Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 19, 1930, p. 3

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it 1 the georgetown herajd wednesday evening november 19th 1930 j an page 3 local news personals december 8lh mi 10lh and 11th entries close november 24th r s stevenson president se cy r w wade parliament bldgs toronto nominal ions friday flve works tllf christmas black knights dance in hie arena fridaynight read goldsteins ad in this issur- and save meney stewartlown christmas concert thursday doc 18lh it allofasfctlden pegky at orcit- ory thratre iuxl monday night look in our uindow prices mark ed plain on boots rcvairinr as usual roney wkup kimp dec 12th open for arrvok- tertaliunent under auspices of george town ctlizensband norval prosbytcrlan sunday school will hold their annual entertainment and christmas tree on friday j dec 19th 2tp owing to the rush of advertising this morning u number of interesting news items had to be held over until next issue norval mr and mrs h b bell of hamilton tbe ladies aid of norval united were visitors in town over the week church held their annual bazaar on end i friday nov mth 1930 it was open eu by prayer by rev mr mackinnon mcymcym bv b atv 4 ok a i magician coming to gregory theatre 9 hold on to your pocketbooks for desinond the magi- tt cian is coming tp the gregory theatre georgetown i thursday november 20th f ai 8pm tt as this is desmonds first appearance in this community and this entertainment fs for th whole family jt thursday night will be the most enjoyable jj evening spent in a long tirrie can you afford to miss it adults 35c children 25c 0ev 50bx xak xsax stv ev a a av bc kx tobc x ooboaax exact xax aeckxoacsabcaaxiaakmxjb6mbk dry chapped hands made soft and wwgtover night danns cream of roses will quickly rid your skin of that parched flaky scratchy feeling called dryness for childrens tender skins chapping or housework mughness js the favorite of many women greaseless quickdrying very tconomieal 25 cents danns drug store phone 327 agents for sargon the name is sufficient oar salesman cany butternut varieties daily a change to suit the palate manfd by dominion bakeries ltd gueiph 50loby mark car k 229w grocer a rexall specfal 1 tube klenzo shaving cream 1 box gentlemans talcum r 50c 35c both for 50c 85c on saturday we will give a bag of samples with a pur- cfase of 100 only one to a customer watsons drug store main stjreet georgetown fo- now till xmas everything tne atore reduced to cost price and less buy your xmas presents early while the choice is large many cases of goods ordered for xmas just arrived some of the bargains are silver tea service reg 1200 for 9k silver cake plates reg 300 for b silver sugar and creams reg 3 50 to 600 for w to si00 sjver covered vegetable dishes reg 850 lo 120q for 500 to m silver plover baskets reg 700 to 1000 for 450 o 700 china cake plates reg 100 to 1s0 for 75c and jjx fancy cups and saucers reg 75c to ajsfor 50e to im assorted vases teg 80c p 175 ise to 1100 salt and peppers reg 150 to jtoo for 100 to 175 alarm clocks reg 12s to 435 for 75e to iu fountain pens reg ljb to 700 for 5c to s500 watches reg 125 to 2500 for i u shoo vanity compacts reg 75c to 300 for 50c to soo diamond rings reg 750 to 10000 for w00 to 7540 unmrellaa reg 450 to 650 or l m0 to 400 purses reg 150 to 1000 for 0 cut olass sherbets tumblers plates pickle dishes etc all kinds of knives forks spoons and odd pieces see display in window or come in and look around a b willson neatt to hotel mcgibbon georgetown big reduction in all the latest novelties in millinery velvets and felts from 1 50 tip misses cuuidge herald block lfmohouse baillnafad and part of norval correspondence were recleved too late for this issue they will ap- jwar next week tiio rosebud mission band of the united church avlll hold a tea and sala- of homemade baking on satur day november 29th at the annua mooting of george- town and esqueslng humane society will be held to the council chamber georgetown friday nov 28th at pi it was georgetown citizens band that supplied the music at the irilh tary inspection at milton last week and not oakwile as reported- in some of the pamrs the canadian lerlan will hold a euchre in theirrslub rooms -eseorgc- town on friday evening nov 21st light refreshments all cordially in vited admission 25c it mr alex burgess will bold an auction