Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 24, 1930, p. 1

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i sxtyfifth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 24th 1930 150 per annum in advance 200 to ilsa the georgetown herald j m moose pabuaher and froprietor member- canadian weekly newspaper association canadian national electric railway daylight saving tune bmlhonnj dally except sunday dally dally daily daily except sundays dalh dally dally weaukuna dally except sunday bally dally dally dauy dally dau past freight same day delivery service freight picked up at guelph georgetown phone 13 743 am 956 am li48 pm 248 pjn 430 pm 548 pjn 848 pm lljwj pm 801 aura iooi pin 101 pm 301 pjn 041 pjn 901 pm 1201 am c n r time table standard time going kaaf 71s am 936 ajn 1043 ajn 1147 ajn 633 pjn 805 pjn 7jm pjn 714 ajn jw sua 202 pjn 601 pjn 7j2 pm 1008 ajn passenger and mail passenger t passenger passenger and mall passenger sunday going passenger and mail west passenger passenger and mall passenger passenger sunday going nortk mall and passenger mall and passenger v central ontario bus lines ltdli ajubow coaches arrow buses leave georgetown for toronto fi20 ajn daily except sun days and holidays 850 ajn sunday and holidays only 1133 ajn daily 1016 pjn dally 60s pjn dally 1oj06 pjn dally arrow buses leave bay and front sta toronto for georgetown 30 ajn daily 11 ajn dally 2j00 pjn daily 4j0 pun daily jm pjn dally except saturdays sundaya and noudays 1000 pjn saturday sunday and holi days only eastern standard time au baata stop at langs star directory lk bot dalk barrister and soueitar georgetown ontario- offleea king bids u1 st clakknce h wiggins soueitar notary pakuc offices oneill block georgetown telephone 1m john a thompson banieler sausttar notary pablks otncoa mill street phone 332 and 280 r are you getting your share of the numerous bargains obaham gbaham and bowtkr barristers etc hmmptnn ontario b g graham b b granam c h- bowyer ob j j paul de k t paul phyatesans and saageaas ywllral officer of health in g p g township office hours 2 to 4 and 7 to i pjn faaae 5 office and residence mill street de 8uthkb1and bye bar nose and throat p t goorgetown wednesday evening saturday afternoon and evening hours 2 pjn till 8 pjn or by ap pointment glasses supplied office at miss matthews main st home phone 107rft db c v whjuam8 medical officer of health georgetown office and realrtrnre main st south opposite presbyterian church phaoe ett office hours 13 and 78 pjn f b watson lvds auxs office hours b to 6 xxoept thursday aftamonm p l heath us djxs office in lane block one door north of oneills carriage factory hours 0 ajn to 6 pjn mima lamb practical maternitt ntjbsb by day or week for particulars phone s4r8 georgetown b b georgetown ontario frank petcfa licensed acctionkkb far the oawattea of peel and halloa voenpt du vice rmitnhm 20r23 georgetown slrl post office cheltenham r j kerr adcttoneeb and keal estate 23 yean- experie la aaetloa sale phonk m acton ont chiropractic natlskn the catraaraeter gradaato 1 years praetlee xray service office over dominion store office hours 3 to 6 and 1 to tun other days and hour by appoint utj at s a l e come in and price our goods and com- pare them you will need no other prpof to convince you that the most outstanding values are found at sil vers sale now on silvers oolliiuy store the store that stands for highest qnality at the lowest prices phone 375 main street georgetown nor kthdged the toilsomo task for lie had gained from lifes list of joys the one hed ask iiis daughters now are women true his sons are wortny men and allihe care h struggled through is paid for ten tlrnes ten- jjfe gives to some men wealth nd fame to some its pleasures gay sa few its luxuries may claim but happlnest are they who come to did age peacefully and tn the twilight spell before they say good night can see their children doing well edgar a guest for acctlratetime for the satisfaction of proud possession at so modest a price there is no wrist watch to compare with the wonder watch of the world elaine goering 1 500 a b willson next to hotel mcgibbon georgetown achievement life gave him dreary tasks to do and fortune never came he lived his whole existence through unheralded by fame his rrend was never free from care no time for sport he had and yet when silvered was his hair his twilight days were glad no more- he grievedfor pleasures nilss- s old horse by jessie allen again and again on the way to burkes horse and mule j market louie fongs grip on the reins tightened spasmodically but old horse accustomed to his mas ters habit of dozing jogged placidly on the thought that he was deceiving old horse troubled louie for ten years six days each week daybreak had found the aged chinaman driving the shambling white horse to the wholesale market for a wagonload of fresh dewy vegetables today he was taking old horse to burkes to be sold burke had planted the idea in louies mind louie passed the horse mar ket daily and often the jovial horse- trader boomed a greeting at