Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 15, 1930, p. 1

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v the qeorgptoyvn herald sixtyfifth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 15th 1930 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa the georgetown herald j stl moors xwjbjjslier and proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association canadian national electric railway ttayllgh saving tline eastborrad dally kxcepl sunday dally dally dally dally except sundays dally dau dally westbound t3auy except sunday dally- daily daily dally daily dally past freight same day delivery service freight picked up at duelph georgetown phone 13 748 ajn 95s am 12 48 pm 3 48 pjn 4- pm 5 48 pm pm 1148 pun hoi am 10 0t pjn 101 pjn 3d1 pjn 641 pjn 9 01 pm 1201 am c n r tnne table standard time going east passenger paasenger and mall passenger passenger and mall passenger passenger sunday going west passenger and mall passenger passenger passenger and mall passenger passenger passenger sunday cmng nertb mail and passenger going 8oath mali and passenger 715 ajn 836 am 1033 ajn 1137 ajn 633 pjn 9 00 pjn 724 pjn 7 19 am km am 3j3 pjn m1 pjn 7 0s pjn 10 08 pjn 1008 ajn 8s6 a jn 7j0 pjn central ontario bus lines lid arrow coaches arrow buns leave georgetown for iynntn g jm ajn daily except sun days and holidays 950 ajn sunday and holidays only hss ajn dally 346 pan daily cjk pjn dally 10j pjn daily arrow buses leave bay and front sta toronto for georgetown j0 sun daily 11 dally 2j00 pun dally 4j0 pjn daily 140 pm dairy except saturdays sundays and holidays 10 no pm saturday sunday and holi days only eastern standard tine longs stan directory lb rot daljt hunters h serviceawalmaawl fjpain special trad servicb will lie operated daring the bd for parry sound and points north to caprkol tan toronto clmoa sratjoa nubsxto parsla sat- nov 1 1035 pjn moo nov 3 sun nov mu5 pjn 9j0aj tuenav4 llipjiu 9j0ajn- for gravenhurst bujucs palis and north bay ltororrrouoiasnlm fteliv4v d ajn dairy except sunday complete schedules of pedapano1 regular train ervtces both- north and southbound with other necessary information shown hxahuiurrs train smite laiflei which may be had on iuxmsc from canadian national railways wmm norval mills corn cracker mill in operation kings choice flour for bread national flour for pastry whole wheat flour wheatlets feed bran shorts gluten now on hand 0 w b browne co phone 90 r 2 georgetown mum have your eyes examined by o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month or you may consult dr walker at his office in brampton georgetown ontario offices king bids mill as clarence b wiggins barrister solicitor notary pnule dfflceaonelll block georgetown telephone 1m john a thompson solicitor notary fmbue street phone 332 and 288 rpfjn nn and bowter brampton ontario at a ctraham b b qrahajn o h bowyer hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town ha kenneth m mngdon barrister solicitor notary rnblic offices main street booth georgetown phone 88 dr j j raul ok r t paul -r- officer of health in ksqimstng township offlo hours 3 to snd 7 to pjn office and pf alill street dr sttiatrbland rye bar nose and throat b at georgetown wednesday evening saturday afternoon and evening hours 2 pjn till 9 pjn or by sp- noliiliiamil masses supplied oance at miss matthrws main st home phone lotrs dr c v wuxiamb physwaa sad soxrooa hts ofboer at if- oeorgetown office and residence main st south opposite presbyterlsn church office hours 13 and 74 pjn r r watson dd8 bldjs office hours to 6 except tburssay afternoons f l heath udjv djxs office in lane block one door north of oneills carriage factory hours ajn to 6 pjo frank petdrr licensed auctionrkr tar sate cowaues of peel and ballon prompt service cheltenham 28r oeorgetown clr3 post office flhfilt rjkerr auottonerr andsteal estate is years experleaee hi aaetlon sale phone ss acton ont chiropractic -netlsen- the caurooraeter lsaer oradsaue m tears praetlee 1 me metneine 8argery o xray service office over dominion store offlot hours monday wmftmsiy and saturday itoi and 7 to pjn otkor days and hours hy appoint at z wtm tsm advertise it pays j keep fire at bay with gyproc flfte seldom visits houses having gyproc wallboard ceilings partirions walk and sheathing on the contrary gyproc has saved many homes pioneer canadian gypsum board has a ivory coloured finish ear that makes decora tion unnecessary when pan elled it is just the thing to use for making extra rooms in the cellar or attic quickly erected inex pensive structurally strong gyproc wallboard gives per manent fire protection your dealers name is listed below ask him today fat full information or write for interesting free book building and remodelling with gyproc gypsum lime and alabastlne canada limited paris ontario 7fenwtclw j