Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 22, 1930, p. 1

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nsi etown sixtyfifth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 22nd 1930 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa the georgetown herald j m moore publisher and proprietor member cmuuuan weekly newspaper association v canadian national electric railway daylight saving time eattlmimd daily except sunday 748 ajn 95c am 1248 pm 248 pm 430 pm 648 pan 848 pm il48 pm 801 ajn 1001 pjn 101 pm 301 prn 641 pm 901 pm 1201 ajn dally dally pally dally except sundays dally dally dally weauxkto daily except sunday dally dally dally dally dally jdaqy fast freight same day delivery service freight picked up at ouelph georgetown phone 13 k c n r tune table standard tims i gomg bart 715 am 938 ajn 1033 ajn 1157 am 8 33 fixa 900 pm 7j4 pjn step up yotjr enrqy passenger y passenger and mall passenger passenger and mall passenger 71s ajn 343 pjn passenger sunday going west passenger and mall passenger passenger passenger and mall sill pjn passenger 708 pjn passenger 108 0-n- passenger sunday 1008 ul going north tall and passenger 8j6 ajn ooiag soath 4sil and passenger 710 p central ontario bus lines ltd arrow coaches arrow buses leave cmorgetown or toronto 920 ajn daily except sun days and holidays 960 ajn sunday and holidays only 1135 ajn dally 3j p dally 606 pjn dally mu pjn dally arrow tlmr loavsbay and front sts toronto for georgetown 8j0 ajn dally 11 ajn daily ajn pjn daily 430 pjn dally sjoo pjn dairy except saturdays sundays and holidays 1000 pjn saturday sunday and hou- days only iim tims ah bases stop at langs stars directory lb roy dale tfr georgetown ontario offices king bids mill st clarence h wiocuns barrister solicitor notary pobue offices ocelli block oeorgstown telephone 158 john a thompson barrlsler sol notary public offioss mill street phone 332 and 3w energy cornes from food thfct cohtairfi thetlements ofnutrition in well- balanced proportion and easily di gested form get into partnership with nature and step tijr your energy by eating shredded wheat with milk all the carbohydrates you need to furnish heat and energy all the min eral salts for bones and teeth deli cious for any meal with sliced bananas or stewed fruits with atl the bran of the whole wheat canadian shuatooeo wheat company ltd ervic oraham graham and bowter barristers rte brasaptosv ontario c o oraham k b oraham o h bowyer vt kenneth m iangoon barrister solicitor notary public offices main street south georgetown phone 88 dr j j paul dr r t paul rkyslelans and saagsons t offlosr of health in ffaqiisslng township dffioa hours a to 4 and t to pjn fheske 58 office and resmsncs mill street dr sutherland bye bar rosa and throat rrodslllt st- oeoritmown wednesday evening batbtday aftarnoon and evening hodrs a pjn till 9 pjn or by sp- polntment otaases supplied omoa at miss matthew main st horns phons 10716 dr a v williams rhvawaan sskl sargaeat mmaima officer ot health georgetown office and resldsnro main st south opposlts presbyterian church office hours 1- and 19 pjn f r watson djja mjks offios hours 9 to 5 rjccept thursday aftarnoons f l hbath ljs d jtjs in of ornsllls hours b one door north factory to a pjn frank patch sa auctioneer far the oeaatles of feel and halton prompt service t oheltenham 26r23 georgetown slrs post r j kerr auctioneer and real estate ef tapartejsoe fl aewuosj saoe f ww acton ont ehlrqpractlc xray service otbo ovar ijoauuion stare ottos sourgs mender wednesday and batutday 1 to 6 and 7 to i pjn other 4tays ana hours by appointment rtmawlmw- n imj v a mm fn eu vismaw aast itmay l to pja special train 8hrv1cr will be opentml daring h s for parry sound and points north to capreol u toronto ow snuoo gsc nov 1 1035 pjn moo nov 3 gun nov 2 0j5 pjn 930 us moo nov 3 1035 pan wed nov 5 tucsnov4 lojspjo uouo for oravenhurst burics falls and north bat lot tobotrjo cumiom outtomi nick smfc 945 pemdally ovjs- 845 sjn dau ecedt sunday complete schedules of special snd regular train services both 4otthsnd southbound with other necessary inrosaaarlon shown in himwrs train service leafia which marf be had on request from hftuvlmtc h ir amm hi travel as canadian national railways eiejwawmwrwr nor val mills corn cracker mux in operation kings choice flour for bread national flour for pastry whole wheat flour wheatlete feed bran shorts gluten now on hand- w b browne co phone 90 r 2 georgetown mm have your eyes examined by o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month or yon may consult dr walker at his office in brampton for accurate time for the satisfaction of proud possession at so modest price here is no wrist watch to compare with the wonder watch of the world elaine i goerjng abtwfllson next to