Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 19, 1930, p. 2

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pe2 bothrantfe ehcafer cosyhome quebec it heat it cooks it bake piwvide hot water burns any fusl i reasonably priced made in wse alses suitable ft any kitchen two fcoks directly over the fire insures rapid cookjng large top feed door and extginsioa fuel pocket permit feeding 31 inch wood orates are adjust able to shallow firebox for all fuels for summer use water front or reservoir supplies plenty of hot water at all tiroes one of the most flexible stoves ever de signed and exceptionally wen adapted to the canadian climate contains the aama fine workmanship and materials as are found in the famous happy thought ranees and allcast furnaces r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown aaob at twgfffsftpiawumbv happy thought company- ua rangesfurnaces to tsuswontits bmksgmohs fuj ve invite tjol to tnj hesl tat bed rose tea heres a bargain 239 eggs in bag of purina the store tvith the checkerboard sign make it easier for hem to lay for sales at p g earlys feed store georgetown n phone 17s get your supply now at tnu special price the store with the checkerboard sign births halldirtoat kitchener oct 30th 1930 to mr and mrs herbert hard irtk 223 srioemnker avenm daugh ter dieu wright in ocorketown on friday nov 141111930 harry wright 4 his 63rd year smith at western hospital on sat urday nov 15 1930 james r smith in his tth year brotherin law of mr william mckay georgetown clark at lot 20 con 11 esques ing township on monday novem ber 17th 1930 margaret crawford widow of the late james olarfc in her 83rd year s baptist church anniversary another anniversary in connection with georgetown baptist church was celebrated on sunrjay last when prof a l mccrunmrm ld ofmcmaster 0ruverslt of the day his eloquefit ana inspiring ser morts were highly appreciated by the large congregations present at the services at the morning service tie read as ue scrtpwiy- lessons the 3rd chapter of ephesians and chose as his text the gospel of tne lorn jesus christ the speaker said in part two great objects nf the oospel of pcsra christ is the elevaton of the spirit i of the life of christ ih the church and to get the heart of those who have never known jesus christ into the work o the church all have ob ligations and mans greatest work l the perpetuation of the work of jesus christ christ cah to bring man back to ood he lived suffered died and rose again and told his followers to prcaon the gospel of the power of god unto salvation of all who be lieve we are not only to preach the gospel but to live it man has wan- idercd away from ood but ood has i porvided means whereby he can be saved god is the loving eternal one who sacrificed himself in the person of jesus christ for you and me a marvellous revelation of ood is this redemption power god does not rob you of free agency but trusts you to i follow the gospel of salvation and be j saved paul spoke of the unmeasur able riches of jesus christ and no matter how good a christaln you may go higher ood went out after lost souls he is the fountain source of all light and power and his eternal purpose is the salvation of mankind jesus christ is a pe t mediator and has relationship wltn the human and tlvlne he is the only one with such personality we are sure of the ef fectiveness of the atonement and get power in our heart that teaches pto pray and leads us on to greater truths wc should be particular how we invest our splrtuaj things and life the gospel of jesus christ holds good today tomorrow and through out the ages it is good in every func tlon of man and makes home citi zenshlp individual and life better it purifies and lifts up all functions of life it a gospel o ftrue spirituali ty and not a gospel of force you cant force spiritual results ood made che forgiveness of our sins pos sible through the gift of his son jesus christ religion is a lire not to be thought but must be lived the great est achievement in life ls to have the needs of the soul met and the as pirations of the heart fulfilled if a real man or woman you want to be belter and live the life of jesus christ if i be lifted up i will draw all men unto mo- tne gospel of jcsua christ does the work chris tianity ls effective you become a dlf fcrcnt creature and the whole horizon of lite ls changed what are you going to do about the gospel of jesus christ and how are you going to preach it for the advancement of his kingdom special music by the choir under the able leadership of mrs frith vocal solos by mr daniels of hamil ton and mr john blair and organ voluntaries by mr charles kirk or ganist added materially to the en joyment oi the occasion the financial objective for the dav was more than met i beautiful chrysanthemums adorned the pulpit- if obituary harry wright harry wright proprietor of the ex change hole here died on friday nov 14th after a lengthy illness mr wright was born in wales 62 years ago and came to georgetown in 19ij from nobletan he was a member of the anglican church his wife who was miss arvilla beer of picker lng and two children katharine and dorothy one sister and three broth era survive the late harry wright was a good citbsen and an honorable man respected by all who knew him and his death is deeply regretted by many friends the funeral took place on monday afternoon to oreenwood cemetery the service being conduct ed by rev f k wase the pall bearers were messrs w h long a 8 mccumber w whlunee