Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 1, 1930, p. 2

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sa page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening octobev 1st 1930 hmiibiiio georgetowns j bargain store j main street georgetown all the latest in ladies and mens clothing furnishings etc of the best quality and at most reasonable prices you can win j loo in cash because wtf have appreciated the opportunity of serving you ln the past and because we feel that you are interested in the newest things that are being offered in mens apparel lc are writing you to tell you that we hate sent forward our pall and winter set of special order samples for royal ycwtk and johnston approve clothes to iv goisteln who is our agent in- yojir community y you find in our raugc the most complete assortment or patterns and colors but yoilwul find that iff every instance where it was possible to increase the weight aid quality of the cloth we have given you the benefit of the advantage in lower price we feel that having demonstrated your interest in our line in the past we wajit you to have the full advantage to make your selection for your pall wardrobe from a full assortment of patterns a year ago we conducted a competition for n name for our special order line the selection or tloyal- york clothes was the result as a customer or prospective customer we want you to have an opportunity in connection with another contest and we are offering tloom as a cash prize for the best slogan of six words as to why royal york clothes are the best we want a slogan to go with the name as a suggestion one might say they satisfy all ways but we believe in asking our friends and customers for their suggestion that we can get something even better than this if you are the fortunate one to have your contribution selected we will be glad to send you a cheque for 10000 remember there are only two conditions incidental to this com petition first the slogan must not contain more than six words second your contribution must be signed and mailed to us through the agent for royal york clothes in your community the competition closes october 31st 1930 any letter mailed up to midnight of that date from anywhere in canada will be eligible send as many slogans as you like see h goldstein your royal york agent look over his set of samples make your selection tor your pall wardrobe and send in your contribution to the slogan competition at once goodsat stock reduction prices as advertised last week are still available come and get your share of the bargains bl goldstein digd appljsbe in georgetown on satur day sjtember 27th 1930 ltcol w p applcbe in his 83rd year pettiorew early sunday rnorntnk sept 28th 1q30 at his home 21 penlamond avenue toronto henry pettlgrew aged 86 years formerly of nerval ont and veteran of the pen ian raid anniversary services in united church in me mori am tracey in loving memory of james herbert tracey who died october 2nd 1918 gunner 64th lottery his presence seems to linger yet jvhere he so loved to be and his dear face we neer forget in memory we can see sadly missed by father mother brothers glen williams frksswood in proud and loving memory pf pte jbbm presswood who was tilled in action october 1st 1916 the flowing stream of lite rolls on but still the vacant chair recalls the love the voice the smile of him who once sat there not forgotten by those who loved him n6tdead but gone before to that beautiful isle- of somewhere where parting is no more w sadly missed by his loving mother father sisters and brothers obituary mrs james lank after several months of falling health mrs james lane passed into rest m friday sept 19th at the home of her daughter mrs frank benton lime- house mrs lane who was hannah haven beforeher marriage was the second daughter of mr and mrs geo haven she was born in erin town ship sept 5th 1850 and spent her girlhood days in that community six ty years ago she married mr james lane who predeceased her some years ago four children blessed the home three of whom remain to mourn her loss jonathan of dqlly varden mar tha mrs f benton of limehouse and george of cobourg mrs edward marshall is a sister and is now the last of a family of eleven mrs lane spent the greater part of her married life in and around limehouse and will be greater missed by a wide circle of friends she was bright and cheerful at all times and was happy when she could be helpful to some one else rev c l- poole of acton united church conducted the funeral service assisted by rev h caldwell interment was made in limehouse cemetery friends from acton and georgetown erin ballinafad toronto and cobourg at tended the funeral the sincere sympathy of the community goes out to uie relatives who are left to mourn her loss mains itreet georgetown comfort for cool nights just before cold weather demands your furnace when your sittingroom den or bedroom requires j a little extra warmth the very