hotel mcgibbon ii georgetown r the whippoorwill when the long days work is ended and the sun lias gone to rest when the gebrgeous colors blended fade and vanish in the west when the nighttime draws its cur tain slowly over vale amd hill then i listen in the twilight for the sweet volcfed whip- poor will other birds he ceased their singing and are settled f6r he night through the gloom the firefly ingiilff twinkles with its qandle light then the- voice comes from the valley with its accents clear and shrlll tis the last song ol the evening frotjh th jjwetjjtvvolced whippoprwill up atiove the slavs are peeping thxougb the darkening evening sky and the breeze comes gently sweeping rustling leaves while passing by then from out the clrclijig silence though all other birds are still comes the clear sweet vibrant music from the sweetvoiced whlppoorwlu when the pearly dewdrops glisten in the moonlights silver ray then i like to sit and listen for that farewell to the day as it echoes through the valley and across the silent hill tls the last song of the evening from the sweetvoiced whippoorwill about mayor mackenzfe cooperating with mother by helen gregg green looking through a magazine the other day i became interested in a letter written by one of its readers it was from a woman past fifty the mother of several children she was discouraged and worn out mentally and physically with her years of re sponsibility and work we are all to blame for many ox our troubles the letter read we ask nothing in return for our labors but the pleasure of our dear ones it is a great mistake we teach them from babyhood to take our services as a matter of course and by the time we reallfce what we have done we are too tired and worn out to care and it does not pay this is only part of the soulreveal ing letter but in it there is food for thought and study and a warning to young mothers a warning to begin with the just-around- the-corner- from babyhood days to give the children small duties and small responsibili ties so that the burden which us ually falls to the mothers lot may be lessened when boys and girls dis cover how much actual labor there is connected with a house they real ize the great help they may be to mother so many mothers will continue tak ing the entire responsibility for run ning a house smoothly and efficiently year in and year out the only sign of protest they ever make is a weary little im a bit tlerd at night with out ever a hearttoheart talk with the family asking for cooperation the pipinghot breakfasts the dain ty wholesome unehes and delicious dinners the cosy cherry neat home are taken as a matter of course chil dren who have had no experience in doing household tasks do not realize the effort time and hard wbrk back of it all it all looks so easy so simple and who is to make them realize and appreciate if not the parents it is not fair to the dear ones to al low them to take all this for granted if we allow ourselves to be left behind if we work so hard we are too tired to take part in the dally lives of our children and husbands the letter continued they simply learn to do without ua isnt there a lot of truth tucked away in those words shouldnt they make all mothers who have tiny chil dren think i remember a certain thanksgiving that shames and grieves me we did pot have a maid so mother cooked and served a delicious thanksgiving dinner for two gueca and our own family after dinner the guests my ather and i hurried down town for an afternoons merrymaking leaving mother who was not strong to clear off the table and 60 the stacks of dishes mother was he one who de served and should have had the hap py afternoon and now that i have com to a realisation of the many sacrifices she made and have learned how much help i could have been and would like nothina better than to lighten hpr burdens i is too late that is what the writer of the let ter suggested and by the time they marry and have cnfldren of their own andhearn from experience what fc means and what children mean in 4 cqpthers life perhaps it is too late you may have passed on and if not it is still rather difficult to teach old dogs new tricknp so the wives and mothers must remedy this they should commence with the husbands at marriage and with the children in their very early years it is really very easy to teach the children to hang up their wraps to run errands to keep their rooms tidy and to do the hundred and one other little things which inculcate in them the habit of service and the sense of responsibility a mother like a child needs un derstanding love and play she should shared these and also her household cares with her family this would maker happier sweeter- tempered younger and more charming mothers the country over and better and hap pier boys and girls