i the georgetown herald wednesday evening february llthi 1931 pg3 local news e ee fur hockey match to- night st valentine- day saturday remember one night only for the big minstrel show oct tickets mark ed now at darins dominion parliament win meet- on march 12th according to announce ment from ottawa yesterday some norval correspondence ar rived as we wrre going to press it will appear next issue junior hockey game milton vs georgetown juniors at the arena to night dont mlss seeing this game dont miss trie big minstrel shew tomorrow night at gregory theatre it is going to be ar humdintrcr we make a speciality of cleaning arid pressing mens suits hr stacks ford phone 184 fleorge t town the norval wimerjjwtliiite wiljf hold a sale of baking and an after noon tea in true parish hall sat afternoon feb 14th if the party who took the over coat from the band dance last friday evening by mistake wllf return samo at once he will avoid jturthe troubte rrmr a r mills who was principal of georgetbhi puollc school some twenty years ago died at port wil liam nn feb 4th following an operation the band held a successful dance in the town hall last friday evening martin- ramsay orchestra supplied the music and everybody present hod a good time in order to assist council in their effort to economise the public library board will carry on with 100 less thanthelr usual grant from the town this year the pig tall of chuching fow is only oncof many high class num bers to be given at st georges choir show at gregory theatre tomorrow night an enjoyable time was spent at the bowling club euchre in the usgirn rooms last night irs tripp won the ladles prize and mr jack kaiser the prize for men dont miss trie pancake social at union presbyterian church on thurs- day feb 12th supper served from 7 oclock followed by good programme admission 25c and 15c ltp the womens society of the baptist church will hold a tea and sale of nomenukjc baking on satur day feb 14th in the auditorium of the public library from 4 to 6 oclock all truck owners are required to have their name and address on each side of tlmlr trm j m otiellt fv c a ab to give you pmmr ta your truck at reas- 3t vice in lettering enable rates rev a j vlxilng dd the asso ciate secretary of the social service council of canada will address a mass meeting in the united church on monday at 8 pm dr vinlns has startling information about the traffic in the use of narcotic drugs his mlrll- lng address will be on narroilc slaves the ashgrove womens institute will hold a debate and box social in the basement or ashgrove united church monday february 16th sub ject of tile debate resolved that a health unit in walton county will be in the best interest of the county boxes provided by the institute ad mission 35 cents personals mrcand mrs armstrong cf toron to spent sunday at dr gouops ls r warner jyeure of detroit visit ed at his home here last week mrs e lillic0 of toronto is visit ing at the fepme of her son mr j h lillco mr a e webster of landsay spent the week end with mr and mr j h lillico i mr c j lake ot lakeneld was a week end visitor with mr and mrs a e feller mr and mrs w l muliere of brampton were visitors in town over the week end mrs l p greenwood of norvai was camed to deseronto on sunday orwin u the serious illness of her mother miss lena webster is at her homi iii lindsay- where- she is eonvtt leading after her minor injuries received in a- recent automobile accident we are sorry that our old friend major grant is still confined to his room we hope when uie arm day come to see him around aghin- as usual messrs herbert drewe and e young of victoria college toronto accompanied mr john a mcdermid home and spent the v end jtii town mr j a mtegill of ottawa and mlrs j downey of london were week end visitors at the home of their parent mr and mrs j me- glll church st r miss mildred flecks many frlonds will be pleased- to know that she is now making splendid progress to ward recovery from her recent severe operation at toronto general hos pital president t l leslie and secretary w a wilson of esquesing agricul tural society attended the ontario fairs association at the king edward hotel toronto last thursday and friday miss josephine heath left on mon day of last week with mr and mrs and miss marie blythe of niagara falls south for st petersburg flori da where she will spend the balance of the winter mr and mrs samuel dolson will celebrate the 50th anniversary of r wedding on feb l6th at the homo of their eldest daughter mrs s d mccliire ml pleasant they will be pleased to receive friends from 2 to 5 pan and during the evening ball1nafad canadas new governor general- the e of boooboi l to be tas nam novemnrocnqril of cana da premier bennett in an official an- nouncemept yesterday- stated his majesty the king has been graciously pleased to approve of the appointment of the earl of bessborough as gov ernorgeneral of the dominion of canada mfs hogarth of fergus and two daughters were the guests or mrs f w 3hortill over the week end do not fall to remember