page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 24tl 1930 mm mmmmzmmpmumimjmbwjmma georgetowns in store i brooke block main st south in order to reduce our stock before moving to our new store in the gibbens block we are continuing our bargain sale as advertised last week ladies dresses reg xsss for 435 sjs5 s375 pall coats reg 15 00 for suo house dresmm reg 3298 is pull fashionod hop 9 silk bloomers reg 09c 2 pair or 98c silk bloomers reg 98c 2 pain for 1 s3 silk vests reg 49c i pair for 98r suk sups n ljs j pair for s1s cotton vests reg 29c 1 lor so dimity qowns reg t9c for we dimity bloomers a tor 79c flannelette gowns reg 98c for 85c boys and girls stockings and ctou soeks res j9r 2 for ij girls linen dress reg 95c for toc bath towels per pair j planelette gowns reg 98c for large stse pillow slips 3sc crtnklejr bed spreads reg 31 49 large si7c si baby blankets 69c mens ties reg 75c 2 for shirts reg 1 00 2 for work soeks 8 pair work shirts reg 98c for work shirts reg 3125 for khaki pants reg 1 49 for mnijriti pants reg 31 69 for big b brand heavy work pants reg 155 for mens balbriggan shirts reg 59c for mens balbriggan drawers reg 59c for mens balbriggan combinations boys balbriggan combinations 1m lm 330a 7se 9se 31 j 5 3169 45c se 89c 59c also attractive prices in fancy dress and work sweater i coats and pullovers shoes overalls and pall weight underwear for men women and children dont fail to avail yourself of the opportunity to save money on the above bargains h goldstein brooke block georgetown nm have your eyes examined by o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month or you may consult dr walker at his office in brampton i br un tons garage prompt and expert service on all lands of cars workmanship guaranteed tires for sale gas oil greases and auto accessories main street north phone 280 georgeto zj in memokiam davis in lptlng memory of our dear mother roa dav is who pushed away sept 23rd 1929 n september brings sad mniorli of a lovid one gone to rest she will always be nmembtred by those who loved her best fver remembered bv efae and fred davis in loving mrraorj of our dear mother rosa davis who iassed away setrt 23rd 1929 in our lonely hours of thinking thomfhts of vou are always near we who loved vou sadly miss ymi as it dawns another year loungly remembered by son daughters and granddaughters norval mrs j n macnhrrvon left today for tilsonburg to visit her niece mrs maipherson ho is in hospital suf fering form the fcffects of a motor accident in wlilch she was sexerly in jured dn sunday rhe home of mr and mrs albert hunter was entered last saturday even ing while they were at vhe stable making and money jewelry and clothing to the value of 250 taken the only clue was ttat sound of aft auto leaving the premises as they were returpdng tt the house the junior room of norvaj public school was closed tuesday morriink of last week on account of two infan tile paralysis cases which had de veloped in the village norval school is excluded from its group of the hal- ton school fairs ovtthe same account serum was administered bv a special ist from toronto under direction of medical men attending the two cases one child ls reported to be greatly inv- proved the school reopened on mon day milton j m denyes is attending the gen era council of the united church which opened at london yesterday mr and mrs w t barnard left on tuesday afternoon for england here they yill- visit relatives and friends returning home about dec 1st on the eve of his departure for ouelph where in future he and his xamuy wul reside art walvs first vicepresident of post no 136 milton branch of canadian legion was at its regular meeting presented with a solid silver cigarette case which was beautifully engraved the presents tfi w twnrti hy finnriy patterson past president of the legion about 830 pm on thursday last fire of unfcnpwn origin completely de stroyed a frame dwelling at milton heights occupied b william thomp son and owned by david wilson mr and mrs thompson left at 2 o clock in the afternoon to visit friends and no person was in the house which was locked up milton fire brigade re sponded to the call for help but when the firemen arrived the blaze was be yond control all of mr thompsons furniture except one chair was con sumed the loss to house and con tents is 1 500 partly covered by in uj ranee champion glenwhjjams fair a success despite rain bfcst exhibit of live stock affky fancv work etc fvht shown in george town notwithstanding the rainy afternoon the esqueslng agricultural society annual fall fair held at georgetown- on saturday lost was one of the bel in blie history of the society so far as xhiblls were concerned the atten dance was not as large as usual the features of the fair were the splendid exhibit of cattle horses sheep hogs and poultry on the grounds and of grain dairy products vegetables flowers fowl fruit home made baking etc in the halt also the exhibit of ladies fancy work which v as away ahead of anything ever prevl ousiy exhibited in georgetown the trottipg races on te halfmile tract provided several thrilling finishes in the 228 rot or pace live heats were required to decide a winner oration scott owned by mr chambers milton won the first heat but was second to colonel peters owned by mccruln weiton in the second and third the former evened it up in the fourth and won in a race with colonel peters- alone in the deciding heat the other starter were beo patch allen milton and dandy peter j williamson streets villa the best lime was in the first neat ever a dry track l ib l2 in the 2 16 class chambers of mil ton also won first money with syl vester todd in three straight heats jean gannot 1 hopkins cooksvule was