Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 15, 1930, p. 4

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9 jjhfktykil i pee4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 15th 1930 erwingoldhams meat market fresh salmon fillets and baddies watch our window for special prices on saturday erwin goldham phone 1 georgetown i cannot tell i cannot tell how all the stars retain their rhythmic way or- how the sunsets golden bars shut out the light of day 3ut i can tell when loving eyes the secrete of my heart surprise x cannot tell how migrants wing their course oer land and sea or how returning summers bring their bounteous gifts to me but i can tell how love for love oer all earths treasurers ranks above i cannot tell how this round earth resolves about the sun or how the autumns priceless worth prom clod and clay is won but i can tell how kindness may fill life with sunshine every day a b cooper in titbits hoot moft here is economy to on shop for bit- it b paukfindev tkva raalead lire which a small ewttay let prthfimhr bmowsyrltwhiiii sul yes keep yowr tire ealiefaenoav see it ami cbtaaor prim j n oneill son telephone 14 georgetown ontario kediiosetek gilson all cast semicast furnace- maaato ta qjtraliij fcmttt t last a uftrttme qflaoo vtilcanajfaraaeaa ray um tha bete- of acmcvcmcnt in the allcast and semicast hwl sdortucallr 4dccd to yultl the mmt heat from the least fuel guwntpwiuc mars ar aaviaa moncvevtrr jttar and eajorinc the createit comfort and utia- faffltv mrs iiahwjl pateraom o meadow park pun london aaya i jnst want to aay e are more than pleased with our gltaon furnace it went stat all winter we are delighted with it and will pleased so raoaviniead roar furnace any time and also the men who installed lit whan won install a fnrnaee yon are baring hea c ec ollson volcano pvrnaces bached by our cold seal onaratneo and foil factor- reeon- alhillty 0vm you a heaping measure of value too ollson volcano fnraace i madeaja the widest rang of tires for hnrnlng hard coal soft coal or wood- there is a volcano rsrnaco just right to nt vet honiy and every purse afar lorn price and easy terms price so low that valve eonssmered they have newer been eauallcdand laranl which enable yoa to own and pay for a gllson pnrnace without feeling it it will pay yottrll to lavesugete our propo now simply telephones g r muckart hcmbkk t1nhioth btc passe 15 or sisw georgetown cw writ chuon mvo co oswcrtrabsa rwaerj tattai pm voctober dainties this is the time of yearwheri hot dishes are in order our bodies need additional palories so that they may get in shape- to thstftnd the low tem perature of winter quick eherg ful such as sugar or othr sweets should be eaten in considerable quantity vegetables and fruits should also be eaten so mtihe body may be kepta ttaline here are two delicious oct ober dadntlss semjioped sweet potatoes and apples 2 cups cold boiled sweet potatoes cut in inclv slices i cup sugar ly cups thinly sliced sour apples 4 tablespoons butter salt put onehalf the potatoes in buttered baking dish cover with onehalf the apples sprinkle with onetintf the sugar dot over with onehalf the butter and sprinkle with onehalf the salt he- peat bake in a moderate oven one hour sralloprd tomatoes drain one can of tomatoes from some of the liquor season with salt pepper a few drops of onion juice and 2 teaspoons sugar cover the bottom of a butered dish with buttered bread crumbs cover with tomatoes and sprin kle top thickly with buttered crumbs bake in a hot oven until crumbs are brown canadian medical assoc lemon tapioca sherbert without sherfoert h cup quick cooking tapioca 1 cup sugar 2 cups water juice 2 lemons 2 eggs whites put tapioca sugar and water into double boiler and cook stirring often until clear three minutes before re moving from fire add lemon juice when cool and beginning to thicken add the stiffly beaten egg whites and beat well serve whith bdped custard or heavy cream eyis good vision is priceless there is nothing that could be offered to us which woind tempt us in exchange for our eyes because we can see we take ifr fcr gronted that we will always have good eyesight and we go ahead ahimlng our eyes in a imoet careless manner our eyes cannot be replaced they have to last us throughout life jjtwe continue to abuse them they are almost sure to be worn out at an age when we will still need them 1 any person who has difficulty in see ing who has frequent headaches whose eyes become tired or who has spots dancing before the eyes should have his eyes examined the reason for having the eyes exam ined is to and out whether or not there is an abnormal condition which quires treatment f proper treatment will relieve the symptoms more important than relief of symptoms is the prevention of further damage faultjy vision is common vision de fects should be corrected by glasses pre scribed after a thorough examination we should always