the china man burke boasted that he could call every chinaman and negro in the always louies response mail this coupon freeman kersey ficorzetown send m further particulars of th endow- ww policial aa rwoad by thm confederation life anociarioa addrgss occmftitm af disabled policyholder receives 12228 in benefits and bonus 880 added to his insurance coafccfcrauon ufa association dtmr sin i took out a policy for 12000 on a 15 yer endowment with tocal disability ac age m on may 23rd 1922 i was earned on this policy on a term plan until sepumber 2rd of rh same year and made my premiutps annually on and after that data i haw been farming about twenty quarter sections of land for several years and was in excellent health whan i procured this policy after two fu ho pay ments in the early part of january 1925 i went to rochester as i had been unwell for about a month or si weeks mayo bros pronounced my case incurable and it developed into shaking paralysis although able to give direction in the farming operations i have been unable to work since that date and at present require assistanca to rise from my chair and walk the company requested that i be examined they admitted the claim and began paying me 120 per month on april 21st 1925 and have continued to pay this urn prompdy each month al present i have re ceived in payments 7200 have also had five premiums of x0o56o each amounting to 5028 paid by the company making a total payment to april 1st i91q of 1222a the company have also added five years bonus to my policy of 889 and i am told will pay claim in full when i pass on i wish to thank the company and its agents for the splendid service rendered all my family have taken policies with the company and we have pleasure in saying a good word for the company who has done so much for us yours truly what more need be id except insure with con federation for safety stability and satisfaction confederation life head office association toronto liy by nalne was the acme of dignity to appear pleased al burkes attention would i mean loss to face but secretly he was flattered several times lately burke had- ob served that old horse was about ready for the bcneyard adding that he could easily find louie a bettei animal at first the idea was hateful to louie selling old horse would be he foil like selling his friend his companion but gradually burkes dis paraging comments forced louie to realize how slow how spiritless old horse had grown what a dingy dirty yellowwhite his coat how bedraggled his mane and tail how uneven and broken his hooves and at last louie decided to follow burkes advice burke was standing near the gate way as the old chinaman drove in so youve made up your mind to get rid of that old nag he roared about time before he drops in his tracks louie winced you buy him he queried suref teeth clamped tight on his black cigar burke squinted at old horse speculatively he aint worth it but ill allow you ten bucks for him on a new hoss i know just the hoss for you ajntjjot him here now but you come roundabout four louie and ill have him here how muchec demanded louie one hundred bucks and dirt cheap at that allee light i go ketch urn with out a backward glance at old horse louie paddled away he was scare ly out of hearing when burke shouted to one of his hostlers hey pete take this old plug and blve him the works haircut mani cure touchup everything but a face lift and a permanent wave the china man wants a new hoss i get yuh boss grinning can we get away with jt easy i what that old joss knows about horseflesh you could put on a pin head with plenty room for the lords prayer besides oucfawing loudly al burkes jocularl- ty the flunkey led old horse toward t he barns i promptly altoiir oclock louie pong trotted into the horse yard burke on the lookout jed him to a stall where stood a trim dappled gray horse his coat sleek and shinning as satin beauty aint he burkes voice was unctuous same weight and height as your old nag but look at his live eye a pretty color i knew you lik ed a gray yes i likkee glay horse louie agreed earnestly producing a green wad tile old chinaman carefully counted off nine tendollar bills at burkes summons pete came running to assist in harness ing the new steed to- loulev-wagon- otie foot on the step louie hesitated old horse he could not finish it secmecrruel to depart without a fare- welv word to his faithful servant oh hes gone said burke gone alleddy sure got rid of him early this morn ing louie pong clambered into the wag on gathered the reins in twitching j fingers and oblivious of burkes noisy godspeed drove through the open gate the farther he traveled the deeper his dejection grew the more he re gretted his transaction his momen- tary enthusiasm for this handsome new horse was outweighed by his re morse at having sold old horse poor old horse deserted sold to some one who might even mistreat hn louie talrly writhed at the thought arriving in chinatown louie pong drove down the narrow alley where ttls shack and old horses stable sprawled behind the dragon cafe thrilling