second marion harvester mc dowell toronto third and willow direct mccready- milton fourth in every heal george morden s deueissa won the halfmile running race in both trials with margaret helen owned by f cameron norval second there were five starters allan mckay and arthur clark tied for honors on their mounts in the potato race james houston milton was starter for the races and he was assisted by nelson carter arthur fletcher and dr fred hutchinson brampton as judges and dr paul georgetown and s j t mc clure brampton as timers bert reanian was the official scorer in the softball games georgetown girls won from st pauls united church brampton 1711 georgetown boy scouts provided amusement with a midget golf course constructed by them on which they acted as caddies there was keen competition in the horse shoe pitching and many close scores were the result much was added to the pleasure of firemen xt church vkr its fmsiluja vkbsm bv rev r- c rogers on sunday morning last the rpotn bers of georgetown fire hrigude and visiting firemen from oakvllle liruinp ton milton and port credit to th number of 125 attended divine urvlre at icnox presbyterian church the firemen formed in procession at the town hall and heuded by georgetown citizen s bondc marrhfd to the church where a splendid spt mon was delivered by rev r c rogers of st marys who was the preacher for the day after reading the 121st psalm and the 61st chapter of isaiah the speak er chose as his text port of the 3rd verse of tie gist chapter of isaiah vvji to appoint unto them that utottfn in zlon to give unto them beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness the theme of the sermon was oods great promise to man of beauty for ashes to those who mourn who are disheartened by failure and to whom life has beer a trial god offers joy peace and happiness that is perman ent in return for service if discourag ed take heart as god stands ready to fuofllt his promise while worldly things pass away the gifts of gotf en dure forever accept gods promise of beauty for jbjies and peace and joy everlasting wul he yours at the close or the sermon a solo sweet story of old sung by miss marie fleck was much enjoyed and appreciated by the targe audience ort their return to the hall a vote or thanks was- passed by the brigade to rev mr rogers for his splendid address job printing promptly and neatly executed vargain tikes m are out tires cost too tanch to waste yomr money on socalled bargain tires which dont come through with the mileage rvogremiaaooallrysoxsvi tire of low price itll of cord construc tion with a ragged nonskid tread the largest tire manufacturer in canada makes it to give the klggi value in a tire of this siae j n oneill son phone 14 georgetown ontario progress harvest home services will be held in the united church on sunday next sunday school at 10 am rally day service at 11 am harvest home ser vice at 7 pjn the rev mr auccn of ballinalad will be uic speaker miss vera hill of mealord is spend ing a few days at the liome of mr hugh logan master bulle reld while in the field vith his uncle mr alex ingles met with a palniul accident when he was kicked in the head by one of the horses we all wish him a speedy re covery don t forget to turn your clock back to standard time on saturday night mr and mrs p wagsuutc entertain ed some of our young people to a corn roast on monday evening last all re port a good tine the fyfe and drum band will be entertained at a banquet given by the uoi and lt3 lodges on fri day evening corn roasts are becoming very popu lar in the village while returning home to toronto on sunday evening last after spend ing a few weeks at the home or mr oeo allen mr wesley day and miss catharine allen met with an accident when mr days car was hit by a cut- in motorist on the dundas highway fortunately no one was injured the nnrt anniversary of the 1st olcn- wllllams oulde company was held in the club room sept 17th in the form of a cobweb social during the even ing commissioner o young presented the guides with their 1st year service stars two thanks badges were also presented to mr jos beaumont and mrs wm hadley respectively show ing the gudles appreciation for the good work they rendered during the year rev p wasc gave the blessing and supper waa served each guest received a prlae o0 the cobweb the first to get their prize untangled re ceived a special prize it was won br mrs wm hadley the guides paraded to the harvest thanksgiving service at st alban s church ftidav evening accompanied by commissioner g young harvestthanksgiving services were held in st albans church on friday evening last at 8 o clock the church was very tastefully decorated by the ladies oulld with some choice flowers fruit and grain donated by members of the congregation choral evensong was sung by the choir with proper psalms and hymns there was a large congregation present including the girl guide company un der commissioner g young and cap tain o edwards the guides donated sko0 to the church for use of the pariah hall as a club room the preacher was the rev canon j r naftel rector of grace church milton who spoke very splendidly of the great spirit of thankfulness which pervades all hearts when wp pause to think of ood s unfailing providence as shown in the good things he has provided for his children especially at the season of harvest the service of thanksgiving was continued on sunday afternoon when another large congregation was pres ent to hear the rev griffin thomp son of holy trinity church hamilton mr thompson took a loaf of bread as the basis of his talkinw pointed out hov utterly dependent man ls upon ood for all his needs material as well as spiritual the cbolr sang special