Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1931, p. 4

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y f v yp tlfw- vss ttvrr rjflrrtjgj v page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening march llth 1931 t to youth be vise jle sure be confident and tnie walk warily tor life is not a flower demand of earth onehalf of what is due and for trie rest trust in your own hard power hone will dispute you none will say you nay- not one will call you fopl if you wjll berk tour golden shield with this one jrort today and etnow that it is yours from dawn jill dark you are the vault in which the elders hoard the rarest of their jewels of the mind you are uae chest in which thelr jrdrth is stored have faith therefore be honest and be kind bert coolcaley in the new york times in sections in which production ls low farmers would be alaeff in ac quiring bulls having a better breed ing qualty with a view not only of increasing milk production but pro duction of a milk having a higher butter fat content m- t m newt and inrbrrna far t6e busytf earl oata 6am favoar early oats have been increasing in popularity throughout the province in counties where the season is rather short the early oa- is producing a higher yield of heavier oats than the later varieties the earlier varieties mature before being caught by frost rust often the yield of rater varie ties of oats is materially reduced by rust the acreage of mixed grain throughout ontario is also increasing and an early oat fits in better with barley the two maturing at the same time another reason why some far mers are using early oats is to com bat sow thistle they work the ground later than usual in the spring and then sow a quick maturing variety of oats the percentage of hull is early pats is less as a rule than that of later oats and as the hull has no more feed value than straw the early oat is of slightly higher ceding value ci is th la oat- is ejeamrt was ontario through the new market ing council pswrtaed for in the som erset reporc wul embark without de lay upon sweeping new policies to promote new markets recapture old ones and restore to prosperity the fruit- and vegetable industry of the province announcements of these new policies in a speech by hon t l kennedy in hamilton was fol lowed by avn overwhelming- vote en dorsing the somerset report by the association ot fruit orowers of on taiio and tile niagara fruit orowers in awwittt convention flocks under inspection for the season sm inder of 193031 there are approximately boo flocks of poultry under lir in the province un der the ontario policy for approved farm flocks or breeding sta this involves around 175000 birds as com pared with 45000 birds when the policy became operative in 19289 tbe increase reveals a keen desire on the part of flockowners to improve lssniiyb stock the flocks are culled and banded by an inspector and this work is us ually done toy the first of december the birds nulled 9u are disposed of and those banded are then blood- tested during december and january tiie blood ttg is to determine the freedom of the layers from that cost ly it of jroung chicks known as pnhormn flock owners under this importance ofx a c the increasingly valuable part play- ed by oac and allied institutions in the agrtenlturalllfe- of ontario was revealed in figures recently furnished- by dr o i christie he pointed out that there was a combined en of 735 students at this educatio centre and that students were tn at- tendance from bermuda ouba the british isles holland japan mexico newfoundland south africa switzer land trinidad the united states the british west indies british quiana and australia one thousand students attended short courses in home econo mics ana agriculture while the sum mer school for teachers had an at tendance of over 300 dr christie al so stated that 15000 persons bad visit- ed the college during the past year while members of the staff had given demonstrations and lectures all over the province thesugar bush y molly bevan the blue bell poetess sunlight upon the snow and in the woods no faintest hint ofbprtns while in the trees hang long prismatic crystav lcles thai bend a tlnfrmg ii v h breeze yet in tbemaples heart the saps astir- flowing moretreejy as- each sonny day f reclaltob frosts nightly c to and fro from tree to cauldron and again away jke human boas the bugarmakere go plundering the precious nectar wafle the spring bides still her time and smllee amusedly to watch tired winters tardy harvesting make use sweet