whoa he alowly descended from his high seat he was heartsick at his on treaohery what it old horse i had grown old ajow louie realised as j never before tftal-ba- himself was no 1 longer young quick i the new horse stood motionless as j louie fumbled at the buckles the last strap undone louie lowered the shafts gently to the ground and reach jed for the bridle to lead the animal to his stall to his amazement the new horse stepped sedately from the shafts and brushing past louie moved leisurely but surely around the shack into 01f horses place and began munching oats i for a long tense moment louie pong stood stockstill his face inscrutable as a bronze- buddha his eyes shiny black heads then pattering into the stable he carefully examined his pur- chase muttering- a peculiar singsong during the process convinced at last that what he suspected was true he smiled a bland calm superior smile- j the new horse was old horse no doubt of that burke the wily horse- dealer had tricked him while louie had been engaged in a game of fan- tan and a call at the bank burke in some mlracuolus manner had rejuven ated old horse louie as burke said knew nothing about- horses bat he did i know old horse- and this animal burke had sold him despite his beau hooves his silky mane arid tall- was old horse himself marvelous trans formed but old horse still chuckling louie pong stroked old horses satin shoulder and old horse as if aware of his new desirability whinnied and kicked up tils heels skit tishly a feeling of happiness of infinite peace iervaded louie fortg there was no indignation no animosity for he would finish ttielr lives together nothing else mattered unwillingly burke had given a how lease pmife only to old horse but to louie fong as well rural school pair iiu at hornby ust of priw ltianers the annual rural school fair at hornby last week attracted a large number of exhibits whioh were of a splendid rjuality ao kirstine agri cultural representative for hal ton county was in charge prize winners were as follows winners of first awards vcre wheat roy bradley oas qfiiart henry peaoock oats sheaf billie snow bar ley i quart aubrey kerr barley sheaf annie hall field corn sheaf garnet howden sweet corn billie snow po tatoes dooley marjory nelands po tatoes irish cobblers edna pickett mangels helen chlsholn turnips reta huffman beets john mcnabb sugar beets alex wilson carrots dona brown parsnips lois robinson onions norma lawson floral exhibits asters jean may sweet peas marion dick pritox george learmont zinnia mildred may cos mos reta huffman verbena harvey nurse calendula eileen wtaley salio- glossis mary kerr prencli marigold raymond whaley coreopsis helen chlsholm pink john bussell poultry barred plymouth rock cockjerel marlon dick btorred ply mouth rock pullet irene nellson white leghorn cockerej alma neill white leghorn pullet oeorgina les lie white wyandotte cockerel harriet peacock white wvandoctg nullet notes and comments teachino your children to be care ful l part of your business many motor accidents would be avoided if the danger- of playing on the streets were properly impressed the ontario safety league directs special attention to this fact in a a few nights ago good tunes will return to america in or about september 1931 he was abe to figure it out from the position of the planets just what difference the position of the planets has to do with good or bad times he did dot explain 7 mqtorists i v remember you should carry liability insurance if you get into an accident without such protection you will be made to pay any damages caused through your negligence or you will have your driv ing license cancelled until theme is paid believing that ontarios system of municipal assessment and taxation is no longer adequate for or spited to the needs of municipalities by reason of great changes which have develop ed within the past few years st catharines city council has passed a resolution requesting the ontario gov ernment to appoint a commission for the purpose of revising the entire system harriet peacock one dozen while eggs fred lister one dosen fcsrown eggs mary mcclure calf dairy type harold biggar fruit northern 8py edna pickett macintosh edna pickett snow edith pickett collection of win tcr apples aubrey kerr bartlett pears dona brown sheldon pears prei lister a plate of white grapes foster brain plate of blue grapes reu huffman a plateof five tomatoes dona brown collection of dessert apples lois robti inson field pumpkin john mcnabbn pie pumpkin mary kerr hubbard squash leonard lister summer squash reta huffman citron alva elliott watermelon aubrey kerr muskmelon lois robinson egg plant ivan mccurdy baking oatmeal macaroons mari on dick graham muffins charlotte leslie brandttmuffins marjorle balnes commeal muffins marjorlc balnes tea biscuits lois biggar school lunch lots biggar maple cream candy marlon may chocolate fudge candy edna pickett sewing wash cloth eileen whaley padded holder marjorie imccready hemmed dish towel mary rcerr laun dry bag marlon peddle patched grain sack norman