pe4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 7th 1931 nearly all seek quality nearly all drink salada fresh from the gardens iv tarnmramimsmimimamiim verily i you ihe harvest is past the summer is ended the new year is at hand and a large number of subscriptions to the herald re main unpaid we know it is onjy a small matter with each individual subscriber but in tile aggregate it means a lot of money to us and we need it right now to meet our ob ligations will you mr subscriber if you are in arrears for your subscription to the herald kindly let us have the amount owing that we may continue to send you the news ofj georgetown and district each week we need the money need if badly and we have confidence in our subscribers to grant our request and pay us what is our due please do it now news and information w for the busy former experiments at o a some extensive experiments are un der way with dairy rows at o a c a new system of feefjini in beiiik tried otit which has as its main idea the feeding of dairy rows on a ration which does not include succulence this system was originated in eng land ftid is rexrted to mnv f given exhlcnt results tlie outcome of the piesenh mpcnmnits win nni lv known until the krtp of cows hull haw cahi d but iiurtmmn pnmriv has lieni made so far fvrtil icing tomalnrs tomatoes havr beoomt a very im- porian and staple article of diet it is with reference to vitamin cunt cm that tomatoes an esxrinlly viilnable since they constitute a source of vit amin c which ha treat lijluietue on growth and beakh five field test were roiwducted last cummer ly the peimutmcrt oi chemistry o ac in the vicinity of st cnthnrinrw broom- abld port horic and collmnwood these showed an average yield of 1742 busheb per acre where 750 pounds of fertiliser was applied the unfrftilfz- eci section averaged m 9 biikrrl per acre giving a gross gain from ftrulnv ulc of 1193 bushels the net return was 45 per acre which was found to be a return better ihdn hree tor one on uh invest jhen t fertilisers used were 3126 014 g 3105 and 1 8 10 i ffixo rorly yearji of service with the anuihin puchffc railway have re- reived- recognition in the appoint- nwnt of rse hodge assistant genera manager eastern lines to be manager of the newlycreated department of personnel of the ratlwiiy announced by grant hall vioepresldent of the company re cently mr hodjre was specially sclented for the appointment in view of his wide experience in labor matters and his particular flair for arbitration and kindred activities he was specially in the limelight it the time of the mcadoo award when his presentation of that sit uation evoked unstinted praise in tanada and the united states a fortyacre kartner to the tjucstion whether lo was abje make a living in this t lone of depression a western ontario nuwt operating a 40arv fiirni said f am makirin a little more than a living i am at ajoh thtt l like jtaxi iniwn boss and i have no fear of unemploy ment neither i nor my family tr to keep up with the joneses llioiikh we live well the isirin supplying n large part of wlmt wc nwl on the table we have a small car tliat wc use sensibly where could i re a busiites for the same investment thai would return me as much from this decimation it is c idem that there ore 50acrc larms which are doing their share in contributing to the wealth of the country and giv ing the owner a fair living tnc man referred to above was willing to let his iwihbors expend their energies oh the big farnu and big herds hls plan was to concenvrtc few h ere an d th ere jj likelihood of a laree entry list trtim the prairie for the third annua impress hotel midwinter golf tournament to bt playedat vic- torui golf hub february 2328 is indicated tn enquiries pouring in from leading amateurs of the plains ijist year thi tourney brought together lbuleadlng toien and women golfers of the north pacific and the prairies and 7 ii was the plainsmen who upset the dope by carrying off tmportant portions or the silverware against the bes golfers bj victoria huk van- couver tacoma portland and jspokane the summary of figures for the workmens compensation board of ontario for the year 1930 shows a total of 69267 accidents reported dur ing the year a decrease of 17336 from the prior year the fatal accidents numbered 320 as compared with 510 during 1929 and the adrldents reported during ixvem- ber numbered 4694 compared with 6288 in december 1929 the total benefits awarded in the past year amounted to 7 42308 82 as compared with 801215778 during 1929 the 1930 figures being made up of 608697277 compensation and 1- 33604605 medical aid taking a oasis of 300 working days this would show average daily bene fits awarded of 24743 requiring an average of 865 cheques per divy then- was a decrease in the average number of new calims reported dally from 290 in 1929 to 231 in 1930 since the opening tn 1933 of the newrfbrunswick school of agricul- turef 150 young men have attended the annual rail short course in- practical agriculture attendance at- the 1930 course- which closed december 19 was the largest on record the number of students registered being 35 half or them being members of young peoples livestock and poultry duos the silver cup for general proficiency was awarded to ralph h colpitis of petit oodlac so one la the quality of the turf produced by beat grass seed a comparatively new variety pro duced in canada that during the past five years between 600 and 75000 pounds of tbe seed lye been exported to the united 3t6ge each year the best quality produced in prince edward island and la used for lawns golfing and bow ung accidents and compensation wood good body beech and maple wood 375 single cord mixed wood and rails at 30 