the val entine social on friday evening in the former methodist church the ladies are planning a good time for everyone the meeting of the yps on sun day evening was well attended m spite of the corditlon of the roadsj the programme was arranged and carried out by a number of the youn- men mr ed oldham vicepresident pre sided during the opening exercise- jesse mcenery reading me scripture lesson and neil thompson loal in prayer a duet was rendered bv fred shortill and jas wethers ine iu their usual pleasing manner robo shortill read a very excellent paper prepared from the study book after which all took part in the short bible study archie mckay presiding ove- the tatter part of the meeting ar rangements were made for a debate to take place with the yps of qeithej about the end of the month an in vitation was received from the yj3 of churchill to join them in a social on feb 17th the next meeting ui be in charge of the missionary com mittee mrs- altken attended ttoe second annual meeting of the halton pres- byterlal wmjs which was held in st johns unted church oakville on- wednesday feb ith tub attendance was larger than usual though very few were able to attended from the northern part of the presbyterla the reports from the different departmrn were most encoui aging and the speakers mrs rutherford presldcn of the dominion board and miss isabel mcintosh whose work is amongst the new canadians who arrive at montreal brought messages which no doubt will result in greater efforts and an increase of interest by all glenwuluams a st valentine social will be held in the united church sunday school- rocm on friday february 13th at 8 pm under lie auspices of the c ojt class everybody welcome ad mission 15c and 25c come and en- joy yourself glenwllliams young peoples so ciety held their meeting in the sun day schoolroom on february 5th 1931 the president albert north was in charge of the opening exercises after trie opening hymn mr n barlow led in prayer after the roll call a gntd number repeated scripture verse cecil barth read the scripture after which mr blythe led in prayer capt batton salvation army georgetown took charge of the meeting and spoke on the subject races mr p smth toronto sang and played a concer tina everyone appreciated this mes sage in song immensely everyone- en- joyed a duel rendered by mrs gee allen and john matuand- the sing ing of a hymn and prayer by rev h caldwell brought the meeting to a plose hockey news georgetown vs milton the georgetown juniors suffered a decisive defeat last monday night a the hands of the milton sextette in a hard fought match at the milton arena the score was 52 during the first minute of play thompson scored easily on an open net while wright was momentarily oil his guard daring a sharp scrimmage early in the second period the milton boys secured a second tally and the night looked bad for the georgetown stalwarts then the lo- ral funs h their hopes revived when big milk producer a fouryear old holsteln heifer by jas seymour ida ont and now owned by john campbell georgetown ont on twice a day milking in the 365 day division of the rop recent ly completed her lactation period with a production of 16656 lbs milk con taining 78625 lbs butter giving her average test of 378 fat ft- mothers meeting all mothers wrio wish to enjoy a pleasant afternoon are invited to the wctu meeting in the united church on wednesday feb 18th at 3 pjn program of addresses and music lunch will be served it first am class for ladies enrollment and first lecture will take place monday night february 16th at 745 pra- in the counril chamber of the town hall any fur ther applications lor- enrollment will be received at that time celebrated 93rd birthday our esteemed and respected resi dent mr john walters who resides with his son mr george walters on emery street celebrated his 03rd birthday on monday we extend congratulations to this venerable old gentleman chicken sapper a glen an old time chicken supper will be held in st albans parish hall olen- wllllazns on tuesday evening feb 17th the guest speaker will be rev canon w m loucks ma rector of holy trinity toronto musical pro gram ticket soc- 1 gone to beuerihe mr c oupin holmes georgetown left on monday mornlpg for belle ville where he takes charge of the capitol theatre newly acquired by moorehead and fliman moorehead and fliman own and operate theatres in london orilha st thomas brampton and belleville the capitol theatre at belleville is a large theatre with a seating capacity of a thous and people and a great amount of money is to be spent in thoroughly decorating and renovating we wish mr holmes all success in his promo tion a sentiment ecnoed by his many friends in brampton and georgetown gregory theatre wednesday feb 11 hide out starring mary nolan chapter no 3 the indians are coming gang comedy teachers pets friday feb 13th rain or shine a circus story starring joe cook comedy my harem detective novelty reel suppressed crime saturday feb 14 matinee at 3 pm mln and bill comedy drama co- starring