Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1930, p. 1

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wtl mudlu sixtyfifth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 3rd 1930 i 150 per annum irt advance 200 to usa the georgetown herald j at m ookk jntff canadian weekly newspaper i cnnt nmtinnnl fwfric railway rilhan dally except sunday 748 ajo miy 9j6smb daily f q4s djn dally ms pjn daily except sundays oo run daily s4s pjn dally 848 pm tatfjy westboand 14s pm dally except sunday 801 ajn daily 1001 pom rtty ijb pjn dally j01 pjn dally 641 pjn daily j 9xj1 pjn dally 1201 ajn yili iyii tiy delivery service freight picked up at guelpfa jeorgetown phone 11 c n r time table standard tunei at 715 i passenger passenger and afail passenger j passenger and mail passenger 1033 i 1131 l slss i oho passenger sunday passenger and afail passenger no frjend ijke an ou friend iorldiirtylhwyears millions have shown preference f of shredded wteat over all other cereal foods and its so easy to understand why its the wholewheat in its most digest ible fornu the crisp crunchy shreds encourage thorough chewing and the more you chew it the better you like it so easy to serve a quick break fast because it is readycooked deli cious for any meal davk glad days sad days duly ebb and now luut days wruiut days serpentine and slow i brief days rruf days laden deep wllh wm days una all must luwo an ending frcr days kuv days flitting hero and there chill days ill difficult to bear mood days brood days fraught wtlh corking care days that all must have an ending bruiit days rirlit days pleasant things to do mud days wild days making much ado gay days play days lurppy times for you days that art must have an ending slaye days grave days naught hut tqilsome work worst days curst days tirrles all like to shirk bleak days freak days wherein dan fiera lurk uay hat all must have ajwrnding great days fete days beauty filled and light pair days raredays swift as eagles flight best days lest days are tile peacerul night days that all must have ah ending i orenvjlle klelser itvjlle k when the breeze fell fraloitambklibeslij arrow buses leave georgetown lor tpronto jo la daily except sun days mod holidays s50 am s and holidays only llss anu oeilj jjg pjn daily 806 pjn dhlly isas ajn dally arrow buses leave bay and front at toronto lor georgetown us aaa dally 11 am daily ifl pm dally wjhmuji mundaya mna imm jw pjn saturday sunday and holi days agdy- kaatarn standard ttaaa ah bswas 8ss at easefs man directory u toy dai cujunci h asrr seueltar onvw omefll block john a twmet80 barramer o i ttetary famav k b graham kenneth m langdon barrister 8auettar mstsry rati jaain streat south phone st ml j x radl nav av t muol dm 0 v- whjjabw rkyatatastai otncerri and reamrnnb main st opposite p oaane boars 1s and t- pjn otmca n lana black one door north af otjsuls carriaso factory m to pjn frank fetch m- nf rs kitim asm georgetown sirs post orbce cheltenham ii x kerr accttonkkk and kkal kstats is yoki- bwpffifabrc la inillii tteltf psonk m acton ont min lamh pkactical matndott ncksk by dvj or week pw partinilan plwne mrt ovuttiiluvu chiropractic by louls felix ranlett a clark whitsun pushed his way out through the tangle of osier stems that separated the moist wood road from the big hillside pasture before him he heard an un expected buzz of voices somewhere just beyond the scattering of plume- like young cedars that had encroach- d upon the slope a number of young fellows were talking of which scarred the hiuslope just then the kite which now was almost over the shore three hundred yards to the north wobbled and dived what would happen ixthe wind rhould fail and the kite drop on the high voltage wires the red signs on each corner of each tower had spoken their waniinft to him many tinies danger deadly voltage keep off but they had not spoken it to the scouts the power line was entirely out o sight from where uiey stood and they nad not passed under it on their way out from kintsport if the kite should fall below the crest of the hill and drop its cord across the wires whowver had hold of it would be elec trocuted clark leaped to the shore reeling up his line as he leaped and tossed his reel from his shoulder he must warrf the boys as he ran along the shore he kept h ye on the kite it was unsteaiay u- swooped like a bat as he reached uie place wliere the climb up uw ledge was easy the kite dived ariajiid not recover the breeze was ruling qlark swung himseli up between the trees the hook dangling at the end of the rod which he had forgotten p throw away fouled a branch he snapped tlie line and struggled on breathlessly between the lefive he could see the kite dropping lower and lower almost over his head when he reached the cleared swath through whlcltelhe power line ran the fctte