i hh page the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 25th 1931 uid now he eats breakfast junior did worry tne it wslnrd t set him toet any breakfast until sve him shredded wheskand now he cannot get down to hreakfiast quick enough he likes the crisp erunchy shreds of baked whole wheat with plenty of milk over them he is especially fondofshreddedwheatwith hot milk on cold mornings shredded heat with all the bran of the whole wheat mt canadian shredded wheat copant ltd ut8 lets praise each other now and then dive credit when its due lets side with good and honest toon of whatsoever hue lets help the downandout again to tackle life anew lets be as friendly as we can alike with poor and rich lets rally round the helpless man whos lying in lifes ditch lets make the most of odr brief span and never play with pitch lets nil our homes with songs and glee and banish snarl and frown lets take the youngsters on our knee and ride to london town lets teach them from their infancy that rights the best renown lets pay the debts of love we owe forget the debts of hate lets share the goodly gifts that grow and pile the empty plate lets all do au the good we know before it is too late tit- bits a3c choice poultry feeds 135 per 100 gb 125 per 100 2jso per 100 ab 16x10 per ton 5 grain scratch feed wheat laying mash barley cracked corn rolled oats hay and straw orders delivered in town and glenwilliams agent or the pool b nobles elevator phone 145 georgetown deforest crosley radio victory sferies new prices the nelson 10800 the drake 1200 the wellington 17800 the marlborough 47500 price are complete attach ed to your x serial t j speight phone 279 georgetown wos weeds jtrb wati to khx each kind of weed has a life history of its own and thef reason why one is bant to km may not be a all the chief reason why another persists some of the principal reasons though are the following 1 they are naturally adapted for ufe in gardens fields and the sur roundings of a man they might- be easy to kill or would die out them selves if they happened to start growth in the dense shade of a wood land sur jthsame reason the plants of woodlands would be easy to kql or hard to keep alive fh the unnatural environment for them of our held and gardens most of our weeds have come from older lands where they have held their own against man for ages in just such an environment often times the crops they grow with are mas hardy and agresstve than they are and can only survive and thrive as they are cared for by the farmer whue the weeds only need to be left alone to win out in the race for light apace water and plant food a an hm quantity of seed is produced by some weeds especially by i and the resulting pollution of the soil requiring years m even if no more plants are aarsd to go to seed 3 man s have vigorous per ennial root systems thistles dande lions ate which renew growth until repeated destruction of the tops at fresh appearancel starv them 4 many weeds have ingenious adaptations as plumes hooked prick les tumhe weed form of growth etc for the wife dispersal of their seed 5 sometimes weeds persist for the simple reason that fanners tm keep on reseedlng then- land with crop seeds containing weed seeds rather than pay a little more for pure seed g weeds may seem harder to kill than they really are because we half- kill them forget about them until they have become troublesome again eternal vigilance is the price of sal ety 7 weed control is sometimes ren derad difficult because neighbours neglect to do their share and the care ful farmer suffers with the rest co operation is needed h ere an dtk ere production of uewsprlnt paper in canada lit 19s0 totalled about 1- 890000 tons a production consider ably greuer than that or any other country canada will have a large and at tractive exhibit at the buenos aires inhibition march 14 to aprlltt canadian manufacturers will also he exhibiting their products in the canadian section hotel accommodation in the pra irie provinces according to the lat est computation is arrived at as fol lows in manitoba x8s hotels in saskatchewan i0o and in alberta 419 i portugal is the latest recruit to he forthcoming worlds grata ex hibition and conference to be held in regina in the summer of 1931 eleven other countries have so far notjrted their intention to show oil produetloa in alberta is de cidedly on the upgrade according to provincial government figures recently compiled total output in 1930 was 14s44 barrels com pared with 9991ala1at9 placement of 1600000 salmon fry and 1000000 trout has been made throughout different sections of nova scotia a generous percentage of which went to the brooks and streams of annapolis yaller life fire accident and other in surance companies collected a total or u0js6tt6 la annual premiums on polldea in force in nova scotia during the pant fiscal year this represents an increase of nearly 1000000 over the previous year a combination of high speed at sea special rail facilities at quebec including a tunnel under the fam ous battlefields and spatial trains to new york and chicago will shorten the time between london and most riii and united states cities bj from one and a half to two days freight transportation require ments of the united states are equivalent to hauling 400 billion tons one mile every year and there la no other instrumentality taatean handle more than 10 per cent of these reqnl was stated recently to an address in new york city c b andrews of winnipeg baa been appointed district