issued by the national kindergarten association 8 west 40th street new york city the canadian lumberman of oct 15th has hhe following article con cerning mayor j b mackenzie of georgetown j b mackenzie of georgetown ont former president of the ontario re- tall lumber dealers association and mrs mackenzie who returned home last month from au extended trip overseas appreciated every minute of heir stay abroad while m england mr mackenzie attended the worlds f poultry congress and enjoyed the advantages of the united kingdoms department of agriculture that branch making every arrangement- for the en tertainment of all relegates in an interview mjr mackenzie said ythus we hmany privileges over the in dividual tougst regarding the inter ests of the bjiitming trade a great deal of 1 building is being done all over the british isles and many old places are being wrecked and more modern ones constructed i had a pleasant visit to the london timber yard and a most courteous reception from the manager trie london timber yard owned- by the corporation of london and the dealers of the city rent space for stor age of cargo lumber it covers an area of 158 acres and the manager told me he had lumber from every portion of the world stored there a considerable portion of the 35 cargoes in the process of unloading while i was ihere was russian lumber from the white sea ports i understand this was being delivered at the docks from 400 to 500 lgss than our canadian competitive lumber this lumber seem ed to be well manufactured and of a very good grade mr mackenzie added that he was now getting down to business after his long holiday and reports that the out look for the fall and winter is growing better he also specializes in coal some months ago he took his son sam into partnership and the style of the firm is now j b mackenzie son lately in their advertising they have been featuring coal under the catchy caption good coal makes warm friends county council limehouse owing to anniversary services in knox church georgetown no service was held in the presbyterian church here but quite a number of the con gregation attended one or other of the services in georgetown we had hoped to welcome dennis hill home this week but we regret that dennis has not been so well over the week end and it is indefinite when he will be able to come home we hope it will not be many days mr and mrs alfred marshall and eileen spent the week end with mrs jas marshall we extend a hearty welcome to mr and mrs wm lne who have again taken up their abode in limehouse mr and mrs lane- lived here some few years ago- and we are glad to have them back with us this sudden cold snap has been a gentle reminder that winter is not very far away misses nellie and beatrice lane spent the week end with their hrother in whitby mrs dr oraham of detroit and miss oraham of acton vixiled miss aggie scott at umehouse last thurs day rev m cree will occupy the pulpit of the presbyterian church sunday oct 26th the following was received too late for last issue the anniversary services in the presbyterian church last sunday were well attended the merpel quartette from toronto assisted the choir and their rendering of some of the beauti ful old hymns was particularly pleas ing and greatly appreciated by the congregation rev wro moffat of weston occupied the pulpit at both services in thp afternoon his message was based on luke 5 45 admonishing his hearers not to be discouraged in the work for the master but when they are inclined to give up to launch jout into the deep and let down their nets we cannot know just what good we may be doing at the very time when we feel most discouraged and our work seems in vain in the evening mr moffat took fcs nis text ex 3 1314 warning against pie all too common fault of hasty judgment of the action of others not knowing what command lay behind ihe action- both ware wonderful mes sages of help anq encouragement miss lydla baldweu left last week ito attend college at 8t thomas i dennis hu1 was taken to st josephs hospital last week and operated upon for appendldttcs we are pleased to report that dennis is progressing splendidly and we hope soon to see him back among us mr sidney klrkpatrtck had the misfortune last tuesday night oct 7 to have his car stolen from the garage canvasstimr for subscriptions the latest from scotland concerns one andrew who being very popular with the village folk was requested b the minister to canvass for subscrtp tions to charity andrew accepted the task a few days lster he was seen- jazzing atorig the road in a suspicious manner andrew said the minister it grieves me to see you in this condition ah well replied andrew its s for the guld of the cause you see meenlster ifs a because of the sub scriptions ilka noose i go into they make