ml gyproc swhrcprool wall bo a id tztorsjebr the georgetown lumber co iaimited georgetown ontario jl b mackenxie georgelawb ontario the broken nog i m dlst oj mad as i tan be an i bet oqd be too drrc s such a time at our house now i don t know what to do a woman lame to stay wif us j don t like her at all sht called me a little brat one day an took away my ball slit wears a boo suiped gingham dess an ap on an a pap an bufibes ebby body wound now what oo fink of at they alj tier nurse and one day she went to de fone aod wudr a hard as she could wing and said ifi tu oo dtr bant tome up here quick don t wait a bit ant so dc doctor tame r- an tich as umcas dere was den jts dest a drate btp shame jno erson seemed tt nouro me so t treeied to de stair an listened dlst as hard as hard to see what i d here dere an pltty soon i beard a squeak i lot at i would die it sounded somefln like when i twreze dollie so she 11 cry and den de nurse ran down de stair an dis is what she spoked dls out de woad little brat for now oor nose is boked i felt my nose it wasn t boked at bad nurse told a fib lien papa came and picked me up an tissed me so he did an den he carried me up stairs an showed me on de bed a little wed- faced baby boy wiv such a wound oald head i ast pa where he dot at babe my papa would nt lie he said he dessed a big stork dropped it when he flyed by now my aunt mary hasn t dot a baby yet no sir an if id seen dat big stork first i d shooed him on to her ralph gordon 628 crawford st toronto hn the mother tongue being ue popular report of the british and forelrn bible society 19m ay rev edwin w smith literary superintendent white elephants t w 1 hose who often readf op slam as the land of the white ele phant which isv greatly ven erated there will be little disposed to accept the statement that siam is nothing of the kind these siamese do not and cannot claim that theirs is the land of the white elephant because in ceylon to the west and cambodia to the east veneration for certain elephants is as apparent as in siam yet another and very sufficient reason for avoiding such a claim is that the white elephant is not white at all the myth of the white elephant was apparently set a- broad by some early western traveller who collected uiformatlon rather per functorily what the siamese do regard as sacred and do greatly honor are what are known as curious elephants perhaps freak elephants would be a better translation of the siamese phrase though it savors of want of respect to his majesty the elephant but the un usual in him has probably nothing whatever to do with his color he may for instance have two extra toe on his forefeet he may have certain peculalr markings on his body patch es of red hair perhaps but white no the nearest he ever approaches to white is a kind of dirty gray whatever his peculiarity or peculiar ities however they mark him out for extreme favors from youth directly a baby elephant is fount with strange markings in the north or northeast of slam news of the discovery is sent to bangkok the capital experts go at once to examine the youngster and if their reports la favorable uu greater most probably royal experts are des patched to make final decision as to whether he is worthy of veneration and as to the degree of veneration in him may reside the spirit of some departed treat one of the royal fam ily in him may even be the spirit of the lord buddlm himself it is not for us to inquire how these experts make a decision so momentous the ways of experts in slam are like the ways of experts elsewhere they are beyond the understanding of ordinary people once it is decided that the young ster is the real thing the country is agog with excitement he has to be taken to bangkok there to be royally housed in special quarters within the royal palace the journey is in the nature of a triumphal procession an occasion for merrymaking is to the siamese an occasion to be seised with both hands and on it they spend lav ishly no other nation can excel the siamese in ie art of making holiday or in discovering excuses for making holidays the young elephants journey to the nearest large railway centre is a suc cession of dolsterlous welcomes and of gifts of choice foods vhen he reach c4 the railway he finds a special train awaiting him with spare engine and breakdown outfit attached his maj esty progress must be made as smooth as possible he travels in state with great comfort attended by high mem bers of court and church and by many officials one member of the royal family will accompany him to say chlengmal the northern capital and will there hand him over to a more important mem ber with a more lmnoslng retinue of priests and officials when the last day s journey from pltsanulok to bang kok is entered upon one very near to the retnging monarch probably the purachatra of kambaengbejra