eyrups amber clarity like molten gold from some october tree pollfy mtmt ntlt rinln jdarul aid ot mri guard against in fectious or contagious diseases and use inspected or qualified male birds ttus is one of several policies wrfing towards improvement of poul try flocks and of the quality of chicks distributed ssarrey at ron thomas ix kennedy has an nounced rus intention to have a sur vey made of cattle in the province with a view to increasing the produc tion of milk- creameries and cheese factories will be asked for reports on the quantity of milk handled by them and the nunaher of cattle producing u weekly crop report with the advent of better weather the weekly crop report takes on more opbnlstic not- fall wheat clo vers and grasses seem to be tn good condition while livestock la excellent in spite of uneasiness caused by a drop in prices for hogs and cattle the milk supply too is higher than in previous years in brant farmers are low on hay supplies and many have been forced to make purchases in this respect an increasing number of stock in frontenac are reported to hatvewm- tered well while in qeragarry milk production is normal with good de mand for both milk and cream orey reports the possibility of another ap ple warehouse being built by the georgian bay fruit orowers to re place the one recently lost by ore plowing has proceeded apace in kent with the ground in good condition and good runs of maple syrup have been encountered a marked increase in the demand tor alfalfa seed indi cates an increased acreage in leeds the sharp drop in livestock prices has affected middlesex farmers con siderably and many have started butchering to keep up the revenue alfalfa acreage in perth will be in creased this season while a good supply of other seeds is reported an increased interest in milktesting is announced in north simcoe since the advent of payment by butterfat con tent an abundance of cereal grain is noted in welland although the wheat outlook is somewhat cascourag- ing because of the disappearance of snow rendering no protection against winter conditions h ere an dtk ere fcv hit legburn ban no drone 5h from port kella at laid 157 eggs in 365 days qualifying her aa champion egg layer taa eggs weighed 63 pounds lost ten times her own weight in v past fiscal year in nova 8cotla there were 131 companies incorporated with total capitalisa tion ot 16367000 an increase ot 18 new companies over the previ ous year rt hon b b bennett prim minister of canada and a gradu- ate of dalhouste university of 1893 was recently presented with a leatherbound script convoying recognition and regard of ulneteea classmates of the same rear theodore h klpp chairman of the industrial development board or manitoba reports that- since he inception of the board mani tobas industrial payroll has been increased frofti180000o0 to 335- iloeooo miss margaret stevenson of b4- ihnnton has succeeded to ess crown of the next banff winter crnll following miss doris parses of vancouver last years queen the election waa tile clos ing feature bf a very successful meet t w e brlssenden of montreal bas been appointed development nxlneer department of develop merit canadian pacific railway he succeeds q al hull who was recently promoted to assistant director of pevelopnqeqt with headquarters in winnipeg uses of the radio asfcvax jlirwj crl 22s jtcvums fetehkto1ir0nw choice poultry feeds 5 grain scratch feed 135 per 100 lb wheat 125 per 100 fix laying mash 20 per 100 lb barley 1600 per ton cracked com rolled oats hay and straw orders delivered in town and clenwilliams agent for the pool ess i nobles eevatbr phone 143 georgetown l hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds ii office town hail th following composition was writ- ten by miss helen bro to the janu- ary competition of form ii at george town high school and was awarded lst place with 84 marks the radio is perhaps the greatest invention it has brought much plea sure and enjoyment into the life of humanity today there are many types o radio too numerous to men tion the radio is a great means of ad vertising many large firms and bustneu houses engage actors spea kers and orchestras to put on pro grammes for them before and after each performance the annotrocer tells of the wonderful make of goods that the advertising firm has to sell thus householders are often induced to purchase some of the stock from this concern people who for many reasons have secretly left their homes are located and brought back to their comfort able dwellings