was so low that its cord barely cleared die top of the kill- he could not reach the crest in time he began tto shout but the scout might not know what he was shouting about he rushed under the wires and as he did so accidentally thrust the fishing pole full into an oak sapling a sav ing though sprang into his mind in an instant he had bent a hook and a heavy sinker on to the line and was charging to the highest point in the clearing he pulled a long slack of line foam his reel swung the pole and cast forward toward the cord of the kite and parallel with the deathfiued wires he missed as he reeled in frantically the kite settled lower still clarks second cast had to win and it did the sinker soared higher than the wires higher than the copper claxkstopped to listen he was gomgflshmg nd-he- dwtiot wjllfflrdj as it dropped the host snagged with all the bran of the whole wheat wheat coup ant ltd big redaction io all tlae latest novelties in millinery velwefaaiml fejts from 150 up misses cuaridge juserald block cjeorgetown guelph vvinter fail december 8th 9lti 10th and 11th tjnexnlled of horses berf cattle sheep swine seeds and poultry monday tuesday and wednesday evenings in arena l wd for evening performances general admission 25 cents reserved seats for evening 25c and 50c extra ltsnt horse an 1 r s stevenson president r w wade secy- parliament bldgs toronto ipp hydro heclric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds town hall special for week end orange pekoe tea with teapot per lb 75c finest hallowiee dates 2 lb 21c mixed cut peel imported per lb 23c bensons com starch per plcg 12c com syrup crown brand 2 lbs 17c peanut butter pint jars 23c heinz catsup 2 for 35c malt extract 5- lb or 99c finest bohemian hops 2 lb 21c oxydol large 22c chloride of lime large bottle 15c solvene shredded soap 2 cans for 25c black cat shoe polish 10c free with each purchase amounting to one dollar or over we will give pstgi maclarens imperial jelly powder free mark clark we deliver phone 229w georgetown t 4-r-lu- to meet a group of fishermen from kingspart who might perhaps fol aow him to the good hole that be knew of the voices continued evenly and were punctuated with an occa sional shouu i what was going on clark became curious when he had located the source of theound he started toward it he had not taken three steps be fore he saw something that startled him above the trees atty yards away appeared a brilliant red box it shot forward several yards in a i of singular jerky rushes and then dropped from sight thats a new one thought clark i it cant be fishermen or picnickers and who else would come out here 1 when he reached the spot where i the box had disappeared be smiled at his own astonishment three uni formed boy scouts of perhaps sixteen years were gathered about a sixfoot box kite of red cotton not enough wind he asked tpraid not said one this wiuvbe a dizzy demonstration if some doesnt show up mighty soon weve got this radio here he pointed to a closed suit case that clark had not noticed before and were sposed to get in touch with 3zd down at the port to i tell him weve done the whole twenty- five miles we planned can do h you see said another unless we get up this kite antenna hows she fixed clark inquired wire hang down from the kite or do you use it for a string i should think it would be pretty heavy either way this sixroot kitel lift half a mile of the wire weve got on that reel the stuff wont kink much we use it as a string and aerial both added the first boy but it takes wind to lift the kite have a look at the set said the scout who was kneeling clark set down his unjointed rod and bent over the case it contained two homemarje sets a singletube con- tlnuouswave transmitter and a two- tube receiver in the space not oc cupied by the instruments were the b batteries and a miscellaneous col- lection of headsets spare bits of wire i pliers and tape the ooys had left i their bicycles in a thicket on the highway a quarter of a mile distant one had carried the instrument case one the small a baztery and one the reel of wire and the knockoddown jjrtje t great stuff clark remarked as he left them hope you get some wind i hope you get some flari they re plied i on he went up the gradual open slope of the pasture beyond tte trees j the scouts watched him for several minutes until he had dlsarjpeared be yond the crest of the hill his path led down steeply through a narrow band of scrub oak rjirough the cleared swarth where the wires of the pre- slmpslc valley btectrlc power com- nany ran and down the treecovered outcrbppings of a ledge to the lake i the last few rods were a scramble and rush he brought himself up at the bank by hooking an arm round a convenient birch then he moved south along the snore for a short dis tance to where there was more