page 4 as life grows old trie georgetown herald wednesday evening march 4th 1 93 1 zrtz i n j l i t how did you get breakfast so quickly why im serving shredded wheat of course i jiist tajce the biscuits from the package and serve them with cream or tnilk sometimes i add fresh or stewed fruits if youd like a hot breakfast i can prepare it in a jiffy shredded wheat crisped in the oven while i heat some milk to pour over it oh im a friend of shredded wheat its ready cooked ready to serve and its just 9 delicious and nourishing for lunch as for breakfast the canadian shredded wheat cqmbwtltn shredded wheat c with all the bran of the whole wheat rlproselfca as lift grows old the more we know we were not meant to worry so for all the hours of rare or fret have never made things better yet and half the ills we thouht about but turned the bend and left u put as fcc rrow old the more wo feel the master hand upon the wheel whose charj and compass guiding tnie brtnrs peave and joy we never knew oct glassy sea or storm tossed shoal a refuge safe for every soul o youth if age could give to thee this trtiiij which years have made her see how much of pain would pass you by qq much otl joy come very nigh but youth like age must find her way throughout the travail of each day by elma kennedy brown mt dog i have a friend with in whose lutrous eyes a wealth of love and wondrous wis dom lies he asks no need but to be af my side to share with me whatever may bev tide we- understand without a dialogue he jiist believes in me forces my dog but an im some say this friendships ejurthty whim that when he leaves this world urrough with him i can t accept their creed nor do i try to think a love like ours could ever die the thought of it would all my bliss befog- that i should go to heavn without ray dog by willa hoey in animal life glenwilliams cemetery in presenting this report the board of trustees- wish to thank all who have given so liberally of their time and money in brlngirig this undertaking- to its presnt state of progress and asks their continued cooperation that the work may be completed in 1931 plot owners who taave not already contributed to the trust fund are urged to do so and ensure perpetual care of their plots 40 00 per plot is the bals on which we are working money- is needed in our current account which i is now overdrawn si 25 00 ttiisr account has to do with the le filing and putting the cemetery in shape trust account receipt subscriptions 1225 00 sale of plots 20 00 bank interest 10 45 1255 45 disbursement transferred to toronto general 10o0 40 application to parliament town of georgetown trusts book charges- cash fn bank mrs 254 23 1j554s current mcopunt subscriptions t p mcdonald news and information for die busy fanner free trees for farmers tv ontario department of fores try is again distributing free trees to farmers of the province as follows ftrstup to 3500 white pine red pine jack pine scotch pine larch white spruqe white cedar carolina poplar white willow walnut butter nut elm white ash soft maple hard maple or red oak may be obtained free of charge for reforestation either in a present bush or for a new plan tation on waste or poor land second up to s00 white spruce norway spruce or white cedar for i planting- 23s n good dub choice fettusttealelfe0ttafet3nm deforest crosley radio victory series new prices at 1 i ntj iieisunr the drake the wellington the marlborough 10 12800 17800 47500 the only expense to the farmer is the express on the tree this is not a large sum as the trees are small application forms directions for planting etc can be obtained by writ ing your local department of agri culture union 25 00 mrs e anderson toronto 27 09 mrs w h wilson georgetown 10 00 miss vera board cleveland 10 00 mr c l gamble brantiord 10 00 sale of plots sale of piping sale of pence 82 os s 00 3 00 borrowed from bank of com merce 135 09 125 00 250 09 disbursements joseph marchment work done in cemetery wm scott work done in cemetery bank charges 236 80 12 45 7 25 cash lnvbank s46 50 3 59 250 09 chairman e x barrsclougri secretary arthur beaumont wesley rutledge wm schenk and prank petcb notice is hereby given that the corporation of the town of george town intends- to apply to the legisla ture of the province of ontario at the next session thereof for an act of parliament for the following pur poses to consolidate a floating indebted ness of 22 000 00 of the said corpora tion and to authorize the corporation to provide by bylaw to be passed without subletting the same to the taxpayers authorized to vote on money bylaws for borrowing upon debentures of the said corporation