-7- m kfi- fcvc- fej it- page 2 the qeorgetowo herald wednesday evening february 1 tch 1931 lets be careful qeottoetown like a great many other towns in the province has ar rived at p period in its history when it is urgently necessary that our town council should use every means possible to curtail expenditure during the next year or two in order that ourtax rate may not become unbear able georgetown has pretty mu61i everything a good healthy growing town needs at the present time and while there are some streets ye wc would like lo see paved we cannot aftord these local improvements just at present and they should not be undertaken this year especially when a large overdraft had to be carried over from last year- wo ore not blaming the councils of the past for the condition we find our town in at this time the great responsibility reals with the ratepayer themselves tttev have been derramur the- u- provements and they have been gett ing then and georgetown is a bet ter town for having the improve ments but we have been going a little too fast and we most cut down on the pace if wehopeto carry on with the present tax rate wp must be content with a utue less n every line and possibly put up with some socalled inconveniences our high and public school qards should cur- tan their expenditures as rar as passible and crttens generally should assist our town council by not mak ing demands on them to praefctpj economy during 1931 otjr new post oflttoe the one that was tp nave been built nineteen years ago is becoming a live question again mayor martrpntle- accompanied by reeve cleave and councillors oumm- lngs gibbons and barnes waited on our member dr anderson kp at mutoh last week urging that action be taken regarding the erection of same the dr promised to do every thing possible and we are locking for ward to seeing in the government estimates this year an amount for georgetowns new post office in the it might be well to keep in mind that a sumable site on main st should be secured on which to erect our only government building county council appoint committees reeve george cleave of e- quesing is chairman of permanen r com mittee at the first meeting of halton county council a permanent road committee consisting of- five members in accord with 4hehlghway improve ment act was appointed as follows w h morden for 1 year d camp- boll for 2 years e readhcad for 3 years geo cleave for 4 years w k robinson for 5 years that the othcr standing are plnanceharrls h cleave mor den campbell education robinson readhcad vanscrtver h cleave printing h cleave harris pee reeve bivmlltarl county buildings reeve of muton buck vanscrtver peer special communications newson currle harris buck railways legislation and agticu- ture buck currle hewson tt ctoav county brtdgescurrle peer mor den campbell odd age pensions vanscrlver o cleave readhcad robinson camp bell the first named on eachl committee to be chairman except the county roads committee of which mr cleave be chairman o vv deputy reeve k k buck trafalgar was appointed county representative ie board of management of the milton the childrens aid sssl ter hal tonnd peel coun ties yftw3is8n for faring for- children- sent as transients the municipality sending the children pays at the raje of 60 cents per day the fighting irish norah salnta presarve us an who blacked yer eye paddy jim oreagan norah what that dlrtydrunken loafer paddy slush norah be noldlh yer tongue tis the height of ignor ance to be spakln so irreverently of the dead annual report fire brigade fire loss in georgetownfln 1930 only im at- the regular meeting of town council last week the following re t port of the fire brigade was present- ed at tmjklost regular mectlru of the brlgadet was moved seconded and carried unanimously that the re appointment of n h tuck as chief and w h long as deputy chief for the year 1931 be recommended o council following is a list of fires in town during 1030 also estimated damage feb 2nd roneys shop 30000 feb 3rd connellys house 50000 mar 22nd j b mackenzie roof 5000 29th littles roof 5th cnr grass 28th boscoes root 29th kings roof 13th mclarens grass r 27th underwriters sept 29th fae alarm oct 3rd cooks hen boues oct 4th herringtons chimney none dec 31st a reeves pipe and chimney n3nc mar apr apr apr aug aug 2500 noni io0d 1200 none none 50000 outside flres jan 28th norval mills 20000000 mar 2nd nbrval 8tore aoooo apr 27th oar at millers cor ners v 20000 20050000 ej mccartney secy brigade esquesing council pure food store 10 bars comfort soap 45c 5 cakes infants delight soap 27c 24 lb bag pastry flour 68c 7 lb bag pastry flour 21c fuh 1 5 lb peck potatoes 19c 1 6 oz jar gold medal peanut butter 23c hp sauce per bottle 29c eagle brand condensed milk per tin 