Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1930, p. 2

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wg iritiili page 2 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening december 3rd correspondence what a customer has to say about newspaper adver tising ths toronto november 21 190 georgetown ontario oentlemen we choufeht you would be- interested to know that our sales in georgetown are showing a very satisfactory tfi crease over last year ihfart business there has jprown almostp stantly from the time when out first pound ot tea was sold in georgetown and we beueve that to a considerable extent your publication has bewi re sponsible prom the fact that we have utilized the newspapers for nearly 40 years it is evident that we appreciate the power of this form of advertlslne and we wish to thank you for the iiort your publication has taken yours truly qi tea company of canad limited per ernest simpson instant visiting two friends were taking an evening walk downtown suddenly one- or them stopped and exclaimed im gotnr home tonlghtr asked the other why ifs a hmg trip not by telephone look- at that sih visit home tonight by long dls- tancel well rm going to right now old man both bylaws carried majority of seven for day- l1cht saving and 151 for kiktkry debentures hgl a smallxojj oil ifr onday the aejhjjiptcif a nd ikvsltions in the council taking away trie usua1 inthusiasm evident here on election day both bylaws passed but dayllrht savine only passed by a majority or srviq tlu- bylaw to authorize the issue of debentures for 10100 fw enlnruintt and impiivinc ihi- rcnitcry was rivon a majority of lh the vote as follows debenture bylaw fir against ward 1 65 5 ward 2 48 24 ward 3 77 10 190 39 majority- 151 uoylight saving for against ward i 38 39 ward 2 34 66 ward 3 80 40 152 14 j fine fruit american tourist j picking tip melon j is pits the largest apple you cam grow in england poster stop- fliigerlng that graph for rnt house on george street six rooms and sunroom bath room and furnace newly decorated inside and out builtin cupboards and ironing board and electric wall heater in bathroom wired for electric stove and water heater rent 25 oq per month apply to office of j bi mackenzie son georgetown ontario jhmjml3t0re 2 lbs goelph creamery butter 67c corrected prices 5 lb hand picked white beans 5 pkgs deluxe jelly powders 3 tins pride of the valley peas c large tin banner tomatoes full 15 lb pk potatoes roman meal per pkg pure lard per lb 7 lb bag national pastry flour choice breakfast bacon sliced per lb choice peamealed back bacon sliced per lb 3 tins heinz cream of tomato soup choke quality oranges candies and mixed nuts also raisins currants peel dates figs shelled al monds walnutsi candied cherries and pine apple for your xmas baking see our njce assortment of fancy china 25c 25c 25c lie 19c 31c 16c 21c 31c 37c 29c a e farnell dafirery pfcoo- is town council council met at b pm on tuesday evening dec 2nd with mayor mac kenzie in the clmir ilrev mr in tyre and councillors bcssey cummlngs cleave davls and parr rotit minutes of previoils tatabrr wore read and iproyd commuiitcatiojis jvere ivui from dcimirtment of unemploymhrii relief toronto and ouelji oneyil hospi- tal i lf following accounts were iwuiscd h marchment sis kimki roads 1800 win arintsroiuf vv u sis 990 olios darner ww sts 810 wm nujrgins sts 330 chris saxront sts 32f ctcorki perry w w sts 540 h marchmenl w sis 1800 t haines wood rcmids 21295 w c cunninkham sis 390 h marchment ixw sls 1800 fi mnrrhmrm ww sis 1800 john mcdonald charily 575 w r- watson bd of health 120 3ell telephone co crdefs res 205 munibiiwu weria supplies 294 chas h king tflo streets 1625 h h thompson fc co ww 954 bailoy bros naruke town truck 150 college view garage town trucks 2514 wqj coleman ciucjjsh st house 2300 e c thompson oourt costs wmjward court strrvices- klmer ttoinpsoh court costs correspondence the credit river how it got its name wm wartl court cosis elmer thompson court costs mun of esqueslne tuxes registry office muun it c a e farnell charity mountain san charily riydro electric town hall rjlydro electric waterworks hydro electric fln alarjn hydro elcotrlc fire hall hydro electric power bell telephone co mun office bell telephone co- town hall ejection expenses returning officers poll clerks 2400 election expenses ixulnr booth 800 georgetown herald prtnting 12461 w g marshall stamps excise 23t j sanrord bd of health 1375 c j cnrnmings expenses reun employment relief 500 canadian ijeglon wreath 37d stenographer3 fees 2000 moved i mclntyre seconded by 1264 40v 400 4011 4o0 23t66 18w 244 4660 432 185 1 25 75 9144 57 275 