is sailing over the mystery of an unkndw sea for some great love with falthful- ness klrtf ailing will light the stars to bear him com pany out in the silence of the mountain passes the heart makes peace and liberty its the wind that blows across the scent ed grasses bringing the balm of sleep comes not alone beneath the vast illimitable spaces where god has set his jewels in array a man may pitch his tent in desert places yet know that heaven is not so far away but in the otty the lighted city where gilded spires point toward th ky and fluttering rags and hunger ask for pity grey loneliness in cloth of gold goes by it was a great day at hamilton out when the british empire qames were opened a day of sunshine and amlles as- la shown by tbe above picture of four distinguished canadian citizens in the vice regal box whatever the smile la born of it is unanimous left to right e w beatty chairman and president or the canadian pacific railway his excellency viscount wulingdoh governorgeneral of canada hon r b bennett prime minister of the dominion and hon j howard ferguson prime minister of the province of ontario preserve for bablv autumn by mildred a bin kin is transparent drain and pack in jars cook syrup until it is thick and pour over the fruit in the jars seal sightly weigh small haltripe tomatoes and allow st pound sugar and 1 lemon to each pound of tomatoes slice the jf thin and cook in water to cover until the skin is tender strain off the water and use with as much more water as is needed to make cup neul to each-pound- toma -ceok- with sugar five minutes add the to matoes and slices of emon and cook until the tomatoes are transparent skim fruit into jars boll the syrup until thick and pour over fruit late fruits and vegetables lend them selves to many delicious jams and pre serves here are two recipes which call for inexpensive vegetables inci dentally sugar is also selling at a price about as low as it has in a gen eration so youhave an unusual op portunity to put up liberal quantities of these preserves at little cost pumpkin preserves remove the rind and seeds rrom a small pumpkin and cut the flesh in inch cubes cook in a small amount of water until tender drain and welsh for each pound of pumpkin allow 1 pound of sugar 2 lemons and 3 ounces of ginger root slice the lemon and soak with the ginger over night in cold water next morning cook in same water until the lemon rind is tender add the sugar and the pumpkin and simmer until the pump- pre8erve closet fuel by betty barclay fuel for our furnaces may be as ex pensive as usual this winter but sugar the body fuel which keeps the body heated and is a quickenergy food is now selling at practically the prewar price here are two recipes for bottled fuel for next winters use peach cfrauiey 4 pounds peaches cup chopped onion a pound seeded raisins 1 pod red pepper 3 tablespoons red chill powder 3 teaspoons ground ginger u cup mustard seed 8 tablespoons salt 1 quart vinegar iv pounds brown sugar put the onlori raisins and red pep per through the food chopper peel the pearhen cut in small pieces and mix with the other ingredients boil slowly for fully an hour or until the chutney atains a rich brown color it should resemble a soft gruel pack in hot sterile jars or bottles seal and process is minutes below boiling fall fair dates georgetown september 1920 acton september 1617 aberfoyle october 1 arthur october 7- bolton october 34 bracebrldge september 3486 brampton september 3334 burlington september 1213 oaledon october j718 cooksvlue september 30ootober 1 erin october 23 fergus september 25-26- galt september 2627 grand valley september 30octl london western fair sept 613 milton september 2637 mount forest september 1718 orangeville september 1619 shelbourne september 3687 streetsvllle october 8 toronto cms- aug 22sept 6 they use it canadians make approximately 340 telephone calls a year per person can ada is becoming distinctly telephone conscious a oo 27 28 29 30 x31 x32 x33 x34 3 7b s 00 00 3 00 b 00 s 00 softball tournament horseshoe contest georgetown qtixeny band will turatah musk taurine the ginger pears ft pounds hard pears 5 pounds sugar 13 cup preserved singer out in small pieces 3 lemons juice and grated rind 3 cups water remove tne skin and cores from the pears and cut the fruit in slices lengthwise add the water and cook the pears until they are tender add the sugar and the other ingredients and simmer the mixture until it is thick pour it into clean hot jars and seal hard varieties of apples may be perserved in the same manner the ben davis apple is excellent prepared in this way preserved watermelon rind by motile martin radios see our new 8tube atwater kent radio before you buy in sirrah ce special rate to fairnetw on automobile insurance f kersey i why is it d c their troublesome cooecuonst why fa sh volume of buaineas our flwrvioe nettttavn- kelly aiken if house wives but knew the delicl- ousness of preserved watermelon ruid they would not ap promptly throw the basis of this delicacy away when next you have a watermelon try the following recipe the result will be so pleasing that i am sure you will pre serve many jars of watermelon rind to be enjoyed by your family this com