the said sum of 3200000- to pay off the present floating debt of trie cor poration j the- existing debt of the corporation 13 as follows debentures issued for general purpose 93 143 28 debentures issued for school purposes 14183 87 debentures issued for locaj improvements 5978789 debentures issued for water works purposes 8786696 debentures issued for hydro electric purposes 12 882 74 debentures- issued w respect of bonused industries 36 83412 ft- the amount of rateable property of the municipality is 1497870 41 the corporation of tle town ofj georgeto by iawson and stratton its solicitors herein- dated at the town of georgetown this 14th day of february 1931 received weekly crop report some districts in ontario have re ceived benefits from the recent thaws as far as the water supply goes but this does not apply to eastern ontario where heavy snowfalls have occurred dufferln reports a recent horse show with only fair prices obtaining 15 being the top for a rood draft er the former situation in essex is reversed with many inquiries com ing in for farms to rent while form erly many were idle some farmers plan to plant between 50 to 100 acres in corn this year a keen demand for seedcleaning service is noted in hastings county in leeds a heavy increase in alfalfa acreage for this yeaj is forecasted rumors that can neries in lennox and addlngton would not operate this year were stopped by the factories sending out contracts to their patrons last week as a result farmers are enquiring for additional help over 100 new cows were enter ed this month in the cow testing work in peel county making a total of nearly 900 six carloads of seed oats were shipped last week from renfrew county prices are complete attach ed to your aerial t j speight phone 279 georgetown the alarming increase in the num ber of fires in western ontario dur ing the threshing season of 1930 caused considerable discussion at a t -fa- of thresherrnen the consensus of opinion was that if smoking about the threshing mac hines and barnes were stopped there would not be need for much legisla tion regarding the matter it was reoonutnended that a chain or wire from the separator to the ground to carry off the static electricity would be a measure of protection lows wm mcgregor st george mrs elvlss grimsby jos williams estate toronto 1 john i williams toronto mrs coffeen chicago w a porster rochester mrs ed mcwhlrter georgetown mrs a sykes georgetown mr geo dent lapeer miss h campbell toront miss colvln toronto misses smith brampton mrs j gamble leney sask miss annie cook toronto hon j chaplin st catharines a id chaplin st catharines wj j d chaplin st cathar lnes mrs d davies st catharines albert dolson union t o dolson onion miss vera board cleveland albert cooper t london mrs milner portland oreg mrs king vancouver miss mary cooper glen williams miss mary thompson glen will- lams mrs thos hartshome glen williams norman ainley toronto mrs ainley toronto mrs a owens estate george town 1 h holdroyd toronto u joel williams toronto jan williams toronto george graham georgetown alfred hunter barrie george m james belleville mrs witu rutledge port credit mrs 1335 00 wm aid grape gnwmmr fallowing a conference of the leg islative agricultural committee with nlaigars and essex grapefrrowers announcement has been made by horn thomas i kennedy that as an aid to the grapegrowing indus try his department will take im mediate steps to go after and get satisfactory markets for ontario grtpes in eastern and western can ada it is the plan to hmve repres entatives located at strategic points who would maintain close contact with tha grape growers here in mat ters oi prices sales shipments etc the gro felt that they could sell four times more grapes in ontario than at present by means of news- tw eral cooperation by the department hydro electric system cgy orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town jhiiii cleanliness is important cleanliness is the best safeguard we can give the newlyborn calf un til recently the calves have been ar riving on the pasture where nature makes things clean troubles are sel dom encountered under triese condi tlone but now the calves will be arriving in the stable a clean box stall is the pref place it is business summary the following brief business sum mary of ontario and the prairie pro vinces was published by the bank of montreal last week ontario retail trade at country points is abnormally quiet while pre inventory sales in larger centres al thoughaccompanied by sharp price re ductions have met with only fair res ponse the volume of wholesale trade is down from last year but with