marie dressier and wallace beery comedy parlesvous mic key mouse cartoon fox movietone news coming wednesday feb 18th charleys aunt special matinee at 415 walter richardson the taff rangy student of the local high school scor ed by a long tricky shot that send the puck bouncing past bundy two more scores in rapid succession for milton drove duncan to retaliate by outwitting the defense and register ing a wellearned counter the period ended 42 some splendid rushes on the par of the local boys in the last period seemed deserving of goals but v luck was against them the fans enjoy ment was more or less marred in this frame by the fact that ken richardson the star centre substitute was struck by a flying puck sustain ing such painful injuries that he was forced to leave the ice and be replac ed one of georgetowns best players then got a vacation in the penal y box and while the locals suffered from the disadvantage or being one man short toletska on a lone ffort by sheer weight managed to score the final tally making the game end 52 sickness had exhausted the ener gies of the majority of the local boys to such an extent that they could not be expected to give of their best bui ritchie chaplin and mcnally arc understood to have been suffering from the grippe and it is hoped that they will have completely recovered their old health before tonight when the return game will be played in the local arena the teams llnedup georgetown goal wright defense duncan and hall centre w ritchie wings a ritchie and chaplin milton goal bundy defense ford and toletka centre brush wings- thompson and clement the fast georgetown high school hockey team won an easy victory over the acton continuation school squad in a lively game at the acton arena last friday night the score was 4 2 inclement weather prevented the student body from attending in crowd to support then- representatives anderson of the acton juniors was added to the bona fide team of the acton institution a return match will be played in the local arena at an early date erin mrs george scott 8th line who recently underwentm operation at the ouelph general hospital has re tamed home and is convalescing mr roy lerguson underwent an operation at the gifelph general hos pital recently we are pleased to re port that he is convalescing rev- j j hurley of toronto re ceived a unanimous call from the congregation of ah saints church and preached his introductory ser mon on sunday february 8th mr p mcpee of victoria rc i the guest of mrs prosser and miss young 7th line erin and is visiting h spirit hi the community life with many friends in the commiinity another of erins citizens passed faway at the home of miss robinson on sunday february 1st in the per son or charles leltca who would have been 74 years of age had he lived until friday he was a son of the late mr and mrs donald leitch and was born in erin township where he farmed for many years and has been a resident of the vil lage for about twenty years he was the last member of the family and is survived by his wife who was be fore her marriage elisabeth robin son advocate norval the norval womens institute held their february mertiny at tmr tiomf of misses mcpherson thursday af ternoon the 5 inst the main fea ture of the profrraxnme being an in teresting address on institute work by mrs c hayes if georgetown the following musical programme was prerented vocal solos mrs gordon brown and mrs h lyons inst nun ental mrs j king and a violin solo by mrs behan mrs e macdonald ave a reading a report of the bale valued at 60 sent to northern ont was given the norval jcypsheld its week ly meeting feb 2nd with an atten dance of 55 the president miss d wey spoke for a while on praise a prayer by mrs mckinnon was fol lowed by scripture reading by d wey the meeting was then handed over to the devotional vicepresident miss d watson who presented an excellent program the harmonica orchestra gave several numbers a duet was sung by little ruth clar- ridge and blanche hargraves the topic for the evening was given by marie smellie after which ted hor- ton rendered a solo norval quar tette gave two numbers after which an interesting talk by rev mr rum- ley of georgetown was given the society decided to hold a cro- kinole party on thursday feb 12th milton imagination runs riot w m h lannehed the 42600 ton canadian pmdflo liner empraa ol britain hrh t inn inext woto preparaaaermuveneinhiaaiii jvj t loyd lh its manufacture ibouraavlng nutchlriary in connection with th selection and cocktail astdetlicts ingenious machwy mpl tptmitp robtmm ideas of the hm tat the attorneygenerals department has provided new uniforms for oov- emor mccallum and turnkey mayes of the halton county jail here the following officers were elected the annual meeting of the milton qolf and country club directors t d hume d 8 robertson f 8 coc hrane a 8 wlllmott r h ptolemy pres t d hume secretary d p el babcock treasurer r h ptolemy captains men a d sproat women mlss l campbell representatives from burlington palermo bronte mountain onion