cleave that we do now adjourn to meet at the next regular meeting or at the call of the mayor glenwhjuams election and installation of officers of victory lodge mx 399 glen wil liams took place on monday evening last in the town hall ddgm mrs r mccartney assisted by iast ddg m miss n long slster mrs simson presided the following officers wer elected wm sister h preston dm sister o cain x rec sec sister a collins finsec sister m ballingall treasurer sister e mudie chaplain sister l russell d of c sister d bousk ill c of c sister j mcdonald inside tyler slster d swan outside tyler slster n noble committee sisters k preston d norton u russell d bo u skill j mc donald auditors sisters k prenton and o cain skating is the childrens weakness now thedance held last friday evening vyas a great success there was a large attendance and the music sup plied by the cherrlo orchestra of brampton was excellent mr j cain ably filled the position as floor manager refreshments were served by the members of the ltb lodge mlss dorothy wagstaffe had the misfortune to fall and hurt her knee while skating last evening a lrge number attended the young peoples meeting in the united church on thursday evening last there were about 60 present and refreshments were served to the large gathering meetings are held every thursday evening and everyone is invited when these meetings were first start ed there were about 12 members now they number go and 70 our sunday school children are busy preparing for there christmas entertainxnent the last two meetings of the ner val united church young peoples society have been very successful thn of two weeks ago under the direction of miss d watson feaui most valuable and interesthj talk on the subject of devotion by dr watson of georgetown a very in structive and interesting talk on japan by miss l macdougall featured the meeting of monday dec 1st next week on tuesday dec 9th the society expects to debate against home church at norval on the subject re solved that church rather than the state is responsible for the moral and spiritual welfare of the immigrant norval young peoples society en joyed a very pleasant visit from the knox church guild of georgetown on monday dec 1st the meeting was held in the basement of the presby terian church after the opening ex ercises the president welcomed the kuests and turned the meeting over to them in the absence of their president mr alex praser very ably filled the chair a very fine program put on as follows piano solos misses helen mcdonald and june franks vocal solos miss ruth ander son and mr jack harrison a mixed chorus and a stunt by several young people the young men put on a mock trial which caused a great deal of tun this brought to a close the splendid program and the social com mittee served refreshments oldtime yuletide glories return vim hundred years ago the lord of the oldpapi- j nau seljrnlory at montebcllo celebrated christmas in the good oldfashioned way surrounded kjr ws family and dependents through a series of featlvtries lasting several days too yulelos crackled in the great fireplace the merry voices of men and maidens rang through tho great halls of th manor house carols so old that tho origin of son or them was even then untraceable were sung right garlands of evergreen decorated the apart- lit ana corridors ana in a word christmas was king then for a century the song of the minstrels and the laughter of the iruests was hushed and only the failing snow told the historic seat of tho paptnesmsot the- advent of the christmas eesson this year however ljucerneinquobec has stretched its rnaic wand over the historic site and the ancient glories are to be revived on a scale which will outrival all their predecessors with the cok cjhatami a headquarters 88000 acres of beautiful countryatdowill be thrown open to visitors to the unique hostel bobsleighing on ol of the longest runs on the continent bkiing skijoring ski- jumping skating snowsnoeing and dogsled drives will be offered to the devotees of winter sports while the most complete comforts- end appointments of uptodata hotelkeeping good food and bright entertainment will await the guests at close of day among the special features arranged for tho christ mas festivities are the rendering of carols by tho children of his majestys savoy chapel fhoir london eng old-time- songs by charles loulets troupe of frenchcanadian artists and tho inter pretation of tudor dances by experts from tho margaret eaton school of dancing thus onre again will the old walls of tho historic mansion- hear the strains which roused them to christmas relehra- tion a century ago and before that