Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1930, p. 4

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1 page 4 t ieaabmaeia rrwn ir- r ri 1i1hi the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 3rd 1930 awaa ib tomokrow corn no 2 tin maconochies bttfah peels lemons 20 ptf powm orange grf i esswtr jpf pqhki i cutmixed oqc par po natures best citron peel v 27 viscnti raisin q r australian 2 popdi r bimcimki sulunas 7c crftfmatoa poaad seedless raisins oaf- r we cufrantsoqc aeswaltefi 4 pommit glaced cherries act french red pooad dr choice sweet tender rnaea km poena guccd pineapple q bsalkarrd shelled almonds on vakketrrpeuad j apricots 3ssr2 ie pjbas54 choice ses teff lollstelt no 1 tins small tin chateau ltmd bvmfmwt- comdenaef cots sfcreda ik spreads 16obe tins i7 c aaat swyna natural the finest corstewine ii braad lbs no 2 tins c cmmor otd emtftutsk- min dates 2 baking powder 25e carroll noaliun a-jo- tin 230 oiltt carvaite o lb 34c blcad carroll wrapped 4 a iranf 7c bacon a3irlpn 35c cocoa sv 23c altltoms pprr larga glass l l ci maasaring cap aa a greowed ares jla1 miiailiii n p with rhrtnrft pourtos up wia any ttrree juuo4f prodaemawmlc special lelyj bath tablets mo by paksolw for hani water x tor i dc t a- e trot bhiiunhbrrg i bcjb aleailtaa sad pk 4c qeanscr carroll noaabraiv pfcg 8c stove polish staon bottle 15c lemon oil polhb hawavbd 23c silvercream uwj 25c me wis going to tw all that a mortal rtuld lxttnorrow i nd iin mculcl fcn kinder or braver i than lir tomorrow ftlciut who was troubled and weary i tip knew vh bt kind of a lift and who i rierded ii too on him he wuild call and see wha he cot ild do tomorrow each morning he stacked up the fetters hed write tomotrow and he thought of the folks he would nil with delight tomorrow uut oh he was busy or weary today ami hadnt afilinuta- to spend on his way mere time ill have to gtv others hed say tomorrow the nreatr of helpers this man would have been tomorrow riie world would have known him if vit hed seen tomorrow luj the act lshe died and faded from viiw and all hat he left htrev when living wus through whs u mountain of things he in tend el to do tomorrow v by edgar a quest main street georgetown erwingoldhams meat market special prices for friday saturday pork shoulders per lb legs of pork per lb loins of pork per lb pure lard per lb cottage rolls per lb 19c 22c 25c 17c 2c debts collected our rates are less than those of other responsible firms hand ling collections exclusively our experience is greater no collection no charge kelly aiken the collection specialists orangeville flnelph owen sound erwin goldham phone 1 georgatown where the title becomes good on the first payment this is an age of iostaj- meat baying furniture homes motorseren cloth ing is being bought on time ii income stops ior toy reason and funds are insufficient to meet payments the borne or motor or furni ture is forfeited and the money already paid is lost life issnrance is merely buy ing n estate on yearly pay ment plan bin lift matrmtem is tbo wly form of property mpom oricb tnpmij balances are camctuej by death emd the pro perty trotuf erred uut toy the been xauc ovma you aisuuhci nouna vim a sum urm turn sun life assurance company of canada montreal head office advertiseit pays radios see our new 8tube atwater kent radio before you buy insurance special rate to farmers on automobile insurance f kersey phone 290 s3z gorgeio canadian medical assoc q there are diseases like diphtheria ltd smallpox about which we are so vyll informed that we can deal with t sun efffctively thjere are others t jmrdlnr which our knowledge is tss but which is still sufficient to en ble ii to do a ftreat deal in the way r prevehxion or cure as in the c f mbrculosls unfortunately there iit in addition diseases such as can- t a b lull which we know oompara- ivily little but yet the llttie- wedo rnw is so important that we would ii able greatly to lessen the ravages f tins disease if we made full use of even the limited knowledge we have the cause nf cancer is unkown the disease cannot be cured once it has passed the early stages the import ant thing for us to understand is i hat if properly treated in its early staces before it has had a chajioe to spread from its original location can t cr can be cured a tumour is any lump or nei trowth in the body there are some tumours which are harmless or benign 1 hese benign tumours may grow to an enormous size but they do not rpread andaistroy lire the other class is that of malignant tumours a cancer is a malign ant tumour mali tnant tumours grow and spread and lhey eventually destroy life the specific eauae which results in the formation of a cancer is unknown the disease is not inherited can er is not contagious we do know that there are some onditlons which act as contributing actors