acton and milton were present at the final meeting of halton county public schools musical festival com mittee held in milton decision was reached on the trophies which will be competed for it was decided that the festival would be held on may 1 with preliminary contests on april is the adjudicator for both is dr h a pricker of toronto r 8 smith county engineer mayor j b moat and reeve oeorge cleave esquesing chairman of the county good roads committee were in toron to saturday for a conference with c njl official regarding the subway to be btrity this spring at the seventh line crossing roy smith is advocat ing an increased subsidy for counties for building and wqyig pro vincial hlghwaya particularly for counties- such as halton where there is a large amount of through trafflc reformer simcoe i regrets removal of rev dr and mrs howard the rolowtng from the simcoe re former of last week refers to rev dr howard who has accepted the call tp knox presbyterian church georgetown and whose induction takes place on feb 24th not only members of his conirrr- gatlon but a wide circle of friends throughout the community will re gret to learn of the impending de parture from simcoe of rev dr a l howard who for the past ave and onealf years has been pastor of st pauls presbyterian church dr howard made it known at the meeting of the presbytery of paris in woodstock on monday last thai he would accept the call to george town ont presbyteurlan church delegates from georketown were heard and a delegation iron slmooe also presented tts views seeking to retain the minister dr howard however announced that he had ac cepted the call at the same time kp tendered his resignation as modera tor of the presbytery of parisi it was announced that the pulpit would be declare vacant sunday march isu and meanwhile the necessary steps ojild be uuten for calling a successor during his tenure of thepulplt at st pauls dr howard has enjoyed a large measure of success coming to simcoe shortly after cfhureh tjn- ion had come into effect and thus created some dlfflcultlest he sneceert- el in welding together the congrega tion and building up a flourtshtn church life he received 16t new members into the cburchr during his term as pastor and the church in debtedness had been substantially re duced dr howard has been a most- act or simcoe and his sterling qualities were signally recognized when he was chosen president of the simcoe rotary club after a comparatively fhort period of membership tn that body singularly successful in en listing the active cooperation of his fellowmembers dr howards regime has been marked by much valuable work and many noteworthy events rotary will miss him mrs howard win likewise be miss ed in the community and particular- ly in the church work with which she was closely identified to both of them and to their daughters the reformer joins with countless friends in extending su expres sions of regret at their leavetaking high school notes mr a j oneill has been appoint ed a member of the high school board to replace mr w t evans re signed principal icalph ross has resigned the office of secretary of the u s board and mr w t evans has hecn appointed to oil rds place mr e y barraclough has been appointed chairman of the board for the third term this is quite un usual and speaks well for mr barra clough we understand that mr peaboy of orangevllle will replace miss e pen- son temporarily on the local high school staff while miss penson en- joys a well earned rest of a few weeks church news united cfcoreh services sunday- feb 15 10 am sunday school and3ible classes 11 km morning worsip the baptism of the cross could jesus avoid it 1 pm evening service math 11 6- blessed is he wlw shall not be of fended in me qv st ceorgey chareb x qulhqluagema jsunday 9 ajn hoi comrruinlon choral corporate com munion of the 1830 confirmation class and all friends ll am mattins and sermon by the rector 5 pjn holy baptism 7 pjn evensong and ser mon by the rector ash wednesday first day of lenti reb 18th litany and commlnation service at 1030 am the silver fot tn1h istrg- acton messrs r j kerr district direc tor of fairs d d waldle presldcn- and w 1 attn htjlnfy nf atlnr pall fair attended the annual convention of the pairs association at the king edward hotel in toron to last friday night as melvln jue was walking along the highway west ot acton from crewsons comers he j struck by a car driven by a couple of men from toronto and thrown into the ditch the driver immediately stopped and brought the injured young man into acum where he was given medical attention he suffered an injury to his shoulder and couple of wounds on his faas and was otherwise badly bruised on friday evening a young lad who claimed toronto as his home en quired of chief mcpherson for a nights lodging there was quite a crowd about the town halt that rvep- lng and the lad did not care to stay the hall one of actons ybnn rnen took pity upon him and uxk htm home for something to oat and loaned him bis states and the prlre of admission to attend