19c choice breakfast bacon sliced per lb 29c marshalls scotch fried filled herrings tin 25c 2 z lb tina fancy red cohoe salmon 35c 2 tall tins carnation milk 25c fresh fruit and vegetables at right prices a e farnell phone 75 v georgetown stewarttown feb 9th 1931 the esquesing township council met pursuant to adjournment with reeve cleave in the chair council lors appelbe mullln and wilson pres ent minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed 1 it was moved by w a wilson and seconded bj l l mullln that the following accounts be passed and paid bell telephone acct 38103 to feb 15th 500 8211 to feb 15th 235 total 735 i m bennett charity 795 mountain sanatorium main tenance of edith eryde jan 1 to 31 4800 a l squires sectreas oocaj roads association 515 elmer c thompson court costs and bail 111 fees re taxes 4854 road sheets as pres ented by the road supt 11480 carried it was moved by w o appelbe and second by l l mullln that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw annual bonspiel fiftysix players took tabt in annual event at george town milton- won first place the georgetown curling club held their first annual bonspiel at the arena on monday february 9th dur- ibsnje afternoon and evening in- vttambns to attend were sent to kit chener ouelph acton milton and brampton clubs these clubs sent rinks as follows club no or rinks skips kitchener 2 lang and pernfess ouelph 3 dillon mahoney acton milton brampton provide for road expenditure for the year 1931 and that said bylaw be now read a first time carried it was moved by l l mullln and seconded by w a wilson that the bylaw to provide for expenditure on roads for 1931 having been read the first time he now read the second nad third times and passed and the corporate sea lbe attached thereto carried it was moved by w a wilson and seconded by l u mullln that the reeve and deputyreeve be delegates to the good roads convention car ried it was moved by w- o appelbe and seconded by l l mullln that this council do now adjourn to meet on march bth at 130 carried va nim ius1- and smith cowle robinson dewa and armstrong mcjtyre wjlsou and ooldlng georgetown curling club entered 2 rinks skipped by messrs k erwin and feller making a total of fourteen rinks to play the games commenced at 130 pjn iand except for an hottr at supper were continuous until 9 pjn- the plus system of scoring was j i used and all rinks played three i3oo games alter the play the george town- club enbsrtalned then- visitors at a light luncheon served in the clubrooms r following the luncheon mr w 0 anthony the president of the george town curling club presented he winners of the bonspiel with their prizes mr 7 anthony thanked the visiting clubs for their part in help ing to make the day a success and expressed the wish that next year woyjd find tbeth back again in georgetown milton won fbst prize with cantel- on lead davidson 2nd lecocq vice and robinson skip score plus 18 ouelph won second prize with johns lead southwell 2nd peacock vice and dillon skip score plus 14 georgetown won third prize with anthony lead cordlngley 2nd a tost vice and e erwin skip score plus 13 the first prize was a woollen bed comforter for each member of the winning rink the second prize was a pair of woollen blankets for each player of the rink and the third prize was a 9 lb chicken for each member of the rink winning the place erwlns rink for georgetown de serves special mention every mem ber of the rink was right up on his toes and the rink as a whole gave an exhibition of real curling they played all day without a single loss ww town council following are the list of accounts passed at the regular meeting of couticu last week and unavoidably crowded out of last issue bell telephone co chiefs res 205 bell telephone co town hall 275 bell telephone co mun office georgetown hydro town hall georgetown hydro fire hall georgetown hydro waterworks georgetown hydro power oeorgetown hydro fire alarm h marchment sts alex hawes sts h marchment sts good roads alex hawes good roads c stacey sts h marchment ww sts alex hawes sts v c stacey sts win ward court services etaier thompson court services nt snyder walei wuiks refund fi t arnold waterworks refund mark clark chsuity dominion stores charity harold mcclure charity ouelph general hospital charity 10530 mountain sanatorium charity 4050 st josephs hospital charity 350 uelph general hospllja eharity 400 jl- mcrjlven ouelph charity 200 drainage tjept o a college un- -to- sjo 512 75 175 8797 l25 1800 480 1800 1210 s10 1800 570 840 400 400 400 9p 551 1007 5000 x pp a great employment h r mlmms oeorgetown foundry cd j ntvnelll a son unernploy- ment town truck r m thompson ac co ww a livingstone sts w q marshall expenses o r muckart ww college