psalms and appropriate hymns cfbr thei harvest season and mr llndlpy beaumont very efficiently discharged his duties as orvanist collections were for the missionary furtus of the diocese the afternoon by the splendid program played by georgetowns citizens band under the leadership of a h perrott their numerous selections were much appreciated local merchants who made most creditable exhibits in the hall harold c mcclure furniture radios etc t j speight radios andudantric washers richardsons hardware elec trical goods washers and radios hal ton electric co radios and electrical supplies the women s institute exhibit of baking in the hall was much admired druing the afternoon and eagerly pur chased at the close of the show there was a good display of autos on the grounds that attracted con siderable attention the representa tives of these lines were t j speight j n oneill a son 8 v king edw hill and h a coxe the annual humane poster contest in the hall comprised over one hun dred and thirty entries and this year attained a very high standard of ex cellence much originality was evident while lettering coloring and draught- manshlp were generally praiseworthy the names of prize winners are as follows class 1 colored 2 specials mrs brown freda appleyard cyril clark class 4 special wredge g broom head 1st class colored jak dann ruth davis jessie mcdonald lloyd grace mary oladall class 3 black and white cbsxue-mc- lean russell varey betty kean esther brill class 3 roy foulls blllle aekroyd bernice spiers marjorle hilts class lome garvin shirley dil lon franklin cleave billy mcnally a rull list of the prize winners in all departments will appear in next issue 4a c- 4a 0a 4k- 9xav sbtsaaxaakawtvwt v kv xxk ajboom i announcing arrival of new fall and winter goods st georges church harvest thanksgiving services the yearly harvest festival was very fittingly observed on sunday last 8eptexnber26r in st georges church there warfa choral celebration of the holy communion at 9 oclock and over sixty communicants were present at 11 urn there was a large congregation present and the service which was fully choral was very beautifully sung by the choir they also sang the an them while the earth remalneth with very good taste the double quar tette being especially well done in introducing the preacher of the day the rev grifflrj thompson of holy trinity church hamilton the rector spoke of mr thompsons close ksauclalluu with o thblr famlly had lived here for over a hun dred years and it was a very great pleasure to have an old georgetown boy to preach the harvest festival sermons mr thompson gave a splendid ad dress taken from the lesson of the day man shall not live by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god doth man live he referred to the great universal need of mankind for bread the cooperation of so many people in producing bread and behind it all ih great fact of ood the giver of bread at 7 pan there was another large congregation to hear mr thompson who cose for his text except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alonetbut if it die it bring etr forth much fruit the secret of all true irving said the speaker was by sacrifice and he proceeded to draw very splendid lessons from the dying the sacrifice of the corn of wheat which because of sacrifice produced 30 and 60 and even a hundredfold this was trie secret of christ and christiani ty it produced fruit only for sacri fice the choir sang another new har vest anthem rejoice in the lord with great taste the solo being taken by mrs behan who was in excellent voice mr jack thompson was in charge of the choir and is to be congratulated ms excellent work the organist mrs wm bradley played all day in her usual capable manner the church was most beautifully de corated by the ladies of the church under miss o young and mr s kirk we are again ready toserve you with fall and winter needs ifn clothing shoes and accessories the same outstanding values and courteous service ayait you at all times i i i i d brill co i corner mill main sts phone 1 67 georgetown s xbc 1wws to av t nmt jy g -9c- 0a fr bofe av boflbcromdokk mir ml imi ifli 11 j excursion to ottawa public library board at a meeting of the public library board held on monday evening mr h davidson was appointed chairman to fill the position vacated by the rev k maclean acknowledgement was made of a book entitled standing be fore klngi from the author oeo m james belleville this book deals with the early life of glenwilliams and has been reported most interesting and of a high standard of reading home superintendent tenders resignation peel and halton councils considering report on investigation investigating alleged discrepancies in the house accounts of the peel and halton aged people home the com mittee of two from each county coun cil with reeve nelson s lindsay to ronto oore as chairman juald i lengthy session last week w reeve lindsay submitted the follow ing statement to the press the board of governors have investigated alleged discrepancies in the accounts of the old peoples home as a result of which the superintendent r h part ridge has tendered his resignation which has been referred to a joint meeting of the county councils v peel and hatlon which was held on tuesday september 23rd 1930 in the oouncil chambers milton the board will have a detailed statement to submit to this meeting tub stenographer she knows the very latest stylo no dance shell over mfas she talks of movifs an the while ffflr typrlng ibkks lv tnirs in writing shorthand shos a wow the fastest tve wen yet she speeds the typewriter and how llirspellthg is all wett each day she talks to sweetie joe for hour on the phone at lftst t had to let her go a nou 