ib areru when he declined going to the hall for lodging he was put up for the night at the home he stayed the next day and was apparently quit- agreeable for himself at home on saturday afternoon however his mother and brother arrived j georgetown in search of him ani conveyed htm back home the lad had been chastised vfor some misde meanor and had thereupon left home his money however only provided him with a ticket as far as acton free press card of thanks to friends and neighbors we here by convey our sincere thanks for many kindnesses and syrhpathy extended to us4n our sad bereave ment by the death of our beloved wua and mother c b preston and ffinltfc olwrtnt few persons outside trie silver fox industry realize just how much this in dustry has progressed in the last sev enty years despite set backs during the war years and the recent depress ion there is perhaps no one industry that has forged ahead to a greater ex tent and which though in the nature of things was somewhat speculative at llrst is now firmly established on a sound commerclde basis about ten years ago the canadian national sliver fox breeders assoc iation was formed with the object of helping the silver fox breeders of canada within this very short per iod its membership has grown to well over 6000 members distributed throughout the dominion who are tanching over 137000 adult foxes each cne of which had passed a standard of lierfection set by the canadian nat ional live stock records at ottawa and registered by them in addition there were last year more than the number of young foxes in his address to the members of the record board of the canadian national live stock records at ottawa last year mr l m gardhouse its i halrman made tho following remarks i would like to say one or two words with reference to an association which has been going ahead by leaps and bounds i refer to the canadian nat ional silver fox breeders association 1 am delighted to see so many repre sentatives of the association here it was the privilege of myself and mr brlen vice- chairman to attend its annual meeting at sunrmerslde last year it was one of the largest breed association meetings i ever attended the receipts from that association as mr brant has shown you amounted to s218727735 last year it is the largest breed association there is in che dominion of canada and perhaps n the world the association is taking its part with other canadian industries in up holding the name of canada at the canadian section of the buenos ayres exhibition in southern america be ing opened in march by his royal highness the prince of wales a large number of silver fu furs are being sent there as an exhibit and will be shown in a very beautiful show case especially made for the purpose in toronto the cost of this exhibit will be very great and the association are to be congratulated on lis enter prise which showed to be of bene fit not only to itself but to the do minion of canada v baptist charch jesus the friend of sinners luke 73650 will be the sunday school lesson at 10 aon public wor ship at 11 ajn and 7 pin ln charge of pastor a n frith the young peoples union will meet at 745 pjn on monday miss pearl ssey and her s s class will furnish an excellent programme on true and false friendships the meeting will dose in time to hear dr vinmgs address on narcotic slaves in the united church he might caw mr crowe was a devout church goer the young minister of his church was also devout but easily embarrassed imagine the consterna tion of mr crowe and the delight of the congregation when the young di s said at a piayei m ing and now will please crow for us brother pray new advertisements beading suretly cash wrk sltamtlon wanted by a lady as companion apply to box p herald ltp cow for sale good milch cow jersey fresh for sale apply to wm kirby 9th line olcnwilllams ltp cutter for sale portland cutter also agricultural umc by car load or ton apply at herald office it for sale set of light sleighs nearly new 1 cutter 3 sets harness light and heavy apply at herald 3t dublin old boys hold an en joyable social events and dance the dublin old boys association which held such a splendid gathering last summer at the old dublin school house added another success ter their work when a social evening ana dance was held to the town hall acton last friday night from near and far they gathered and filled the hal to apaclty and then sane tne hall jtmi doooratad in nxlgshttp and hlnp the programme hadflc half hour of rommunlty singing alvthe opening and then followed the dancing with the old dances and the new steps blacks orchestra supplied the moslc ind r l davidson and trios otb- bons were the floor managers lunch was provided by the ladles and there was a bountiful supply after lunch jack mcoeachle gave an exhibition of step danotng mrs g elliott and mr win scott gave the highland schottlsche and the scotch reel was given by mrs wm mcar- uut mrs wm hall mr john mc- isaac and mr j r anderson the dances for all again followed and continued until the oldfashlonea