is the man who today takes anal charge but now the youngster is probably tired of the travelling and the cheering of feasting and having lustra water poured over him but he has still to be welcomed by the king and to be blessed by the highest dignitaries of the church he has still to see a city made gay in his honor and hundred nf thousands of people lining the streets and joyously acclaiming him as he pew surveys of religious or philan thropic societies maintain the high lit erary standard of the popular report issued by the british and foreign bible society this year s report entitled in the mother tongue is no exception to the rule the idea behind the report- is the power of native speech in the deepest and highest human experiences- and is developed along the lines of bible translation in the vernacular some six hundred and thirty transla tions out if a possible nine hundred stand to the credit 4 thjls great society the report abounds in apt literary quotations and the chapters are head ed by quotations from poets as diverse as milton tenheyson dryden and j w holme the very titles of the qhapters are suggestive tongues of all the world largest to mankind chapmen of the word finding the saviour jn the mother tongue lan guage of gratitude airftngst the illustrations is a beau tiful photograph of saint john harbour in new brunswick which is one of the great immigration ports at wtjich the society distributes the word to each incoming immigrant in required speech there are references to canada in the volume and special mention is made of the services of rev dr aosco heine one of the special immigration agents and a colporteur of proved value nobonly at the seaports but in the lum ber camps and wherever groups of workmen are found n eastern canada dr heine it is said habitually uses fifteen languages in his work amongst the immigrants and it is said to speak twenty- four there is a most interesting story also of a farmer in saskatchewan of ger man origin who bought the bible in his mother- tongue and having read it was influenced by its message with all the house immediately he dedicat ed three acres of his farm the proceeds of which were to go to the bible soc iety part of his gift was to supply the scriptures in german to the people of his race and blood and the rest was given to the support of a colporteur in china such an instance and there are many in the report only serves to remind us that the written word still exercises its power over the hearts of men and does influence them to a higher and nobler life we have pleasure indeed in commend ing this report to all who can obtain a copy and having read it and pon dered over its message there will be few who can remain unconvinced of the great work already accomplished by the society and the great opportunities that await it in the coming days in the preface the rev edwin smith literary superintendent of the bible society states that he has sought to present an account of the bible soc iety s enterprise in a form that will be attractive and readable and per- tatnty he has succeeded in his en deavours news and inf ofamation j for the busy farmer wlliin sftwwfeh despite deprcssed economic condi tions and a season noarked chiefly by prolonged drought thve community fall fairs throughout ontario generally re port unprecedented attendance and splendid showings or agricultural pro duce as an individual instance the annual fair ur the village of caledonia in haldlmand county drew a patron age of lovqoo people a record for all time from almost every fair simi lar reports have txtfxi received indi cating that whatever the conditions the rural residents of ontario are tak ing an even keener interest and pride in their own industry than gicgr before royal djbreetara optimaale the royal winter fair directors are optimistic about agricultural conditions in canada for the coming fall and whiter in a message to leading breed ers and producers who as exhibitors at the royal do mucrf by their unswerv ing example to establish steady confi dence in canadian agriculture the management points out that despite dry weather condltions in several place canadian feeding stuffs re in more than average volume the hay crops everywhere are conuldtered satisfactory and in some parts exceptionally good the message is extremely optimistic and reveals that trie directors of the winter fair are making plans for an even greater exhibition thisyear ygl bls jrlt fi vjwsc h59sf flaabaws aaa9malstvsarsacii leaving pets at iioml alone nghtlnc white grab as the one effective measure at this season of the year which wilt assist in control and enacncation of a white grub outbreak of serious proportions in eastern ontario fall plowing and frequent discing front now to rreese- up are advised plotwing helps to break up the grub cells exposes them to at tacks by