me have a wee drauple every- house pretested the mini ster but surely andrew there are some members ot he kirk who are gooq teetotaller ave aye therebe meenlater but i wrote tae those calling anywhere 1 want t talk to finland bounds unreasonable doesnt it but it is only one of nineteen fcuropean poun- i tries now available by telephone as well as most of the americas uni versal telephony is nearer than mans tela think- milton oct 14 th 1930 the council met at 10 jo ajn in accordance with adjournment mem bers all percent the warden in the chair the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed communications were read as fol lows from w- i dick county solici- ur re removals of hydro electric poles and the childrens aid society of ham iltdn re wm leslie cllne a o kirstine agricultural- repres entative addressed the council re boys judging competitions mr buck moved seconded by mr gamribeu that the boys judging cbm- petiuonshe given grant of s8000 the same to pe made payable to thedis- trtct representative carried- mr blain presented the inhth report of the standing committee on county buildings sir mason the ninth on finance mr readnead the ninth on special communications mr pettlt the ninth on county roads mr buck the seventh on railways legislation and agriculture and mr harris the ninth on printing mr blain moved seconded by mr harris that bylaws nos 605o6n to issue debentures be now read a second time in committee of the whole and the blanks filled in the warden to keep the chair carried mr buck moved seconded by mr campbell that bylaw no sos to issue debentures for 3400 be now read a third time and passed signed by the warden and clerk and the corporate seal attached carried mr bewson moved seconded by mr robinson that bylaw no 607 to issue debentures for 3000 for county road construction be now read a third time and passed and the corporate seal at tached signed by the warden and clerk carried mr buck moved seconded by mr readnead that we go into committee of the whole to consider and am the reports of the standing committees carried the council went into committee of the whole mr vanscriver in the chair the council resumed the warden in the chair mr blain moved seconded by msv mason that the reports of the stand ing committees considered and amend ed in committee of the whole be and are hereby adopted carried mr buck moved seconded by sir pettlt that this council grant then- approval to the game and fisheries department of ontario for the mak ing of the second line in the county of halton from the upper middle road in said county to the lower middle road in said county also the lower middle road south of second line along lots 31 and 3a a orown game preserve carried mr mason moved seconded by mr harris that the treasurer be and is hereby authorised to pay the follow ing accounts as passed in committee of the whole finance 58000 special communications 9000 county buildings 11563 printing 51 70 createst clothing values in canada made to your measure suite also 2700 and 3500 mr h silver georgetown ont has been appointed sole agent for charles clothes mr h weingarten of the charles tailoring co will be here with a full range of imported woollens and all the leading models for fall and winter friday october 24th remember the date satisfaction guaranteed a choice selection of ladies and mens winter coats at very closevprices phone 375 georgetown main street 837 33 carried mr robinson moved seconded by mr mctutyre that this county coun cil favors the construction of a sub way at the 7th lme crossing at oak- vllle but are not in accord with the percentage of cost as su by the chief engineer in his report to the dominion railway board a we recommend that the cost to the municipalities of 30 be borne 30 by the county of halton 5 by the town ship of trafalgar and 5 by the town of oakville 3 that a copy of this resolution be sent to the dominion railway board carried mr buck moved seconded by mr mason that this council continue the grant of 8000 to a scholarship at the ouelph agricultural college providing there are three or more contestants for the scholarship carried moved by mr buck seconded by mr robtn- son that the clerk be instructed to advise the secretaries of the various high school boards to which this county contributes that m future it will be necessary for them to furnish this council with the names place ot residence and number of days atten dance of each pupil for preceding three years in sddlttnn to the information given tn the usual requisition snd that we require the certificate of the andltors of the said boards that each voucher had bean checked by them carried tjhe report of the standing commit tee on county roads was as follows the committee visited road no 0 and inspected hydra pales which the co had