thing and operated j at a very small cost from your wall plug or light socket 1 renfrew electric heaters f priced very reasonably to suit every purse from 3p0to1050 call and inspect our lines of beach stoves and quebec heaters ltcol w t applebe by the death of ltcol w p ap- plebe at his homo on emery street georgetown on saturday last this town has lost an old and respected citizen who had spent his entire life in the community col applebc was a son of the late wm applebe and was born on the old homestead at stewarttown in 1b48 being in his 83rd year he was the last surviving mem ber of a family of three sons and three daughters he was a member of the canadian militia for over 40 years rising from a private to the rant or ltcolonel he served with the regulars in the old fort at toronto was a member of the queenkqwn m- and later commander of hal ton rifles plcriclouif menu was provided and serv rev uk ganoikrof tohonto 1ke ached to lakoe congre gation uanquet and pko- likaaf uondav another successful anniversary was celebrated ui uie united cnurcn last ounuuy when kev dr oancuer prin cipal ul kiiuwumel college toronto ojcuched ciuqucul and lhspirmg ur inous to large congregations the nurch was ocauluuny decorated tor mu occasion wiui autumn leaves gladi olus uennas helunium and micnaelr inns daisies at uie morning service the uastot tiev mr kumiey led the respuiimvi- leaumg of toe 14alh psalm alter wmch or uandlec read the 1st chapter ol rtius kpisue to uie pnesuui be- innninb at the 15th verse on which he iiased nis- remarks lhe speaker said is part anniver sary sunday is a tune when we look uacjt on the days that are past and torward to- the days that are to come it lsa matter of importance to the community and arouses enthusiasm in the work of uie church when our deals are not realised we begin w wonder if church wort and service is worth while think of what would happen u uie churches were all to close and cease their ahors for a lieiieration whal kind of a world would this he the world needs the church antf jesus needs the church to carry on ins work of redeeming love ood made sesns the head and the church is the body of the living christ church- membership is membership of the body of jesus christ jesus was incarnate and if limited jie could hot become the christ he is today if christianity was to become universal clurist must become universal in spirit and this could be accomplished only through the indwelling of his spirit in men as god sent christ so christ bid men go forth and reveal him to the world christ dwells in his dis ciples and knows uie worlds needs and works through them in spreading uie doctrine of christianity no one christian adequately represents jesus christ as individuals we are weak each christian supplies something the other lacks and all united in uie name of the lord jesus christ make uie christian church of today a christian cannot be his best outside the church and apart from christian fellowship thechurch needsus all and each in dividual has a particular place in which christ depends upon him or her there are too many doing nothing the church has a magnificent service to render and all workers are needed nothing is needed so much as revival of individual sense of responslhllltj jesus depends on the rank and file and it is essential that all do their part in his work if we do our part in this great movement of redeeming love in uie final day each humble christian win share with jesus in uie triumph at uie evening service dr candler preached another eloquent sermon from the text found in uie 15th chap ter of luke 31st verse son thou art ever with me and all that i have thine the special music by uie choir under the able leadership of mr laird was much appreciated as were also uie organ voluntaries by miss buck the choir was ably assisted by the mcrpal quartette gospel singers of toronto their numbers in quartette duette and solo added much to uie pleasure of uie occasion on monday evening a banquet was held in the school room of uie church there was- a large attendance and a high school field day an unqualified success and gbeat dav fob the students in religion he was a methodist and in potlucs a conservative his wife who was formerly miss stewart died in 1914 and an only daughter mrs j j stephens of ottawa died in 1910 the funeral took place on monday afternoon to greenwood cemetery the service being conducted by revs rumley and caldwell the pallbearers were j j stephens soninlaw of ottawa p morrison j p reid r c nixon f armstrong and geo martin last friday was a great day for uie students of georgetown high school when their track and field meet was- held in spite of threatening weather and intermittent showers ute contest was an unqualified success the arsttwo to finish in each event wut represent the school in uie county meet at oakville on wednesday the winners in each event will have their names and performances placed on the school record board boys