sale or dairy cattle at lot is town lino ching near norval sta tion on thursday dec 4th fetch oheyne auctioneers full particulars adjl appear next week dont forget st georges w a bazaar on friday next nov 21st fancy goods homebaking treasure island etc bring the children to the fish pond supper served from 4 pjn december 26th 1930 keep this date open for the salvation army annual demonstration christmas tree and distribution of prizes admission by ticket adults 25c children 15c santa is on his way it miss oliver and staff of the unit ed church girls home entertained the ladles of the united church on tues day afternoon a splendid program was followed by delicious refreshments served by tw girl friday evening the tuxls boys will present a program of oojored slides on the province of ontario sup plied by the department at ottawa the finest slides possible to procure come and help the boys the meet ing win be held in the sunday school room everybody come to the dance in the town hall glenwuliams on fri day nov 28th under the auspices of victory lta jack cain floor manager cherrlo orchestra of bramptibn admission 100 couple ex tra lady 25c come and lets make whoopee together a concert under the auspices of the golden sheaf mission band of knox presbyterian ohurch will be held in the basement of the church friday nov 21st at 8 oclock a good programme by the band miss muriel winchester of toronto and others voluntary offering at tjiedoor mrs ada near and little neice helen- holmes visited at mr l ruddys on sunday miss kahleen trainor of st josephs hospital uuelph was home over the weekend mr s h moore of toronto was in town on monday and made the her ald a plcasru call mr and mrs frank galloway and rhildarn of burlington were week fnd visitors in town mr wesley cook announces the cngarcracm of his daughter florence edna to mr calvin traver miller the marrlare to take place the latter art of the month major g cousens and lieut a j oneill attended the first reunion banquet of the newly formed imperial officers association of canada si the king edward hotel last friday even ing major cousens was elected a member of the association committee past masters and vfterans nfgiit there was a large attendance of officers veterans members and visi tors at credit lodge last friday eve-o- liig the occasion being past masters and veterans night the lodges fas masters oc cupied the respective offices and ex emplified the first degree many great war veterans were riescnt and a cordis welcojtne was ixtended to them by worshipful mas ter l p greenwood they deposited a wreath on the memorial picture of lelut edwin leslie who was a mem ber of credit lodge and who made the supreme sacrifice in the great war bro rev capt- 8idney lambert the well known pakfie of christie street hospital toronto and dooiinlpn president of the amputation associ ation was present and delivered one of the most instructive and interest ing addresses ever listened to in cred it lodge at the fourth degree the toast list at the banquet pre sided- over by- worshipful master l- f greenwood was as follows the king god save the king the orand master and grand lodge propoesd by bro b o arn old response by r w bro s kirk address bro rev capt sidney lambert sp visiting brethren proposed by bro rev n d mckinnon response by bro dobos and bro j b mac kenzie our candidate proposed by w bro l f greenwood response by hhe president mrs george brown received the visitors in her usual jlleaslng manner tne fancy work booth was in charge of mrs j n mcpherson assisted by mrs l laird sr- mrs j brown and mrs j barnes the homemade bak ing was in charge of mrs l may assisted by mrs j n cameron mrs p laldlaw and mrs e alexander mrs f barnes and miss florence mc laughlin were overseeing the cflndy booth a fish iond was conducted by miss lucy caves and miss jean hyatt the tea room was in charge of mrs l laird jr mrs l cleave mrs w cleave mrs claridge mrs n lald- la miss l mcdougall and mrs elliot were the assistants the decorations were carried out in autumn shades the tea room and baking bootjh being exceptionally dainty carrestwndtng beautiful with the autumn tints were the mums kindly donated by oar reeve mr oeorgo cleave the uuties wish to thank the niany friends who sent in donations and helped to make such a pleasant and profitable afternoon the proceeds amounted to 13500 for sale at a bargain