notified the county they would nave to move as the result of our havla graded this road the and we are gld to say the car was found op the roadside up near hunts- vuie on thursday mr klrkpatrtck was notified on saturday about one oclock and he arrived home with his car sunday night not very much the worse for its travel a prisoners cap was found in the car whloh woujd indicate that the prisoners recently escaped from ouelph reformatory were the culprits on tuesday night the anniversary tea and entertainment was held in the presbyterian church the program was varied and ot a high order mr bennle of knox church acton was chairman after the program the ladies of the congregation provided a bountiful lunch our council put in a couple of new bridges on the crossroads this sum mer but they have left the approaches in rather a precarious condition mrs jas brant is confined to bed with an attack of influenza mr and mrs mckechnle of toledo paid a flying visit to mrs swftck ham mer last week general crop report two weeks good weather is necessary to finish the harvest in the prairie provinoes though interrupted fre quently by rains threshing is practical ly finished in manitoba and the south ern area of saskatchewan in north ern krea of saskatchewan it las been about 60 completed and ifl albert from 10 to 40 in quebec harvest ing of grains luuj been completed ex cept in the saguenay and bower at lawrence districts where operations ware delayed by rain- tn ontario the continued dry weather has retarded fall ploughing and the acreage or fall wheat is well below average the crop already seeded however on the whole looks promising in the maritime pro vinces weather conditions are satls- fsctory snd a good average grain crop has been harvested tn british colum bia recent rains have beeni verybene- clal excellent crops of jlpplss potatoes are reported erwingoldhanrs meat market salmon fillets baddies oysters and ciseoes watch our window for special prices on saturday erwin goldham phone 1 georgetown pale listless children committee felt that the hydro estimate the matter was repiloeniical excessive and that only j and we am atari tn no h iw of the poles mentioned actually re- 1 quired moving and the oounty en gineer was instructed to consult the county solicitor to ascertain if we were compelled to aoeept the suggestion ot the hydro commission we would recommend that the at tached opinion of mr w i dick in the above matter be discussed in com mittee of the whole and filed re communication from john h smith asking permission to install a gasoline pump at stewarttown we suggest that this be referred to the county superintendent to investigate with power to act and report back to this council re letter from iv a howard churn ing damages for his car going into tha ditch on road no 9 on sept 24utv we recommend that this be referred to the a lobe indemnity co nine tenders wera received for mov ing the require earth or the road diversion north at aktnwtutams as follows king vlna on 383 cts per cu yd armstrong bros 35 cts per cu yd rett bros 40 cts per cu yd ryan construction co 60 cts per en yd r p booth 40 cts per cu yd durbano construction 49s cts per yd earl henson 46 cts per ott yd a e bawtenhelmer 70 eta per ou yd u williams 44 c0 per ou yd we would recommend acceptance of armstrong bora at 33 ota pen- cubic yard i we would recommend acceptance of of the offer ot the metallic roofing co for the construction of the 3d x so storage building discussed at the previous meeting at a price of 03700 and that the engineer be instructed to proceed with the construction ot the building the friendly sebviob millions of miles of wire crisscross the country to carry your voice wherever you want to go present day telephone communication re markably swift and sure the tele snd phone habit for keeping in touch with outoftown fitenda i gain in weight and strength every observant mother sees children that just dont seem to do right they are pale and listless catch cold easily and are first to catch ail diseases children are heir to sometimes the answer is simple a vital element ls missing from the diet parkedavt8 cod liver on s an unequaled conditioner tor growing children it is rich in vitamins and promotes strong healthy bones and sound teeth in growing children adults too benefit from its disease resisting properties 16 oz bottle 125 danns drug store agents for sargon ptttto 327 p f xjsaawvlsbaaa xaasaamv v rtjaswsksvssk jiwawx jthrvvbc jw hydro electric system aos orders taken for ranges 4and- appliances of all kinds office towrthall our skjesmen cury butternut varieties daily a change to suit the palate manf d by dominion bakeries ltd csnelph soldby mark cark 229w grocer 1 advertiserit pays l j vviu

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