in the formation of cam rhese should be known to all so that they may be avoided in order to ea- iape the disease chronic irritation seems to play a definite part in cancer repeated irri tation of the lip mouth or tongue by a hot or rough pipestem may be followed by cancer the disease is found to occur at the cervix or neck of the uterus when this part is chronically irritated as the result of a tear which was not properly repaired at the time of chudblrth cancer of the mouth follows the chronic irritation caused by broken teeth or by illfitt ing dental plates such chronic irritation is a predis posing factor although cancer does not always follow such irritation j is the part of wisdjom to play safe and to prevent or correct all such causes of chronic irritation any growth or swelling any unn discharge from the body any ore which does not readily heal any change in the ixe or appearance of warts and moles any indigestion should be promptly tooted into it is by prompt attention to such con ditions that it may be possible to have an early cancer cured delay in securing treatment is always danger ous and it may mean that life it self may be lost through procrastina tion questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation fyi college street toronto will be answered personally by letter here nnd tk ere vvork 6551 orririally riot llir ijt0 shlp- plnk tteasiina fai as luuij bound quebec trruitmis aip are con cerned cuitudiud fucilic liner em- pruus of australia clucked at an cient capital november 21 carrying back from the imperial conference premier lvrsiison of ontario ii 11- hugh girthrle minister of justice hod c h cahan secretary of state and hon thiwnn chapals canadian delegate to he leajrue of niiiums lrsswl poultry shows nre being hjjhi in kejiinn ou lhvmber 0lb and tn saskatoon on december lltb for the purpoce of nusiug friendly competition inpnulicy pro duction ajnon the fhtnitrs of the province and further to advertise the poultry industry aifcordinie to wj waldroq pvoviuchl ifiackeia oomndssiuner ml uldrcm snitt that money pruis uiu special awards are to be givuu at theno fibowa uttle julian veboh of prince ton bc 3bx years of nk has a- cepted foster parenthood of his 2 h yearold sister slari and b llnnontbold brother mat across the atlantic on canadian pacrio liner montcalm while their fmui trekabackto his wifeless hom in the mountains the chimfco r turned over to their gr thnoih at cherbourg arid will be taken to praue caeeboslovakia f headed by the rl rev andre uifefavrft bishop of mjn po cninav- four priests and elxht sla ters compoalns tbv tarnet mis- akutajry party to leave mnadt for the far elast uus year left recent- ly from vancouver by ss kmprsa of asia they will tln missions la jepaa and manchuria aa well as that the british and american people should assist the kuoinln- taag nanking government in the continuation of its difficult task of drawing china together is the opinion of col haley hall d so llrksab customs commissioner late ejf tientsin interviewed recently whae en route to uondon england by oaaadtan paettlc railway the brains military power and general ability are to bo found in this southern government and only when china is reorranlied will business conditions become stabil ised he addvd it la just 25 years since the pro- ytnees of alburta and saskatche wan were created at that lime the population of alberta was 1s6000 it is now about 6500h saskatchewan in 1905 bad a popu lation of about 195000 now it is around 867000 total area of land under cultivation in ajberta 26 years ago wad 660000 acres and in saskatchewan 2000000 today the two provinces have 15- 00000 and 30000000 acres under crop respectively two big bull moose one of them one of the finest this year to come out of new brunswick forests and six buck deer were the tro phies of the hunting party beaded by bob shaw key late manager of new york yankees harry rice yankee outfjemer benny ben- gough former yankee catcher now with milwaukee and john krocka new york sportsman wore the other members of the party and all were successful it getting game the southern alberta honey crop this year will reach at least t50000 pounds or almost double what it was v year ago according to latest advices the quality this juir is said to be vr 1 a weeuy thrill delicious tastes j at p1nkapple ulsiuiti j sanford steweurttowri plumbinga tinsmilhing estimates cheerlnlty glvei phone b4 ruz- georgetown rrtio 2 monuments pollock ingham gattont impact our wotk la o fosters grocery a full line of fesh groceries always in stock bananas and orannes al the right prices lcccrcam in bulk cones or bricks njv phone 229 totitm cash georgetown no sbovbxxina bm stand anthracite scranton coal in all sisea automatically scraenad and loaded coal wood batoet lump tor nirttatilm dtttpoaaa tef ana oannat