prank golden t allison and o grainger jambs anthony another of the pioneers of this part of ontario in the person of james anthony wis gathered to his fathers home on monday nov 10th the deceased vas in the 94th year of his life the end of the long life came at the home of his daughter mrs w b shortlll james anthony jast surviving fenian raid member of norval company of the halton rifles was bom on lot 10 fourth line west near norval his father john an thony was a pioneer settler from ireland in his earlier years mr anthony operated saw mills for john currle and robert noble then farm ed on the 9th concession of esques- ing for so years retiring to george town 2 yjears ago with georgetown norval and stewarttown companies of halton rifles he weit to niagara palls during the fenian raid spending five weeks at st catharines where he was on the border guard for 73 years he belonged to the orange order and marched at the head erf norval lodge in his scarlet cloak and master hau when orangemen were forbidden to walk in ouelph over 80 years ago in politics tie was a con servative and in religion a methodist and later a member of the united church mr anthonys wife died in 1917 he leaves one daughter mrs w b shortill also one brother sur vlves mr andrew anthony george town the funeral took place wed nesday afternoon nov lath to nor val cemetery the service being con ducted by the rev mr rumley of the united church assisted by rev mr caldwell of ijrnehpuso and rev mr aiken of dalllnafad mrs caldwell sang the beautiful solo one by one too pallbearers were his former neighbors mr benjamin harrop mr william swlteef mr fredrick huff man mr thomas bird co a i noble mr a e parnell there were many beautiful floral tributes from relations and mends friends from a distance who at tended the funeral were mr john anthony mrs poole mr and mrs prince mrs mr t noble hluia trueman mr and bars elltot mr d mr and mrs cunningham and mrs john and mrs start hamilton i mrs raid mm g mr w colo claridge acton the georgetown herald wednesday evening novepibe r 19th 1930 v mr will anthony misses elisabeth and christine taylor mr marison hall misses haael and rjteta and mr fred hall mr james anthony mr and mrs herb anthony mr tuid mw will mcclure mr and mrs b- fuller and miss reva fuller bramp ton young man loseq eye when gun discharger when he stumbled over a fence wliile pursuing a cotton tail on satur day afternoon the shotgun bf robert jcpson aged 19 of georgetown ac cidentally discharged blqwlng off part of his right hand part of the qharge also struck his face and neceesttated the removal of his right eye at ouelph general hospital although his condition was considered precari ous by hospital authorities at the time he is now improving nicely jejison was hunting on the farm of arthur evans at the time part of the charge lodged in the head just under the skull according to the hospital and it was unknown whether he would be operated on to remove it joiison left the hospital eight weeks ago after a serious operation on his head nomination friday mayor reeve and members of q cqunci will be candidates town nominations will take place at the town hall on friday evening at present there is very little stfr in municipal matters which may pos sibly be taken as an indication that the ratepayers are fairly well satis- ned with the business of the town as conducted by their representatives of 1930 in an interview with members or council last evening we learned the following mayor mackenzie will be a candl date or 1931 reeve mclntyre will be a candidate for 1931 councillor george davis wil be a candidate for 1931 councillor w c bessey will likely be a candidate for 1931 councillor harold cleave will be in the held for municipal honors in 1931 councillor a b parr will be a candidate for 1931 councillor n cummings will be a randm te lor 1931 comedy in three acts i 1 i i i i kmymxymcmmcmkmmcxmiv i alloiasudden peggy under auspices young peoples leasae of the united church in the gregory theatre georgetown monday nov 24th caste anthony lord crackenthorpe john bird fellow of the entomological society the hon jimmy keppel geonre pace his brother major archie phipps retired fred fartlnger lady crackenthorpes brother jack menzies thos eaaon parker harold mcclure footman at hawkhurst lucas wilfred leslie manservant at jimmys flat lady crackenthorpe mrs h cleave lord crackenthorpes mother the hon mhjjcent keppel grace forater the hon mrs colquhodn madeline erwin mrs omara bath brans widow of professor ctmara pus and ieooy act i- her daughter dorothy frampton the suddenness of peggy the white hall at hawkhurst lord crackenthorpe s country house act ii the suddenness of consequences at jimmy keppels flat in london a week later act iii the consequences of suddenness the white hall at hawkhurst on the evening of the same day orchestra in attendance reserved seat children 25 cents program at 815 47c plus 3c tak 1 plan opens at watson drag store on satnrday norember 15ui pure food store 3 lbs pure lard 47c 2 lbs guelph creamery butter 71c 2 tins crosse blackwells baked beans 25c 2 tins crosse blackwells spaghetti 25c crosse blackwells chili sauce per bottle 29c large bottle heinz tomato juice 25c heinz tomato juice per tin 15c carnation milk small tin 6c 10 bars comfort soap 51c 5 barrfearl white naptha soap 21c 4 cakes infants delight soap 23c extra good quality broom only 39c new raisins currants dates fig peels nuts etc now in stock choicest quality only a e farnell dshivcffy atahmm 