gen erally low inventories indications of improvement are not lacking collect ions are slow to fair automomla and accessory plants are operating below the level of last year but production is seasonally increasing manufactur ers of furniture report a fair volume of ordersrecelved at the annual furniture paper and radio advertising and rent with competition keen and western buyers absent the steel industry hows a slight improvement partly seasonal fuid partly as a result of special work undertaken to relieve unemployment electrical plants are well occupied knitting mills are operating to capacity woolen and hosiery mills are busy there is little demand for lumber the domestic milling trade u normal export de mand is lacking manufacturers ot boots and shoes are operating at under clearing auction sale of farm stock implements etc the undersigned has been instruct ed by hume curbie to sell by public auction at lot 13 4th line esqueslng on tuesday hajbcb 10th 19s1 at 1 oclock the following horses bay mare 6 yrs gp bay horse 4 yrs op orey horse 7 yrs qp black belgian ally rising 3 yrs roan belgian geldjng rising 3 yr oattlb a durham cows with of sale durham cow due march 29th a durham cows due in june 3 hol steln cows with calf at foot 3 hol- steln cows due time of sale holsteln rr due in may 3 holsteln cows due june 2 durham heifers springing 2 part jersey heifers springing a holsteln heifers springing 8 ayrshire heifers 2 yrs 4 holsteln yearling heifers 4 durham yearling heifers du bull 1 yr old flrlkkp and pios 16 ewes bred in dec 1 oxford ram yorkshire sow bred in dec yorkshire sow bred jan 26th young yorkshire sow fired jan 31st young yorkshire sow bred feb 4th 20 chunks 1 goose and oander harness set heavy team harness set plough harness set single harness 1 pr scotch top collars 4 horse col lars implements frost a wood mower new mil side rake 12 ft horse rake deerlng hay loader deer- ing springtooth cultivator 17 points deerlng fertilizer drill 13 disc new 214 plate discs set 16 ft harrows ideal manure spreader bain wagon with box truck wagon set barn sleighs verity double furrow plough fleury plough no 31 m h turnip drill s ft roller fanning mill with bagger set renfrew scales 2000 lbs rubber tire buggy 1 buggy melotte cream seperator root pulper hay rack stock rack gravel box louden sling car stewart sheep clipper whlpple- trees neck yokes forks shovels and other articles to numerous to men tion i fire extinguisher daisy chum bed and spring lawn mower peerless cook stove about is ton timothy hay terms hay furniture and sums of 20 and under cash over that amount s months credit on bankable notes 6 per cent per annum off for cash no reserve as the farm is sold w a wilson prank petch clerk auctioneer take the wheel of the new oldsmobile until you actually get behind the wheel of the new oldsmobile you cannot appreciate the advanced performance which this fine car now brings you at lower prices drive it in traffic over rough roads on straightaway or hill and you will discover that each different motoring condition serves but to reveal some new phase of oldsmobiles dependability some new quality of power flexibility or riding ease phone us and arrange to drive the new oldsmobile today new silint iyhcro- miih transmission permits smooth silent shih horn hrst to second to high end bade to second automatic manifold hi at control warms up engine quickly and gives it improved performance at all speeds new i a s v starting rtarter when engaged automatic ally opens throttle to proper starting i priced position from downdraft carburetor with nonflood choke gives increased power higher speed faster acceleration and greater smoothness insulated fisher rodies are warmer in winter cooler in summer and exceptionally quiet new quiet second general 1085 at facto v taxu extia flnetnr aaurej smooth swift acceleration nvalling high gear performance in quietness motors value j n one1ll son georgetown ontario monuments pollock ingham gait ont designs on request inspect our work in oreenwood cemetery washing wanted laundry called for and delivered any part of town work done at raa- ortamw prions domesuo washing at special rates apply to u btng k m 1 t i stop coughing i i flurem r ffrw oolcu or cold of ions tndn disappear quickly when fought with flurkm alao fnttant relief for sorts throacitilmaiua etc tha firet dos im nm tex- eonvinoa yom dont dalay atop i lwdann gooiffttown ontario good precaution lo dlslmeci vel immediately as much trouble enters by this source olven a good start the calf should do well on good feed if the feed palls arc kept clean dirty feed palls are the ab- omlnauori of