space between the ledge and the bank rav ing jointed his rod and bundled the case into the bottom of the creel he started casting out a small trolling spoon k the second cast brought a strike but he did not strike quickly enough in return ten more minutes of trolling had no result clark fitted on a bob and a stoker clambered out upon a rock that stood up from the bottom anu proceeded to sound until he had adjusted the unto to the depth then he baited and watched tor the bob to disappear he did not have long to wait in a minute h was gone in two minutes a fine txun lay flopping inside the creel in three mtaujes the bob was out again there was a longer wait this time but he did not mind he liked to look off across the solitary water and think how he had it all to him self except for a loon that equally pleased with the solitude was diving and laughing down off the point he liked to watch the skippers darting on the sheltered surface below the rock to see the wavelets chasing end lessly by the bob and to watch the shadows of tanf- kingftshers swing across the surface shadows what was that strange big shadow the loon dived silently clark turned and looked up over his shoulder a fresher puff of air struck his face high above the hilltop swung the crtmson kite clark watched it as it gained alti tude and rose toward a point over the shore he was a little tndlgant that people went trespassing on the soli tude of his lake the dots and dashes that were jgoingout from that copper rxjrd on which the kite swung were tnkudfble where he was but perfectly distinct twentylive miles away how ever an intruding kite wasnt so bar as that power line the gist towers the cord clark ws atready running diagonally away from the wires the kite gave a jump upward as it felt the new pull and the jump car ried it free of the wires clark con tinued to run pulling the kite inward toward the hill and down at last it was safe he had me cord in his hands behind him it drooped down ward over the trees from the crest of the hill in front it straggled over the slash to the fallen red box it was not long before three indign ant scouts appeared on the sky line it was but thirty seconds later that three wordlessly grately scouts were listening to clarks description of what had almost happened i erin master walter scott son of mr and mrs o d scott i oth line was the victim of a painful accident when his right arm was fractured while playing ball at school last friday ernest tlioinpaan threeyearold son of mr and mrs wm thompson erin township fractured his right leg when a garage door being held tem porarily in place fell upon him mr and mrs thos marshall erin announce the engagement of lheh- only daughter evelyn pearl to mr george bruce fletcher youngest son of mr and mrs geo d fletcner erin the marriage to take place early in december while plowing the other day mr d e hurren was surprised to see a ralr siaed deer walk across the field close to his team and later jump a fence and disappear into the swamp the animal was evidently little con cerned and departed at its leisure after only an illness of a week from pneumonia thomas rillard murray passed away at his home lot 11 loth line erin on november 16 in his ftfty year thomas hil hard murray was the eldest surviving member of the family of the late an drew b murray he had resided all his life in this neighborhood and was highly respected throtighout the coun tryside advocate notes and comments the practice of using telephonetxdtiu telegraph poles tor advertising pur poses has been objected to croat time to time by the business mens asso ciation and by the press states the brampton conservator but the prac tice continues and ragged and dis- j colored placards present a very un sightly appearance as they cling to the posts until carried away by the wind georgetown citizens might well raise a similar objection for during the post surniner poles along mijjkib street have been in almost constant use as bul boards to placard the town with posters of shows dances and the like from nearby towns and cities until th custom has become a public nui sance a his majestys choir children to sing sheffield england had laid claim to having inspired canadians to- organize the trade mission party of too members which leaves halifax march 2nd aboard the canadian na tional liner prince robert for south america to- return late in aptil the english town sent a delegation all its own this fall todrum up trade in the latin american countries com menting on canada forthcoming visit to the countries of the southern continent journals in england have commented that the british empire fair to be held at buenos ayres and to be opened there by the prince of wales in the spring will be the first affair ofls kind ever to be held in a foreign country the old country