read and work hn good light the light should be steady and should fall so that our bodr les do not cast a shadow oh what we are doing the eyes should be- protected from in fection finger must be kept away from the eyes as they are very apt to carry infection into them every per son should have his own towel this even among members of the same fam ily the rollertowel and the common towel spread infection and if such a towel is used in drying the face there is a real danger of carrying infection from the towel into the eyes if some foreign substance gets into the eye it should be removed by a trained person the eye is too pre cious to take chances on its being in jured by unskilled attention to say nothing of the possibility of its being infected at the same time the eyes are part of the body and it should therefore not be forgotten that they are affected by the general health of the other parts good health which is secured through proper diet rest exercise fresh air and elimination- will be reaected in all parts of the body the eyes are priceless take the best care of them questions concerning health address ed to the canadian medical associa tion 184 college st toronto will be answered personally by letter administration sale there will be sold bypubllc auction at the east half of lot v con 7 nassagaweya on friday october 14th ism at 1 oclock in afternoon 115 acres of land in nassagaweya and 25 acres all hard and soft wood in esqueslng also 15 good milk cows and other farm stock and implements li months credit for poster write w i dick solicitor milton 3t notice to orulbrtors canadian pacific contributes to relief of unemployment e w beatty back from inspection trip voices confidence in canadian west despite depression crop outlook good distinguished party makes comprehensive tour e w bkatty in the matter f the estate f william philip appelbe late of the town of georgetown in uut coamiy of haltott gentleman deceatied notice is hereby given that all persons having claims ot demands tgalnst the lae wujamm philip appei- pe who died on or about the twenty- seventh day of september ad- 1930 are required to send by post prepaia or otherwise deliver to the undersign ed solicitor or the executors of the estate of the saia deceasea on or be fore tnfe twentyninth day of october ajx 1930 their names and addresses and fuli particulars of theh claims and tfhe nature of the securities of any held by eheni and take notice that after the said last mentioned date the execu tors jvu immediately proceed to dis tribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that he said executors will not be liable tor the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received no tice dated at georgetown ontario this sixth day of october ap 1930 clarknce h wigoins georgetown ontario 3k solicitor for the said executors robinson crusoe advertised tntufratu mocha layer cake 2 cups sifted cake flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 3 teaspoons cocoa s cup butter or other shortening 1 cup sugar 3 eggs well beaten cup strong decaffeinated coffee infusion 1 teaspoon vanilla 81ft flour once measure add baking powder and cocoa and sift together three times cream shortening thoro ughly add sugar gradually and cream together until light and fluffyj add eggs then flour alternately with coffee a small amount at a time beat after each addition until smooth add vanilla bake in two greased 9in layer pans in moderate oven 37s degrees p 30 minutes oool put lay ers together with prulted whipped cream dust top of cake with con fectioners sugar fruited whipped cream 3 tablespoons confectioners sugar 1 cup cream whipped 8 marshmallows finely cut j cup dates seeded and cut in small pieces a cup nut meats oroken 4 cup each candled cherries and pineapple finely cut add sugar to cream fold in remain ing ingredients variation i cut cake into small rounds top each roavid with mound of cream once upon time robinson crusoe became stranded on a lonely island wow instead of weeping and bemoan ing his misfortune he showed good norse sense and advertised yes sir he put up a white flag on a pole on the highest peak of the island as one copy or piece of clothing became worn out he put up a new one things looked pretty bad for a time but rob kept his ad in the air then one day he got what he was advertis ing for a vessel passing far out at sea noticed his ad and came and took him home can you imagine old r c saying to anyone that it doesnt pay to advertise notice to creditors in the mattes of um eitate of james banter late of the township of esqaeainf te use coanty of hal- ton fanner dtfeeaaed auction sale accident death rate horses and cattle the undersigned has been instruct ed by r haines lo sell by public auction at lot 32 con 10 esqueslng at cuenwtlllaras on friday october 17th iss0 at one oclock the following horses bay norse 7 yrs grey mre 7 yri cattle holsteln cow due oot 28th