mccready work bag linen dona brown guest towel mari on peddle clothes pin apron roberta dunn man ilia paper modej of barn muriel howden twelveinch wooden rule russell biggar cardboard model of chair angus mcnabb hammer handle arnold howley nail box with four compartmerits marjorie mc cready model of poultry house for 200 hens norman mcoready rope hal ter dona brown collections collection of lo beneflcal insects mary mcclure collection of 10 noxious weeds marion may collec tion of 6 named commercial varieties of timber mary mcclure writing form 1 jack msrchment writing form 2 i eileen whaley writing form 3 gerald marchment writing form 4 helen chlsriolm map of ha ron coqnty charlotte wil son map of ontario kenneth camp- bell map of canada alberta dunn drawing of a pear or apple jacsj marchment drawing of a cluster of cherries edith picket monosjrram h s p kenneth campbell sticker for box of hal ton county apples harriet peacock essay my favorite pet or my favorite game betty williamson essay ontario the premier province of canada mary alexander essay margaret saunders v fttbltc speaking contest lots biggar reading contest mary a lexander spelling contest form 4 viola lunan live stock judging contest harvey nurse sewing contest form 3 and un der hazel rlddell seating contest foams 4 and 5 dona brofwn apple- narrrlrig contest edna pickett flower- judging contest mary mcclure parade ue jbpeclal prize best jersey calf under f year mary kerr when a doubtful situation arises in town it is quite the fashion to re mark that the paper ought to say something about that the average citizen feels quite certain he could run a newspaper better than the edi tor does arid if he were publisher of that sheet hed show em you bet as a matter of fact if he has horse sense he would do just as the editor does put the soft pedal on family rows church squabbles scandals not involv ing principles and such matters of minor importance as will adjust them selves wig th payrtrig nf hiw the newspaper critic ought not to expect a newspaper to advance or attack any proposition which he himself hasnt the courage to support or assail over his own signature the editor is win ing even eager to push any project tn the public interest but he k not willing to pull chesnuts out of the fire for individuals or for minorities rev canon bhynesreed of toron to recently deplored public indiffer ence even disrespect as regards fun erals insofar the speakers homily was quite pertinent but as a cure he went on to suggest that respect for funerals might be taught in the schools tha i exactly what should not be done to offer a contrary and lay opinion as it is the public schools of ontario are expected to teach everything from washing teeth to preventing ingrowing toenails the patriots demand flag drills and infan tile salutes in the general direction of bunting provided the school board appropriates the- funds for flags moral ist urge a course of ethics in the kindergarten laddlfcts- clamor for this and cranks for that in the meantime while teachers have hysterics and prin cipals turn grey the carefree parents go about their concerns part of which is criticising teachers for not making perfect angels of their offspring there will be respect for funerals when fami ly prayer is again a feature of home discipline and churches will have more influence if not authority when as many sermons are preached on the duty of parenthood as essays are now prepared on the art of teaching bourg sentinel an easy quick get- away its a hptic job getting daddy off to workand thq children off to school with a nourishing breakfast every thing is caim and placid when shredded wheat is served it v ready- cooked readytoeat heat the biscuits in the oven a few moments to restore their crispness then pour milk over them they contain all the energy- giving elements of the whole wheat grain and are so palatable and easy to digest delicious with fruit shredded with all the bran of the wholewheat the canadian shredded wheat company lttj general news canadas market for cana dian wheat enormous growth in use of prepared whole wheat foods that canada is finding one growing market within her own borders for western wheat surpluses to revealed by statistics compiled over tile past few years and released today sept 15th by the canadian shredded wheat company ltd- the figures which are the nature of a market research are a wide spread survey of the use of wholewheat foods in canadian homes and show an enormously increased popularity for wheaten articles of diet compared to five years ago this is particularly true of prepare whole wheat foods since in the case of the canadian shredded wheat companys product at least the sole source of supply is western whole wheat grain the consumption of crop surpluses in this form has been very considerable jn round figures you can take it that nearly two million ram hies are today including whole wheal foods in their daily diet said an official of the shredded wheat company in an in terview our researches wftille not of course covering every home in