view oarage fire truck bailey bros town truck elmer thompson court costs elmer thompson court costs elmer thompson tourt costs john glffen gravel alfred hyde unemployment 200 2912 505 881 2280 865 1850 555 45 643 315 459 3j0 138 general news all day without unfu in b dia tmtr against particularly strong rinks and so were able to win by but few points the oeorgetown curling club are sending two rinks to the toronto bon spiel on rebruary 16th and 17th we wish them all kinds of success danns cough balsam a real medicine for severe obstinate coughs 35c and 65c c b q tablets for cold in head grippe neuralgia 25 cents flurem for flu grippe colds and coughs 75c danns drug store phone 327 georgetown agents for sargon a real money saving never before in our history have we offer ed fur coats at such startling reductions never before has there been an opportunity to purchase quality garments at thin price here is the reason womens institute the february meeting of the oeorgetown womens institute was held on wednesday last at the home of mrs e ryan klng8t with a good attendance of members and visitors despite the- inclemency of the weather after the singing of the opening ode and the repetition of the in stitute prayer mrs percy cleave read the minutes of the previous meeting and they were approved as read mrs cleave then presented a fin ancial statement of receipts and ex penditures in connection with the catering for the bums supper mrs w sinclair moved a vote of thanks to the members of the committee in charge of the catering and this mo tion was seconded by mrs w v grant and carried mrs cleave reported a cash balance on band of 13 a motion was made by mrs s kirk seconded by mrs o ford em powering the executive in case of emergency to act without the calling of a special meeting of the entire membership sundry small items concluded the business part of the programme mr c h wiggins barrister then gave a splendid and instructive ad dress on the constitution of our courts this address was greatly appreciated by all present and at its conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was tendered mr wiggins mrs feller sang two selections in her usual pleasing manner miss wase playing her accompaniment the roll was called the members responding to their names with a health hint this occasioned con siderable amusement though some excellent if- somewhat contradictory advice was given for the preservation of health after a delicious lunch had been enjoyed mrs harold cleave moved a hearty vote of thanks to mrs ryan and to all who had contributed lo the programme mrs f cole second ed this motion and the meeting then adjourned halton presbytkkial we are going to clear out every stock gar ment in the store of course that doesnt mean that they are out of date models in fact the majority of them were manufactured this past season we are contemplating re modelling our store as soon as possible to do this we are desirousof having just a small a s aa n representatives from the 26 womens missionary society that comprise the halton county preabyterial gathered on feb 4th in st johns united church oakvllle for their annual meetings miss k morgan bronte the president presided over the three sessions the treasurers report showed total receipts for 1930 to be 728124 and reports of the various other depart ments indicated a year of marked ac tivity and progress in a memorial service conducted by mrs 8 r bews milton tribute was paid to mrs w h tuck a preaby terial offlcet who died recently the convention was moved when mrs tucks report as secretary of mission ary literature prepared by her aged mother mrs c coote was read mrs a o rutherford toronto do minion president and miss isabelle mcintosh montreal strangers secre tary gave inspiring addresses offi cers elected for the foupwlng year were president miss k morgan bronte vlcepres mrs t c dales muton mrs o altkens balllnafad teeordmg batiste at the bonspiel not many weeks ago there landed in toronto no iessthan thirtythree carloads of peanuts these came not from the southern states but from faroff china lutherans predominate in kitchener according to a religious census taken there they number 9493 others are catholics 8v213 united church 24s7 prestybertan 1j99 bvangeu- cals 1993 anglicans x982 baptists 1467 eels are considered a greater deli cacy for christmas feasts in naples than turfceva bcrylag the aiirocry de noder day a frten of mine he say bateese to me wy don you go upon the rink fo se bonspiel says he deres plaintue chair for sit upon de place shes nice and warm and so at las i tins i go she cant do me no harm wall dat is de mos foolish game i never yet did see for ail de mei was yell so loud i think dpyijo craaee dey hove de tone like big speetoon an