holsteln cow due oct 37 hol steln cow due nov 30th holsteln cow due nov 31st holsteln heifer due oct 26th brlndle heifer due nov 5th holsteln heifer fresh 2 months hol steln cow bred in april holsteln cow bred in may holsteln cow bred in may brlndle heifer rising 3 yrs holsteln heifer rising 2 yrs 3 hol steln heifers 18 months 2 one year old heifers pios 12 young pigs poultry 7 oeese 3 turkeys 25 hens terms fowl and sums of 25 and under cash over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notes w a wilson petgh cheyne clerk auctioneers notice 18 hereby otven that all persons having any claims or de mands against tne late james hunter who died on or about the twenty- eighth day sit august ajo 1930 at the township of esqueslng in the county of halton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to um undersign ed solicitor or john joseph hunter the executor of the last will and tesi tament of june hunter tanner de ceased their naznm mod addresses and full particulars in writing of thelr clalms and statements of their ac counts and the nature of the securi ties it any held by the and take nottcetet after the thirtieth day of october 1930 the said executor will proceed to distri bute ttoe assets of the said deceased among the ptons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice and that the said executor win not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then nave received no tice dated at georgetown ontario this thirtieth day of september ad 1930 john a thompson solicitor for the said executor 3t georgetown ontario the united states heads the list of all civilized countries of the world in its accident deathrate 792 per 100000 canada is next in point of fatality rate with a figure of 623 deaths per 100000 population england and wales have an accident deathrate of 41 per 100000 such was the statement made recent ly in pittsburgh by dr louis i dub lin statistician of the metropolitan life in the course of an address upon the subject of accidental deaths the speaker pointed oui that the toll from the automobile was responsible for the deaths or 31000 of the 97000 persons killed accldenuy in the united states last year and that it will be the cause of 33000 of the more than 100000 ac cidental deaths estimated for the cur rent year the 31000 automobile deaths of 1939 were the outcome of not less than one million injuries commenting on the facts that be came available on the actions of driv ers involved in automobile accidents in 1939 dr dublin said for 107000 dri vers such actions were recorded and for both fatal and nonfatal accidents it was found that 33 per cent of the drivers did not have the right of way 16 per cent were exceeding the speed limit another 16 per cent were on the wrong side of the road when the ac cident occured and 11 per cent drove off the roadway in ratal automobile accidents exceeding the speed limit was reported in 38 per cent of the deaths what pedestrians were doing when injured was also pointed out by thej speaker borne 37 per cent of the ped estrian involved in 100027 automobile accidents were injured while crossing having no signal another 27 per cent were injured while crossing the street between intersections 17 per cent were struck while at play in the street and 19 per cent while crossing the street against traffic signals in 1939 55 per cent of the motor fatalities arose from collisions between automobiles and pedestrians and 19 per cent came from collisions between mntor vehicles auction sale millions to call there are over uoo000 telephones in quebec and ontario alone this maajlthat literally millions of per sons in these provinces are at the other end of the telephone line what a mighty group of neighbors over 70- 000 times a day they place calls for friends in other- towns radios see our new 8tube atwater kent radio before you buy insurance special rate to farmers on automobile insurance confidence in the ability of the canadian west to fare and overcome its proiilems and a prac tical plan j assisting in h relief of unemployment were outstand ing features of the annual inspec tion trip through the wet just completed by k w beatty chairman and president of the canadian pari fie railway com- paftv and a party of iirrtors and- distinguiimea guests following upon the trip mr atty has announced the companys contri bution to thefceneral plans for the retifcf of unemployment in canada aa follows after conference with the federal governn tent an arrange- meht has been entered into where by in cpnsidteratiojn of the assumu- tiohby the government of interest charges for a specified period on the capital expenditure involved the company wilt immediately embark on certain works which had been approved for the future but which in ordinary course would not have been approached until 1931 or 1912 in framing the pro gramme we have had particularly in mind the desirability of provid ing some relief