luccrnc-in- quehec is ideally situated on the northern liank of the ottawa river about half way be tl1 canadian capital and montreal and only nn or night run from the great cities of the intern llmied states georgetown bee it 1930 editor herald i have been asked to give the account of this as explained to us vwjlle i wasattending orammer qonbol in strectsvllle about 75 years ago and if all goes well i will give you some things that may interest some of your readers as i go from port credit to salmonvllle terra coma ttuit section of ontario between dundas street and uike ontario was called the indian plains and in and around that section was the home of the indian ior red man then now the one had what the other had not and trading was darriod on the white man coming by boat o trading spot port credttl the indian not luwing enough furs to pay for all he would like to have then as now nad to i ask credit which was given on the following eondrubns that- the chief ko security for his braves and the ac counts or books were kept as follows n flat- stick called a alley- stick on which was the chiefs mark every notch on the talley stick meant much in furs etc and each one had lus talley stlck7 the plfoe where they met to trade was port credit where ihey got credit andqf course the jlver got uie name of hlver credlt no use to give you thelnduth name as yqu tyould be in as bad a fbcas an american trying to pronounce the name of a place up in the highlands of scotland- he finally gave up and says call it stqnehooker the name it got was port credit and most of us know what it means and now this is a fine thing to test a persons worthiness und be able to say as it ls said of a trademan he wanted ban kers as pallbearers they had carried him all his life and they should finish the job streetsvtue next yours truly major grant norval ballinafad humane society armual report the fifth annual meeting of the georgetown and esqueslng humane society which was held in the coun cil chamber friday evening nov 2ttth showed a slight increase in the number of cases investigated this does not mean that cruelty and neg lect is more prevalent but rattier an awakening interest in animal wel fare the soalety takes this opportunity to thank the many kind people who have assisted in the work by sending in complaints and by giving shelter to stray animals until they could be pro vided for the society expresses the thanks also to the mayor town coun cil and chief marshall for encourag ing and assisting in carrying on the report for the year reads as follows cases investigated regarding starved abused neglected mnd abandoned animals complaints 104 warnings m number of horses in cases investigated 60 humanely destroyed 5 died of neglect and starvation 1 tfnmber qt cows in cases in- vestlgated 34 humanely destroyed j i died of neglect and starvation 3 number omlgs in -cases- investi gated j15 dog cases investigated 39 placed in homes ii restored to owners 6 humanely destroyed 3 cases of cats investigated 31 placed in homes 29 humanely destroyed 07 practically ail of these oases were individual leases the society felt compelled to prosecute in one extreme ly bad case of neglect of stock magi strate moore registered a conviction with one during the past year the criminal code dealing with the case of anlm- als been amended along lines sug gested by the spoa the officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows presidenth a rew vs 1st vicepresident mr wm ashen- hurst 2nd vicepresident rev p h wage sectreas mrs g o brown assistant sec mrs leroy dale exeuutlvemrs rrev ewen mc donald cu m montgomery mrs herbert mrs nelson cook miss l reid rev h caldwell mr arthur beaumont mr e townsend- the junior humane societies are growing in number in the public schools hi ralton the children un der the careful guidance of thelr teachers are more and more realizing the meaning of kindness to nimain this ls a very important part of hu mane work and much credit ls due the teachers for rinding time in theh- already crowded hours for teaching kindness and mercy toward helpless tfeimb creatures acton the young peoples society of the united church was at nome to the young people of the ashgrove united church on friday evening mrs blake vannatter presided during the devo tional exercises after which mrs m bird president of the ashgrove society took charge of the program which was contributed by the young people of ashgrove and which con sisted of solos quartettes readings and an excellent paper on christian stewardship following this pro gramme a social hour was spent in games and contests lunch was served and the singing of god save the king brought