publications have shown a decided interest in canadas visit to the south several newspapers and magazines in englftthl and scotland have drawn attention to the fact that canada is eminently better situated to trade with south america than great b ta they go further and point out that the united states foreign policy has not endeared the american to latin america and that the canadian temperament is more acceptable on the southern contin ent what makes times hard is our highly artificial and foolish standard of living the best practical farm miirtgs were buil and the most stable business of the councrr was established when wheat sold for fifty cents a bushel when oats were twen ty cents a bushel and dressed hogs sold for three fifty per hundred weight but in those days folks bajc- ed their own bread killed and cured their own beef and pork and did their own work they rose at eany dawn and were snoozing soon after suildown in the winter time they cut wood did a good stunt at team ing fed cattle stayed home at night read good ixmks and studied the weekly papers their only diversion be ing an occasional party there were we it is said who hit the prinkose path but they are long since dead and forgotten all thats the matter with us just now is that weve paying the piper who was invited in when there was lots of easy money we got into the way of eating both butter and jam on our bread and are now kicking ourselves because we must eat pea broth three times a day for a rarity if some of tte good folks who made this section of the province pro verbial for lis prosperity were to re turn theyd laugh themselves sick as some folks complain about their in- come its not the income thats at fault its the outgo thats the rub exchange j canada is honored and delighted by the visit lo the dominion of the children of his majestys savoy chapel choir composed of twelve boy sopranos the pick of englands best youthful singers all of them under sixteen years of age it is the first occasion in the 700- year history of the chapel that a king of england has given permts- mission to te children of the choir to leave great britain they will take part in the christmas festival to be held this year at uicernelnquebec and they will also give a recital at the royal york hotel toronto december 22 thqsajthoasao the choir with strictly chtirch music will get a surprise for programmes tobe ren dered by the boys include not only this type of music but also some of the best known of secular songs glees and part songk presented in solo trio or choral form when they sing church music they are grhed in scarlet and gold costumes surmounted by the quaint tudor ruff exactly as they appear upon festival occasions in ixindon they come to canada as representatives otan institution which typifies the best traditions of choral singing in a country where ohoral singing is unexcelled in any part of the world rrunton garage prompt and expert service on all lands of cars workmanship guaranteed tires for sale gas oh greases and auto accessories main street north phone 280 georgetown milton hon o d bobtrtoom minister of labor for the dominion has approved of the grant of s000 to milton for unemployment purposes harold agnew farmer of nelson township lost lus fivepassenger auto- raorjile which was completely destroy ed by fire caused by a abort circuit mr and mrs w t barnard who have been on an extended trip to the old country have returned home triey report a very enjoyable visit with re latives and friends across the sea according to the report of the last meeting of county council the new assistantfelerk and treasurer is to re ceive a salary of 500 per annum which sum is to be deducted from the salaries of the present county iderk and treasurer that looks like robbing peter to pay paul as the result ot matthew hllsons home at milton heights being raided by provincial constable cam and con stable mcmuuen of milton kathleen bonis was charged in police magis trate h p moores court here mon day with having a quantity of liquor in her possession which had not been purchased on her own permit the accused pleaded guilty and was fined s100 and costs a total of 106 40 former a new swindij a new scheme to get money is re ported in windsor this one is lor unscrupulous persons to prey on wo man dlrvers the fdea is to get an old car at a junk dealers just so long as the vehicle will go it is suitable then the driver waits until he sees a wo man piloting a car following the woman he waits until she stops quick ly for a stop llefjt or a stop street instead of stopping also the driver rt the decrepit car crashes right into the one driven by the woman next he jumps out and makes a song and dance about damages and paying on the spot he will accept ten fifteetn or fifty dollars as the case may be to call it quits if the woman