events 100 yd dash junior s tennant d crlchlon inter w richardson j loree sr h mcnally j evans 220 yd dash jr d crichton 8 tennant inter w richardson j loree sr j harrison h mcnally relay race jr p saxe d crichton r duncan b tennant inter k richardson j loree h rltohle w richardson sr j evans k mcnally h mcnally j harrison running high jump jr s- tennant d crichton inter w richardson k richardson sr a bolger k mcnally running broad jump jr nj crich ton sanderson infer- w richard son k richardson sf j harrison a bolger running hop step and jump jr o famellj c sanderson inter w richardson k richardson sr k mcnally j evans- shotput jr 8 tennant d cricri- teor inter f minims w mlno sr h mcnally a bolger polevault inter j loree h rit chie sr h mcnally k mcnally 440 yds open to all w richardson k richardson i one mile race open to all j ritchie j maclaren ontls events 75 yds dash jr k hale inter m arnold sr k hale- standing broad jump jr k hale- inter k hale sr s standlsh softball throw jr v maltby inter l francis sr e bonathan rasketball throw jr e heartwell inter l- francis sr e bonathan rey race jr jc hale b walker m smellie e heartwell inter l francis m arnold j frank d sykes e bonathan r polle c deans s standlsh 50 yds hopping open to all b wal ker running high jump open f all n maynard get our prices on these you will buy secure your glass needs now large stock old prices prevailing some other falil lines are storm doors weather strip work gloves auto gauntlets richardsons hardware phone 25w georgetown have your eyes examined by o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will the be at watsons drug store georgetown second wednesday o every month or yoi i may consult- dr walker at hia wpfice in brampton i job printing promptly and neatly executed hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds yr office town hall dairy inspection now free of charge as a measure of relief for dairy farmers producing milk and cream for export to the united states the hon robert weir federal minister of agri culture has issued instructions to the veterinary inspection staff that be ginning monday september 22 in spections required under the united states federal import milk act to permit of milk or cream being shipped to the united states shall be made free of charge this means a saving to the dairy farmer of from 2 to 5 or more for the official inspection of his premises and herd and the annual inspections which are required to enable him to continue to export his milk the charge heretofore has been 2 for the in spection of premises as required and for the inspection of the herd a flat rate of 100 plus a charge of 10 per cow a charge of 300 for the inspec tion of a herd of 20 animals or 5 for herd and premises the average dairy herd in the export business is around 30 head with a conlsderable number of 40 or 50 dairy cows the milk arid cream export business of canada has its origin largely in quebec and both eastern and wes tern ontario leading exporters re port that the united states market demand has strengthened considerably so that despite the adverse tariff now operative exporting has become again an attractive proposition for lhe canadian dairy man this situation is largely a result of the severe drought conditions to the south of the line one of the first areas to benefit un der the free inspection service is around finch ont where a new export depot is being opened there are some 150 farms requiring inspection in this dis trict before they can begin shipping- milk and the inspection sftaff of the department of agriculture have this work in hand at the persent time in addition to the initial inspection of the herd and premises each exporter is required to have his herd and premi ses relnspected annually there will be a substantial direct benefit to a large numbef of dairy farmers during the next few months when these re- inspections are made without charge the ministers order will remain in effect so long as producers show a wil lingness to cooperate with the in spection service by carrying out the instructions of inspectors with respect to bringing their herds and premises up to official standard and keeping them there a producers of milk for export will be expected to assist the department by keeping the number of inspections and relnspections at the very minimum and any tendency toward carelessness in this connection will necessitate the re- imposition of charges for the ser vice ed by the ladles of the church on nice ly arranged and beautifully decorated tables following the banquet all adjourned to the auditorium of the church where an excellent program was announced by the pastor rev mr rumley who was chairman of the evening the numbers by the church choir under the able leadership of their new choir master mr norman laird of toronto were very pleasing and highly appreci ated miss lillian webb soloist and radio artist of toronto was hearth applauded as were also young brothers