Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 24, 1930, p. 4

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f s page4 tbe georgetown herald wednesday evening december 24tli 1930 r j through the tears christmas in childhood meaius retting it seems just the fulfllment ot fond selfish dreams grasping with both hands but never a thought of arduous toll that this miracle wrought nor how the brave evergreen tree can bring forth tropical fruits in december- up north christmas in girlhood the time of her life air with excitement and secrets is rife presents for aunty for mother and dad chums sisters cousins jxjhaps for lad brjng your to our store where you will find gills for we invite you to see our stock of hot point turnover toasters 600 electric irons 250 to 650 electric heaters 390 to 950 electric table lamps 500 to 750 connor electric washer 11000 mcclary electric range 5000 stainless teaspoons 125 adam partem and old colony silverware english stainless steel carving sets pocket pen and hunting knives ccm tube skate outfits ccm hockey skates and sticks let us give you estimates on your plumbing heating and electrical wiring needs ill thompson go phone 46 georgetown cymcxmcwk mc mmk y protecting live stock tho use of movable partitions in stock cars will not only permit the shipment of mixed lots of live stock but by reducing the possibllties of injury and bruising to a minimum will save the live stock industry sever al millions of dollars annually as t- result of the findings of a national committee the live stock associa tions of eastern and western canada have joined forces in- presenting a papers and ribbons of various tints i petition to the railway poard seek- eor her own wishes the broadest ot ing to compel railways to install and hints christmas in womanhood that is the task limited purse and so much that they ask tree- trimming stockings the dinner and such oh the material side is too much better to pause in the twilight of eve and read of the child vho came not tp receivo old age at clnlstfnasa fireside deam just a brief pause ere we cross the last stream visions of loyed ones of days long ago only in childhood such- stars and such snow sweet premonition os last shadows fall- christmas in heaven most blessed of all r betsy anne christmas sweets by betty barclay you no matter how much oandy purchase christinas never seems to be christmas unless there are at least a few homemade candies on the liv ing room table the sugar in these candies is an excellent quickenergy food for winter while the fruits and nuts are also valuable fruit kisses 1 egg white cup confectioners suor cup almonds chopped vj cup dates pftted and chopped 4 teaspoon vanilla inew grains aa shell the almonds plunge into boil ing water bub off kins chop pit the dates chop i beat the egg white until stiff add sugar gradually while continuing the i beating add salt find vanilla fold in almonds and dates drop from the tip of a teaspoon on a well buttered bak ing pan bake in a slow oven about thirty minutes cool for a few mom ents before removing from pan with a spatula news and information for the busy farmer the ontario agricultural and ex perimental union will hold its annual meeting lnguelph on jan 6th and tth use at least two movable partitions of suitable type in all cars used for trans portation of live stock the suggest ed specific toll for cars so equipped is one dollar per car per trip the an nual loss through bruising alone un- ripr present conditions is placed at over 500000- overseas apple market mr a pulton overseas representa tive of the ontario fruit qrovets association wrjtes generally fepeaklng the ontario frtnit jrrowora are doing well with fhelr grading this season but falling down considerably in the actual pack ing of the fruitil j make particular reference to slacks which are far t do prevalent- more care is needed in filling racking arid tailing the barrels the right height before pressing in crder to secure a tight pack he also refers to a recent visit to antwerp where he saw the first ship ment of ontario ben davis apples un- tleaded the fruit landed in excellent condition he sold and has given pvery satisfaction to the buyers he quotes one belgian buyer as saying that ontario apples are fully equal to american growers are cautioned to pay par ticular atentlon to facing each bar rel in some cases the poorest apples have been placed on top with the re sult that they give a wrong impression of the barrels contents and affect its value detrimentally dat and nut roll is cups sugar n cup thin cream 1 cup dates pitted and chopped cup nut meats chopped cook sugar and cream together un til a ikue dropped in cold water forms a soft ball 238 degrees f add the chopped dates and cook two or three minutes more 1242 degrees f remove from are beat until candy begins to thicken add nut meats continue beating until candy is firm enough to make into a roll about one and onehalf inches across wrap in wet cloth and leave urjtil cold re move cloth and cut crosswise in slices kris juunqxe salads tree planting in middlesex an increase in the number of trees planted in middlesex county to the number of 25555 was noted oris year this