a very happy even ing to a colse the rain on saturday evening was a welcome visitor we are thankful for small favours th children are busy preparing for their annual tree and witartainmenl which takes places tuesday evening before dirlstrnas in the former methodist church rev george aitken attended the meeting of the halton presbytery which was- held in munns church dundas highway on tuesday an out standing feature of the program was an address on prayer by rev s m roadhouse president of the hamilton conference of the united chtirch mr r j kerr district superinten dent of pairs attended a meeting of the pairs association at toronto on tuesday mr and mrs mcdonald and family of creemore and mr will watsortad pauline of grand valley spent sun day at the home of mr and mrs thomas watson mrs n p moore who recently un derwent an operation for goitre at sault ste marie is improving steadily and expects to be able to return nome in a tttf or jm mr h p moore attended the din ner at the prince george hotel to ronto on friday under the auspices of the community welfare council of juvenile court judges at which col w h price attorneygeneral was the principal speaker an enjoyable time was spent on monday evening at knox church when their guild was visited by the young peoples society of georgetown pres byterian church a large number ac cepted the invitation and thejr pro gramme consisting of vocal and piano solos choruses an interesting stunt and a mock trial was of an excellent quality after the programme a soci al time was spent in the basement wrsfre ail did justice to the refresh ments provided by the social commit tee of the aoton ouilc free press limehouse miss elsie davles of islington spent hie week mm with na mu dr agnew of toronto gave a splen did lecture on china in the united church monday evening mr and mrs walker and friends of toronto assisted in the musical part of the program mr richard marshall who has been visiting in toronto the past week re turned home sunday we are glad to have dennis hill back among us although still confin ed to bed dennis is progressing very favorably and should soon be able to be about the house at least messrs wm lane r marshall and j meredith enjoyed a motor trip to colltngwood and toronto last week to view the large storage elevators of the canada terminal systems niey waiere greatly enthused with the method of storage not only of grain but all kinds of vegetables flowers etc and state it is a real education to go through one of these elevatora mrs a noaton and mrs wm mitchell attended the banquet of the womens institute held at the royal york in toronto hist wednesday sabbath school and public school children are busy preparing for christmas entertainments mrs fred col of acton visited mrs a hill last week mrs j noble and jackie spent the week end with mrs o meredith mr f mcdowell of acton narrowly escaped serious injury when the truck he was driving was sfruok by a westbound radial car at the third line crossing last saturday the truck was smashed to kindling wood but fortunately mr mcdowell escaped with only slight lnjuries- thc home of mr and mrs mullerc sr was the scene of a pleasant gath ering on friday evening last when a birthday party in honor of their daughter gladys was held miss mullere was the recipient of many gifts consisting of a clock presented by messrs a hadley a benton h knight and h norton dames were participated in and about 12 oclock the happy gathering sat down to a sumptoua supper the prise winners of the evening were ladles prise mrs osboume gents prise mr p hurst booby prises were won by miss lorraine mitchell and mr hudey the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing strong position shown by bank of montreal in annual statement striking evidence of the soundness of underlying conditions in canada ls afforded by the strong statement the bank of montreal ls forwarding to its shareholders for the fiscal year to october 31st owing to its importance the statement of the premier bank is always looked for with a great deal of interest- undoubtedly this will be more particularly the ease this year on account of the complicated econo mic conditions that have prevailed throughout the world on this account there will be special satisfaction that the bank has be able to maintain tta usual strong position as was to be expected un der the conditions the total yolurne of business is down from the previous year on the other hand there has been a gain in several of the principal departments during the past sm months this would seam to i more favorable conditions and will jje regarded as reassuring to the business interests of