is not wary she is liable to pay without thinking that is what this new men ace to society hopes for he gets the money and goes away to look for an other innocent woman motoris tha onk ovau after bui jr cams it was harder than ever for big bill to go away for weeks at a time there was one thins that helped though the tele phone bill said it always cured his blues and kept htm reconciled more than anything else could have done announcement of the appoint ment of premier ferguson as cana dian high commissioner at lond occasioned no surprise it is known that it was offered ta htm by premier bennett ss soon as major general a d mcrae cb informed mr ben nett that the health of mrs mcbae would not permit her to undertake the onerous social duties associated with the comrnissionerahip general mcrae was the organising genius be hind the winnipeg convention which chose mr bennett leader of the party and later was chief whip and renuq ion organizer for the campaign whlen brought victory to the bennett stan dard his liking liuw was for organization and reorganization rath er than for politics and before the campaign began he announced lus withdrawal from politics to- take place on polling day it is general know ledge that mr bennett offered him his choice of appointments he would have liked to return to london for a year as high ommlarjjoror but mrs mcrae early last spring underwent very serious operation her physicians were opposed to her accepting the strain of dominion hostess in the capital of the empire so general mc rae stood aside the post was then o to mii f he too had been a loyal ally of mr bennetts and was singularly well qualified to fill the offloe again there was difficul ties just last year mr ferguson was given the greatest tribute of esteem and confidence by the people of ontario there was no reason other than personal predilection why he should quit as premier his fol lowers were most anxious to have him continue in ontario public ufa for while there were many able men available to succeed nun none at the moment possessed the auaunes of leadership which are pacumariy lus a couple of years ago mr said he would quit public life at the age or sixty years he hoped to spend his life after that in less hectic and toilsome arenas few took rum seri ously at least wrdle giving him cre dit for sincerity they thought toe tide of events would carry hhn aorns in active politics until the end weti george howard ferauaon was 411 years of age on june lattv he b keeping his promise of retirement from party politics but in so doling he la trans lating himself to a broader if lass ardous field must pat for paper in giving judgment against a de linquent subscriber recently judge oreilly of cornwall made the state ment that newspaper pub labors bad a hard enough tune flnangtnjf thetr busmess without being done out of toe subscriptions if a person wants to stop a news paper the proper wajr was for- him to pay all arrears and jret a receipt or if he was paid up refuse to take the paper at the postofllce and have a record made of his refusal a man who owed for a newspaper coujd not stop taking a paper and expect the publisher to go without his pay rt may be added that no rjubltsher wishes to force his newspaper en anyone and any suasartbar wishing his paper discontinued will have no trouble if he does so to an honest and businesslike way after paying up arrears if most men who feet like finding fault would begta wtth themselves we feel sure they would never get any further ootbkakabkiejakjbttrcabk christmas g suggestions i toilet sets french ivory bath salts books stationery cigars cigarettes smokers supplies kodaks see our stock of gifts before you buy christmas cards 2 for 3c 5c loc 15c 25c a beauti ful range to choose from danns drug store agents for sargon 327 atbkawaboaaxbabk h w hinton jeweller and gift shoppe georgetown wul sell out his fine new stock of glfas for xmas during december as he is removing to the larger store between erwln ooldham and the first store on the other side of main street opposite wesleyan street take this oppportunlty to get real values in watches clocks china jewellery cut glass bags purses pearls beads stationery showing in both store windows pure food store 3 lbs pure lard 47c t 2 large tins banner tomatoes for 21c 2 ttns crosse ot blackwelpa baked beans 25c 2 tin croase 6x black wells spaghetti 25c crosse blackwells chili sauce per bottle 29c large bottle heinz tomato juice 25c heinz tomato juice per tin 15c carnation milk small tin 6c 10 bars comfort soap 51c 5 bars pearl white naptha soap 21c 4 cakes infanta delight soap 23c extra good quality broom only 39c new raisins currants dates figs peels nuu etc now in stock choicest quality only ae farnell wrry 75 v v r a- x1tm

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