means a total of 263035 trees as against 237480 in 1920 in both years there have been great efforts to re build the timber resources of the county middlesex is only one of a large number of western ontario counties where such measures are in operation it seems as if every coun ty council is showing its appreclat of the efforts of t he government to induce reforestation methods ydr windbreak planting each farmer is n mowed 500 trees without charge and for wood lot planting 3500 trees are provided cratefeeding pays farmers who are in a position to follow the practice find that crate- feeding of their poultry pays them bis dividends there are several reasons for this it produces the milkfed grades which bring the highest prices the leading wholesale merchant are now buying poultry by government grades with substantia differentials between each grade the premium as sured for birds whloh grade mukfed makes cratefeeding worth while and all poultry intended for eattac pur poses should be properly finished be fore being marketed the farmer who has poultry to market would do well to remember that it is the last pound which brings the finish and lncreasea tlie value of the bird by 50 or 75 cents canfan medtral afttocv hires a bargain 239 eggs in bag of purina the store with the checkerboard sign the following salads are good at any time but fit particularly into the christmas dinner menu as they are composed of alkalinereaction foods they tend to balance the main dishes of the meal try one of them this christmas molded fruit salad 1 package lemon flavored gelatine 1 pint boiling waiter 6 slices canned pineapple diced and drained 2 tart apples pared and diced 2 bananas diced crisp lettuce dissolve gelatine in boiling water pour small amount into mold chill until firm addl fruits when re maining gelatine b sltgrttly thickened pour over fruits chill until firm unmold on lettuce oarnlsh with mayonnaise serves 6 beantjr salad 1 package raspberry flavored gela tine 1 pint boiling water 4 teaspoon salt 3 bananas diced 1 tablespoon lemon juice m cup walnut meats finely cut crisp lettuce dissolve gelatine in boiling water add salt turn into individual molds tilling them k full chill sprinkle bananas with lemem juice when gelatine is arm arrange a layer of t ananas o ge bprinlrla ntlth progress at oac at a recent o a c alumni meet ing dr o j christie president of the college reported that the new horticultural building was now n partial use and thai the services of w h smith an expert m storage of fruit under refrigeration had been secured the cellar of the new build- ing had been equipped with several insulated rooms for experiments on this subject and great benefits should accrue to fruit growers from this work the construction was also going for ward of several new greenhouses wltn which will be connected a showroom in which displays ot modem horticul tural work can be made and seasonal flower shows held much improveme in the grounds of the college has been completed the new main building is well on towards completion and part of it may be ready for occupation by easter majce it easier for hem to lay for sale at p g earlys feed store georgetown phone 175 get your supply now at thu special price the store with the checkerboard sign jlrqhectaicsjii qlers taken for ranges appliances of all kinds office toytn nuts add another layer of gelatine chlll when firm till mold with re malnlng gelatine chill until ft unlttold on- letio qamlsh with mayonnaise serves t i holiday luncheon dish 1 box sardines 1 lemon 1 buncn radishes parsley or watercress remove cover neatly and entirely from a box of sardines place on a platter and surround with wreath of parsley or cress cut radishes in the shape of flowers hnd artange in the parsley cut burtons in halves cross wise and then cut in deep points arrange at ends and sides of platter in the parsley serve very cold weekly crop report current reports from representatives indicate that in general the mild open fall has allowed farmers to clean up many farm jobs that otherwise would haw had to remain undone fall wheat has entered the winter is good condition and a brisk demand or hay is also indicated- all classes of jive stock in bruce have gone into winter quarters injj about average condition in fronte- nac the demand for fresh milkers has fallen off with prices around s5 and 8s more winter dairying in grey is indicated by the increased delivery of cream to creameries during winter months an increased demand tor good jersej dairy cattle has push ed the price for thaw up to 125 or 160 in lincoln middlesex reports hogs as scarce with the market firm at tt per cwt according to stock year records there was a decrease of 5000 hogs marketed from peel in 1930 as compared to lost year in spite of low prices from potatoes growers in south stmooe are realizing more pro fits from this crop than any other an vdvbntcbei m had an adventure the other day said mrs taylor to some fiends an adventure in friendship v her listeners were interested yejf she went on i went on a 300njce trip in two minutes no not tloh by telephone wondesul isnt it i calleil an old jrienjpw the spur ot the moment we me going to i telephone