single card j u smith phone 84 j13 georgetown tf old and new t temple gardens rocbwood every saturday night eixiotts orchestra r s davidson ploor manager gents 50c ladies 25c the name is sufficient oar saksnmn carry butternut varieties daily a change to tuit the palate manf d by dominion bakeries ltd goelph sold by mark clark 22w grocer b heres a bargain 239 eggs in bag of purina tfie store with the checkerboard sign good animals which gave gooa returns aud this year he expcrtonredl no trouble in meeting h tvt bills he lias ample reason for feeling satisfied the graituulion of honey has been engaging u mcuimn oi the dcpftrt ment and prof e m dycc iins hen carrying on exjerimental worth both at the oac and at cornell univer sity jthaca ny it x hoped in this way to he abl to adyise honey pio- ducers on the bt rrtpthods of hand ting their crop so thai tfuir product reaches the consumer in the most attractive form posmble krrt msncers clean an inspection of t hr maiaprs of stables when cows are not doiiirf well might ro a long way toward finding out the cause of trouble sanitation in mangers and the drinking supply is in many cases very poor when cows dont drink as much water as they should or leave a certain amount of meal tn ttte bottom of the mangers the trouble may generally be laid to the door of poor sanitation an in spection of mangers and drinking cups would probably show that tr- cups had become fouled with chail and spoiled sifagc and when left for even day the water is filthy it is reason able that cows will not drink treely of this water anywhere from a quarter of an inch of hard accumu lated filth can sometimes be scraped out of the manger it has a stench which makes the animal quit rating long before it has had enough drink ing bowls and mangers should be kept clean if the cattle are to flourish weekly crop report agricultural representatives thru- out ontario reporting tor christmas week state that beef cattle are hi good condition with few beins mar keted very little hay or grain is being marketed either farmers ap parently holding for higher prices all dressed poultry including geese turkeys and chickmi wer welw cleaned up in the christmw rush there is yet a scarcity of wier in many sections in essex county tiling machines are very active especially on pelec ialand where 375000 tile were ship ped last summer creamery mm in frontenac are well satisfied with the quantities of cream corn ins in and are paying 31c per pound for butter- fat for special and 30c for lnt the egg output in lincoln now exceeds the demand with prices somewhat lower dairy cattle in prtnoe ed ward are lower than for nuuiy years with good grade cows bringing from 60 to 75 several cars of hav were aold in rainy river tor 12 to 13 turkeys and spring chick- 1 ens have been bringing about equal rpound4n temuiuun- llotor tourist traffic to new brunswick from the dnrtod states was 44 per cent greater in 19p0 than hi the previous year tills per centage of increase in tourist busi ness being the greatest shown by anr province ufdomtnton inrulk hat year it is claimed by the new bruaswiok gorernment bureau of information and tourist travel- value of the trade la placed by in dependent estimates at 18000000 hi 1939 which must have been fully maintained if not up to 20000 000 id 1930 one hundied porebred dairy cows were recently shipped fron vancouver to hone kong being the largest shipment of cows that nas beef made from canada to the orient sixty per cent of the ship ment were houtelns and the bal ance ayrshires and guernseys old dobbrn is npt being supplant ed by the tractor and motor car in canada since thei were in june 1930 3235028 horses op canadian farms compared with 3400352 tn june 1920 a very small decrease in a decade combined figures for albert and saskatchewan where there is a constant leadency to mechanisation in farm work were so 073 less horses than the previous year which practically accounts for thn ileerttijjp throughout the whoo ot the domiuiifi j sanford stewarttown plombinga tinsmilhing esflaulcs checrtally uvea pb84rl2 georgetown rr no 2 the biggpr arid finer 1931 chevrolet f monuments h ere an dtk ere 67c lp to december 15 qlore grain iih been delivered to ships at west saint john than during the entire ninl i of december 1929 and this traffic bids fair to exceed that of last season for mediterranean and other kuropean ports according to information gathered at canadian pacific railway headquarters in ldditiut u jpio seaboard i- 500jmh bushels wvt jn transit at middecember with further oraeri coming in daily make it easier for hens to lay for sale at p g earlys feed store georgetown phone 17s get your supply now at this special price tbe store with tie checkerboard sign a- hydro electric system o taken for rang and appliances of all kinds office towithall carleton county winners the ottawa valley and particular ly carjeton county which has for years been famous for good seed ls justly proud of k growers who have taken so- many prizes at the larger grain shows this fall at the royal in spite of strong competition from all parts of ganada carelion seed growers carried off 24 prizes includ ing a number of arslv a nttidy of the list of awards made in trie rec ord seed exhibit at the ottawa win ter fair shows no less than 59 prizes or carleton county growers alfalfa for poultry alfalfa tn the green state has long been recognized m an ideal poultry feed when used in conjunction wltti the usual grains jujd maahen it is used extensively as range or as cut gree feed for birds in confinement durihg the spring siunmer nnd fall months in most alfalfagrowing areas but the value of t he hay as winter feed is not so gencrajly known so much of the years suc cess