09 i goodbye georgetown were through every article left in the store must be sold in the next three days regardless of cost our loss is your gain mens solid leather work boots 129 mens fine dress oxfords reg 6 00 only 365 mens dress shirts a snap at 69c mens wool combinations reg 2 50 at only 149 mens fleecelihed combinations while they last 100 mens njed weighjt atlantic unshrinkable comb 98c mens allwool socks 19c mens ties reg 50c and 75c all going at 39c mens caps only 49c only a few ladies dresses to be gold at 389 ladies fullfashioned hose pnly 98c double bed size crinkly bed spreads reg 1 50 87c fine linen pillow slips pssr pajr 39c ladies dimity pajamas only j 39c boys fleece lined combinations only 79c boys caps only y girls wool tarns only j 39c baby blankets enlyl z and many more articles of value to be sold at a loss dont forget the three days left thursday friday snd saturday at bp i i i h goldstein i georgetown i kaawtat gibbens block main st seasonable specials seasonable specials offered by d brill co ax prices that will enable you to purckase high quality merchandise at what is usually asked for inferior goods ladies winter coats broadcloth and rippleaheert fabrics in cluding flared arid belted models lavishly trimmed with cara cul or opposum reduced for quick sale to i 19 75 another group of furtrimmed coats in broadcloths and tweeds reduced to 1475 ladies and misses dresses smartly tailored and dressier models tweeds jersey and canton crepe as well as satins specially friced at j gy silk and wool hosiery just arrived in the seasons newest shades will go quickly at arr ladies millinery errfbracirig all the hew features of crown and brim lines plain shades and new color combinations substantially reduced and variously grouped at jl cq to 3 51 junior and misses hats m good shades and styles of felts and some velvets special qsr mens wear mens overcoats chinchillas and tweeds good 20 00 values for 1450 mens overcoats better quality including genuine barrymores reg to 35 00 at only t4 75 another group of mens overcoats slipon and ulster models good materials and patterns reg 25 00 to 27 00 for j1q cq mens suits finest quality serges and worsteds plain blues stripes and greys were priced to sell at 25 00 to 30 00 reduced for this sale to 1975 mens oxfords extra fine quality no i calf must be seen to be appreciated reg 7 00 for a qc space does not permit us to hat in detail but many lines of ladies mens and childrens shoes are substantially reduced for quick sale i i i i d brill co corner mill main sts phone 167 georgetown municipality of georgetown synopsis of bylaw no a bylaw to authorize the issue of debentures to be known as the park fund debentures to the amount of ten thousand dollars 10000 00 for extension to oroenwood cemetery consisting of the developing and lay ing out of new part and permanent lmprove to the old part and whereas a petition signed by the required number of ratepayers has been received asking that the cemetery be placed under the control of a board of parks management and whereas a vote was sub mitted to the ratepayers and car ried by sos to 24 and whereas the council passed bylaw no 80a in accordance with the statutes to form a board of parks management and whereas the board of parks management has sent in a requisition to the council to raise by special issue ten thousand dollars for cemetery purposes therefore the council has pass ed a bylaw for the purpose of tak ing a vote of the people on a pro posed bylaw to raise by way of loan the sum of ten thousand dollars for cemetery purposes the annual amount to be raised shall be 80343 for the payment of principal and interest of the said debentures these debentures to run for twenty years this being a loan from the town to the cemetery board which will be paid back from sale of plots and mill levy and take notice that the fore going is a true copy of synopsis of proposed bylaw which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the council in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of the said proposed bylaw in the oeorje- town herald the date of such publics tlon being the 6th day of nov 1830 and that the votes of the electors of thereon at the same time and places as the municipal elections namely on the 1st day of december 1930 at the town hall public library and green house office between the hours of ft am and pjn the clerk will at tend at town hall georgetown at pjn on the said first day of decem ber 1930 to sum up votea for sad against the said bylaw dated at georgetown in the coun ty of halton this 5th day of november 1930 3t pl heath clerk wood good body beech and maple wood 3 75 single cord mixed wood and rails at 300 single cord j h smith phone 84 r 13 georgetown a monuments pollock a ingham gajtsonft r an acknowledgment and an invitation ihe bank of mon treal now in its 11401 year regards it as a great privilege to have cooperated over so long a period in die development of cana dian business the bank hat icept pace with the growth of canada and in each of the liuiidreds of communities where it is r it bat been an important factor m local progress if we have had the privilege of serving you m the past we are glad and i if we have not had that opportunity we cordially place our facilities at your disposal at whichever of our offices uv most oonvensent to you bank of montreal established i8l7 total assets in excess of 400000000 georgetown branch d wilson manager v-

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