natural enemies such as the crow starnosed mole and the skunk retards the grubs digging down for winter and exposes tne grub cells to frost which kills them effectively the outbreak started apparently in the eastern townships un 1937 moved across the st lawrence to eastern i ontario by flight of the june bettle parents of the white grub in 1928 and this year across the ottawa eastward infesting a large area in quebec carrent crep report reports from representatives in many parts of ontario indicate that rah wheat is looking well root crops in western ontario are more or less a failure due to dry weather attacks of aphids and rol there was an excel lent yield of corn in the eastern part of the province sugar beet harvest is under way and early sown beets are of a good size and quajity late sown beets are small ttireshing is almost finished and the rxtajorrity of farmers have more feed and grain on hand than they have had for years recent badlyneeded rains nave put the ground in shape for fall plowing which is now general uirougnout ontario children say a great you cam eat shredded wheat biscuit right out erf the package with milk or cream but it tastes better if you crisp the biscuits in the oven and pour hot milk over them the flavory shreds of baked wheat are so crisp and delicious children always ask for more and it is so good for them contains everything their growing bodies need delicious with fruits shredded for two days thj city is en fete then he goes to his royal quarters and the capital returns to normal not for him anymore are the joys of freedom the loss of his rrecdom is the price he pays for his extra toes of whatever procftatans him royal or even sacred his is the bondage that sometimes at taches joyalty occasionally he introduces a little ex citement into his numdrum life he goes mad for a little- while and kills his keeper kneels on him until the victim is a shapeless and unrecognis able mass that is the one grim privi lege enjoyed by the white elephant who is never nearer to white than a kind of dirty gray w several years ago an acquaintance of inmc lust a beloved dog through a prac tice that has now become very common leaving pets at home with no means of escape in case of emergency the night was cold and the gentle man was accustomed to keeping the dog in the basement on such ng he his wife and their daughter went to the theatre leaving the furnace as ney thought safe but in some mysterious way the base ment go on fire and though a neigh bor turned in the alarm the dog was dead by the time the ftemen entereo the basement the mans moment ary loss distressed him of course but it was nothing compared to his grief and selfcondemnation over the loss of nls pet not long ago i read of the asphy xiation of a cat that was left in a room with no exit for the animal pre sumably the cat got upon the gas plate and one of its feet turned on the cur rent the mistress when she returned found the cat dead- and the room filled with gas an open window would have saved the animal why dont you think of these things no great problem is involved there is nearly always some way of arranging the omergency exit and when there is not it is the best to leave the pet 6utside sometimes a friend will keep the animal a few hours for you however as p b prior says in one of his excellent articles if you are go ing away for a stay of days or weeks do not leave your pet in the care of a neighbor unless you have perfect con fidence in that person for hpwever strongly he may promise to look after it he has his own affairs and pleasures and may get carejess never leave a store of food for any kindln summer soon grows hard or sour then the poor animal is left to starve for cats in cities cannot and food with garbage cans tightly closed and all water inside houses aside from the question of food and water both cats and dogn have an intense love of home and their owners they have been known to die in heart broken lonllness in a few weeks far better if you have no neighbor whom you fully trust that one member of the family stay at home to care for your pets cash prises for winners in addition to tilt splendid prises offered at the international grain and hay show at chicago nov 29 to pec g the ontario department of agri culture in order to eivcourage ontario farmers to exhibit tu this great show is offering a specisu prise of 50 to each ontario exhioltor who wins first prise in any class in addition the department offers special prises of 25 to ontario exhibitors standing highest in alfalfa seed alsike seed fi rowed barley oats red clover seed and field bean seed prize lists and insuuwuons are now being distributed to seed exhibitors the field husbandry department of the ontario agriculturavl college is co operating as usual all exhibits and entries should be sent to ouelph james laughland will