passenger agent at saint john nb tn suc cession to george a beer air andrews joined c pacific service in 1910 and baa worked has way up tram clerkship in the superintendent office at sourla manitoba delicious tasnes try these dettrsrtra while the letter -r- is tn the month and shell fish are tn then- prime canadian national electric rly ice carnival at toronto february 25th 26th and 27th tain advauitage of the night rme 71c single tore lor return trip leaving hy 548 car and same evening 5abse 1 package lemon flavored gelatine 1 cup boiling water h cup chill sauce 1 tablespoon vinegar a drops tabasco sauce 1 teaspoon worccrterahlre sauce 1 teaspoons horseradish cold water 1 cups diced lobster or shrimp or shredded crab meat dissolve gelatine in boiling combine chill sauce vinegar sauce worcheateratre sauce and horse radish and add enough cold water to make 1 cup add in gelatine ohm when slightly thlchened told in ash turn into mold chill until firm tjnmold serve tn squares or slices garnish with stuffed olives and sprigs of watercress or parsley oeiv 8 mealed crab meat 1 package lemon flavoredgelatlne ltt cups boomg water 3 tablespoons vmtgas h teaspoon salt 1 cups ergb meat or other cooked ash naked cup celery chopped s s s tablespoons pimento shopped l teaspoon onion juke cup mayonnaise dissolve gelatin in boiling water add vinegar and salt chill when slightly thlcbened fold in r trjgredients turn into molds ohill until arm tjnmold on crisp lettuce garnish with additional mayonnaise serves 8 corns cookies cookies and tarts are always nice to have in the pantry for a snack between meals or for an emergency dessert here are two l using coffee as a flavoring winch are quickly made and re most delicious csffee tarts l cup eoffee l cup sugar leggs h cup butter h eupiwamuts cup raisins cream and butter and sugar add the cooperative asso tn can ada numbered 109s la 1ss0 with a total membership of cmms is 191 there were ms of these or ganisations which reported elxsm members they taetade grata growers dairy farm and trait and vegetable gi in the east ern provlneea earolhasat la the saskatchewan governments co asp o a d an c e school has nmr passed the mm mark according to tiimeaaitirii re ceived from tb office at pi sea j t at andarsoa sbabrter af ueatkm applications are still coming m as assy as 5 betas re ceived in one day sad up to the present the departsaest has k able to handle all agsj m victory tn defeat defeat may serve as well as victory to shake the soul and let the glory out when the great oak is straining in the wind the boughs drink in new beauty and the trunk sends down a deeper root on he windward side only the soul that knows the mighty grief can know the mighty rapture sor rows come to stretch out spaces in the heart for joy applmimo to parfiamfet town of georgetown notice is hereby given that the corporation of the town of george town intends to apply to the legtslai turn or the province of ontario at the nejkt session thereof for an act of parliament for the following pur- to cnrwnhdate a boating indebted ness of sea ana an of the said corpora tion and to authorise the corporation to provide by bylaw to be passed without submitting the same to the taxpayers authorised to vote on money bylaws for borrowing upon debentures of the said corporation the said sum of m00000 to pay off the present floating debt of the cor poration the rttiiif debt of the corporation is as follows debentures issued for general purpose s2344u8 debentures issued for school purposes 14jsss7 debentures issued for local li wnt s9757av debentures issued for water works purposes 87jm8j96 debentures issued for hydro- etectrlc purposes luma14 debentures issued in respect of bonused industries i sm34j3 the amount of rateable umy of fee municipality is gl4stjns41 the corporation of the town of georgetown by lawbon and stratton its solicitors hereto dated at the town of georgetown ttria 11th day of hbruu 1sst au digestive m troubles digestine the stomach and liver tonic vbuk 73 bstotsl puts am end to indigastjoo flatulence bjuooanew heartburn acidity stomach flu oramp in tlae stomach heat and travel ux 7 lwdann georgefvxwrn ontario here and tr9e egg well beaten the co cnoppm walnuts and raisins line tart tins with pastry nil with the mixture and bake tn a moderate oven sis degrees for 4b minutes serve with whipped cream on top using h cup of strained coffee mixed tn the cream hydro electric system r 3 effy k orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall 1 cup shortening 1 cup 1 cup u cup coffee 4tt cups flour 1 eggs 1 teaspoons soda s teaspoons cinnamon 1u teaspoons ginger j j teaspoon ground cloves teaspoon salt cream shortening- and sugar add wellbeaten eggs and coffee mixed with soda and mousses 81ft all spices with dour and add to mixture mak ing a soft dough drop on cookie pan a talilespiiim for each cookie orange creaaa castard rind 13 orange juice a oranges a egg yolks 1 cup cream whipped cream 111 laaugg juto sod cream andlcook in doubla boper atlrrtng constantly until it begins to thicken cm and serve h glass cuaa with whipped cream tim beaten whites of two eggs can be used in place of whipped cream if desired i f f a child of ten was atpbtlning to bar nveyaarmlid brother now wary wrong it is to work on sunday why said lbs tjoy tnlaxsnett work on 8unday dons they o to heavent ifo aapismsn the little girt they an not n ttsrs k 0 mackji seniu dairy pro duce grader tot western anada states that manitoba a creamery hotter production