shove it wit der nan but wy de get so mooche excite i cannot upedrstand de man down at do noder en is put his broom down o an den he yell now take dat ice data foolish ting you know he cannot tak de ice away shes frozen down so hard but still he yejl yes tak her out i do not win de gard an see dem feller sweep de broom for wy i cannot tell dere is no dirt upon the ice and den some feller jell yes hod her up say wat he mean madams not dere at all and marmseue in de gallerle i do not see her fall all sorts of feller play dat game deres some das thin and long an some das made short and stout an some das purty strong but wen dey yell de stout mans wide an man dai long and tallr he narrow sure i do not uhk i stand for 4t at all i wonder wat dat name he mean wall bon to french shes good an spiel is scotch for de big talk dats wat i understand i spose shes sort of halfbreed name i spike de way i feel i watch dat game for two tree night i tlnk she mostly spiel h s literary society the high school literary society held the first annual meeting of the year thursday afternoon january 29 the meeting opened with miss c deans in the chair the first number on the program was a piano duet by misses a glass and j frank miss hazel smith gave a recitation for she was sootch and so was he miss jean evans rendered a charming solo then miss l- prances gave a reading an inventors wife the forms la and lb gave two french songs under the tuition of miss luke miss b mcdonald recited a poem leetue batlese arthur dayfoot gave a very interesting talk on the national li tlon of the radio followed by a piano solo by miss k wilson miss e heart- well gave a speech on four famous poets the hut number on the pro gram was a poem recited by miss e mckane i changed my mind the meeting closed by lbe singing of god save the king fish is said to call for greater ez- pertness than carving the birds the biggest steamship in the world to cost more than 23000000 is to be built in the clyde shipyards for the cunard line she will make 30 knots and beat anything else in the at lantic service britannia intends to maintain her leadership on the seas it is expected that the improved ship channel la the river si law rence as tar as montreal giving a 35foot depth for ocean liners will be completed by 1834 this will en able liners of 20000 tons gross to sail to montreal 1000 miles from the at lantic to hear motorists talk sometimes you would think detours werent in vented until the automobile age but deep snow caused the taking down of fences and the r of detours long before the automobile first saw the light of day thirtyone ballots were taken at the inaugural meeting ofthe welling ton county council before ira jack son reeve of peel township emerged victorious and was declared elected warden of wellington past county master a o oreary installed the following officers in mono district uox for 1031 dist master henry holmes djjm r q alkens chap w r allen rb w j russell ps l o barber tress r j mcoutcheon marshall wm mitchell 1st lect a anderson 2nd lect george faux the meeting was held in uox no 9 new orange hall at rosemourtt the barn on the farm of mr bruce small on con 4 west luther was completely destroyed by ore mr small was putting down straw when he fell through the scaffolding with the light in his hand by a vote of 176 for and 19 against port elgin endorsed a bylaw author izing the council to raise by deben tures the sum of 42000 for the pur chase of the local electrical distribu tion system from the hydroelectric power commission of ontario and to have the system brought up to standard in every particular mr and mrs jas h simpson of east garafraxa quietly celebrated on sunday january 25th the 55th an niversary of their marriage they were married in east oarafraxa town ship 65 years ago and have been resi dents of that township all tfielr lives frank jackson has been appointed collector of customs at orangeville succeeding a t howard who has been promoted to toronto caledon is now having twentyfour bourar telephone service the 9 oclock closing hour having been of great in convenience to telephone subscribers of the village and district the cale don municipal telephone system has appointed john speets night manager mrs ik patterson has been en- gaged as teacher of palgrave public school in place of miss donkln who resigned the salary paid is at the rate of 40000 per year dr donald mckay medical health officer of ooulngwood has asked the council there to pass a bylaw requir ing all milk to be pasteurized also ode to have all bread wrapped that is s in t t in ri newest and advanced styles represent ed in this collection of smart silk dresses for women and misse a good choice of colors these will go atlhe extremely low price of 495 see our