ooaj h i caxxy avarythlaa to as in any optodata goal aad wood taj john mcdonald phone 12 geot by batty barclay some day when you are at a loas what to serve as a tasty bite or sur prise for tiya family or your guests try either one of the following recipes another day try the second you will find them both very excellent walmea lamb salad cut 2 cups cold cooked lamb and j lup oelery into fine pieces mix with i o d oruataad panned pineapple season with salt mix enough mayonnaise dressing to hold the mixture together and serve on lettuce leaves pineapple meat loaf mix thoroughly lb chopped pork l lb chopped beef 1 cup drained crushed canned pineapple 3 cups roll ed tracker crumbs break in 1 egg work in 3 teaspoons salt and h tea spoon pepper pack tpto a pan and bake 45 minutes in a moderate oven 400 degrees p serve hot or cold aple saspaddlng 1 junket tabl 1 tablespoon cold water 1 cup thick apple sauce 1 pint milk 3 tablespoons sugar s teaspoon vanilla or other flav oring season the apple sauce to taste with cinnamon or nutmeg and divide it among 6 dessert glasses prepare the junket according to directions on the package pour carefully at once over tlieapple sauce let stand undisturb ed in a warm room until set about 10 minutes then chill grandmother doesnt of course find many thrills in life nowadays ckaa which she does getwhieh she treasurers and looks forward to la that which comas every week when her little granddaughter talks to bar on the long dlstanrv telephone the words which no letter can equal are i is thai you grand mother hosrita for 3kk children coixeor n- toonto craalr braarh thmmowa rombar isso dm mr autf aa a nwjd ot m0 uttk four roo wuj ana woj tepstactun tnu its aufr- fvr sick oblldrao r nablaw o meiaaae ta- rtu con ikurabtv lunn u mi rau u mat period lt oot ear occupmtf by nearly 100b takli oatlencs man ol il wi tmmm aa t w u tha wmy to l mv an ewnrut mount ot aood w twins ob0tripntil rot ontarto many 6lca kids and oy pma tin intonaatlon lona lo to thy work heart that aches to triy souls best work let not the bitter hour slab with its grim dirk unto thy toll and if the world want not thy voice today grieve not thine hour will come love is not waste alway art trial grows from love of beauty lifes high dream will not utterly vanish out as weed drift on a stream not onesunbeam is lost though it vanish in a cave and he great master of mystery will redeem the gift he gave wilfred campbell strong position shown ity bank of montreal in annual statement striking evidence of the soundness of underlying conditions in canada is afforded by the strong statement the bank of montreal is rorwarding td its shareholders for the fiscal year to october 31st- owing to its importance the staleinentof the premier bank is always looked for with a great deal of interest undoubtedly this will be more particularly the- case this yeajt en account of the complicated- eoonp- mlc conditions that have prevailed ihroughout the world on tht account uiere will be special satisfaction hhat the bank has been able to maintain its usual strong position as was to be expected un der the conditions the total volume of business is down from the previous year on the other hand there has been a gain in several of the principal departments during the past six montris thls would seem to indicate more favorable conditions and will be regarded as reassuring to the business interests of the country of special import to the many shareholders will be a profit and loss statement showing that profits for the year hale been ample not only to provide for the usual dividends and bonus but also to allow of an appropriation of 800- 0q0 for dremtoes ana carrying forward of a comfortable balance to profit and j the name is sufficient i ii i i m our sa carry butternut varieties daily a change to suit the palate i manf d by dominion bakeries ltd cuelp sold by mark cark phone 229w grocer georgetown ojebhfroses cs pastry riour a a ea al ran saomk m bus this is highclaaa pastry floor and if not satisfactory your money will be cheerfully refunded the prke is exceptionally low for 25 lb bag 75c we deuver wcbessey phone 1s a geokoetovtn tell it well and ii will seu bank of montreal frtabusfced l8l7 a presentation in easily understandable form of the banks annual statement 31st october 1930 bran mat h cup flour teaspoon salt i cup bran x cup orange julep v teaspoon soda 1 tablespoons molasses 3 tablespoons melted butter sift flour and salt add bran orange juice in which soda has been dis solved and stirred until it begin ts froth molasses and melted butter beat vigorously and pour quickly in to hot buttered gempans and bake in a hot oven fraltlmni sherbet 3 jemons i cup sugar 1 small bananas 1h peaches a cups milk 1 cup chopped nuts squeeas the lemons arid strain juice into the sugar add other fruit pulp