in 1m0 showed an increase of hi per rant over 1911 about 10 000 mx pound or msb are caught annually in the large and amall lakes of the province of saskatchewan and approximately 1 400 men are employed in the in dustry aggregate value of field crops grown tn canada in 19s0 is offl daily estimated at mj1s91oo0 and total area sown to crops was cl- 114670 acres aui increase over 1919 of about i0ooo0o acres in s final estimate of the wheat production of canada in i9s0 the canadian qoverameni bureau of statistics places the total yield at s9tgfxem suaaela an increase of over igomjoso bushels compared with the previous esltmsf from end of sentaesber us to january u 1ml ever uoo00o0 pounds of sugar was produced at the heel sugat factory at ttayvaond altftrts the industry baa grown to substantial proportions n that province of lata yaara prom winnipeg a radio fan writes melody mike is talked around the offices and warebouses in winnipeg as though be were a real canadian pacific offiolai the reference is tn the can peel ftc radio offering on monday nights across th dominion vancouver will have a team of fin golfin ca libra o th fairways of the oajr bay course where the third annual aildainter empress golf tournament for the e w beatty trophy wui be staged feb ruary utt entries sre in from victoria seattle portland taeoma and cities of tat prairie provinces jhi qraln nurketad along tjfa west- era haes of the ca paclfla itallwar from aiusust 1 to january ii amouatei tn ics791000 buskela of which lltjzljsae bushels were wheat the total marketings of grain along canadian padfld uses represent 14 per cast of the total grain marketed in western canada to that data canada now haa more than forty bird aanctnarlea specially reserved tor bird protsctlon purposea these aro acattcred aerasa the country rrom nova scotia to british colum bia some of the provincial gov ernments also maintain similar re live bird life a census of tea such sanctuaries not including young birds hatched la i1s0 waa 1008m of it sidereal species over 97 per cast of the nests of the canadian pacific railway are i canada and i d lug atl ttr ihbvfact mnne mrntthsago mr r w beany chairman and praal- desi of the company want on to ssy that fce would he glad totee tur increase la the companylt share holders in this country 81aee that time the increase baa been taosl marked as la shown by the follow ing statement of canadian pacific common shores held is canada now and at th sad of the two prertosa yearn dee si 1911 tm dec 31 13 tfjmt dec 11 1910 b1s1 increase la two years- 1sui monuments pollock a ingham gait ont itispect our work in oreenwood cernetery j sanford stewtfttown plumbing jthnsmiuiidg ftonm phone m r 12 georgetown rr no 2 i as i s w n r debts collected 1x8 nic8 to receive regularly one of our monthly lettera wnlch rum as follows wjacdsed 004 our st and cheque etc join this pleasad large com pany by g us your alow sad bad debt today kelly aiken collection anerlslists for 40 years no oonecitlnrn wo charge the new oldsmobile is smoother- faster smarter in appearance for more than three decades olcbmpbil list eejkated to those um principles wtuck are the source of dependebiliry each new orcnanobrle has bean liberally endowed with qualities that malts for the erceter enjoyment of motoring but never has oldsmobile offered such value as it docs today et new lower prices seeoldjrnobilsl learn about the general motors owner service policy and the gmac general motors own deferred payment plan rlaw silknt vv tttt r o mish tiaksmiiiion permrts smooth nlent shrrt from first o second to high and bacrv to seconol bowmdraft carburetor- with hon flood choke gives increajed power hrgier tpeed faster acceleration and greater moothnta au mani heatcqhtro warms up engine quicgy and orvet it isiproved performance at a speecu hew easy startiho slarfef when engaged automalic- afly opens lirotte o proper starting position o j n oneill son oeoaoktown ihtulatcd fisher rooibs are warmer in winter cooler in summer and exceptronary quiet new quiet second gear assure smooth swift acceleration rivalling high gear performance in quietness io ontario let us serve you by telling the peqple what you have to sell by advertising no sbovbxuno ratqoibii standard anthracite scrantotf coal in rb sixes amniftkabf screened coal wood w taf aavbwal and thrashing puip bmtth- tng and oannd ooal in fact i carry everything to be found tn any uptodate coal and wagy john mcdonald fttone 12 aeorgetown what is a bargain a in this community are hundreds of individuals and families on the watch for an advertisement which will ofer them what they want at an advantageous price q call them bargain hunters if you will but thrifty shoppers would be a better designation thrift is a commendable trait and merchants should cater to it j one family wants a new carpet the need l not urgent another family is looking forward to btaying twelve month 3 one man is thinking ofc buying himself a watch one woman a shopping bag another an umbrella j all can be made to buy earlier by advertising advertising can make the desire so keen that the bar gain is forgotten in the fever for immediate possession a note to merchants tj stimulate business by the offer of some slow-mov- ingu at sp prices b up by advertising some desirable goods at reduced prices make advertising banish dull business often you can tempt the buyer who is biding his or her time to buy from you at a time of your naming shop where you are invited to shop i ii i i i l rf m m v -r-