to the agricultural industry by furnishing work for farmers and their work animals and by carrying transportation facilities to those districts where the length of haul to the railway imoses an undue burden on the producers time and resources other works on the list are de signed to alksorb aa much as pos sible of the surplus lalour in the towns and cities the program follows track will be laid on the branch line now graded from crossneld westerly a distance of twentyeight miles and on the la com be and north west ern railway from thorsy to a point of junction with the calgary and kdmoriton 22 miles cons truction will proceed on the section of the nipawin prince albert line from the end of the present grading to henribourg a distance of ap proximately twenty miles from medatend to a point on the dehden meadow lake line a distance of thirtyfive miles from cuna worth to roaetown a dis tance of twenty miles and hamlin eaatarry for a distance of twenty- five miles and on the kettle valley railway a link will he huilt con- no ting the trucks at the north and the south enj of dog lake rock ballasting will be taken in hand on i peril y a wt hav xprienred in an extensive scale on the larhutel th pant dipnln to a large extent subdivision on the ialt suhdivi upon tl- fwlurf vim nut of the sion and on the algoma district what markftn nn4 that of the all in kastorn canada iravl i rnarkt for mili other rommodi- ballasting wilt neilon on the new tim an xhm tunniry produces in brunswick district one hundrd larg quantiti- th outlook in mtleft of track in ontario will h thin rt in nut al tl prhnt reloid with a heavier rail netum and gne hundnd and fifty mile of the heaviest rail hection sofr uwd in canada will lfe laid in itritiah columbia the manufacture of these rails will provide much em- ploymeilt in cunadian hteel plant in addition to the labour iiyvolvvd ttm- lear but i a- no reabn to h4irv- that a rirn to more artlv tiijeihftb rrjr litjfxn should pot i rrrijaajl at lfrant a- grad uil u tu rr i n aluw in lk rfi lb wfctt u tith grumbling imtikr nl iui- niutjjvn ar- ilny rdtjjn i ill the actual track workr- it uir jtnd tfm h tot intended also to start at once on the task of providing more com- moaious station accommodation at regina surveys are now lieing made whirl will probably justify entering on nome grade revision work along the thompson river in itritiah columefa and provision has been made for the necessary outlay discussing present conditions and future prosperta in general on his return to montreal mr beatty said we have come hack greatly reassured as to the ouuook for a steady progression of general busi ness with in all likelihood a well defined upturn in volume making itself evident next year despite conditions in the worlds grain markets which leave much to be desired western canada continues to look to the future witrx confidence and ap parently has quite made up its mind that it will take much more than the present recession in business to work any permanent harm to the west or even to re tard seriously or for any length of time the development which has been going forward over the past decade the crops were on the whole very encouraging the total yield will be conaiaerabry above that of last- year and greater than was anticipated a month or two ago while in some districts they were far from good ia the north and more particularly in the peace river country they were excellent the quality too ia generally good although in some districts recent rain and anow have delayed threshing and may to some extent have lowered the grade the de cline in wheat prices naturally has had a serious effect upon the pur chasing power of the people and a return to such pronounced pros- rwjrag iijrrtw h ivrakytfi -tn- idn in ik ouotry in whih they liv thrr af already evidence that rnt ondltlanji are bringing abttyl ravdjdlmenti that in the long run will tab- hah agricultural induatry uppxf a pounder hasui- a much wider kpread of mixed fartning u one of these if the decline in wheat prices effects thui in a general way throughout the weal it will not have been an unraxed evil mr beatty and his party visited the peace river on the way west later passing through banff and lake louise to the coast on hoard the princess norah they encircled vancouver island and spent two days at victoria tha return was over the kettle valley railroad to kimberley and trad where the sullivan mine and the consolidated smelters were visited the fruitgrowing industry of southern british columbia was found to be in excellent shape large quantities of fruit were being shipped and the quality was re ported good from british colum bia the party returned north to prince albert where mr beatty a special train inaugurated a daily service between regina and that city over the new lanigan- prince albert branch at nipawin the earty crossed the saskatchewan liver on the new bridge and inspected