take cbarge of all exhibits and will txxnmpany them to the show the lecastment of agri culture has agreed to pay freight on exhibits from ouelph fco chicago and return due to the big rraln crop in ontario and extreme dry season in many states ontario ihould majke air exceedingly good showing at chicago this year heat with all the bran of the whole wheat the canadian shredded wheat company ltq school fairs and education according to jos wilson the effici ent representative of the pntario de partment of agriculture in hastings county rural school fairs this year have been better attended than ever before while the exhibits brought to the tents by the children have been of a much higher quality ft is hard to estimate the education aj value of these school pairs and it is encouraging to pote that the inter est in them is gathering momentum from year to yeafc the department of agriculture at queens park recog nises their vajue and seeks to encour age them lnevery way county coun- 11s too everywhere seem to bp anx ious to tendrsr helping hand in recent years new educational fea tures have been added to the pair programmea these include first aid jnjir dgg and recitation contests the exhibitors most of them from the public and continuation schopls are taught that they must grow their own vegetable and flower exhibit also that they must have a fair knowledge of the care of live stock for the girls domestic science competitions are provided and for years home cooking has been a feature of almost every pair rural school fairs arc different al together from fall pairs held in most places one does not interfere with the other they are deserving every emoouragemant of for accurate time for the satiaf action of proud possession at so modest i price there is no wrist watch to compare with the wonder watch of the world elaine goering 1500 a b willson next to hotel mcgibhon georgetown wanted mm bauma r omilcs ontario applegrowers are advised ill a cablegram from premier ferguson to hon t l kennedy minister of agri culture that they can sell so00 barrels to european buyers immediately lhrough andrew pulton wrio fepres- ents the ontario fruit growers in eng land if the standard f shipment is assured through mr pultons efforts to improve the grading and pavking ouyer in the old country are looking with greater favor umsa ontario say- pies and prices ranging up to 700 a barrel have been secured on the brit ish market uus year rajney river fasnoaat for lauab production there is possibly no section of on tario that has a higher percentage of good sheep and a lower percentage of poor sheep than has trie district of rainy river sheep raising there has increased greatly during the past five or six years through the efforts of the department pure bored sires have been introduced ovear ubis period at line and this coupled vith educational extension work has made it nosfdrjlo for the sheep breeders in halny river dls irict to market a very hrigb percentage of choice lambs market lamb fairs luave been held in the district for a number of years when between 300 and 400 lambs are annually brought out for exhibition and market purpoaes 0li august 20th last a representative shipment of lambs wss mseve to vrirtbtpeg these were graded and sold as follows 183 firstgrade lambs averaging 83 h lbs in winnipeg sold a1 bsc per pound lokheavy lambs avenuglng 100 lbs ldth 7hc 20 thirdgrade lambs averaging is lbs sold at 6c in addition to these 99 ewe lambs exhibited at the fair were sold for breeding purposes there will probably be twenty car loads of lambs shipped from the dis trict berore the season is over the breeders of this section tiave been fol lowing the practice or marketing their lambs when ready and by having their lambs dropped in astarch and april shipmeq- have been golnir forward to the winnipeg market during july aug ust and september before the big rush of lambs comes on trie stockyards for sale sweet young jjilnsj tt1 positively never marry a man who snores anybody oopd idea but how jue roo going to andoatt the name is sufficient oor salt inn carry butternut varieties daily a change to suit the palate manfd by dominion bakeries ltd gaetph soldby mark cark mtocte 229w grocer forsters grocery a full line of fresh groceries always in stock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecream in bulk cones or bricks forsters terrnts cash georgetown phone 29 re roof your building before winter protect your building by reroofing now and at a great savtftq when good mechanics arc available and when best quality british columbia edge orain inspected shingles are at the lowest price in sixteen years xxx a c inspected shingles 335 per square the roof your grandfather used and the roof your grandchqdren will user j b mackenzie son phone 33 georgetown

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