rubbed through s sieve than- add milk and nuts and fr aa serve with iced orange sauce paper wr tou wut iqtaraat uiem and t tfcr amr umr of instrumental m oromoun tnf xmupuapet qt tni numane aervlcf it la alitapur una r takitut anp ttov noppitm nredf enr o np if cap opjf eieaaf nof tafmaflpwlna ofticiai tt urf or ta ei trtuca ndfo upien oat so issp inaicatnit u qwamtuu hip rapid azpanaton q tlt minion raarcy rptal qumom ql ooi pauen m yaar asro n ineraaa at jrn ov te prfviou aar etu aurribti pauent qay 1m71b p ipcrnh 11sc1 average day tay ol l patten is rbae rixun mciuat tn wonae nu opuntr naepitai at rbutirtowi wnetv tnf year iptl 91 oauent d was sejriti ana tnf dally everag 10 in addluon tp this tne qutpeuent ae perupepi at tpf main naepiuu nea wiob attendance wiuun the yeai tne laraaet oumnet 01 pauent tteeteo in k auude day oatne s 1 tna iittlf uterr enc an muu- tared tp ip tpe ttoetenuu tpt 810a onu iran come nom ov tne province if ontario rbrousn tnu- meanificeni uaunuop loenmllna ute very poo anild na enequej eaveptaa entn tne vary ncp m eacunna tna dvoeiii 01 tne rlneet enowp mejh eno uricei uui rber ere oc trips o otuitiiic at tnp cnua rpquinng npepitai cart rtace 3ead or ctrcunatancae u ufe maae nn luferapcp it a a traai alotnet cnent vary yaat tna tnutaat nave ic ere tnt vary leise datcii w proviaeo 101 eno ibey rely an kino people tc aelp nanee ourset net tononen kinderaartaoer up op early teep ooye and etiisenw nricken witn au- ttaaa other datormea jrippieo n m ma up tna copunikw erve lulauop of the uoepita tot sick wnm na oan ip operation t lb nnuai appeal or huksa iaatwaj- tnada i 4taennroii 1 a ana enrtstana taai a mvi a tc urge toe 4pum t usa wpan ell tovar 01 ilttie auidren would ilka aa contribute rhe noapitai rot ve ohlmno doe not proprlafa tuen e here in the rand of be loronir ra- tratloo for oommualty service oeeatte i eatrvae the arboh drarlncas oona- aana iroaa tke eenerott mrnn ra our auntie are earnteo enllrltad- raltaruuy four nurma a robskiaoh cbauaeaa casbmai comautaae liabilities liabilities to the public deposits notes of the bank in circulation pyjbu o ikwumd letters of credit outsta titling riafwmi rrsfomujitia mevreere mm it mf leatieiiii fit emm merasl irdmuktiomt ux ogtmmg iir j m fc other liabilities item awure 40 eof com ummrr far reeerae aefies total liabilities to the public liabilities to the shareholders capital surplus and undivided profits 8c reserves for dfvidenue tba imommt kftrxmu i isneeourrr iaxirr m ov bmmi erer wm eieermo to mw fmuc latv etearavaar total uawuue jrt79574234 j972445a50 8723630 436778052 75021 13716 7675770045 stt269695 3761 resources to meet the foregoing liabilities the bank hat cash in its vaujta and in the central gold reserves 10004 74 1979 nut of and cheques on other banks 4163415554 hjymue im frfa on fmiefefra money on deposit with other banks 3311884874 aiubu on r i t government 8c other bonds and debentures 181 j9261056 gudgt stcmnlica ptmchtmtty mil cfwmitw nmftov mt ewfy eteaa stocks 103704259 iulmwymmllmmanmlmmmmchmtmmmtmm call loans outside of canada 602171269 smrrd h tomj stoch ami ecbr mmaf f pwr afar me nv loam ami rrprrtcmrimf mint omku l if rill as ae ovirareree eff em eomavimmj im ceraest cau loans in canada 17a0s90jb3 payahu oa evae fmc memni h c ami mmxb mf pmrntr raim lha ike loam tqtal of quickly available resources m381927994 equal lo j912 of all liabilities to the public other loam 35970327935 to manmfoctmtm farmen mrrckamtt ami atsrg ea reaevnim com- para wal mmmi kmumf bank premises 1450000000 time pemptmet omly o cawmj im av raaatf mf mohmg rinu anry tftc nock ami poadv oftmsse comtfimmet are emtmtfy tenamevnwoaaa amiapoear mm the hooks atjft00 at eec ante ml other of sit famis steeron the raemt etrk lawotef n tjooxio pear aatfvr ait ararfta reaj batate and mortgages on real estate 180335209 empvr i tar oaam of the books te aaef a process of hwmg 1 temmreol opam x cuatonbera liability under lerrers of credit 87233380 fc imsommirs of ea e cflmmmeofcmmmmmoi the book for their actsmmt other assets not inrjuded in the foregoing 404656243 making tota1 assets of 26963761 h 75021 183716 lyrrat am exceu mf assets oyer liabilities to the public of f 7675770045 profit and lossaccount pecnt ror the yew eatkng lt octooer 1930 k319di jl pheuuum on new stock 31490 16370491 dtlilaarll and tnrereet00 llie paki or parable msltreeholden 5x78409 olalilil to rett acrxaett 5i4j9 30 penhlin fct teaa domirao gun 43997043 lul l fabaak mo000 715900504 i 2114657 dureejietotaobar kop 73jj82j1 i lam emssmmi aanreaa i 9470473 w a bog cmarlbs b ooktdott laoraon docos i h jmmsgemcmiuammrr a a a t emd the extent of it remrc for 113 yen the bank of momtbemti mm ii bees b hheforofromt of cttmeuou fsmamce jj s t k aaaffiialiiffaarj ygiitvjav lssjiin

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