the branch line work going forward there the returst was through winnipeg direct to montreal travelling with mr beatty were sir herbert hok sir charles gordon w a black and r s mclaughlin all of whom are canadian pacific directors others in the pany were sir arthur currie maj gen the hon 3 c mew- burn hon senator smeaton white mr beau dry leman and dr w w chipman wood itaos fsjm sincle cord delivered mtzad wood fsjso hardwood auoo sta rt cord j h smith phone mru tf wood for ssde choice hardwood beech and mapla 400 per stnsie eordt mixed wood sua per single cord mixed slabs 300 per single cord rails 300 per single cord phase ss5j or 2ssj j bra georgetown j sanford stewarttowtu piumbingtinsmilhing esaawtes ckecrfatjr clvea phone 84 rl2 georgetown rr no 2 monuments pollock a ingham ginvjonft f kersey oaargetawb standing in front of k funeral processlori a man was einsteins as went by whosenxuneral he asked of ein stein chon schmidts replied klnstrtn john smith i exclaimed the man you dont mean to say john smiths dead veil said klnsuln vot you dink tey la doing mlt him practicing registered and puke bred jkb sky cattle ruuv accredited the undersigned has received in structions from p u boulter sell by public auction on lot 23 ninth line esqueslng at olenwluiams on tuesday october 21st 1m at 1 pjn the following rowers sally anne 42064 2 yr old fresh interested sue u imported vjsie american 4208m 13 yr old bred feb 28th sue b princess 2 yr old bred feb 28th interested bell flower oorn march 3rd 1s30 financial pearl 2nd 13204 10 yrs bred june 11th pearls cherry 2347s 8 yrs bred july 30th clara of mcnab si 533 6 yrs bred sebt 27th financial cherry maid 45094 3 yrs bred june 12th queen bess of cherry lane 32831 4 yrs bred sept 10th japs rose 34860 i yrs bred april 15th interested lilac imported 40700 american 44286s 11 yrs bred sept i7tli rlvercourt daisy belle 35407 bred before sale 3 yrs rlvercourt polly 35498 3 yrs bred before sale rowers pauline 39801 3 yrs bred before sale jerseydale ruby 49003 3 yrs fresh jerseydale blondle 2nd 48371 a yrs bred aug- lth jer seydale rose 48370 2 yrs fresh in august rowers ada may 43452 j yrs bred july 19th jerseydale pansy 49119 1 yr bred june 19th queens pawn of cherry lane 36704 3 yrs bred before sale may flowers lass reg 1 yr bred before sale stamford rogers lass 32471 4 yrs bred sent 8th bonnie lassie pearl 45436 2 yrs bred june 16u clark hill vloja 3196 8 yrs bred april l2ttiookten bright maid 31910 4 yrs bred april 31st rlvercourt bright star 47714 1 yr bred aug 16th rodney of halton male 1 yr pedigree day of sale holsteln cow reg due dec 7th 3 heifer calves pedigree at time of sale pure bred unregistered accredited pawn cow 7 yrs bred feb 14th fawn a y june 18th milking pawn heifer 2 yrr bred june loth fawn heller 3 yrs bred july 11th milking fawn cow 6 yrs bred aug 9th fawn heifer 2 yrs bred sept 4th milking fawn heifer 2 yrs brm july 27th milking pawn heifer 1 yr bred in pasture pawn heifer 3 yrs fresh in august htwn cow 4 yrs bred feb 24th pawn heifer 1 yr due nov 14th fawn cow 5 yrs bred in sept fawn heifer 1 yr due oct 2sth holsteln cow 4 yrs bred aug 9th masaey harris reaper massey harris aurns of 8000 and over 5000 ten months cardlt on approved joint notes 6 discount for cash w a wilson trank pktoh clerk auctioneer debts collected yes collections are slow this year but note this we have collected more money in 1930 than m any one of our forty years experience send us your list at once kelly aiken collection epedansta swetpb 0 owen fliani h lo terms all under cash oil royalties not stocks or atures in royalty holding companies purchase and u dining propertlea only at monthly returns owa yeaar own l clayton ktdok royal bank bhag toronto oot adel 18ct standard anthracite scrakton coal htsia autonmtkalry s and leaded john mcdonald pt0ael2 when mother went shopping years ago carrolls was a single small grocery store on the corner same as thousands of others and look at as now de veloped with no other a than thai of appreciative cissto ii the biggest individual grocery rwan in canada perhaps in america n quality and prices tell the tale canned fish sale brunswick brand sardines 421 sfea king brand lobster 2 s 37 palm brand fancy suilmmv pertl 19 japanese fancy crab meat k 33 red cross fancy red sahnon extra specisj tin 17c 27c choice pink salmon tin 10c 17c fancy white tana large tin 33c lobster paste 3 bna 25c- beaver chicken haddie tin 21c acadia boneless codfish 1lh cartons 1 16e special campbells soups 2 ta 23 vegetablebeef and tomato onlf special krafts famous salad dressing largo 12oz jar lac extra value at f carrolls creamery batter lb 35c fasifarst or domestic shortening 3lb pail 60c im h km pi wc carrolls wrapped bread 24osu loaf 8c cvtoits tens lb 39c 49e 55c 70c i carrolls own coffees lb 45c soc 55c 105 stores v jav main street georgetown i j i

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