1 typ mie ouwn ladies day at golf links very n of the wednesday september 17th was a merry day for the lady golfers local golf club when miss esther eeltit assisted by miss mildred fleck acted as hostess for the day and supervised a very jolly and original competition conventional rules for the ninehole round were forgotten and comic rules were the order of the day after delicious afternoon tea at cedar crest an approaching and putt ing contest was held the prlae win nrrs for the two contests were as fol lows first arrival miss hettle lawson best gross score mrs fleck second best gross score mrs coffen smallest score in putting miss muriel thompson largest score in putting mrs w wilson honesttogoodneas score mrs j p rew first prize approaching and putting mrs o t mckay second prise approaching and putt ing miss margaret mckay lowest score on no a green miss mary lawson this year the teachers institutes of halton duftertn and peel are combin ing to hold their annual fall conven tions in ottawa arrangements have been made to go by special cnr train leaving brampton at 4 05 pjn on oct 6th and toronto union at 500 the return special will leave ottawa at 1 00 pm on oct 11th return tic ket is 10 65 from brampton and 10 15 from toronto weston a bus ser vice has been arranged both ways from dufferln and north peel in ad dition to the teacher anyone may take advantage of the trip and it ls hoped many will do so children go at half fare it is an excellent opportunity to visit the capital of the dominion at a comparatively low cost prospective engers should communicate with the teachers inspectors or the secre tary a frith brampton for further information reservations at low rates have been made at the chateau laurier tor those who wish aorxmnmodation arranged for them advertising that pays it is well known by all live mer- chanta and by husbands aswell thafe practically all buying for the home ls either actually done by women directed by them for this reason the mercnnts greatest problem ls to at tract the fiavorable attention of wo men to his wares women are alert to grasp a chance to secure merchan dise at a bargain and they are more discriminating buyers than nen as a rule they read advertisements and act upon the information obtained thereby in order to determine just what utveruslng mediums have the greatest influence on woemns buying a survey recently made by a los an geles advertising club developed some interesting facts replies from 1 000 women of all classes were obtained in er to a questlonalre listing the various advertising mediums and ask ing what form of advertising influenc ed them most newspapers were cre dited with the greatest influence by 36 per cent of these women mag- sine advertising by 23 per cent street car avcvertising by a fraction over 4 per cent announcements cards and program advertising by less than 4 per oanu while booklets pamphlets and circular letters influenced less than 2 per cent thus again is demonstrated that newspaper advertising is the most potent medium for reaching wo men buyers and should do something to curb the foolish habit a lot of busi ness men have of uttering up verandas dand lawns wfth hand bills circulars blotters etc enter modernism the keenes belonged to an almost extinct type they thought dltsance was something in terms of miles and hours not long ago after an almost disastrous episode in their lives they went modern they are now ardent long distance users long distance i is only a matter of minutest i fau abeitayle fair dates i october 1 arthur bolton october 7s october 34 bracetvldge september 2426 caledon october 1711 oookxvule september sooctober 1 erin october 23 fergus september 3536 gait september 2627 grand valley september 30oct 1 london western fair sept 813 september 3637 shelbowme september 3627 istreetavtoe october new giant pulls fastest train i i a cr its the int x limited the crack ca na tional tram which ram between montreal and chicago the fasteat in the world further to facilitate its speed the hudson locomotive s7q0 ha come into being with its eighty inrh driving wheels the larkcat ever easy in canil 5700 baa no difficulty n making more than eighty mdea an hour the upper photograph taken at the montreal locomotive works where the giant waa built and four others like it are now being completed shows c e brooks chief of motive power and other officers of the canadian national railways and officers of the locomotive works including h c butler manager then- height ia con trasted effectively with the enormous drivers in front of which they are standing in the lower photograph 5700 is compared with the tmy work loco- motive which pulled it out of the shops tohaveinplkitographtaken thelittje fellow looks almost comical beside the powerful bulk of the hudson but for all that it could pull the 331 tons about as part of its days work 5700 weighs more than 331 tons in fact and la within a fraction of 92 and a half feet long the water and coal capacity of its tender ia greater than that of any other locomotive on the system 20 tons of coal and 14000 imperial gallons of water with the booster the locobbotive baa a tractive power of s3300 pounds and it has a houer p of 275 pounds trun- nesa of anpearanoe as wall as power and speed has been considered in it desum and it possesses many features new in the steam locomotive history of r h thompson co for dependable hardware happy thought quebec ranges pease economy furances pease economy boilers hot water conor electric washers lowe brothers paints lacqueret rent johnsons electric floor polisher latest model plumbing electrical wiring sheet metal and furnace work estimates given r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown- f i