small electric stove apply to f w brooke main street georgetown tf j for sale 3 yorkshire sows for sale apply to william johnson phone 149 george town tf mc bean co auto for sal chevrolet sedan in good condition owner has no use for car sacrifice 200 cash h w hinton jeweler georgetown it for rent three bright unfurnished rooms in excellent locality heated and bath apply to herajd tp ipllviwiuhilini pi ready-to- wear dresses for sale about 1000 ties suitable for fence posts 25 hydro poles apply phone 90 r 2 georgetown 2t girl guide play a success junior wardens toast a new canadian ilndvstrt dnnbrlk and dnntex works now be ing erected at cheltenham onl about your taxes thoser who overlooked paying thelr taxes on the dates announced last week mas pay same during the next ten days at the bank of montreal w g marshall collector school exam correction jean martin came second in honors in the junior second class in the re cent public school examinations through some error her name was omitted in the report as published last week shootlnr match at noral messrs geo brown and nelson robinson will hold a shooting match in norval on saturday- nov 22nd at 1 pjn sharp 80 geese ducks chick ens 22 rifles 50 yds large rifles 100 yds 12 gauge shot guns 40 yds it entertained at erin eighteen members of the george town wctu were entertained by the erin union last friday a very helpful afternoon was spent mrs berry of gueiph gave a report of the provincial convention held in belle ville in october buried at greenwood the remains of the late james t smith of toronto were interred fan greenwood cemetery on tuesday af ternoon rev mr frith conducted the service at the grave a number of masonic brethren and friends from toronto accompanied the remains tkance ux arena friday a dance will be held at the arena on friday night nov 21st under aus pices r b knights of ireland no 797 dancing at 830 johnson bros orchestra of toronto o morris floor manager everybody welcome ticket 47c plus 3c tax a brunton convenor st john ambulance association a course of instruction on first aid to the injured wlu commence in the town hall tomorrow night at 8 pjn dr r t pah lecturer all members passing the final examina tion will be awarded first aid certi ficates by the- st john ambulance association ottawa everybody- wel pome sale of home- baking and tea the womans auxiliary of st johns church stewajltown will hold a sale of homemade baking and afternoon tea in the council cham ber stewarttown on saturday after noon nov 29th come and enjoy social cup of tea and secure some of the choice baking the junior wa will have a table of amajl articles for sale at delegates to liberal convention paul fisher burlington j w hampshire esqueslng duncan camp bell naasagaweya and mrs fred dewar milton have been selected as delegates to the liberal convention to be held in toronto dec 17 18 and 19 the alternates were mrs oow- land milton archie galbrajth paler mo leslie bray bronte and donald robertson milton brutia inspection major general e c ash ton cmo vx and staff district officer com manding military district no 2 in spected the halton rifles in milton on saturday afternoon nov 8th a special feature of the inspection was an outpost scheme which was carried out successfully for which the regi ment was highly complimented by the inspecting staff owing to the halton rifles not having a band the georgetown chlaens band furnished the music for the occasion a group of georgetown and chel- enham gentlemen have interested hemselves in the manufacture of cement bricks and cement glazed roofing tiles they have purchased the rights of the w e dunn manufacturing co nf holland michigan u3a for the manufacture of these articles for the province of ontario and have just in stalled trie first unit at cheltenham on the credit river where there is an abundant supply of sand and water which is required for the com panys operations the manufacture oi these brick and rile is now being extensively carried on in usa where there are over 400 plants lrj operation the product of these plants have been used for a number of years in some of the largest buildings in us a and have been proved satisfactory and are being specified on government contracts railway buildings hospitals etc the brick made is stronger than the ordinary clay product and is much cheaper a cordial invitation is given to residents ofthe