of georgetown in their instrumental selections rev g g d jkllpatrlck ba djd of melrose united church hamilton gave an address on matters pertaining to the church and its mem bers which was very interesting and instructive he is a clever speaker and his address was much enjoyed by the large gathering during the evening rev mr frith of the baptist church spoke conveying greetings from his people to the people of the united church on the occasion of their anniversary major grant also spoke briefly re garding the old days in georgetown and his pleasure at being able to at tend another anniversary gathering of a nfiighbottng congregation the singing of the doxology brought to a close another happy anniversary celebration in connection with the united church in georgetown at a special meeting of town council held last wednesday evening with mayor mackenzie in the chair and all members present with the exception of mr denison town business general ly was discussed it was decided to clean up reservoir park at stlvercreek by cutting the dead timber thereby making work for any unemployed and using the wood for charitable purposes the property committee are to bring in a report on the feasibility of drain ing and levelling the town driving park the- matter of applying to the gov ernment tor a sum of money to be used in the relief pf unemployment was discussed- complaints were laid before coun ell regarding high school pupus park ing cars on the street the clerk was instructed to rtte the high school board with v view to havfng cars park ed some place on the school groufids cpuncll adjourned to meet next regular- meeting or t call of the mayor golf news in a driving contest for lady golfers held at the local golf club last wed nesday sept 24th the following prizes donated by the captain mrs fleck aiuttwviceeaptaui miss freda her bert were awarded largest aggregate for three drives off no 1 tee mrs harry ooldham longest single drive off no 9 tee mrs w r watson glenwill1ams about 135 persons sat down to sumptuous repast on friday evening last in the town hall when the orange and true blue lodges held a banquet with the fyte and drum band as guests of honor w master bert marchment was toast master of the evening proposing first the toast to the king then to the grand lodge after which was sung the maple leaf toast to the band was proposed by bro robert addy and responded to by bro l marchmedt director of the band who was presented with a all ver cigarette lighter th appreciation of his services during the past 8 years toast to the true blues was proposed by broaddy and responded to by w mistress mrs w preaton a splendid program of music was supplied by the young brothers vocal numbers by mr a mcqulgan harmonica num bers by mr e balllngall winners of the lucky number prizes were mr alfred bell and miss o barlow musi cal chairs wlnfield wheeler dancing brought one of the most delightful evenings to a close our roads through the village are in bad shape our motorists will be glad when the snow fills the holes norval calendar reform ilfcaltii report the following coi eases were reported health georgetown diphtheria scarlet fever smallpox chicken pox measles german measles mumps infantile typhoid fever whooping cou cerebo- spinal nmglus tinlcable dls the board of september i 1 0 o o 0 0 0 o 3 0 moses cotsworth the canadian who has become internationally- famous for his work in creating and advocating a reformed calendar prophesies that the international fixed calendar will be come effective in 1933 mr cotsworth may be a bit optimjstic but among bust men in different countries there has been a very pronounced acceptance of the new calendar which provides for 13 equal months during the year and for elimination of movable festival dates nineteen nations have at the invitation of the league of nations formed national committees on calen dar reform and it is planned to hold an international conference on the sub- ject in oeneva in 1931 the canadian manufacturers association the cana dian chamber of commerce the trades and labor congress and a large num ber of other important bodies in can ada have given their approval tenta tively or finally o the proposal and over a thousand business organiza tions in the united states have en dorsed the project calendar reform has a number of obstacles to overcome some of them mere prejudices but others tied up with religious belief if business men could divorce themselves entirely from religious and other questions it is like ly that they would be unanimous in favor of a new calendar but it is not to be expected that men will always consider only economic motives calendar reform has very- much in its ravor and it is highly desirable that the whole question should be thrashed out at an international conference but even an international conference will be of little value without adequate propaganda efforts in the direction of educating public opinion fortunately through the