window display clearance qf winter coats we have set aside a number of ladies winter coats to clear at 9d5 also others at extremely low clearance prices d brill co phone 167 georgetown let us serve you by telling the people what you have to sell by advertising carrolls to we are offering the greatest jar coat values in canada i v- come in and lookr oveirur itock there is no obligation to buy- but- if a purchase ia made we will refund your travelling expenses 2cswsot of fur fwoim irs a pattersar bronte cor sec mrs o w tunis burlington treas miss viola baston palermo secretaries of departments mrs h a aahbury mrs henry cald well mrs j m alldnsan mrs t buck mrs sart wilson miss e hop kins miss mary hadley mrs j w alkens mrs w b clements accidents comprns attort teat guelph r phone 122 during january 2s6 accidents were reported to the workmens compen sation board as compared with 8295 tor the same month uut year the fnsrc a ag 43 last january the total benefits awarded amountr ed to 48040311 or whch83738us was for compensation- and tt7gt5q8 form aid the benefltaawardejl a year ago totalled lion chib organized an organization meeting of thef oeorgetown lions ohib was held on friday evening th february 1031 in the georgetown inn for election of officers and other important business the following offlcers were duly ejected hon president mayor j b mac kenzie presklenl w v grant tsbkst 1st vlceprwident a h fetler 2nd vlcepresj d keuy sectreas o w mcuntock board of directors h r minima ed mowhlrter w beaumont d orlchton lion tamer w bradley tall twktevc bumside joe bheedyjoommlssionet lions international chicago was director of cere some 20 chartered mem bers srare enrolled and judging from the enthutuum ajiown at the meeting lionunv iff georgetown has a very bright future uranism promotes the principles of nod government and gr feun takes au acu o ab- are of the oom- nqnvplltlcai djon- sectaflan and co of members who are primarily interested in the welfare and progress of the town ana tercet in the cialand moral munlty it is probably the first assorts tlon of its kind in ontario was formed at brampton on tuesday when thirteen former wardens car the county of peel met and organised what is to be known as peel county exwar dens association the officers are president rt 8 lindsay sectreas o r church executive committee w j beatty f j jackson j j jamieson and the president and sec retary the teachers of bort credit dixie and muton public schools were en tertained at the home of mr and mrs p a russell 81 westmorland avenue toronto on saturday last a most enjoyable time was spent play ing cards and dancing after which a dainty lunch was served mrs rus sell is the popular music instructor of milton public school and several other schools throughout the county of hal ton i indication of colder weather to come to forecast by old f the capture of a large artie owl on the bay shore at burlington the bird was captured by leslie fawcett who stunned it with a wrench it meas ured 27 inches high by nve feet wlng spread this bird is seldom seen in this part of canada on the grounds that the annual fall fair put on by the nelson and burlington agricultural 8 o o 1 e t y brought on particular advantage to the town the burlington council has refused a grant of g2o0 to the society for tb second year in succession reere harris and councillor xhenr mover and seconder of the resolution wi 1u sole guppu carroll breakfast bacon sliced lb 31 llolnz tomato lachine brand ma beans 2 itf 85 special aylmer pitted cherries 2 no 2 squat tins 35 ketchup large bottle camus ham bologna pound gf carrolls readycut macaroni 3 s25 e black figs 2 pounds 29 eagle brand blueberries 87 special smyrna table figs choice layered ik me daabt if you see a young man out riding with a girl and but one of his arms visible the other is around sbmef soap 10 bsr 47 surprise laundry cornflakg troir own waxwed 325 choice shelled almonds 49 choice shelled quarters walnuts ib 43 kraft ktyccnfpesh mayonnaise 23 pancake tuesday vbb itsst aun jemima pancake floar17 buckwheat flour aunt jemima pkg j22c lvicb enifluh diolden syrup 14 corn syrup beehive alb tin 1 6c carrollp pure maple syrup i5 33 maple syrup carrplt pure no 10 tin marshall pure clover honey 48 runrn 3 jam 40hi- 40f 3peciallibbya sauer kraut 2n823 libbya cooked corned beef i2o tin special aylmer sweet corn 4 no i tin 23 27 meal 6 pounds 19 borden evaporated milk iftv tiaa speciar carrolls pure peanut biitter ptj 18 canoda own creamery butter pwnd carroll extra fine ou cheese iu 34 charbpaeau dominion i cunu rehbaked cookies 3 pomnd 29 i bread w sw id 7 j am amsasaasaaapaas jtatjlld kkkmmkm potatoes per peck peanuts 2 lb for street r 21c 29c oranges bmjilsll 29 grapefruit exltm urge 3 for 25c vm