district to visit the works at cheltenham the dunn manufacturing co at holland michigan was established 25 years ago by dunn bros who were canadians being born at woodstock ontario the girl guides drew a big crowd last friday evening when they put on their play what is it all about which was verv amusing and lively the campfire scene especially was enjoyed by all miss l williams of toronto won the hearts of the audience with net toe and tap dancing a russian dance by miss williams assisted by k hale and l saunders received great applause on behalf of the guide co comm o young presented miss williams with a thanks badge and bouquetand miss e hawes with her lieut war rant mrs d carter captain was pres- sented with a lovely purse from the oompany and miss young a bouquet of flowers the following badges were then presented a gostlgan athlete r polle cooks laundress artists k hale artist athlete embroiders writ ers l saunders artists e hawes first class embroidery service stars e hawel e hurley f evans i mill- holland and i- carter patrol colors and emblems b sim ons v oostlgan r7 mulholland guide doris green was presented with wings the first to be won in gjeorgetown found female hound owner may have same by paying expenses apply to box 109 glenwuliams or phone 5 r 5 qcorgetwn tp for sale kitchen cabinet and table to match like new wtlljsell cheap phone 256j or box 417 or call in ftfoernoon mrs geo watt georgetown at special prices to clear girls pantje dresses girls pantie dresses a 1 wool flannel sizes 3 to 6 colors red green rose blue reseda 225 sale f 179 misses dresses a loyely range in flannel serge and velvet misses flannel dresses sires 8 to 14 250 sale household furniture for sale walnut dihliig table rugs side board chairs tedroom furniture now coal range small tables garden tools stepladder lawn mower screen doorsa b wilson for rent 1 a house on george street spotless clean hard and soft water electric light will rent reasonable for t the winter months to careful tenant who will do a few repairs for rurther particulars wrfle mrs e ostrander orangeville ont ltp card of thanks toe hereby convey to friends and neighbors our very sincere thanks for the many kindnesses and sympathy extended to us during our sad be reavement by the death of our be loved ausband and father mrs harry wright and family private sale r household furniture dfciing room cabje buffet 6 dining cwilrs 2 reed chairs bookcase kit chen cabinet clock washstand dres ser bedroom chairs double couch sewing machine washing machine kitchen table baby cot cradle mat tress pillows brunswick gramophone kitchen stove coal or wood heater electric stove all must be sold at once apply to harry conhouten on saxe farm sth line below george town phone 96 r 12 190 198 379 398 deforest crosley gregory theatre wednesday nov 19tli pictures oratorial contest and concert at 730 pjn regular prices thursday nov 20th desmond the magician adults 35c children 25c friday and saturday nov 21 and 22 the dawn patrol a thrilling air story starring richard barthelmess comedy 81 si senor tuesday and wednesday nov 2stn and 2sth so this college a peppy campus story no 2 the lightning cpress cartoon coming all quiet on the western front visited knox chareh galld the young peoples society of brampton presbyterian church visit ed with the ouild of knox church on monday night about s5 young people of brampton were present and put on splendid program which was much enjoyed by an two solos were sung by mr harry algie and a piano solo by miss doris mcclure a short skit was put on by misses margaret mc- killop and olive moore and wm plnkney a very amusing play was put on by misses lama mootll may torrance margaret fiarrell and messrs nell utue tom wilson and john mclean delicious refreshments were served by the social commltte of knox church guild and a social time spent the lonely city ellen was very excited when she left to work in the nearby city but she soon discovered a big city can be a lonesome place sometimes the one thing that kept her at her job was the fact that she could go home twice week by telephone night rates made the cost trifling and uiese voice visits with her family ana friends were ellens greatest pleasure painting and deearasing oet your houses renewed now while the prices are low satisfaction guar anteed r j wiggins painter and decorator phone 331 georgetown 3tp hoase to