because their relatives or friends have sent a description of them to the broadcasting station ask ing people in the towns and cities to be on the lookcut for such persons many sad downhearted men am women have been cheered and com forted by the music and comedies brought to them in this fashion disabled soldiers who have to lie in bed all the time are entertained by listening to the broadcast and thus much ot what is being enacted in the outside world is brought to them this has proved not only enter but also educations before important elections those taking active parts speak to thous ands ot people all over this continent telling of the work they intend to perform during the ensuin year this enables the electors to vote more in telligently church services from all denomina tions are brought by means of this invention 4o many elderly crippled and sick people who are not physically ot to attend these gatherings and would otherwise miss this important part of religion during the last few years explorers have been able to make wonderful use of the radio when they were many miles north of civilisation all they had to do to bring them into closer connection with the outside world was to turn the dial on their radio to some station well known to them and listen to the broadcast they also were able to connect with one of these stations and sneak through the microphone telling of their ad ventures and discoveries news flashes are broadcast every day at different times over inany stations people who listen to these are undoubtedly kept abreast of the the 800ton empress of brit aln which is scheduled to sail in ber ma voyage- to quebec may 9 is the largest vessel built itf qraat britain since prewar days and the- largest ship plying be tween british empire ports she will slso be the largest vesssl ever to make a world cruise total increase in railway taxea i during the 38 years from ibm to 1928 in the united slates was from 31 million to 41 million dollars iays pr parmalee director bo- rau of railway economics this be asserts pas had ap unfavorable effect both on industries and in alvtduala tbe annual university of mont real tour across canada which liasj teea- f e th ed life of tbe university for tbe last ibr years will be extended to in clude alaska and tbe yukon terri tories for theseason of 1931 ac cording to canadian- pad lie rail way announcement recently shipped by canadian pacific across canada 37 head qf pure bred jersey cattle four pigs lour mountain goats and sheep were swung aboard the freighter wai- feemo for new eealand recently captain flynn skipper of this new noahs ark wasnt worrying he said he bad bandied tigers as well a seaman and stokers in his time appkcato to hrihnetit town of georgetown nottck is hereby given that the corporation of the town ot george town intends to apply to the legisla ture of the province of ontario at the next s thereof for an act ot parliament for the following pur poses to consolidate a floating indebted ness of 332a0q0o ot the said corpora tion and to authorise the corporation to provide by bylaw to be passed without submitting the saaneto the taxpayers authorised to wte on money bylstwsffar borrowing upon debentures of the said corporation the sadd sum of 33x00000 to pay oft thepresent boating debt of the cor poration the exi debt of the corporation is aa fnilnwv debentures issued for general purpose 32314328 debentures issued for school v purposes 1418387 debentures issued for local hnprovements sdtcus debentures issued for water works purposes 878s9q debentures issued for hydro- electric purposes im374 debentures issued in respect of bonused industries 3433413 erty of of the amount of rateable propei the municipality is il4ffta7b41 the corporation ot the town georgetown by iawbon and 8tratton its solicitors herein dated at the town of georgetown this 14th day of faonayy 1931 1 clearing auction sale i of stock tsfplemknts has been instruct or the estate of 0th j hslvana deputy minister of agriculture for manitoba states tsat in no branch of farm pro duction in manitoba has the price been so well maintained or the vol ume of business increased so much as la honey manitoba produced well over onethird of the total honey crop in cansda the qualir af wtdeh was unexcelled and m tbe present rate of increase mr-ii- toba will be the largest product the dominion next year 7u some people are very fond of music while eating and as it is quite im polite to sing at the table the only alternative is to turn tbe dial to some station