often its a lhjl ive only just discovered the row thistle mtnac in a recent address a r o smith district weed inspector of western on tario suggested to farmers that supply of weed klhejs should be kept on hand to control small patches of perennial sow thistle in emphasis ing the seriousness of this menace be pointed out that in ontario in- 1w over 100000 acre of sow thistle harvested and over sofcoml re pol luted with it he deolmd v e f hewitt of ed a bulletin warning ont that unless this weed was controlled it would be on every farm in cfarlo it is now in practically every town ship in the proyinee he said must have uomta- all persons other than producers lncluldng farmers transoarunaj then- own foul must have a license from the warden and the county clerk if they want to transport fowl on the highway from one place to another the provincial statute requires that such licenses be taken out regardless or whether r not there la a local bylaw but it is thought that ube ing of a bylaw by- county ooun- would streaftttttn the o the purpose ot the ucenae is to enable the police to get a better check offechlcki thieves as all per sons otherthan the producer or far mer when transporting fowl must carry his license produoe the same when requested by the authorities and also show a record of the purchase made from the vendor the license regulation does not apply toa private citizen transporting fowl bought from a farmer but will be required from a purchaser if he is a dealer in fowl sssnffi j stewarttowri plumbinfltiftsnimrinfl egflnales ckccrtally clvts pbotae 84 r 12 georgetown rfl no 2 l monuments pollock a ingham gait or bmkahanls vttajons for many years we iave known that the foods which we ose mnstst of vart ous combinations of fat protein car bohydrate and minerals at was gen erally understood that the value of a diet depended upon the quantity of these ingredients and the way in which they were oocobined a few years ago scientists who were doing research work on diets discov ered that there are present in foods other substances which are essential to nutrition when rood is taken into the body it must be utinsed so as to keep the body in running order the proper use of food is the process of nutrition and if body and nutrition is to be maintained that is if the body is to be kept running smoothly and effici ently vitamins must have their place in the diet the research workers have found six different vitamins the total ab sence of one or other of xfnoc will cause a eawullon such as scurry or rickets disease which are due to the absence of vitamins m the diet are called deficiency ritsrasr it has been shown that an insuffi cient amount of vitamins in the diet may not cause any rteflnatr disease but their absence may preve an individual from enjoying goad health to put it the other way round we i may say that- vitamins are essential j not only to prevent the oelfeeieney diseases but to keep the body at aud io secure a full measure of health fba j the individual i tbe absence or deficiency of vttam- ins in the diet is therefore a serious matter fortunately however the average adult does not need to worry about this orovldink he eats a bal anced diet that is a diet composed of wide variety of foods the vitamins are umtnt hi certain foods in varying amounts the im age adult can rely upon nrilk and dairy products eggs green leafy vege tables fresh fruits tomatoes taw or canned and wholegram cereals to supply him with all the vitamins he requires i for infants and expectant m it may be necessary to supplement their diet with some preparation such as cod uver oil in their cases there is an extra demand for vitamins and in order to make sure that there will not be a deficiency the ordinary diet may be added to as suggested question concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medlral as sociation 184 college street toronto will be answered personally by letter t victoria eveftgreen playground debts collected pur rates are less than those of other i a band ung collections enluslsely our experience is greater no collection no charge kelly aiken the ooqectioo tlgnriansu gwhl t standard anthracite scranton coal kdh automatically and loader coal wood john mdooald 12 wood f boitv aeeeh and aaaple wood txts stack cant satxed wood and rain a sua stogie cord j h- soauh phone m r n georgetown tf old and new dancing eftry sabmkf night r- s gents s0c 2sc deforest crosley the groek 14boo ten good lwttery sets at 6000 each srhgbts aaae i a wkfavqlr mffghoti art of singing ta a ma km i in sfhajmis eaxqt v apapoaubathxll georgetown the name is sufficient oar salesmen cany butternut varieties daily a change to suit the palate manfd by dominion bakeries ltd sold by mark clark grocer merry christmas to everybody seasons thxtx sper sav1nqs from a okcqorfity tomatoes 2 pitted dates 2 25c shortcakecc mccqemiars qat cakes ph 17c ansmal crackers pfcs 5c no 2v no 2 lb 21 35 35 21 mclaren aatottcd jelues4pi9 coffee 45c ginger ale 30 cawtolt- pchncntwfafpc bacon it 4c cqttgtlfslii1b7c frrelr om basut yit mincemeat 2 poyiwfa 29c i m tetam crisxo sdbcw carrolls a stei ma j f u in georgetown

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