depends on the number and quality of chicks hatched each spring tha it is important to dp all possible to increase tlie fertility and hatchnbility or the eggs and tnc uv- ability of the chicks experiments have shown that 20 per cent better fertility and 0 4 per cent better i hatchabuity or fertile eggs can be ob- talned from birds where alfalfa hay instead of straw la used as utter in the breeding pens the alfalfa slinutd i be used as letter during tlie winter i months preceding liie breed hip season i and the same treatment gatn to i males and females fjolders already of two dominion championsb ips the first a id team or the canadian pacific railways toronto freight offices added fur ther laurels to their crown b- tak ing in pace of stiff opposition the silver challenge shield of the com panys eastern lines championship and a week later journey to vvtur nlpeg where they captured a third dominion trophy by defeating weston shops winners of the west ern lines championship by s pom winning tnam wt- w t warren captain a t curie h- h brnld c w sell en w- j turk and c w maeey spare new inodejs of the chevrolet now on display througiioat canada show many improvements and refinements above is the beautiful sport sedan with radiator grille and cowl lamps and six wire wheels the circle m the center gives an idea of the extensively changed front end design of the entire 1931 line the arched tiebar of chrome nlokol and the horn mounted beneath the left head lamp are characteristic wheelhase of the 9xx chevrolet is longer and all the interior are roomier this is shownin the lower picture which reveals tte apa in the driving compartment and also indicates the clear vision provided prices of 1931 chevrolet are lower even than thn for 1930 a ingham gall out madame florence main contralto formerly of winnipeg teaches the art of singing in all its branches pupils any age by appointment phone 358w georgetown georgetown flourkfeed poultry feeders we have a five grain scratch feed consisting of wheat cracked corn buckwheat barley and oats specially prepared for layinghens at the exceptionally low price of 150 per 100 lbs hay straw and all lands of feed on hand w cijesisey phone 195 georgetown the brock 14800 ten good battery sets at s00qeach complete guaranteed speights garage godpbst by the throwing of a switch in the saskatoon power house of the saskatchewan government power commission a new era for many towns tn central saskatchewan was ecanlif introduced this act marked the energising of the new hitch tension power lltyft pa sbelj- brook and the ii kb tin- up of thaj town and of a number of intervene tea towns by electricity supplied from the central elect he station in saskatoon about 400 miles of power lines will be functioning shortly and a hundred towns will be effectively lighted and supplied with power more than hair a million christ mas rees have been shipped from the province of new brunswick to points in the united states the riipply of christmas trees fron new brunnwick for united states comes entirely from privatelyown ed lnnds ss the exportation of such j rees cut on governmentown yd landn 1 forbidden during the past two years forty onnlah families comprising 165 mrpon hnvebougnt farms tn nova rrotla twentyfive of these fnml- llen mitdelheir purchase this year tier fftrms nre bit us ted itlnnje the fjnff shore from poirwnh to antl- cotlh in ilnntt county irom wal- lon to chevorlo nhri throughoiiflhe annnpolls vnlley as far west as brldatetown slow collections start the new year with a clean atieet send your slow and bad collections to us and stop your worrying over them no collection no charge kglly aiken collection specialists for 40 years oranxrvui ottetnh owen soand m i all she had young aligns had been out for ttw evening with his best girl when he arrived home he found his other still sitting up the old man looked up and shook his head hae ye been oot wi you lassie again he asked m dadi replied young angus why do ye look sac worrited i was just wonder in how much tlie evening cost no more than half a croon dad aye that was no sae much it was a she had said angrs t jp tho rtrst nine months of 1930 mnro fhqh 3r0i0o0 pounds or mall were carried by ar fhnlj servicer in tnnada onehalf of tlie serr vlrc operate out of montreal two rfcuirvicoa aro projeeted one will rvot tholroute from amos to luroo newly settled dlttrlcts in nihirn qneboc nnd thr ftecfind hn hi pmc river to north vor- in i i n in ttir nprth v pj tprif tlire nrr boo nfnnft tif- amp lr nnndji wut 7 pllnm o i l re ronniorrltl thore 4 t f4iliot no nbotburta bbqfjibbd advertising in the herald brings results try it for yourself standard anthracite scranton c coal inflsi automatically scraenw and ihiovij coal wood yy you ever stop to think fl that the town that fails to encourage the business concerns it now has will fall way behind in the march of progress q that when business concerns fail to use every ef fort to increase their business in the home town and its i john mcdonald pbon12 trade territory they are holding back its progress i that merchants should show the people of their community by newspaper advertising that they can supply their every want fl that people appreciate the true merit of the home town as a trading centre when the local concerns take interest enough to tell them what they have through the recognized shoppers guide the newspaper q that newspaper ads drrtw shoppers from other localities jshpppors do not come to town to buy just v one article they usually buy many articles that outoftown shoppqrs as yell as the local shopper should receive prompt and strict attention advertising service quality and price are the big attractions that firing them to trqde r m artlha l v