where musk can be procured more than tnlrti carloads of smelts have been shipped recently to tbe boston new york and chi- tlko markets from bathurst nb tbe value of these shipments is laced at about 335060 an increased enrollment m both common and high schools an in oraaase in teachers and in average attendance were indicated -h- the report of tha schools of new brunswick for taa year ending oc tober 31 1930 i aggregate value of life insur ance in canada according to lat ent available tnformstlon was 6 160000000 or about 363849 per capita of ttie population its value baa more than doubled in canada since 1930 bast years catch of salmon in british columbia totalled 218- 600400 pounds the highest ever recorded about 3j2o0oo cases have bean canned moat of it to be exported to different parts of the world good progress was made in 1930 in cjvil aviation in canada par ticularly in commercial flying a total of 87463 hours was flown aa tnerease of 7867 hours over tha firing time of registered lanes in 1b39 kuddeix to sell by public auction at lot ijinej bsquestne on wkdnksdax- march 18th 131 at one oclock sharp the following horses orey scare 7 yra grey horse b yrs mare aged good in all harness uatiuhblstem heifer 3 st holsteln cow calf at root hblsteln cow bred feb 14 holsteln heifer milking well hblsteln cow caff at foot hnlstrrn cow due april 8th hol steln cow due mar bth holsteln bun ib mos holsteln cow due june 38th hobuern cow due april 5th holsteln cow due time of sale impmmrwtfjijeeting binder 7 ft d lu com binder in good re pair m h mower s ft grain drill 10 hoe 3 cookahutt jointer plows sod plow 3 furrow walking plow single furrow riding plow 10 ft steel land roller spring tooth cultivator blsseh lnthrow disc frostwood out- throw disc international hay loader oockshutt manure spreader 1 set trucks 3 in tires bala wagon cutter set bain sleighs 3k in 3 set harrows drag cultivator wheelbarrow hay ted der horse rake 10 ft scuffler root putper pleasure sleighs hand cut ting box stock rack new wagon box set wilson scales 3000 kb chatham fanning min and bagger bay rack bag trucks ertettirlrari ladder demo crat wagon white wash pump buggy melotte 1 1 win sonera tor 800 ins capa city power dippers small spray pump cart hamrss repair outfit grindstone eyejone seeder tarpaulin 7 x 14 ft quantity mixed lumber harrbbs 3 seta backband h set single harness collars number grain bass whippje- trees neckyokm forks shovels 3 logging chains and other articles too numerous to bmqtton quantity baled hay and straw 000 bus mixed grain 40 bus buckwheat pigs and hknb 0 shoats 33 white wyandotte bens white wyan dotte cockerel it plymouth rock p plym rock cockerel fdrnixtrab ball organ 0 octave 3 beds springs and mattresses oak dresser with bevel mirror extension table rocking chair leather bottom dining chairs centre table carpet 8 x 13 beatty washing machine but ter worker wash tub flour bin fruit jars hang lamp all w be sold without reserve terms 330 and under cash 8 months credit on approved joint notes 6 per cent off for cash hay straw grain calves pigs and poultry to be cash w a whj9qn thos ri clerk auctioneer for heavy work the whole year round a a a at the lowest cost -oer- mile olet txroka are al- ijra reaedy tw do a good jobf at jlow these big powerfill sixes have the gitfifrth aend stamina for long hanlqf hard podat fast aejte- dulee wd rough auang axmi qievcolets roptewiiale is pot only exhrentelw low bat it ays low season after awason toat will find it well worth while to inspect todays chew ixalet truck line chevrolet hodies of every type are now bails in canadian plants exclu sively for use on the chevrolet- m anwaw aaafj tjga tbjasam aa mmj a on alr ai rf aba th hjh aaaar nv4knk pi t 1 w etwj 1 i a iti s chevrolet m 67s pjtlii ih tom chassis with uy wis3uasb its0 cr chass trucks general motors a l u e j n oneill son gkoboetowh- ontakio monuments polloc3c a ingham gajt ont mapeciknr work in oreenwood washet wanted xaaiiiaiy- any part of town for wot dotmslwa- waansri iivi o urtanta p- its a fact after 40 years experi- ence we still ilead the field in effective results kelly tfe aiken the collection speslalktjs oraagevnie t wood oood s o s she was newly married and very inexperienced in the ways of house keeping one day she was preparing for a little dinner party if i could amy remember the recipe for that scrumptious cake mother made she sighed then she brightened suddenly flew to the telephone to call her mother by long distance she got the recipe and a lot of helpful