the country of special import to the many shareholders will be a profit and loss statement showing that profits for the year hale been ample not only to provide for the usual dividends and bonus but also to allow of an appropriation of woo 000 for premises and carrying forward of a comfortable balance to profit and loss account read the statement on page 4 of this issue glad his son was nabbed spectators in the police coury here on ipriday were startled when they heard a father reprimand his son for stealing chickens wilson cunmlng- nam 30 years old was before police magistrate hugh falconer charged with the theft of is roosters from lloyd mournahan of bast luther township the accused pleaded guilty but could not explain why he had oommltted the theft two neighbors testified to the good qualities at the youth when the father w c cunn ingham a f reeve of tile town ship stepped forward i am glad the boy was caught since he was guilty and hope it will be a lesson to him the longest day he lives said the elder cunningham the extreme penalty of this court will be only a drop in the bucket compared wlih that of eternity i am prepared to pay in full the far mer who uiet the chickens today there la altogether too much gadding about the country and too many en tertalnmehta the young fellows must have money and some are not parti cular as to how they get it the magistrate agreed with the speaker and imposed the following sentence fine of f28 all costs the price of the roosters and one month in jall the father paid ss to settle the costs and the boy was taken to jail orangevllle sun read issue the advertisements tn this seasonable specials i seasonable specials offered by d brill co at prices that will enable you to purchase high quality merchandise at what is usually asked for inferior goods ladies viriter coats broadcloth and ripplesheen fabrics inr eluding flared and belted models lavishly trimmed with cara cul or opposum reduced for quick sale to 19 75 another group of furtrimmed coats in broadcloths and tweeds r 1475 ladies and misses dresses smartly tailored and dressier models tweeds jersey and canton crepe as well as satins specially priced at 4 95 silk and wool hosiery jjist arrived in the seasons newest shades will go quickly at 48 r ladies millinery embracing all the new features of crown and brim lines plain shades and nevyi colotcombinations substantially redueettand variously grouped at 150 to 350 junior and misses hats ifi good shades and styles of felts and some velvets special v qq mens wear mens overcoats chinchillas and tweeds good 2000 values fot 1450 men 8 overcoats better quality including genuine barrymores reg fo 3500 at onljr 2475 another group of mens overcoats slipon and ulster models good materials and patterns reg 2500 to 2700 for q 50 mens suits finest quality serges and worsteds plain blues stripes and greys were priced to sell at 2500 16 3000 reduced for this sale to 19 75 mens oxfords extra fine quality no t calf must be seen to be appreciated reg 700 for 4 95 space does not permit us to list in detail but many lines of ladies mens and childrens shoes are substantiajly reduced for quick sale i i i i i i 4 i d brill co r corner mill main sts phone 1 67 georgetown i the buying power of a dollar today i the amount purchasable for a dollar has varied greatly in the past 16 years in 1914 a dollar was a fair proportion of the cost of a pair of shoes or a bag of sugar would buy meat for a few days and was about 75 per cent of the average mans daily wage and dollars were scarce in 1 9 1 4 at that 5 during the warboom years a dollar held the equivalent relative value of a five cent piece in 1 9 1 4 in the minds of many although its actual buying power had only decreased about 75 per cent as wages increased 1 with a few fluctuations the dollar has remained fairly stable since 1921 but some class or profession always finds that their dollar is not buying as much as other peoples dollars do j there has always been however one commodity in the purchase of which your dollar bought just as much your local newspaper q with a subscription price designed to meet ordinary require ments it did not soar when everything else hit unprecedented price heights even the paper ink and workmanship which entered into it but brought all the extra service and news faithfully and the price is still the same 150 in advance 200 when not so paid j keep your subscription paid in advance by watching the label which bears the date on which your subscription expires carefully every week by the way it may be due now be sure t -k- pjt it look at the label

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