generosity of george bast- man the camera inanufacturer and other wealthy individuals and organi sations ample funds have been made available for propaganda of an edu cational nature and many millions of people throughout the world have at least some understanding of what calendar reform is all about financial post betty solves the problem betty and her mother had always been particularly close so it was quite a wrench when the girl left to work in the city but betty was a resource ful young lady with a high regard for long distance telephoning she talks with her mother once a week faking advantage of the night rates 1 a resident of toronto for ten years henry pettlgrew 86 retired farmer formerly of norval died at his home 21 benlamond ave on sunday a veteran of the fenian raid and last but one of the original company of volunteers from stewarttown and nor val he was born at norval ahd lived there until 1920 he took an active interest in church and public affairs at norval serving as warden of st pauls anglican church and ss mem ber of the school board he la rurvlv ed by his wife and three daughters all of toronto harvest home services will be con ducted in norval united church next sunday october 5th at 11 ajn and 730 pjn by rev j d richardson m a of port credit the womens association of norval presbyterian church will hold a fowl supper and concert on friday even ing october 31st particulars later norval united church will hold their annual hot supper in the basement of the church on tuesday evening octo ber 7th supper served from s to after which a good program will be furnished by grace united church choir brampton admission 50c and s5c tcjwn cttlwol to clean up reservoir park at silvekcreek may make improvements in town park ladies ball teamwwtn silver cup at the bow ball tournament at cooksvllle fair yesterday georgetown ladles ball teiint were successful in winning the handsome silver cup first prize in the competition in their first game they defeated cooksvllle 73 and in the final 01ayoft defeated clarkson 27e the members of the victorious team are as follows catcher e davis pitcher r tost 1st base a tuck 2nd base d ballantlne 3rd base a hamlltor 8hort stop h forster right field v blair centre held b tost left field i armtsrong- sub l francis coach a duncan the cup is now on exhibition in the dominion store window wre proudjo seb pathfinders tf you want a tire that will give you a lot of satisfaction without tying up a lot of money weve got it goodyearbuilt pathfinder is yonr tire theres nothing to equal it at the price its built of supertwiat cord like all goodyear tires it has the huskiest tracfirvd j tread you ever srauv guaranteed in every way dont judge its quality by our low prices i j n oneill 4 son phone 14 georgetown ontario a i announcing arrival of new fall and winter goods we are again ready to serve you with fall and winter needs in clothing shoes and accessories the same outstanding values and courteous service await ybuat all times d brill co corneltmtll oc main sts phone i 67 georgetown ayfrnmkaekttkgaxkgsk3aak3asx limehouse rev h caldwell and family who have been holidaying in muskoka re turned home last week mrs leslie campbell of toronto has been spending a week or two with her parents mr and mrs norton re cuperating from her recent operation mr and mrs robt storey of to ronto attended the funeral of the late mrs jas lane the sympathy of the community goes out to mrs benton and mr jonathan lane in the loss of their mother mrs james lane an undercurrent of excitement was felt recently when it was intimated that the kilns at dolly varden might open up again the good news how ever was apparently only a flash in the pan but we hope it may yet materialise the united and presbyterian churches observed rally day on bun- day sept 28th rev mr fleming of toronto preach ed in the presbyterian church last sunday being rally day for the sunday school mr fleming brought a very helpful message to both young and old on the topic set servants of ood we are glad to see mrs e marshall back home again considerable improvement has been made along the roadside in the cutting down of good deal of brush that obscured the view on some of the bad curves the only fault to be found ma to be that the workers quit too soon messrs wm and ralph and miss bdwena marshall spent sunday with mr r marshall quite a number of electric radios have been installed in the community stnee the hydro power was turned on anniversary services will be held in the presbyterian church on october uth afternoon and evening i r h thompson co for dependable hardware happy thought quebec range pease economy furances pease economy hot water boilers conor electric washers lowe brothers paints lacqueret rent johnsons electric floor polisher latest model plumbing electrical wiring sheet metal and furnace work estimates given r1 thompson co phone 46 georgetown m t m j jajf

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