advice no more suitable time than the present could have been chosen for the instituting of a beautify can ada campaign when many are feel ing the effects of depressed business it affords a relief to cultivate some of the- ideas and characteristics that proceed from the human heart and mind the taste for gardens is strong in- most of us and becomes more pronounced as time goes on caiutallxingarijuus factor the can- adian ilorticultural council is doing a commendable aprsu referred to in mother column m starting off the movement that is planned to sweep vt am country from coast to coast the provincial departments of agrk ulture through horticultural societies garden clubs and other bodies have the machinery for reaching all parts of the rural and urban districts and it behoves every patriotic citizen of mma to give support to the cause so well expressed in the chosen slogan beautify tour home orouhds and help to make canada more beautiful an advance of about 800000 la net tonnage bandied at tbe port ef vancouver daring 1930 is shown in the annual report of the van couver merchant bxchange tea- nags in 130 being 1sttcm araiaat ljubs4m is latest reports on the outset of tie central electric atatlona m canada states that la 1930 power generated from such atatlona to talled 17ax8asi thousands of kilo watt hours anmcreese of 19ejns thousands of kw hours over 1919 when tbe new 43otmon em press ot britain canadian pacific atlantic nagahlp goes oa a world ernlse she will break at least 39 records except far soothamptoa and new york she will be the arrest vessel ever to world cruise porta prediction of a favorable for tbe fruit growers ot tbe an napolis valley is already being made for 1331 dr blair aopar- inlendenl or- the government ex perimental farm kantvtlle n 8 announces there is every indica tion ot aa excellent crop adding thai fruit buds had formed unuau- ally well and ware plentiful mother who wicked word small son santa santa cuust tea when he stumbled bed on christmas morning taught you that a job printing promptly and neatly executed at the herald office stewarttown plumbing tirinsnii lb ing fabllet cawmrtasay wsvtw phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 wife rrve just been reading an ar ticle on electricity and it seems that before long we shan be able to get nearly everything we want by touch ing a tartton j husband toutl neyet be able to 4 set anything that way body beech and maple wood wife why not j huttand because nothing on as saob atngla cord j h earth would make you touch a button 4 r u qeoraaiswa tfllook at iny shirt- 8taustlcs gathered from cities and towns having a population of 400 and over s that in 133 trrntl cablna with a total popula- tkn of 34s9703 the number of po lice officers employed was 6004 or one officer to every stl per sona aa an instance of their erflelency it is reported that of tha 11140 automobiles stolen in the year 1b29- all but 10 ered no a rbxttjlred standard afiniwa0te scranton coal in all sixes aajtoasuusodly screened while industry and i commarce are preparing their plants and method for low cost operation and quality service lb the coming contest for home and eporl mar kela our railway syalenis a pri mary implement of ibese occupa tions are cramped in thai respect by inability to aecuntmulate re servse u rat years as did other corporations according to reaolu- tlota adopted at the annual meet- in of the railway business an clatuon tsf coat carrws mjmommd lbs butter poaad 34c caraou cheese pound s8c onav aj 1 1 in tea pound 39c cheese c 33- i ill braad geuaa wa beams ha 3v 2b- unual tetacst maw sapacubtnj lami larfs ma fas lamatstkw soap 3 cakes sic rlalplta0c wax 1lbti 41e 3vr- aa etswj tltltf select lump far domestic and txtiwatatas pnrposss fwnwi- tng and oannel goal tn fact i carry everything to be found in say uptodate ooal wood ti john mcitanejd ivgm 12 getwtwipiwn bottle caps fc 25c tian vlfcb wteas tuna urge tin 33c lobster l tin 32c visa hylmir cbefce qaaliry sataavaaraawfnillii n n orav3 arlamr choice qwjky sin 4 peas 3 ma 29 ulmoni sic sljarsr 1- me tomatoes 2 peaches lb 18c ajw l 3c oliyesteijwc pudcings2aw83c siaku n urn fhver rv ba rw uts v tu 23 potww nn ohwpk aa bisciiits vht 25 oatmeal6haj3e mseet awwl 4t casous bmwrkd ffr brcab onalouchu rvimcemeat k 14c iwv i j i milk aitva23c ssmdaldiuboeid talleatlaah fv sz4m oranges sniajl per doi spinach 3 w main street 19c uemons mncy large per do 25cv lettuce own a-i2ft- s5jiam i v 19c fv 10c tii

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