hour for sueh events trie event pro vided a most pleasant social gather ing for the friends and fimilles from ha dublin section it is likely to be in annual evejnt some of those who attended the dublin at home from a distance were mr chester- wallace montreal mr and mrs jos findlay miss viole crossrnan mrs chas hynds toron to mr w chapman tnistlctowtu mr russell ross toronto- mayor and mrs j b mackenzie messrs samuel and kenneth mackenzie misses jean and marjorie ani mr alex fmsar mr and mrs ulnims mr and mrs hazen graham mr and mrs robert waldle aflss haiti waldle mr and mrs jos mtiuiouand mr and mrs jas mulholland oeorge- town mr alex crawford mr and mrs william douglas mr and mrs roy flnlay ouelnh loi and mrs duncan campbell moffat mr jas uvf mrs mcqueen sr saafc ftft press dear editor whats tqe best way to and out what a woman thinks of you- worried willie saw wuue marry narrllw mor wood for sale maple and ash 4 fl wood 1000 per cord foot wood 350 single cord try our special 500 load also kindlingi c murray phone 84 r 32 georgetown cbean co weekend specials thursday friday and saturday dresses misses wool dresses sizes 8 to 14 only 179 childs wool panderessejs 156 r houe presses ladies print house presses sizes 36 to 44 fast colors 69c 95c and 125 ladies pique dresses only 190 ladies peter pan dresses 225 1 prints prints tubfllst lengths vz and 4 yds i yd 4 wide per yd 21c for three rnpre days we are giving our cus tomers a great chance to securer our bargain hose orient fullfashioned hose new colors 200 for 149 1 50 for supersilk hose new- colors 20q for 149 150 for 100 mcbean co georgetown ontario deforest crosley cockerels for sale just a few choice hollywood pure bred white leghorns left tour pick for t3mj b wilson maple ave poultry farm phone ms georgetown for sale white leghorn pullets and year old liens tom barron and oac blood- tested breeds 3 brooder stoves 1000 chick capacity owner going out of kultry business also one driving lorse and a small roll top office desk price of pullets 8sc each i hens 75c each phone 107 r flt georgetown lt custom hatching if you have good eggs why take a chance of them not htriirig our jansway marhliw on january 28th hatched 80 of the fertile eggs set we guarantee you a satisfactory hatch too prices as follows 50 200 egg 34 c per egg 200 1000 egg 2 he per egg for particulars as to shipping etc write or phone us woowood poc1try farm phone a georgetown ontario 1 washing wanted laundry called for and delivered my part of town work done at rea sonable prices domestic washing at special rates apply to lee sing pjcbot 5x1 georgetown colmans trucking and cast age service we are prepared to do all kinds of trucking and cartage no job too small no job too big courtesy and service guaranteed phone 253 georgetown ont or p o box 127 1p bay quality not price do you buy your baby chicks by price or by quality chicks of good ireedlng will make you much more money than cheap chicks will ever save you heres the way it figures out sup- liose you buy 500 baby chicks tnla spring tnis should mean that you would have at least iso good pnlcs next fall if the pullets were bred to lay 180 eggs a year they would pro duce eggs worth 11250 mora than orgs produced by pullets bred to lay amy is mvjmtf ge egg price or so cents it di this would mean a difference of 22s cents in the value of chicks nec essary to produce these pullets since you will usually have to pay only a very few cents more to secute the chicks of better breeding it will certainly tie profitable touo chicks sired by our pedigreed 300- gg bop cockerels from culled and bloodtested hens mar 1 16 31c each mar aprs i lc each apr n may 18 ho each may 8ttf on 18c each aa we have a small breeding pen not over 300 chicles at one time to a custamen we have sold most o our march and april hi get your order tn soon for particulars write or phone wrujftood ro0ltht farm phawe 3m victory series new prices the nelson the drake the wellington 10800 12800 17800 the marlborough 47500 prices are complete attach ed to your aerial t j speight phone 279 georgetown j canadian national electric rly ice carnival at toronto february 25th 26th and 27th take advantage of the night ride 70c single fare for return trip leaving by 548 car and returning same evening kaw i richardsons big sale of everyday necessities the list below contains some of the immense values to be found fan our spring catalogue everyone a moneysaver food chopper high quality fast cutting 98c chamber pail 10 qt with tight cover 69c coal oil can i gal hot galvanized 59c sauce pan 4 quart enamel with enamel cover 89c can opener acme 4 in i 10c tea kettle daisy pattern pure aluminum 59c dish pan size i 7 x bvi grey enamel 59c pie plates grey enamel ware 2 for 25c water pailrro qt- gjy enamel ssc- wash boiler no 9 sizen galvanized potato pots grey enamel size no 4 roaster- black steel rotund i farmers wonder package 4 pails in carton 98c 42c 198 richardsons hardware and waixpaper store phone 2sf i georgetown 3 vm fe v3 far vr v i-t- j k wtfzawsi f -i- 0 4rsa