the average stable and the cajue of more digestive disorders than all other causes combined- where the farmer will take the trouble to not orjjy wash but scald th calf polls onoe dally tie will miss a lot of tri bulation in calf rearing row they tot it tbo following observations were made regarding the prize winners in a recent milk per acre competition conducted by western ontario dairy men ttiey alt market the milk at the factory th year around all raise ana feed a large number of hogs to utilise the whey all have fine flocks of poultry all four farms are heavily stocked but the land produces all the hay straw and nuage used all four dairymen grain the cows the year around and plan on silage for suramef feeding as well as winter all have water before the cows all top dress their meadows all use alfalfa red clover ialslke and timothy when seeding down three out of four have purebred nerds two out of four use milking machines and trie results bear testimony to the fact that all are good farmers wood qood body bescri and maple wood 13 75 single cord mixed wood and rails at 3 00 single oord j b smith phone 84 r is georgetown tf wood f orsale very bast dry hardwood 3 76 pen- single cord mixed wood 326 rails 3x0 hardwood amu fso all de livered mmnm issj or issj j mtantrord ownton j sanford stewarttowm over the telephone mans voice are you the lady that washes womans voice ho muni voice you dirty thing good bye prairib provinces with the exception of sates of foodstuffs which are being fairly well maintained busi ness generally is dull collections other than for current purchases are difficult cash wheat on the 30th insl closed at 62 cents the market is firm under the influence of unproved oxport demand and narrowing spreads between our prices and those of other exporting countries canada exported 443 000000 bus of wheat between aug ust 1st 1030 and january 31st 1931 comnarea with 86000 000 bus for the corresponding period of the previous year the livestock market is weak choice steers being 6 50 compared with 110 so a year ago select bacon nogs bring 87 plus 81 per head premium against 812 75 and 81 per head prem ium a year ago the winter has been exceptionally mild and livestock has wintered well seme grain in north ern alberta that could not be harvested last year is now being cut and thresh ed and land cultivation is proceeding in the south of the province deli veries to alberta creameries increased 75 during 1930 building permits is sued in winnipeg for january total led 8113 000 as compared with 9730000 for the corresponding period of last year plumbing tinsmilhiiiu estimates ckecrlally given phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 o debts collected its nice to receive regularly one of our monthly letters which runs as follows v enclosed find our statement and cheque etc join this pleased large com pany by sending us your slow and bad debt today kelly aiken collection specialists for 40 years no collection no charge orangeviue gtaalph owen sound choice poultry feeds 5 grain scratch feed 135 per 100 lb wheat 125 per 100 lb laying mash 250 per 100 lb barley 1600 per ton cracked corn rolled oats hay and straw orders delivered in town and glenwilliams agent for the pool nobles eevator phone 145 georgetown help your wife says a famous domestic expertr when she mops up the floor mop up the floor with i carrows limited i special perrina olympic 35c value newest creation prepared specially for carrolls biscuitszi cmmuf oct c hi i butter34 t the best of all there 1s so little to live dad on his birthdays re has everything thought mona perhaps hed like something different this year tame- thing i alone can give and she went to the telephone her voice over long distance was the most cherished remembrance she could no shovelling required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lump for domestic and threshing purposes smith ing soil oannel ooal in fact i carry everything to be found in any uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald fhorie 42 georgetown j lyxat bamdtia ssoad bulk 2 35 n cach i ssyfcl llilsj bread aytncr chefa qaattr peas 20 arfaatr gomea wm bmm 2 no 2 dm hsddlc w 14c fillets fc 18c hrrlnav84c dates z 25 3sw beans 257cebsb 33 s c w qaaietaaad cocoa1vut 229 germ meai110 mriiwihu rolled oats 23 raisins fin auslusot5lb valencia raisins australia thu he table raisins fcy mal lb pkf 93c pkm slssc ctwrrte nsti9c dsiiiiii duj pescha fc 18c apricots lb 23c isavdkdam pr2tl85c pineapple no t a 29c htoor wax 1ocl ttr43cr cleanser carroll own 2 has 15c sq5 for alllawn pics 14c sad 23e blueberries 2 25 salmon i 27 main street georgetown