rent seven room house on kennedy st hard ajnd sort water electric light wired tor electric stove apply to c vint john st georgetown 3tp tf travellers square brown sample case containing handkerchiefs re ward by writing westlake bros ltd 24 wellington su w toronto ltp wood for sale any quantity of good hardwood at 3 50 per cord stove length mixed wood 300 also funfece wood deliver ed apply to charles karajlan phone 259 georgetown 4t price regulfar 295 sale price missed velvet dresses 475 sale price regtalar 550 sale price misses ensemble velvet suits 650 sale brice girls middys girls all wool flannel middys navy and red sizes 3 to 7 125 sale price 89c sizes 8 to 14 1 50 sale price 119 suits ladies knitted twopiece suits 800 sale price 595 regular 900 sale price 695 ladies 3 piece sjiit 1000 sale price 795 skirts misses plain and plaid skirts 350 sale price 195 mcbean co r 1- georgetown ontario for sale hand power washing machine sine wash tub small rocker 5 lbs of tne best sewn carpet balls pair radio ear phones newjt pair of hockey boots and skates attached a lot of good books camp cot sold cheap for cash mrs j ruddy over post office ltp wood for sale very best dry hardwood 375 per single cord mixed wood 325 rails 300 hardwood slabs 1350 all de livered rhane 3j ar sttj j bbanttokd the brock 1480p ten good battery sets at 5000 each complete guaranteed speights garage guelpb st georgetown forsteirs tsrocert a full line of fresh groceries always in stock bananas and oranges at he right prices leecream in bulk cones or bricks forsters terms cash georgetown phone 29 georgetown flour s feed ca pastry rlour lubaui this is highclass pastry flour and if not satisfactory your money will be cheerfully refunded the price is exceptionally low 75c for 25 lb bag we deliver w c bessey phone 195 georgetown 4 isaqood winter food church news st 0orxj chttrch sunday next before advent 8 tun holy communion 11 sun mattins and sermon by the rector 7 pjn cvansong and sermon by the rector corpora communion of the rela tions and friends of fallen soldiers and the olii quldes church parade of the ouides scouts cubs and brownies at 11 ajn baptist ctarch sunday school at 10 ajn public worship 11 ajjv and 7 pjn pastor a n frith will preach in the morning m jesus the clue to lifes mysteries and in the evening on dr mccrtm- mons challenge the young peoples society on mon day evening will be conducted by the missionary group with miss laird in charge united cbareh rev r w rumley minister mr norman laird choir leader ser vices sunday nov 23 1930 mission ary and maintenance sunday 10 on sunday school and bible classes 1 ajn morning worship j m wat ers md cjkf of toronto special offering for our work at home and abroad 7 pjn evening service the canadian olrla in training will be in charge with a special program this service will be held in the sunday school room midweek service wednesday even ing at 8- oclock in the church doctor says to eat for it supplies heat its good a lot of saturday treat marshmallo ws fresh plain marsh ma hows at a real price special j 29c week end chocolates try our week end choco lates which consist of hard and soft centres and fruit flavors always fresh 1 week end special 35c lb we alwaja carry a choice ltna of all kinds of box chocolates and chocolate bars our line of bread and cakes we receive fresh everyday give us a trial for your next order and prove tor yourself i card op tiianrs mr and mrs w b shortlll wish lo express tnelr gratitude to friends and neighbors for sympathy and i kindness shown during tnelr recent bereavement also for tne many beau- 1 uful noral tributes i cuamert butter carrolls own per pound 35c storage eggs guaranteed ex tras per dox39c i pastry flour sheaf brand 24fc bag 71c sliced bacon fancy mild cured i lb pkg 38c cottage rolls light sjmoked per pound 30c pitted cherries choice quality 2 tin 29c tuna lvall s3 39 raisins rmm t ill 31 bread imf red cross salmon fancy cohoe per tin 17c 27c perkins 1iscutts assorted fancy per pound jsc surrrisrsoap 10 bars 47c cam0us cleanser 2 una 15eij brillo for aluminum jpkv u nmassruhia vor fine uuntfjer- i pg roc valencia raisins honey mil i xiiiiiv butter 39 vniii a iisr bath cubes r jam raspberry 40ox jar lard 3teauil net pall 49 peaches m su ifc r aa c shortening lekn s main street georgetown 1 -v- iivsi va ii

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