canada tend to show that hundreds of thousands of these homes arc using today at least one ounce more of pre pared whole wheat in the stiape of shredded wheat blscults per head of the family than was the case five years ago thus canada is finding a mar ket for about 2600000 pounds more canadian wheat weekly from this source alone we attribute the growing popularity of whole wheat prepared foods to a growing interest in dietetics on the part of the canadian housewives both the medical fraternity and the whole wheat food manufacturers have for years been urging and rightly urging the essential food value and tre econ omy of wheat in articles of diet the combined propaganda is beginning to owing to the long continued drought that seriously affected the bloom the oak vl lie and district horticultural society have decided to withdraw the fall flower show the money that would have been devoted to prizes wjubcawilicd to the purchase of extra premiums for the members an event of special interest to the bronte community was the golden wed ding celebration monday last of mr and mrs j s plumerfelt the former having been postmaster here for 25 years the celebration included a din ner in the schoolroom of the united church for so invited guests and a reception in the afternoon when the straw stack on the farm of clifford tasker boyne caught fire last week while threshing was in pro gress the farmers succeeded in keep ing the fufaies from the barn until the arrival ofyhe milton fire brigade which quickly extinguished the blase a grass are spread to the barn or k h cleaver near emerald ores bur lington destroying the building one hundred and fifty dollars worth of horse was rendered extinct and 75 worth of damage was done to a car when a horse belonging to r oooder- ham galloped on to the highway and collided with a car driven by j h nichols 81 chelsea ave toronto hon t l kennedy mpp for peel county and new minister of agricul ture in the ferguson government will likely be unopposed in the byelection made necessary by his elevation to the cabinet j bs oodfrey ko president of the peel county liberal associa tion stated last night mayor john b moat of oakvllle and w- h mordcn warden of hal ton coun ty went to ottawa last week to tn terview the railway board regarding the building of a subway at the th line crossing recognized as a very dan gerous crossing some weeks ago mem bers of the county council after an in spection asked that action be taken at an early date assisted by the york pioneer and historical society the descendants of chief big canoe the old warrior who for many years guided the indiana of oeorgina island and materially help ed friendly retafions between white mid red man have erected a large granite stone over his grave the chief was 99 years old when he- died fire last week destroyed the barn and contents belonging to ernest pat terson eighth me- ajblon thresh ing was just being completed when arc broke out on the stack the crop from the 200acre farm excepting some hay and a number of young pigs was destroyed by the flames the peel county link of the new wood bridge- brampton provincial high way is nearly complete the road la no 7 highway and runs from the first line east through brampton north to no 10 and west to ouelph erwingoldhams meat market specials for this week end pure lard per lb 16c breakfast bacon by the piece per lb 30c fresh homemade sausage per lb 15c special prices on all beef roasts watch our window erwin gou3ham phone 1 georgetown ovn your own home in place of a pile of rent receipts we offer for- sale a twofamily house on oeorge street these homes are equipped with all modern conveniences in heat ing plumbing and electrical wiring for your comfort and convenience each half contains six large rooms modern threepiece bath with electric water heater and electric wall register diningroom has china cabinets and the kitchen lias builtin cupboards and other fixtures the rent from the one half will pay the interest and taxes on the two homes and the monthly payments which you make go to reduce the principal in five years time you have a home of your own in place of a box full of rent receipts fr terms and inspection apply to the office of j b mackenzie sort phone 33 georgetown liumrawiiaaiaabjiibiim forsters grocery a full line of fresh groceries always in stock bananas and oranges al the right prices icecream in bulk cones or bricks forsters jermvcash georgetown phone 29 take- effect and aa a result canadas r surplus or wheat li being reduced atjhe dldw tlful sleek coat bis trimmed add shod a time when reduction is badly heeded j v a tourist was prowling round an old scottish churchyard his eye caught the epitaph lord she waal i say sexton what a strange in- scrlptlon thats a right sir the iiculptor went over near the mge o the stone leave room for the letter georgetown floors feed notice to hog feeders j we have a quantity of finely ground barley meal at this exceptionally low price 28 per ton w c bessey phone 195 georgetown

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