ing winter p watermelon rind 2 pounds prepared watermelon rind a quarts water 26 ounce lime 2 pounds sugar 4 quarts water 1 lemon sliced thin spices or ginger root cut the red portion of the watermel on from the rind remove the green outer skin and cut the white part in to inch pieces soak the watermelon in the umewater made by stirring the lime into the a quarts of water and let it stand for 3v hours at the end of that time let the rind stand in fresh cold water for 1 hour drain and boll in clear water for 1 hours or until tender drain make a syrup of the sugar and the 4 quarts of water and drop the rind into it after it has reach ed the boiling point add the lemon and the spices the spices will tend to darken the preserves but improve the flavor cook the preserves until the syrup is thick or until the temp erature has reached 222 f when the preserves are cooked pack into steri lised jars add syrup to cover and aaiumn sown crops as a foreword to a review of experi ments with autumn sown crops at oac w j squlrreu professor of held husbandry says extremely dry weather during the latter part of august and the month of september was responsible for considerable de crease in the area of winter wheat sown in ontario in 1929 winter kill ing although severe in some districts seems to have been about average for the province growing conditions since early spring have been excellent and winter crops wen harvested under exceptionally good conditions very slight damage was caused this year- by either qpsknfly or rust more dam age than usual however was occasion ed by the presence of barren spikeleu to the heads of wmterwlfeat yield and quality of autumn sown crops in the experiments at the college were very good tat the crop harvested in 1s30 yields per acre th the variety tests of winter wheat were greater than for several years f jones was at a dinner party he was shy and nervous and could never summon up courage to speak because of his inability to say anything neat all the evening he had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess at last he thought he saw his chance what a small appetite you have mr jones said his hostess with v smile to sit next to you he replied gal oansegoyiiisir xs his appetite bawwtxumb standard antrhractte scranton v coal fed automatically and loaded wood john mcdonald 12 1 the name is sufficient oar siliwpw catty butternut varieties daily a rtiangr to anit the palatv manfd bjr dominion bakeries ltd gat sold by mark clark wood cord delivered wood 33j0 hardwood 400 atn- j h smith phone mr 13 tf wpod for sale choice harciwood beach and maple 400 per single cord mixed wood 33s0 per single cord mixed slabs 3300 per gle cord rails 300 per single cord ffcewe 3csj ar ss3j j batantfoko georgetown oil royalties not stocks or shares to boyalty- holdrn companies but direct purchase and ownership pro ducing properties only immedi ate monthly returns owta lyoajr owp v 13iayton judge royal bank hidg toronto out y adel iam h at mjmm8 ajesresentastve 4w st i14j i j sanford stawurttowri plnmbinga unsmilliing esuaules tfcxrtahy give pttone84rl2 g rr no 2 monuments khjlock fc ingham gakont i r freeman kersey georgetown ef 4u c sri paiicla m laa4 by rwadn ltf policyholder says m mr the stso monthly bacon wit bet of great was ffl for a loasxtimc bat he had e roiederertioav life policy witty total die- ability benefits he i a aeonxh fatcoaaa and bi rosuraaowae4wnt in full forest w i liases a of further premseaaa while kcenrlng each baneavbv r coefawaiian lit a fcoriartaa car siivi vmmm accagm say alacra lultl far aaa llan anaatiota s muf daim raguduig tb diaaulat oaiu im av awnan policy th 3000 auaauy ipcopm u ka of graet aa i haw kad nich suinaoua apaoaa ia cwuucaoa with aty iowa una i wtali to ai ar appciadoa for tn com oui aaawr la wuca tka ona ba a trmmactod hiiajmat with laa i krdlr iroaamml lab laairaaw warn ava amti duabiutr clua akh saw of ava aatwa and bc uiww mmi i know of otaldk- we earnestly recommesd you to wvh f or of the confederation series of polidea with ability and doable inrlemnhy accident be psrt ia peoaka they p vide the moat omical form of insurance to he bavd the is for year co confederation life head ofc jawcl 4 xrfsfn f ftaone 229w grocer j norvalm1lls iiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiii i corn cracker mill in operation kings choice flour for bread national flour for pastry whole wheat flour wkeatlets feed bran shorts gluten now on hand w b browne co phone 90 r 2 radio fans qkswjuaos- avmltejfxvmt jjoax aax2tvyyi red rose tita ttnrmfir special choice red oohoe salmon 220 speclueehtve corn syrup 2 27 spboaltender golden wax beans 225 sptjcial sea iong bband lobster r 29 special pricks c ihiwii jars gwl s3 sr m3 lc35 hydro electric system orders taken for rknges ano appliances of all kinds office town hall lttiye size dotun zlate jar rings dmb 15 jar rubbers 2 doom 15c whole pickling srnle per pound 21 helatx vinegars awkted 2 tls35 carrolls pure baking powder no ahnn 1qv3 reg 23c tine mf pare west lmfia aylmer peas fmest freshmade bfjtter baairtrat m pilssulll shortening 16 s 4 main street georgetown dont forget your subscription i a f

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